òÎÌ âÝÉÒÑ. Big time (ÏÅÐÅÂÎÄ: ê.èÃÍÀÒÎÂ)
© Copyright Tom Waits
Email: Ignatoff@bigfoot.com
Date: 10 Feb 1999
Act 3
Rain Dogs ïÑÛ äÎÆÄß
Inside a broken clock, ÷ÀÑΠÑËÎÌÀËÑß ÊÐÓÃ
splashing the wine with all the rain dogs âÑÅ ÏÑÛ ÄÎÆÄß ÑÅÉ×ÀÑ ÏÜÞÒ ÂÈÍÎ
Taxi, we'd rather walk, òÀÊÑÈ ÇÀÑÒÎÏÈË ÄÐÓÃ
huddle a doorway with the rain dogs âÑÅ ÏÑÛ ÄÎÆÄß ÐÈÍÓËÈÑÜ Ê ÍÅÌÓ
For I am a rain dog, too ÿ Ñ ÍÈÌÈ, ÂÅÄÜ ß ÏÅÑ ÄÎÆÄß!
Oh, how we danced and we swallowed the night î, ÊÀÊ ÏËßÑÀËÈ ÌÛ, ÇÀÃËÀÒÛÂÀß ÍÎ×Ü
For it was all ripe for dreaming î, ÝÒÎ ÏÐÅÄÅË ÄËß ÌÅ×ÒÀÍÈÉ
Oh, how we danced away all of the lights î, ÊÀÊ ÏËßÑÀËÈ ÌÛ, ÎÒ ÎÃÍÅÉ ÓÉÄß ÏÐÎ×Ü,
We've always been out of our minds ìÛ ÁÅÇÓÌÍÛÌÈ ÁÛËÈ ÂÑÅÃÄÀ
The rum pours strong and thin, âÎÒ ÊÐÅÏÊÈÉ ËÜÅÒÑß ÐÎÌ
beat out the dustman with the rain dogs íÀ ÌÓÑÎÐÊÅ ÏÎÃÐÎÌ, ÇÄÅÑÜ ÏÑÛ ÄÎÆÄß
Aboard a shipwreck train, òÐÀÌÂÀÉ ÒÅÏÅÐÜ ÍÀØ ÄÎÌ
give my umbrella to the rain dogs ìÎÉ ÄÀÉÒÅ ÇÎÍÒ ÝÒÈÌ ÏÑÀÌ ÄÎÆÄß
For I am a rain dog, too ÿ Ñ ÍÈÌÈ, ÂÅÄÜ ß ÏÅÑ ÄÎÆÄß!
Oh, how we danced and we swallowed the night î, ÊÀÊ ÏËßÑÀËÈ ÌÛ, ÇÀÃËÀÒÛÂÀß ÍÎ×Ü
Her long hair black as a raven âÎËÎÑ ÅÅ ÑÌÎËÜ ÐÀÑÏËÅÑÊÀËÀÑÜ
Oh, how we danced and you whispered to me î, ÊÀÊ ÏËßÑÀËÈ ÌÛ, ÑÌÅßËÀÑÜ ÒÛ ÍÀÄÎ ÌÍÎÉ
You'll never be going back home òÛ ÍÈÊÎÃÄÀ ÍÅ ÂÅÐÍÅØÜÑß ÄÎÌÎÉ
Oh, how we danced with the Rose of Tralee î, ÊÀÊ ÏËßÑÀËÈ ÌÛ, Ñ ðÎÇÎÉ ÈÇ Tralee
Her long hair black as a raven âÎËÎÑ ÅÅ ÑÌÎËÜ ÐÀÑÏËÅÑÊÀËÀÑÜ
Oh, how we danced and you whispered to me î, ÊÀÊ ÏËßÑÀËÈ ÌÛ, ÑÌÅßËÀÑÜ ÒÛ ÍÀÄÎ ÌÍÎÉ
You'll never be going back home òÛ ÍÈÊÎÃÄÀ ÍÅ ÂÅÐÍÅØÜÑß ÄÎÌÎÉ
Train Song ïÅÑÍß ïÎÅÇÄÀ
Well I broke down in E. St. Louis çÍÀ×ÈÒ,ÎÒÊËÞ×ÈËÑß ß Â CÅÍÒ-ëÓÈÑÅ
On the Kansas City line â ÝÊÑÏÐÅÑÑÅ ÍÀ êÀÍÇÀÑ-ñÈÒÈ
and I drunk up all my money è ß ÏÐÎÏÈË ÂÑÅ ÑÂÎÈ ÄÅÍÜÃÈ
that I borrowed every time è ÊÀÆÄÛÉ ÐÀÇ ß ÇÀÍÈÌÀË
and I fell down at the derby è ß ÓÊÐÛËÑß ÑÂÎÅÉ ØËßÏÎÉ
and now the night's black as a crow à ÇÀ ÎÊÍÎÌ, ÊÀÊ ÂÎÐÎÍ, ÍÎ×Ü
It was a train that took me away from here ýÒÎ ÁÛË ÏÎÅÇÄ, ÎÍ ÓÍÎÑÈË ÌÅÍß ÏÐÎ×Ü
but a train can't bring me home îÍ ÍÈÊÎÃÄÀ ÍÅ ÏÐÈÂÅÇÅÒ ÌÅÍß ÄÎÌÎÉ
What made my dreams so hollow ÷ÒÎ ÑÄÅËÀËÎ ÌÎÈ ÌÅ×ÒÛ ÏÓÑÒÛÌÈ
was standing at the depot êÎÃÄÀ ÍÀ ÑÊËÀÄÅ ß ÑÒÎßË
with a steeple full of swallows è ËÀÑÒÎ×ÊÈ ÍÀ ØÏÈËÅ ÃÍÅÇÄÀ ÂÈËÈ
that could never ring the bell ãÄÅ ÍÈÊÎÃÄÀ ÍÅ ÁÜÞÒ ÊÎËÎÊÎËÀ
and I come ten thousand miles away òÅÏÅÐÜ ÇÀ ÑÎÒÍÈ ÌÈËÜ ÎÒÑÞÄÀ
with not one thing to show è ÍÅ ÃÐÎØÀ ÍÅÒ ÇÀ ÄÓØÎÉ
well it was a train that took me away from here ÷ÒÎ Æ, ÝÒÎ ÁÛË ÏÎÅÇÄ, ÎÍ ÓÍÎÑÈË ÌÅÍß ÏÐÎ×Ü
but a train can't bring me home îÍ ÍÈÊÎÃÄÀ ÍÅ ÏÐÈÂÅÇÅÒ ÌÅÍß ÄÎÌÎÉ
I remember when I left ÿ ÏÎÌÍÞ, ÊÀÊ ß ÓÅÇÆÀß,
without bothering to pack íÅ ÂÇßË ÍÈ ÂÅÙÈ ÍÈ ÁÀÃÀÆ,
you know I up and left with âÛ ÇÍÀÅÒÅ ÊÀÊ ß ÑÎÐÂÀËÑß
just the clothes I had on my back â ×ÅÌ ÁÛË ÓØÅË ÍÀ ÀÁÎÐÄÀÆ
now I'm sorry for what I've done òÅÏÅÐÜ ÆÀËÅÞ ß Î ÒÎÌ
and I'm out here on my own è ÒÎËÜÊÎ ÇÄÅÑÜ ÒÎÏÅÐÜ ÌÎÉ ÄÎÌ
well it was a train that took me away from ÷ÒÎ Æ, ÝÒÎ ÁÛË ÏÎÅÇÄ, ÎÍ ÓÍÎÑÈË ÌÅÍß ÏÐÎ×Ü
here but a train can't bring me home îÍ ÍÈÊÎÃÄÀ ÍÅ ÏÐÈÂÅÇÅÒ ÌÅÍß ÄÎÌÎÉ
16 shells from a 30.6 16 ÏÓËÜ ÊÀËÈÁÐÀ 36.
