
     The Complete Poems of Stephen Crane
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                  The Complete Poems of Stephen Crane




          " " - 1895 -

                      Black riders came from the sea.
                      There was clang and clang of spear and shield,
                      And clash and clash of hoof and heel,
                      Wild shouts and the wave of hair
                      In the rush upon the wind:
                      Thus the ride of Sin.

                     ,    ,
                     ,    ,


                          ,    ,
                          ,    ,


                        Three little birds in a row
                        Sat musing.
                        A man passed near that place.
                        Then did the little birds nudge each other.

                        They said: "He thinks he can sing".
                        They threw back their heads to laugh.
                        With quaint countenances
                        They regarded him.
                        They were very curious,
                        Those three little birds in a row.

                 ,    .

                 - ?  ,   ! -


                     In the desert
                     I saw a creature, naked, bestial,
                     Who, squatting upon the ground,
                     Held his heart in his hands,
                     And ate of it.
                     I said: "Is it good, friend?"
                     "It is bitter-bitter," he answered;
                     "But I like it
                     Because it is bitter,
                     And because it is my heart."

                      - , ;
                    : -   , ?
                   -  , ! -  ,


                          : - , ? -
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                      Yes, I have a thousand tongues,
                      And nine and ninety-nine lie.
                      Though I strive to use the one,
                      It will make no melody at my will,
                      But is dead in my mouth.

                      ,      ,
                         ,   ,


                  Once there came a man
                  Who said:
                  "Range me all men of the world in rows."
                  And instandy
                  There was terrific clamor among the people
                  Against being ranged in rows.
                  There was a loud quarrel, world-wide.
                  It endured for ages;
                  And blood was shed
                  By those who would not stand in rows,
                  And by those who pined to stand in rows.
                  Eventually, the man went to death, weeping.
                  And those who stayed in bloody scuffle
                  Knew not great simplicity.

               -        !
                   ,   ,
               ,    ,


              "       ".
               ,    .
              ,      ,
               ,     .
                 ,    .
               ,     ,


               God fashioned the ship of the world carefully.
               With the infinite skill of an all-master
               Made He the hull and the sails,
               Held He the rudder
               Ready for adjustment.
               Erect stood He, scanning His work proudly.
               Then-at fateful time-a wrong called,
               And God turned, heeding.
               Lo, the ship, at this opportunity, slipped slyly,
               Making cunning noiseless travel down the ways.
               So that, forever rudderless, it went upon the seas
               Going ridiculous voyages,
               Making quaint progress,
               Turning as with serious purpose
               Before stupid winds.
               And there were many in the sky
               Who laughed at this thing.

                  -     -
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                   ,   ,


                  ,   .
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                      Mystic shadow, bending near me,
                      Who art thou?
                      Whence come ye?
                      And-tell me-is it fair
                      Or is the truth bitter as eaten fire?
                      Tell me!
                      Fear not that I should quaver,
                      For I dare-I dare.
                      Then, tell me!

                   ,   ,
                  ,   ,
                  ,   ?
                  ,   ,
                 ,   !


                     I looked here;
                     I looked there;
                     Nowhere could I see my love.
                     And-this lime-
                     She was in my heart.
                     Truly, then, I have no complaint,
                     For though she be fair and fairer,
                     She is none so fair as she
                     In my heart.



                         I stood upon a high place,
                         And saw, below, many devils
                         Running, leaping.
                         And carousing in sin.
                         One looked up, grinning,
                         And said: "Comrade! Brother!"

                           , ,
                             , ,
                             : - ! !


                      Should the wide world roll away,
                      Leaving black terror,
                      Limitless night,
                      Nor God, nor man, nor place to stand
                      Would be to me essential,
                      If thou and thy white arms were there,
                      And the fall to doom a long way.

                 ,  ,  ,   , -
                   ,     .


                In a lonely place,
                I encountered a sage
                Who sat, all still,
                Regarding a newspaper.
                He accosted me:
                "Sir, what is this?"
                Then I saw that I was greater,
                Aye, greater than this sage.
                I answered him at once:
                "Old, old man, it is the wisdom of the age."
                The sage looked upon me with admiration.

                -  ,   ?
                ,    .
                -  ,  ,   ,


                   ",    ?"
                     ,   ,
                   , ,    .
                   ",    ".


                     "And the sins of the fathers shall be visited upon the
                      heads of the children, even unto the third and fourth
                      generation of them that hate me."

               Well, then, I hate Thee, unrighteous picture;
               Wicked image, I hate Thee;
               So, strike with Thy vengeance
               The heads of those little men
               Who come blindly.
               It will be a brave thing.


               ,    ,  ,
                ,   .
                 ,  ,


                  If there is a witness to my little life,
                  To my tiny throes and struggles,
                  He sees a fool;
                  And it is not fine for gods to menace fools.

                         , , -


                      There was crimson clash of war.
                      Lands turned black and bare;
                      Women wept;
                      Babes ran, wondering.
                      There came one who understood not these things.
                      He said: "Why is this?"
                      Whereupon a million strove to answer him.
                      There was such intricate clamor of tongues,
                      That still the reason was not.

                         : -   ?


                           , .
                             ,     .
                           : " ?"


                         "Tell brave deeds of war."

                         Then they recounted tales:
                         "There were stern stands
                         And bitter runs for glory."

                         Ah, I think there were braver deeds.

                     -     .


                     ,  ,  


                          Charity, thou art a lie,
                          A toy of women,
                          A pleasure of certain men.
                          In the presence of justice,
                          Lo, the walls of the temple
                          Are visible
                          Through thy form of sudden shadows.

                           ,  - ,
                              - e-


              There were many who went in huddled procession,
              They knew not whither;
              But, at any rate, success or calamity
              Would attend all in equality.

              There was one who sought a new road.
              He went into direful thickets,
              And ultimately he died thus, alone;
              But they said he had courage.

                       ,  .
                       ,  ,
                           -    -

                       ,   .
                      ,      .


                  ,     ,   

                    ,   .
                    ,     , ;
                  , ,   .


                   In Heaven,
                   Some little blades of grass
                   Stood before God.
                   "What did you do?"
                   Then all save one of the little blades
                   Began eagerly to relate
                   The merits of their lives.
                   This one stayed a small way behind,
                   Presently, God said:
                   "And what did you do?"
                   The little blade answered: "Oh, my Lord,
                   Memory is bitter to me,
                   For, if I did good deeds,
                   I know not of them."
                   Then God, in all His splendor,
                   Arose from His throne.
                   "Oh, best little blade of grass!" He said.

                  -     ? -  .
                   ,  ,
                   , .
                  -      ?
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                  -     ! -  .


                      -     ?
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                      -      ? -
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                          . -
                        ,  :
                      -    !


                    A god in wrath
                    Was beating a man;
                    He cuffed him loudly
                    With thunderous blows
                    That rang and rolled over the earth.
                    All people came running.
                    The man screamed and struggled,
                    And bit madly at the feet of the god.
                    The people cried:
                    "Ah, what a wicked man!"
                    "Ah, what a redoubtable god!"

                    ,  ;
                    - ,   !
                    - ,   !


                       A learned man came to me onge.
                       He said: "I know the way,-come."
                       And I was overjoyed at this.
                       Together we hastened.
                       Soon, too soon, were we
                       Where my eyes were useless,
                       And I knew not the ways of my feet.
                       I clung to the hand of my friend;
                       But at last he cried: "I am lost."

                    : -   . !
                     ,    .
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                      ,  .
                        : -  !


                There was, before me,
                Mile upon mile
                Of snow, ice, burning sand.
                And yet I could look beyond all this,
                To a place of infinite beauty;
                And I could see the loveliness of her
                Who walked in the shade of the trees.
                When I gazed,
                All was lost
                But this place of beauty and her.
                When I gazed.
                And in my gazing, desired,
                Then came again
                Mile upon mile,
                Of snow, ice, burning sand.

                 , ,  .
                  , -
                , ,  .


                        ,   ,
                    , , .


                        Once I saw mountains angry,
                        And ranged in battle-front.
                        Against them stood a little man;
                        Aye, he was no bigger than my finger.
                        I laughed, and spoke to one near me:
                        "Will he prevail?"
                        "Surely," replied this other;
                        "His grandfathers beat them many times."
                        Then did I see much virtue in grandfathers,
                        At least, for the little man
                        Who stood against the mountains.

                     , -
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                    ,   ,


                -,      .
                "  ?".
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                     Places among the stars,
                     Soft gardens near the sun,
                     Keer your distant beauty;
                     Shed no beams upon my weak heart.
                     Since she is here
                     In a place of blackness,
                     Not your golden days
                     Nor your silver nights
                     Can call me to you.
                     Since she is here
                     In a place of blackness,
                     Here I stay and wait.



                     I saw a man pursuing the horizon;
                     Round and round they sped.
                     I was disturbed at this;
                     I accosted the man.
                     "It is futile," I said,
                     "You can never-"
                     "You lie," he cried,
                     And ran on.

               - , -  , -   .
               - ! -  


                        -  ,
                        - ! -  


                     Behold, the grave of a wicked man,
                     And near it, a stern spirit.

                     There came a drooping maid with violets,
                     But the spirit grasped her arm.
                     "No flowers for him," he said.
                     The maid wept:
                     "Ah, I loved him."
                     But the spirit, grim and frowning;
                     "No flowers for him."

