Avtodidaktika: tezisy i sonety.
V.A. Kurinskij.Email:
vkour@moscowmail.com , Moscow, Russia.PostPsyLab (PPL)of Valery Kourinsky - http://park.kiev.ua/ppl/index.htm
Teksty na anglijskom yazyke drugih rabot V.A. Kurinskogo
: http://www.ceptualinstitute.com
Vmesto predisloviya (Instead of Preface)
Tema 1. Sushchnost' integral'nogo metoda (The Essence of Integrative Method)
Tema 3. Associirovanie (Associating [mnemonics])
Tema 6. Rodnoj yazyk i yazyk inostrannyj (The native language and a foreign one)
Tema 7. Komparativizm v avtodidaktike (Comparativism and selfstudying)
Tema 8. Povtor i povtoryaemost'. Povyshenie analitizma (Repetition, iteration and summing-up)
Tema 9. Sostavlenie plana raboty avtodidakta (Plan-making and plan-fulfilling)
Tema 10. Sposob uskoreniya v avtodidaktike (The methods of acceleration in selfstudying)
Tema 11. Nekotorye aspekty tehniki perevoda (Some aspects of translation technique)
Tema 12. Sociogruppa i lider (Social group and leader in selfstudying)
Tema 13. Stress ozhidaniya v avtodidaktike (Stress of waiting in self-studyin)g
Tema 14. Tehnika razdvoeniya "YA" (The "bifurcation" of Self)
Tema 15. Stroitel'stvo lichnosti v avtodidaktike (Construction of the personality in selfstudying)
Tema 16. "Vnutrennyaya kar'ra" avtodidakta ("Internal progress" in selfstudying)
Tema 17. Lichnost' kak rasshiryayushchayasya vselennaya (Personality as extending universe)
Tema 18. Predely poznaniya (The Limits of Knowledge)
Tema 19. Densaciya vremeni (Densation of time)
Tema 20. Prichastnost' (Participation - social and private)
Tema 21. Dialog i avtodidaktika (You + Me ... [Dialogue and selfstudying])
Tema 22. Potok soznaniya i yazyk. (The flood of consciousness and the language)
Tema 23. Kolichestvo chteniya (The amount of reading)
Tema 24. Prodolzhenie sleduet... (To be continued...)
Perevod tezisov na anglijskij: Barinova Elena
Podgotovka teksta: CHizhikov Igor'
naasipa2000@glasnet.ru, Igor, Moscow, Russia.
Kazhetsya pochti chudom, chto sovremennye metody obucheniya eshche ne sovsem zadushili svyatuyu lyuboznatel'nost', ibo eto nezhnoe rasten'ece trebuet, naryadu so svobodoj, prezhde vsego pooshchreniya. Bol'shaya oshibka dumat', chto chuvstvo dolga i prinuzhdenie sposobstvuet tomu, chtoby nahodit' radost' v tom, chtoby iskat' i uznavat'. Zdorovoe, hishchnoe zhivotnoe otkazalos' by ot pishchi, esli by udarami bicha ego zastavlyali nepreryvno est' myaso, osobenno esli prinuditel'no predlagaemaya eda vybrana ne im. Al'bert |jnshtejn |
It seems almost a miracle that the contemporary methods of teaching have not completely stifled the sacred curiosity, for this small tender plant first and foremost requires encouragement as well as freedom. It would be a great mistake to suppouse that sense of duty and duress enables the joy of research and learning. A healthy, predatory beast would refuse food, if he were forced by a whip to continuously eat meat, especially when it was not he who had made that coercive choice. Albert Einstein |
S vami budet delit'sya svoimi myslyami chelovek, ispol'zuyushchij v svoej rabote svyshe dvadcati inostrannyh yazykov (sredi nih takie, kak vengerskij i kitajskij). |
A man who applying in his work over twenty foreign languages (among them such as Hungarian and Chinese) would like to share his thoughts with you. |
Predlagaemye razmyshleniya posvyashcheny mnogim aspektam samoobrazovaniya, mnemotehniki, probleme skorosti izucheniya izbrannyh predmetov, gerontologicheskoj neobhodimosti uchit'sya v techenie vsej zhizni. |
The ideas provided in this book deal with various aspects of self-education, mnemotechnique, speed of studying the subjects chosen, gerontological need for lifelong learning. |
Sistemnyj podhod, o kotorom idet rech', sostoit iz treh chastej: |
The systematic approach suggested consists of three parts: |
I. Razmyshleniya o mehanicheskoj chasti avtodidaktiki (priobretenie umenij samostoyatel'no nakaplivat' znaniya). |
I. Meditations on the mechanical part of autodidactics (acquisition of skills in independent assuming of knowledge). |
II. Razmyshleniya o periferizacii samoobrazovaniya kak tako-vogo i vydvizhenie na pervyj plan duhovnogo (priobretenie evristicheskih navykov, razvitie tvorcheskogo nachala i t.d.). |
II. Meditations on peripherization of selfstudying as such and focusing in the spiritual (acquisition of heuristic skills, development of creativity, etc.) |
III. Razmyshlenie o stroitel'stve lichnosti, o svyazyah proshlogo i nastoyashchego, ob intensifikacii duhovno-intellektual'noj zhizni individa (priobretenie znanij, neobhodimyh dlya korrekcii zhiznennyh planov, osushchestvleniya pravil'nogo vybora, pereosmysleniya nravstvennyh prioritetov i t.d.). |
III. Meditations on constructing a personality, on connections between past and present, on the intensification of spiritual and intellectual life of an individual (acquisition of knowledge, necessary for correcting plans of life, making right choices, re-evaluating moral priorities, etc.) |
Biopsihicheskuyu sushchnost' sistemnogo podhoda k avtodidaktike sostavlyaet integral'nyj metod, t.e. metod, ob容dinyayushchij v sebe dannye mnogih nauk, kotorye, na pervyj vzglyad, ne imeyut otnosheniya k pedagogike. Odnako, kak pokazala praktika, imenno v etom sluchae vozmozhno bystroe razvitie tehniki aktualizacii interesa, yavlyayushchejsya, v svoyu ochered', osnovoj integral'nogo metoda. |
Biopsychic essence of the systematic approach to an autodidactics lies in an integrative method, i.e. a method integrating data of various sciences not connected with pedagogy at the first sight. But, as practice proves, in this case it is possible to promptly develop the interest actualization technique on which in its turn the integrative method is entirely based. |
Mnogie, na vzglyad neposvyashchennogo, paradoksal'nye priemy samoobucheniya, kotorye vam budut predlozheny, prodiktovany stremleniem primenit' novejshie dostizheniya nauki o mozge. |
To an uninitiated eye, many of paradoxical methods of selfstudying, which will be offered to you, are prompted by the wish to apply the latest achievements in the sciences on brain. |
S cel'yu intensivnogo nakopleniya samyh razlichnyh znanij avtorom "Avtodidaktiki" razrabotana tehnika primeneniya izvestnogo metoda associirovaniya, blagodarya chemu, naprimer, vozmozhno usvoenie chastotnoj leksiki vengerskogo yazyka za 1-2 mesyaca, ili vseh osnovnyh dat istorii za 2-3 nedeli. |
With the aim of intensive accumulation of diversified knowledge the author of "Autodidactics" worked out the technique of applying known associative methods using which it is possible to assimilate frequent vocabulary of Hungarian within 1-2 months or all basic historic dates within 2-3 weeks. |
Vo vseh svoih popytkah pomoch' delu avtodidaktiki (samoobucheniya) avtor rukovodstvuetsya mysl'yu velikogo russkogo pisatelya L. Tolstogo: "ZHizn' est' talant, dannyj nam dlya rosta". |
In all his attempts to promote autodidactics (selfstudying) the author is guided by the thought of the great Russian writer L. Tolstoy: "Life is a talent given us for growing." |
Osnovnye celi avtodidaktiki |
Basic aims of autodidactics |
- Priobretenie navykov samoobrazovaniya v lyuboj oblasti znanij (po sisteme V. Kurinskogo). |
- Development of selfstudying skills in any field of knowledge (within the system by V. Kurinsky). |
- Garmonizaciya myshleniya. |
- Harmonization of thinking. |
- Likvidaciya obuchennoj bespomoshchnosti. |
- Liquidation of studied helplessness. |
- Ovladenie kul'turoj dvizheniya (kak myshechnoj, tak i geshtal'tnoj). |
- Mastering of movement culture (both muscular and gestalt). |
- Algoritmizaciya processa odnovremennogo izucheniya kul'tu-rologicheskoj gruppy predmetov (na primere prakticheskoj podgotovki k parallel'nomu samostoyatel'nomu osvoeniyu anglijskogo, nemeckogo i francuzskogo yazykov). |
- Algorithmization of studying simultaneously a culturological group of subjects (on the basis of practical preparation for simultaneous selfstudying of English, German and French). |
* * * Velichie v bytu nevynosimo - poistine velikoe v bytu skorej napominaet prostotu, s kotoroyu ono nerastorzhimo. CHem menee ognya, tem bol'she dyma, i lzheproroka vidno za verstu po shagu, chto obduman na hodu tam, gde raskovannost' neobhodima. Kak prostotoj Velikij sanovit, kogda poroj nevzrachen on na vid, v lice zh ego net nichego ot lika! I ya podozrevayu, voshishchen, kogda krasivo kto-to oproshchen, - chto mne, naverno, vstretilsya Velikij! |
* * * Not lived at all but spent a bit of life as if the summer days on yellow beach on tiny standstill of the inner speech, on birdy island near a ducky dive on warming ground of needy new survive in every quarrel's minute, time of which is dead from illness - giant's rainy reach that we in middle of us have and I've so often thought is a gloomy helper for young weak wills, when I was like a Kepler, discovering the harmony of world in every simple cluster of a dust of invisible, thin and painy crust that once upon a time the Love was called. |
I. Tradicionnaya metodika - otorvannost' ot sovremennogo urovnya nauk. |
I. Traditional methods are irrelevant to the contemporary level of sciences. |
II. Krugozor i razvitie intellekta, obratnaya svyaz' (2-e psihologicheskoe serdce) |
II. World outlook and intellectual development, feedback (the second psychological heart). |
III. "Dvizhenie kak morfologicheskij organ" (B. Spinoza). |
III. "Movement as a morphological organ" (B. Spinoza). |
1. Osoznanie dvizheniya kak organa. |
1. Comprehension of a movement as an organ. |
2. Dvizhenie i obraz. |
2. Movement and image. |
3. Motorika i problemy pamyati. |
3. Motorics and remembering. |
IV. Zapominanie, pamyat' kak funkciya vsego organizma (otsutstvie organa). |
IV. Remembering, memory as the function of the whole organism (memory has no its own organ). |
V. Ustanovka, metod obdumyvaniya i osmysleniya predlagaemyh ustanovok. |
V. Guidelines, methods of evaluating and analysing the guidelines suggested. |
VI. Rassudochnost' i refleksivnost', abstragirovanie i konkretnoe associirovanie. Levyj i pravyj mozg: nastrojka. |
VI. Rationality and reflectiveness, abstractedness and concrete associating. Left and right brain setting. |
VII. CHto takoe avtodidaktika? (Otsutstvie teorii avtodidaktiki na sovremennom urovne.) |
VII. What is autodidactics? (There is no theory of autodidactics at present). |
1. Obrazovanie kak kontinuum (obrazovanie mozhet byt' tol'ko neokonchennym). |
1. Education as a continuum (education may be only endless). |
2. Immanentnost' lyuboznatel'nosti vsemu zhivomu. |
2. Curiosity is immanent to all living beings. |
3. |tika i intellekt (um - razum - mudrost'). |
3. Ethics and intellect (intelligence - mind - wisdom). |
4. Protivlenie konformizmu i stremlenie k voploshcheniyu lichno-sti (tolkovanie ponyatij). |
4. Resistance to conformism and vigour for self-realisation (interpre-tation of definitions). |
5. Otkaz ot chestnosti kak otkaz ot istochnika energii. |
5. Disuse of honesty as disuse of power sources. |
6. Tshcheslavie i chestolyubie . |
6. Vanity and ambitiousness. |
VIII. Primenenie aktualizirovannogo interesa - osnova integral'nogo metoda v avtodidaktike. |
VIII. The actualized interest made instrumental is the footing for the integrative method in autodidactics. |
1. Opredelenie interesa kak samoyavlyayushchegosya potoka associa-cij. |
1. The definition of interest as a self-appearing stream of associations. |
2. Otsutstvie ob容ktivno interesnogo. |
2. Objectively interesting is not existent. |
3. Interesnost' i "nuzhnost'" (obligatnnost'). |
3. Being interesting and necessary. |
4. Organizaciya "nuzhnosti" kak kul'turologicheskij process. |
4. Making necessary as a culturological process. |
5. Zapominanie i "nuzhnost'". |
5. Remembering and "need". |
IX. Pravila avtodidaktiki. |
IX. The rules of autodidactics. |
1. Nichego ne zapominat' "v lob". |
1. Don't memorize head-on. |
2. Delat' tol'ko to, chto interesno. |
2. Do what you are really interested in. |
3. Starat'sya zamenyat' umstvennuyu rabotu fizicheskoj. |
3. Try to do physical work instead of mental one. |
4. "Prav tot, kto smotrit v slovar' do 1000 raz v den'". |
4. That one does well, who looks up in the dictionary 1000 times a day. |
5. Zapominat' ne nado, no lyuboe vospriyatie dolzhno byt' mak-simal'no polnym. |
5. Don't learn but try to take in to your heart's content. |
6. Ne dobivat'sya srazu polnogo usvoeniya i sovershennogo znaniya. |
6. Don't practise instantly complete full assimilation and perfect knowledge. |
7. Stremit'sya k samonablyudeniyu. |
7. Attempt introspection. |
8. Neusvoenie predydushchego dlya perehoda k posleduyushchemu, dosta-tochnost' ponimaniya. |
8. Non-assimilation of the previous for passing over to the following; sufficiency of understanding. |
X. Zakon nemedlennogo primeneniya znanij. |
X. The law of instant implementation of knowledge gained. |
XI. Spravochniki pryamye i kosvennye. |
XI. Reference books: direct and indirect sources. |
XII. Prakticheskaya organizaciya kontinuuma zanyatij (preryvanie na interesnom meste, mantrovyj sposob zasypaniya). |
XII. Effective arrangement of continual studies (making breaks when the interest is peak; mantra method of falling asleep). |
XIII. Nekotorye lingvisticheskie problemy v avtodidaktike. |
XIII. Some linguistic problems in autodidactics. |
1. Instrumental'nye znaniya i rasshirenie krugozora. |
1. Instrumental knowledge and embroadening of outlook. |
2. Ispol'zovanie dvizheniya rechevogo uklada pri izuchenii yazykov. |
2. Practising the speech apparatus movements when learning languages. |
3. Pervyj etap raboty postanovki rechi. |
3. The initial stage of speech production. |
XIV. Strategiya i taktika avtodidaktiki. |
XIV. The autodidact's strategy and tactics. |
1. Zavyshennost' strategicheskoj sverhzadachi i zanizhennost' tak-ticheskoj. |
1. Strategic super-goals shall be set very high; tactical goals shall be put very low. |
2. Otnoshenie k uchebnikam i slovaryam (krugi) - vospriyatie v obshchem, dal'nejshee utochnenie. |
2. Attitudes to handbooks and dictionaries (circles): perception and further clarification. |
3. Taktika zanyatij so mnogimi uchebnikami, vospitanie aktuali-zirovannogo interesa. |
3. Tactics of dealing with various handbooks; cultivation of the actualized interest. |
4. Utomlyaemost' i associativnoe myshlenie. |
4. Fatigue and associative thinking. |
5. Upravlyaemost' interesa i kolichestvo informacii (knigi, lyu-di). |
5. Guided interest and amount of information (books; people). |
XV. Filosofichnost' podhoda k problemam avtodidaktiki. |
XV. Philosophic approach to autodidactics. |
XVI. |pikur. Poziciya poslednego dnya. |
XVI. Epicure. "The last day status." |
1. Vysshee chelovecheskoe naslazhdenie. |
1. The peak human joys. |
2. Voploshchenie prirodnyh zadatkov, idej. |
2. Realization of natural inclinations and ideas. |
3. Voploshchenie "YA" i greh nevoploshcheniya. |
3. Realization of Self and the sin of underdevelopment. |
* * * Pokazhetsya, chto bol'she nikogda ne napisat', ne vydumat', ne vstretit' - i nikogo neschastnee na svete, i ne pridumat' bol'shego vreda. O! - "pesnya spit v predmete kazhdom", da, no daleko ne kazhdomu v predmete razbuzhennogo smysla predrassvet'e, kak vymysla, daetsya krastota - togda tochnej risunok mysli, skrytoj pod vneshnim sloem skromnogo rechen'ya, pod neizbezhnym veshchestvom slovesnym; togda ty - nebo, i meteorita v tebe vnezapno kolkoe svechen'e, a posle - t'ma podobna luchshim Pesnyam. |
* * * Like painted are the shadows there in Hard they move to us the evening. I am silent. I am today as if my soul is island in very middle of the sadness. Guard against the gloomy curtain, my weak start, and be afraid to think that you now is and because of that will be tomorrow. Imprisoned with nature's lie you are a hoax, smart when we see you with an untrained eye and that is necessary that don't dye ourselves with night up to the dying midst of the brightest beams of whole our world, that always has a poll a neutral one, where earthing's mixed with skying. |
The method of self-analysis and self-studying in autodidactics |
I. Samovospriyatie lichnosti. |
I. The personality's introspection. |
1. Dialektika edinstva obshchego (odinakovogo) i chastnogo (raznogo, nepovtorimogo). |
1. Dialectics of the unity between the whole (common) and the particular (different; unique). |
2. Samovospriyatie kak rezul'tat otrazheniya chuzhih suzhdenij o lichnosti (impriting). |
2. Introspection as the result of other people's judgements about the personality (imprinting). |
3. Umen'shenie neadekvatnogo samovospriyatiya lichnosti i aberracij samovospriyatiya pri pomoshchi samoanaliza, samopoznaniya (Itato Svevo). |
3. Reduction by the personality of introspective inadequacies and aberrations with the help of self-analysis and self-studying (Italo Svevo). |
4. Razbytovlenie otnosheniya k samoanalizu (neosuzhdenie dumaniya). |
4. Release of self-studying from philistine judgements (thinking is not condemnatory). |
5. Myshlenie i samoanaliz. |
5. Thinking and self-analysis. |
6. Interes i samovospriyatie, zainteresovannost' v ob座asnennosti. |
6. Interest and introspection (desire for explanation). |
7. Rassudochnoe sozercanie vnutrennih dvizhenij. |
7. Rational observation of inner movements. |
8. Sovershenstvo samovospriyatiya i koncentraciya vnimaniya (krug koncentracii). |
8. Development of introspection and concentration of attention (the circle of concentration). |
II. Otchuzhdenie lichnosti ot samoj sebya. |
II. Alienation of the personality from one's inner self |
1. Neznanie istinnogo soderzhaniya momenta duhovnosti. |
1. Unawareness of the actual sense of the "moment of spirituality." |
2. Ispolnenie mehanicheskih dvizhenij i rutinnyh operacij. |
2. Exercising in mechanical movements and routine operations. |
3. Nizkij uroven' samosoznaniya. |
3. Low level of self-awareness. |
4. Diktat sociogruppy. |
4. Dictate of the social group. |
5. Rol' vnutrennego cenzora. |
5. The role of the inner censor. |
6. Nepolnoe razvitie. |
6. Incomplete development. |
7. Nedostatochnost' samoanaliza i nazvannosti yavlenij. |
7. Lack of self-analysis and nomination of phenomena. |
8. Porochnye i oshibochnye ustanovki: moda, vospitanie, "psihicheskie uvech'ya". |
8. Corrupted and erroneous guidelines: fashion, education, psychic injuries. |
9. Otsutstvie tvorchestva. |
9. Lack of creativity. |
10. Kompleksy, fobii, manii - t.e. psihopatologiya srednej tyazhesti. |
10. Complexes, phobias, manias - i.e. psychopathologies on the average. |
11. Samovospriyatie meshchanina: |
11. Philistine self-attitudes: |
a) udovletvorennost' dostignutym i otchuzhdenie ot samogo sebya; |
a) satisfaction with the well-being gained and self alienation; |
b) inerciya pokoya i bezdeyatel'nosti kak illyuziya blagopoluchiya; |
b) inertia of complacency and lethargy as an illusion of well-being; |
v) bezduhovnost' kak zamknutaya sistema; |
c) lack of spirituality resulting in the system withdrawn into itself; |
g) mir v mire, gosudarstvo v gosudarstve - meshchanin kak veshch' v sebe: oshchushchenie sobstvennoj nepolnocennosti i stremlenie opravdat'sya ssylkoj na bol'shinstvo; |
d) a world within the world, a state within the state - a philistine as a thing in itself: awareness of one's inferiority and attempts to justify oneself appealing to the majority; |
d) "samyj bol'shoj meshchanin - eto fyurer" (G. Broh); |
e) "the greatest philistine is the furer" (G. Broch); |
e) mery predostorozhnosti: "Ne pozvolyaj dushe lenit'sya" (N. Zabolockij). |
f) preventive measures: "Don't let your soul be idle" (N. Zabolotsky). |
III. Priemy samoanaliza. |
III. Self-studying technique. |
1. Samoopros ili obrashchenie k "vnutrennemu ya". |
1. Self-inquiry or appeal to the inner Self. |
- "V kazhdom cheloveke est' CHelovek" (V. Gyugo); - "CHelovek - eto propast'" (F. Gel'derlin); - edinstvo protivopolozhnostej; - chuvstvo mery; - sbalansirovannost' s vospriyatiem vneshnego mira. |
