.    :        

     © Copyright  , 1999
     Email: foodeater_2000@yahoo.com
     WWW: http://www.interlog.com/~alakimov/
     Date: 06 Aug 2001

     Written  in  Plain English  and Russian for Everybody to Understand  by
Alexei Akimov (c)

     1. Copyright 2
     2. Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: 2
     3.      2
     4.  :  3
     5.     16
     6.     () 17
     7.  :    17
     8.  : ,  18
     9.1     () 18
     9.2     ( )
     10.   20
     11. ,        -  20
     12.    21
     13.     : 21
     14.   23
     15.  -   23
     16.  TTC, ,  GO 23
     17. ,     24
     18.  24
     19.  24
     20. ,  25
     21.  26
     22.  :  26
     23.    26
     24.     27
     25.     27
     26.   27
     27. : , . , .  27
     28.  29
     29.1  29
     30. ,   29
     31.   30
     32.   30
     33.      30
     34.     31
     35.   32
     35.1  ,  
     35.2  (   )
     36.   : 34
     37. ,     34
     39.      35
     40. : ,  , ,   36
     41.     36
     42.   COMMUNITY? 36
     43.    ? 36
     44. , :  ,  37
     45.   : 37
     47.  38
     48.   ,  , ESL 38
     49.    -   38
     50.   (,  ) 38
     51.   39
     52.  ,  39
     53.    39
     54.  , CLASSIFIEDS 39
     55.1        (
) 41
     56.   42
     58.  :   (  ). 43
     59.1   -   48
     60.    -   
     61.   ,  52
     62. , () :
     64.  - , , . 53

     1. Copyright
     Copyright 1997-1999 by Alexei Akimov (Writer and publisher).
     All rights reserved.

     08/21/99 Second revised edition.
     07/31/98 First edition
     Russian translation of this book may be freely distributed for private,
non-commercial use provided the  given copyright notice  is kept within  the
distributed  text.  For authorization to  use  this material for  commercial
purposes you may contact:
     Alexei Akimov - E-mail: alakimov@interlog.com.

     2. Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty:
     The author and publisher  of this  book has used  his best  efforts  in
preparing this material.  However, he  does not provide  any immigration  or
settlement services or consultations  on a regular basis; nor any other paid
or professional services, he makes no (explicit  or  implied) representation
or warranties  with respect to the accuracy  or completeness of the contents
of  this  book  and   specifically  disclaims   any  implied  warranties  of
merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose, and shall in no event
be  liable for any loss of profit,  material or any other  kind  of  damage,
connected with usage or failure to use  the materials of  this  publication,
including  but  not limited  to special, incidental, consequential or  other

     ,         ,    
  ,      ,      -
      ,   ,           
(     )    ,
 ,     ,    
    ,  , ,  
   ,    .

         (  )   ".
  .1999. (     ). 350 .  Tel.
:  095-310-2629,  :.  ,  117292  ,  /  104.
. 30 .

(Permanent Residends,  IMM1000).

       (Refugee Claimants)   .

          -   (  )
  ().      .

                  "  ",      
   .    , 
     (   ).  
 ,          . 

 (goodwill, charity  deed),           
-    ,    -    
(  Disclaimer).
   (      ).

     4.  : 
 30  ,  16    -  (
),        -        
.    :            
 (GNP per capita,         
)  70%     (18,000     ).   
    ,     :  ,   ,
,  ,  , ,   .   
   ,   .
       200-220       .  
      -  2     ,     
       :       ,    
  -    (),    (
  () - ( );    ( -
) ,   - .
               900       950 
      -          ( 40%
  - visible minorities,   ,     -).  
 (  )        ,      
      ,  ,       
           97-99       250,000  
   (   30-50 . ).   99 
               (    ) -  

     4.1     -             (   
www.sunshines.com,       -     
  . ,   -  
( )          .
   ,  -,       
          -  . 
     ,  ,           
TOEFL,       .   
     -       ,     
,       ,   
" C".
           24%      , 

.   1998 .    174100 ,   
  1988 .
and Immigration  Canada),        , 
   ,  " "   
,       ,   
  ,        .    
,      ,
,           23  .
  . "  ,   
", -   .
           15000  ,        ,      
,    ,      ,  
.  "      ,       
,    ", -  .  "   
        ,          ,            
,       ,    
. "         
   ", -   - .    4      
    20  ,   
       1986 .   ,  
,      ,         
" "   ,  - .
                  1998  .     
  .            13778  
  -       -  
  19278  1997 .  22459  .   -  35
%      ,        
 ,    ,     24 %.
     -    106000   
    -    ,        -  
  81146. -    ,       
   .   -  ;
11          .
  , , ,  ,  ( 9 )
 .   c ,     
   ,  - . 
,       ,   ,    
              -  50861   -  
   ,          .  
 25   44  .   (47 )   -   
   (4,8 ) -.
              ,     53%  
.     - 73560  -    
;      5174      -  1950.  
     ,       35876 ,  
30169         .      26221    
  -  20234   -   .     11207
,         (5846) 
      ,       ,  1998  . 
.      22644 ,     1997 . -
24100  -   1996 . - 28345.    -  
  ;  15       
   .     -,  ,  ,
, , ,   .
      ( ):


     Q.   ,   ,   .

     A. www.sunshines.com    ,  
,           (  
 ).      on-line   ,  
-            (        
)      ISP     on-line  access).
 (    ),   .    
-   .

        .     : 
 (         )    
 -    -    50-100   .

     Q.     ?

     A.     (download)    


         On-line   .     
:  Winzip, MS  Word.   Winzip   
(set  in  registry).   : Winzipped, rtf MS  Word, 150kb/700 kb
(zipped/rft).           font  ()
Areal.       2-4    (56/33  kb/s).       
 Microsoft Explorer,       : "Save
as"  "Open file".
         on-line      , 
            ,          e-mail
( )  -         
    (news group-   immigration.ca)    
(mailing list),-  .      ,      
  ().  -,       
     (attachment)  e-mail.

'  '- '      '..  
   : http://cicnet.ci.gc.ca/english/.


     *   ,  ,    

     *      :   , 

     *             ,  
   ,    - ,  

      ,         .   
:  "      ,  " - 
:   Northern Telecom,       

       "Pilot  Project  For  Software   Professionals"  (
      ,        ,    
    1  1997 .)   800    
 (           ), 

         (Family class).      p     
y,           p,    ,  p
, p       10 .  y  ypy,
p, y  y,    ,  , 
 p-p  19 .

      (Refugees). py ,  y   p 
     p p     
    .     , 
 ,    , 
 (     ).

     p (Investors).  y     CAD 500,000,     
   y, p y,  py   y y  CAD
350,000. y     ,      pp 
  , yp p.   ppy 
 -  py   p  p.

     pp  (Entrepreneurs).        y    
 p      p   py y 
  ,  p    .   p     y  y
p -,        

     " y" (Self-employed). ,  y, y,
p,    -  ,     p    
pp  "  p  p  ".    
  p   p.

     H   p   (Independent).   ,     p
p     p,    p  yp     
.       .    y p
y  (  ) p y  .

        p     p     y   py
pyy,        ppy  .      
p  .

 ,            .  :  
     100   - 30 ,   -  . 
  -    - 90% ( 
   -  ),   -  - 


.              ,


             ,  ,  
   .      :     
"",  ,       
     (, ).
       : (  )

     0. ,     p.

     1.   .  p  60  -   
 .  60-69 --  y   ("p"),  
p   py   p, y  .   y
 70   ,         .  pp:
pp    p,  p  p   p
  p 71 .      p    p,  p
p:   p  -.

             " ".  ypy()  
  p    .

       p     y     pp
  ,        -   y  y
y   y.

     2. ,  y         ,      
p      yy   p   p.        y,  
p p:  1) p,  $2,000-$5,000; 2)     
py p  y,     .     
, .      p    y.  H
   p,   p  y.

     3. p  y.     p    
pp    p,  py , p    y.
pp    y  .

     4.   y   y.    ypyy  p  
  .    y       , 
y   :    y  py    
   yp py, p , p p,   p,
py         -    ,  p
  p  p p 70   .   p
       y  py ( p   ),
 1  3 .

       y.   pp,  y     y  
  (    ).    -    p,    
y   p p  py p,   y  . 
   p,   ,     p    pp   p
   pp   (Processing Fee).   CAD
$500   p    $100  p.

        ,  p   (Righ Of Landing Fee, ROLF),
  CAD $975     p,     ,
y p y .

      p  .  p ,  py  p 


     5.    p  ,    p  .   ,  ,
p   y  p.   y  p.

.        ,    
  .       ,  
  ,    .     -
     .         -  
,      70 .

     6.  p  .          ,      
         (  p      
p). py:    ,      .
H:  p, USD  $100-300   .     
py     p    y  .   p
 p  p    y  
    ,  p,    p  y  ypp

         -    ,      ,
 (     ).

     7.     py.  , p   p
p    , p  p  .    4-8
,    .

     p         y  -   
p, - p  y   p  
(      ).        y   y   

     8.  y  p,  (          ) 
p  :        p   ppy/y,   ,
 .      /    

        y   , p,  y 
  y       y:    -  CAD  $7,500  
, $10,000   , $13,000  p.   y   y. 
      4  .      
 (,   -    ).

     y   y   4      pp
y.  y      ,      
   y p   p.     
   y    12   -     p  ()

     ,      .   
 -         -      
   (       ),
 ,          ,     
    ,    .  :  
      -   .