                     Now, this is it -
                     If the spirit was just,
                     Why did the maid weep?

                        -   ;

                       -   , -  .
                       - !   .
                        ,   , ;
                       -   !



                   There was set before me a mighty hill,
                   And long days I climbed
                   Through regions of snow.
                   When I had before me the summit-view,
                   It seemed that my labor
                   Had been to see gardens
                   Lying at impossible distances.

                   ,       ,


                     A youth in apparel that glittered
                     Went to walk in a grim forest.
                     There he met an assassin
                     Attired all in garb of old days;
                     He, scowling through the thickets,
                     And dagger poised quivering.
                     Rushed upon the youth.
                     "Sir," said this latter,
                     "I am enchanted, believe me,
                     To die, thus,
                     In this medieval fashion,
                     According to the best legends;

                     Ah, what joy!"
                     Then took he the wound, smiling,

                     And died, content.

                    - , -  , -
                    ,   !
                     , .


                         "Truth," said a traveller,
                         "Is a rock, a mighty fortress;
                         Often have I been to it,
                         Even to its highest tower,
                         From whence the world looks black."

                         "Trurh," said a traveller,
                         "Is a breath, a wind,
                         A shadow, a phantom;
                         Long have I pursued it,
                         But never have I touched
                         The hem of its garment."

                         And I believed the second traveller;
                         For truth was to me
                         A breath, a wind,
                         A shadow, a phantom,
                         And never had I touched
                         The hem of its garment.

                       - , -  , -
                          ,   .

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                         ,   ,

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                        , ,


                 Behold, from the land of the farther suns
                 I returned.
                 And I was in a reptile-swarming place,
                 Peopled, otherwise, with grimaces,
                 Shrouded above in black impenelrableness.
                 I shrank, loathing.
                 Sick with it.
                 And I said to him:
                 "What is this?"
                 He made answer slowly:
                 "Spirit, this is a world;
                 This was your home."

                    , , ,
                   - ,   ?
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                  Supposing that I should have the courage
                  To let a red sword of virtue
                  Plunge into my heart,
                  Letting to the weeds of the ground
                  My sinful blood,
                  What can you offer me?
                  A gardened castle?
                  A flowery kingdom?

                  What? A hope?
                  Then hence with your red sword of virtue.

               ,   ,  ,
              ,   ?

              ? ?
                , ,    ?


                    Many workmen
                    Built a huge ball of masonry
                    Upon a mountain-top.
                    Then they went to the valley below,
                    And turned to behold their work.
                    "It is grand," they said;
                    They loved the thing.

                    Of a sudden, it moved:
                    It came upon them swiftly;
                    It crushed them all to blood.
                    But some had opportunity to squeal.

            , ,     .
            -  , -  .

            , ,  .


                       - , -  ;



                       Two or three angels
                       Came near to the earth.
                       They saw a fat church.
                       Little black streams of people
                       Came and went in continually.
                       And the angels were puzzled
                       To know why the people went thus,
                       And why they stayed so long within.



                     There was One I met upon the road
                     Who looked at me with kind eyes.
                     He said: "Show me of your wares."
                     And I did,
                     Holding forth one.
                     He said: "It is a sin."
                     Then I held forth another.
                     He said: "It is a sin."
                     Then I held forth another.
                     He said: "It is a sin."
                     And so to the end.
                     Always He said:"It is a sin."
                     At last, I cried out:
                     "But I have none other."
                     He looked at me
                     With kinder eyes.
                     "Poor soul," He said.

                  - ,    .
                   : -  .
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                   : -   .
                     : -  .
                  -      !
                   : -  !


                          I stood upon a highway,
                          And, behold, there came
                          Many strange pedlers.
                          To me each one made gestures,
                          Holding forth little images, saying;
                          "This my pattern of God.
                          Now this is the God I prefer."

                          But I said: "Hence!
                          Leave me with mine own,
                          And take you yours away;
                          I can't buy of your patterns of Cod,
                          The little gods you may rightly prefer."

                   : -    .
                   ,   .

                     : - !


                    A man saw a ball of gold in the sky,
                    He climbed for it,
                    And eventually he achieved it -
                    It was clay.

                    Now this is the strange part:
                    When the man went to the earth
                    And looked again,
                    Lo, there was the ball of gold.
                    Now this is the strange part:
                    It was a ball of gold.
                    Aye, by the heavens, it was a ball of gold.


                      !    .



                       ,    .


                       I met a seer.
                       He held in his hands
                       The book of wisdom.
                       "Sir," I addressed him,
                       "Let me read."
                       "Child-" he began.
                       "Sir," I said,
                       "Think not that I am a child,
                       For already I know much
                       Of that which you hold.
                       Aye, much."

                       He smiled.
                       Then he opened the book
                       And held it before me.-
                       Strange that I should have grown so suddenly blind.

                    -  , -    ,
                    - ... -  .
                    -  , -   , -
                     ,   , -
                     ,   .
                    , !

                     :   .


                      - , -  , -
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                       ,   ,
                       ,   ;
                      , .

                      ,     .


                    On the horizon the peaks assembled;
                    And as I looked,
                    The march of the mountains began.
                    As they marched, they sang:
                    "Aye! We come! We come!"

                       ,  :
                       - !  !  !


                      ,  :
                      "!  !  !".


                         The ocean said to me once:
                         Yonder on the shore
                         Is a woman, weeping.
                         I have watched her.
                         Go you and tell her this,-
                         Her lover I have laid
                         In cool green hall.
                         There is wealth of golden sand
                         And pillars, coral-red;
                         Two white fish stand guard at his bier.

                         "Tell her this
                         And more,-
                         That the king of the seas
                         Weeps too, old, helpless man.
                         The bustling fates
                         Heap his hands with corpses
                         Until he stands like a child
                         With surplus of toys."

                         - !
                          ,  ,

                           ,   .
                         ,  ,


                The livid lightnings flashed in the clouds;
                The leaden thunders crashed.
                A worshipper raised his arm.
                "Hearken! Hearken! The voice of God!"

                "Not so," said a man.
                "The voice of God whispers in the heart
                So softly
                That the soul pauses,
                Making no noise,
                And strives for these melodies,
                Distant, sighing, like faintest breath,
                And all the being is still to hear."

                  - ! !  ,  !

                  - , -  , -
                    , ,
                  ,  ,    ;


                     And you love me?

                     I love you.

                     You are, then, cold coward.

                     Aye; but, beloved,
                     When I strive to come to you,
                     Man's opinions, a thousand thickets,
                     My interwoven existence,
                     My life,
                     Caught in the stubble of the world
                     Like a tender veil,-
                     This stays me.
                     No strange move can I make
                     Without noise of tearing.
                     I dare not.

                     If love loves,
                     There is no world
                     Nor word.
                     All is lost
                     Save thought of love
                     And place to dream.
                     You love me?

                     I love you.
                     You are, then, cold coward.
                     Aye; but, beloved -

                -    ?

                -   .

                -    .

                - ,  , ,
                 ,  ,
                   , -

                -  ,

                -   .

                -    .

                - ,  , ...


                   Love walked alone.
                   The rocks cut her tender feet,
                   And the brambles tore her fair limbs.
                   There came a companion to her,
                   But, alas, he was no help,
                   For his name was Heart's Pain.

                    ,       -


                  I walked in a desert.
                  And I cried:
                  "Ah, God, take me from this place!"
                  A voice said: "It is no desert."
                  I cried: "Well, but -
                  The sand, the heat, the vacant horizon."
                  A voice said: "It is no desert."

                     - ,   !
                      : -   .
                      : -    -
                     , ,  ...
                      : -   .


                ",   !"
                 : "  ".
                ",  -
                 ,  ,   ".
                 : "  ".


                    There came whisperings in the winds:
                    "Good-bye! "Good-bye!
                    Little voices called in the darkness:
                    "Good-bye! "Good-bye!
                    Then I stretched forth my arms.
                    "No- No-"
                    There came whisperings in the wind:
                    "Good-bye! "Good-bye!
                    Little voices called in the darkness:
                    "Good-bye! "Good-bye!

                        - ! !
                        - ! !
                         : - ! !
                        - ! !
                        - ! !


                   I was in the darkness;
                   I could not see my words
                   Nor the wishes of my heart.
                   Then suddenly there was a great light

                   "Let me into the darkness again."


                    -     !



                    "    ".


                 Tradition, thou art for suckling children.
                 Thou art the enlivening milk for babes;
                 Bot no meat for men is in thee.
                 Then -
                 But, alas, we all are babes.

                     ,  -   ;
                      -   ,
                      ,   - .


                       ,    ,
                       ,   -
                       ,  ,   .


                     Many red devils ran from my heart
                     And out upon the page.
                     They were so tiny
                     The pen could mash them.
                     And many struggled in the ink.
                     It was strange
                     To write in this red muck
                     Of things from my heart.





                     "Think as I think," said a man,
                     "Or you are abominably wicked,
                     You are a toad."

                     And after I had thought of it,
                     I said: "I will, then, be a toad".

                  -   ,  , -  ,

                  ,  :
                  -      .


                   ",   , -  , -

                    ,  :
                   "    ".


