. ,
- .
, 12 "
-: 1941 .
"" ,
- "-"
41. 16
1941 . - ,
, -
10 . . .
3% 5 42.
. . ,
, 6
1941 . -43.
, ,
, 9--12
' .
" , ,
", "45.
30 1941 .
30 1942 . "
, ,
. ,
. ,
, , -
. . , " ,
, ,
, . ,
, ".
: "...
, , ..." (
--. .)47.
m 48.
-- 1941 .
1942 .
, , .
-. 21
1941 ., 49.
, -
1 1942 . 30 1943 . ,
" , "
- "50.
29 1941 .
1 . . ,
-- -.
. . , . . , . .
. ,
51. 1 1941 .
() . 70
(, , ) 80
, - .
10 1941 . 30 1942 . 400
(100 300 ), 500 , 200
, 2 . , 1 . |
,, 7 . , 1,5 . , 300 , 1250
, ,
152 756 :
53. ,
(, , , ,
. .) ,
. 65.
- .
) . 56.
. 3 1941 .
, " ,
" (--. .), ,
..."58.. , ,
-- ,
6 1941 . -.
. 7 1941 .,
40 . . 50 . .
1941 .
- 1
. . 5
. /
"- ...,
" -
..." ,'
7 1941 . - .
- ,
" ,
11 1942 . . . 64.
- ,
- -.
-- (6..1942 .), : (19.. 1943 .)
(17.IV.1945 .)--65,
. , 1941 .
360 778 - 545 . .
741 .
66. 1943 ..
-, . . - , "
, , ,
". 1945 .
, "-.
. ,
, , "
. ,
68. ,
, ,
: , . '
, ;
, , ( )
2 .
101--12 ", 200
, 1941 ., -
. 1942 .
. , , 1942 .
, "PQ", --"QP".
"JW" "RA"
, 51. 1941 . 7
, "" "PQ-6".
, -
% . ,
1942 . .
1942--1943 . 1942 ., . '
764 337 , 1943
. 245 097 , 1/3 1942 .73.
1943 ., ,
, ,
- . , "
, ,
1943--1944 . 8
191 , 3 .
8 , 2 % 20075.
, 1944 .
1944 . 1945 . 250 9 ,
2 . 236 ,
, 9 230
, ,
3 964 231 77,
3 700 000 --2 700 000 ,
78. ,
%, ,
4,5 . , 25% ,
, ,
. 1941--1945 ., % ,
40 "RQ-JW" 811 ,
720, * 58 33
. " "
%, , 42
813 . "QP-RA",
. , 35
715 , 680,
29 8 . " "
36 717 , 27 7
, , ,
1943--1945 .,
-- 1942 ., ' "PQ-17",
"PQ-18" "QP-12", %"QP-13", "QP-14" 37 22 .
, , .
' Documents of American Foreign Relations. Vol. 1--23 New York
1939--1967 Vol. 2 (July 1939--June 1940). P. 629--649.
2 The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt
(. byS I Ro-%senman. 1933 Vol.--1945 Vol. New York, 1938--1950. 1939
Vol. P. 512--522.
s Documents on American Foreign Relations. Vol. 2. P. 656--671.
4 h u h i U W. S. The Second World War. Vol. 1--6. London,
T/ol 2 P. 491.
' 5'stettinius, jr. E. R. Lend-Lease. Weapon for Victory. New York
1944'e H u i I C. The Memoirs. Vol. 1--2. New York, 1948.
Vol. 1. P. 873.
7 "
. 29 1939 .; Hall D. H. North American
Supply. London, 10 P 256.
I Stettinius, jr. E. R. Lend-Lease. P. 63.
9 . . . . 1--2
1958. . 1. . 385-387.
" 1" The Public Papers and Adresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt. 1940. Vol
P 633-- ,644, 663-672.
II Stettinius, jr E. R. Lend-Lease. P. 68.
'J - .: Ibid. P. 335--339.
is Hull . The Memoirs. Vol. 2. P. 923.
M The New York Times. 1941. 9 February, 12 February.
15 3 . . -
• 1939--1941 . ., 1964. . 213--215, 217--223,
225--227, 265--267.
'" L a n g W. L., Q 1 a s n S. E. The Undeclared War 1940--1941
New-York, 1953. P. 257.