- "There is a Human Being in every human being" (V. Hugo); - "Man is an abyss" (F. Holderlin); - the integrity of opposites; - sense of proportion; - regaining of balance with the perception of the outer world. |
2. Sbor dannyh o neosoznavaemoj (irracional'noj) chasti lichnosti, rasshirenie osoznavaemogo areala. |
2. Accumulation of data about the incomprehensible (irrational) part of a personality; extension of the area to become aware of. |
3. Opredelenie koefficienta anguassnosti (koefficienta trevozhnosti). Popytka osoznaniya vsegda polezna dlya psihiki. Anguassnost' v kakoj-to stepeni dolzhna prisutstvovat' vsegda, polnoe ee izzhivanie nevozmozhno, i rech' mozhet idti tol'ko o lokalizacii, o periferijnosti ee prisutstviya. |
3. Defining the proportions of anxiety. The attempts to become aware of it are always useful for one's psyche. Anxiety in certain proportion is always present; it is impossible to outlive it, but it is possible to make it local or drive it out to the periphery. |
4. Ocenka vospriyatiya nas postoronnimi: |
4. The estimation of the strangers' attitudes to us: |
a) uchet lichnosti vosprinimayushchih; |
a) account for the stranger's personality; |
b) uchet inertnosti myshleniya; |
b) account for inertia of thinking; |
v) skidka na obydennost' soznaniya i suzhdeniya (allogizmy bytovogo myshleniya). |
c) account for narrowness of routine thinking and judgement (illogic of routine thinking). |
5. Samoanaliz i samoedstvo. Osoznanie, fakt osoznaniya kak kriterij dostatochnosti pri samoanalize. |
5. Self-studying and self-accusation. Comprehension, the fact of being aware is sufficient for self-analysis. |
6. Poisk istinnogo "YA". Pravilo: Istinnoe "YA" napolovinu nahoditsya vne lichnosti, v sociume, v otnosheniyah mezhdu lyud'mi, poetomu ishchi ego i vnutri, i snaruzhi. |
6. The search for the true Self. The rule: the true Self is half beyond the personality, it is in the society, in the relations between people, that is why one has to look for it both inside and outside. |
7. Sobstvennyj "vzglyad so storony", otstranenie ot samogo sebya; rassudochnoe dejstvie (levyj mozg sledit za pravym). |
7. Observation from outside, alienation from one's own self; rational activities (the left brain observes the right one). |
8. Poziciya poslednego dnya - kak priem dlya opredeleniya istinnosti svojstv i cennostej. |
8. "The last day status" as a method for identifying true qualities and values. |
9. Nahozhdenie tochki otscheta na shkale cennostej. |
9. Discovery of the starting point on the scale of values. |
10. Kul'tivirovanie chestolyubiya kak priem likvidacii chuvstvitel'nosti (sentimental'nosti). |
10. Cultivation of ambitions as a method for getting rid of sentimentality. |
11. O dvizhenii dushi. |
11. On the soul's movements. |
IV. Imperativ-sekunda, prizvanie. Rol' uedineniya ("Uolden" G. Toro, M. Monten', V.I. Lenin i t.d.). |
IV. The imperative moment, the calling. The role of solitude ("Wolden" by H. Thoreau, M. Montaigne, V. I. Lenin and others). |
* * * Pel chistyj zvon cikady Ci Baj-shi i celilsya, kak celyatsya iz luka, - nazad odnu otodvigaya ruku, i dal'she zhil na mednye groshi. On kak by delal bol'she nebol'shih i kist' uchil rachitel'noj nauke: velikij smysl iskat' v pustyachnoj shtuke, grozy istok raspoznavat' v tishi. On nahodil primety v neprimetnom i, sushchnosti priravnivaya k metam, v nih popadal ottenkom i chertoj, i dal'she zhit' moglo opyat' zhivoe, kogda on metko, slovno dobryj voin, emu daril bessmert'e krasotoj. |
* * * The dusty cleanness took a grove away and added me a trouble it to fancy. The books are standing still, but I am dancy and individable with greeny play of trees, of miracles that are called a spray beam that is now like a pencil, now like a knife. O royal smell of pansy, of ease inside in hearty tender day! The bug on the threshold, the sun above the apple-trees in flowers and answered love, and some forgotten pain you learn by heart by whole body, soul, and every cell I memorise the life, as if a verse to tell. And so become it longer like an art. |
I. Ponyatie "associirovanie", rodstvennye ponyatiya. |
I. The concept of associating; related concepts. |
II. Associirovanie i kul'tura, translyaciya kul'tury. |
II. Associating and culture, transmission of culture. |
III. Associirovanie i metafora, neekvivalentnost' mysli i ee zapisi. |
III. Associating and the metaphor, inequivalence of a thought occurred to the thought expressed. |
Znaki -- semy, sozdayushchie sostoyaniya: - kraska - cvet; - zvuk (zvuk - cvet - sinesteziya - sooshchushchenie); - obraz - abris, oshchushchenie - emocii; - rechevoj potok - slozhnye znakovye sostoyaniya; - zhesty, mimika i t.d.; - himizm sostoyaniya kak vtorichnyj znak - sema (vnutrennee chuvstvo); - emotivno-chuvstvennoe i myslechuvstvennoe - dialektika. |
Seme-signs producing feelings: - paint - colour; - sound (sound - colour - synesthesie - co-sensation); - image - outline, sensation - emotion; - speech stream - complicated sign perceptive experiences; - gestures, mimics, etc.; - chemism of a feeling as a secondary sign -- seme (an inner feeling); - dialectics of emotion - sensation and thought-feeling. |
IV. Izrechennost' mysli i associirovanie. |
IV. Thought expression and associating. |
1. Adekvatnoe vospriyatie ponyatij. |
1. Adequate perception of concepts. |
2. Tezaurus: mehanizm ponyatiya. |
2. Thesaurus: mechanism of accumulation. |
3. "Porodnenie" ponyatij, svyazannyh s sillogizmami. |
3. Bringing together syllogistic concepts. |
4. Myshlenie kak process "svyazyvaniya" ponyatij. |
4. Thinking as a process of joining concepts. |
5. Izuchenie yazyka v processe myshleniya. |
5. Studying a language in a process of thinking. |
6. Associirovanie kak mnemotehnicheskij priem: |
6. Associating as a mnemonic method: |
a) vsegda otdel'nye obrazy; |
a) only kept apart images; |
b) vsegda kontaktno; |
b) only in contact; |
v) maksimal'naya paradoksal'nost'. |
c) via peak paradox. |
V. Associirovanie i medlennoe chtenie. |
V. Associating and slow reading. |
1. Associirovanie vertikal'noe i gorizontal'noe. |
1. Vertical and horizontal associating. |
2. Poverhnostnoe i predel'no-ischerpyvayushchee associirovanie. |
2. Obvious and profoundly exhaustive associating. |
3. Gedonisticheskaya funkciya chteniya i associirovanie: |
3. The hedonistic function of reading and associating: |
a) komfortnost': svedenie myshleniya k samoyavleniyu associacij (interes); |
a) comfortability: reduction of thinking to self-appearing associations (interest); |
b) snyatie bar'erov pri associirovanii (perevod v obraznyj ryad); |
b) removal of barriers in associating (transfer into the flood of imagination); |
v) igra vser'ez - gedonizm, osoznanie bytiya i t.d. |
c) playing in earnest - hedonism, insight into being, etc. |
4. Medlennoe chtenie i poznanie. |
4. Slow reading and comprehension. |
VI. Processy utomleniya i associirovanie. |
VI. Fatigue and associating. |
1. Dva tipa utomleniya: obshchevegativno-fiziologicheskoe i chast-noe psihoitellektual'noe. |
1. Two kinds of fatigue: common vegetative - physiological and specific psychointellectual. |
2. Utomlenie kratkovremennoe, tochechnoe i utomlenie razlitoe, dlitel'noe (utomlenie ot roda zanyatij, ot special'nosti, ot bytovoj rutiny). Psihointellektual'noe utomlenie |
2. A short or a point tiredness and a long extended exhaustion due to one's occupation, work, everyday routine. Psychic and intellectual weariness. |
3. Rasshirenie krugozora, associirovanie, tezaurus sostoyanij i snyatie psihointellektual'nogo utomleniya. Bogatstvo sostoyaniya. |
3. Embroadening of outlook; associating, thesaurus of feelings and experiences; alleviation of psychic and intellectual weariness. Abundance of experiences and feelings. |
4. YAzyki i krugozor pri associirovanii i snyatii utomleniya. |
4. Languages and outlook while associating and alleviating fatigue. |
5. YAzyki kak associativnye sistemy ("yazyk - eto ogromnoe stihotvorenie"). |
5. Languages as associative systems ("the language is a vast verse"). |
6. Paradoksal'nost' myshleniya: |
6. Thinking is paradoxical: |
a) myshlenie kak istochnik znaniya (radost' otkrytiya), evristichnost', svezhest' metafory; |
a) thinking as a source of learning (joy of discovery); heuristic ability; invention of metaphors; |
b) myshlenie kak igrovoj element (divertismentnost'), (sut' razvlecheniya - snyatie napryazheniya ...) - otvlechenie. |
b) thinking as a play component (divertissement arranging); (the nature of entertainment lies in alleviation of tension) and distraction. |
VII. Somnenie i associirovanie. |
VII. Doubt and associating: |
- definiciya: "Somnenie est' otsutstvie konkretnoj konfortnoj associacii"; - tehnika: |
- the definition: "Doubt is a lack of concrete comfortable association." - technique: |
a) pridumyvanie priblizitel'noj associacii (bolvanki) - lyubaya pervonachal'naya mysl' (mnenie); |
a) the invention of a momentary association (a mould): any starting idea (an opinion); |
b) utochnenie; |
b) clarification; |
- osoznanie estestvennosti dvizheniya somnenij. |
- apprehension of doubt as a natural impulse. |
VIII. Associirovanie i nekotorye aspekty skorochteniya. |
VIII. Associating and a few aspects of fast reading. |
1. Predshestvuyushchij ponyatijnyj akt kak sistema associacij. "Associirovannoe celoe s ennym kolichestvom somnenij i lakun". |
1. The previous act of understanding as a system of association. "The associated whole with a certain number of doubts and gaps." |
2. Bystroe chtenie kak metod vyyasneniya nuzhnyh ponyatij i zapolneniya probelov (likvidaciya somnenij). |
2. Fast reading as a method of clarifying concepts in demand and bridging gaps (alleviation of doubts). |
3. Osvedomitel'noe chtenie: ne dlya sostoyaniya i perezhivaniya, a dlya informativnogo obogashcheniya. |
3. Reading for acquaintance: not for feelings or experiences, just for information. |
4. Nekotorye voprosy tehniki skorochteniya v svyazi s associirovaniem kak sut'yu myslitel'nogo processa: |
4. Some aspects of fast reading technique connected with associating as the natural process of thinking: |
a) vklyuchenie levogo mozga posle popytki ohvatit' global'noe soderzhanie (izobrazhenie); |
a) putting into action of the left brain after making attempts to grasp the whole meaning (an image); |
b) lovlya vspyshek associacij i prodolzhenie operezhayushchego dumaniya ; |
b) catching of associative flashes and continuous thinking ahead; |
v) associirovanie posle prosmotra ili skorochteniya. |
c) associating after having looked through or fast reading. |
* * * Pust' budet posmurno. I v kaple - t'ma, kak ran'she - solnce, budet pust' otnyne i seryj cvet, gde byl nedavno sinij, pust' napolzet na dal'nie doma - dlya nas vazhnee vse-taki uma ne to igra, ne to v prodlen'i linij trud nepreryvnyj strannyj i naivnyj - to, mozhet byt', i est' ona sama - ta zhizn' vnutri, chto stala preslovutoj, chto ozerom - za tyagostnoj zaprudoj - svoih nebes neponyatyh cveta, predchuvstvuya pogodu, otrazhaet i dobryh vzglyadov zhdet, kak urozhaya, i ne byvaet nikogda syta. |
* * * Like train the thought repeats the line of way, solemnity and joy are mixed with sadness as good intention with the evil madness, as bright and sunny with the dim and grey. The volumes geometrically play the inner sense of April as if send us to happy world of rightness and correctness where like the living creatures stay. And so the one, the two, the four, the ten speak in the melodies and little <<then>> like funny bug researches the legato. It philosophically stops and contemplate before it choices the better fate like Aristoteles or Elder Kato. |
I. Material'naya baza samoobucheniya. |
I. Logistics base for selfstudying. |
1. Kolichestvo uchebnikov, ih kachestvo i razlichnye stepeni slozh-nosti izlozheniya materiala. YAzyki, na kotoryh oni izdany. |
1. A number of handbooks; their quality and complexity gradation. Languages they are published in. |
2. Uchebniki pervoj stadii obucheniya. |
2. Handbooks for fresh start studying. |
3. Uchebniki dlya prodolzheniya zanyatij. |
3. Handbooks for advanced studying. |
4. Slovari tolkovye i slovari dvuyazychnye. |
4. Defining dictionaries (thesauruses and bilingual ones). |
5. Slovari mnogoyazychnye, razgovorniki. |
5. Multilanguage dictionaries; phrase-books. |
6. Grammatiki na inostrannyh yazykah. |
6. Grammar books in foreign languages. |
7. Lingvisticheskaya literatura, slovari lingvisticheskih termi-nov. |
7. Linguistic literature, linguistic terminological dictionaries. |
8. Slovari tipa "Laruss". |
8. Larousse-type dictionaries. |
9. Slovari karmannye (razlichnye). |
9. Pocket dictionaries. |
10. Podgotovka uchebnika i slovarya k nosheniyu s soboj (izgotovle-nie futlyara iz kartona, oborachivanie knigi, polietilenovye chehly). |
10. Getting handbooks and dictionaries ready to have about oneself (making cardboard cases; paper or plastic covers, etc.) |
11. Uchebniki, spravochniki i knigi dlya chteniya v kvartire. |
11. Handbooks, reference books and books for reading at home. |
12. Material dlya pis'ma: rol' karandasha pri chtenii, tetrad' dlya zapisi samonablyudenij, postoyannoe mesto neskol'kih ruchek v razlichnyh mestah, nalichie narezannyh listkov v razlichnyh chastyah kvartiry, papki s nadpisyami, skrepki i zakladki (dlya kazhdoj knigi!), lupa. |
12. Writing accessories: the role of a pencil while reading; a notebook for retrospective notes;a few pens and cut paper put in certain places; signed files; clips and layings (for every book!),a magnifying glass. |
13. Radiopriemnik kv-diapazona. |
13. A short-wave radio-set. |
14. Magnitofon (magnitola). |
14. A tape recorder. |
15. Muzykal'nyj instrument. |
15. A musical instrument. |
16. Kollekciya reprodukcij kartin, komplekty fotografij i dru-gogo materiala po razlichnym stranam (v osobennosti po stra-nam, yazyki kotoryh izuchayutsya), predmety byta, izdeliya i t.d. |
16. The collection of reproduced paintings, sets of photos, etc., depicting various countries (especially those ones whose languages are being studied), everyday items, handicraft goods, etc. |
17. Literatura na rodnom yazyke o stranah, yazyk kotoryh izuchaet-sya. |
17. Literature in the original about the countries whose languages are being studied. |
18. Lingvostranovedcheskaya literatura. |
18. Linguistic and cultural guide-books. |
19. Periodicheskaya pressa: |
19. Periodicals: |
a) gazety (obyazatel'naya pokupka vseh vozmozhnyh); b) zhurnaly (po vozmozhnosti polnyj komplekt obrazcov); v) drugie izdaniya. |
a) newspapers (all available); b) magazines (all within reach); c) others. |
20. Sborniki pesen. |
20. Song books. |
21. Hudozhestvennaya literatura: |
21) Fiction: |
a) principy otbora (zavisimost' ot legenda libri i ot osvedom-lennosti); |
a) principles of choice (dependent on legenda libri and scope of knowledge; |
b) kniga sobstvennaya i kniga bibliotechnaya (predpochtenie otda-etsya knige sobstvennoj), popolnenie lichnoj biblioteki. |
b) a book of one's own and a book from the library (preferences are given to one's own books); enlargement of the personal library. |
22. Plastinki. |
22. Records. |
II. Algoritm nachal'nogo perioda. |
II. Algorithm of the fresh start stage. |
1. CHeredovanie raboty nad uchebnikami raznyh yazykov (do 15 mi-nut nad kazhdym, nachinat' mozhno s 5 minut). |
1. Changing handbooks in different languages (from 5 to 15 minute work with every book). |
2. CHeredovanie raboty nad uchebnikami odnogo yazyka (menyat' do poyavleniya aktualizirovannogo interesa). |
2. Changing books in one and the same language (until the actualized interest occurs). |
3. Vypolnenie vseh uprazhnenij uchebnika, prednaznachennyh dlya ustnogo ispolneniya (oral'naya tehnika). |
3. All exercises for oral practice shall be done orally (oral technique) |
4. Starat'sya projti za den' kak mozhno bol'she (bez ucheta zapo-minaniya, no ne proshchaya sebe ni malejshej nepolnoty vospriyatiya ili neponimaniya uchebnyh tekstov).. |
4. Try to cover as much material as possible (with no account for memorising, but with close attention to wholesale perception and understanding of the studied text) |
5. Ispol'zovanie pravila postanovki rechi. CHtenie vsluh s zaderzhkami zvuchaniya poslednego zvuka predshestvuyushchego slova. |
5. Usage of the rules for speech production. Reading aloud with durable pronouncing the last sound in the previous word. |
6. Ezhednevno delat' (vychityvat') odnu zakladku na odnom iz yazykov, prohodit' ee na sleduyushchij den' ne menee 3-4 raz. |
6. Daily making up (reading) of one "laying" in one of the languages studied; practising it the next day for at least 3-4 times. |
7. CHeredovat' zakladki na raznyh yazykah (po odnoj na kazhdom). |
7. Changing of "layings" through different languages (one "laying" for each language). |
8. Slova dlya zakladok brat' snachala iz uchebnika, potom iz slovarej karmannogo tipa, pri otbore orientirovat'sya na osnovnoe znachenie slova. |
8. Pick out words for "layings" at first from handbooks, then from pocket dictionaries; when selecting, focus in the basic meanings. |
9. Zakladki ne usvaivat', a dobivat'sya lish' obshchego (motorno-myshechnogo) znakomstva s leksikoj i poyavleniya oshchushcheniya fonetiko-semanticheskogo koma, gravitiruyushchego novye slova. |
9. Don't digest "layings", but practise common (motoring and muscular) acquaintance with the vocabulary and accumulation of phonetic and semantic cluster, gravitating new words. |
10. Sochinyat' vsluh predlozheniya posredstvom zapolneniya konstrukcij. |
10. Compose sentences aloud by filling in building blocks. |
11. Posle chetvertoj zakladki na kazhdom yazyke nachinat' vsluh (bez slovarya!) hudozhestvennuyu knigu srednih razmerov, zhelatel'no povest' ili roman. |
11. After the forth "laying" in each language start reading fiction aloud (without dictionaries!), preferably novels. |
12. Zamenyat' adaptirovannye uchebnye posobiya drugimi (ostav-lyat' v storonu, pryatat' podal'she, poka ne vozniknet zhelaniya vzyat' ih v ruki snova). |
12. Replace the handbooks you've got used to with different ones (put them aside; hide faraway until you become eager again to get them back). |
13. Pri pervoj vozmozhnosti smelo ispol'zovat' priobretennye znaniya (kak pri chtenii, tak i v ustnom obshchenii i pis'me). |
13. In any circumstances boldly use the knowledge gained (when reading, communicating or writing). |
14. Primenyat' pravila samoanaliza, avtodidaktiki i sovershen-stvovat' navyki po principu maksimal'noj zameny umstvennoj raboty fizicheskoj. |
14. Use the rules of self-analysis, autodidactics and perfect the skill of doing physical work instead of mental one when - and wherever possible. |
15. Starat'sya v techenie pervogo mesyaca obucheniya priiskivat' slova v tolkovom slovare kazhdogo izuchaemogo yazyka do 10000000 raz, ispol'zuya cepnoj metod dlya vyyasneniya soderzhaniya. |
15. Try to look up for the new words in thesauruses of every target language for 1.000.000 times a day using "the chain method" for clarifying the meanings. |
16. Snimat' vse psihicheskie bar'ery posredstvom tehniki osoz-naniya dvizheniya, primeneniya associacij ili ogranicheniya rassudochnogo myshleniya. |
16. Remove all psychical barriers by the technique of movement comprehension, involving associations and minimizing rational thinking. |
17. Lingvisticheskoe chtenie. |
17. Linguistic reading. |
III. Ritmicheskoe chtenie. |
III. Rhythmic reading. |
1. Nahozhdenie sintagmy. |
1. Looking for syntagma. |
2. Glavnoe udarenie frazy. |
2. Main phrasal stress (emphasis). |
3. Pauzy (cezury) i chlenenie materiala. |
3. Pauses (caesuras) and division of material. |
4. CHtenie stihov na inostrannom yazyke. |
4. Reciting verses in foreign languages. |
5. Ponyatie "literaturovedenie" i "pervichnyj analiz" pri chte-nii. |
5. Comprehension of "literary criticism" and "initial analysis" while reading. |
6. Peredacha golosom ottenkov (giperkontrastnoe chtenie). |
6. Voicing of tunes and tones (hypercontrast reading). |
7. Raspevnoe chtenie (poisk intervalov). |
7. Sing-song reading (searching for intervals). |
IV. Domashnee etimologizirovanie. |
IV. Home-grown etymology. |
1. Ponyatie "etimologiya". |