     9. p     .  pyp   - p
(-  p   p      y    p    
p      ),   p  
  y.  p,      

               :   Ukrainian   Credit   Union
(http://www.ukrainiancu.com/) .    : 1) 
   (    ). 3)   
    ,    1947   community 
 4)      ,     .  
,            150       ,  
,   . 5)       
    . 6)       
       .     ,    
    (      ). 7)  
  Master Credit Card,     .

     10. p p   .      
   (  ,   ),      
    .       ,  
( ) ,     (      
).         ,           
      - -    
,    ).

     11.  ,   p,  p     y,
   .       p  p .

           -            (   
     )          (   
.       .

 ()    ""       (  
 -     .

     12.  p    . ,        .  -    


          :      ,    
  ,  ,        processing
centers,        ( ,    

         - ,    ,   
.          ,      
   18 .           , 
 .     ,       
   ,      .

     (       ,      
,         ,   
  ,      ,     
    -    ;   , 
 ()    ).        

      :     :
      .   (97-99  )    
   .        (     
" ")       .   ,
 ,       (applicants)    

             . ,   , 
    ,   ,   
.     ,          
,        .    60-70     
          ,     , 

         -         ( ,
   1978 ) -   1985      
       : "     ,  ".  
  .  (,              

       -      ,      

      -      -     
       3-4 .        ,   

     ,   ,      
    ,      .   
/  (   ),       
 .     .

       --     ,      
,     .

       (    ,     


     (+ + +)  .

     (+  ++)     :  ,  ,  
,  ,   ,  
, -.

    (.   ) -   ,  
      . ( 

    -         (8-10
   -   !) -   , -    -
    -      ,  

     (+++)   ,      (
  )    ,     
 (      -   


     (++)          ,  
,      .


/ (dependants).

     (++)      (  )    ,      
, .

     (+ +)    .

     (+)             ,
 -   - , ,       

               (   ,        

     (+)    ,   .

     (+ +)    .


     (+)      (           ,  

       ,     ,  
, , , ).

     (+  +) ,         

     (+)           ,

     (+ +)             (


       (-  -  -)            

     (-) ,    .

     (- -)              

     (-)         .

     (- - -)  , .

     (-)    .       
,     .    -  
      ,          ,
 ,     .


        -        .
(   ,     ,    

         ,        (
,        ).

     (- -)       .

     (-)              .
  ,    ,      

     (- -)        
   (,  ,  ,  ,   
      ,       ,  
,     ,      
   ),      ,
, ,  -      ,   
         ,      /  

    (    ,  ,     ..) 

     (-)        ,   .    ,
       .. .    
   .     ,   ( 

     (--)    ,    ,   ,  

     (-)       ,    ,
,            ( )

     (--)       ,   
    ,        ,  
  - ""  .      

     (-)     ,    ,  ,
   -   ,  .    
   ,   .

     ,          "", 
  ,      . 
   -       .      
-       ,               
 . ,       
  -     .

     (--) ,   70  :  ,
     ,    .   
   (  ,       

         "-"        "       
"-",         .
 ,             -  
       ,    .
:),     .

     (- - -)    , , , .

     (- - - -)      .



   - (   -      
).    -      ,    
,      .       
    PR   (      )

      -       )  (
   ,         ...)   
           ).  (    

       (main applicant)      
 (dependants).  (Landing)      
          ()  -  

 :).             .
(             ,       
 ,       ,  

     -        - -

(       ).   

(    )      --    .      
      8-12 ,     -
      4  .            
 (     )  -  ,   
      .  -  .


)-      -        -
permanent  (        contract,           )  
    - , ,  . 
   -  2-3 ,   2 .   -
     -   ,     
 (  ,       ..).

(     )    /  / 
-   .  (..  /  
..  )            - 
   .         ()
,         -  ,    
  ).      ,    


  ,   .

            ,     () 
,     -       
          -  ..      
 .     (  )  
 ,     ,    
         (  ""  (
 )       ) -      
(      ,     ,      
,   ).

   ,   .   
   .    -    - 
   (  ).

      H1B   -    ,   96  -
60.000; 97   98   -  120   .       , 
  permanent resident ,     - 
 ,  -   -,  
      ,  -          
-,        -      
' ',   -.     
   TN1 (NAFTA agreements)-  ,   H1B.

         -    PR -   - .. 
     ,    .    
     H1B  (  -      )  -  .
,    ). (    ,   
      -           -
          (     ,   
 ).   (  12 )  
  32,000 CAD   (   )  4     
 (  -         
)      (  -   
/    ).

  ,        (  , 
  ()  ),          
 ,       ,      
            (    )   
,       ()   

                :  ,  ,
       ,    , 
(       )   
,    .

       , , ,    :  
    ,        .  
,    ,         ( 
     20-30 ) -       
   . 1 CAD = 0.67 USD ( 1999).

  .      .

)       ,     .  


 .        ,   
       ,  ,     .
  ,    .        

         ,       . 
     Record of  Landing  -    
    ,     .    
 Bank Statement   () ,     ,
      .       ,  
 ,     ,    5-6   

     ,       ()   
        (  ) -  .
     6.     ()
         :   -  ,    
           ;   - 
          ;       -  
        RECORD OF LANDING (IMM1000) -
.         (
         -  !)    
   : "Immigration-Arrived".

  ,      ,  ,   ,  ,
,  OHIP, SIN.   ,   
,       - . 
     -,  ,    ,  
 (  ,      ,    ). 
  .       ,   
      ,     .

      , ,      ..,      
  - .          
.      - !

                   .      ,

     7.  :   
       200-300         1
$USD=1.5 $CAD (    ).      
,   ,  .  (    , 
,  -  ).

     1.     ,      
( 4     ).
     2.             .      
(volunteer) .   (    , 
 -) :
     -     .     
     -       .     airport transfer.
  ,        ,        
   .     .

,       ,      ,

        (25 )     . 
      40-60 .   fixed - rate taxi
-       20   -     

            - .    , 
 jet lag -      -  ,    (   
     8.  : , 

     Ontario Tenant  Help:      416-921-9494;  Tenant
Protection Act: 416-425-5846; Rental  Issues Hotline:  1-888-332-3234;  Rent
Control:  416-326-9800; North York: House  Help:  Sharing:    ,
    416-740-8168; free registry; North  York: Link and
Information Referral:        :
416-395-5591.   Toronto  Neighbourhood  Centre:  416-698-1626.  Information:
Scarborough:  416-321-6912. Etobicoke: Community Information:  416-741-1553.
Community Info  Centre of Metro  Toronto:  416-392-0505. Jewish: Apartments:
Registry: 416-635-5600. Polish Immigration Aid Centre: 416-233-0055. Russian
language Newspaper: InfoToronto: advertisement: 416-931-4125; 905-882-5449.
       ,      Social Insurance Number (SIN):
416-954-5107,   3737  Chestwood  Rd.          OHIP:  1-800-387-5559,
416-327-7567, 4400 Dufferin St.

     AMBULANCE  (EMERGENCY), POLICE: 911.  Hostels,  travel info:  684-7111,
683-2000,  224-3208.  Travel  U.S.A.:  1-800-268-3482.  Immigrant   Services
Society:  684-2561,  OSAIC:254-9626,   OASIS:  324-8186,   SUCCESS:684-1628.
Medical  insurance: 669-7600,  TENANTS  RIGHTS ACTION  COALITION:  255-0546,
Residential Tenancy:  660-3456, Dial-a-Law: 687-4680,  Legal  aid: 687-1831,
Lawyer  Referral: 687-3221.  Translation,  interpretation,  emergency:  911,
MOSAIC interpretation service: 254-9626, referral: 684-2940.

      100    200  .  .         
  (  Bathurst  (  )  /Steels  -
North  York),       -    
  ,      .      ,
        ,        ,  
 ,  .     " "
(networking).       .  
, , .    .

     9.1  ,       -  .      
       (  ):

     ,       .   ,
, , !       .


 (   ,     ). 
  ,     ,  .   

             .          ,
   ,        . 
  : 'Good day, sir'   change.

, -   -  ,   .  
      .   -    
  .    ,  .


       - -     - ,  ,  
,         ,  

       -  (5-6 ,   )
-     ("    "),    
 ,        ,
  - Young Street Review.

     9.1        :-)

      , , .      
.  .      ,    , 
  .     .


            -   300  ,
    ,           3  
150  -   ...

     9.2       ( )

       -   .      -  .   
 -   -   .    (   -
 ) -        .    

,       ,    ,
  .         ,    
). ,      - 
          - 'How
are you?' - 'Fine, and you?' - 'See you'.      'How are you' -
    ,        - ' 
,   '. How are you -   .

           -, -   ,
,  .       -    .
    (),    -  
;   -            ;
 -                ,
    ,     -        , 

        ,    ,    

       ,             .
 .      ,  ,   
     11. ,     - :
     V.     (  )
     VI.   S.I.N. ( -   
     VII.    S.I.N.      )  (         


     VIII.     O.H.I.P.  (       

     IX.     ,            ,
   : ",      
      ,           - "The  Record  of
Landing" - "  "      .
            -  "The  Temporary Cheque  Book"  -
"  ".
          -  "The  Tenant  Agreement" -  "  
".         -     , 
     -    , ,
     S.I.N. -    -      
,     ,     -     
       (. ).