I plugged 16 shells from a thirty-ought-six ÿ ÂÑÀÄÈË 16 ÏÓËÜ ÊÀËÈÁÐÀ 36
and a Black Crow snuck through a hole in the sky è "÷ÅÐÍÛÉ âÎÐÎÍ" ÍÛÐÍÓË Â ÄÛÐÓ Â ÎÁËÀÊÀÕ
so I spent all my buttons on an old pack mule òÀÊ ß ÏÎÒÐÀÒÈË ÂÑÅ ÁÎÅÏÐÈÏÀÑÛ ÍÀ ÑÒÀÐÎÌ ÎÑËÅ
and I made me a ladder from a pawn shop marimba è ß ÑÄÅËÀË ÑÅÁÅ ËÅÑÒÍÈÖÓ ÈÇ ÑÒÀÐÅÍÜÊÎÉ ÌÀÐÈÌÁÛ
and I leaned it up against a dandelion tree è ß ÏÐÈÑËÎÍÈË ÅÅ Ê ÑÒÂÎËÓ ÄÅÐÅÂÀ ÎÄÓÂÀÍ×ÈÊÎÂ
and I leaned it up against a dandelion tree è ß ÏÐÈÑËÎÍÈË ÅÅ Ê ÑÒÂÎËÓ ÄÅÐÅÂÀ ÎÄÓÂÀÍ×ÈÊÎÂ
And I filled me a sachel full of old pig corn è ß ÍÀÁÈË ÏÎËÍÛÉ ÐÀÍÅÖ ÏÎÐÎÑß×ÜÈÕ ÎÒÐÓÁÅÉ
and I beat me a billy from an old French horn âÎÇÄÓÕ ÑÎÒÐßÑÀß ÇÂÓÊÀÌÈ ÂÀËÒÎÐÍÛ
and I kicked that mule to the top of the tree çÀÃÍÀË ÎÑËÀ ÏÈÍÊÀÌÈ ÏÐßÌÎ ÍÀ ÌÀÊÓØÊÓ ÄÅÐÅÂÀ
and I blew me a hole 'bout the size of a kickdrum è ß ÓÄÐÀË Â ÄÛÐÓ ÐÀÇÌÅÐÎÌ Ñ ÁÎ×ÊÓ-ÁÀÐÀÁÀÍ
and I cut me a switch from a long branch elbow è ÑÐÅÇÀË ÑÅÁÅ ÏÎÑÎÕ ÈÇ ÊÐÞ×ÊÎÂÀÒÎÉ ÂÅÒÊÈ
Chorus õÎÐ
I'm gonna whittle you into kindlin' èÑÊÐÎÌÑÀÞÒ ÒÅÁß Â ÙÅÏÊÈ,
Black Crow 16 shells from a thirty-ought-six ÷ÅÐÍÛÉ âÎÐÎÍ, 16 ÏÓËÜ ÈÇ 36
whittle you into kindlin' èÑÊÐÎÌÑÀÞÒ ÒÅÁß Â ÙÅÏÊÈ,
Black Crow 16 shells from a thirty-ought-six ÷ÅÐÍÛÉ âÎÐÎÍ, 16 ÏÓËÜ ÈÇ 36
Well I slept in the holler çÍÀ×ÈÒ, ÑÏÀË ß Â ÃËÓÁÈÍÅ
of a dry creek bed ÏÎÑÒÅËÈ ÏÅÐÅÑÎÕØÅÃÎ ÐÓ×Üß
and I tore out the buckets âÛÐÛÂÀß ÏÎÐØÍÈ ÈÇ ÍÅÄÐ ÊÐÀÑÍÎÃÎ êÎÐÂÅÒÀ
from a red Corvette, tore out the buckets from a red Corvette âÛÐÛÂÀß ÏÎÐØÍÈ ÈÇ ÍÅÄÐ ÊÐÀÑÍÎÃÎ êÎÐÂÅÒÀ
Lionel and Dave and the Butcher made three ëÀÉÎÍÅË È äÅÉÂ È ìßÑÍÈÊ ÑÎÎÁÐÀÇÈËÈ ÍÀ ÒÐÎÈÕ
you got to meet me by the knuckles of the skinnybone tree ñÂÎÈÌÈ ÁÀËÀËÀÉÊÀÌÈ ÍÀÄÄÀËÈ ÌÍÅ ÏÎÄ ÄÛÕ
with the strings of a Washburn è ÑÒÐÓÍÛ óÝØÁÎÐÍÀ
stretched like a clothes line ÏÐÎÂÈÑËÈ ÊÀÊ ÂÅÐÅÂÊÈ ÄËß ÁÅËÜß
you know me and that mule scrambled right through the hole íÎ ÌÛ Ñ ÎÑËÎÌ ÏÐÎËÅÇËÈ Â ÒÓ ÄÛÐÓ, ÂÛ ÇÍÀÅÒÅ ÌÅÍß
you know me and that mule scrambled right through the hole íÎ ÌÛ Ñ ÎÑËÎÌ ÏÐÎËÅÇËÈ Â ÒÓ ÄÛÐÓ, ÂÛ ÇÍÀÅÒÅ ÌÅÍß
Chorus õÎÐ
I'm gonna whittle you into kindlin' èÑÊÐÎÌÑÀÞÒ ÒÅÁß Â ÙÅÏÊÈ,
Black Crow 16 shells from a thirty-ought-six ÷ÅÐÍÛÉ âÎÐÎÍ, 16 ÏÓËÜ ÈÇ 36
whittle you into kindlin' èÑÊÐÎÌÑÀÞÒ ÒÅÁß Â ÙÅÏÊÈ,
Black Crow 16 shells from a thirty-ought-six ÷ÅÐÍÛÉ âÎÐÎÍ, 16 ÏÓËÜ ÈÇ 36
Now I hold him prisoner in a Washburn jail òÅÏÅÐÜ ÎÍ ÒßÍÅÒ ÑÐÎÊ Â óÝØÁÎÐÍÀ ÒÞÐÜÌÅ
that stapped on the back of my old kick mule íÀ ÇÀÄÍÈÖÅ ÎÑËÀ ÎÍÀ ÁÎËÒÀÅÒÑß ÒÅÏÅÐÜ
strapped it on the back of my old kick mule íÀ ÇÀÄÍÈÖÅ ÎÑËÀ ÎÍÀ ÁÎËÒÀÅÒÑß ÒÅÏÅÐÜ
I bang on the strings just to drive him crazy ÿ ÁÐÅÍ×Ó ÍÀ ÑÒÐÓÍÀÕ ÒÎËÜÊÎ, ×ÒÎÁÛ ÎÍ ÑÂÈÕÍÓËÑß
I strum it loud just to rattle his cage ÿ ÁÜÞ ÏÎ ÍÈÌ ÑÈËÜÍÅÅ, ×ÒÎÁ ÎÍ ÑÎÄÐÎÃÀËÑß
strum it loud just to rattle his cage ÿ ÁÜÞ ÏÎ ÍÈÌ ÑÈËÜÍÅÅ, ×ÒÎÁ ÎÍ ÑÎÄÐÎÃÀËÑß