1. The definition of etymology. |
2. Povyshenie analitichnosti pri vyrabotki slovodvizheniya. |
2. The development of analytical skills while practising "word-motion". |
3. Ponyatie "soglasnaya - bar'er" i "soglasnaya - osnovnoj inst-rument slovesnoj semantiki". |
3. The concept of "a consonant as an obstacle"; "a consonant as the main instrument in verbal semantics". |
4. Akcentuirovanie vospriyatiya soglasnogo. |
4. The accentuated perception of consonants. |
5. Sopostavlenie soglasnyh v razlichnyh yazykah. |
5. The comparison of consonants in different languages. |
6. Zakony perehoda soglasnyh. |
6. The laws of consonant conveyance. |
7. Soglasnye kak opora dlya vyyasneniya smysla v neznakomom slove. |
7. Consonants as the footing for identifying the meaning of an unfamiliar word. |
8. Obratnye postroeniya. |
8. Reverse building up. |
9. Psevdoetimologizirovanie kak mnemopriem. |
9. Pseudo-etymologizing as a method of mnemonics. |
V. Obshchaya ideya i priem. |
V. General ideas and techniques. |
1. Primery, svidetel'stvuyushchie o pol'ze formalizacii. |
1. Examples to prove that formalization is useful. |
2. Dva dejstviya, prevrashchayushchie obshchuyu ideyu v priem: |
2. Two ways of converting the general idea into technique: |
a) poisk obrazov, ponyatijno-obraznogo ryada; |
a) searching for images; building up of concept-and-image chain; |
b) nahozhdenie formalizovannogo, vozmozhno bolee prostogo spo-soba dvizheniya obrazov. |
b) searching for the easiest technique to formalize the motion of images. |
VI. Interes kak "morfologicheskij organ cheloveka". |
VI. Interest "as the morphological organ of a human being". |
1. "Snob est' fal'shivomonetchik interesa". |
1. "The snob is a counterfeiter of interest." |
2. Kolichestvo interesa i kachestvo vospriyatiya. |
2. Amount of interest and quality of perception. |
3. Optimal'noe kolichestvo interesa i tochek ego prilozheniya. |
3. Optimum amount of interest and the number of points for its implementation. |
4. Uroven' prityazaniya v ponimanii togo ili inogo materiala; priznanie neponimaniya kak funkciya nedostatochnoj osve-domlennosti (ne iz-za sobstvennoj gluposti - inache paralich interesa). |
4. Claim-level in understanding the material required; misunderstanding occurs due to the lack of information (not due to one's stupidity - otherwise it might result in the paralysis of interest). |
VII. |ffekt gruppy i myshlenie individuuma. |
VII. Group affects and individual thinking. |
1. Stremlenie k stroitel'stvu gruppy edinomyshlennikov. |
1. Eagerness to build a group of adherents. |
2. Razvitie interesa k duhovnomu i effekt gruppy. |
2. Developing interest for the spiritual and the effects of a group. |
3. "Vnutrennyaya kar'era". |
3. The "inner carrier." |
VIII. Passionarij i subpassionarij. |
VIII. Passionate and subpassionate individuals. |
1. Passionarnost' kak forma sushchestvovaniya stojkogo interesa k duhovnomu. |
1. Passionateness as a way of steadfast interest for the spiritual. |
2. Prioritety i passionarnost'. |
2. Priorities and passionateness. |
3. Passionarnost' i sposobnosti (There is a will, there is a way!). |
3. Passionateness and abilities (There is a will, there is a way!). |
4. Vysshie chelovecheskie naslazhdeniya (katasteniya, |pikur). |
4. Human peak joys (katastenia, Epicure) |
* * * Lyublyu raznoobrazie narodov! Mnogoyazykim prolivnem imen byl, vidno, um moj pereuvlazhnen sred' polugramotnyh, no - poliglotov... nahodit on v narechiyah plemen, kak budto imi byl usynovlen v kakie-to dopamyatnye gody - otkuda zhe, kak ne otsyuda, vzyat'sya neob座asnimym oshchushchen'yam bratstva, zhelan'yu drevnost' ne svoyu sberech', duhovnosti nezdeshnej udivit'sya, i v muzyku myshleniya vlyubit'sya, uslyshav chelovecheskuyu rech'! |
* * * The tree of Life - and we are here not stilted - has me, its twig, or better, a small leaf. And the Great World, that never can be deaf, is hearing tiny brook by men entitled somebody's life. And it was really - spilt it a noise of the non-human movement, safe, though touched by everything we leave the holy stem and native branch, but bridled is even most free fall. That barren is, because there is eternal harness for every man and it makes us unable to get the fruits in happy chain of harvests in fashionable turn that firmly starves worse parts and better ones keeps stable. |
I. Rechevoj uklad i ego ispol'zovanie s uchebnikom. |
I. The speech apparatus and its employment when working with a handbook. |
1. Vse uprazhdeniya i teksty prochityvayutsya vsluh, zatem maksimal'no likvidiruyutsya fonetiko-somaticheskie i psihicheskie bar'ery (metod osoznaniya dvizhenij i ih stadij). |
1. All exercises and texts shall be read aloud with a maximum discharge of phonetic, somatic and psychic barriers (using the method of comprehending movements and their phases). |
2. Uvelichivaetsya skorost' pri povtorah. |
2. Growth of fluency with repetitions. |
3. Kazhdyj povtor proizvoditsya s narochitym udovol'stviem. |
3. Every repetition is made with an accentuated delight. |
4. Proslezhivaetsya ritm frazy i intonirovanie. |
4. Pursuit of the phrasal rhyme and intoning. |
5. Osoznaetsya sinhronnost' ponimaniya frazy. |
5. Being aware of the simultaneous understanding of a phrase. |
6. Delaetsya popytka proiznesti vse uprazhneniya neprinuzhdenno i v dovol'no bystrom tempe. |
6. Attempts shall be made to pronounce all exercises easily, naturally and quite fluently. |
7. Snova vyyasnyayutsya bar'ery, kotorye likvidiruyutsya pri pomo-shchi povtorov (posredstvom metoda osoznaniya dvizhenij). |
7. Focusing in the barriers, which shall be erased by continual repeating (using the method of movement comprehension). |
8. Prochityvaetsya vsluh tekst sleduyushchego uroka, vyyasnyayutsya pro-bely. |
8. Reading the text from the next unit with due focus in the gaps. |
9. Ustanavlivayutsya znacheniya zabytyh slov. |
9. Finding out the meanings of the words forgotten. |
10. Vypolnyayutsya uprazhneniya i t.d. Perehod na sleduyushchij krug. |
10. Practising exercises, etc. Moving ahead the next circuit. |
- Do raboty nad osnovnymi uchebnikami obyazatel'no prohodyatsya foneticheskie kursy. |
- Before studying the essential handbooks it is most advisable to cover phonetic courses. |
- Stavitsya zonal'noe proiznoshenie i delayutsya zakladki s leksikoj vseh nalichnyh uchebnikov. |
- Mastering of zonal pronunciation and practising the "layings" from all handbooks available. |
II. Rechevoj uklad i ego ispol'zovanie bez uchebnika. |
II. The speech apparatus and its employment without a handbook. |
1. Trenirovka konstrukcij s energichnym proizneseniem i is-pol'zovanie pravila postanovki rechi. |
1. Practise speech patterns with energetic pronouncing and simultaneous implementation of the speech production rule. |
2. Fantazirovanie vsluh - sochinenie metafor, osmyslenie slu-chajnyh sochetanij, trenirovka vnimaniya, uprazhnenie "vyhod iz trudnogo polozheniya" (beretsya sluchajnoe sochetanie slov i delaetsya popytka opravdat' ego upotreblenie) i t.d. |
2. Fancy aloud - try to produce metaphors; explain word combi-nations made at random; develop observation; practise an exercise: "The outlet from a deadlock" (try to make up a word combination at random and then invent an explanation to justify it). |
3. CHtenie gazety s popytkoj razobrat'sya v soderzhanii. |
3. Read a newspaper trying to understand its contents. |
4. Zanyatie lingvisticheskim chteniem hudozhestvennoj knigi s pri-meneniem kontekstual'noj dogadki.. |
4. Linguistic reading of fiction with the attempts made to guess from the context |
5. Proiznosya slovo, vslushivayutsya v ego zvuchanie. |
5. When pronouncing a word listen to how does it sound. |
6. CHitaya ili proiznosya slovo, obrashchayut vnimanie v pervuyu oche-red' na soglasnye zvuki. |
6. When reading or pronouncing a word, pay primary attention to the consonants. |
7. Zanimayutsya sravnitel'nym chteniem slovarej raznyh yazykov (anglo-nemeckij ili francuzsko-anglijskij, naprimer). |
7. Comparative reading of dictionaries in different languages (English-German or French-English ones, for examples). |
8. Proiznosya mnogokratno opredelennye trudnye zvukosochetaniya, pytayutsya likvidirovat' bar'ery i dobit'sya svobody, a takzhe razvivat' nuzhnye myshcy rechevogo uklada. |
8. Repeated pronouncing of certain difficult sound combinations helps to erase barriers, gain ease and develop the essential muscles of speech apparatus. |
9. Predstavlyayut predpolozhitel'nyj zhest, pantomimiku i mimi-ku nositelya yazyka. |
9. Fancy a supposed gesture, pantomime or mimics of a native speaker. |
10. Analiziruyut ritmiku i artikulyaciyu na rodnom i inost-rannyh yazykah. |
10. Analyse rhythmics and articulation both in the native and foreign languages. |
11. Pytayutsya postavit' proiznoshenie komu-nibud' iz znakomyh. |
11. Try to train someone of your friends in correct pronouncing. |
12. Vyuchivayut nebol'shoe stihotvorenie na kazhdom iz yazykov. |
12. Learn a short verse in every language. |
13. Vyuchivayut tri narodnye pesni na treh yazykah. |
13. Learn three folk songs in three languages. |
14. CHitayut pogovorki i poslovicy, nekotorye iz nih pri etom myshechno zapominayut (te, kotorye bol'she vsego ponravilis'). |
14. Read proverbs and sayings, try to memorize those you like most with your muscles. |
15. Obrashchayutsya k sebe s nebol'shim monologom. |
15. Address yourself with a small monologue. |
16. Pytayutsya pogovorit' s tovarishchem na inostrannom yazyke. |
16. Try to speak to your friend in a foreign language. |
17. Perechityvayut "Vojnu i mir", pytayas', nakonec, vse chitat' v originale. |
17. Re-read "War and Peace", trying to read it in the original at last. |
18. Razmyshlyayut s uchastiem rechevogo uklada (vnutrennee govore-nie na inostrannyh yazykah). |
18. Think with the employment of the speech apparatus ("inner speaking" in foreign languages). |
III. Principy ezhednevnoj raboty. |
III. Daily work principles. |
1. Ispol'zovat' pravilo neotryvnoj raboty: iskat' vozmozh-nost' v lyubom polozhenii proizvodit' dvizhenie rechevogo uklada s cel'yu sovershenstvovaniya ego v nuzhnom dlya izbrannyh yazykov napravleniyah. |
1. Use the rule of continual work: try to make it possible in any circumstances to move your speech apparatus with the aim of developing it for mastering the languages chosen. |
2. Starat'sya prohodit' v den' kak mozhno bol'she (1-2 uroka na kazhdom yazyke). |
2. Try to cover as much material as possible (1-2 units every day). |
3. Proizvodit' maksimum uchebnoj raboty v dvizhenii kak pobochnuyu rabotu. |
3. Focus in maximum studying at maximum through movements as by-the-way work. |
4. Otdavat' predpochtenie uedineniyu s uchebnym materialom. |
4. Give preferences to solitude with the material being studied. |
5. Pomnit', chto tol'ko optimal'noe kolichestvo pogruzhenij v rabotu, opredelyaemoe individual'no, mozhet dat' polozhi-tel'nye rezul'taty. |
5. Remember that only the optimum number of divings into work, discovered individually, may give positive results. |
6. Vsyakoe razdrazhenie topit' v uchebnoj rabote. |
6. Drown any occurring irritation in studies. |
7. Isklyuchit' pryamoe smotrenie televizora - smotret' tol'ko kra-em glaza. |
7. Don't watch TV straight - only with your eye's corner. |
8. Uvelichit' skorost' prosmatrivaniya gazet kak na rodnom, tak i na inostrannom yazykah. |
8. Speed up looking through newspaper both in the native and foreign languages. |
9. Pomnit' postoyanno, chto sekonomlennaya dlya ucheby sekunda prodlevaet zhizn' na 1 minutu.
9. Always bear in mind that a second saved for studying makes your life a minute longer. |
* * * Hochu na ravnyh! I pri vsem pri tom - klonyus' ot voshishcheniya umom pri vide blagorodstva bez oglyadki, pri sluhe o putyah otnyud' ne gladkih k tomu, chto dlya profanov - tupiki, no piki opyta dlya mudryh, dlya takih, kto cenu znaet cenu zabluzhden'yam, kto vozdavat' hvalu sposoben tenyam, oshibochnym suzhdeniyam, strastyam, kogda oni predosterech' speshat to luch, to mudrost', to razumnyj shag, vdrug ch'yu-to zhizn' kak budto nenarokom svoim ispraviv gorestnym urokom. |
* * * It is time to be old R.W.Emerson The suns of all my sunny days, unrivaled, swim in the pond, already almost full. The waves, that only dreams contain, are cool so paradoxically. There's an island of consciousness, and it congeals arrived hot stars. And such a fury is a rule. It orders everything and our time's pool becomes a dirty puddle where you had lived so happy, thinking by mistake: my lake or even a sea, an ocean, never blake because of all internal lustrous suns. But it is so for outside gloomy view, where there is not eternity in you, and upper thoughts in either never runs. |
I. Rodnoj yazyk i otnoshenie k inostrannomu yazyku. |
I. The native language and attitudes to a foreign one. |
1. Sovershenstvovanie rechi na rodnom yazyke v svyazi s izucheniem inostrannogo: |
1. Mastering the native speech when studying a foreign language: |
a) rodnoj yazyk kak summa adaptirovannyh (rutinnyh) dvizhenij, predstavlenij, ponyatij (denotatov-konnotatov); |
a) the native language as a sum-total of adapted (routine) movements, ideas, notions (denotations - connotations); |
b) inostrannyj yazyk (na pervom etape) - ne dostatochno rutinen, chtenie na inostrannom vnimatel'nee, chem na rodnom: |
b) a foreign language (at the fresh start stage) is not routine; every one reads in a foreign language more attentively than in the native one: |
- propusk oshibok pri chtenii na rodnom yazyke, poverhnostnoe ponimanie, neglubokoe vospriyatie, legkaya zarazhaemost' mehanisticheskim chteniem; |
- reading in the native language involves missing mistakes, superficial understanding, shallow perception, easy shifting to mechanical reading; |
- prevyshennyj, analitizm grammaticheskih struktur pri chtenii na inostrannom yazyke (i naoborot - zanizhennyj pri chtenii na rodnom); |
- reading in a foreign language involves excessive grammar analysis; while reading in the native one vice versa lacks it; |
- kriterii opredeleniya masterstva lozhny (podmena vladeniya struk-turami fakticheskogo vladeniya yazykom); |
- the criterion of the skill as the mechanical mastering of speech patterns is taken for actual speaking; |
- kontekst tradicii, narodnogo haraktera, kul'turnogo areala. |
- the context of customs and traditions, of the national character, of the cultural environment and background. |
2. Priblizhenie instrumental'nosti inostrannogo yazyka k instrumental'nosti rodnogo: |
2. Drawing closer together the instrumentalities of both languages: |
a) uchet obstoyatel'stv na osoznannom i neosoznannom urovne (lingvostranovedcheskie obstoyatel'stva i okoloyazykovye); |
a) taking into aware and unaware account of various linguistic and cultural phenomena and the ones indirectly connected with the language; |
b) gravitacionnoe pole yazyka (nravstvennye privychki, etnicheskie tradicii, lokal'nye haraktery). Krome sebya samogo, yazyk upotreblyaet semanticheskie sistemy podsoznatel'nogo ryada. |
b) the gravitational field of the language (moral ways and habits, ethic customs, local characters). The language employs not only itself but also the semantic systems from the subconscious. |
3. Prakticheskoe primenenie vneyazykovyh znanij pri znakomstve s inostrannym yazykom. |
3. Practical usage of extralinguistic knowledge when getting acquainted with a foreign language. |
II. Vnutriyazykovye processy i ih vospriyatie nositelem yazyka kak rodnogo i kak inostrannogo. |
II. Intralanguage processes and their perception by a native speaker both in the native and foreign languages. |
Ukrupnennost' blokov semantiki na rodnom yazyke, s odnoj storony, i sokrashchenie semanticheskogo znaka do signal'nosti, s drugoj. |
Enlargement of semantic blocks in the native language on the one hand, and reduction of a semantic sign to a signal, on the other. |
- Ozhidanie predchuvstvovannogo slova ili vyrazheniya. |
- Premonition of a certain word or phrase. |
- Pleonazmy i povtory kak vyrazitel'nye sredstva yazyka i kak surrogaty novyh semanticheskih vyskazyvanij. |
- Pleonasms and repetitions as both expressive means in a language and surrogates of new semantic expressions. |
- Ispol'zovanie mezhdometij i chastic kak opornyh punktov rechi. |
- Usage of interjections and particles as the footholds in speech. |
III. Purizm i zadumannaya oshibka. |
III. Purism and a conceived mistake. |
Slishkom ochishchennaya rech' kak priznak nesvobodnogo govoreniya na inostrannom yazyke. |
Overpurified speech as a symptom of restrained speaking in a foreign language: |
1. Sistemy narushenij, prinyatyh v yazyke. |
1. Standards of impurity admissible in a language. |
2. Vvodimye slova kak narushiteli i kak kraska epohi (slova-parazity). Polozhitel'naya rol' slov-parazitov i ih "nuzhnost'". |
2. Words introduced as violators and colourings of time (parasite words). The positive and necessary role they play. |
3. YAzykovoj kich i hudozhestvenno-obraznaya rech'. |
3. Language cliches and colourful metaphoric speech. |
IV. Ritm i yazyk. |
IV. Rhythm and language. |
1. Svyaz' obraza i ritma. |
1. Link between an image and rhythm. |
2. Ritm i smyslovye (opornye) akcenty v rodnom i inostrannom yazykah. |
2. Rhythm and semantic (foothold) accents in the native and foreign languages. |
3. Rechevaya intonaciya i vospriyatie muzyki. |
3. Speech intonation and perception of music. |
V. Intonacionnaya sfera. |
V. Sphere of intonation. |
1. YAzyk kak sistema intonacij s organizovannymi foneticheskimi pregradami. |
1. Language as a system of intonations with conceived phonetic barriers. |
2. Nepodrobnoe govorenie na rodnom yazyke. |
2. Undetailed speaking in the native language. |
3. Osoznanie principov netshchatel'noj literaturnoj razgovornoj rechi na inostrannom yazyke. |
3. Comprehension of the principles of careless literary colloquial speaking in a foreign language. |
* * * Popytka. Bravo!.. Net, ne to, No vnov' ona stremit potokom k vershinam bolee vysokim i netu dlya nee plato, gde chtut pokoj, ugomonyas', gde kazhutsya sebe bol'shimi. Popytki - eto to, chto imya v obezymyanivan'i nas. Arbuz sozrel. V nem spryatan zvon i leta luchshego kusochek. I esli on tak divno sochen, to znachit vslast' pytalsya on u solnca brat' luchistyj sok i cvet ego menyat' na krasnyj, i noch'yu, v chas tosklivyh krasok, pod zvezdy podstavlyaya bok. Lyublyu togo, kto vplav' i sam peresekaet eto more, i, kol' o chem-to boga molit, tak eto chtob on dal rukam, nogam i myslyam volyu, chtob mogli oni pytat'sya snova, kogda mig schast'ya zabrakovan, vo imya neudachnyh prob. |
* * *
Like every earthling I adore the heaven or firmament or on simple sky where we do live when on the planet fly, and that consist, if trust a tale, of seven. And I'm obedient to the order: << Cleave in two parts - celestial and terrestreal. Spy on evident yourself, on monarchy, on inner land, on Stratford and on Avon!>> May be the only joke that here is purposed is that here everything is ever earnest. We are in cage of seriousness, of which nobody can get rid and, though we laugh at every trifle, the act is sad enough, because we may existence to impeach. |
I. Lingvisticheskie znaniya i izuchenie yazykov. Komparativnoe chtenie i morfologicheskoe vospriyatie yazykov (algoritm). |
I. Knowledge of linguistics and language studying. Comparative reading and morphological perception of languages (the algorithm). |
1. Raspoznavanie struktur. |
1. Identification of structures. |
2. Poisk strukturnyh sootvetstvij. |
2. Looking for structural patterns. |
3. Ottenki i smysl. |
3. Nuances and meanings. |
4. Vosproizvedenie i smysl. |
4. Reproduction and meaning. |
5. Ritm i intonirovanie. |
5. Rhythm and intoning. |
6. Praktikum: mnogokratnost' vosproizvedeniya, vslushivaniya, analiz myshechnyh oshchushchenij. |
6. Practise repeated reproduction, attentive listening, analysis of muscular sensations. |
7. Vyyasnenie instrumentariya esteticheskogo vozdejstviya morfo-logicheskih struktur: |
7. Focusing in the instruments of aesthetic appeal of morphological structures: |