                :     ,
 (   ,        
),      ,         
,    ,         
 ,       ,  
    O.H.I.P., S.I.N., Child Benefit, , 
  RRP  ( ,           ).
     13.     :

     ATM =  Automated Teller  Machine, ,   
     BACHELOR, STUDIO = ,      
.   ,    .
     BANK  STATEMENT=   ,          
(  ,   ).
     BANK  BOOK-          ,  
      (   ).
     BASEMENT =         
 .      .   20-30% ,
  .      ,  ,     
     BELL  =  -.          .
     BILL=,       , 
    .     ,    
  .      ,    CHECK (
    ),   .
     CENTRE = center,      .
     CHAIN, FRANCHISE =      .  
 (  ).
     Check  bounced  back=       (   
     DHL, UPS , FEDERAL  EXPRESS=        
  .     DHL ( 
  )    100    2-3 .
     DOWNPPAYMENT=   (       
     DOWNTOWN =  .
     DRUG  STORE = ,        
    ,      .
     EXCUSE  ME =        ,   - 
 - .
     FLEA-MARKET  =        "  ",    
     .    .
     FULL TIME JOB=     .
     GARAGE SALE, yard sale, junk sale, move sale, moving =    
   - (     
   ).             9  , . 
     .    .
     GREEN MACHINE = ,   Interac    
       100    ,  Interac    
  , .        ,  
  ,    ,    
     HYDRO  = ,    -     
30-60   .
     INTERAC -      .
     LAND =       .
     METRO  =     ,  .   
 ""       .
     METROPASS =      TTC (85 C$)
     MONTHLY PASS=   ,   ,  MetroPass, 
   ,       (,
 ,  )  .
     NETWORK =  , ,   ,     
     ONE-BEDROOM =  .
     PIN=personal  identification number  -     ,  (  
   ATM,  PIN.
     PLAZA  =    ,          
  ,     ( MALL).
     ROGERS =       ,     25-45
   (35-70 ).
     SIR -      ,     
,   ""  " ".
     STORE = SHOP 
     STREETCAR = ,   TTC
     SUPERVISOR,   SUPER   =          (   )   
     (   ).   
,            (   )  
  ,  .
     TELLER  =      ,     . , 
  ,   Bank Manager.    
,    ,          ,    
,      ,            
   .      ,         
     TENANCY AGREEMENT  =  ,      ( 
,   )     .
     TOKEN =     , 
     TRANSFER =            transfer.
     ,  .   
        ( )    .
.       GO  Aeroport Express.
     TTC =      ,     .  
     TTC bus =     , (.  GO bus)
     TWO-BEDROOM =  .
     TWONNY = twenty,         "".  
     VOLUNTEER=             -   
     WESTERN  UNION=      ( )  (
  6    ).
     WELFARE=.   1060     3   5-6
-  "   - ..."        ,   
2-2.5 . .  ,        ( 
  ,             .  :  416-392-2850,
 ,      .
        :      (15  - 5  ), 05-30
 (,  ).      
,      .    -   
  .       ,       
     15.  -  
         :     50-60     
 .      : $4    24 .
   Airport  Express          (  
 , $8     ).  ,     3
               50 .  
     (#58) (  , $3/
     16.  TTC, ,  GO
           ,         , ,
,      TTC  BUS.      2    
.           .       (10
=16 ).        ,
        ,     , 
         ,     .

         ,            .
,        . , 
 .     ,  (  ,  
  )    ,   
           ,    "STOP
REQUESTED" (" ")   .

             .      ,
,        .            
  ,        .    
         ("Excuse me")  ,     
  ,      .
     17. ,    
     -:       "BELL"  (  
).  25        ( 
)  -             "416"  (
)     "905" (   ). 
    "BELL"   "convenience  store". 
 "BELL"       : 011 -    , 7 -
 ,     . :  011-7-095-... -   .
   2   .    ,      
 5 ,     .
.   -       .    
      ,       -   , ,
.      .
         20     - 
         .     25-35 
   ().        - 
  toll-free number        ( 
     1- - . : 604, : 514, : 403,
:  613,  : 403,  :  206.   1-800-...  "toll
free".    ,       .  
"Drug-Store"  "Drug-Mart"  -    ,    
  .    10     4.5  .  
      ,       -
 .        , , 
       .         ,
   Registered  letter,  Letter with  prepaid notification  of
delivery,   .         
,               .    
   5-7 .      .
           ,   DHL,
UPS, FEDERAL EXPRESS,     100    , 

            "  "    .
     -    ,      
   ,      :
             : (,  
,     ,    ):
     416-361-5887; Ruth Pine; 102 Sherbourn str/ $50 /day; Bed/Breakfast;

     425 Sherbourn St. Sherbourn/Wellesley; apartments for  1-2 months, with
kitchen; about 1100/mo; may be less if you bargain hard;

     77 Ryerson (Bathurst/Dundas), 504-2121"Alexandra" $50-60
      , , ,   
     88  Isabella  (Bloor/Yonge)  925-5529,  324-5050   $60  "The  Villager"
(ashtonm@pathcom.com)  ,  
     6355 Airport  Road, Miss. 905-677-7331 $60 airport transfer ($5) 
 , 10 .  
     65 Dundas St.E. 362-6061 "Bond Place" .
     96 Gerrard St. E. 416-977-2320, $56-family rate.
     2011 Dundas St.W. 416-536-8824.
     3359 Mississauga Rd. 905-828-5286 $300/week.
     90 Gerrard Street West Tel (416) 340-3750
     2 Oakdene Crescent Tel: (416) 461-4022 (416) 461-8833
     2837 Yonge St. (Yonge/Lawrence) "Glen Grove Suites" 416-489-8441.
     425  Sherbourn St.(Sherbourn/Wellesley) ($850/month, or $750/3  weeks-1

     . :
     http://www.thestar.com -->go to classifies

     Canadian Hostelling Association: 684-7111 Vancouver Travel Info Centre:
683-2000,  Vancouver International hotel:  224-3208, Youth Hotel: 347 Pender
St. 604-688-0112.
     20. , 
      .        () the Bank
of Montreal,           Toronto  Dominion  
CIBC.             Landing  Record   
  Tenancy Agreement        . 
     -     ,   ! 
   100      -       ,
    .       ,   
    .    ()    
 ,   .

        PIN   ,       
.       .    ,    
    ,     ..   
  ,   ,      .  
PIN        . ,  
  5-7    .       Saving,   Checking
,         .   
ATM          $100      (          
).    ,       . 
   4      .   
  8         -    .    
          -     Secure  Connection  (128  bit

                ,    :-)   
 -   !      
  .  The  Revenue  Canada         
,      ,        
      Toronto Star  Toronto Sun ( 50 ,  
 ).        Classifieds. 
Apartments  Unfurnished  for Rent.      Homes and
Townhouses for Rent,     ,  Condominiums for Rent, (
   ),  Apartments Furnished,  Shared  Accommodation (
  )  Rooms Unfurnished.         
 : Room and Board, Apartment Hotels.
     22.  : 
                 ( ),   
  (highrise) (    ).

   ).      ,       
     .        , 
       ,   ,  
.             1  
  ().     cash -        

          Record  of  Landing,    SIN  ( 
,       ).      high-rise
    6-12  ,      
,      full-time .    
,        Tenant   Help  416-921-9494,    Rent  Control
416-326-9800,    Rental Issues  Hotline:  1-888-332-3234.   
  ,   volunteers.
      ,     ,    Tenancy Agreement 
 -   ,   ,  ,  
         Tenancy  Agreement ,       HYDRO
(), , ,        ,    
  pets  -    ,           ,
       ,    ,    
, ,   .         
    Tenancy Agreement,    ,     .   
,  (  )     
(        ..)            ,    
   Board of Education,       
 .    -    Information Appointment    

          ?   ?  ,   
 ?     ,   ? ( North York
     ,  20-30 ).  
,     ?  (     ). 
  ?      ?      

           .    , 
. ,     ,  "   ".
     ?    ?  
community?          ,    

  (   - installation    ),

?         ,    
  OHIP   .
            Certified Checks   Money
Orders.               ,     
,    ,       (bounce
back).      cash,           
Welfare  Revenue Canada.
      ,           ,  
  . !       .  
/  , ,  .       
, :
     Metro Tenants'  Legal  Services  720 Spadina Avenue, Suite  410 Toronto
(416) 926-9693; Bloor Information and Legal  Services 1072 Dovercourt  Road,
Toronto  (416)  531-7376;  Downsview  Community Legal  Services  520  Wilson
Heights Blvd. North York (416) 635-8388.

     ,         ,  
,         .     
      !    -   Food Bank  
Welfare    -    ,          
.           -    ,   "
"   ,      .

     27. : , . , . 
         BELL PHONECENTRE,   1-800-663-4973.
      $50, + 31    , +
200      .        (
    ,    )        
-   ,       .

        ,         ,   
""           .  
 (  ,     ).  
    (25-30 ).    Bell Phonecentre   
       (   ,  

  ).          ! ( 
).             ,
   -  .        , 
         ,   ,       - 

        (416)  .       416
 905 - .          905  -
          (?)    416, 905 
 - ,      905 -  (

         -    1,   20-25    .   
     - 2-4    .       
,      SPRINT  (1-800-4508032),    AT&T,  Fonorola.    
   ,    BELL (     ).