                       Once there was a man, -
                       Oh, so wise!
                       In all drink
                       He detected the bitter,
                       And in all touch
                       He found the sting.
                       At last he cried thus:
                       "There is nothing, -
                       No life,
                       No joy,
                       No pain,-
                       There is nothing save opinion,
                       And opinion be damned."

                      Ax,  !
                      -   -
                       , -
                       ,   ,


                        -   -
                        ,    !
                        "  -
                         , -


                      I stood musing in a black world,
                      Not knowing where to direct my feel.
                      And I saw the quick stream of men
                      Pouring ceaselessly,
                      Filled with eager faces,
                      A torrent of desire.
                      I called to them:
                      "Where do you go? What do you see?"
                      A thousand voices called to me.
                      A thousand fingers pointed.
                      "Look! Look! There!"

                      I know not of it.
                      But, lo! in the far shy shone a radiance
                      Ineffable, divine, -
                      A vision painted upon a pall;
                      And sometimes was,
                      And sometimes it was not.
                      I hesitated.
                      Then from the stream
                      Came roaring voices,
                      "Look! Look! There!"

                      So again I saw,
                      And leaped, unhesilant,
                      And struggled and fumed
                      With outspread clutching fingers.
                      The hard hills tore my flesh;
                      The ways bit my feet.
                      At last I looked again.
                      No radiance in the far sky,
                      Ineffable, divine,
                      No vision painted upon a pall;
                      And always my eyes ached for the light.
                      Then I cried in despair:
                      "I see nothing! Oh, where do I go?"
                      The torrent turned again its faces:
                      "Look! Look! There!"

                      And at the blindness of my spirit
                      They screamed:
                      "Fool! Fool! Fool!"

                 , ,   .
                ,   ;
                -   ?    ?
                - ! - !  !

                  ,    .
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                - ! !  !

                ,  ,   
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                -    ! ,    ?
                - ! !  !

                - ! ! !


                      You say you are holy,
                      And that
                      Because I have not seen you sin.
                      Aye, but there are those
                      Who see you sin, my friend.

                       .   ,
                     ,    ,
                     ,  ,
                       ,  .


                     A man went before a strange god, -
                     The god of many men, sadly wise.
                     And the deity thundered loudly,
                     Fat with rage, and puffing:
                     "Kneel, mortal, and cringe
                     And grovel and do homage
                     To my particularly sublime majesty."

                     The man fled.

                     Then the man went to another god,-
                     The god of his inner thoughts.
                     And this one looked at him
                     With soft eyes
                     Lit with infinite comprehension,
                     And said: "My poor child!"

                    ,    .
                  -  , !   !


                   : -   !


                   Why do you strive for greatness, fool?
                   Go pluck a bough and wear it.
                   It is as sufficing.

                   My Lord, there are certain barbarians
                   Who tilt their noses
                   As if the stars were flowers,
                   And thy servant is lost among their shoe-buckles.
                   Fain would I have mine eyes even with their eyes.

                   Fool, go pluck a bough and wear it.

                  -     , ?
                    ,   .

                  - ,  -  ,

                  - ,     .



               Blustering god,
               Stamping across the sky
               With loud swagger,
               I fear you not.
               No, though from your highest heaven
               You plunge your spear at my heart,
               I fear you not.
               No, not if the blow
               Is as the lightning blasting tree,
               I fear you not, puffing braggart.


               If thou can see into my heart
               That I fear thee not,
               Thou wilt see why I fear thee not,
               And why it is right.
               So threaten not, thou, with thy bloody spears,
               Else thy sublime ears shall hear curses.


               Withal, there is one whom I fear;
               I fear to see grief upon that face.
               Perchance, friend, he is not your god;
               If so, spit upon him.
               By it you will do no profanity.
               But I -
               Ah, sooner would I die
               Than see tears in those eyes of my soul.


              ,  ,
                ,  ,




                 ,    ,
             , ,    ;
              ,   ,
             ,   ,


                 "It was wrong to do this," said the angel
                 "You should live like a flower,
                 Holding malice like a puppy,
                 Waging war like a lambkin."

                 "Not so," quoth the man
                 Who had no fear of spirits;
                 "It is only wrong for angels
                 Who can live like the flowers,
                 Holding malice like the puppies,
                 Waging war like the lambkins."

               -    , -  ,
                ,  .

               -   , -  ,
                   , -
                ,  ,
                ,  .


           A man toiled on a burning road,
           Never resting.
           Once he saw a fat, stupid ass
           Grinning at him from a green place.
           The man cried out in rage:
           "Ah! do not deride me, fool!
           I know you -
           All day stuffing your belly,
           Burying your heart
           In grass and tender sprouts:
           It will not suffice you."
           But the ass only grinned at him from the green place.

                    - ,    , !
                    ,     , -
                         -   !


                A man feared that he might find an assassin,
                Another that he might find a victim.
                One was more wise than the other.



                         With eye and with gesture
                         You say you are holy.
                         I say you lie;
                         For I did see you
                         Draw away your coals
                         From the sin upon the hands
                         Of a little child.

                        ,   .
                         : -  ! -


                       The sage lectured brilliantly.
                       Before him, two images:
                       "Now this one is a devil,
                       And this one is me."
                       He turned away.
                       Then a cunning pupil
                       Changed the positions.
                       Turned the sage again:
                       "Now this one is a devil,
                       And this one is me."
                       The pupils sat, all grinning,
                       And rejoiced in the game.
                       But the sage was a sage.

                 - ,   - ,
                   - ...
                 -  , ,   - ,
                   - .


                         "   ,
                         -,  ,
                          ,  :
                         "   ,


                        Walking in the sky,
                        A man in strange black garb
                        Encountered a radiant form.
                        Then his steps were eager;
                        Bowed he devoutly.
                        "My Lord," said he.
                        But the spirit knew him not.

                      ,   ,
                     -   ! -  .


                    Upon the road of my life,
                    Passed me many fair creatures,
                    Clothed all in white, and radiant.
                    To one, finally, I made speech:
                    "Who art thou?"
                    But she, like the others,
                    Kept cowled her face,
                    And answered in haste, anxiously:
                    "I am Good Deed, forsooth;
                    You have often seen me."
                    "Not uncowled," I made reply.
                    And with rash and strong hand,
                    Though she resisted,
                    I drew away the veil
                    And gazed at the features of Vanity.
                    She, shamefaced, went on;
                    And after I had mused a time,
                    I said of myself:

                      ,  .
                   -    :
                   -  ?
                    ,     ,
                   -  -  ,  .
                   - ,   , -  .
                     ,   .



                    There was a man and a woman
                    Who sinned.
                    Then did the man heap the punishment
                    All upon the head of her,
                    And went away gayly.


                    There was a man and a woman
                    Who sinned.
                    And the man stood with her.
                    As upon her head, so upon his,
                    Fell blow and blow,
                    And all people screaming: "Fool!"
                    He was a brave heart.


                    He was a brave heart.
                    Would you speak with him, friend?
                    Well, he is dead,
                    And there went your opportunity.
                    Let it be your grief
                    That he is dead
                    And your opportunity gone;
                    For, in that, you were a coward.




                       ,     ,
                         : " !"


                       , ?
                    ,  ,  
                        , -


                 There was a man who lived a life of fire.
                 Even upon the fabric of time,
                 Where purple becomes orange
                 And orange purple,
                 This life glowed,
                 A dire red slain, indelible;
                 Yet when he was dead,
                 He saw that he had not lived.

                -  ,
              -  .
               ,     .


                 There was a great cathedral.
                 To solemn song,
                 A white procession
                 Moved toward the altar.
                 The chief man there
                 Was erect, and bore himself proudly.
                 Yet some could see him cringe,
                 As in a place of danger,
                 Throwing frightened glances into the air,
                 A-start at threatening faces of the past.

               To   .
               ,  ,
                ,  .
                - ,     ,


                Friend, your white beard sweeps the ground.
                Why do you stand, expectant?
                Do you hope to see it
                In one of your withered days?
                With your old eyes
                Do you hope to see
                The triumphal march of justice?
                Do not wait, friend!
                Take your white beard
                And your old eyes
                To more tender lands.

                  ,     .
                    , !
                    , ,
                  ,  .


                    ,      .
                       , ?


                   Once, I knew a fine song,
                   - It is true, believe me, -
                   It was all of birds,
                   And I held them in a basket;
                   When I opened the wicket,
                   Heavens! they all flew away.
                   I cried: "Come back little thoughts!"
                   But they only laughed.
                   They flew on
                   Until they were as sand
                   Thrown between me and the sky.

               -    ,
               -  ,   -
               !    .
                : - ,   !


                  If I should cast off this tattered coal,
                  And go free into the mighty sky;
                  If I should find nothing there
                  But a vast blue,
                  Echoless, ignorant, -
                  What then?

                 , , -


                     God lay dead in Heaven;
                     Angels sang the hymn of the end;
                     Purple winds went moaning,
                     Their wings drip-dripping
                     With blood
                     That fell upon the earth.
                     It, groaning thing,
                     Turned black and sank.
                     Then from the far caverns
                     Of dead sins
                     Came monsters, livid with desire.
                     They fought,
                     Wrangled over the world,
                     A morsel.
                     But of all sadness this was sad, -
                     A woman's arms tried to shield
                     The head of a sleeping man
                     From the jaws of the final beast.

                , ,
                ,   .