a) semanticheskoe (s chteniem vertikali); b) intonacionno-ritmicheskoe; v) foneticheskoe. |
a) semantic (reading along the vertical line); b) intonational and rhythmical; c) phonetic. |
8. Uchet aktual'nogo sostoyaniya duha. |
8. Account for actual spiritual state. |
9. Komparativnost' vospriyatiya: |
9. Comparison of perceptions: |
a) sopostavlenie vospriyatij - "Bah prezhnij" i "Bah segod-nyashnij" dlya obshchestva i dlya lichnosti; P. Bruk - perevody A. CHehova; |
a) contrast the perceptions: "the day before yesterday's Bach" and "today's Bach" for the society and for the individual; P. Brook: translations from A. Chekhov; |
b) neobhodimost' perechityvaniya: |
b) necessity for re-reading; |
- perechityvanie kak otkrytie novogo; - perechityvanie i vospitanie vkusa; - perechityvanie i adaptaciya (prituplenie vospriyatiya - shedevr ne vosprinimaetsya kak shedevr). |
- re-reading as a discovery of the new; - re-reading and development of taste; - re-reading and adaptation (perception becomes dull: the masterpiece stops being regarded as a masterpiece). |
10. Komparativnoe chtenie knig raznyh avtorov i razlichnyh is-tochnikov: |
10. Comparative reading of books by various writers and from various sources: |
a) chtenie knig raznyh avtorov, vybor po vzaimosvyazi; b) sinhronnaya rabota nad razlichnymi knigami; |
a) reading of books by various writers, choice by interrelations; b) simultaneous work with various books; |
v) medlennoe chtenie kak osnova obucheniya (peruzalij); |
c) slow reading as a foothold for learning (perusal); |
g) analitizm i polnota vospriyatiya; |
d) analitism and complete perception; |
d) bystroe chtenie: priem predpolozhitel'nogo dvizheniya mysli; e) aktualizaciya sostoyaniya pri chtenii; zh) nastrojka levogo ili pravogo mozga; z) komparativnoe chtenie kak kontinuum; i) fragment-proba i predstavlenie o stile (obrechennost' na prochtenie fragmenta ili na fragmentarnoe chtenie). |
e) fast reading: method of supposed motion of thought; f) actualization of feelings and experiences when reading; g) left and right brain setting; h) comparative reading as a continuum; i) a fragment-sampling and perception of the style (the doom to read a fragment or the doom to fragmentary reading). |
11. Komparativnoe chtenie i sravnenie mnenij: |
11. Comparative reading and comparison of opinions: |
a) vybor eksperta: intuitivnyj, social'no-eticheskij akt; b) opornye ocenki i oshchushchenie vkusa; v) avtoritet chuzhogo mneniya i vospriyatie (epidemiya chteniya toj ili inoj knigi, epidemiya smeha ili placha i t.d.); g) ustanovki vechnye i ustanovki vremennye (vybor kompanii - anekdot o cygane). |
a) the choice of an expert: the intuitive, socio-ethic act; b) foothold estimations and sense of taste; c) authority of someone else's opinion and perception (the epidemic of reading this or that book; the epidemic of laughing or crying, etc.); d) eternal and temporary guidelines (the choice of a company - the anecdote about a gypsy man). |
12. Sravnenie stilej, zhanrov i hudozhestvennyh epoh: Dzh. Donn i T. |lliot, U. Jejts. |
12. Comparison of styles, genres and epochs: J. Donne; T Eliot; W. Yeats. |
13. Divertismentnost' v avtodidaktike: |
13. Divertissements in selfstudying: |
a) sopostavlenie razvlechenij (vremya i narody) - grubost' i utonchennost', glubina i poverhnost'; b) interes, postizhenie i razvlechenie: |
a) comparison of entertainments (times and nations) - rudeness and refinement; depth and superficiality; b) interest, comprehension and entertainment: |
Zakon neobratimosti vkusa |
The law of the irreversible development of taste. |
14. Dialektika rassudochnogo i obrazno-associativnogo v komparativnom chtenii: |
14. Dialectics of the rational and imaginary - associative in comparative reading: |
a) zakreplennost' plavayushchih obrazov, ih vliyanie na rassudochnuyu deyatel'nost', na sostoyanie; b) povedenie vo vremya komparativnogo chteniya: |
a) fixation of floating images; their influence on the rational activities and feelings; b) behaviour during comparative reading: |
- evristichnost' sostoyaniya; - postepennoe nakoplenie elementov dlya celostnogo vospriyatiya. |
- heuristic experience; - step-by-step accumulation of elements for wholistic perception. |
15. Avtodidaktika i komparativnoe chtenie. Primenenie vozmozhno bol'shego kolichestva raznovidnostej komparativnogo chteniya avtodidaktom. |
15. Selfstudying and comparative reading. Usage of the greatest possible variants of comparative reading. |
* * * Kak hochetsya mne vse razbudorazhit' v blagorazumnyh dushah i umah i - zhizni ih na blago! - protiv blag pomoch' pojti, pomoch' pereovrazhit'. Vse k chertu, vse - i prosto lug, i pazhit', chtob ne bylo vo vnutrennih krayah ravniny gladkoj, na semi holmah chtob gorod vstal i vek stoyal na strazhe nam dlya pokoya nadobnyh trevog, rozhdennyh vne - v pyli zemnyh dorog, gde bylo iskoni neprohodimo ot raznyh dushi predayushchih dush, gde tol'ko b ne ujti v molchan'e, v glush' vo mne samom razrushennogo Rima. |
* * * This quiet place is in some sense a torment, the still of air hold hidden a whirl - wind. I touch the piano like a bottom and my mind again can push itself and it's existence from it. The smoothness always lies, the false informant we truly live when hills about themselves remind when in a straight line different spirals wind when an awaken thought has something dormant, and every bottom hides another one, thus we can take if always like a stone another layer of the Sense, dispersed in our living space, under the table and in the bed, on every wall, that's able to be a mask, in which the Cosmos forced. |
I. Dvizhenie. |volyuciya i povtor (t.e. priroda i evolyuciya). |
I. Motion. Evolution and repetition (i.e. nature and evolution). |
|volyuciya dvizhenij pri povtore (sovershenstvovanie beskonechno, no v individual'nom sushchestvovanii ogranicheno fiziologicheski smert'yu i t.d.) |
Evolution of movements through repetition (endless perfection but in an individual's existence is limited physiologically by death, etc.) |
1. Sovershenstvovanie rechevogo apparata pri povtore. |
1. Development of speech apparatus through repetition. |
2. Povtor plodotvornyj i besplodnyj (zazhatost', ignoriro-vanie pravila postanovki rechi, analiza dvizheniya rechevogo uklada po stadiyam - izgotovka, rezul'tiruyushchee dvizhenie, relaksaciya). |
2. Repetition: fruitful and fruitless (restraint, neglect of the speech production rule; disregard for the analysis of the speech apparatus movements through the phases: preparation -resulting movement - relaxation). |
3. Povtor i avtomatizm. Usloviya dostizheniya avtomatizma. |
3. Repetition and automation. Conditions of automation. |
4. Povtor i adaptaciya, bor'ba s neanaliticheskim vospriyatiem. |
4. Repetition and adaptation, resistance to nonanalytical perception. |
Pravilo : Povtoryaya dvizhenie, po-novomu analiziruyu dvizhenie. |
The rule : when repeating a movement, analyse it in a new way every next time. |
5. "Otkuda brat' noviznu analiza?" (rassmotrenie razlichnyh as-pektov dvizheniya, uvelichenie analitizma, evristicheskie udovol'stviya, gedonika dostignutogo etapnogo rezul'tata). |
5. "How to make the analysis in a new way?" (view different aspects of a movement; advance analytical approach and heuristic delight, hedonism of the result gained at this stage). |
6. Povtor makrodvizhenij i mikrodvizhenij, osmyslenie detalej. |
6. Repetition of macromovements and micromovements; compre-hension of details. |
Pri povtorah est' dvizhenie razvitiya k obobshcheniyu (t.e. k szha-tiyu v predstavlenii). Kolichestvo duhovnyh makrodvizhenij pokazatel' razvitosti. Duhovnoe mikrodvizhenie - atom kul'tury. Rechevoj uklad. Svyaz' social'naya, estetiko-social'naya, eticheskaya i t.d. |
With repetitions the development moves towards synthesis (i.e. the densation of ideas). The number of spiritual macromovements indicates the level of development. A spiritual micromovement is the atom of culture. The speech apparatus. The connection social, socio-aesthetic, ethical, etc. |
7. Organizaciya povtoryaemosti i "dvizheniya po aktual'nomu inte-resu": istochniki razlichny, fakty odinakovy ili podobny. |
7. Organization of repetition and "actualized interest movements": the sources are different, the facts are the same or similar. |
8. Povtor i optimal'nyj period povtoryaemosti, podchinenie im-perativu mgnoveniya (sekunda-imperativ), obzornoe zrenie avtodidakta. |
8. Repetition and the optimum period of repetition, obedience to the imperative of a moment (the imperative second), the autodidact's field of vision. |
Pravilo : Mikropovtor dvizheniya delaj kak mozhno chashche, s makropovtorom vyzhdi, ne toropis', dozhdis' sekundy-imperativa. |
The rule : Make microrepetition of a movement as frequently as possible; don't speed up a macrorepetition, wait for the imperative second. |
9. Povtor kak precedent v associativnosti (povtor analogichnyh yavlenij - sobytij v istorii i v zhizni individuuma). |
9. Repetition as a precedent for associating (the repetition of similar events - both in history and in the life of an individual). |
10. Povtor i osmyslenie semantiki slov. |
10. Repetition and comprehension of the semantic meaning of a word. |
11. Povtor i esteticheskoe vospriyatie rechi. Ritm, intonaciya, pas-sazhi kak dinamicheskie stereotipy, vyrabotannye vsledstvie analiticheskih povtorov. Povtor i intensivnost' vpechatleniya. |
11. Repetition and aesthetic perception of speech. Rhythm, intonation, passages as dynamic stereotypes, gained in the result of analytic repetitions. Repetition and intensity of impressions. |
12. Fenomen vnutrennego golosa i povtor: vnutrennij golos kak instrument skorostnogo povtora, predstavlenie myshechnyh dvizhenij pri ispol'zovanii vnutrennego golosa, chetkoe vospriyatie vseh parametrov, vospitanie vnutrennego golosa (postanovka vnutrennego golosa, umenie slyshat' sebya i vnutrennij golos). |
12. The phenomenon of the inner voice and repetition: the inner voice as the instrument of speedy repetition; picturing of muscular movements with the inner voice involved; precise comprehension of all parameters; cultivation of inner voice (the inner voice production, the ability to listen to oneself and one's inner voice). |
13. Povtor i sovershenstvovanie masterstva. |
13. Repetition and perfection of skills. |
II. Povtor i translyaciya kul'tur. |
II. Repetition and transmission of cultures. |
1. Povtor kak transportnoe sredstvo pri peremeshchenii vo vreme-ni. |
1. Repetition as the means of transportation for travelling in time. |
2. Povtor i ritm povsednevnoj zhizni. |
2. Repetition and rhythm in daily life. |
Ritm kak chastota smen deyatel'nosti, chastaya podmena ritma aritmiej, podmena trehdol'nosti dvudol'nost'yu, blagotvornogo i estestvennogo vrednym m mashinno-rassudochnym (nuzhno: rassudok-obraz - mysl' - perevod v obraz - znak). |
Rhythm as frequent shifting of activities; frequent substitution of rhythm by arrhythmia; substitution of the three-time rhythm by the two-time one; of beneficial and natural by harmful and automatically rational (the operational formula is: common sense - image - thought - transfer to image - sign). |
Povtory v povsednevnoj zhizni (povtory-vosproizvedeniya dlya sebya, ili dazhe pro sebya, fragmentarnogo materiala vysokoj intellektual'no-duhovnoj cennosti i konstruirovanie nadezhnogo psihicheskogo karkasa-opory). Duhovno-intellek-tual'naya aritmiya kak prichina fizicheskogo nedomoganiya (neorganizovannost' retrasliruemyh povtoryaemyh blokov kul'turnoj informacii). |
Repetition in daily life (repeating and reproducing for oneself, or even to oneself, fragments of high intellectual and spiritual values and building up a durable psychic framework to support oneself). Spiritual and intellectual arrhythmia as the cause of physical vulnerability (lack of well-produced retransmission of repeated blocks of cultural information). |
3. Otbor vechnogo i razumnogo dlya povtora v avtodidaktike (vy-bor uchebnogo materiala dlya znakomstva s inostrannymi yazykami). |
3. Selection of the eternal and rational for repeating in selfstudying (choice of studing material for learning foreign languages). |
4. Povtor i ejdetichekoe voobrazhenie. |
4. Repetition and eidos imagination. |
III. Povtor sostoyaniya pri pomoshchi obraza (literatura, muzyka, izobrazitel'noe iskusstvo) i mysli (koncepciya, ih krasota, sliyanie etiki i estetiki). |
III. Repetition of peak experiences with the help of images (literature, music, fine arts) and thoughts (concepts, their beauty, fusion of ethics and aesthetics). |
1. Kul'turologicheskoe znachenie umeniya vyzyvat' povtor sostoya-niya (svyaz' s orientaciej vkusa). |
1. Cultural significance of the skill to reproduce feelings and experiences (connection with taste orientation). |
2. Bytovoe, povsednevnoe znachenie vyzyvaniya nuzhnogo sostoyaniya dlya avtodidakta. |
2. Daily significance of the autodidact's skill to produce necessary feelings and states. |
3. ZHizn' kak cheredovanie sostoyanij: |
3. Life as a chain of states and feelings: |
a) Lejtsostoyanie kak sterzhen' lichnosti; b) sluchajnye sostoyaniya i ih preodolenie po pravilu: Predstavlyayu - za etu minutu proshel god! |
a) leitmotiv of states and feelings as the backbone of a personality; b) accidental states and their erasing with the help of the rule: I fancy that within this minute a year has passed! |
* * * Vse nevidal' dlya teh, chto videt' rady. YAvleniya lyubogo storona do beskonechnoj glubiny vidna lish' bozhestvu, a nam stremitsya nado, chtob udivlen'ya strannaya nagrada dushe byla vnezapno vruchena i cherez mig uzhe prevrashchena v proklyatie dostignutogo lada - inache ostanovitsya dvizhen'e i ne nastanet snova udivlen'e, inache strelka na nule zamret, ischeznet skorost', ustupiv unyn'yu, i koleso stremleniya otnyne ne smozhet sdelat' dazhe oborot. |
* * * My room is full of savage silence and quietness from very old still-life. And all is like a jelly that a knife of anxiety cuts and the message, sent from antic deepness, where begins the end, already's heard a noise of joy, as if mad mariners by lost ship bless the cliff and cruel tempest and our every <<can!>>. But step by step the wild become domestic, in a reality transforms the mystic. A usuallity in the soul reigns. But floods in your own mind are growing stronger and you believe in nothing of an anger - it is when you're lost and Great Nature gains. |
I. Obshchekul'turnaya podgotovka. |
I. General cultural background. |
1. Vnutrennaya kul'tura i ponyatijnyj mir avtodidakta. Vyyas-nenie znachenij eticheskih ponyatij kak pervichnaya rabota avtodidakta-yunoshi (korrelyaciya u avtodidakta starshego vozrasta). |
1. The autodidact's inner culture and the realm of concepts. Clarifying ethic concepts and standards is primary for a young autodidact (correction and correlation for an elderly one). |
2. Proinformirovannost' obshchaya i podrobnaya kak celevye usta-novki pri sostavlenii planov. Pravilo obyazatel'nogo obshchego znakomstva s istoriyami civilizacii, etnicheskih grupp, narodov i sobstvenno kul'tur (Dzh. Frezer, YA. Propp i t.d.). |
2. General and detailed informativenes for goal setting goals when making plans. The rule of compulsory general acquaintance with the histories of the civilizations, ethnic groups, nations and cultures (J. Frazer, J. Propp, etc.) |
3. Istoriya religii. |
3. History of religions. |
4. Pervichnaya (legenda libri) kak osnovnaya chast' kul'turo-logicheskogo plana. |
4. Primary legenda libri as the basis for the culturological plan. |
5. Znakomstvo s muzykoj. |
5. Acquaintance with music. |
6. Znakomstvo s zhivopis'yu. Periody i stili (po kul'turam) obshchee predstavlenie. |
6. Acquaintance with painting. Periods and styles (in cultures) - general ideas. |
7. Rol' yazykov pri sostavlenii plana obshchekul'turnoj podgo-tovki. |
7. The role of languages in making plans for general cultural development. |
8. Pafosnoe povedenie. Osvoenie i priblizhenie proshlogo k nastoyashchemu (prirashchivanie nastoyashchego k proshlomu), chuvstvo tradicii kak postignutoj real'nosti i t.d.: |
8. Pathos behaviour. Assimilation of the past and drawing it closer together to the present, the sense of a tradition as a conceived reality, etc.: |
a) pafosnoe povedenie kak sledstvie sistemy zanyatij po aktualizirovannomu interesu, pafos kak stojkij psihologicheskij i social'no obosnovannyj interes; b) rol' pafosnogo povedeniya kak istochnika energii (uvle-chennost' pitaet); v) "poumnenie" davno umershih kak priznak sozrevaniya avto-didakta; g) ot zacepki k kriticheskoj masse znanij o proshlom; d) zaplanirovannaya uvlechennost', problemy stojkogo interesa i sociogruppa (aktivnost' propagandy, proby izlozheniya tochki zreniya, mneniya, sobstvennogo videniya i t.d.); e) plan kak konkretnaya rabota po ispolneniyu mechty; zh) kar'era vnutrennyaya i vneshnyaya: prioritet pervoj (antinomiya "tshcheslavie - chestlyubie"), plany na budushchee i zavisimost' ih osushchestvleniya ot chistoty pomysla. |
a) pathos behaviour as the result of work with the actualized interest engaged; pathos as the steadfast psychological and socially motivated interest; b) the role of pathos behaviour as the source of energy (interest provides nourishment); c) when the people who died long ago start "growing cleverer" in the eyes of the autodidact, it means that he/she is getting matured; d) from "a clue" to the critical mass of knowledge about the past; e) planned interest; the problem of the steadfast interest and a social group (active propaganda, attempts to express view-points, opinions, visions, etc.); f) planning as a concrete attempt to realize a dream; g) the inner and outer carrier: priorities are given to the first one (anatomy "vanity - ambitiousness"); plans for the future and their realization as dependent on the purity of intention. |
II. Sovershenstvovanie instrumental'nyh znanij. Otnoshenie k probelu v znaniyah, pravilo izzhivaniya neznakomstva lyubogo vida: "Lakuna sushchestvuet dlya togo, chtoby ee zapolnit'". |
II. Perfection of instrumental knowledge and skills. The attitude to gaps in knowledge, the rule of clearing up any unfamiliarity: "The gap appears to be filled." |
1. Ponyatie "instrumental'nye znaniya". |
1. The concept of "instrumental knowledge." |
2. Uslovnost' primeneniya znaniya kak instrumental'nogo (vzai-moinstrumental'nost', vremennaya instrumental'nost'). |
2. Knowledge may be regarded as instrumental only relatively (temporarily instrumental; inter-instrumental). |
3. Prevaliruyushchee znachenie inostrannyh yazykov kak instrumen-tal'nyh znanij. |
3. Prevailing significance of foreign languages as the instrumental knowledge. |
4. Mif o poliglotii. Neobhodimost' znakomstva s nekotorymi rodstvennymi yazykami (francuzskij - rumynskij, ital'yans-kij - ispanskij i t.d.). |
4. Myth about polyglots. Acquaintance with related languages (French - Roman, Italian - Spanish, etc.) |
5. CHrezmernyj gedonizm i reglamintirovanie, raspushchennost' i osoznanie istinnoj neobhodimosti (pervostepenno to, chto osnovopolagayushche dlya vozmozhno bolee shirokogo znakomstva s bol'shim kolichestvom znanij, klyuchevye yazyki). |
5. Excessive hedonism and reglamentation, lack of discipline and sense of true necessity (priorities are given to the fundamentals which make accessible the sufficient amount of knowledge, as well as to the key languages). |
III. Filosofskie shtudii: |
III. Studies in philosophy. |
1. I. Kant o filosofichnosti i dolgoletii. |
1. I. Kant on philosophy and long living. |
2. Filosofskie sistemy i vozrasty chelovechestva. |
2. Philosophic systems and ages of human race. |
3. Legenda libri po filosofii. |
3. Legenda libri in philosophy. |
IV. Obshchie namereniya avtodidakta. Dvizhenie v proshloe i osvoenie sovremennosti. |
IV. General intentions of the autodidact. Moving into the past and acquaintance with the present. |
"Podzhiganie svechi" s dvuh koncov. |
"Burning a candle" from both ends. |
Ponyatie o srednem urovne, srednem cheloveke, masskul'ture, kiche, snobizme i t.d. |
Concepts of a average level, an ordinary man, mass culture, kitsch snobbism, etc. |