   (, )     50   
     -  -      
 . (    -   ,  
  ,     ).     
    1-888 (       ).
    20 ,   .   
 BellCard ( -   toll-free ) -     
  1   .

        (online)- 15-20    .   
   30-45  on-line      
     ( 25      ).     e-mail,
  - .         . 
 - iDierect, Interlog.     
Web-page,   ()    .   traffic     Web
    100-500 /,     10  .  
       (BILLS)   Statements   .  
   receipts     100 .    
      ,          ATM
machine.           (    
,      ,   ).   
,   10    -    .
            .        .    
  ,       .   RECEIPTS, 
 ,  ,    ,  ,   ..  
    REFUND- (4-5 ) ,    
  (        )      
.       WELFARE,    bills 

REVENUE CANADA     .     ,   
     ,    .


      ,        ( 1 )
$6560  ,      .

     ,          29,590.00  
25.16% ( ).
     25,591-50,960 = 38,48%
     50,961-59,180 = 40,82%
     59,181-62,193 = 45,53%
     62.194-62,270 = 46,98%
      62,270 = 50,90%
          - 53 %.
          ,  ,  
,       .

                (   )
    .        (RRSP-Retirement
Saving Plan)            ,
       , ,    .
       RRSP -   (   
) 416-467-5002.

     30. ,  
                ,   ,
   -  .  -    , 
  . ,    ()   ,     
 ,   ()     ,      . 
(       )         . 
     (!)   ,       .
,       (    )    ,
  ( )  .     ,  
        -  100  ,   
  ,     .

          , , , ,  , .

.      8     -  
    ,           ,       
.       $2,80   .    
   : Mutual Life of Canada: 416-512-0400, ext.
202 (/).          OHIP   ,
       .  ,    OHIP    
      (     100-200  ),
   . OHIP       
 (   OHIP ,      -
            (  )   
 60  ( ).

          (    ,
   ).   60  100 , 
       .      G1  (
  ).     ,     
 (    4   )    .

       :  900 Bay  St.1-st floor,  subway: College.   
        Record  of Landing.        Ontario
Driver's Book  8 ,  ,    .
           ,   -  .
           (40  75 )  
G2    G.            - . 
20  (G2)  50  (G).       
  ,   (   ).
  G        -.

     Brampton: 7900 Airport Rd. 905-874-4080
     North York 1448 Lawrence Av.E. 416-325-8580
     Queens  Park  900  Bay  St/ 416-325-8650 (Bay/Wellesley, written  tests
     Downsview 1201 Wilson Av. 416-235-4949.

          - :
     1)            - 
    (pedestrians)          (vehicles),
     2)         - 
                 -  ,
  ,   (!).
     3)    "    "            ,  
  -     .      -
"    " -  .
     4)  -  ,  ,    ,
     .     .
     5)           -      
,   ! (     

                - 1)
Highway, 2)  "Major Intersection  road" -       Young,
Steeles  .. (    ,      
     );     ,
   )   3)      -  
,  -       .
        50 \.

: 1)  , 2)      
 ( ,  -  -     
 ),  3) Title  of a Car -    .  
    (certified) -      -
.          30    60  .  
 CO -   .

              (900 Bay st.),    
            (  20 .) ,  
  ,     ,  ..

.       ( ) 
15       .


     1   -      ,  
     2.  -        
     3.      -            
.        , "    ",  

  : 1)     2)   , 
  :     (  
):  ,  ,      ,    ,
,    ,       
      .           , 

,    ,    . .   
    80   450   .     
  200  300 .

  ,      .  
  ,       700 ,   
  (    ).

 :      , ,     
,   ,    ,       .. 

       -      .  
   . 905-780-6444 -      .   ,
   .         -    
   (    ).


          ,          .   
,         ..   
   .       -   , 
       ( )    
 ( ).

,    ,  ,    ,  
           15-    120
   ,   .

           , ..    
,         .       
         ,  ..      
.          -
.             : 
 ,        .
 ,     $100.000   11   .

      ,  ,       
,      () ,  ,
  ,        ,       
,     ,    :  The Mutual Group,
5120 Yonge St. Suite 2200, tel. 416-512-0400, ext.202.

     35.2  (   ).
         7-8      (200-300 .)  
 .   -  ,    
  ,      .

           downpayment  ( ).     
  ,     (      ,
        ),    (            
     ) -    2,5 (15 ) 
3,5-4    ,    
      :    , :   
 ,          (  15,  
 30 ).

       -          ,      
-  .         ,    
 ,       -         -

(   ),     . ""  
  -         Forrest Hill -

""  -    ,   ,  ,     "
 "       ,     
,          .  
  -  ,     (    ),   ,
    .    " 
"       ,   ,  

     36.   :
       (  )   ,        Board of
Education,          .    12
.   9  12     High  School.    
,       .   
     (         ). 
   Collegiate  Secondary.  Public   .  
          -       (
).               (     
).      TTC   student card    1.05
     (  ).     ,  
Student  Card -             Student Tickets.
   (  ),   , ..  
  ,        ,
       ..     (   .)
  10,000  .
     37. ,    
     CCDO  = Canadian Classification and Dictionary of Occupations.  -
    occupation  titles   -,       
     CEC = Canada  Employment  Center  -         SIN.   
     UI (EI).
     Child Benefit  -             
 -    100     ,       . 
   ,          ,  
        11    .
 tel. 416-952-2600.
     CIC  =  Citizenship  and  Immigration  Canada  -       
  ,    -      ,
     CLBA  =  Canadian  Language  Benchmark  Assessment.     
 .  ,  ESL English.
     COSTI  -     ,   
     . ,   
COSTI   : 416-669-5330
     CPC = Case Processing Center (Immigration) -    
     ESL =  English as a Second Language -     
 ,  .    
accounting  .   ,   . 
8   ESL).         ,      
    .     -      
   .      ,             
()  .
     IMM1000 "Immigrant Visa and Record of Landing" -    
      ,   Record of Landing.  ,   
    ,    .
     ISAP = Immigrant Settlement  Adaptation Program   ,  
     LB = pound (0.45 kg).          ( ,
 ,  ).  ,      4.5  $/LB 
 9.5   .
     LINK = Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada -   ,
      job search skills.
     LMLT = Labor Market Language Training -     
     NAFTA =  North American  Free  Trade Agreement -   
 ).  Permanent  Residents     .  
     OHIP = Ontario Health Insurance Program.   .
     PIN  =  Personal  Identification  Number  -    4    
 .    .      
 ,   ..
     PR = Permanent Resident  status -    Green Card  
.     SIN      .
     RRP  =  Returning Resident Permit -        
.        Landed  Immigrant     
     SIN  =  Social  Insurance  Number.       
   ,   ,      .  
    ,       Employment Centre   
, : 905-275-2730.     ,  
  SIN  .     ,         9   -

().       16    .    
,     .
      ,        ,      
    1/3  . (:-))  Toronto   700-1100
 (what  can  not be cured, must  be endured).    
  1.5  .
          40  (20   ),
   -  50,000 (..     
3,000  ).
               10-12  .    ,
  Coffee Time - 8 .  .      

     40. : ,  , ,  
     1   = 0.65 USD. (1998 ).    .

     Toronto, Vancouver: bachelor: $500-700/month. One bedroom: $550-850.
     Two-bedroom: $700-1000.
       : 200,000-700,000, apartment 120,000  .
       : table + 5 chairs = $350-550. Mattress = $100-200.
     TV = $250-350.
     : 10 kg  = $7. 1 kg  = $1.5-3. : 1 litre = $1.
     : 1 kg = $5-10. : 1 kg = 30-90 cents. : 1 litre = 55-60
     1      (+)  =  $2  ($1.6  -    
      : 7 years old = $2,000-4,000.
       : 100-250 $/month
        (    ): $350-520       
          (junk food) $3-7.
          Basic  Food,  Price  Chopper,  No  Frills  -    
,     .   : "A
Dollar", "Bi-Way".    Flea-Markets,  Garage  Sales.  
     : Canadian  Tire, Sears.   -
Future  Shop, Canadian  Tire.   : Business Depot.  
,    .      1
    ,   ,       
     4  ,     2,000  
,         , 
        900 .   ..   ,    
  50% OFF  - ,        ( ,
             - ).  
  ,     .

     42.   COMMUNITY?
 .  ,        -
,   .           
.              ,    .
      ,    ,  ,  ,
.             ,   
    .   ,     -
,           ,        ,  
,      .   ,  
 ,     ,  .   
   facilities      Community   centre.         
  ,     .
     43.    ?
          ,    ,  ,  
  ,  ,      -  community  centres,  ,
, , Immigrant  and  Community  Services.     
 .     Bathurst,    Lawrence
  .              Bathurst/Steel, 
  -     CentrePoint - 3 . .  
  Eglington/Don Valley, High Park, Mississauga.
     44. , :  , 
      -        ( 70   
 ).  97-98     -  4%   ( ,
     ).  : 2.5 . (    4,5
).         (downtown  Toronto)     
-  (city        borough:   North  York,  York,  Etobicoke,
Scarborough, East York).   97           
,             .    
     - Mississauga, Ajax, Markham,
Vaughan  .
            -  visible  minorities   -      
 .    8 .    
        (Bay street).   .  
  -  -     .     
-  817   (1997  )  881   (1998 ).   
     .  -     , 
   ,      -  .
:     ,  -5-10  .
         1998         -
16-17        (        +3
      1998   -   -     30   35
,     .
     :   ,  . .   .
 30         Hong-Kong.  97-98    -
 .    ,   -  
    .  ,  .