                      A spirit sped
                      Through spaces of night;
                      And as he sped, he called:
                      "God! God!"
                      He went through valleys
                      Of black death-slime,
                      Ever calling:
                      "God! God!"
                      Their echoes
                      From crevice and cavern
                      Mocked him:
                      "God! God! God!"
                      Fleetly into the plains of space
                      He went, ever calling:
                      "God! God!"
                      Eventually, then, he screamed,
                      Mad in denial:
                      "Ah, there is no God!"
                      A swift hand,
                      A sword from the sky,
                      Smote him,
                      And he was dead.

                 - ! !
                 - ! !
                 ,    ,
                 - ! ! !
                 - ! !
                 ,    ,
                 - , , , !





            A man builded a bugle for the storms to blow.
            The focussed winds hurled him afar.
            He said that the instrument was a failure.


            When the suicide arrived at the sky, the people
                there asked him: "Why?"
            He replied: "Because no one admired me."


            A man said: "Thou tree!"
            The tree answered with the same scorn: "Thoy man!
            Thoy art greater ehan I only in thy possibilities."


            A warrior stood upon a peak and defied the stars.
            A little magpie, happening there, desired the
               soldier's plume, and so plucked it.


            The wind that waves the blossoms sang, sang, sang
               from age to age.
            The flowers were made curious by this joy.
            "Oh, wind," they said, "why sing you at your
              labour, while we, pink beneficiaries, sing
              not, but idle, idle, idle from age to age?"



               ,     .


                : -     ?
              -      , -


               : -  - !
              -  - !


               ,  ,


              ,   ,
               , , ...
              -  , -  , -
                             ,  ,
               ,   ,  
                                   , .


                When a people reach the top of a hill
                Then does God lean toward them,
                Shortens tongues, lengthens arms.
                A vision of their dead comes to the weak.
                The moon shall not be loo old
                Before the new battalions rise
                - Blue battalions -
                The moon shall not be too old
                When the children of change shall fall
                Before the new battalions
                - The blue battalions -

                Mistakes and virtues will be trampled deep
                A church a thief shall fall together
                A sword will come at the bidding of the eyeless,
                The God-led, turning only to beckon.
                Swinging a creed like a censer
                At the head of the new battalions
                - Blue battalions -
                March the tools of nature's impulse
                Men born of wrong, men born of right
                Men of the new battalions
                - The blue battalions -

                The clang of swords is Thy wisdom
                The wounded make gestures like Thy Son's
                The feet of mad horses is one part,
                - Aye, another is the hand of a mother
                on the brow of a son.
                Then swift as they charge through a shadow.
                The men of the new battalions
                - Blue battalions -
                God lead them high. God lead them far
                Lead them far, lead them high
                These new battalions
                - The blue battalions -

                 ,  .
                                -   -
                                -   -

                ,  , 
                                -   -
                ,  , , 
                                -   -
                  -   ,
                   -   ,
                  -     .
                                -   -
                   .    .
                                -   -


                Rumbling, buzzing, turning, whirling Wheels,
                Dizzy Wheels!

                      , , ,


          " " - 1899 -

                   Do not weep, maiden, for war is kind.
                   Because your lover threw wild hands toward the sky
                   And the affrighted steed ran on alone,
                   Do not weep.
                   War is kind.

                   Hoarse, booming drums of the regiment,
                   Little souls who thirst for fight,
                   These men were born to drill and die.
                   The unexplained glory flies above them,
                   Great is the Battle-God, great, and his Kingdom -
                   A field where a thousand corpses lie.

                   Do not weep, babe, for war is kind.
                   Because your father tumbled in the yellow trenches,
                   Raged at his breast, gulped and died,
                   Do not weep.
                   War is kind.

                   Swift blazing flag of the regiment,
                   Eagle with crest of red and gold,
                   These men were born to drill and die.
                   Point for them the virtue of slaughter,
                   Make plain to them the excellence of killing
                   And a field where a thousand corpses lie.

                   Mother whose heart hung humble as a button
                   On the bright splendid shroud of your son,
                   Do not weep.
                   War is kind.

                   He , ,   .

                   ,   ;
                    ,   ,

                     ,    -
                   ,    .

                    , ,   .
                       , , ,

                     - .
                    ,   -  ,
                    ,    .

                   ,  ,    ,


                  , ,   .
                 - ,     

                  ,   ,

                  , ,   .
                 - ,      
                    ,   ,




                     "What says the sea, little shell?
                     What says the sea?
                     Long has our brother been silent to us,
                     Kept his message for the ships,
                     Awkward ships, stupid ships."

                     "The sea bids you mourn, oh, pines,
                     Sing low in the moonlight.
                     He sends tale of the land of doom,
                     Of place where endless falls
                     A rain of women's tears,
                     And men in grey robes -
                     Men in grey robes -
                     Chant the unknown pain."

                     "What says the sea, little shell?
                     What says the sea?
                     Long has our brother been silent to us,
                     Kept his message for the ships,
                     Puny ships, silly ships."

                     "The sea bids you teach, oh, pines,
                     Sing low in the moonlight,
                     Teach the gold of patience,
                     Cry gospel of gentle hands,
                     Cry a brotherhood of hearts.
                     The sea bids you teach, oh, pines."

                     "And where is the reward, little shell?
                     What says the sea?
                     Long has our brother been silent to us,
                     Kept his message for the ships,
                     Puny ships, silly ships."

                     "No word says the sea, oh, pines,
                     No word says the sea.
                     Long will your brother be silent to you,
                     Keep his message for the ships,
                     Oh, puny pines, silly pines."

                  -   ,  ?
                   ,  .

                  -    ,  ,

                  -   ,  ?
                   ,  .

                  -    ,  ,
                     ,  .

                  -    ,  ?
                   ,  .

                  -     ,  ,
                    ,  .


                  To the maiden
                  The sea was blue meadow
                  Alive with little froth-people

                  To the sailor, wrecked,
                  The sea was dead grey walls
                  Superlative in vacancy
                  Upon which nevertheless at fateful time
                  Was written
                  The grim hatred of nature.


                   - ,
                 ,  ,
                  , ,    



                      , ,   


                 A little ink more or less!
                 It surely can't matter?
                 Even the sky and the opulent sea,
                 The plains and the hills, aloof,
                 Hear the uproar of all these books.
                 But it is only a little ink more or less.

                 You define me God with these trinkets?
                 Can my misery meal on an ordered walking
                 Of surpliced numbskulls?
                 And a fanfare of lights?
                 Or even upon the measured pulpitings
                 Of the familiar false and true?
                 Is this God?
                 Where, then, is hell?
                 Show me some bastard mushroom
                 Sprung from a pollution of blood.
                 It is better.

                 Where is God?

                ,   .

                   - ?



                "Have you ever made a just man?"
                "Oh, I have made three," answered God,
                "But two of them are dead
                And the third -
                Listen! Listen!
                And you will hear the third of his defeat."

                 -     ?
                 - ,   , -  , -
                  -   ,


                  "   - ?"
                  "  , -  , -
                  ! !
                  ?    !"


             I explain the silvered passing of a ship at night,
             The sweep of each sad lost wave
             The dwindling boom of the steel thing's striving
             The little cry of a man to a man
             A shadow falling across the greyer night
             And the sinking of the small star.

             Then the waste, the far waste of waters
             And the soft lashing of black waves
             For long and in loneliness.

             Remember, thou, o ship of love
             Thou leaves! a far waste of waters
             And the soft lashing of black waves
             For long and in loneliness.

            ,    ,
             ,   .

             -  ,   
             ?    ,
              ,  .

             ,  ,  ,
              ,  .


                       - ,
                     - ,   

                     ,   ,


                "I have heard the sunset song of the birches
                A white melody in the silence
                I have seen a quarrel of the pines.
                At nightfall
                The little grasses have rushed by me
                With the wind men.
                These things have I lived," quoth the maniac,
                "Possessing only eyes and ears.
                But, you-
                You don green spectacles before you look at roses."

                     -      ,
                      ,   ;
                      ,     ;
                      ,   - .
                         , -
                                           , -


                  Fast rode the knight
                  With spurs, hot and reeking
                  Ever waving an eager sword.
                  "To save my lady!"
                  Fast rode the khight
                  And leaped from saddle to war.
                  Men of steel flickered and gleamed
                  Like riot of silver lights
                  And the gold of the knight's good banner
                  Still waved on a castle wall.

                  A horse
                  Blowing, staggering, bloody thing
                  Forgotten at foot of castle wall.
                  A horse
                  Dead at foot of castle wall.

                ,  ,
               -    !
               ,   ,   .

               , ,  ,


              Forth went the candid man
              And spoke freely to the wind-
              When he looked about him he was in far strange

              Forth went the candid man
              And spoke freely to the stars-
              Yellow light tore sight from his eyes.

              "My good fool," said a learned bystander,
              "Your operations are mad."

              "You are too candid," cried the candid man
              And when his stick left the head of the learned
              It was two sticks.



                    -   , -  
                                                              , -
                    -   ! -


                          You tell me this is God?
                          I tell you this is a printed list,
                          A burning candle and an ass.

                       ,   ?