Chorus õÎÐ
I'm gonna whittle you into kindlin' èÑÊÐÎÌÑÀÞÒ ÒÅÁß Â ÙÅÏÊÈ,
Black Crow 16 shells from a thirty-ought-six ÷ÅÐÍÛÉ âÎÐÎÍ, 16 ÏÓËÜ ÈÇ 36
whittle you into kindlin' èÑÊÐÎÌÑÀÞÒ ÒÅÁß Â ÙÅÏÊÈ,
Black Crow 16 shells from a thirty-ought-six ÷ÅÐÍÛÉ âÎÐÎÍ, 16 ÏÓËÜ ÈÇ 36
I'll Take New York ÿ ÂÎÇÜÌÓ íÜÞ-éÎÐÊ
I'll tip the newsboy ÿ ÄÀÌ ÃÀÇÅÒ×ÈÊÓ ÍÀ ×ÀÉ
I'll get a shine è ÁÓÄÓ ß ÑÈßÒÜ
I'll ride this dream è ÎÑÅÄËÀ ÌÅ×ÒÓ
to the end of the line ïÐÎÅÄÓ ÄÎ ÊÎÍÖÀ
I'm going places ìÅÍßß ÐÀÇÍÛÅ ÌÅÑÒÀ
I'll take a ride êÓÏËÞ ÁÈËÅÒÈÊ
Up to the Riverside äÎ ðÈÂÅÐñÀÉÄ
I'll take NY ÿ ÂÎÇÜÌÓ íÜÞ-éÎÐÊ
I'll let it happen ïÓÑÒÜ ÂÑÅ ÑËÓ×ÈÒÑß
I'll pop the cork ÿ ÕËÎÏÍÓ ÏÐÎÁÊÎÉ
tear off the wrapping ñÎÐÂÀ ÎÁÅÐÒÊÓ
I'll make a splash on the Hudson âÑÏËÅÑÊ ÍÀ ãÓÄÇÎÍÅ
that's how I will arrive ýÒÎ - ÒÎ, ÊÀÊ ß ÏÐÈÉÄÓ
Hey, do you have two tens for a five? ýÉ, ÄÀÉ ÄÂÀ ÄÅÑßÒÊÀ ÄËß ÏßÒÈ?
Roll out the carpet ðÀÑÊÀÒÀÉÒÅ ÊÎÂÅÐ
Strike up the band îÐÊÅÑÒÐ ÃÐÅÌÈÒ
break into the best âÐÛÂÀßÑÜ Â ËÓ×ØÅÅ
champagne when I land øÀÌÏÀÍÑÊÎÅ ÍÀ ÒÐÀÏ
Beat the parade drum áÅÉÒÅ ÁÀÐÀÁÀÍ ÏÀÐÀÄÀ
hit all the bars õÈÒ ÂÎ ÂÑÅÕ ÁÀÐÀÕ
I want the moon and stars ÿ ÕÎ×Ó ËÓÍÓ È ÇÂÅÇÄÛ
But I'll take NY íÎ ß ÂÎÇÜÌÓ íÜÞ-éÎÐÊ
I'll make it happen ïÓÑÒÜ ÂÑÅ ÑËÓ×ÈÒÑß
Blow out the candlels ãÀÑÈÒÅ ÑÂÅ×È
tear off the wrappin' ñÎÐÂÀ ÎÁÅÐÒÊÓ
And I know someday è ß ÇÍÀÞ ÊÎÃÄÀ-ÍÈÁÓÄÜ
they'll have to name a street after me ìÍÎÉ ÍÀÇÎÂÓÒ ÒÓ ÓËÈÖÓ
right next door to old Franklin ÷ÒÎ ÐßÄÎÌ ÑÎ ÑÒÀÐÛÌ ôÐÝÍÊËÈÍÎÌ
This is about all the bad days in the world... ýÒÎ - ÎÁÎ ÂÑÅÕ ÏËÎÕÈÕ ÄÍßÕ Â ÌÈÐÅ.
I used I have so little bad days and I kept to mini little bucks äÀ, È Ó ÌÅÍß ÁÛÂÀËÈ ÒÀÊÈÅ ÌÀËÅÍÜÊÈÅ ÏËÎÕÈÅ ÄÅÍÅ×ÊÈ, È ß ÑÎÕÐÀÍÈË ÑÎÂÑÅÌ ÍÅÌÍÎÃÎ ÁÀÊÑÎÂ
and one day I trough the ??? the yard. è ÎÄÍÀÆÄÛ ß ÒÎ×ÍÎ ÏÎÏÀÄÓ ÍÀ ÊËÀÄÁÈÙÅ.
Oh, just a couple little innocent bad days. î, ÒÎËÜÊÎ ÊÀÊÀß-ÒÎ ÏÀÐÀ ÌÀËÅÍÜÊÈÕ ÍÅÂÈÍÍÛÕ ÏËÎÕÈÕ ÄÍÅÉ.
Well we have a big grain. è ÌÛ ÓÆÅ ÈÌÅÅÌ ÎÄÍÎ ÁÎËÜØÎÅ ÇÅÐÍÎ..
I don't now why ever growing in. ÿ ÒÀÊ È ÍÅ ÇÍÀÞ ÏÎ×ÅÌÓ ÎÍÈ ÊÎÃÄÀ-ËÈÁÎ ÏÐÎÐÀÑÒÀÞÒ.
But I think we used put act shows after ring, coffee grounds too. íÎ ß ÄÓÌÀÞ, ×ÒÎ ÌÛ ÂÑÅÃÄÀ ÏÎÏÀÄÀÅÌ ÍÀ ØÎÓ ÏÎÑËÅ ÇÂÎÍÊÀ, ÇÅÐÍÛØÊÈ ÊÎÔÅ - ÒÎ ÆÅ..
Why don't plant your bad days the growing to weeks, weeks growing to months ïÎ×ÅÌÓ ÍÅ ÄÅËÀÞÒ ÏÐÈÂÈÂÊÈ? âÀØÈ ÏËÎÕÈÅ ÄÍÈ ÂÛÐÎÑÒÀÞÒ Â ÍÅÄÅËÈ, ÍÅÄÅËÈ, ÂÛÐÀÑÒÀÞÒ Â ÌÅÑßÖÀ
Before you know you got yourself bad you. ïÐÅÆÄÅ, ×ÅÌ ÂÛ ÓÇÍÀÅÒÅ, ÂÛ ÏÎËÓ×ÈÒÅ ÒÀÊÎÃÎ ÏËÎÕÎÃÎ ÑÅÁß...
Take it from me. äÀÂÀÉÒÅ ÊÀÊ ß.
Choke those little bad days ïÐÈÄÓØÈÒÅ ÝÒÈ ÌÀËÅÍÜÊÈÅ ÏËÎÕÈÅ ÄÅÍÜÊÈ!
Choke'em damn'em nothing ïÐÈÄÓØÈÒÅ ÈÕ ÂÑÅ Ê ×ÅÐÒÓ!
Where're your days - choke'em! âÑÅ ÂÀØÈ ÄÍÈ -ÏÐÈÄÓØÈ!
You choke my days - I'll choke yours. âÛ ÄÓØÈÒÅ ÌÎÈ ÄÍÈ - ß ÄÓØÓ ÂÀØÈ!..