     45.   :
             9    (   5  ).
         - 5  .   
       .     -
30-40 .          welfare.      cash
    3  (    ),  4    (,  
    -    )   8      
(   ).     - bakery, farms,
gas filling stations.     (CANADIAN  EXPERIENCE)
 ,    -    .     
,     .

       ,  , ,     -  
        -,      3 
references,          ,  
   2-3   35,000 - 40,000    ( 
  ).       .
       -,    ( 
    ,  ).         
     . .      -   30,000  (.)   .
   30%        30,000  .   
 60,000   50%.   1       
 (       1  (    ).
    -              15,000  .
 .  ,           
.   -        
 (. RRP),          . 
     48.   ,  , ESL
             .  (  
,       ).   (
 )     ,   ESL   LINK,   
information  interview    COSTI, ,    
,    information interview.     community
centre.       .   
   (   ,    ,
    ).         -
  ()     .     Board  of
Education,       ,  regional Career
Centre  and Career  Information.            Vocational
Schools, Colleges.       information seminars, adult
training,  English  ESL  studies.            
     49.    -  
                Training  Information  Centers:
,       :   21  St.Clair  Ave.East,   Suite  604,
tel.964-8995.      ,    , 
  ,          ,   
,   ,  . 
),     :  "         ,
,        ,    
,        .

     50.   (,  )
           -      ,   
non-profit ,        
,                       ,
 ,     .   
,    .

                ,      ,
         ,        ,
.      .        
        (targeted).     "Directory  of
Associations in Canada"  Toronto Reference  Library, tel. 416-393-7131, 
       .      -   :  "Toronto
Programmer's Association": 416-512-0652,  :  "Information
Technology Association of Canada" (ITAC).
 ,       .    George  Brown
College,              Seneca              College:              416-493-4144
(http://www.secacac.on.ca/home/schools.html).     -  
,     ,    .  
- Yorkdale Secondary  School, 416-395-3350.      ,
       ,     ,
:  "Learning  in  North  York" (   North York  Board  of
         ,   ,        
 (             , 
).              ,
( , , )   "apprenticeship" -
""  -    apprenticeships  programs    
     52.  , 
             ,        certified
translator.      20        .  ( 
.    certified translators   .
       "Professional  comparative  evaluation  services".  :
   416-325-2929,   416-325-4300,   :   416-326-5775,   :
416-961-1711;  : 416-224-1100, nurses:416-928-0900;   
: 416-978-2185, : (Ottawa):613-236-5912.

  ,            . 
,      ,    

()     :  " ,      
     54.  , CLASSIFIEDS
       ,    ,      
 ,  classifieds.        : Toronto
Star  Toronto Sun,     , , ,
  .   .


          .     -  
,        (    -,  
   -   ).    , 
.       C++ - , 70   C++.  
              -      -
.     - 18,000   - ,
      .    - 

         (  "      "   
"   "),                
     : "This is  the North York  Public
Library. There is an item received on your library card number  ...  It will
be hold  for you for  seven days..."         
  (     ),        -
  4        -   ,
   ,   ,  ,  ,  CD,
 ,   .    . 

    : "      
 1933-1936 "  .

          (  ) -
.    , ,   -    
    (  ).

15-20 .      -  ,
 "  " - 1.7  (  

     :  40       60 , 
        -     ,  - 
24     .    -   ,      
,    - , ,   ,  , 
     -       .  3-    -  
, 2     .       -    
, , ,  . 1   .
 ,       -    
      .     ... ( -
  .         -  .  
  ,           . 
   , ,   -   . 

            - Simpsons -  
   .        ()  
        ,       ()
  (    ).  5    
4  .   .   -      
.  3    ,    5    15   -  
     .       ,    
 .     -   
  : "      ,    

       -         -
 -             ..     
, , ,       -   50 
,      ,     . 
 : "Bark Has Bites"   "Easy Sleazy  Beautiful Cover Girls" 
"A Sucker is Born Every Minute".         
 -       -   .

           40       2
     1)  Discovery-    ,  ,    
     2) History  Channel -        
          (seeing is
believing).    ,         
.                  .  
 -  .

          - CNN.    BBC World    
     -      .  BBC World 
,       ,     ,  
 ,    ,        ... - 
  ,     90 
.  ,           
,           -  "O, that's

       - CBC-channel  2(Canadian Broadcasting Corporation). 
    FM -    .  ,  
   .       (
     -      ,  ..)

     1.    ,     (
)       .    , 
     (     ) -  
    ,    .   

     2.      ATM machine,    , 

     3.    ,    , (,   , 
),        ,        
    ,     .

     4.           .
       486- , 
 -            ( )  ISP
. -  -      -  
 5 .      1999       
  2 -       2).    

.       (  )  , 
    .     on-line  access     
.       ,   
        ( VocalTech    ),
 ,          . 
on-line   .      2-3 .  
    -   20 .    .       
 -    ,     32  ,
, sound modem,    -    .


        : "    ...  "   
   (  ),      (

           !!! 2-   ,     
   . ,  , ,   .    
   ,           3  , 
    -   10.       ,      
,       -   ,   

     1)    . ,   ,   ,
 "  ... "
     2)    .

      :  .

     1.      (    )      
. .     .          (
 ),          (     

,   ..       ,  -
           (   ).  
   (         ,   
, ,    ,    , 

,    (  ),               
- .    ,      , 
      , ,    -   

              .   ,   
    .      -          
    .       ,     ,

       , "      ",  
.          ,        
   .    ,     

     2.   :    ,    ( 
   OHIP-   +        +
+     ) -    ,   
.         -      
-       .   ,       

     3.       ambulance,      
,      ,          .    
,          (    ),

     4.            ,   
   ,  Group Insurance  Plan.  
       (dental  expence, vision
care,  extended  health care: chiropractors, osteopaths, massage therapists,
orthopedic shoes, etc).

.       !   ,    

  (      ,            
).   ,   ,   

            ( )  
Standard Dental Claim Form.         ( 
      -   ,       
 (   80%) ,  -   -  
(   20%)  ,      .

           ,    (  Group
Insurance Identification Card)      .
         Claim Form     (  
      -  -     .  
,   .          .  
       -   .        

              ,     :
     ,     ,  -.  ,
        ,      (   
)    .        
.     ,    ,     
    ,     ,    

indicate  the  surfaces  involved  for  each  tooth. 4F- Please indicate the
number or code of each tooth involved. RE:Procedure 21222".

      ,        10- (   
        )        ,   
               ,  ,   ,  
)  .          ,
     "Following  your  letter.  Services in  the amount
$366.10  has  been paid  on  wrong name.  Correction has been  done".  

           : "       
  ,   .  -     ,
 ,   ,      . "    
 ,   -      .  

           (     -    

       ,    " "  ,   "".  
          ( , 
 ,      . , ,    
   ,   .


            ,    -
  (     ,        
 -   ,       
        ,  5-7  
(Vision Care) (            
    ).             .
  ,        ,  
,      .

        ,  ,       
 (  ).  ,    ,    
  ,   -     
    "    " .     2  
   ,        ...    
,    -       ?  (  

               ,         ,
"  "  ,         , 
        -      ,  -
  ,    ()    - .
        )..    "
  " ,    ,     ". 
    ,    "...     . "

        ,      -       
    (       )   
 .    ,    ,  

      ( )         
.       20-30 ,     
job interview    .   (    ):
York: 10  km - NW  North  York  13  -  N  Etobicoke 13  km  - W  (pronounced
E-to-be-ko, accent on 'to') Scarborough 18 km - NE


         -      :

     Mississauga   -  18  km   W  (pronounced  Mi-si-so-o-ga),  hi-tech

     Richmond Hill 20 km N
     Markham 20 km NE
     Brampton 20 km NW
     Pickering, Whitby 25 km E
     Burlington, Hamilton 30-35 km SW
     Oshawa, ( ) Newcastle 31 km NE
     Hamilton 44 km SW
     Guelph 64 km W  
     Barrie 66 km N -  
     Kitchener 70 km W  
     Branford 70 km SW
     Woodstock 90 km SW
     London 125 km SW
     Niagara Falls 78 km, S ( )
     Sarnia 179 km SW ( )
     Peterborough 254 km, NE
     Belleville 114 km, E
     Windsor 237 km SW
     Ottawa 269 km NE

     BC 604 Pacific time (GMT - 8)
     Alberta 403 Mountain time (GMT -7)
     Saskatchewan 306 -- "" --
     Manitoba 204 Central time (GMT - 6)
     Ontario 807 W part
     Ontario 705 N part
     Ontario 416 Toronto
     Ontario 905 Toronto suburbs
     Ontario 519 SW part
     Ontario 619 NE part
     Ontario, Quebec Eastern time (GMT -5)
     Quebec 819 N part
     Quebec 514 Montreal
     Newfoundland 709, 418 Atlantic time (GMT - 4)
     New York 212, 718, 201
     Washington 202
     Detroit 313
     Chicago 312
     Seattle 206
     San Francisco 415
     Los Angeles 213, 818,714


     58.  :   (  ).
          -     - survival  job -
,         , 
career job -    ?