             On the desert
             A silence from the moon's deepest valley.
             Fire-rays fall athwart the robes
             Of hooded men, squat and dumb.
             Before them, a woman
             Moves to the blowing of shrill whistles
             And distant-thunder of drums
             While slow things, sinuous, dull with terrible
             Sleepily fondle her body
             Or move at her will, swishing stealthily over the
             The snakes whisper softly;
             The whispering, whispering snakes
             Dreaming and swaying and staring
             But always whispering, softly whispering.
             The wind streams from the lone reaches
             Of Arabia, solemn with night,
             And the wild fire makes shimmer of blood
             Over the robes of the hooded men
             Squat and dumb.
             Bands of moving bronze, emerald, yellow
             Circle the throat and the arms of her
             And over the sands serpents move warily
             Slow, menacing and submissive,
             Swinging to the whistles and drums,
             The whispering, whispering snake,
             Dreaming and swaying and staring
             But always whispering, softly whispering.
             The dignity of the accursed;
             The glory of slavery, despair, death
             Is in the dance of the whispering snakes.

               , , .
               ,   ,   

               ,  ,
               , ,  ,
               , .
                 - , ,  -
               ,  ,
               , ,  ,
                , ,  -


               A newspaper is a collection of half-injustices
               Which, bawled by boys from mile to mile,
               Spreads its curious opinion
               To a million merciful and sneering men.
               While families cuddle the joys of the fireside
               When spurred by tale of dire lone agony.
               A newspaper is a court
               Where every one is kindly and unfairly tried
               By a squalor of honest men.
               A newspaper is a market
               Where wisdom sells its freedom
               And melons are crowned by the crowd.
               A newspaper is a game
               Where his error scores the player victory
               While another's skill wins death.
               A newspaper is a symbol;
               It is fetless life's chronicle,
               A collection of loud tales
               Concentrating eternal stupidities,
               That in remote ages lived unhaltered,
               Roaming through a fenceless world.

               -   ,
                  ,   ,
               -  ,
               -  ,
               -  ,
               -  ,


                    -  ,
                    - ,

                    - ,
                    - ,  
                    - ,
                     ,   ,


                       The wayfarer
                       Perceiving the pathway to truth
                       Was struck with astonishment.
                       It was thickly grown with weeds.
                       "Ha," he said,
                       "I see that none has passed here
                       In a long time."
                       Later he saw that each weed
                       Was a singular knife.
                       "Well," he mumbled at last,
                       "Doubtless there are other roads."

                   - , -  , -
                   - -, -   , -
                   -   .


                     - ! -  , -
                      , - 
                       . -
                      - .
                     - -, -  , -
                     ,    .


              A slant of sun on dull brown walls
              A forgotten sky of bashful blue.
              Toward God a mighty hymn
              A song of collisions and cries
              Rumbling wheels, hoof-beats, bells,
              Welcomes, farewells, love-calls, final moans,
              Voices of joy, idiocy, warning, despair,
              The unknown appeals of brutes,
              The chanting of flowers
              The screams of cut trees,
              The senseless babble of hens and wise men-
              A clutteres incoherency that says at the stars:
              "Oh, God, save us."

             ,  ,  ,
            , ,  ,
             , , , ,
            ,  ,
               ,   :
            - ,  !


                 ,    .
                 ,  ,  ,
                 , , ,
                 , , ,
                 ,     :
                ",  !"


              Once, a man, clambering to the house-tops,
              Appealed to the heavens.
              With strong voice he called to the deaf spheres;
              A warrior's shout he raised to the suns.
              Lo, at last, there was a dot on the clouds,
              And-at last and at last-
              -God-the sky was filled with armies.

                 ,    ,
                   - ! -


                  There was a man with tongue of wood
                  Who essayed to sing,
                  And in truth it was lamentable
                  But there was one who heard
                  The clip-clapper of this tongue of wood
                  And knew what the man
                  Wished to sing,
                  And with that the singer was content.

                 ,   ,
                  ,    .


                      -  -  


                   The successful man has thrust himself
                   Through the water of the years,
                   Reeking wet with mistakes,
                   Bloody mistakes;
                   Slimed with victories over the lesser
                   A figure thankful on the shore of money.
                   Then, with the bones of fools
                   He buys silken banners
                   Limned with his triumphant face,
                   With the skins of wise men
                   He buys the trivial bows of all.
                   Flesh painted with marrow
                   Contributes a coverlet
                   A coverlet for his contented slumber
                   In guiltless ignorance, in ignorant guilt
                   He delivers his secrets to the riven multitude.
                   "Thus I defended: Thus I wrought."
                   Complacent, smiling
                   He stands heavily on the dead.
                   Erect on a pillar of skulls
                   He declaims his trampling of babes;
                   Smirking, fat, dripping
                   He makes his speech in guiltless ignorance,

               , , 
              ,   ,
                ,   ,
              ,      .
              -         ;   
              , ,
               ,   .
              , , ,


              In the night
              Grey, heavy clouds muffled the valleys,
              And the peaks looked toward God, alone.
                  "Oh, Master that movest the wind with a finger,
                  Humble, idle, futile peaks are we.
                  Grant that we may run swiftly across the world
                  To huddle in worship at Thy feet."

              In the morning
              A noise of men at work came the clear blue miles
              And the little black cities were apparent.
                  "Oh, Master that knowest the meaning of rain-
                  Humble, idle, futile peaks are we.
                  Give voice to us, we pray, 0 Lord,
                  That we may sing Thy goodness to the sun."

              In the evening
              The far valleys were sprinkled with tiny lights.
                  "Oh, Master,
                  Thou who knowest the value of kings and birds,
                  Thou hast made us humble, idle, futile peaks.
                  Thou only needest eternal patience;
                  We bow to Thy wisdom, 0 Lord-
                  Humble, idle, futile peaks."

              In the night
              Grey, heavy clouds muffled the valleys
              And the peaks looked toward God, alone.

                   , .
                  -  ,    ,
                   , ,  .

                  -  ,    ,
                   , ,  .
                  ,  , ,

                  -  ,
                  ,     ,
                    , ,  ,
                      , ,
                  , , ,  .

              ,    ,
                   , .


               The chatter of a death-demon from a tree-top.

               Blood-blood and torn grass-
               Had marked the rise of his agony-
               This lone hunter.
               The grey-green woods impassive
               Had watched the threshing of his limbs.

               A canoe with flashing paddle
               A girl with soft searching eyes,
               A call: "John!"

               Come, arise, hunter!
               Can you not hear?

               The chatter of a death-demon from a tree-top.


                  ,       -

                    ,   ,
                   : - !

                  , , !



           The impact of a dollar upon the heart
           Smiles warm red light

           Sweeping from the hearth rosily upon the white table,
           With the hanging cool velvet shadows
           Moving softly upon the door.

           The impact of a million dollars
           Is a crash of flunkeys
           And yawning emblems of Persia
           Cheeked against oak, France and a sabre,
           The outcry of old beauty
           Whored by pimping merchants
           To submission before wine and chatter.
           Silly rich peasants stamp the carpets of men,
           Dead men who dreamed fragrance and light
           Into their woof, their lives;
           The rug of an honest bear
           Under the foot of a cryptic slave
           Who speaks always of baubles,
           Forgetting place, multitude, work and state,
           Champing and mouthing of hats
           Making ratful squeak of hats,





                  ,    ,

                  ,  ,  ,  ,
                -   ,


                        A man said to the universe:
                        "Sir, I exist"
                        "However," replied the universe,
                        "The fact has not created in me
                        A sense of obligation."

                         - !  !
                         - , -  , -


                         ",  !"
                         " , -   , -


                  When the prophet, a complacent fat man,
                  Arrived at the mountain-top
                  He cried: "Woe to my knowledge!
                  I intended to see good white lands
                  And bad black lands-
                  But the scene is grey."

                , ,
             : -      !
              ,   - ,
               - .


                     ,   ,
                     : ",   !
                      -  ".


                There was a land where lived no violets.
                A traveller at once demanded: "Why?"
                The people told him:
                "Once the violets of this place spoke thus:
                'Until some woman freely gives her lover
                To another woman
                We will fight in bloody scuffle.'"
                Sadly the people added:
                "There are no violets here."

                ,    .
              - ,    .
             -  ,    , :
             "  ,       
             -    .


                       Aye, workman, make me a dream
                       A dream for my love.
                       Cunningly weave sunlight,
                       Breezes and flowers.
                       Let it be of the cloth of meadows.
                       And-good workman-
                       And let there be a man walking thereon.

                  !  ,  ,
                 , .
                 -    -
                   ,    .


{  99   "The Poems of Stephen Crane" (A critical edition by Joseph
Katz), New York, 1966,     33.   , 

              Each small gleam was a voice
              -A lantern voice-
              In little songs of carmine, violet, green, gold.
              A chorus of colors came over the water;
              The wondrous leaf shadow no longer wavered,
              No pines crooned on the hills
              The blue night was elsewhere a silence
              When the chorus of colors came over the water,
              Little songs of carmine, violet, green, gold.

              Small glowing pebbles
              Thrown on the dark plane of evening
              Sing good ballads of God
              And eternity, with soul's rest.
              Little priests, little holy fathers
              None can doubt the truth of your hymning
              When the marvellous chorus comes over the water
              Songs of carmine, violet, green, gold.