V. Metanauka. Dvizhenie ot nauki k mifu. |
V. Metascience. Motion from science to myth. |
VI. Planirovanie i harakter avtodidakta. Vtoroe dyhanie, nastojchivost', otnosheniya s samim soboj i t.d.
VI. Plan-making and the autodidact's character. Second mind, persistence, relations with one's own self, etc. |
* * * Ne dumaj slovom, dumaj o slovah... No ty skazhi, mudrec indijskij, chto delat' s doslovesnym piskom, s predchuvstvovan'em slova v nashih snah? CHto delat' tem, kto v genah maetu - mechtu o nazyvan'e - v rod iz roda peredaet nam budto sut' chego-to, chto vysshuyu daruet prostotu? I mozhet byt', blagoj dolzhno byt' vest'yu molchanie, ch'ya znachimost' polnej, kogda v sebe ne vozimsya my s nej, naveki ostavayas' v dosloves'e? |
* * * I like the fever in affairs. I like the thought-quake the trembling of the feeling born by the wild concussion of surprising, burnt soul of a Klon - or how? - dike. Blessed be the strange occasion that us strike all-seeing for a while and ever seeing in blindness for the worse part of the dealing, and by the heaven's good transparent pike. O, not too big and somehow sunny troubles! The world would be unbearable when rubless. The dim supports existence of the bright and vice versa, ever vice versa, the Opposite is everywhere's courser, at be too left that means to face the right. |
I. Stadii raboty i sposoby postizheniya znanij. |
I. Stages of work and methods of gaining knowledge. |
Pervaya stadiya. Znakomstvo i uznavanie. Passivnoe znanie i zaplanirovannye probely kak uslovie skorosti perehoda ko vtoroj stadii. |
The first stage. Acquaintance and recognition. Passive knowledge and planned gaps as the essential condition for speedy transfer to the second stage. |
Vtoraya stadiya. Pervye motornye navyki. dvigatel'nyj ryad s provalami, temp medlennyj. |
The second stage. Initial motoric skills. Series of movements with numerous lapses, slow tempo. |
Tret'ya stadiya. Passazhnaya motorika. Provaly redki, no est'. Fragmentarnoe neponimanie. |
The third stage. Passage motorics. Lapses occur but seldom. Fragmentary misunderstandings. |
CHetvertaya stadiya. Sinhronizaciya chteniya i ponimaniya. Otstavanie ponimaniya pri uvelichenii skorosti chteniya. |
The fourth stage. Simultaneous reading and understanding. Understanding lags behind with the greater speed of reading. |
Pyataya stadiya. Prakticheskoe ispol'zovanie yazyka. Trebovanie polnogo ponimaniya. |
The fifth stage. Practical usage of the language, The requirement of complete understanding. |
Prichiny zamedleniya raboty: |
The causes of slow-down: |
- otsutstvie deleniya na stadii; - prevyshenie trebovatel'nosti; - nedostatochnost' dlitel'nosti pogruzheniya v material; - otsutstvie pereryvov, osvezheniya otnoshenij; - prenebrezhenie osoznannym uskoreniem. |
- lack of stage-division; - claims are put too high; - lack of long-lasting immersion into the material; - necessity for making breaks to refresh relations; - neglect for the intentional acceleration. |
II. |mocional'nyj faktor i uskorenie. |
II. Emotional factor and acceleration. |
1. Radost' poznaniya i radost' uznavaniya. |
1. Delight of cognition and delight of recognition. |
2. Dostizhenie soznatel'no zanizhennyh takticheskih celej i usko-renie. |
2. Gaining of tactical goals intentionally put low and acceleration. |
3. Oshchushchenie zavershennogo dialekticheskogo vitka: "shchelchok". |
3. The sense of completed dialectical circuit: "a click." |
4. |mocional'nyj faktor i pravil'nye edinicy izmereniya vremeni i dostizhenij. (Vremya - v fakticheski potrachennyh chasah; dostizheniya - ne v edinicah usvoennogo, a v edinicah postignutogo). |
4. The emotional factor and a correct unit of time and progress measurements. (Time: in actually spent hours; progress: not in the units of the assimilated, but in the units of the comprehended). |
5. Vybor voobrazhaemogo lidera, sportivnoe chuvstvo, kompeti-cionnye usloviya v malyh sociogruppah. |
5. The choice of a fancied leader, the sense of true competitive sporting atmosphere in small social groups. |
6. Obostrenie chuvstva poteryannogo vremeni (definiciya: vremya, potrachennoe ne na maksimal'no napryazhennoe vospriyatie ili tvorcheskoe razmyshlenie, sleduet schitat' poteryannym). |
6. Acute sense of wasted time (the definition: time not spent on extremely tense perception or creative thinking, shall be considered wasted). |
7. Oshchushchenie vnutrennego pokoya i koncentracii vnimaniya pri aktualizirovannom interese kak kriterij ocenki pravil'no prozhitogo vremeni. |
7. The sense of deep inner profound peace and concentration of attention with the actualized interest as the criterion of evaluating the time lived through in a right way. |
8. CHeredovanie trebovatel'nosti v zavisimosti ot aktual'nyh vozmozhnostej - princip "nedeyanie". |
8. Interchanging of requirements as dependent on actual opportunities - the principle of "inactivity" (non-dealing). |
9. Problemy byta i total'naya uvlechennost' (svyazi s general'nym planom avtodidakta i voploshcheniem mechty). |
9. Daily routine problems and total enthusiasm (connection with the autodidact's global plan and realization of the dream). |
10. Uroven' prityazanij i otnosheniya s okruzheniem. "Ko vsyakogo rodu namekam nuzhno ostavat'sya gluhu" (N. Gogol'). Rost razlichiya v ocenkah; aksiologicheskij razryv v budushchem - norma; dlya bor'by s anguassnymi sostoyaniyami i tormozheniyami predstavlyat' cel' dostignutoj, perenosit'sya myslenno v budushchee i t.d. |
10. Claim-level and relations with the environment. "Turn a deaf ear to all kinds of hintings" (N. Hogol). Growing differences in assessments; axiological gap in future shall be normal; to protect oneself against anxieties and obstacles it is useful to fancy the aim already gained or imagine oneself in remote future, etc. |
11. CHuvstvo udivleniya i evristika, sostoyanie poiska i ukroshchen-nogo bespokojstva. |
11. Sense of amazement and heuristic abilities, feeling of discovery and tamed uneasiness. |
12. Agressiya mysli, zavoevanie mysl'yu prostranstva i shirota interesa. Analiz dalekih associacij kak sposob obostreniya myshleniya. |
12. Aggression of thought, winning of space by thought and wide interests. Analysis of distant associations as the method of making thiougt acute. |
13. Prichastnost' i evolyuciya individual'nogo myshleniya. |
13. Involvement and evolution of individual thinking. |
14. "Voistinu ser'eznoe - shtuka veselaya!" |
14. "The serious is a funny thing indeed!" |
15. Polifonichnost' zanyatij i uvlechenij, chastota pereklyuchenij. ("Luchshe slishkom chasto, chem nedostatochno chasto.") |
15. Polyphony of studies and interests; frequency of shiftings ("It's better too often, than not often enough.") |
16. Zavisimost' nastroeniya ot udovletvoreniya prozhitym dnem. |
16. Connection between the mood and satisfaction with the day lived through. |
17. Razvitie uvlechennosti i chuvstvo prazdnichnosti. ("Kabinet vnutri nas".) |
17. Development of enthusiasm and sense of festivity ("The study room inside ourselves"). |
18. Poisk sobstvennoj odarennosti, ee osoznanie i strategi-cheskij plan ee razvitiya kak psihicheskaya opora, chuvstvo prednaznachennosti, sluchajnoe i determinirovannoe, astral'-noe pokrovitel'stvo (demistifikaciya mistiki!) |
18. Search for one's one talent, comprehension of one's gifts and strategic plan-making for their development as the psychic foothold; the sense of one's mission and calling; the accidental and determined; astral patronage (exposition of mysticism!) |
19. Psihicheskaya osvobozhdennost' pri nalichii bol'shogo tvor-cheskogo dela i pobochnost' priobreteniya instrumental'nyh znanij kak uslovie uskoreniya: |
19. Psychic relaxation on the background of great creative activity and peripheral acquisition of instrumental knowledge as the condition of acceleration: |
a) Homo Skribens; znachenie fiksacii sostoyanij dlya samonab-lyudenij; b) ustnyj metod i ispol'zovanie pis'ma: mnogoplanovye kon-sul'tal'cii kak predvaritel'noe uslovie dlya pristupleniya k zapisyam (izlozhenie svoej tochki zreniya, nablyudeniya, udachnoj formulirovki, togo, chto porazilo). |
a) Homo skribens; it is important to record feelings and experiences for introspection; b) oral method and writing: multifunctional consultations before making notes (presenting one's viewpoints, observations, good definitions, impressions, etc.). |
20. Ispol'zovanie rassudochnosti i uskorenie. |
20. Usage of common sense and acceleration. |
Pravilo : Osoznaj, - i dal'she - nikakih refleksij! |
The rule : Become aware - after that abandon reflection! |
21. Edinovremennyj ohvat maksimal'nogo ob容ma. |
21. Maximum amount in one sitting. |
Pravilo : Kak mozhno bol'she za odin raz! |
The rule : As much as possible in one gulp. |
22. Nulla dies sine linea. |
22. Nulla dies sine linea. |
23. Povyshenie strategicheskogo urovnya prityazanij v svyazi s uve-licheniem vozmozhnostej i vozrastaniem proinformirovan-nosti. |
23. Increase of strategic claim-level as connected with growing abilities and informativeness. |
24. Sistema dopuskov kak osoznannyh oshibok i skorost' obu-cheniya; polyarnost' vektorov: "chestnost'" - "tochno ne pomnyu"; sovmeshchenie sposobov raboty. |
24. System of admissions as mistakes one is aware of and speed of studying; opposition of vectors: "honesty" - "don't remember exactly"; combination of different methods of work. |
* * * ZHivesh' sebe. Vse horosho. No vdrug - pojmesh', kak yunyj kto-to genialen i ty s nim ryadom chereschur normalen, chto v nekotorom smysle est' nedug. I lish' togda ty ne pogib, moj drug, kogda ty zlobnoj zavist'yu ne svalen, no radostno (oksyumoron!) pechalen i gord otkrytiem: kogda ty vsluh podumal to zhe, chto i pro sebya, kogda chuzhoj talant uzhe lyubya, ty svoj oplakal veselo i zvonko, ty svoj otverg, pust' tol'ko dlya togo, chtoby umen'ya podarit' ego... s umen'yami rozhdennomu rebenku. |
* * * We like Montaigne are guided by example to our worse errors and to guiltness too. We are the trampers treading on a woe and for us living space is not so ample. We out of the Whole love this narrow sample and real steps out of an illusion grow. Our memory reverses rain in snow - on it are better seen the prints of temple, that is an instance consacrated, holy, without which all of us can not be wholly. But system of the lines becomes a spot when you don't hear the strings that bound a body and with the outline cries and smiles so bloody, so inspirativly and free and hot. |
I. Perevod kak kul'turogicheskij akt. Vospriyatie originala na semanticheskom urovne i znakovaya situaciya. |
I. Translation as a culturological act. Perception of the original on semantic level and signal situation. |
II. Obshchee i podrobnoe ponimanie (F. SHCHerbatskoj o ponimanii i traktovke). |
II. Whole and detailed understanding (F. Tsherbatskoy on understanding and interpretation). |
III. Kul'turologicheskij kontekst (istoriya problemy, ee znachenie dlya civilizacii, ee mesto v kul'ture, futurologicheskij aspekt i t.d.). |
III. Culturological context (historical background of the problem, its significance for the civilization, its place in culture, futurist aspect, etc.) |
IV. Tehnicheskij perevod i ponyatijnaya podgotovka (pred-varitel'noe chtenie, terminy, uyasnenie i problemy, slovarnoe obespechenie i t.d.). |
IV. Technical transformation and acquaintance with notions (preparatory reading, terms, understanding and problems, dictionaries, etc.) |
V. Otlichie hudozhestvennogo perevoda ot tehnicheskogo. |
V. Differences between fiction and technical translations. |
1. Uvelichenie kolichestva semanticheskih kanalov. |
1. Growing number of semantic channels. |
2. Nalichie podtekstov. |
2. Underlying themes. |
3. Vospriyatie stilya i ego ekvivalent. |
3. Perception of style and its equivalent. |
4. Zvuchanie hudozhestvennogo teksta. |
4. Sounding of a piece of fiction. |
5. Metafora i osobennosti ee perevoda (uchet konnotata, aforis-tichnost', ritm i melodika, stepen' yarkosti, oshchushchenie vkusa, videokoefficient, sluchaj othoda ot bukval'noj tochnosti). |
5. Metaphors and specifics of translating them (taking into account connotations, aphoristic brevity, rhythm and melody, degree of brightness, sense of taste, video-coefficient, divergence from literal exactness). |
6. Sostoyanie kak osnovnoj rezul'tat vozdejstviya proizvedeniya; poisk ekvivalenta na drugom yazyke. |
6. Feelings evocation as the major result of producing impression; search for equivalents in another language. |
7. Poisk sootvetstvij literaturnoj intonacii i ritmov. |
7. Search for correlated literary intonations and rhythms. |
8. Problemy rifmy pri perevodah poeticheskih tekstov (rifma kak precendent zvuchaniya, svezhest' vospriyatiya i neozhi-dannost', assonansy, polnye rifmy i t.d.). |
8. Rhyme problems when translating poetry (the rhyme as a precedent sounding, novelty of perception and unexpectedness, assonances, full rhymes, etc.) |
9. Organizaciya belogo stiha (vnutrennie rifmy, alliteracii, rifmy zhenskie i muzhskie). |
9. Non-rhymed versification (inner rhymes, alliteration, female and male rhymes). |
10. Leksicheskij zapas yazyka perevoda. |
10. Vocabulary richness of translations. |
VI. Perevod-bolvanka. |
VI. A mould-translation. |
1. Nabrosok obshchego soderzhaniya posle mnogokratnogo perechi-tyvaniya i vyyasneniya znachenij slov i idiomaticheskih vyrazhenij. |
1. Sketch of the major contents after repeated re-reading and searching for word meanings and idiomatic expressions. |
2. Vyyasnenie slabyh mest, nedostatochnyh sootvetstvij, stilevyh netochnostej, ritmicheskih sbivov, intonacionnoj fal'shi, malovyrazitel'nyh zvuchanij i t.d. |
2. Display of weak and irrelevant points, stylistic inaccuracies, rhythmic slips, false intonations, awkwardly expressed soundings, etc. |
3. Perechityvanie originala i perehod k otdelke. |
3. Re-reading of the original and passing over to the refinement. |
VII. Otdelka perevoda. |
VII. Translation refinement. |
1. Othod ot bukvalizma k estestvennosti poryadka slov. |
1. Transfer from the literal to the natural word order. |
2. Idiomaticheskie ekvivalenty. |
2. Idiomatic equivalents. |
3. Varianty i otsekanie lishnego. |
3. Variants and cutting off the excessive. |
4. Inversii, ritmizaciya, instrumentovka. |
4. Inversions, rhythming, instrumentality. |
5. Neobhodimost' otkladyvaniya gotovogo perevoda. |
5. Necessity for putting aside the ready-made translation. |
6. Tehnika peresmotra (ostrota vospriyatiya, vozmozhnaya slepota - podmena fakticheskogo oshchushcheniem sobstvennogo sostoyaniya, bor'ba s tshcheslaviem, leksicheskij zapas i t.d.). |
6. Revision technique (acuteness of perception; possible blindness replacing the actual by one's own experiences; resistance to vanity; vocabulary, etc.) |
VIII. Psihologicheskaya sverhzadacha i podgotovka k perevodcheskoj deyatel'nosti. |
VIII. Psychological super-goal and preparing for translation. |
1. Namerenie (mnenie o svoih vozmozhnostyah, mnenie o "nuzh-nosti", razvitii remeslennyh umenij, izzhivanie obydennyh predstavlenij ob umenii pisat'). |
1. Intention (the opinion of one's own abilities; the opinion of the "necessity," development of craft skills; release from routine opinions on writing abilities). |
2. Rol' popytok i zaplanirovannye neudachi. |
2. The role of attempts and planned failures. |
3. Special'naya literatura po perevodu i literaturnomu tvor-chestvu. |
3. Special literature on translation and literary work. |
4. Zavisimost' sovershenstvovaniya ot postanovki sverhzadachi (kak pobochnoj), effekt razlitosti sverhzadannoj mysli na vse dejstviya; total'noe vklyuchenie. |
4. Dependence of perfection on the super-goal set (as secondary); the effect of spreading the super-set idea over the entire activities; total involvement. |
5. Umenie i talant (vliyanie umenij na raskrytie sobstvennyh vozmozhnostej). |
5. Skill and talent (influence of skills on the development of one's abilities). |
IX. Ustnyj perevod (chtenie vsluh i pro sebya). |
IX. Oral translation (reading aloud and to oneself.) |
1. Perevod dlya sebya. |
1. Translation for oneself. |
2. Perevod vnutrennim golosom. |
2. Translation with the inner voice. |
3. Osnovnoe i vtrostepennoe. |
3. The main and secondary. |
4. Upravlenie vnimaniem. |
4. Attention control. |
X. Ustnaya rech'. |
X. Oral speech. |
1. Znachenie orfoepicheskih predstavlenij. |
1. The significance of orthoepic concepts. |
2. ZHiznennyj kontekst pri perevode rechi. |
2. Life context when translating oral speech. |
3. Skorost': znachenie rassudochnoj deyatel'nosti i soznatel'noe snizhenie trebovatel'nosti. |
3. Speed; significance of rational activity and aware reduction of exactness. |
4. Razlichie perevodov ustnoj rechi i pis'mennyh tekstov. |
4. The difference between translating oral speech and written translations. |
5. Razlichie perevodov ustnoj rechi na rodnoj i inostrannyj yazyk, optimal'noe kolichestvo blokov, ekvivalentnyh banal'nostej. |
5. The difference between oral speech translations into the native and a foreign languages; optimum number of blocks and equivalent banalities. |
6. Znachenie ponyatijnogo myshleniya (govorenie vnutrennim golosom) Dlya razvitiya navykov ustnogo perevoda. |
6. Significance of conceptual thinking (speaking with the inner voice) for developing oral translation skills. |
7. Takticheskie zanizheniya pri ustnom perevode, predpochtenie prostejshego; zhest, mimika - obratnaya svyaz'. |
7. Putting tactical goals low when translating orally; preference-giving to the simplest; gestures and mimics - feedback. |
8. Citirovanie pri ustnom perevode na chuzhoj yazyk (rutinnoe govorenie kak total'noe citirovanie), osoznanie avtomatizma. |
8. Quoting when translating into a foreign language (routine speaking as a total quotation), awareness of automatism. |
9. Monologi i dialogi s ten'yu, passazhnaya motorika - rassudochnyj kontrol' avtomaticheski proiznosimogo, vybor bloka i t. d. Razmyshleniya na inostrannom yazyke. |
9. Monologues and dialogues with one's shadow; passage motorics: the rational control over the automatically pronounced, choice of a block, etc. Meditating in a foreign language. |