It's more than rain that falls on our parade tonight ýÒÎ - ÁÎËÜØÅ ×ÅÌ ÄÎÆÄÜ, ×ÒÎ ÏÀÄÀË ÍÎ×ÜÞ ÍÀ ÏÀÐÀÄ,
it's more than thunder it's more than thunder è ÃÐÎÌ×Å ÃÐÎÌÀ, È ÃÐÎÌ×Å ÃÐÎÌÀ
it's more than a bad dream now well I'm soaped ñÒÐÀØÍÅÉ ÊÎØÌÀÐÍÛÕ ÑÍÎÂ, ÈÕ ÍÅ ÎÒÌÛÒÜ ÌÍÅ ÍÈÊÎÃÄÀ
it's more than sad times it's more than sad times è ÒßÆÅËÅÉ ÏÅ×ÀËÈ, È ÒßÆÅËÅÉ ÏÅ×ÀËÈ.
none of our pockets are filled with gold äÛÐÀ Â ÊÀÐÌÀÍÅ, ÄÀ, ÇÎËÎÒÀ ÒÀÌ ÍÅÒ,
nobody's caught the boquet áÓÊÅÒ ÍÈÊÒÎ ÍÅ ÏÎÉÌÀË
We run the darkness streets of the world ïÎ ÒÅÌÍÛÌ ÓËÈÖÀÌ ÁÅÆÈÌ ÁÓÄÒÎ ÍÀ ÑÂÅÒ
I'm driving crazy of your ãÄÅ ß ÑÂÎÆÓ ÒÅÁß Ñ ÓÌÀ...
It's more than trouble but I've gun myselfing too ñËÎÆÍÅÉ ÏÐÎÁËÅÌÛ, ÕÎÒÜ ÏÈÑÒÎËÅÒ Ó ÌÅÍß ÅÑÒÜ
it's more than woe-be-gotten grey skies now ãÐÓÑÒÍÅÉ ×ÅÌ Â ÑÅÐÛÕ ÍÅÁÅÑÀÕ ÏÅ×ÀËÜ
none of our pockets are filled with gold äÛÐÀ Â ÊÀÐÌÀÍÅ, ÄÀ, ÇÎËÎÒÀ ÒÀÌ ÍÅÒ,
nobody's caught the boquet áÓÊÅÒ ÍÈÊÒÎ ÍÅ ÏÎÉÌÀË
We run the darkness streets of the world ïÎ ÒÅÌÍÛÌ ÓËÈÖÀÌ ÁÅÆÈÌ ÁÓÄÒÎ ÍÀ ÑÂÅÒ
I'm driving crazy of your ãÄÅ ß ÑÂÎÆÓ ÒÅÁß Ñ ÓÌÀ...
and it's more than goodbye I have to say to you è ÁÎËÜØÅ, ×ÅÌ ÏÐÎÙÀÉ, ×ÒÎ ÄÎËÆÅÍ ß ÑÊÀÇÀÒÜ ÒÅÁÅ
it's more than woe-be-gotten grey skies now ãÐÓÑÒÍÅÉ ×ÅÌ Â ÑÅÐÛÕ ÍÅÁÅÑÀÕ ÏÅ×ÀËÜ
and it's more than goodbye I have to say to you è ÁÎËÜØÅ, ×ÅÌ ÏÐÎÙÀÉ, ×ÒÎ ÄÎËÆÅÍ ß ÑÊÀÇÀÒÜ ÒÅÁÅ
it's more than woe-be-gotten grey skies now ãÐÓÑÒÍÅÉ ×ÅÌ Â ÑÅÐÛÕ ÍÅÁÅÑÀÕ ÏÅ×ÀËÜ
Johnsburg, Illinois äÆÎÍÑÁÓÐÃ, ØÒÀÒ èËËÈÍÎÉÑ.
She's my only true love îÍÀ -ÌÎÅ Ñ×ÀÑÒÜÅ
she's all that I think of î ÍÅÉ ÌÎÈ ÌÛÑËÈ
look here in my wallet è ÔÎÒÎ Â ÁÓÌÀÆÍÈÊÅ
that's her ýÒÎ - ÎÍÀ
She grew up on a farm there ìÛ ÂÛÐÎÑËÈ ÂÌÅÑÒÅ
there's a place on my arm è ß ÍÀ ÏÐÅÄÏËÅ×ÜÅ
where I've written her name òÂÎÅ È ÌÎÅ ÍÀÏÈÑÀË
next to mine ÈÌÅÍÀ
you see I just can't íÅÒ ÌÍÅ ÁÅÇ ÒÅÁß
live without her ÏÎÊÎß
and I'm her only boy íÀÂÅÊÈ ß ËÈØÜ ÒÂÎÉ
and she grew up outside McHenry òÛ ÐÎÑËÀ ÂÄÀËÈ ÎÒ ìÀÊãÅÍÐÈ
in Johnsburg, Illinois â äÆÎÍÑÁÓÐÃÅ, ØÒÀÒ èËËÈÍÎÉÑ.
Innocent When You Dream íÅÂÈÍÍÀ, ÊÎÃÄÀ ÒÛ ÑÏÈØÜ
The bats are in the belfry íÀ ÊÎËÎÊÎËÜÍÅ ÌÛØÈ
the dew is on the moor à ÍÀ ÏÎËßÕ - ÐÎÑÀ
where are the arms that held me òÀÌ, ÃÄÅ ÒÛ ÎÒÄÀÂÀËÀ
and pledged her love before ëÞÁÎÂÜ ÑÂÎÞ ÂÏÐÎÑÀÊ
and pledged her love before ñÂÎÞ ËÞÁÎÂÜ ÂÏÐÎÑÀÊ
Chorus: õÎÐ:
It's such a sad old feeling èÒÎÃ ÌÎÈÕ ÑÊÈÒÀÍÈÉ
the fields are soft and green â ÏÎËßÕ ÇÅËÅÍÛÕ ÒÈØÜ
it's memories that I'm stealing óÊÐÀÄÅÍÍÛÕ ÂÎÑÏÎÌÈÍÀÍÈÉ
but you're innocent when you dream íÎ ÍÅÂÈÍÍÀ ÒÛ, ÊÎÃÄÀ ÒÛ ÑÏÈØÜ
when you dream êÎÃÄÀ ÒÛ ÑÏÈØÜ
you're innocent when you dream òÀÊ ÍÅÂÈÍÍÀ ÒÛ, ÊÎÃÄÀ ÒÛ ÑÏÈØÜ
Running through the graveyard ïÎ ÊËÀÄÁÈÙÓ ÃÎÍßËÈ
we laughed my friends and I ìÎÈ ÄÐÓÇÜß È ß
we swore we'd be together ñÌÅßËÈÑÜ, ÎÁÅÙÀËÈ
until the day we died áÛÒÜ ÂÌÅÑÒÅ ÍÀÂÑÅÃÄÀ
until the day we died áÛÒÜ ÂÌÅÑÒÅ ÍÀÂÑÅÃÄÀ