              -   -
                , , ,
              , , ,

               ,  ,
              , , ,


              The trees in the garden rained flowers.
              Children ran there joyously.
              They gathered the flowers
              Each to himself.
              Now there were some
              Who gathered great heaps-
              -Having opportunity and skill-
              Until, behold, only chance blossoms
              Remained for the feeble.
              Then a little spindling tutor
              Ran importantly to the father, crying:
              "Pray, come hither!
              See this unjust thing in your garden!"
              But when the father had surveyed,
              He admonished the tutor:
              "Not so, small sage!
              This thing is just.
              For,look you,
              Are not they who possess the flowers
              Stronger, bolder, shrewder
              Than they who have none?
              Why should the strong-
              -The beautiful strong-
              Why should they not have the flowers?"

              Upon reflection, the tutor bowed to the ground.
              "My Lord," he said,
              "The stars are misplaced
              By this towering wisdom."

                   ,   ;
                 ,   -
                -   -
                 ,   ,
                     , :
                - ,   !
                ,       !
                   ,  ,
                -   ,  !
                ,  ,
                , ,  ,
                -   -

                ,   .
                - , -  , -



                  Thou art my love
                  And thou art the peace of sundown
                  When the blue shadows soothe
                  And the grasses and the leaves sleep
                  To the song of the little brooks
                  Woe is me.

                  Thou art my love
                  And thou art a storm
                  That breaks black in the sky
                  And, sweeping headlong,
                  Drenches and cowers each tree
                  And at the panting end
                  There is no sound
                  Save the melancholy cry of a single owl
                  Woe is me!

                  Thou art my love
                  And thou art a tinsel thing
                  And I in my play
                  Broke thee easily
                  And from the little fragments
                  Arose my long sorrow
                  Woe is me

                  Thou art my love
                  And thou art a weary violet
                  Drooping from sun-caresses.
                  Answering mine carelessly
                  Woe is me.

                  Thou art my love
                  And thou art the ashes of other men's love
                  And I bury my face in these ashes
                  And I love them
                  Woe is me.

                  Thou art my love
                  And thou art the beard
                  On another man's face
                  Woe is me.

                  Thou art my love
                  And thou art a temple
                  And in this temple is an altar
                  And on this altar is my heart
                  Woe is me.

                  Thou art my love
                  And thou art a wretch.
                  Let these sacred love-lies choke thee
                  For I am come to where I know your lies as truth
                  And your truth as lies
                  Woe is me.

                  Thou art my love
                  And thou art a priestess
                  And in thy hand is a bloody dagger
                  And my doom comes to me surely
                  Woe is me.

                  Thou art my love
                  And thou art a skull with ruby eyes
                  And I love thee
                  Woe is me.

                  Thou art my love
                  And I doubt thee
                  And if peace came with thy murder
                  Then would I murder.
                  Woe is me.

                  Thou art my love
                  And thou art death
                  Aye, thou art death
                  Black and yet black
                  But I love thee
                  I love thee
                  Woe, welcome woe, to me.



                  ,  ,
                  ,  ,  ;
                    -  ,






                    ,     ,
                      ,      ,
                      - .




                  ,  ,
                  , ,   .


                    Love forgive me if I wish you grief
                    For in your grief
                    You huddle to my breast
                    And for it
                    Would I pay the price of your grief

                    You walk among men
                    And all men do not surrender
                    And this I understand
                    That love reaches his hand
                    In mercy to me.

                    He had your picture in his room
                    A scurvy traitor picture
                    And he smiled
                    -Merely a fat complacence
                    Of men who know fine women-
                    And thus I divided with him
                    A part of my love

                    Fool, not to know that thy little shoe
                    Can make men weep!
                    -Some men weep.
                    I weep and I gnash
                    And I love the little shoe
                    The little, little shoe.

                    God give me medals
                    God give me loud honors
                    That I may strut before you, sweetheart
                    And be worthy of-
                    -The love I bear you.

                    Now let me crunch you
                    With full weight of affrighted love
                    I doubted you
                    -I doubted you-
                    And in this short doubting
                    My love grew like a genie
                    For my further undoing.

                    Beware of my Mends
                    Be not in speech too ivil
                    For in all courtesy
                    My weak heart sees spectres,
                    Mists of desires
                    Arising from the lips of my chosen
                    Be not civil.

                    The flower I gave thee once
                    Was incident to a stride
                    A detail of a gesture
                    But search those pale petals
                    And see engraven thereon
                    A record of my intention.

                , ,     
                , ,


                ,   ,

                ,     ,   
                - - .
                  ,   ,
                ,  .

                ,    .

                -     -
                  ,  ,

                   ,  ,
                   , .

                ,     ,


                 Ah, God, the way your little finger moved
                 As you thrust a bare arm backward
                 And made play with your hair
                 And a comb a silly gilt comb
                 Ah, God-that I should suffer
                 Because of the way a little finger moved.

                ,     ,
              , ,  
                ,     ,


             Once I saw thee idly rocking
             -Idly rocking-
             And chattering girlishly to other girls,
             Bell-voiced, happy,
             Careless with the stout heart of unscarred
             And life to thee was all light melody.
             I thought of the great storms of love as I know it
             Tom, miserable and ashamed of my open sorrow,
             I thought of the thunders that lived in my head
             And I wish to be an ogre
             And hale and haul my beloved to a castle
             And there use the happy cruel one cruelly
             And make her mourn with my mourning

               -   -
                -   ,
               , ,

               , ,  
                   ,   .


              Tell me why, behind thee,
              I see always the shadow of another lover?
              Is it real
              Or is this the thrice-damned memory of a better
              Plague on him if he be dead
              Plague on him if he be alive
              A swinish numbskull
              To intrude his shade
              Always between me and my peace

                ,   ,
                 ,   ;
                 ,   ,


                  And yet I have seen thee happy with me.
                  I am no fool
                  To pole stupidly into iron.
                  I have heard your quick breaths
                  And seen your arms writhe toward me;
                  At those times
                  -God help us-
                  I was impelled to be a grand knight
                  And swagger and snap my fingers,
                  And explain my mind finely.
                  Oh, lost sweetheart,
                  I would that I had not been a grand knight,
                  I said: "Sweetheart."
                  Thou said'st: "Sweetheart."
                  And we preserved an admirable mimicry
                  Without heeding the drip of the blood
                  From my heart.

                 ,       ...
                 -  ,  -
                 ,    ,
                 ,   ,
                  : - !
                  : - ! -


              I heard thee laugh,
              And in this merriment
              I defined the measure of my pain;
              I knew that I was alone,
              Alone with love,
              Poor shivering love,
              And he, little sprite,
              Came to watch with me,
              And at midnight
              We were like two creatures by a dead camp-fire.

                   ,   ,
                   ,   ,
                   ,  .


                I wonder if sometimes in the dusk,
                When the brave lights that gild thy evenings
                Have not yet been touched with flame,
                I wonder if sometimes in the dusk
                Thou rememberest a time,
                A time when thou loved me
                And our love was to thee all?
                Is the memory rubbish now?
                An old gown
                Worn in an age of other fashions?
                Woe is me, oh, lost one,
                For that love is now to me
                A supernal dream,
                White, white, white with many suns.

                 ,    ,
                 ,   ,
                    -  ?
                ,   !
               , , ,   !


                Love met me at noonday,
                - Reckless imp,
                To leave his shaded nights
                And brave the glare,-
                And I saw him then plainly
                For a bungler,
                A stupid, simpering, eyeless bungler,
                Breaking the hearts of brave people
                As the snivelling idiot-boy cracks his bowl,
                And I cursed him,
                Cursed him to and fro, back and forth,
                Into all the silly mazes of his mind,
                But in the end
                He laughed and pointed to my breast,
                Where a heart still beat for thee, beloved.

                -  ,
                    , -
                  - ,
                , ,  ,
                       , .


                   I have seen thy face aflame
                   For love of me,
                   Thy fair arms go mad,
                   Thy lips tremble and mutter and rave.
                   This should leave a man content?
                   Thou lovest not me now,
                   But thou didst love me,
                   And in loving me once
                   Thou gavest me an eternal privilege,
                   For I can think of thee.

                  ,    ,
                  ,   -...
                   -   -



              A man adrift on a slim spar
              A horizon smaller than the rim of a bottle
              Tented waves rearing lashy dark points
              The near whine of froth in circles.
                                                   God is cold.

              The incessant raise and swing of the sea
              And growl after growl of crest
              The sinkings, green, seething, endless
              The upheaval half-completed.
                                                   God is cold.

              The seas are in the hollow of The Hand;
              Oceans may be turned to a spray
              Raining down through the stars
              Because of a gesture of pity toward a babe.
              Oceans may become grey ashes,
              Die with a long moan and a roar
              Amid the tumult of the fishes
              And the cries of the ships,
              Because The Hand beckons the mice.

              A horizon smaller than a doomed assassin's cap,
              Inky, surging tumults
              A reeling, drunken sky and no sky
              A pale hand sliding from a polished spar.
                                                   God is cold.

              The puff of a coat imprisoning air:
              A face kissing the water-death
              A weary slow sway of a lost hand
              And the sea, the moving sea, the sea.
                                                   God is cold.

              ,    ,
              ,    ,

              ,  ,
                 - , ,

                -    ,
              ,       .

               - ,
              ,   ,

              ,   ,
               ,  , .