10. Osobennosti ustnoj grammatiki (degram-matizaciya yazyka kak norma v ustnoj rechi). |
10. Specifics of oral grammar (degrammatizing of the language as a norm in oral speech). |
11. Ritm, intonirovanie, gromkost' govoreniya, akcenty v sintagmah.
11. Rhythm, intoning, loudness of speaking, accents in syntagmas. |
* * * Vsem bol'no zhit'. No dazhe etu bol' v spiral'noj gonke chestno prevzoshli my i prodolzhaemsya, neotdelimy ot etoj formy vsyacheskij nevol' - nam tol'ko vdal' stremit'sya, tol'ko vdol' potoka, chto burlit nepobedimo: zakony plameni ne est' zakony dyma, hotya sut' Gamleta, byt' mozhet, - rol'... I esli kto-nibud' nazad pojdet - on vse ravno prodvinetsya vpered, ne ponimaya etogo, ne znaya, o chem vselenskij lektor shepchet nam - to Nechto s nashej mysl'yu popolam, chto v nashej mysli ne imeet kraya. |
* * * The running horses. Double sense and meaning of an old symbol. Trouble and disaster, serenity and hope. The race was faster by revolutions, when a people, dreaming about it's food, the wheels of future riming though for a little while, but it's own master, at first had ruined and constructed after. Always with crazy inspiration leaning over backwards, constantly a bit akin to horse, that wishes greatest prizes win and be unchanging better among others in endless competition of the lives. O our deep age, in which my thought dives! O peoples, that are to itselves great bothers! |
I. Osobennosti formirovaniya i sushchestvovaniya malyh social'nyh grupp. |
I. Specifics of a small group formation and existence. |
1. Rol' interesa k opredelennoj deyatel'nosti v formirovanii sociogruppy. |
1. The role of interest for specific activities in a social group formation. |
2. Segmentnye vklyucheniya lichnosti v raznye sociogruppy. |
2. Segmental involvements of an individual into different social groups. |
3. Soderzhanie gedonisticheskih dejstvij gruppy, ih kul'turnaya cennost' i evolyuciya otnoshenij ee chlenov: |
3. The essence of hedonistic activities in a group, their cultural values and evolution of relations among its members: |
a) chuvstvenno-sensornyj tip socioob容dine-niya (myslechuvst-vovanie skoree meshaet, rassudok sluzhit kak instrument dlya dobyvaniya primitivnogo udovol'stviya sensornogo tipa i t.d.): |
a) a sensory social group (feelings and thinking are an obstacle, common sense is an instrument for gaining primitive sensory delights, etc.): |
- rutinizaciya otnoshenij v gruppah sensornogo tipa; |
- relations in sensory groups become routine; |
- oskudenie kontaktov i vyrozhdenie interesa k lichnosti drugogo; |
- slackening of contacts and loss of interest for another personality; |
- egoistichnost' i ee razvitie v gruppe sensornogo tipa; |
- selfishness and its progressing in a sensory group; |
- povyshenie kverulentnosti i raspad gruppy etogo tipa; |
- increase of quarrelability and decay of a sensory group; |
- lider sensornoj gruppy (prioritet vneshnego, avtoritet fizicheskih dannyh, sily, razvitie fobij u ryadovyh chlenov gruppy); |
- the leader of a sensory group (priorities to the external; authority of physical abilities, strength; ordinary members of the group develop phobias; |
b) sociogruppa duhovno-tvorcheskogo tipa: |
b) a spiritual and creative social group: |
- povyshenie eticheskogo urovnya gedonizma; |
- development of ethical hedonism; |
- rol' intellektual'nyh interesov i umenij; |
- the role of intellectual interest and skills; |
- kollektivnost' i ob容dinenie individual'nostej; |
- collectivity and integration of individuals; |
- poyavlenie chuvstva obretennogo edinomyshlennika; |
- progressing sense of a like-minded adherent obtained; |
- razvitie otnoshenij i obshchnost' duhovnogo obrazca; |
- the development of relations and the spiritual model in common; |
- stanovlenie lidera (J. Gete) i chuvstvo ravenstva; |
- the formation of a leader (Goethe) and sense of equality; |
- pobochnye sociogruppy i chuvstvo opornoj elitarnosti; |
- marginal social groups and sense of reliable elite; |
- usilenie svyazej v gruppe, duhovnye osnovaniya dlya vydvizheniya lidera sociogruppy duhovno-tvorcheskogo tipa; |
- strengthening of ties in a group, spiritual grounds for promoting the leader of a spiritual and creative social group; |
v) gruppa smeshannogo tipa: |
c) a mixed group: |
- obrechennost' na poverhnost' otnoshenij; |
- doom to superficial relations; |
- protivlenie uglublennosti analiza, svetskost'; |
- resistance to deep analysis; secularism; |
- svetskost' myshleniya, snobizm; |
- secular thinking, snobism; |
- chuvstvo obidy i nespravedlivosti, strah pered raspadom gruppy i kompromissy; |
- sense of offence and injustice, fear of the group's dissipation and compromises; |
- slabost' lichnostej uchastnikov, vzaimnaya ekspluataciya; |
- meekness of the group members, mutual exploitation; |
- licemerie v ocenkah (neiskrennost'); |
- hypocrisy in assessments (insincerity); |
- oshchushchenie nichtozhnosti; |
- sense of being worthless; |
- pererozhdenie druzhby v priyatel'stvo, zatem v dobroe znakomstvo; |
- degeneration of friendship into good neighbourly acquaintance; |
- prioritet vneshnego. |
- the priorities of the external. |
II. Avtodidakt i socium. |
II. The autodidact and social group. |
1. Vydelenie iz pervichnoj gruppy, otchuzhdenie interesov. |
1. Singling out from the former group, alienation of interests. |
2. CHuvstvo nespravedlivosti obvineniya i uverennost' v sobstven-nom prevoshodstve nad prezhnim urovnem i ego sonositelyami. |
2. Sense of unjust accusations and certainty of one's own superiority over the former level and former co-inhabitants. |
3. Propaganda i organizatorskaya rabota avtodidakta (udov-letvorenie, rost avtoriteta i t.d.). |
3. Propaganda and organizing activities of the autodidact (satisfaction, growing authority, etc.) |
4. Kachestvo postizheniya kak argument v neizbezhnyh sporah (podlinnost', sut', a ne perezhevannoe, pereskazannoe i sfal'shivlennoe). |
4. Quality of perception as a ground in inevitable debates (truth; originality, essence instead of hackneyed and false banalities). |
5. Osoznanie otryva kak sposob snyatiya napryazheniya. |
5. Awareness of the gap as the means of stress release. |
6. Trudnosti perehodnogo perioda: |
6. Difficulties of the transition: |
a) suspenzivnost' psihiki i perehodnoj period: |
a) psychic suspension and transition: |
- nahozhdenie opornosti v samom fakte dvizheniya; |
- search for the foothold in the actual sense of moving ahead; |
- osuzhdenie i nepriyatie rutinnoj blagopoluchnoj opory; |
- accusation of and resistance to the routine welfare footing; |
b) uyasnenie ponyatiya "meshchanin" i razvitie lichnosti; |
b) clarification of the "philistine" concept and personal development: |
- nastojchivost' kak osnova dvigatel'nogo usiliya, udovletvorenie ot proyavlennoj nastojchivosti; |
- persistence as the ground for an effort to move on; satisfaction with the persistence manifested; |
- dlitel'noe usilie i analitizm - tochki prilozheniya nastojchivosti; |
- durable efforts and analytism - the points of applying persistence; |
- rasshirenie interesov (kul'turologicheskie interesy); |
- embroadening of the interest (culturological interests); |
- poisk informacii - dvizhenie ot vneshnej broskosti k vnutrennim tonkostyam, k postizheniyu zhiznennyh yavlenij; |
- search for information - moving from external brightness to inner keenness, to understanding phenomena of life; |
- usovershenstvovanie tehniki samoanaliza; |
- perfection of self-analysis technique; |
- meshchanin kak zamknutaya sistema; |
- the philistine as a closed system; |
- F. Nicshe, gosudarstvo, avtoritety, apparat podavleniya i otmiranie individual'nogo myshleniya. |
- F. Nietzshe, the state, authorities, the suppression apparatus, dissipation of individual thinking. |
III. Zadacha avtodidaktiki i proryv k chelovecheskomu dostoinstvu. |
III. Goals of selfstudying and breakthrough to human dignity. |
1. Zakostenelost' mnenij kak kriterij meshchanstva. |
1. Stiffness of opinion as a criterion of philistinism. |
2. Nevozmozhnost' imet' mnenie bez proinformirovannosti. |
2. It is impossible to have an opinion without being well-informed. |
3. Meshchanin poslushnyj i meshchanin-lider: |
3. An obedient philistine and a philistine-leader: |
a) neodnorodnost' meshchanstva; |
a) heterogeneity of philistinism; |
b) meshchanin i talant (odarennost'), nevozmozhnost' ohvatit' soderzhanie momenta ili sochineniya (sluchaj s kompozitorom O. Messianom). |
b) a philistine and a talent ( a gifted person), it is impossible to embrace the essence of the moment or a piece of art (the case of the composer O. Messian). |
* * * Ostanovit'sya. Vdumat'sya v plohoe. Predstavit' gibel' tela, prostotu konca, obryva nitki i - svyatoe svoe proverit' t'moj, privlech' k sudu. Obman vnutri - nevidimaya pakost', kak ni glyadi, uvidet' mudreno, no nuzhno, chtoby sushchnost' ne raspalas', ustraivat' prosmotry kak v kino, no nuzhno slushat', ili dazhe proshche, - chuzhim sebe zhe stav hotya b na mig, brat' za dushu sebya, chtoby naoshchup' opoznavat' ee potemok lik. |
* * * The trembling soul is our instrument, we tame the cries, transform them in the tunes and thus we save ourselves - the dews of temporary feelings that are spent almost all. But ... but we believe and stand and stay and struggle for the little fews of past already wholes. Eternal Jews are multiplied in our dreams, that end with us, ain't we, like deathless creatures move our images as if the movements prove the crazy statement: that can further dure, that has the quality to be again and your deep Self wait for the future gain like for a wisdom sake - mad epicure. |
I. Definiciya stressa ozhidaniya (kak "otyagoshchennogo otricatel'nymi emociyami, kotorye svyazany s predstavleniem o tverdo ustanovlennom sroke"). |
I. The definition of the stress of waiting (as "burdened with negative emotions connected with a firmly fixed date"). |
II. Ozhidanie rezul'tata v avtodidaktike. |
II. Waiting for the result in self-studying. |
1. Rezul'tat blizkij i rezul'tat dalekij. |
1. Close and remote results. |
2. Predstavlenie ob obuchenii kak o razlitom stresse ozhidaniya dalekogo rezul'tata. |
2. Regard of studying as an extended stress of waiting for a remote result. |
3. Sub容ktivnaya ocenka dostizheniya i privykaniya k mysli. |
3. Subjective assessment of achievements and accustomness to thought. |
4. Uchet izmeneniya ocenok i korrelyaciya celej. |
4. Account for the assessments changed and correction of goals. |
5. Postanovka malyh celej: |
5. Minor goals setting: |
a) zanizhenie takticheskih zadach i malye celi; |
a) tactical tasks put low and minor goals; |
b) dvizhenie ot rezul'tata k rezul'tatu i chuvstvo navyka (oshchu-shchenie navyka); |
b) moving from one result to another and sensation of the skill; |
v) povyshenie analiticheskih sposobnostej i chuvstvo prevos-hodstva nad soboj prezhnim; |
c) development of analytic abilities and sense of superiority over the former Self; |
g) sovmeshchenie s pravilom perehoda k posleduyushchemu materialu bez usvoeniya, a lish' posle znakomstva i motornogo vosproizvedeniya predshestvuyushchego; |
d) observing the rule of transition to the following material without assimilation, but after acquaintance with the previous and its motoric reproduction; |
d) postanovka zadachi i predchuvstvovanie rezul'tata: e) rol' kratkosti ustanovlennogo sroka, pravilo drobleniya; |
e) goal setting and result premonition; f) the period fixed shall be brief; the rule of splitting up; |
zh) otsutstvie veroyatnostnogo faktora pri postanovke celi i psihicheskij travmatizm; |
g) lack of probability factor in goal-setting and psychic traumatizm; |
z) dostizhenie maloj celi kak gedonisticheskoe dejstvie; |
h) minor goal gaining as a hedonistic act; |
i) dissonans v ocenkah: avtodidakt i okruzhenie, podgo-tovlennost' k nesootvetstviyu ocenok: "Kogda on mog uspet'?" i "Da on zhe i tak zdorovo znaet!" |
i) dissonance in assessments: the autodidact and surrounding, readiness for discrepancy in assessments: "When has he managed to do all this?" and "He knows quite enough of everything." |
6. Postanovka bol'shoj celi v obuchenii avtodidakta: |
6. Major goal setting in selfstudying: |
a) rasshirenie krugozora; |
a) embroadening of outlook; |
b) "put' k soplanetyaninu", priobretenie druga-edinomyshlen-nika; |
b) "the way to the co-planetarian", obtaining a like-minded friend; |
v) dvizhenie k proshlomu i effekt priblizheniya proshlogo k nastoyashchemu; |
c) moving to the past and the effect of drawing the past and present closer together; |
g) korrekciya bol'shoj celi kak tvorcheskaya neobhodimost'. |
d) the correction of the major goal as a creative obligation. |
7. Grammatika ozhidaniya: |
7) Grammar of waiting: |
a) ponyatie o znakah prepinaniya, glavnyh i vtorostepennyh chlenah i pauzah; |
a) the notion of punctuation, main and secondary parts and pauses; |
b) gramotnoe ozhidanie kak process postepennogo uslozhneniya malyh celej (soznatel'naya podmena dalekoj i poka eshche nesbytochnoj celi - blizkoj i dostatochno bystro osushchestv-lyaemoj); |
b) competent waiting as the process of step-by-step complication of the minor goals (conscious substitution of a remote and at the present unrealizable goal by a close one which could be realized quite quickly); |
v) kriticheskaya massa znanij - ee ozhidanie i rol' aktivnogo primeneniya assometoda, kontinuuma (dolgovremennogo pogruzheniya, dlitel'nogo usiliya i t.d.); |
c) critical mass of knowledge - waiting for it and active employment of associative method, continuum (long-lasting immersion, durable efforts, etc.); |
g) rol' obytovlennosti samoobucheniya, parallelizmy, polifo-niya, chuvstvo udovletvoreniya prozhitym vremenem i snyatie napryazheniya ot dlitel'nogo ozhidaniya. |
d) the role of making selfstudying down-to-earth; parallelism, polyphony, sense of satisfaction with the time lived through and alleviation of stress occurred due to long waiting; |
Pravilo: CHem energichnee prohodyat zanyatiya, tem men'she stress ozhidaniya. |
The rule: The more energetically you study the milder is stress of waiting. |
d) osoznanie vozmozhnostej i dejstvitel'nosti priemov; |
e) awareness of abilities and technique efficiency; |
e) osoznanie zakona obyazatel'nogo nalichiya lakuny pri lyubom kachestve znanij (lakuna tochechnaya i lakuna sushchestvennaya); |
f) consideration for the law of objective existence of a gap with no regard for the quality of knowledge (a point gap and a considerable gap); |
zh) legenda libry i ozhidanie. Rol' predvaritel'nogo antologi-cheskogo oznakomleniya i uverennost' v otsutstvii prostranstvennyh probelov; |
g) legenda libri and waiting; the role of preliminary anthological acquaintance and certainty in nonexistence of space gaps; |
z) quasi - modestia; |
z) quasi - modesta; |
i) kvazineskromnost' i uskorenie: otkrovennost' soobshchenij o svoih zanyatiyah i kosvennye obyazatel'stva ("YA skazal, chto ya mogu - znachit dolzhen smoch'"); |
i) quasi-immodesty and acceleration: sincere information about one's studies and indirect obligations ("I said that I could - it means that I have to do it"); |
k) chestolyubie dlya sebya (pogonya, sorevnovanie s samim soboj), uvelichenie skorosti i snizhenie stressa ozhidaniya; |
j) ambitions for oneself (haste, competition with oneself) speed acceleration and stress-of-waiting alleviation; |
l) psihorelaksaciya (priemy iz iogi, iz autotreninga, nastrojki pravogo mozga) i ozhidanie, oshchushchenie brennosti kak snimayushchee napryazhenie; |
k) psycho-relaxation (yoga technique, autotraining, the right brain setting) and waiting, sense of fragility as tension release; |
m) brennost' lichnogo bytiya i ozhidanie rezul'tata obucheniya; poziciya poslednego dnya, vhozhdenie v noosferu, kvazireligioznoe chuvstvo vklada v duhovnost' mirozdaniya, vozmozhnost' normativnogo upotrebleniya vysokih slov; |
l) fragility of one's personal being and waiting for results in studies; "the last day status", entrance into the noosphere, quasi-religious feeling of making contribution to the spiritual storage of the world knowledge, possibility of normative usage of lofty words; |
n) priem myslennogo pereneseniya v budushchee: relaksiruyushchee predstavlenie sebya v budushchem raznoj stepeni otdalennosti; |
m) the method of removing oneself into the future; relaxed fancying oneself in the future in various periods; |
o) perenos trenirovki i ozhidanie neozhidannogo: treniruem ili uchim odno, a sovershenstvuem drugoe; |
n) displacement of training and expectation of the unexpectable: we train or study a certain thing, but actually perfect anoher; |
p) ponyatie o frustacii, avtoregresiya, pereocenka cennostej, vozmozhnostej, namerenij i t.d.; |
o) the notion of frustration, autoaggression, re-evaluation of values, abilities, intentions, etc. |
r) razmyagchenie sroka - priem relaksacii; |
p) moderate fixation of dates as the means of relaxation. |
8. Stress ozhidaniya i izuchenie predmeta: |
8) Stress of waiting and subject studying: |
a) obshchie predstavleniya o predmete i udovletvorenie ot ovladeniya sut'yu; |
a) general ideas about the subject being studied and satisfaction with the essence obtained; |
b) predely analiticheskogo proniknoveniya i divergenciya trebo-vaniya: "|to mozhno i ne znat', a vot eto - obyazatel'no"; |
b) the limits of analytic penetration and divergence of requirements: "It is possible to be ignorant of this , but as for that, I should study it"; |
v) nasyshchenie psihiki i Zakon soobshchayushchihsya znanij. |
c) psychic nourishment and the Law of connected knowledges. |
* * * Vybirat' na vershine - inuyu goru, chtob odolet'... Tak bylo. Tak budet vpred', poka ya v gorah sushchestvuyu. A eto - vsyu zhizn'. Na ravnine zhit' nam ne suzhdeno. Vzbirajsya! No ty vse ravno okazhesh'sya poseredine - mezh etim i tem. Nepremenno. Vsegda. I sejchas, i potom. My lyubim ustojchivyj dom, no v nem nenavidim steny. |
* * * The most of us are <<others>>. That's a law for common members of a usual crowd. A name vibrates, but it is not too long, a part of giant voice, of general <<know>>. But this huge sum of souls is ground where grow the individuals, those who are out of harmony of <<much>>, of roaming about, of cluster of the touches that is one blow. The bulk is only fertile fickle soil so changeable - like Proteus when we toil up, like a mountain steep, courageous hope, to proud highness of a solitude that we for own songs sake make to protrude from greedy jaw of an accord in which we crop. |
I. Ob容kty nablyudeniya vnutrennej zhizni v avtodidaktike. |
I. Objects of inner life observation in selfstudying. |
1. Tvorcheskie (evristicheskie) processy. |
1. Creative (heuristic) processes. |
2. Refleksivnaya deyatel'nost'. |
2. Reflexive activities. |
3. Rassudochnaya deyatel'nost'. |
3. Rational activities. |
4. Vzaimodejstvie rassudochnogo i refleksivnogo pri polnocen-nyh zanyatiyah avtodidakta. |
4. Correlation of rational and reflexive in full-fledged selfstudying. |
5. Lichnost' avtodidakta kak ob容kt samonablyudeniya: |
5. The autodidact's personality as an object of introspection; |
a) tehnika "podglyadyvaniya za samim soboj", "vzglyad so storony"; |
a) the technique of "catching sight of oneself", "a gimpse from aside"; |
b) metod "sovmeshcheniya s idealom"; |
b) the method of "correlation to the ideal"; |
v) metod "myslennogo vypolneniya uslozhnennogo zadaniya"; |
c) the method of "mental fulfilment of a complicated task"; |
g) metod "sravneniya prezhnego i aktual'nogo"; |
d) the method of "comparing the former and the actual"; |
d) metod "rekognoscirovki duhovnogo prostranstva - opredelenie vozvyshennostej i nizmennostej"; |
e) the method of "reconnoitring the spiritual space - looking for heights and lowlands"; |
e) metod "sopostavleniya sostoyaniya" (dlya opredeleniya preimu-shchestva toj ili inoj tehniki samoobucheniya i t.d.); |
f) the method of "comparing feelings and experiences" (for identifying the advantages of this or that techniques of selfstudying, etc.); |
zh) metod "ozhidaniya kleva" (rybolov ozhidaet kleva); |
g) the method of "waiting for a fish to take the bait" like a fisherman does; |
z) metod "krika v kolodec" (reverberirovanie konkretnyh (kontrol'nyh) sobytij i vyyasnenie po pravilu: Raz otzyvaetsya - znachit, na eto nastroeno; |
h) the method of "crying into the well" (the recall of concrete (controlled) events and the identification according to the rule: "If it recalls then it is tuned."; |
i) tehnika "sozercaniya sebya, idushchego vdali"; |
i) the technique of "observing oneself, walking at a distance"; |
k) metod "probnogo eksperimenta" (vyyasnenie istinnoj mysli cherez neobdumannoe govorenie); |
j) the method of "a test experiment" (the identification of the true thought through spontaneous speaking); |
l) metod "vostochnyh pryannostej" (opredelenie svezhesti vospriya-tiya, vyzyvanie bodrosti i opredelenie prioritetnosti sensornogo); |
k) the method of "oriental spices" (demarcating perception freshness, evoking good spirits and identifying sensory priorities); |
m) metod "bega po tenistoj allee" (oshchushcheniya raskreposhchennosti i molodosti); |