Repeat chorus õÎÐ
I made a golden promise ÷ÒÎ ÌÛ ÍÀÂÅÊÈ ÂÌÅÑÒÅ
that we would never part ÿ ÊËßÒÂÓ ÑÎÒÂÎÐÈË
I gave my love a locket äÀË ÌÅÄÀËÜÎÍ Â ÏÎÄÀÐÎÊ
and then I broke her heart è ÑÅÐÄÖÅ ÅÉ ÐÀÇÁÈË
and then I broke her heart è ÑÅÐÄÖÅ ÅÉ ÐÀÇÁÈË
Repeat chorus õÎÐ
Big Black Mariah áÎËÜØÀß ÷ÅÐÍÀß ìÀÐÈß
Well cutting through the canebrake, rattling the sill çÍÀ×ÈÒ, ÐÀÑÑÅÊÀß ÇÀÐÎÑËÈ ÒÐÎÑÒÍÈÊÀ, Ñ ÏÎÄÎÊÎÍÍÈÊÀ - ÂÎÄÀ
Thunder that the rain makes when the shadow tops the hill äÎÆÄÜ ÏÐÎÈÇÂÎÄÈÒ ÃÐÎÌ, È ÒÅÍÈ ÏËßØÓÒ ÍÀ ÂÅÐØÈÍÅ ÕÎËÌÀ
Big light on the back street, hill to ever more áÎËÜØÎÉ ÑÂÅÒ ÍÀ ÇÀÄÂÎÐÊÀÕ, ÒÀÌ ÑÂÀËÊÀ - ÍÀÂÑÅÃÄÀ
Packing down the ladder with the hammer to the floor ïÎ ËÅÑÒÍÈÖÅ ÑÏÓÑÊÀßÑÜ Ñ ÌÎËÎÒÎ×ÊÎÌ ÄËß ÒÎÐÃÎÂ
Here come the Big Black Mariah, here come the Big Black Mariah çÄÅÑÜ ÁÓÄÅÒ áÈà áËÝÊ ìÀÐÈß, ÇÄÅÑÜ ÁÓÄÅÒ áÈà áËÝÊ ìÀÐÈß
Here come the Big Black Mariah, I seen the big black Ford çÄÅÑÜ ÁÓÄÅÒ áÈà áËÝÊ ìÀÐÈß, ß ÂÈÆÓ ÁÎËÜØÎÉ ×ÅÐÍÛÉ ôÎÐÄ
Well he's all boxed up on a red belle dame çÍÀ×ÈÒ, ÎÍ ÂÑÅ ÑÎÁÐÀË Â ÊÎÐÎÁÊÓ, ÂÑÅ ×ÒÎ ÁÛËÎ Ó ÍÅÃÎ
Hunted Black Johnny with a blind man's cane ÷ÅÐÍÛÉ äÆÎÍÍÈ Â ÁÅÃÀÕ Ñ ÒÐÎÑÒÎ×ÊÎÉ ÑËÅÏÎÃÎ
A yellow bullet with a rag out in the wind æÅËÒÀß ÏÓËß ÂÇÁÀËÀÌÓÒÈËÀ ÂÅÒÐÀ
An old blind tiger, got an old bell Jim îÑËÅÏØÈÉ ÑÒÀÐÛÉ ÒÈÃÐ, ÑÒÀÐÛÉ ÊÎËÎÊÎËÜ×ÈÊ äÆÈÌ
Here come the Big Black Mariah, here come the Big Black Mariah çÄÅÑÜ ÁÓÄÅÒ áÈà áËÝÊ ìÀÐÈß, ÇÄÅÑÜ ÁÓÄÅÒ áÈà áËÝÊ ìÀÐÈß
Here come the Big Black Mariah, here come the big black Ford çÄÅÑÜ ÁÓÄÅÒ áÈà áËÝÊ ìÀÐÈß, ß ÂÈÆÓ ÁÎËÜØÎÉ ×ÅÐÍÛÉ ôÎÐÄ
Sent to the skies on a Benny Jag Blue ïÎÑËÀÍÍÛÉ ÍÅÁÎÌ ÍÀ áÅÍÍÈ äÆÀà áËÞ
Off to bed without his supper like a Linda brides do áÅÇ ÓÆÈÍÀ È ÁÅÇ ÏÎÑÒÅËÈ ÑËÎÂÍÎ ÍÅÂÅÑÒÛ ëÈÍÄÛ ÒÓÒ
He got to do the story with the old widow Jones îÍ ÍÀ×ÀË ÔËÈÐÒÎÂÀÒÜ ÑÎ ÑÒÀÐÎÉ ÂÄÎÂÎÉ äÆÎ
Got a wooden coat, this boy is never coming home äÎÌÎÉ ÎÍ ÍÅ ÂÅÐÍÅÒÑß Â ÄÅÐÅÂßÍÍÎÌ ÏÀËÜÒÎ
Here come the Big Black Mariah, here come the Big Black Mariah çÄÅÑÜ ÁÓÄÅÒ áÈà áËÝÊ ìÀÐÈß, ÇÄÅÑÜ ÁÓÄÅÒ áÈà áËÝÊ ìÀÐÈß
Here come the Big Black Mariah, I seen that big black Ford çÄÅÑÜ ÁÓÄÅÒ áÈà áËÝÊ ìÀÐÈß, ß ÂÈÆÓ ÁÎËÜØÎÉ ×ÅÐÍÛÉ ôÎÐÄ
Cut through the canebrake, oh yeah ïÐÎÑÅÊÀ  ÇÀÐÎÑËßÕ ÒÐÎÑÒÍÈÊÀ, Î ÄÀ.
Well he's all boxed up on a red belle dame çÍÀ×ÈÒ, ÎÍ ÂÑÅ ÑÎÁÐÀË Â ÊÎÐÎÁÊÓ, ÂÑÅ ×ÒÎ ÁÛËÎ Ó ÍÅÃÎ
Flat Blue Johnny with a blind man's cane ïËÎÑÊÈÉ ñÈÍÈÉ äÆÎÍÍÈ Ñ ÒÐÎÑÒÎ×ÊÎÉ ÑËÅÏÎÃÎ
A hundred yellow bullets shook a rag out in the wind ñÎÒÍß ÆÅËÒÛÕ ÏÓËÜ ÂÇÁÀËÀÌÓÒÈËÀ ÂÅÒÐÀ
An old blind tiger, on a bell you win ñÒÀÐÛÉ ÑËÅÏÎÉ ÒÈÃÐ, ÇÂÎÍÎÊ - ÒÅÁÅ ÏÎÐÀ.
Here come the Big Black Mariah, here come the Big Black Mariah çÄÅÑÜ ÁÓÄÅÒ áÈà áËÝÊ ìÀÐÈß, ÇÄÅÑÜ ÁÓÄÅÒ áÈà áËÝÊ ìÀÐÈß
Here come the Big Black Mariah, here come the big black Ford çÄÅÑÜ ÁÓÄÅÒ áÈà áËÝÊ ìÀÐÈß, ß ÂÈÆÓ ÁÎËÜØÎÉ ×ÅÐÍÛÉ ôÎÐÄ
Undeground ïÎÄ ÇÅÌËÅÉ.