              Chant you loud of punishments,
              Of the twisting of the heart's poor strings
              Of the crash of the lightning's fierce revenge.

               Then sing I of the supple-souled men
               And the strong strong gods
               That shall meet in times hereafter
               And the amaze of the gods
               At the strength of the men.
               -The strong, strong gods-
               -And the supple-souled men-

              ,    .

                 ,  ;
                ,    - -
               - ,   -
               -      -


                   A naked woman and a dead dwarf;
                   Wealth and indifference.
                   Poor dwarf!
                   Reigning with foolish kings
                   And dying mid bells and wine
                   Ending with a desperate comic palaver
                   While before thee and after thee
                   Endures the eternal clown-
                   -The eternal clown-
                   A naked woman.

                  ,  ;
                  ,   ,
                -   -


               Little birds of the night
               Aye, they have much to tell
               Perching there in rows
               Blinking at me with their serious eyes
               Recounting of flowers they have seen and loved
               Of meadows and groves of the distance
               And pale sands at the foot of the sea
               And breezes that fly in the leaves
               They are vast in experience
               These little birds that come in the night.

                ,    ,
                ,      ,
                ,  .
                 ,  .


                   Unwind my riddle.
                   Cruel as hawks the hours fly;
                   Wounded men seldom come home to die;
                   The hard waves see an arm flung high;
                   Scorn hits strong because of a lie;
                   Yet there exists a mystic tie.
                   Unwind my riddle.

                   -  , , -
                    -   ;


          Ah, haggard purse, why ope thy mouth
          Like a greedy urchin
          I have naught wherewith to feed thee
          Thy wan checks have ne'er been puffed
          Thou knowest not the fill of pride
          Why then gape at me
          In fashion of a wronged one
          Thou do smilest wanly
          And reproaches! me with thine empty stomach
          Thou knowest I'd sell my steps to the grave
          If t'were but honestie
          Ha, leer not so,
          Name me no names of wrongs committed with thee
          No ghost can lay hand on thee and me
          We've been too thin to do sin
          What, liar? When thou was filled of gold, didst I riot?
          And give thee no time to eat?
          No, thou brown devil, thou art stuffed now with lies as
                                                      with wealth,
          The one gone to let in the other.

                ,   ,    
                , ,      ,
                ,     ,
                 ,         -
                     ,   .
                ? , ,     ,
                ,  ,    ,


                     One came from the skies
                     -They said-
                     And with a band he bound them
                     A man and a woman.
                     Now to the man
                     The band was gold
                     And to another, iron
                     And to the woman, iron.
                     But this second man,
                     He took his opinion and went away
                     But, by heavens,
                     He was none too wise.

                   -   -
                      -   ;


                   A god came to a man
                   And said to him thus:
                   "I have an apple
                   It is a glorious apple
                   Aye, I swear by my ancestors
                   Of the eternities before this eternity
                   It is an apple that is from
                   The inner thoughts of heaven's greatest.

                   "And this I will hang here
                   And then I will adjust thee here
                   Thus-you may reach it.
                   And you must stifle your nostrils
                   And control your hands
                   And your eyes
                   And sit for sixty years
                   But,-leave be the apple."

                   The man answered in this wise:
                   "Oh, most interesting God
                   What folly is this?
                   Behold, thou hast moulded my desires
                   Even as thou hast moulded the apple.

                   "How, then?
                   Can I conquer my life
                   Which is thou?
                   My desires?
                   Look you, fookish god
                   If I thrust behind me
                   Sixty white years
                   I am a greater god than God
                   And, then, complacent splendor,
                   Thou wilt see that the golden angels
                   That sing pink hymns
                   Around thy throne-top
                   Will be lower than my feet."

                 -    .

                 ,     .

                 -    !

                 ,    ,
                     ,   ,
                  ,  ,
                  ,   ,


             There is a grey thing that lives in the tree-tops
             None know the horror of its sight
             Save those who meet death in the wilderness
             But one is enabled

             To see branches move at its passing
             To hear at times the wail of black laughter
             And to come often upon mystic places
             Places where the thing has just been.

                  ,    ,

                 -  ,
                   ,   , -
                ,      .


             If you would seek a friend among men
             Remember: they are crying their wares.
             If you would ask of heaven of men
             Remember: they are crying their wares
             If you seek the welfare of men
             Remember: they are crying their wares
             If you would bestow a curse upon men
             Remember: they are crying their wares
                    Crying their wares
                    Crying their wares
             If you seek the attention of men
             Help them or hinder them as they cry their wares.

                :    .
                :    .
                :    .
                :    ,


                     :    .
                     :    .
                     :    .
                     :    .


           A lad and a maid at a curve in the stream
           And a shine of soft silken waters
           Where the moon-beams fall through a hemlock's boughs
           Oh, night dismal, night glorious.

           A lad and a maid at the rail of a bridge
           With two shadows adrift on the water
           And the wind sings low in the grass on the shore
           Oh, night dismal, night glorious.

           A lad and a maid, in a canoe,
           And a paddle making silver turmoil

             ,    .
             ,  !

             ,    ,
            ,  ,
            ,     ,  ...
             ,  !

            ,     ...


                A solder, young in years, young in ambitions
                Alive as no grey-beard is alive
                Laid his heart and his hopes before duty
                And went staunchly into the tempest of war.
                There did the bitter red winds of battle
                Swirl 'gainst his youth, beat upon his ambitions,
                Drink his cool clear blood of manhood
                Until at coming forth time

                He was alive merely as the greybeard is alive.
                And for this-

                The nation rendered to him a flower
                A little thing-a flower
                Aye, but yet not so little

                For this flower grew in the nation's heart
                A wet, soft blossom
                From tears of her who loved her son
                Even when the black battle rages
                Made his face the face of furious urchin,
                And this she cherished
                And finally laid it upon the breast of him.
                A little thing-this flower?
                No-it was the flower of duty
                That inhales black smoke-clouds
                And fastens it's roots in bloody sod
                And yet comes forth so fair, so fragrant-
                It's birth is sunlight in grimest, darkest place.

                ,  ,  ,
                  ,  ,
                   ,   ,
                ,       -
                ,  ,
                  -  ?
                ,      ,


              A row of thick pillars
              Consciously bracing for the weight
              Of a vanished roof
              The bronze light of sunset strikes through them,
              And over a floor made for slow rites.
              There is no sound of singing
              But, aloft, a great and terrible bird
              Is watching a cur, beaten and cut,
              That crawls to the cool shadows of the pillars
              To die.

                   ,  ,


                    Oh, a rare old wine ye brewed for me
                    Flagons of bespair
                    A deep deep drink of this wine of life
                    Flagons of despair.

                      Dream of riot and blood and screams
                      The rolling white eyes of dying men
                      The terrible heedless courage of babes


                       - , , ,
                      ,    ,


            There exists the eternal fact of conflict
            And-next-a mere sense of locality
            Afterward we derive sustenance from the winds.
            Afterward we grip upon this sense of locality.
            Afterward, we become patriots.
            The godly vice of patriotism makes us slaves,
            And-let us surrender to this falsity
            Let us be patriots

            Then welcome us the practical men
            Thrumming on a thousand drums
            The practical men, God help us.
              They cry aloud to be led to war
              They have been poltroons on a thousand fields
              And the sacked sad city of New York is their record
              Furious to face the Spaniard, these people, and
                                  crawling worms before their task
              They name serfs and send charity in bulk to better men
              They play at being free, these people of New York
              Who are too well-dressed to protest against infamy

                ,   ,

                 ,  . .
                 -, ,
                 ,  - -
                     *,  ,
                        ,  ,    .
                    ,   .


{*   (. )   - }

                     On the brown trail
                     We hear the grind of your carts
                     To our villages,
                     Laden with food
                     Laden with food
                     We know you are come to our help
                     Why do you impress upon is
                     Your foreign happiness?
                     We know it not.
                     Carts laden with food
                     Laden with food)
                     We weep because we dont understand
                     But your gifts form into a yoke
                     The food turns into a yoke
                     Carts laden with food
                     Laden with food)
                     It is our mission to vanish
                     Grateful because of full mouths
                     Time understands
                     And ye-ye bigoted men of a moment-
                     - Wait -
                     Await your turn.

                       ,    ,
                       ,      .
                       , ,
                      ,  !
                         ,  ,
                      ,  !
                      ,  ,  .
                       , , ,
                      -  -


            All-feeling God, hear in the war-night
            The rolling voices of a nation;
            Through dusky billows of darkness
            See the flash, the under-light, of bared swords -
            -Whirling gleams like wee shells
            Deep in the streams of the universe-
            Bend and see a people, 0, God,
            A people rebuked, accursed,
            By him of the many lungs
            And by him of the bruised weary war-drum
            (The chanting disintegrate and the two-faced eagle)
            Bend and mark our steps, O, God.
            Mark well, mark well,
                            Father of the Never-Ending Circles
            And if the path, the new path, lead awry
            Then in the forest of the lost standards
            Suffer us to grope and bleed apace
            For the wisdom is thine.
            Bend and see a people, 0, God,
            A people applauded, acclaimed,
            By him of the raw red shoulders
            The manacle-marked, the thin victim
            (He lies white amid the smoking cane)

                                                            [NO STANZA BREAK]

            - And if the path, the path, leads straight -
            Then - 0, God - then bare the great bronze arm;
            Swing high the blaze of the chained stars
            And let look and heed
            (The chanting disintegrate and the two-faced eagle)
            For we go, we go in a lunge of a long blue corps
            And - to Thee we commit our lifeless sons,
            The convulsed and furious dead.
            (They shall be white amid the smoking cane)
            For, the seas shall not bar us;
            The capped mountains shall not hold us back
            We shall sweep and swarm through jungle and pool,
            Then let the savage one bend his high chin
            To see on his breast, the sullen glow of the
            For we know and we say our gift.
            His prize is death, deep doom.
            (He shall be white amid smoking cane)


                    , ,
                 ,  ,
                (    ).
                    , ,
                ,  ,
                  ,  ,   ,
                   - .
                    , ,
                (     ).