. . . 1. . 440.
18 Documents on American Foreign Relations. Vol.
3 (July 1940--June
1941). P. 716.
19 Congressional Record. Proceedings and Debates
of 77 Congress. First Session
Parts 1--15 (3.1.1941--2.1.1942). Washington, 1941--1942. Pt. 1. P.
815; Pt. 2. P. 2097.
20 Stettinius, jr. E. R. Lend-Lease. P. 84.
21 Documents on American Foreign Relations. Vol.
3. P. 727--729.
22 . . . 1. . 441,
444, 445.
23 1 1 D. H. North American Supply. P. 294.
s< . . . 1. . 460.
25 Stettinius, jr. E. R. Lend-Lease. P. 105--106.
26 .: Ibid.
P. IX--X, 108.
27 . . . 1, . 463.
28 (. . . . . .
1--4. ., 1983--1987. . 3. . 332.
29 D a w s n R. H. The Decision to Aid Russia,
1941. Foreign Policy
and Domestic Politics. Chapel Hill, 1959. P. 55; W a 11 e s S. Time for
New York, 1944. P. 170.
"Churchill W. S. The Second World War. Vol. 3. P. 330.
" L a n g e W. L., G 1 e a s n S. E. The Undeclared War. P. 530.
82 h u h i 1 1 W. S. The Second World War. Vol. 3. P.
330; W i n a n t J. Letter from Grosvenor Square. An Account of a
Stewardship. Boston, 1947. P. 203--204.
33 Churchill W. S. The Second World War. Vol. 3.
P. 332--333.
34 The New York Times. 1941. 25 June.
35 Langer W. L., G lea son S. E. The Underclared
War. P. 561; Stet
tinius. jr. E. R. Lend-Lease. P. 203--205.
3" Foreign Relations of the United States. Diplomatic Papers
1941. Vol. 1--4. Washington, 1956--1959. Vol. 1. P. 802--814; .
. . 1. . 526-529, 538, 543.
" . . . I. . 547.
38 The Secret Diary of Harold L. Ickes. Vol.
1--3. New York, 1953--1955. Vol. 3.
P. 582. 594--595.
39 Ibid. P. 592-593.
40 D a w s n R. H. The Decision to Aid Russia.
P. 160.
*' . . . ( 1941-- 1942).
., 1967. . 87; Roskill S. W. The War at Sea 1939-1945. Vol. 1-3. London,
1954--1961. Vol. 1. P. 486; Churchill W. S. The Second World War. Vol. 3. P.
. . . 1--3. ., 1946--1947. . 1. . 148--149.
" . . . 1939--1943.
„ 1965. . 173--174.
" . . -
. . 336--337.
'%4"'^ -
1941--1945 . . 2-. . 1--2. „ 1986. . 1.
. 25.
48 Foreign Relations of the United States. 1941. Vol. 1. P.
47 . . . .
48 . . 128--129.
49 . . 1. . 34--36.
50 . . . .
51 Foreign Relations of the United States. 1941.
Vol. 1. P. 840, 844. interna-
52 Department of State. Publication 2759.
European series 22. Wartime imerna
tional Agreements. Soviet Supply Protocols. Washington, 1946. P. 3--8.
53 Ibidem.
54 Ibid. P. 8.
.9* 17
J? 3. 5556
55 Ibid. P. 3.
56 . . . 1 614--615;
. 2. . 84.
57 S t e 11 i n i u s, jr. E. R. Lend-Lease P 127
58 . . 1. . 37--38.
59 Foreign Relations of the United States. 1941.
Vol. 1. P. 848.
" . . -
. . 362-363.
61 . . 2. . 6--7.
. . 7--8.
Documents on American Foreign Relations Vol. 4 (July
1941--June 1942). P. 607; S t e t t i n i u s, jr. E. R. Lend-Lease. P. 131.
64 .: . . :
1945. ., 1983. . 94--99.
65 Soviet Supply Protocols. P. 17, 53 ,92.
66 M t t e r Vail . . The Persian Corrisor
and the Aid to Russia. Wa
shington, 1952. Appendix A. P. 480--482; Foreign Commerce and
Navigation of the
United States for the Calender Year, 1941. Washington, 1942. P. 38.
" . 1943. 5 ; Lend-Lease Fact and Fiction. February 2.