Rattle Big Black Bones ãÐÎÌ ÒÅËÅÆÅÊ Ñ ÓÃËÅÌ
in the Danger zone ñÅÒÜ ÎÏÀÑÍÛÕ ÇÎÍ
there's a rumblin' groan è ÓÒÐÎÁÍÛÉ ÑÒÎÍ
down below òÀÌ - ÂÍÈÇÓ
there's a big dark town ãÎÐÎÄ ÒÅÌÍÛÕ ÑÈË
it's a place I've found ÿ ÅÃÎ ÎÒÊÐÛË
there's a world going on îÍ ÂÅÄÅÒ ÑÂÎÞ ÆÈÇÍÜ
Underground ïÎÄ ÇÅÌËÅÉ
they're alive, they're awake îÍÈ ÅÑÒÜ, ÎÍÈ ÇÄÅÑÜ
while the rest of the world is asleep â ×ÀÑ, ÊÎÃÄÀ ÂÅÑÜ ÍÀØ ÌÈÐ ÂÈÄÈÒ ÑÍÛ
below the mine shaft roads â ËÀÁÈÐÈÍÒÀÕ ØÀÕÒ
it will all unfold èÄÅÒ ÑÌÅÍÀ ÂÀÕÒ
there's a world going on ýÒÎÒ ÌÈÐ ÂÅÄÅÒ ÆÈÇÍÜ
Underground ïÎÄ ÇÅÌËÅÉ
all the roots hang down êÎÐÍÈ ÒÀÌ ÂÈÑßÒ
swing from town to town ãÎÐÎÄÀ ÑÒÎßÒ
they are marching around òÀÌ ÂÍÈÇÓ
down under your boots ïÎÄ ÒÂÎÈÌ ÁÀØÌÀÊÎÌ
all the trucks unload íÈÆÅ ÍÎÐ ÊÐÎÒÎÂ
beyond the gopher holes âÀÃÎÍÅÒÎÊ ÐÎÂ
there's a world going on ýÒÎÒ ÌÈÐ ÂÅÄÅÒ ÆÈÇÍÜ
Underground ïÎÄ ÇÅÌËÅÉ
Yesterday Is Here êÎÃÄÀ ÏÐÈÄÅÒ Â×ÅÐÀ
If you want money in your pocket òÛ ÕÎ×ÅØÜ ÄÅÍÅà  ÊÎØÅËÅ×ÅÊ
and a top hat on your head è ÑÒÈËÜÍÛÉ ÊÅÏÈ ÍÀÁÅÊÐÅÍÜ
a hot meal on your table ãÎÐß×ÓÞ ÅÄÓ ÍÀ ÑÒÎË
and a blanket on your bed è ÒÅÏËÛÉ ÏËÅÄ Â ÏÎÑÒÅËÜ.
well today is grey skies ñÅÃÎÄÍß ÍÅÁÎ Â ÑÅÐÎÌ
tomorrow is tears à ÇÀÂÒÐÀ ÑËÅÇ ÂÎÄÀ
you'll have to wait til yesterday is here òÛ ÆÄÅØÜ ÏÎÊÀ Â×ÅÐÀ ÏÐÈÄÅÒ ÑÞÄÀ
Well I'm going to New York City ÷ÒÎ Æ, À ß ÅÄÓ Â íÜÞ-éÎÐÊ-ñÈÒÈ
and I'm leaving on a train ÿ ÓÅÇÆÀÞ, ÍÓ È ÏÓÑÒÜ
and if you want to stay behind and è ÅÑËÈ ÕÎ×ÅØÜ - ÎÑÒÀÂÀÉÑß
wait til I come back again òÛ ÆÄÈ ÌÅÍß - È ß ÂÅÐÍÓÑÜ
well today is grey skies ñÅÃÎÄÍß ÍÅÁÎ Â ÑÅÐÎÌ
tomorrow is tears à ÇÀÂÒÐÀ ÑËÅÇ ÂÎÄÀ
you'll have to wait til yesterday is here òÛ ÆÄÅØÜ ÏÎÊÀ Â×ÅÐÀ ÏÐÈÄÅÒ ÑÞÄÀ
If you want to go è ÊÎËÜ ÇÀÕÎ×ÅØÜ ÓÉÒÈ
where the rainbows end òÓÄÀ, ÃÄÅ ÐÀÄÓÃÈ ÊÎÍÅÖ
you'll have to say goodbye òÛ ÄÎËÆÅÍ ÂÑÅÌ ÑÊÀÇÀÒÜ ÏÐÎÙÀÉ
all our dreams come true âÑÅ ÍÀØÈ ÑÍÛ ÍÀÑ ÆÄÓÒ
baby up ahead òÀÌ, ÄÅÒÊÀ, ÂÏÅÐÅÄÈ
and it's out where your memories lie òÀÌ, ÃÄÅ ÒÂÎÈÕ ÂÎÑÏÎÌÈÍÀÍÈÉ ÐÀÉ
well the road's out before me ÷ÒÎ Æ, ÂÎÒ ÄÎÐÎÃÀ ÏÐÅÄÎ ÌÍÎÞ
and the moon is shining bright íÀÄ ÍÅÞ ßÐÊÀß ËÓÍÀ
what I want you to remember ÷ÒÎ ß ÕÎ×Ó, ×ÒÎÁ ÒÛ ÇÀÏÎÌÍÈËÀ
as I disappear tonight òÎ, ÊÀÊ ÈÑ×ÅÇÍÓ ß
today is grey skies ñÅÃÎÄÍß ÍÅÁÎ Â ÑÅÐÎÌ
tomorrow's tears à ÇÀÂÒÐÀ ÑËÅÇ ÂÎÄÀ
you'll have to wait til yesterday is here òÛ ÆÄÅØÜ ÏÎÊÀ Â×ÅÐÀ ÏÐÈÄÅÒ ÑÞÄÀ
you'll have to wait til yesterday is here òÛ ÆÄÅØÜ ÏÎÊÀ Â×ÅÐÀ ÏÐÈÄÅÒ ÑÞÄÀ
Ruby's Arms ðÓÊÈ ðÓÁÈ
i will leave behind all of my clothes, îÄÅÆÄÓ ÂÑÞ ÑÂÎÞ ÎÑÒÀÂËÞ
i wore when i was with you, ÅÅ ÍÎÑÈË ÊÎÃÄÀ ß ÁÛË Ñ ÒÎÁÎÞ
all I need's my railroad boots, ëÈØÜ ÏÓÒÅÂÛÅ ÁÀØÌÀÊÈ,
and my leather jacket, äÀ ÊÓÐÒÊÓ ß ÂÎÇÜÌÓ Ñ ÑÎÁÎÉ
as i say goodbye to ruby's arms, âÅÄÜ ß ÑÊÀÆÓ ÏÐÎÙÀÉ ÒÂÎÈÌ ÐÓÊÀÌ
although my heart is breaking, õÎÒÜ ÑÅÐÄÖÀ ËÅÄ ÐÀÑÊÎËÎÒ
i will steal away out through your blinds, ÿ ÏÐÎÑÊÎËÜÇÍÓ ÑÊÎÐÅÉ ÌÈÌÎ ÇÀÊÐÛÒÛÕ ÃËÀÇ
for soon you will be waking. ïÐÎÑÍÅØÜÑß ÒÛ ÓÆ ÑÊÎÐÎ
the morning light has washed your face, âÎÒ ÑÂÅÒ ÇÀÐÈ ÎÌÛË ËÈÖÎ
and everything is turning blue now, ñÅÉ×ÀÑ ÒÛ ÒÀÊ ÏÐÅÊÐÀÑÍÀ
hold on to your pillow case òÛ ÎÁÍßËÀ ÑÂÎÞ ÏÎÄÓØÊÓ
there's nothing i can do now, ñÒÎÞ ß ÇÄÅÑÜ ÍÀÏÐÀÑÍÎ
as i say goodbye to ruby's arms, ÿ ÃÎÂÎÐÞ ÏÐÎÙÀÉ ÒÂÎÈÌ ÐÓÊÀÌ
you'll find another soldier, âÅÄÜ ÒÛ ÍÀÉÄÅØÜ ÄÐÓÃÎÃÎ
and i swear to god by christmastime è ß ÊËßÍÓÑÜ ÏÎÄ ðÎÆÄÅÑÒÂÎ
there will be someone else to hold you. â ×ÓÆÈÕ ÎÁÜßÒÜßÕ ÁÓÄÅØÜ ÑÍÎÂÀ
the only thing i'm taking is ÿ Ñ ÁÅËÜÅÂÛÕ ÂÅÐÅÂÎÊ ÑÍßË
the scarf off of your clothesline, ÏËÀÒÎ×ÅÊ ÒÂÎÉ ÍÀ ÏÀÌßÒÜ
i'll hurry past your chest of drawers, è ÎÁÕÎÆÓ ÊÎÌÎÄ ÑÊÎÐÅÉ
and your broken window chimes, ñ ÑÎÁÎÉ ÍÅ Â ÑÈËÀÕ ÑËÀÄÈÒÜ
as i say goodbye i'll say goodbye, ÿ ÃÎÂÎÐÞ ÏÐÎÙÀÉ, È ß ÑÊÀÆÓ ÏÐÎÙÀÉ
say goodbye to ruby's arms. ñÊÀÆÓ ÏÐÎÙÀÉ ÒÂÎÈÌ ÐÓÊÀÌ.
