Majordomo Frequently Asked Questions
, admin
Section 1: What is Majordomo and how can I get it?
1.1 - What is Majordomo?
1.2 - Where do I get Majordomo?
1.3 - How do I install it?
1.4 - How do I upgrade from an earlier release?
1.5 - Where do I report bugs or get help with Majordomo?
1.6 - Which is better, Majordomo or LISTSERV?
1.7 - How can I access Majordomo via the Web?
2.1 - What are the proper permissions and ownership of all Majordomo files and directories?
2.3 - I get "sh: wrapper: cannot execute" or "wrapper: permission denied"
2.4 - I get "Unknown mailer error" when majordomo runs
2.5 - I get an error "insecure usage" from the wrapper
2.6 - I get "majordomo: No such file or directory" from the wrapper
2.7 - I get an error "Can't locate"
2.8 - I told my where to archive the list, why isn't it working?
2.9 - config-test can't seem to find or resend can't find
2.10 - A list is visible via lists, but can't subscribe or 'get' files
Section 3: Setting up mailing lists and aliases
3.1 - How do I direct bounces to the right address?
3.2 - Semi-automated handling of bounced mail
3.3 - What's this Owner-List and List-Owner stuff? Why both?
3.4 - How should I configure resend for Reply-To headers?
3.5 - How can I hide lists so they can't be viewed by 'lists'?
3.6 - How can I restrict a list such that only subscribers can send mail to
3.7 - Can I have the list owner or approval person be changeable without
3.8 - What are all these different passwords?
3.9 - How do I tell majordomo to handle "get"-ing of binary files?
3.10 - How do I set up a moderated list?
3.11 - How do I set up a digested version of a list?
3.12 - How do I setup virtual majordomo domains?
Section 4: Miscellaneous mailer problems
4.1 - Address with blanks are being treated separately
4.2 - Why aren't my digests going out?
4.3 - Why do I get duplicate mail sent to the list?
4.4 - How do I gate my list to and/or from a newsgroup?
4.5 - How can I improve Majordomo's performance?
4.6 - How can I handle X.400 addresses?
4.7 - Why is the Subject of my messages missing?
Size: 47410 bytes
Last-modified: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 18:18:29 GMT
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