                  ,  ,   -
                , ,    
                (    ). -
                 ,   ,
                  - ,  


                A grey and boiling street
                Alive with rickety noise.
                Suddenly, a hearse,
                Trailed by black carriages
                Takes a deliberate way
                Through this chasm of commerce;
                And children look eagerly
                To find the misery behind the shades.
                Hired men, impatient, drive with a longing
                To reach quickly the grave-side, the end of

                Yes, let us have it over.
                Drive, man, drive.
                Flog your sleek-hided beasts,
                Gallop - gallop - gallop.
                Let us finish it quickly.


                   ,    .
                   , , ,
                   ... ... .


                ,  ,
                 -  ,
                  ,    .
                ,   .
                , , .
                 -  - .


               Bottles and bottles and bottles
               In a merry den
               And the man smiles of women
               Untruthing licence and joy.
               Countless lights
               Making oblique and confusing multiptiplication
               In mirrors
               And the light returns again to the faces.

                      * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

               A cellar, and a death-pale child.
               A woman
               Ministering commonly, degradedly,
               Without manners.
               A murmur and a silence
               Or silence and a murmur
               And then a finished silence.
               The moon beams practically upon the cheap bed.

               An hour, with it's million trinkets of joy or pain,
               Matters little in cellar or merry den
               Since all is death.

                   , ,

                      * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

                   , - ,
                   ,   ,
                     -  ,
                   ,    ...



                    There come in wild revelling strains
                    Black words, stinging
                    That murder flowers
                    The horror of profane speculation.


                            The patent of a lord
                            And the bangle of a bandit
                            Make argument
                            Which God solves
                            Only after lighting more candles.



                       Tell me not in joyous numbers
                       We can make our lives sublime
                       By - well, at least, not by
                       Dabbling much in rhyme.

                       He    :
                       "    !"
                        ?  ,  


                  My cross!

                  Your cross?
                  The real cross
                  Is made of pounds,
                  Dollars or francs.
                  Here I bear my palms for the silly nails
                  To teach the lack
                  - The great pain of lack -
                  Of coin.


                      , ,
                    -    -



"  (.,  1982)      .   . .  
         The Poems of Stephen
Crane.  A  critical  edition by Joseph Katz. New York, 1966 (  :
       1 - 68     The Black Riders and
Other  Lines  by  Stephen  Crane.  Boston,  1895  (    : "

     1.  "  1783-1893    (1900;
   : " ")    "The
Black  Riders"  (" "),   1894    
:  "Black  Riders  rode  forth".    
      (, 6: 2, 4, 5,
8),    Thomas  Beer   "Stephen Crane: A study in American Letters"
(New  York,  1928;      :    )   ,  
      "    , 

     6.            ;     ,  

(    20    1891  ),    
      "  ,   ,    .
  !      ,   
 -  ?         , 
  ,      ,   ?.."

     12.    -      (, 20: 5): "... 
,    ,    ,         
   ,  ".

     22.   " "   "Ancestry" ("" 

     25.  " "   "Why?" ("?").

     27.        "    "          "Content"

     33.      ,      
   .       ,  
  -    .

        " ,    ,
        ",   80- 
XVII      ( . .).

     65.  " " -   "Scaped" (""),

     69-73.     ,    ,
      " ",   
      .   - 
 "Bookman" ( 1896 ).

     74.    -   "Philistine" ( 1898 ).   "
-  .    ,   -
       ",   .  (,
1898)           "The  Blue  Battalions"  ("
  (  -  "-1")  -    .   
    74      "
".      -         
   1861-1865 .

     75.  -   "Philistine"   1898  ( ).

     76-112  -     ,    
        "War  is Kind by Stephen Crane". New York, 1899
(  : " ").

     76.    -     "Bookman"   1896   
"War  is  Kind"  ("  ").              
:  "-2").       ,    
1895  .        ,   
      .     "  "
        : 17  1895 ,  
,  ,       ;  ,  
.      ,       

     77.      28    1895  ,   ,
,     .   -  
"Philistine"      1896  .             
"-2"   : "The Shell and the Pines" ("  ");
  "-1" : "The Sea to the Pines" (" -   - 

     78.      .   -  
"Philistine"   1896 .  "-1" : "The Sea - Point of
View"  ("    ").     
       (.  ).  ,        
   ,    .

     79, 80.  -   " ".

     81.        1896  .     
"Bookman"   1896    "Lines" (""),  "-2"
: "I explain the path of a ship" ("   "). 
   (  ):

                   , - ,

                   - ,


               1897  .    
(         ) ,
  ,          81.    1896  
  "Bookman"         .   " 
",    ,    ,     
,  "   ";  ,    
  81.  "I  explain  the  crooked track of a coon at night" ("
      ").  ,  ,   

     82.            ...    (!)  ,
      "Philistine"    . 
       1896 .  "-1"
: "The White Birches" (" ").

     83.    -     "The Roycroft Quarterly"   1896 . 
"-1" . "The Knight and His Horse" ("   ").

     84.    -      "  ".    "-1"  "-2"
: "The Candid Man" (" ").

     85.    -    "Philistine"   1898   

     86.    -      "Philistine"   1898   
"Lines" ("").

     87.  -   " ",

     88.    -  .  " " -   "The
Wayfarer" ("").

     89.   -   "Philistine"   1895 .  "-1"
   "The City" ("");  "-2" -   "The Noise
of the City" (" ").

     90.       1897 , ,   ,
  -,          . "   
.               ,   
          ",  -      11
  1896   ,   ,     
 1895     .    
 " ".

     91.    .     "
" (. ).     " ".

     92.        : 5  1897 . ,
  -            . 
 -   " ".

     93.    -    "Chap-book"   1896   
"Verses"  ("").  " " -   "The Peaks"
("");    "-1"  -     "The Prayer of the Mountains", 
"-2"  -      "The  Prayer  of the Peaks" ( ,   -
" ").       . , 
      -        ,      

     94.   -   "Philistine"   1895 .  "-1"
-   "The Death-demon" (" ").

     95.    -   "Philistine"   1898   
        "Some  Things"  (    
" ").

     96-97.  -   " ".

     98.     -    .    "  "  
 "The Violets" ("").

     99.    99        33,
 " "   .

     100.  -   " ".

     101.  -   "Philistine"   1895 .  "-1"
 "-2" -   "The Lantern Song" (" ").

     102.  -   " ".

     103.  ,  ,    1898       -   
-     . , 
  ,    " ",   

     104-112.  -   " ".

     113.        .  , 
              1898  .    
,          (114, 775),    1928  
       .     , 
,      ,   , ,
,      .        , 
      "Bookman"      1928          "

     114.    ,      ,  ,  
    1897 .   - . 
113.  "-2"     .

     115.   - .  113.

     116.  .  .    ,   
    , 1893-1894 . 22  1931
         " "  "- 
"  (,    ,    )   
    : , , ,
  ,          ", 
"      "    ".      100  
  116     .   1934  
   "The Golden Book".

     117.  ,  ,      1899  .     
  "The  Clan  of  No-name"  ("  ")    
  "    ",      1900  -
  . .

     118.       ,      "
 ",   -   ,  . 
      1892  .        
  .    "  " (-, 1957); 
      ;  ,   
("     ").

     119.    ,     "

                     ,     !

,                . 
    ,        ,   
        .  " "  

     120.         ,   
  "  " (. ).   
  -        .  , 
          " ",    

     121.    ,   1897 .

     122.      .   "-2"  "If you would seek a
friend"  ("      ").   ,   
  "The Reformer",      ,
                9  1894 
(   ,       ).

     123.        ,     1897 .  "-2"
:  "Oh  night  dismal,  night  glorious"  ("    , 
") .

     124.         -   1894           
",    ",     .   
1957         ( ).  

     125.       . ,    1895

     126. ,    1896 .  
 90).   ,   : ",  
  , ,   , 
,       ,       
  ,    . 
       ,     .  :  ? 
          ,  ,  ,
        .      ,  
  .  ..."

     127.        1898        1899  ,  
        .  ,   ,
          1899  .      -
      - ,   

     128. , ,   1898 .

     129.             :
      ".      "-
"  -     , ,    " 
,  ,     ,     ". 
      "-   ",          
,  ,          , 
  1898  .        .  " 
" -   "The Battle Hymn" (" ").

1899 .

     131.        1899 .

     133.      1899 .

     134.        1899        1900  .   
(1807-1882)  "  "  (.        : "  

     135.    ( ) ,   ,
 1899-1900 .

                                                           . . 

Last-modified: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 05:49:28 GMT