i'll feel my way down the darken hall, ìÅÍß ÓÂÎÄÈÒ ÒÅÌÍÛÉ ÕÎËË,
and out into the morning, ÓÂÎÄÈÒ ÏÐßÌÎ Â ÓÒÐÎ
the hobos at the freight yards, áÐÎÄßÃÈ Â ÃÐÓÇÎÂÛÕ ÑÊËÀÄÀÕ
have kept their fires burning, îÃÎÍÜ ÕÐÀÍÈËÈ ÌÓÄÐÎ
so jesus christ this goddamn rain, î, ÁÎÆÅ ÌÎÉ, ÝÒÎÒ ×ÅÐÒΠÄÎÆÄÜ,
will someone put me on a train, ïÓÑÒÈ ÌÅÍß ÍÀ ÏÎÅÇÄ ÓÕÎÄßÙÈÉ ÏÐÎ×Ü
i'll never kiss your lips again, íÅ ÏÎÖÅËÓÞ ÒÂÎÈ ÃÓÁÛ ÂÍÎÂÜ
or break your heart, è ÑÅÐÄÖÅ ÍÅ ÂÇÎÐÂÅÒ ËÞÁÎÂÜ
as i say goodbye i'll say goodbye, ÿ ËÈØÜ ÑÊÀÆÓ ÏÐÎÙÀÉ, ÄÀ, ß ÑÊÀÆÓ ÏÐÎÙÀÉ,
say goodbye to ruby's arms. ñÊÀÆÓ ÏÐÎÙÀÉ ÒÂÎÈÌ ÐÓÊÀÌ.
Red Shoes by the Drugstore êÐÀÑÍÛÅ ÒÓÔËÈ Ó ÀÏÒÅÊÈ
She wore red shoes by the drugstore â ÊÐÀÑÍÛÕ ÒÓÔÅËÜÊÀÕ ÎÍÀ ÑÒÎßËÀ Ó ÀÏÒÅÊÈ
as the rain splashed the nickel ïÎÑÊÎËÜÊÓ ÄÎÆÄÜ ÇÀËÈË ÂÅÑÜ íÈÊÅËÜ
spilled like chablis along the midway ïÐÎËÈËÑß ÊÀÊ ÂÈÍÎ ÍÀ ÏÎËÏÓÒÈ.
theres a little bluejay êÀÊ-ÁÓÄÒÎ ÍÅÁÎËÜØÀß ÏÒÀØÊÀ
in a red dress, on a sad night â ÊÐÀÑÍÎÌ ÏËÀÒÜÅ,  ÏÅ×ÀËÜÍÎÉ ÍÎ×È,
one straw in a rootbeer ñÎËÎÌÊÀ  ØÈÏÓ×ÅÌ ÍÀÏÈÒÊÅ,
a compact with a cracked mirror ïÓÄÐÅÍÈÖÀ Ñ ÒÐÅÑÍÓÒÛÌ ÇÅÐÊÀËÎÌ,
and a bottle of evening in paris perfume è ÔËÀÊÎÍ×ÈÊ ÏÀÐÈÆÑÊÈÕ ÄÓÕÎÂ.
he told her to wait in by the magazines îÍ ÆÄÀÒÜ ÅÃÎ ÂÅËÅË ÅÉ Ó ÊÈÎÑÊÀ
he had to take care of some buisness it seems îÍ ×ÒÎ-ÒÎ ÄÎËÆÅÍ ÁÛË ÄÎÄÅËÀÒÜ, ÅÉ ÊÀÇÀËÎÑÜ,
bring a raincoat and a suitcase âÎÇÜÌÈ ÑÂÎÉ ÏËÀÙ È ÑÓÌÎ×ÊÓ
and your dark eyes è ÒÅÌÍÛÅ ÃËÀÇÀ
and wear those red shoes è ÒÓÔÅËÜÊÈ ÊÐÀÑÍÛÅ ÍÀÄÅÍÜ
theres a dark huddle at the bus stop òÅÌÍÀß ÒÎËÏÀ ÍÀ ÎÑÒÀÍÎÂÊÅ
umbrellas arranged in a sad bouquet â ÁÓÊÅÒÅ ÃÐÓÑÒÈ ÐÀÑÖÂÅËÈ ÇÎÍÒÛ
li'l cesaer got caught ëÈ öÅÇÀÐß ÏÎÉÌÀËÈ,
he was going down to second íÀÊÐÛËÑß ÇÀ ÑÅÊÓÍÄÓ
he was cooled è ÁÛË ÎÍ ÎÕËÀÆÄÅÍ.
changing stations on the chamber ïÐÎÈÇÎØËÀ ÇÀÌÅÍÀ  ÐÀÑÏÈÑÀÍÜÈ
to steal a diamond óÊÐÀÑÒÜ ÀËÌÀÇ
from a jewelry store for his baby èÇ ÞÂÅËÈÐÍÎÉ ËÀÂÊÈ ÄËß ÍÅÅ.
he loved the way she looked in those red shoes î, ÊÀÊ ËÞÁÈË ÎÍ ÅÅ Â ÝÒÈÕ ÊÐÀÑÍÛÕ ÒÓÔÅËÜÊÀÕ.