           ,     ,    

(  ,             
(appointments).       - -  , 
  .        (

     2.          COSTI, LINK 

                 (      )
(,  ,  , ,     ,  
 ,     ,  
 ,  , , ),  :

     3.   ,  

     4.           ,   
  (  bakery),  ,  . (  

     5.       (    )
(    ).

     6.  Toronto Star, Toronto  Sun     Employment
News,    General  Help  Wanted,  Salespeople  Wanted. ,
 ,         ,  

      ,   Employment News    
  .  ,  : " ",
"  2000    ", "    ", "
      ",   ..        , 
 -      ,   ,

     7.      : "Help  wanted"  ( ),  "Now
hiring"  (  )  , ,   .
    - ! ,    

     8.   ,        -  community support  groups
(,   ,           ),    
,            ,  ,
. ,    ,  ,      .
   .   -   .

     9.   Canada Employment Centre -   (,
      SIN),      ,     

     10.    ,        ,  ,

     11.       ,   
       ,   ,       ,        ,
 ,    ,         
.   .    ,   !

      ,      :

     1.                "
  " (     -   
-    .      ).

     2.    ,               
 -  .

     3.      -         150-200      
(-).     40-50       (   
 4 ).

     4.      ,   
    .          ,


         ,   :
(,  ,     ,    ,

     1.      ,     
   (,       ,    
     2.          3  5 
() ,           
       ,        .
  ,  ,    
  ,      .  
       .    , 
     (HR,  Human  Resources) " ",   
 ,    ,       , 
 " ".
     3.       ,     
     -        .
     20  (      ).
  (employment agencies, job  search agencies,  job  hunters).
  ,   , 
    "Directory  of Information  Recruiters"    ,  
  905-450-6660,        .      
,     : Manpower, Kelly, Drake (   
 (      ,     
).         (   
  ,    ).
     4.      ,    
     5.          (
     ),          ,
).       ,  
,       .
     6.    ,      .      
?   ,  ?     
? (   ?)   , ?  
      ?    (
        ).  ,   
    100  400  ). ,  80  
-   -   .   , 
   ""  -      
      ,  , 
     7.               .    
.     ,  ,        ,
      ,        .    
.  ,  "Silicon  Valley  North"  -      
   ,   "Toronto Computes" -   " ",
     8.  ,         
   -        , ,  
 ,    .
     9.  ,                  
  .     ,   
 (        ).  
,        ,    
 ,      .
     10.             (        
),      ,  ,   
,     .
     11.           (  ,
  ,  ).       
 -  .
     12.        ()  ,     
,             ,  ,   
.     (   
,       ).  
,      (   ),
  .     ,     
   ?  , , ,  
    , , .  
,    :  Northern  Telecom  -   
,   (       ),  Bombardier
(   ).           
  (   ).

        95   General  Motors    ,   
     -     ,  
  25-30   ,       (  )  
   (,              ). 
  -    97         
  (   ).    2,000 , 
    60  (   60         
 ),  4 .
          92-95    -          .  
       .  1997-99 
 .      99      ,    98 (
     Y2K problem),   .

     13.   ,      
 ,  ,  ,  , , 
    ().        ? (   
  ,      .    
 60  .   ,      
  .      - , 
          .  ,      
     14.      ,   
,        ,    
,  ,   ,  
.         Web-
 -  -    -          
    ,          .
   15-20    (on-line ).
     15.                         ,
   .     20-30 
 .  e-mail  .
     16.     ,  ?     
       ,  ?        ,
, ?      ?   
,      ?  ?
     17.          ,     
 (part time),      
paycheck, ..   ,       .
     .  ,   
   (!) MANPOWER         
,        (    ),  
     18.   - (Co-op)   ,  , 
  .        ,      ,
.  -                  
-  (with  placement),           .
     -    3-4     2-3    -
placement.   ,     ,   
 50   - ).
      ,  -       ,  ,
,   ,     .     
 (waiting list)    ,         
    (, ).

      -  (       ),   
references    Canadian  experience.        
         . (    
      ,      ,       -
.)  ,      (hands-on)    
  .   :      
,  .
     : ,  ( Ryerson Politechnical) 
 ,      ,     
    ).        ,  
 " "   - .

     19.    :      North   York  Volunteer  Centre
(416-961-6888, 481-6194 (        ),  
  .   ,          (  
  , ,  ). 
 -  ,   ,     -   

     20.               (apprentice
programs) -     .

      :         60   160 
 ,           .
      5-10 ,      
      'job  interview',     "  ".  
  15- ,        
 " ",     '    

. (               
'  '    , - -  
          -  HR    
'  ' ,        ,   
    -      3-5-       
 ,       .

                .  :  
              ,  ,  
    .    -    .  

  .               ,  

         (  )   ,    ,
, , ,  .

      -       140,000 .     
-   ,  , .     
      -  .          -
  ,   .   - 6,000  
..  -    ,   ,    ,     
.      -        
. 20,000 , 11,500   ( ,   
), 7,200 .          
  .   ,     
   -  700        ,

       ,    575,000,       .
    Yonge  St.             
-,            down-town (  
) -  Civic Centre  Ford Centre for the Performing Arts.  
         - (53,000), 
75,000    (        Yonge  St),  37,300  
(-  ,    ).  23,000    (   Jane,
-).               ""
  (62,000),          (  
 Downsview Air Force Base).   ,  60-70  (103,000)-
    Bathurst,    401 .   
(80--90- )  -  (95,000) - -.    York University
   .     -   ( , 
     Jane-Finch.      - Bridle  Path,  
Bayview,      550,000 $,     .
          (average household income) 
  -       58,500  $ ( ) (  

     :  3%      (do not possess
a working  knowledge of English) -        
.        (East Indians)  
  -    ,    ,        
.     (Kingsway area)    - 
75,000$,   ,        ()    
 57,520$.   Rexdale      (high-rise
complexes)    .

     ,    566,000,           
  -           ,       
  .        -  
  19 .       401    
    10  .  ,   -,
    ,        . -  
        ,      ()
-,      -  65,000.        28,000
  ,      .

      :   (downtown area),  -  
   ,     ,   
   ,    (upscale neighborhood).
 .     4.6   86  91 ,  
         ( ).    
 (            )    
629,000            ,        
(  ).           
Bloor-Danforth,  Yonge and Eglington,       10,000
  . .    ,    ,   
,      ,   .    
   : University of Toronto  Ryerson Polytechnic
University.     (households)   - 
,         -.   
  -    ,      40,000
.              ,    
    Yonge St.      Eglington.  , 
    40   -    Bathurst,
   Front  St.,          ,   
     59.1   - 


     : Demital Computers: 905-763-2010 (Steeles/Younge-Bathurst) -
 ,     ,   
     -, , MUTUAL FUNDS, RSSP: RIMMA: 416-225-8178
      - , OHIP-  ,     ,
                     -                                :

       ,          ,  

     60.    -   


     1st/lst =        .
     2 bdrm = 2 bedroom
     air =  .      (
.     ,    .
     apt. = apartment 
     bachelor,  studio = ,    ,  - 
     basement = -       ,  
 ,        1.5    .  20-30
   .    .
     Bsmt = basement
     condo  =  condominium,       ,     
,                 .   
          ,          -
     downtown =   (  ).
     eat-in kitch. = kitchen in the room    ,  

     evngs =   
     facil = facilities 
     fl. = floor 
     furn. =  
     gym =    
     HWY = highway, freeway - ,  ( 4  24 ,  ,
, , ,   ,   , ,  , 
    .                 .)
  -    .
     hydro  =  ,  ,         (30-50
     immed. =    
     incl =      
     liv/din/ = living/dining rooms  /
     lrg. = large 
     lux = luxurious 
     mature = 
     metro  = "  " (  ).     
  "" -   ,    . .
     mo = month 
     neg = negotiable  
     no pets =     
     one-bedroom =  .
     own ent, sep. ent. = separate entry  
     pref. = preferably 
     prkg = parking .    ( )  
     refs =  
     rm. = room 
     sep.ent. = separate entry  
     spac. = spacious, , .
     suite =        (    
     TTC = subway + TTC bus = ,   ,    TTC
     TTC bus =           (metro
     two-bedroom =  .
     utils. =  utilities - ,    ,  , 
,    .
     wk. = week 

     AJAX 1bdrm bsmt apt. Apr.1., prkg.own ent.air,cable 850 encl.
       ,  ,    1  ,  ,    ,
 , 850   , , ,  .
     DANFORTH;  bachelor,  steps  from  Go&TTC,  rec.facil.hydro incl.eat-in
kitch. Price neg.
       , ,    (  ),    (
),     ,        . 

       - .  CARS FOR SALE:

     4(2)-dr. = 4(2) 
     5 spd. = 5    
     a/s =  = 
     A1 cond =   ()
     air = 
     AS IS  =  ,           
( ),      
     auto =  
     best offer =  
     blk =  
     cert  =              
( ,  )
     cruise =    
     evgs. =   
     firm =     
     fully loaded =  , .
     immac. =  
     int. = 
     low mil =  
     mint cond. =  
     p/b =   
     p/l =   
     p/w =   
     price/offer =  
     sunrf =   
     V6 = 6 
     warr. = 



     -  ?

     -      (  
)   .

       -  ,      , -   
   ,        ( 
 - ). ,    ,  
    -   ,   ,  
     ( ).