1945. P. 5.
68 Soviet Supply Protocols. P. 3
69 h u h i 1 1 W. S. The Second World War.
Vol. 4. P. 259.
70 .:
. .
. ., 1964. . 144--145; Roskill S. W. The
at Sea. Vol. 1. P. 484--485.
71 Merchantmen of War. The Official Story of the
Merchant Navy 1939--1941..
London, 1944. P. 102--103, 106; Campbell I., Macintyre D. The Kola Run.
A Record of Artie Convoys 1941--1945. London, 1958. P. 236--237.
" . . . . ., 1956. .
73 F e i s H. Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin. The
War They Waged and the Peace
They Sought. Princeton, 1957. P. 232.
74 M . .
( 1939 .-- 1943 .).
. . ., 1956. . 379.
75 United States Naval Institute Proceedings.
1952. No 598. P. 34; Camp
bell I., Macintyre D. The Kola Run. P. 236--239.
76 United States Naval Institute Proceedings.
1952. No 598. P. 40; Cam p-
b e 1 1 I., Macintyre D. The Kola Run. P. 234--235, 238--239.
77 M 11 e r Vail . . The Persian Corridor and
the Aid to Russ:a. Appen
dix A. P. 481--483.
78 M . .
. 1943-- 1945.
. . ., 1959. . 276.
79 t t e r Vail . . The Persian Corridor
and the Aid to Russia. Appen
dix A. P. 480--483.
80 Campbell I., Macintyre D The Kola Run. P.
232--339; Ros
kill S. W. The War at Sea. Vol. 3. Part II. P. 432--435;
. . 1--8. ., 1976--1980. . 4. . 298.
P. .
, ,
. ,
, ,
5- . '
, "
", 1942 -- -".
, , ,
-87. 10
-88 33 -87, -109 6 Me-,
7 10 1. , 24
1941 ,
5- . 6 1941
25 -88,
8 1941 .
-115. .
5- . 1942
I III 26- "" 6 1942
(). I , ,
, III , ,
1942 PQ-18.
, 1942 .
PQ-16, 17, 18.
"", 26-
-200 "" I 40- ,
-88 ,
- " -138".
-109 -110. ,
1 1942 . PQ-17 :
-88--103 -87--30,
-111--42 -115--15,
-200--8, -88--22, -138--44.
35 -882.
2* 19
. , QP-16 228
-88, 51 -111 9 -115, 33
-87 86 . QP-17 130
, -111 43 -115 29 .
, .
16 17 7 , PQ-18
42 . ,
. 27 1942 .
PQ-18 . 8 1942
. ""
, .
18 -200 . "
" 20 1942 . 27 -88
52 -87. "" ,
1943 . 5-
. ""
1944--45 ,
26- , ,
. , ,
, 5-
. 1943 . 1944 .
60 -, 20 40 ,
60 , 15 20 ,
1944 .--155, --186, 1 1944 .--175
4. ,
. ,
, ,
. , 1943 . -138
, 5-
. , -190
1942 ., . .
. 1942 . 5-
- "-240",
. 1944 .
-188, 1./124,
. - .
, .
, , ,
. ,
1942 -
, -
4- ,
1 Grooehler . Kampf um die Luftherrshcaft. Berlin, 1989 S. 58
The Rise and Fall of the German Air Force. Connectikut, 1969. P. 114.
Fliegerjahrbuch. Berlin, 1977. S. 28.
" Milifargeschichte, 1978. Hett 3. S. 329.
. .
4- 1942 . , ,
PQ-17, ,
. , ,
"". 15
. ,
. 5--8
, , --
"" . .
"" ( )-- ,
. .
. , -3,
, , ,
, .
"", "-38", "",
. 7-
. 76-
, ,
"", . . ;
" ",
" ".
, -
. ,
, 800 ,
"PQ-17" . , " ",
"" - ,
. ,
, . 7
, .
, ,
. 17
, , ,
, ("
", " ", "", " ") ,
, . ,
, c ,
, .
9- " "
" ",
--""-- 23 " "1.
. ""
. , "-457"
10 ( ) 30--40
, .
"-" .
"" " "
. ,
"-251" "-376" 2.
, - ,
"", "", "", ". ",
, ,
, 60
- .
, ".
" 3.
- . 10 30 10