l) the method of "jogging along a shady ally " (the sensation of being young and relaxed); |
n) metod "ekzistencial'noj proverki" (sravnenie s Avtodi-daktom iz "Otvrashcheniya" ZH.-P. Sartra); |
m) the method of "existence test" (the comparison with the autodidact from "La Nausee" by J. P. Sartre); |
o) metod "vyslushivaniya vnutrennego napevaniya" (vyyasnenie aktual'nogo - segodnyashnego - ritma (pishushchim stihi)); |
n) the method of "listening to the inner tune" (identifying the actual - present - rhythm for those who compose verses); |
p) metod "personifikacii myslej, sostoyanij" (odno "YA" otnositsya k mysli - person, kotoraya druzhit s drugim "YA"); |
o) the method of "personification of thoughts, feelings, states" (one "I" refers to the thought - person, who is the friend of the other "I"); |
r) metod "advokatury d'yavola" (voploshchenie dialekticheskogo podhoda). |
p) the method of "the devil's bar" (realization of dialectical approach). |
6. "YA" nablyudayushchee i "YA" nablyudaemoe: |
6. Observing "I" and "I" observed: |
a) osobennosti "YA" nablyudayushchego: |
a) specifics of observing "I": |
- otozhdestvlenie sebya s sut'yu lichnosti; |
- identification with Self; |
- polnaya latentnost'; |
- complete latency; |
- beskompromisnost'; |
- resistance to compromises; |
- chuvstvo integrirovannosti i dazhe otozhdestvlennosti s mirovym duzom, bogom - religioznost'; |
- sense of integrity or even identity with the world spirit, with God - religiousness; |
- vezdesushchnost' - nadmyshlenie; |
- omnipresence - superthinking; |
- chuvstvo prichastnosti k vechnomu i obescenivanie telonositelya (nad-zhizn'); |
- sense of being involved into eternity and depreciation of the body wearer (super-life); |
b) osobennosti "YA" nablyudaemogo: |
b) specifics of the "I" observed: |
- voploshchennost' "YA" nablyudaemogo v dvizheniyah naruzhnyh i vnutrennih; |
- realization of the "I" observed in inner and outer motions; |
- plotskost' "YA" nablyudaemogo, ego sensornost' i chuvst-vomyshlenie; |
- fleshliness of the "I" observed; his sensority and feeling-thinking; |
- podgotovitel'naya deyatel'nost' "YA" nablyudaemogo - kon-sul'tativnyj kanal s "YA" nablyudayushchim; |
- preparatory activities of the "I" observed - consultative channels with the observing "I"; |
- uskol'zanie i proteistichnost' "YA" nablyudaemogo - ("|to eshche ne ya vot podozhdite!"); |
- evasiveness and protheism of the "I" observed ("It is not me yet, just wait!"); |
- netozhdestvennost' "YA" nablyudaemogo s lichnost'yu (dlya samoj lichnosti); |
- nonidentity of the "I" observed with the personality (for the individual); |
- otozhdestvlennost' "YA" nablyudaemogo s lichnost'yu (dlya postoronnih); |
- identity of the "I" observed with the personality (for the onlookers); |
- problemy vzaimoponimaniya i problemy vnutrennego mira; |
- the problem of mutual understanding and problems of the inner world; |
- sposobnost' "YA" nablyudaemogo samoraschlenyat'sya (dispersiya "YA"); |
- ability of the "I" observed to divide (dispersion of "I"); |
- mnozhestvennost' dispersionnyh "YA", tezaurus sostoyanij, otozhdestvlenie s nositelyami sostoyanij, instrumental'nost' - dlya priobreteniya kul'tury i t.d.; |
- multiplicity of the dispersed "I", thesaurus of feelings and experiences, equation with transmitters of emotional states; instrumentality - for assimilating culture, etc.; |
- "YA" nablyudaemoe kak dinamicheskij process ("chelovek techet" - L. Tolstoj) i bezgranichnost' intelektual'no-duhovnogo. |
- the "I" observed as a dynamic process ("man flows" - L. Tolstoy) and eternity of the intellectual and spiritual. |
II. Duet vnutrennih (sol'nyh) golosov i dialektika edinstva protivopolozhnostej. |
II. Duet of inner (solo) voices and dialectic unity of opposites. |
1. Vnutrennyaya kakofoniya. |
1. Inner disaccord. |
2. Vnutrennee blagozvuchie. |
2. Inner harmony (euphony). |
* * * Ne zhalobno i vinovato, a radostno krichat', zvenya, ne "Bozhe, daj!", a "Bozhe, nate, primite, Bozhe, ot menya! Primite eto likovan'e i slezy gor'kie moi, chtob dlya inyh napominan'em pobyli chutochku oni. Primite etot opyt, Bozhe, i, snizojdya, voz'mite tot, chto byl kogda-to i pohozhe, byl kak by ves' naoborot: YA zhit' vse bol'she razuchalsya, vse bol'she ladit' ne umel, no, Bozhe, kak byval ya schastliv, byt' volej Vashej ne u del!" |
* * * The poetry has not limits. But a poem is constantly abridged by boundaries of sheet it would go somewhere far beyond the sweet white paper area. There it is pawing with Pegasus' light hoofs, like Cupid bowing for images that are the hearts of it, and so the buds of love each other meet for being soon a twigs, the future sowing' for a new truth to bear afterwards and to express in sounds or in words or in uneven lines and coloured mud. The human space is to create created and so Great Lord mysteriously made it that we must always over the border putt. |
I. Lichnost' kak summa unasledovannogo i priobretennogo. |
I. The personality as the integrity of the inherited and acquired. |
1. Psihicheskie parametry (temperament, akcuntuirovannost' psihiki). |
1. Psychic parameters (temperament, accentuation of psyche). |
2. Modifikaciya prirodnyh dannyh i nevoploshchennost' lichnosti. |
2. Modification of natural abilities and non-realization of the personality. |
3. Duhovnaya urodlivost' i duhovnaya krasota: |
3. Spiritual deformity and spiritual beauty: |
a) dobrota: zavisimost' ot ocenochnogo mehanizma; |
a) kindness: dependence on evaluation mechanism; |
b) chuvstvo spravedlivosti: analitizm, tradiciya i krugozor; |
b) sense of justice: analytism, tradition and outlook; |
v) lyubov' k blizhnemu: konkretnoe videnie (nevozmozhnost' lyubit' chelovechestvo voobshche); |
c) love for one's neighbour: concrete vision (impossibility to love the human race at large); |
g) smysl zhizni: individual'nost' mozhet imet' duhovnuyu (ili neduhovnuyu) cel', zhizn' (voobshche) kak takovaya - ne mozhet, (esli ne imet' vvidu teleologiyu); duhovnye parametry smysla zhizni (stremlenie k znaniyu; put' k samostoyatel'nomu myshleniyu - "put' k soplanetyaninu"; vnesenie lepty - pri voploshchennosti lichnosti v kul'turu, noosferu; vozmozhnoe udovletvorenie sobstvennoj zhizn'yu v svyazi s voploshcheniem lichnosti i osushchestvleniem celi: predsmertnyj pokoj zasluzhit' mozhno lish' pozhiznennym bespokojstvom); |
d) meaning of life: an individual may have a spiritual (or non-spiritual) goal, life in general and as such cannot (theology is not considered here); spiritual parameters of the meaning of life (aspiration for knowledge; a path to independent thinking - "a path to the co-planeterian"; contribution to the noosphere through personal involvent into culture; possible satisfaction with own life in connection with realization of a personality and fulfilment of the goal: one can earn before-death peace only by lifetime unrest; |
d) shirota interesov, mnogogrannost' lichnosti kak uslovie ee duhovnoj krasoty (ogranichennyj urodliv); |
e) broad interests; malti-sided development of a personality as a circumstance of his/her spiritual beauty (a shallow-minded person is ugly); |
e) koefficient prityagatel'nosti (attraktivnosti) i stremlenie lichnosti k sovershenstvu (vnutrennyaya kar'era); |
f) coefficient of attractiveness and a personality's striving for perfection (the inner carrier); |
zh) nasledstvo lichnosti: duhovnost', transformirovannaya potom-kami. |
g) heritage of a personality: spirituality transmitted by descendants. |
4. Priobretennye duhovnye sredstva i avtodidaktika: |
4. Acquired spiritual qualities and selfstudying: |
a) nastojchivost' (transformaciya ih upryamstva); |
a) persistence (transformed from stubbornness); |
b) tonkost' analiza (transformaciya sklonnosti k umstvennym spekulyaciyam, tak nazyvaemaya mechtatel'nost'); |
b) keenness of analysis (transformed from inclination to intellectual speculations, so called reverie); |
v) bezuprechnaya akkuratnost' v rabote (transformaciya svojstva anankasta); |
c) perfect accuracy in work (transformed from the qualities of anancast); |
g) organizaciya razvetvlyayushchejsya sociogruppy intellektual'no-duhovnogo tolka (transformaciya vlastolyubivosti, unasledovannogo stremleniya k liderstvu); |
d) arrangement of a tree-like social group of intellectual and spiritual orientation (transformed love for power, inherited inclination for leadership); |
d) povyshennaya sklonnost' k nakopleniyu sostoyanij, (trans-formaciya vrozhdennoj sentimental'nosti); |
e) developed ability to accumulate feelings and states (transformed from inborn sentimentality); |
e) legkost' v vyrabotke dvigatel'nyh stereotipov i kak sledstvie shirota instrumental'nyh znanij (transformaciya - "suhost' raschetlivogo uma"); |
f) easy mastering of motoric stereotypes and as a consequence - broad instrumental knowledge (transformed from "coolness of prudent mind"); |
zh) umenie mgnovenno pereklyuchat'sya na drugoj vid deyatel'nosti (povyshennaya mnogokonal'nost' zanyatij); |
g) ability of immediate shifting to another activity (developed multi-channel studying); |
z) uglublennaya issledovatel'skaya deyatel'nost' (transformaciya nasledstvennoj mnitel'nosti (i ipohondrii)). |
h) deep research activity (transformed from inherited suspiciousness (and hypochondria). |
5. Priobretennoe svojstvo kak pobochnyj uspeh v avtodidaktike: |
5. Acquired quality as a marginal success in selfstudying: |
a) oshchushchenie nezavisimosti ot durnoj privychki; |
a) sense of independence from a bad habit; |
b) psihicheskaya ustojchivost' samoobuchayushchegosya, tak nazyvaemaya sila haraktera; |
b) psychic stability of a learner, the so called power of character; |
v) intimnoe mogushchestvo kak odno iz vozmozhnyh dostizhenij (likvidaciya, izzhivanie estestvennogo egoizma i sobstvennicheskogo chuvstva v intimnoj zhizni, prioritety udovol'stvij i ocenok attraktivnosti, povyshennaya gibkost' psihiki, oshchushchenie "filosofichnogo individa, imeyushchego svyazi s vechnym, neprehodyashchim"). |
c) intimate power is one of possible gains (liquidation of natural selfishness and sense of property in intimate life, priorities of delights and evaluations of attractiveness; greater flexibility of psyche, sensation of a "philosophic individual being connected with the eternal and immortal." |
II. Arhitektonika lichnosti, korrekciya idealov i avtodidaktika. |
II. Architectonics of a personality, correction of ideals and selfstudying. |
1. Dialektika lichnosti (granicy, obslovlennye geneticheski, i stremlenie rasshirit'sya. "CHelovek - eto rasshiryayushchayasya vselennaya"). |
1. Dialectics of a personality (boundaries shaped genetically shaped and striving for extension. "Man is an extending universe"). |
2. Baza znanij i fundament lichnosti (uverennost' znayushchego, vozmozhnost' vybora napravleniya razvitiya (videnie dorozhnyh ukazatelej), sobstvenno zhelanie stroit' lichnost'). |
2. Base of knowledge and foundation of a personality (assertiveness of a knowledgeable person, possibility to make a choice of trends in one's development (vision of road signs), desire to construct one's own personality). |
3. |tazhi lichnosti i vozrast cheloveka (svyaz' zhiznennogo opyta, priobretennogo umeniya abstragirovat'sya ot sobstvennoj persony i duhovno-intellektul'nye postupki); kolichestvo duhovnyh postupkov ravno kolichestvu etazhej. |
3. Floors of a personality and a person's age (the connection between one's life experience, |
4. Duhovno-intellektual'nyj postupok kak osnovnoj instrument stroitel'stva lichnosti (fenomen G. Toro "Uhod dlya podgotovki k vyhodu"). |
4. The spiritual and intellectual act as the main instrument of constructing a personality ( the phenomenon of A. Thoreau's "withdrawal to get ready for entrance"). |
5. Rost trebovatel'nosti k sebe v svyazi s korrekciej ideala - istochnik energii intellektual'no-duhovnogo postupka. |
5. Greater exactness to oneself connected with the ideal's correction of the ideal is the source of power for an intellectual and spiritual act. |
III. Lichnost' v ekstremal'nyh sostoyaniyah. |
III. A personality in extreme states. |
1. Proigryvanie situacij. |
1. Outplaying of situations. |
2. Modelirovanie povedeniya. |
2. Patterning of behaviour. |
3. Nagruzka avtodidakta. |
3. The autodidact's workload. |
4. ZHizn' kak kontinuum nervno-psihicheskih nagruzok i avto-didakta (V. Annenskij "Uzhas zhizni"). |
4. Life as a continuum of nervous and psychic loads and selfstudying (I. Annensky's "horror of life"). |
IV. Otkrytost' sub容ktivnogo mira kak cel' avtodidakta. |
IV. Openness of subjective world as an autodidact's aim. |
1. "Esli ty ne hochesh', chtoby ob etom kto-to uznal, - ne delaj etogo" (kitajskaya pogovorka). |
1. "If you don't want anybody to learn about it then don't do it" (a Chinese proverb). |
2. "Geniyu nechego skryvat'" (A. Pushkin). |
2. "A genius has nothing to conceal" (A. Pushkin). |
3. Antinomiya "meshchanin" (zakrytaya sistema) - tvorcheskaya lich-nost' (otkrytaya sistema). |
3. Antinomy: "the philistine" (a closed system) - the creative personality (an open system). |
* * * Prodlis', o filosofiya, prodlis' do pesni, duh slivayushchij i telo, do melosa, chto - podlinnaya mysl' chto - istina, kotoroj zhizn' hotela. Za slovom budet propast' - chudnyj znak, chto oboznachit pauzy v dvizhen'e i zamiran'e teh, kto vnov' napryag uprugoj mysli gornoe techen'e. YA tak lyublyu predstavlennyj landshaft na fone teh, chej promel'k glazu yavlen. I ya zhivu, k grudi ego prizhav, real'no chuya sneg ego protalin. |
* * * Inflated with pride and vain littleness the youth was sick, additionally sick - first illness is the shortening, a trick of making nothing of the inner stillness, a too great waste of time, of stream of days, nights where same melodies so sweety sound and freedom of intention is a ground for feelings with the voice of Barbara Streisand. We always are abridged compared with plans with that young force that strings so lucky strain, with one born in ourselves, but really upper. And we again surprise and wish to fly but body stays below full of why and only like inflated bird of rubber. |
I. Osobennost' social'noj ierarhii: |
I. Specifics of social hierarchy: |
1. Ierarhiya dolzhnostej, professij, special'nostej, polozhenij v obshchestve. |
1. The hierarchy of posts, professions, specialities, social statuses. |
2. Ierarhiya umeniya i masterstva. |
2. The hierarchy of skills and mastering. |
3. Ierarhiya avtoritetov (avtoritet oficial'nyj i avtoritet is-tinnyj). |
3. The hierarchy of authorities (the official authority and true authority). |
4. Obrazovanie i obshchestvo; kriterij obshchestvennogo zdorov'ya. |
4. Education and society; the criterion of social health. |
5. Obrazovanie i tradiciya; obrazovanie vostochnoe i obrazovanie zapadnoe; smeshannyj tip obrazovaniya: |
5. Education and tradition; Oriental education and Western education; mixed type of education: |
a) obrazovanie i material'noe blagopoluchie (Fales Miletskij); |
a) education and material wealth (Phales of Mileth); |
b) obrazovanie i polozhenie v obshchestve: zhelaemoe i fakticheskoe. |
b) education and social status: desired and actual. |
II. Pragmatizm i romanticheskie idealy. |
II. Pragmatism and romantic ideals. |
1. Stoiki, otnoshenie k predmetnomu miru. |
1) Stoics, attitude to the world of objects. |
2. Syuj YUj i YAo. |
2) Su Yu and Yao. |
3. Pragmatizm i fizicheskaya (ruchnaya) rabota - ocenka raboty kak takovoj na urovne obydennogo soznaniya. |
3) Pragmatism and physical (manual) work - estimation of work as such by daily routine consciousness. |
4. Produktivnoe myshlenie kak prakticheski poleznaya deyatel'-nost': |
4) Productive thinking as practically useful activity: |
a) fundamental'nye issledovaniya; |
a) fundamental research; |
b) operativnoe dejstvie intellekta; |
b) operative action of the intellect; |
v) myshlenie - igra kak relaksaciya; |
c) thinking-playing as relaxation; |
g) myshlenie kakdostoyanie i kak instrument dostizheniya celej; |
d) thinking as common property and the instrument of aim gaining; |
d) myshlenie kak ataraksiya - prakticheskoe znachenie. |
e) thinking as ataraxia - practical essence. |
5. Ideal prakticheskogo cheloveka, opasnost' ottorzheniya ot svoego "YA", uprezhdayushchaya rassudochnost', svedenie na net (diminuaciya) teoreticheskogo nachala (refleksii), paradoksal'nyj rezul'tat: umen'shenie praktichnosti pri absolyutizacii ustanovki na dostizhenie ideala prakticheskogo cheloveka. |
5. The ideal of a practical person, the danger of alienation from one's self, rationality "in advance", diminution of theoretical initiation (reflection), with a paradoxical result: the decreasing practicality alongside the absolution of orientations on achieving the ideal of a practical person. |
6. Ideal romantika: otchuzhdenie ot zdravogo smysla, predpoch-tenie proizvol'nyh spontannyh reshenij, abberaciya vospriyatiya real'nyh sobytij i vzaimootnoshenij mezhdu lyud'mi: absurdizaciya vnutrennej zhizni misticizm, psevdo-utonchennost', spekulyativnost'; paradoksal'nyj rezul'tat: deromantizaciya, razocharovanie v idealah, krushenie nadezhd i dazhe gibel'. |
6. The ideal of a romantic person; alienation from common sense, preference to voluntary spontaneous decisions, aberration of perception actual events and relations between people; absurdities of inner life - mysticism, pseudo refinement, speculativeness; with a paradoxical results: deromantization, disappointment in ideals, ruin of hopes and even death. |
7. Ideal smeshannogo tipa (romanticheskij realizm ili real'nyj romantizm): |
7. The ideal of a mixed type (romantic realism or actual romanticism): |
a) Razvitoe filosofichnoe myshlenie i vozmozhnosti roman-tizirovat' dejstvitel'nost' ("podlinnoe myshlenie - romantichno", poryv, elan i t.d.); |
a) developed philosophic thinking and possibilities to romanticise reality ("genuine thinking is romantic," impulse, Elan , etc.); |
b) real'nost' nesbytochnogo; |
b) reality of the unrealizable; |
v) romanticheskoe nachalo v strategii avtodidakta; |
c) romantic move in the autodidact's strategy; |
g) prakticheskij podhod k kul'tivirovaniyu romanticheskogo ("romantikom chashche vsego vygodno byt' v prakticheskom otnoshenii"); |
d) practical approach to cultivation of the romantic ("it is advantageous to be a romantic from practical viewpoint") |
d) deromantizaciya meshchanstva, serost' zhizni, otsutstvie vyso-kogo ideala i - kak prakticheskoe sledstvie - snizhenie vozmozhnostej razvitiya lichnosti, nedovoploshchennost', hronicheskoe duhovnoe nedoedanie); |
e) deromantization of philistinism, weariness of life, absence of a high ideal and as a result - narrowing possibilities for a personality's development, under-realization, chronic spiritual malnutrition; |
e) tehnika "razvitiya poryva" (konstruirovanie sistemy povy-shennyh celej, metodika "predvkushenij", metodika "ozhidaniya sleduyushchej stancii", "puteshestviya po marshrutu sobstvennogo razvitiya"); |
f) the technique of the "development of an impulse" (constructing the system of growing aims, methods of anticipation, the method of "waiting for the next station," of "travelling along the route of one's development"); |
zh) romantizm i misticizm (misticizm kak passsivnyj romantizm, vyvernutyj naiznanku, kak surrogat aktivnogo romantizma); |
g) romanticism and mysticism (mysticism as passive romanticism, as romanticism turned inside out, as the surrogate for active romanticism); |
z) aktivnost' pri romanticheski real'nom myshlenii ("obitanie duha v ob容ktivnoj real'nosti", metodika "osmyslennyh veroyatnostej", obosnovannyh predpolozhenij, pooshchreniya stremleniya k prekrasnomu - "net predela u sovershenstva"); |
h) activeness combined with romantically authentic thinking ("living of the spirit in the objective reality", the method of "estimated probabilities, substantiated proposals, encouragement of striving for the beautiful - "perfection has no limits"); |
i) idealisty i romantiki (na urovne byta; pervye ne primenyayut common sense, vtorye ne proniknuty oshchushcheniem real'nosti dostizheniya bol'shego sovershenstva); bor'ba s hanzhestvom, prozaicheskim sushchestvovaniem. |
i) idealists and romantics (on daily level; the first don't use common sense, the second don't feel it is really possible to get greater perfection); resistance to hypocrisy, and prosaic existence. |
III. Kriterii voploshchennosti lichnosti (oni zhe - priznaki sdelannosti "vnutrennej kar'ery") |
III. Criteria of a personality's realization (they are also the indicators of the "inner carrier" made). |
1. Obladanie sovremennym estestvenno-nauchnym urovnem miro-vozreniya (tezaurus ponyatij). |
1. Possession of the contemporary level of natural and scientific world outlook (thesaurus of notions). |
2. Obladanie tezaurusom sostoyanij v sootvetstvii s prinad-lezhnost'yu k civilizacii (civilizaciyam). |
2. Possession of the thesaurus of feelings and experiences relevant to the civilisation (civilisations) one belongs to. |
3. Filosofichnost' myshleniya (nahozhdenie edinstva protivopo-lozhnostej v kazhdom zhiznennom yavlenii nezavisimo ot ego velichiny: malen'koe mozhet nesti v sebe krupnoe). |