        :        ,
  :  "                   

           (  7 )          
  .  ,      -, (  
 )       .   : "
     -,     ",      
: "     ? "


     "Tomorrow  all water  will  be shut  off for an hour. Pacific time  not
known. Super."

     61.   , 

     40  wpm  =        40     (=4
     acc. = ;
     account  manager=       ,    

     afts =    
     approx = approximately 
     appt = appointment,    
     asst = assistant, assistance , 
     bilingual =     
     bldg = building 
     cert    =    certified,    certificate    ,    ,

     co = company 
     comm = commission ,     ;
     corp = corporation 
     dent =  dental   ,           

     eves = evenings  
     exc = escellent; executive ; 
     exp(d)= experience, experienced , 
     f/t = full time    
     fin = financial 
     h.d.  = heavy  duty    ;  ,    
     hr = hour 
     immed  = available  immediately     ,   

     ind = industrial, diligent; , ; individual ,
     infor = information , 
     jr = junior    
     lic = licenced, licence , 
     lt = light, also lite (incorrectly) ,  
     ltd = limited ,    
     m/f = male/female /
     max = maximum 
     mech = mechanical ,     
     med  =  media  ,       ;  medical

     mfg = manifucturing 
     min = minimum 
     mo = month, monthly , 
     nec = necessary 
     neg = negotiable  , 
     nr = near , 
     p.o. = post office  
     p/t; pt.t = part time   
     pd = payd; , , period 
     perm = permission 
     ph = phone 
     pref = preferable 
     req(d)= required , 
     resp = responsible 
     rge = range  , 
     rm = room , 
     sr = senior  ( )
     temp  =  temporary,  not  permanent   (    ,
)    part-time
     vic = vicinity, near , 
     w = with 
     wk = week , 
     wtd = wanted, needed ,  ()
     yr = year , 

     62. , () :
     Benefits  package  --  dental,  drug  prescr.,   semi-private  hospital
accommodation, long  term disability,  vision  care    ,
,               ,  ,
,    ,       
,  ,   
     Capable  individual  with  an aptitude  for figures  --  good at  math,
     Challenging, fast-paced environment -- busy days; decisions to be made;
     CMA 1/2 -- half way through  the Certified Managing Accountant  program
     Company is growing by leaps and bounds -- business is doing very  well,
expanding, room for advancement, but taking a risk   , 
     Computer exposure  -- a general idea of what a computer is  and what it
can do         
     A  lot  of  experience   NOT  required      
     Congenial - friendly 
     Credit collection -- to collect loans, firm, calm, "tough"  personality
required       ,   
  ,   ,  ,     
,  "" 
     "Dymanic development" firm -- trying to impress you young company, real
estate brokerage,  etc.  ,   ,   
     Enjoy a variety of challenging assignments -- not willing to stay  put,
have  to stretch, work hard      ,  ,  
     Excellent people skills -- friendly, reliable, helpful, cheerful 
     Excellent remuneration potential -- possibility for good pay  
     Exposure to Lotus 1,2,3 -- basic knowledge    Lotus 1,2,3
     Flextime  -- can start earlier or later than others, but still put in a
full day         ,   
     Good interpersonal skills -- get along well with people   

     Good typing combined with  a winning personality --  a  "winning smile"

     High volume -- a lot is expected in terms of speed and accuracy 
     Liasing with customers -- dealing with customers  
     Mature   --  in  age;  probably   several  years  of  work  experience;
independent    ,     ,  
     Minimum   supervision   --   working  by   oneself     

     No gimmicks --  no  false  promises, faire and square     
     Outgoing  personality  -  friendly, extraverted, comfortable   
     Paying top dollar -- a good salary compared to other companies for  the
     Pitch-in  attitude -- willing  to help  without being asked; will do  a
little extra  ,      
     Opening - vacant job position 
     telemarketer -- sell something  over  the phone, using phone directory,
or lists of  (potential) clients     -   ,
     call centre -- selling over the phone; consulting on the sold  products
over  the  phone             ,   
    ,   .
     upbeat place  -- you are supposed to look energetic, optimistic,  happy
  (  ),    ,  
, .


  -    references  (           
  ).     ,   
 .          -  
 IBM    10    4    
(job offers).     ,
, .         

      "  "  (entry  level position) -   .

     Code-freeze stop of development for the  purpose  of testing, QA
and passing into production.
     Outsourcing   -   using   third-party   company   or   providing
consulting/development services to other companies
     Production  - software  that  is  already passed to clients,  no
changes are possible, only logs and tickets
     Ticket  (Log) - detailed  description  of a  flaw  in a software
product, that was passed into production, provided by  clients or in QA  and
are  registered  in  a special database.  Each ticket (log) is assigned to a
certain programmer and has to be closed (solved).
     Roll-Out - installation of some system on the spot, usually with
elements of training, support, maintenance.
     QA (Quality Assurance) - polite term for testing.

     Full-time/temporary   permanent/contract.        
(   ,   ),   - .

  ,            -    
 job-search agency).

        ,      (   )  , 
  ,      ,     -
full-time   temporary, permanent   contract.        -
  (     - Meridian Switch  Box  ,  
), ,  e-mail     ,      
    (- -     - 
   ).      .
  (   -    job-search agency).    
  -     -  ,  

       -      ' -  Glob and
Mail   (  3  )           
,  Toronto Star - 100  ,      -
5-15  ,    - .       

         Career        -    
 job-search  agencies,      "",  ..  
,          , 


     1. Turn-key (consulting) solutions provider
     2. Specialised software development company
     3 Job search agency
     4 Actual employer - small company
     5 Actual employer - large company ().

            job-search agency  (  
)       paycheck   .      
  invoice    ,       .  
        references,    job-search
agency   ,      
,    -   .

         ,      ,  
()  - client support  production (    
  .  ,              
,    "consultants",     -       
(   )        ,  

             -    development,
,         , 
    (     ).       -  
  references,       -     
    -  .

)   :


                 ,      ,
 - ,      -  . 
,       .

         ""  ,     
(, , , , community subsidized colleges)
-    ,      -  "",      -
  ,       . 
   ,      .

 (programmers FAQ):
     Frequently Asked Questions on
     How to Find a Job for a Programmer in Canada.

     I can say the following  summarizing experience  of about 40-50  people
that I kept contact with:

     You may explore several different options  of  the most demanded  skill
sets on the market:

     1). Cobol/JCL/MVS + good to have skills:  CICS, SQL, DB2. (Toronto is a
city  of  banks  and large wholesale  companies),  which  traditionally  use
mainframes and will continue to do so in a foreseeable future.)

     1.1 QA package (testing specialist), nice to have: MVS/ESA.
     2).  Oracle,SQL, Stored Procedures - the most popular database. Good to
have skills: Unix, Powerbuilder.

     3). MS  SQL Server, (second most  popular database),  StoredProcedures,
Transact-SQL, nice to have: Crystal Reports, Win  NT 4.0. Nice to have: data
conversion experience.

     4).  MS Access,  MS  SQL (Sequel/Sybase) Server, nice to have: VBA,  VB
5.0. with OLE, COM, DCOM, Active X.

     4.1 VB 5.0/6.0, OLE, nice to have: SQL, ODBC MS Access/SQL Server/DB2.

     5). Web development: IIS 3.0/4.0, nice to have: graphics, PERL,  latest
vogue: Java Script, J++, Active X, Corba.

     6). C/C++, nice to have: WIN 9x, Unix or Win NT development experience.

     7) Oracle system administrator.

     8). Win NT  system  administrator/roll out  specialist.  A  must:  MSCE

     9). AS 400, must to have: RGP, CL - huge demand!

     10). Lotus Notes developer/Administrator - huge demand!

     The highest paid: (everything  in Canadian dollars/year) (starting from
top paid): (CND 70,000)(7-> 6 -> 1 -> 9 ($45,000)

     The least paid: (starting from least paid): ($25,000) 1.1, -> 5 -> 4 ->
4.1 ->8 ($45,000).

     The easiest  to  study  (starting from  shortest  learning  curve):  (3
months) 1.1 -> 1 -> 4 -> 3 (half a year).

     The hardest to study: (from top): (1.5 years) 7 -> 6 ->9 -> 8 (1 year).

     The cheapest to study: ($3.500 courses) 1.1 -> 1 - > 4.1 - > 4 ($10.000
courses, $500-700 Seneca).

     The most expensive to study: ($15,000) 7 -> 6.

     Professions that are slowly  declining (comparatively, not absolutely):
1 -> 7.

     The  demand is increasing (i.e.  in absolute  numbers): (starting  from
fastest) 8 -> 3 -5

     Average  entry  level  salary  is  about  40,000  (with  benefits)  for
permanent, which  translates  into 2,900/ month/net  or  $30/hour (contract)
(you pay your taxes and insurance).

     Average  number  of  HR/job  search agencies  level  interviews  for  a
professional with 4+ years of  development and good English:  20,  technical
interviews: 5, average time of finding job - 20-30 days.

     For  a  person with  no  computer  background,  bad resume,  suspicious
references  these  numbers  are  correspondingly  50-HR/Job  Search  and  10
technical  level  interviews,  average  time  of finding job:  1.5-2  years.
Average number of resumes sent: 400, written refusals received: 50.

     Average response time from a large company (like Northern Telecom) that
is willing  to accept you (from receiving of  resume to last technical level
interview): 4-5 weeks, average number of interviews: 4.