she waited by the drugstore îÍÀ ÅÃÎ ÆÄÀËÀ ÒÀÌ, Ó ÀÏÒÅÊÈ
cesaer had never been this late before äÎ ÝÒÎÃÎ ÎÍ ÍÈ ÐÀÇÓ ÍÅ ÎÏÎÇÄÀË
and the dogs bayed the moon ñÎÁÀÊÈ ÂÛËÈ ÍÀ ËÓÍÓ
and rattled their chains èÕ ÃÐÎÕÎÒÀËÈ ÖÅÏÈ
and the cold jingle of taps in a puddle êÀÊ ËÜÄÛØÅÊ Â ËÓÆÅ ÒÐÅÑÊ
was the burglar alarm áÛËÀ ÑÈÃÍÀËÈÇÀÖÈß
snitching on ceasar ïÎÄÑÒÀÂÈÂØÀß öÅÇÀÐß
now the rain washes memories from the sidewalks ñÅÉ×ÀÑ ÄÎÆÄÜ ÑÌÛÂÀÅÒ ÏÀÌßÒÜ Ñ ÒÐÎÒÓÀÐÀ
and the hounds splash down the nickel è ÑÎÁÀÊÈ ÏËÅÙÓÒÑß ÂÍÈÇ íÈÊÅËß,
and santa claus is drunk in the ski room è  ËÛÆÍÎÉ ÊÎÌÍÀÒÅ ÍÀÆÐÀËÑß äÅÄ ìÎÐÎÇ,
and it's christmas eve in a sad cafe ñÎ×ÅËÜÍÈÊ Â ÏÎËÓÏÓÑÒÎÌ ÊÀÔÅ
when the moon gets this way îÒÒÓÄÀ ÂÈÄÍÎ, ÊÎÃÄÀ ËÓÍÀ ÎÑÂÅÒÈÒ ÃÎÐÎÄ
there's a little blue jay êÀÊ-ÁÓÄÒÎ ÍÅÁÎËÜØÀß ÏÒÀØÊÀ
by the newstand Ó ÊÈÎÑÊÀ
so meet me tonight by the drugstore òÀÊ ÂÑÒÐÅÒÜ ÌÅÍß ÑÅÃÎÄÍß Ó ÀÏÒÅÊÈ
we're goin out tonight è ÌÛ ÏÎÉÄÅÌ ÑÅÃÎÄÍß ÂÅ×ÅÐÎÌ ÃÓËßÒÜ
wear your red shoes è ÒÓÔÅËÜÊÈ ÊÐÀÑÍÛÅ ÍÀÄÅÍÜ
Falling Down ïÀÄÀß
I have come 500 miles just to see a halo ÿ ÏÐÎØÅË 500 ÌÈËÜ, ×ÒÎÁÛ ÂÈÄÅÒÜ ÍÈÌÁ ÒÂÎÉ
Come from St. Petersburg, Scarlett and me èÇ ñÀÍÊÒ-ïÅÒÅÐÁÓÐÃÀ ÏÐÈÁÛËÈ ñÊÀÐËÅÒÒ È ß
Well I open my eyes, I was blind as can be ÷ÒÎ Æ, ß ÎÒÊÐÎÞ ÃËÀÇÀ, ÌÎÆÅÒ ÁÛË ß ÑËÅÏÎÉ,
When you give a man luck, he must fall in the sea åÑËÈ ÌÍÅ ÏÎÂÅÇËÎ, ÏÎ×ÅÌÓ ß ÒÎÍÓ Â ÒÅÕ ÌÎÐßÕ
And she wants you to steal and get caught è ÎÍÀ ÕÎ×ÅÒ, ×ÒÎÁ ÒÛ ÓÊÐÀË È ÒÅÁß ÇÀÌÅËÈ
For she loves you for all that you are not òÀÊ ÊÀÊ ËÞÁÈÒ ËÈØÜ ÒÎ, ×ÒÎ ÒÛ - ÍÅÒ
When you're falling down, falling down êÎÃÄÀ ÒÛ ÏÀÄÀÅØÜ ÂÍÈÇ, ÏÀÄÀÅØÜ ÂÍÈÇ
When you're falling down, falling down, falling down êÎÃÄÀ ÒÛ ÏÀÄÀÅØÜ ÂÍÈÇ, ÏÀÄÀÅØÜ ÂÍÈÇ
You forget all the roses, don't come around on Sunday òÛ ÇÀÁÓÄÅØÜ ÂÑÅ ÐÎÇÛ, ÍÅ ÏÐÈÉÄÅØÜ Â ÂÛÕÎÄÍÎÉ
She's not gonna choose you for standing so tall äËß ÍÅÅ ÒÛ ÍÅ ÏÐÈÍÖ È ÍÅ ÁÎÃ
Go on and take a swig of that poison and like it ïÐÎÄÎËÆÀÉ, ÂÛÏÈÂÀÒÜ ÂÅÑÜ ÒÎÒ ßÄ È ÏÎÄÎÁÍÎ ÝÒÎÌÓ
And don't ask for silverware, don't ask for nothing è ÍÅ ÏÐÎÑÈÒÅ Î ÑÅÐÅÁÐÅ, ÍÅ ÏÐÎÑÈ Î ÍÈ×ÅÌ
Go on and put your ear to the ground ïÐÎÄÎËÆÀÉ, ÏÐÈËÎÆÈ ÑÂÎÅ ÓÕÎ Ê ÇÅÌËÅ
You know you will be hearing that sound......falling down. è ÇÍÀÅØÜ, ÒÛ ÓÑËÛØÈØÜ ÒÎÒ ÇÂÓÊ - ÏÀÄÅÍÈß ÂÍÈÇ
You're falling down, falling down òÛ ÏÀÄÀÅØÜ ÂÍÈÇ, ÏÀÄÀÅØÜ ÂÍÈÇ
Falling down, Falling down, falling down ïÀÄÀÅØÜ ÂÍÈÇ, ÏÀÄÀÅØÜ ÂÍÈÇ, ÏÀÄÀÅØÜ ÂÍÈÇ
When you're falling down, falling down, falling down êÎÃÄÀ ÒÛ ÏÀÄÀÅØÜ ÂÍÈÇ, ÏÀÄÀÅØÜ ÂÍÈÇ
Go on down and see that wrecking ball come swinging on along ïÐÎÄÎËÆÀÉ È ÑÌÎÒÐÈ, ÊÀ×ÀßÑÜ ÁËÈÇÈÒÑß ØÀÐ
Everyone knew that hotel was a goner è ÂÑÅ ÇÍÀËÈ, ÑÍÅÑÓÒ ÒÎÒ ÎÒÅËÜ
They broke all the windows, they took all the door knobs îÍÈ ÐÀÇÁÈËÈ ÂÑÅ ÎÊÍÀ, ÑÍßËÈ ÂÑÅ ÊÍÎÏÊÈ È ÄÂÅÐÜ
And they hauled it away in a couple of days è ÓÂÅÇËÈ ÝÒÎ ÂÑÅ ÄÂÀ ÄÍß ÍÀÇÀÄ
Now someone yell timber and take off your hat òÅÏÅÐÜ ÊÒÎ-ÒÎ ÄÎÑÊÈ ÑÒÐÎÃÀÅÒ, ÑÍÈÌÀÅÒ ØËßÏÓ ÒÂÎÞ
It's a lot smaller down here on the ground ýÒÎ ÑÀÌÀß ÌÀËÎÑÒÜ ËÈØÜ ÇÄÅÑÜ ÍÀ ÇÅÌËÅ
You're falling down, falling down, falling down òÛ ÏÀÄÀÅØÜ ÂÍÈÇ, ÏÀÄÀÅØÜ ÂÍÈÇ
Falling down, falling down, falling down ïÀÄÀÅØÜ ÂÍÈÇ, ÏÀÄÀÅØÜ ÂÍÈÇ, ÏÀÄÀÅØÜ ÂÍÈÇ
Someone's falling down, falling down, falling down ÷ÜÅ-ÒÎ ÏÀÄÅÍÈÅ ÂÍÈÇ, ÏÀÄÀÅÍÈÅ ÂÍÈÇ, ÏÀÄÀÅÍÈÅ ÂÍÈÇ
Falling down, falling down, falling down ïÀÄÅÍÈÅ ÂÍÈÇ, ÏÀÄÅÍÈÅ ÂÍÈÇ, ÏÀÄÅÍÈÅ ÂÍÈÇ.
Last-modified: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 19:51:40 GMT