es fnl. features of
fng. units of lower sublevels (electrons, ions and others) serve as one more confirmation
of the presence of a close interlink of all levels of the single systemic organisation
of the evolving Matter.
So, the final result of the Evolution of Matter along the level
H was the formation of the most complex systemic structure - the organic cell. The
structure of every cell includes a strictly definite number of various fnl. subsystems,
each of them carries out a characteristic function strictly definite only of it, providing
a normal functioning of the entire cell as a whole. Each subsystem of a cell has its
strictly definite structure, that includes systemic formations of a lower organisational
level, having a polymolecular composition with their specific laws of functioning. Each
molecular structure includes atomic systems with their specific laws of functioning.
Atomic structures are based on the laws of the functioning of subatomic subsystems. And
so infinitely it is into the structural depth of Matter. All the indicated piling up of
fnl. systems and subsystems is organised in a most fine way in space and time with only
one purpose - to provide the revealing at a strictly definite place in a strictly definite
period of time of the fng. characteristics of a peculiar material formation - the organic
From this very moment Matter entered into a new phase of its
qualitative evolution - the creation of self-regulating and self-governing macrosystems.
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