     Sequence of interviews: (0) (Job Search Agency)  -> (1) HR clerk -> (2)
Head of department/technical specialist -> (3)  Vice/President (Marketing or
HR). Most important is (2), others are rather filters.

     For a small company: corresponding time 1 week, interviews-2.

     Oral  references  are  being  checked in  80%  of  the cases  for large

     Percent of large companies that are doing without job search  agencies:
10% (like Winners Apparel, CIBC).

     For  small companies:  60% without job  search  agencies. The  same for
turn-key software installers/solution providers.

     I  would not say that there  is an acute shortage of specialists in any
field now (under developed capitalism supply swiftly comes to equilibrium to

     (This remark  received from  Robert Must. Thank you,  Robert, you share
with your experience like usual):
     This is very correct. While IT industry may provide
     more extensive opportunities due to the fact that this
     immature industry yet. All industries were in this situation
     some time in the past. There is no general deficit of people.
     There is deficit of people with a certain set of skills and
     many of those go to the US because falling loonie cut their
     real salaries. $65k salary is considered good both in the
     US and Canada. But dollar is different. If not this outflow
     probably would be no so much place for those 900 IT people
     who arrive to Canada only from one country every year.

     Price  of  education: all  commercial  courses have $300/week.  (Seneca
$250/course), full-blown University course (4 years): $40,000.

     You may apply for a government loan after a year of living as a PR (pay
out start half a year after gradiation, interest about 5%).

     Length of average private computer courses = 1 year (from 3 months to 2
years). Quality of  education: from C to D (in  Russian 3 with minus). It is
unrealistic to find knowledgeable teachers that also know  how to teach (the
word "methodology" is not known here).

     I  calculate  that  average  time  for  a   person  (without   computer
background) of 25 years  old spent on computer/Software development  related
studies plus job search  is 1 year, if your  are  35 it's 1.5 years, if your
are 40 - two years (if you study/look for job 8 hours a day).

     For a person  with computer background (with language not needed on the
market now, like Fortran or Pascal  or PDP11 Assembler  development) and not
too bad English - it is half a year.

     In Toronto and Kitchener/Waterloo the emphasis is more  on  mainframes,
     Mississauga/Brampton  - client/server, C++. In Ottawa- client/server. I
got a feeling that it is harder to find a job in Ottawa.

     Necessary requirements in all cases: professionally written resume (the
whole science  exists about  it)  and written/oral references  (at  least 3,
preferably local  and you must be able to get by (communicate) in English in
"real-time" (50 words/minute) and  be understood- nobody cares  what  accent
you have. Ability to type (in English) 30-40 words per minute is helpful.

     Average  number  of  software  developers  (with  Canadian  PR status),
returning back  to Russia -  about 7%, for  non-programmers  this  figure is
15-20%  (neither  in  Canada,  nor  in  Russia  there  is  no  corresponding

     Official  Canadian  data: PRs: families arriving  to  Toronto: 900/year
from Russia, 1000 from Israel. My feeling is that about  half of them  (from
former Soviet  Union) are programmers (at least one in the family), with age
range for a main applicant from 25 to 40 years.

     Percent of (families) 'sitting' on welfare after 1 year of  arrival: my
feeling: 35%,  in  three years:  10%  (for a  programmers  2-3 times  less).
Percent of divorces among newcoming families in the first three years: about

     Hopefully it will help,

     Alexei Akimov

     P.S.  See archive of Tor:immi mailing list where  a  lot is  written on
this subject already:
     The URL of home page is:


      , , , - 

        1999 ,   .


     http://members.xoom.com/HiWay/frame2.htm    -       
  ,      , 
-   .
     http://www.intrasystems.ru/canada/ (russian mirror Server)
     www.sunshines.com (Vancouver, Russian)
     www.thebans.com (Toronto,  Romanian-English),    
.   .
     www.svetofor.com (Toronto, Russian)
     http://www.russiantoronto.com (   )

     http://www.newca.com/New.html         ,  
        ,       (
    ).     ,      

(Russian-Canadian link list)

 -        , 
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  (  ,   ).

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     http://artefact.list.ru/     ()

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          (    )      ,    
    paderin@sentry.iitam.omsk.net.ru  -     -
  CD              -   
     http://www.wrconsulting.com/Immigration/Introduction.htm       -
Immigration to Canada, in Russian
     http://www.sunshines.com/immigration/    -       
  ,       - ,   (
, ).      50  -     
      .   99   
,    ,      ,       
 (         .    ,

     http://members.xoom.com/HiWay/welfare.html  -      
 (       )           
.   ,     ( ) 
  -      .     ,   

     www.privet.com c     
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(    )      .    
:   "  ,       -      ,     

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     1. http://www.granary.com/ - Stuffing Solut.Canada - job postings
     2. http://www.iml.com/ - staffing solutions
     3. http://imitinc.com/html/postings.html IT staffing
     4.    http://indie.ca:80/abilities/services/osd/78.html    job   banks,
empl.trainig, good start.point!
     5.  http://indie.ca:80/abilities/services/osd/77.html  resume   writing
tips, start your own busin.
     6.  http://www.library.ubc.ca:80/edlib/jobs.html  list  of  sites,  job
     7. http://www.can.ibm.com:80/hr/ IBM Canada Employment
     8. http://www.can.ibm.com/hr/ co-op programs
     9. http://www.campusscafe.com:80/steve.html
     10  http://www.campuscafe.com:80/jobs.html  job  search  on Internet in
     11   http://info.london.on.ca:80/~aa077/jobs.html   links   to   career
listings of Can. newpapers
     12 http://www.the-wire.com/hrdc.jobs.html HRDC Toronto job hunting
     13 http://www.employmentnews.com Employment News weekly
     14 http://strategis.ic.gc.ca Canada:industry profiles
     15 http://www.hookup.net:80/~jobsat/js-home.htm jobsat careers
     16 http://www.butler.edu:8001/www/career/ftjob.html
     17 http://bisinc.com:80/pronet/ computer professionals job place
     18  http://www.sydex.bc.ca:80/1320fanclub/homepage/silva/emp.html  HRDC
for job seekers
     19 http://www.mediacorp2/com:80/com/index.html  Canada Empl.Weekly  500
career oportun. each week
     20 http://www.netadssell.com:80/employ.htm job links assorted
     21 http://disserv.stu.umn.edu:80/col/listing/region/  Regional Employm.
     22 http://adagent.com/employ/cana-h.html Canada Empl. Classifieds
     23 http://www.microsoft.com/canada/visit/employop/ Microsoft Emloyment
     24 http://www.grasmick.com/related.htm Canada to US Empl. Opport.
     25 http://ein.ccia.st-thomas.on.ca/agencies/cec/hr HRDC sites
     26 http://www.sunshine.net/www/200/su0253/su0253.htm HRDC
     27       http://www.revcan.ca/whatsnew/eiin.html        all       about
     28 http://www.nt.net/%7Ehrdc/ Can.Empl.Centre
     29 http://www.netour.com/Info-Job/ Info-Job Home
     30 http://www.cba.uh.edu/ylowpges/ye.html Yellow Pages programmers
     31 http://www.careerkey.com career networking
     32 http://tri.inline.net/related.htm training sites
     33 http://wacky.ccit.arizona.edu/%7ESusd/job.html
     34 http://www.jetform.com/career/career.html Software develop.jobs
     35 http://www.demon.co.uk/edusource/elt-vac.html TEFL teachers abroad
     36 http://www.jobcenter.com
     37 http://www.jobpoint.com/jpc
     38 http://www.yahoo.com/Business/Employment/Jobs
     40 http://math.unr.edu/linguistics/mele.faq.html
     41 http://www.nerdworld.com/nw1157.html placement services, recruitment
     computers, engineers
     42  http://www.scripps.edu/%7Exiang/job.html  Career   mosaic  jobs  in
Hi-Tech firms
     43 http://www.priorresource.com programming employers Toronto
     44 http://tigger.cc.uic.edu/%7Eaerobin/libjob.html
     45 http://atl-can-careers.com/ Atlantic Canada locations, job hunting
     46 http://campus.org/careers.html
     47  http://www.visions.com/clients/186.html  Software  developers   job
     48 http://is.dal.ca/%7Emsimpson/jobs.html postings of resumes HRDC
     49 http://www.provide.net/business.html International Business Links
     50      http://www.mhbizlink.com/bizlink/nmd/link.html      Mississauga
consult.co. links
     51 http://mgfx.com/tompkins
     52    http://www.pitt.edu/%7Emalhotra/isworld/postava    IS    worldnet
     53 http://www.saludos.com/saludos/webjob.html
     54 http://www.spaceport.ca/akjuit/admin/emp_res.html
     55 http://www.cfn.cs.dal.ca/Government/HRD-NS/orders/jobbanke.html
     56 http://www.lockheed.on.ca/jobs/2.html Lockheed CA jobs openings
     57 http://www.fasken.com/Labemplibbey.html Labour & Empl. Bulletin
     58 http://netrover.com/~ciba/ipacc.html IPEC Recruitment
     59 http://sim-mcburney.com/pagemart/employment.html
     62 http://www.studentjobs.com/sbs/books/sen.html Student employment
     63 http://www.nt.net/~hrdc/cec.htm New Liskeard Canada Empl. Centre
     64 http://w5h.aims.on.ca
     65 http://www.trionline.com/index.htm training resources directory


Last-modified: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 03:55:38 GMT