3. Philosophic thinking (search for the unity of opposites in every phenomenon of life regardless of its quantity: the small may be a wearer of the great). |
4. Vyyasnennost', nazvannost' eticheskih i esteticheskih kategorij na intimnom urovne (glupost', prekrasnoe, dobrota, poshlyj, nazanimatel'nyj, tvorcheskij, blagodarnyj). |
4. Clarifying and defining ethical and aesthetic categories at the intimate level (stupidity, beauty, kindness, shallowness, dullness, creativity, gratitude). |
5. Duhovnaya predpriimchivost', iniciativnost'. |
5. Spiritual undertaking, initiative. |
6. Sposobnost' k samostoyatel'nym resheniyam prakticheskih byto-vyh zadach, problem lichnosti i problem vzaimootnoshenij. |
6. Ability for independent decision-making in practical daily matters, problems of personal development and problem of interrelations. |
7. Obladanie tezaurusom opornyh precedentov (lichnyj opyt, knizhnaya informaciya - istoricheskie primery). |
7. Possession of the thesaurus of foothold precedents (personal experiences, information from books - examples from history). |
8) Sposobnost' preodolevat' krizisy sostoyanij (v lichnoj zhizni: vyvedenie v tvorchestvo otricatel'nyh emocij, sublimaciya psihicheskih napryazhenij). |
8) Ability to overcome crucial points (in private life: to drive negative emotions out into creative activity, sublimation of psychic tensions). |
9. Razvitost' prirodnyh sposobnostej i nalichie specificheskogo masterstva v kakoj-libo oblasti. |
9. Development of natural abilities and availability of specific skills in a particular field. |
10. Korrekciya voploshchennosti (korrelyaciya s osmyslennym i dostignutym). |
10. Correction of self-realization ( correlation with the conceived and gained). |
11. Potrebnost' rosta i razvitiya v zrelom vozraste - priznak voploshchennoj lichnosti. |
11. Aware need for growth and development at mature age as an indication of a self-realized personality. |
12. Othod ot narochistoj uvlekatel'nosti vneshnego, sposobnost' k interesnoj i napryazhennoj vnutrennej zhizni. |
12. Withdrawal from intentional outer entertainments; ability for interesting and tense inner life. |
13. "Ohranenie" "zhivoj dushi", "gibkogo (podvizhnogo) vospriya-tiya" (R. Stivenson). |
13. "Protection of a living soul" and "flexible perception" (R. Stivenson). |
* * * Uspeetsya li to, chto mne dano osmyslit', ispytav eshche raz opyt, povtorno Zlo perezhivaya, chtoby uznat', chto v zhizni znachilo ono? Um trezvennika izobrel vino, i dvadcat' let starela Penelopa, ne otlichayas' mudrost'yu osoboj, no vernost'yu (chto, v obshchem, mudreno). Gde on konchaetsya, nash vsemogushchij, gde zameshchaetsya kofejnoj gushchej? Byt' mozhet, on odin - povsyudu srazu i v sushchnosti zhivogo - vezdesushch, dvojnoj spiral'yu perevityj plyushch - izvestnyj nam odnoj lish' gran'yu Razum? |
* * * O, dear Mr Empson, I beg you allow to tell that our houses constantly are on a cliff that we are suspended by nerves and by feeling's?? as if the fly is the firmness, and badly is well. And here to diminish means adversely to swell, as to exist as a ship is to be a light skiff I contemplate a spring and see a falling leaf where freshly blossoms play the notes of magic smell. All living now is swimming when it's sinking, and in deep muteness when is something singing in most perfect joy when he or she is sad. I hope really in moment of lost pations. And happens everything where there are no occasions. I may be had the world because I nothing had. |
I. Koncepciya lichnosti-vselennoj. |
I. Concept of the personality-universe. |
1. Lichnost' kak sistema optimal'nogo osoznaniya samogo sebya. |
1. The personality as a system of optimum self-awareness. |
2. Lichnostnye parametry i duhovnye postupki - edinstvo racional'nogo i irracional'nogo. |
2. Parameters of a personality and spiritual acts as the unity of rational and irrational. |
3. Zavoevanie lichno-irracional'nogo, uglublenie znaniya o sebe. |
3. Conquest of personally irrational, deepening of knowledge about oneself. |
4. Zvezdnye skopleniya, tumannosti v lichno-irracional'nom. |
4. Clusters of stars, nebulae in the personally irrational. |
5. Ideal i lichno-irracional'noe kak "spressovannyj" duhovnyj material. |
5. The ideal and personally irrational as "densed" spiritual material. |
6. Rasshiritel'noe dvizhenie pervonachal'nogo duhovnogo materia-la. ("Vse uznaetsya, vse v nas sushchestvovalo, okazyvaetsya, uzhe v nerasshifrovannom vide" - samoraskodirovanie est' dvizhenie duhovnogo v kul'ture). |
6. Extending move of the initial spiritual material ("Everything is recognizable, everything appears to have existed |
7. |tika rasshireniya lichnosti: vzaimoproniknovenie, sliyanie (otozhdestvlenie) fragmentov, obezymyanivanie, rastvorenie lichno-lichnogo (samosti) v lichno-vseobshchem (kollektivnyj ejdos, bog), ejforiya obezymyanivaniya, uznavanie svoego vo vselennoj - vnutrennee vovne, sovershenstvovanie modelej vnutrennej zhizni - otkrovenie (kak samoistolkovanie so storony). |
7. Ethics of a personality's extension: mutual penetration, merging (equation) of fragments, loss of name, dissolution of self-personal (conceit) in personally universal (collective eidos, God), euphoria of name losing, recognizing one's dear in the universe - inner in the outer, perfection of patterning inner life - revelation (as self-interpreting from aside). |
8. Dialektika "rasshireniya": otchuzhdenie ot sebya "otdel'nogo" i porodnenie s "YA" - chast'yu vseobshchej duhovnosti ("est' dvizhenie k istinnomu samomu sebe"). |
8. Dialectics of "extension": alienation of "separate" self and becoming related to the Self who is a part of the universal spirituality ("moving to the real Self"). |
II. Fantazirovanie i tvorchestvo. |
II. Fantasy and creativity |
1. Fantazirovanie kak intencionizaciya predstavlenij ("po shchuch'emu veleniyu, po moemu hoteniyu") i modelirovanie vo vnutrennem prostranstve- vremeni lichnosti (zavoevanie inoj zhizni); parallel'noe sushchestvovanie; ekzistencializaciya potencial'noj zhizni, zaklyuchennoj v kazhdom cheloveke: gerontologicheskoe obogashchenie psihosomatiki cheloveka (aktery i svyashchenniki obychno zhivut dolgo). |
1. Dreaming as turning ideals into intentions ("By will of the pike, do as I like", i.e. as if by magic, by itself) and modelling in the inner space-time of a personality (conquest of another life); parallel existence; bringing into existence of the potential life characteristic of everybody: gerontological enrichment of psycho-somatic of a human being (actors and priests live long as a rule). |
2. Fantazirovanie kak proryv k irracional'nomu. |
2. Dreaming as a breakthrough to the irrational. |
3. Zdravyj smysl i fantazirovanie. |
3. Common sense and fantasy. |
4. Mocartianstvo kak podkontrol'noe fantazirovanie (sushchnost' tehniki hudozhestvennogo tvorchestva); tematicheskoe fantazirovanie, invariantnost'; prakticheskaya neischer-paemost' vozmozhnostej prochitannyh situacij; chtenie, videnie v samom sebe rasshiryayushchejsya lichnosti; kodirovanie sostoyanij pri pomoshchi znakovyh sistem dannoj civilizacii i izmenenij v sovremennom iskusstve, internacionalizaciya kodov); gedonizm tvorchestva - osoznanie samogo sebya (himizm duhovnogo!). |
4. Mozartism as fantasy under control (essence of creative work technique in arts); thematical dreaming, invariableness; practically inexhaustible number of possible situational readings; seeing oneself as an extending personality while reading; encoding feeling and experiences with the help of sign systems of this civilisation and changes in the contemporary art, internationalization of codes); hedonism of creative work - awareness of oneself (chemism of the spiritual!) |
III. Priemy izobretatel'stva. |
III. Invention technique. |
1. Personifikaciya materiala (odushevlenie dejstvuyushchih sil predstavlyaemogo, issledovanie povedeniya sil). |
1. Personification of material (animation of the driving forces of the imagined, studying of the forces' behaviour). |
2. Issledovanie paradoksal'nogo. |
2. Research of paradoxical. |
3. Nahozhdenie analogij v prirode (v rastitel'nom, zhivotnom mire ili v yavleniyah). |
3. Search for analogies in nature (in flora, fauna or phenomena). |
4. Nahozhdenie analogij v nesmezhnyh oblastyah chelovecheskoj deya-tel'nosti. |
4. Search for analogies on non-related fields of human activity; "subconscious inventions" (sleeping, D. Mendeleev's system, Etruscan tomb by Z. Freud, etc.) |
5. Modelirovanie (voobrazhaemoe) filosofskoj koncepcii (s is-pol'zovaniem "total'noj dialektiki"); analiz vsego protivorechivogo kak vozmozhnogo. |
5. Modelling (imagined) of a philosophic concept (using "total dialectics"); analysis of all contradictory as possible. |
6. Pereosmyslennye metafory (inscenizaciya, prikidka, tehniches-kaya obrabotka idei); avantyurnaya igra. |
6. Re-comprehension of metaphors (staging, reckoning, technical processing of the idea); adventure play. |
7. |vristicheskoe napryazhenie i effekt neobychnogo otkrytiya (osobenno pri rabote v neozhidannom, udalennom materiale). |
7. Heuristical tension and effect of unusual discovery (especially while working in unpredictable remote material). |
8. Skanirovanie proshlogo. |
8. Scanning of the past. |
9. Proskopiya kak rezul'tat polnogo eticheskogo vklyucheniya v tvorcheskuyu rabotu. |
9.Proscopie as the result of full ethical involvement into creative work. |
IV. Vspyshka biohimicheskoj energii i rasshirenie lichnosti. |
IV. Flashes of biochemical energy and extending of a personality. |
1. Parallel' s etnogenezom (otlichie: lichnost' mozhet byt' vsegda lichnost'yu). |
1. Parallel to ethnogenesis (differentiation: a personality may always remain a personality). |
2. Instinkty i passionarnost' (sovershenie podviga vo imya nau-ki, iskusstva i t.d.). |
2. Instincts and passionateness (performing a feat for the sake of science, art, etc.) |
3. Vzaimoproniknovenie ejdosov kak ataraksizaciya lichnosti - udovol'stvie, "zdorov'e tela i spokojstvie dushi" (|pikur). |
3. Interpretation of eidoses as ataraxization (tranquillization) of a personality - delight, "body's health and soul's peace." (Epicure). |
4. Vysshaya poleznost' duhovnogo rasshireniya - sootvetstvie akta rasshireniya duhovnosti prirode cheloveka. |
4. The supreme usefulness of spiritual extension - correlation of the act of spiritual extending to the human nature. |
5. Trud vo imya obreteniya vzaimoponimaniya. |
5. Work for the sake of mutual understanding. |
6. Obratnaya svyaz': kollektivnyj ejdos - lichnost'; chuvstvo prinadlezhnosti, opora duha. |
6. Feedback: the collective eidos - a personality; sense of belonging; fulcrum of spirit. |
7. "Prisoedinenie k ejdosu iz proshlogo" (gipoteza - ejdos vechen, dokazatel'stvo - tezaurus sostoyanij); parallel': ejdos - sostoyanie (sostoyanie kak rezul'tat vospriyatiya ejdosa). |
7. "Joining the eidos from the past" (hypothesis - the eidos is eternal, proof - the thesaurus of feelings); parallel: eidos - feeling (feeling as the result of perceiving the eidos). |
8. Dobryj i zloj ejdos (parallel' s chernoj i beloj magiej); evolyuciya dokazyvaet neprestannoe preobladanie konstrukcii nad destrukciej, dobrogo nad zlym (gorazdo chashche chelovecheskim).
8. Good and evil eidoses (parallel to the black and white magic); evolution proves continual prevailing of construction over destruction, good over evil (very often human). |
* * * Peschannoj gorkoj men'she poluveka predstavit' mozhet fizik dni moi, no est' u cheloveka solov'i, i gody est' vne let u cheloveka. Net, vremya - ne odna reka, a reki, gde bez konca - glubinnye sloi. U kazhdoj zhizni rusla dnej svoi - tam bakenov mercayushchie vehi... I mozhno brat' u vremeni bez sprosu, i zhit' - kak budto pet' mnogogolosno - hot' celyj god za neskol'ko minut. A za god tot - hot' celoe stolet'e, i tol'ko tak na smertnom etom svete k bessmert'yu dushu vymysly vedut. |
* * * Eternity has brown and grey eyes and goes here on Ukranian hills. It knows all news of us and fairly deals them between trees and dust and beast and tries be simple as event. It at night cries and cuddles my world and all our wills and me as a man's body and what steals from it a few crumbs for the acute why's, because a man is equal with an asker, our thoughts are only vegetative cluster of questions and an endless painful doubt. But in the end it cruelly crushes us and trifles our lives and cuts like grass all that what seems to us so stout. |
I. Osoznanie i intuitivnoe znanie. |
I. Awareness and intuitive knowledge. |
1. Dialektika osoznannogo i intuitivnogo (nevozmozhnost' su-shchestvovaniya drug bez druga). |
1. Dialectics of the aware and intuitive (impossibility to exist without one another). |
2. Absolyutizaciya osoznannogo. "Greh superabstragirovaniya" (be-zumie Kanta). |
2. Absolutization of the aware. "Sin of superabstraction" (insanity of I. Kant). |
3. Absolyutizaciya intuitivnogo. "Greh sverhfantazirovaniya" (be-zumie Magometa). |
3. Absolutization of the intuitive. "Sin of superfantasy" (insanity of Mahomet). |
4. Preimushchestva osoznannogo poznaniya (vysokij koefficient de-talizacii pri minimal'noj zatrate energii zhizni; sistematizaciya; rassudochnaya deyatel'nost' kak instrument; abstragirovanie, filosofichnost'). |
4. The advantages of aware knowledge (high coefficient of detailing with minimum waste of vital energy; systematization; rational activity as an instrument; abstractedness; philosophic inclination). |
5. Preimushchestva intuitivnogo poznaniya (priem predsignalov i antisignalov; videnie v prostranstve-vremeni; yavlyaemost' obrazov; svyaz' s kollektivnym ejdosom i nizshij psihizm). |
5. The advantage of intuitive knowledge (reception of pre-signals and antisignals; vision in space-time; appearance of images; connection with the collective eidos and low psychism). |
6. Neobhodimost' gibkogo vladeniya tehnikoj osoznannogo i intuitivnogo poznaniya. |
6. Necessity for applying flexibly the technique of aware and intuitive knowledge. |
7. Osoznannoe i intuitivnoe v obydennom soznanii (ustanovka o sude, apokalipticheskie nastroeniya, rasshifrovka sueverij i skazok) - Dzh. Frezer, YA. Propp, otnoshenie k paleokontaktam i k prishel'cam. Veroyatnostnyj podhod ko vsemu chudesnomu. "CHudo, kotoroe proishodit, ne yavlyaetsya takovym". |
7. Aware and intuitive in daily routine consciousness (concept of Judgement Day, apocalyptic moods, decoding of superstitions and fairy-tales) - G. Frazer, J. Propp, attitude to paleocontacts and extra-terrestials. Probability approach to all miraculous. "The miracle occurring is not a miracle." |
8. Nauchnoe poznanie i vera kak osoznannoe poznavanie s cel'yu dobyvaniya kollektivnogo ejdosa obshchechelovecheskoj kul'tury i kak intuitivnyj akt obshcheniya s kollektivnym ejdosom adeptov; ob容kt kollektivnogo poklonenniya ne est' illyuziya; ibo eto kollektivnyj ejdos, a sledovatel'no, bog budet sushchestvovat' do teh por, poka budut sushchestvovat' lyudi (L. Fejerbah, B. Ishakov i dr.); edinstvo protivopolozhnostej - vera i somnenie (veroyatnost', myshlenie nauki), tezaurus sostoyanij i religiya. |
8. Scientific knowledge and belief as aware knowledge with the aim of gaining the collective eidos of the whole human culture and as an intuitive act of communication with the collective eidos of adepts; the object of collective worship is not an illusion, since this is a collective eidos, consequently God will exist till people exist (L. Feuerbach, B. Iskhakov and others); the unity of opposites - belief and doubt (probability, scientific thinking), the thesaurus of feelings and religion. |
9. Interiorizaciya sostoyanij i znanij kak ih prichin. Kriterij do nasyshcheniya, poyavlenie povtoryaemosti, effekt kristali-zacii. |
9. Interiorization of feelings and knowledge as their cause. Criterion: till satiation; repeatedness occurring, effect of crystallization. |
10. Kriterij identifikacii sebya s prinadlezhashchim k opredelen-nomu kul'turnomu krugu; soglasovanie udovletvorennosti s oshchushcheniem "estestvennogo narcissizma" (Z. Frejd). |
10. Criterion of identifying oneself as belonging to a certain cultural circle; harmonization of satisfaction with the sense of "natural narcissism" (Z. Freud). |
11. CHelovecheskaya lyuboznatel'nost' i kriterij prakticheskogo in-teresa; (volya kak zhelanie). |
11. Human curiosity and the criterion of practical interest; (will power as a desire). |
12. Kriterij nakopleniya intellektual'no-duhovnyh umenij. |
12. The criterion of accumulation of intellectual and spiritual skills. |
II. Pamyat' i poznavanie (Gumilev L. "|tnogenez i biosfera Zemli"; "Obyvatel' bez professional'noj podgotovki polagaet, chto osnovoj znaniya yavlyaetsya ego lichnaya pamyat': chem bol'she on zapomnil, tem on uchenee, a tak li eto? Nikto ne zapomnit vsego, chto on v zhizni videl. |to nevozmozhno, ne nuzhno i dazhe vredno, tak kak v polu zreniya nablyudatelya popadayutsya ob容kty vazhnye i melkie, priyatnye i dosadnye, vosprinyatye pravil'no ili iskazhenno, sohranivshiesya polnost'yu ili otryvochno... Tol'ko pomnit' - malo, nado eshche podumat'"). |
II. Memory and knowledge (L. Gumilyov "Ethnogenesis and biosphere of the Earth"; "A philistine without professional background thinks that his personal memory is the base of knowledge: the more he/she has memorized, the better educated he/she is. Is it really like that? Nobody could remember everything he has seen in his life. It is impossible, unnecessary and even harmful, as an observer's field of vision embraces both major and minor objects, pleasant and annoying, perceived in a right or a distorted way, kept at large or in fragments... It is not enough to remember, it is even more necessary to think"). |
1. Oproverzhenie stojkih zabluzhdenij i opredelenie predelov poznaniya: |
1. Denial of stubborn delusions and determination of knowledge limits: |
a) otnoshenie k Zapadu, k zapadnoj kul'ture, vyyasnenie istiny v ee obshchem vide (nemcy i albancy, francuzy i amerikancy, avstralijcy i ispancy i t.d.); |
a) attitude to the West, the Western culture, clarification of truth in general (Germans and Albanians, Frenchmen and Americans, Australians and Spaniards, etc.); |
b) otnoshenie k Vostoku (Kitaj, Tibet, Indiya, YAponiya (Kirkvud); Afrika (L. Frobenius), dogony, sredizemnomorskaya bronzovaya rasa (tuaregi); |
b) attitude to the East (China, Tibet, India, Japan (Kirkwood); Africa (L. Frobenius), Dogons, the Mediterranean Bronze age race (Tuaregs); |
v) predstavlenie o kul'turah mira, etnologiya i predpolozhenie (kriterij - povtorenie podobnogo, mysl' "Takoe uzhe vstrechalos'"); |
c) concept of the world cultures, ethnology and supposition (criterion: repeated occurrence of the similar, the thought: "I have already come across it somewhere."); |
g) zagadki drevnosti i zdravyj smysl (primenenie veroyat-nostnogo myshleniya); |
d) ancient mysteries, and common sense (involvent of probability thinking) |
d) motivirovka pri vydvizhenii etnologii na pervyj plan; instrument neposredstvennogo izucheniya evolyucii chelovechestva; |
d) motivation for focusing in ethnology; the instrument of straight ahead studying of the human race evolution; |
e) zabluzhdeniya, svyazannye s drugimi naukami (garmonicheskie znaniya - kriterij opredeleniya predelov znakomstva s naukami, uznavanie suti i dal'nejshee slezhenie v techenie vse posleduyushchej zhizni); |
e) delusions connected with other sciences (harmonious knowledge as the criterion for determining limits of acquaintance with sciences, clarification of essence and further lifetime keeping in touch); |
zh) evropocentrizm i ego izzhivanie kak neobhodimost' dlya avtodidakta. |
f) europocentrism and its elimination as an obligation for the autodidact. |
2. Izmenenie lichnosti i predely psihologicheskogo poznavaniya. "Gordost' nakoplennoj kul'tury" i "etnos v starosti": |
2. Changing of a personality and limits of psychological knowledge. "Pride of the culture accumulated" and "ethnos in old age." |
a) dvizhenie lichnosti k psihicheskoj ustojchivosti; ustojchivost' kak kriterij vysokogo urovnya samopoznaniya; |
a) a personality's moving towards psychic steadiness; steadiness as the criterion of high level of self-knowledge; |
b) obyvatel' i organizmennyj uroven' samovospriyatiya (zamk-nutost' na na sobstvennom organizme, usilivayushchayasya s godami); |
b) a philistine and organizm-restricted level of self-perception (withdrawal into one's own organism, progressive with ageing); |
v) moment perestrojki elementov lichnosti i predely poznaniya (dialektika: "Byt' samim soboj - eto dobivat'sya bytijstvo-vaniya v kachestve drugogo, luchshego sebya"); poznanie drugih granej izvestnogo, obnovleniya zhizni; smena faz, rozhdenie novyh nas (biosfera lichnogo kosmosa, izmenenie kombinacij elementov); |
c) moment of restructuring a personality's elements and limits of knowledge (dialectics: "To be oneself means to obtain being in one's better self"); knowledge of other sides of the known, of the life's renewal; changing of phases, birth of one's new Self |
g) fakty i usovershenstvovanie sposobov ih proverki; |
d) facts and perfection of means for verifying them; |
d) bor'ba s vymyshlennymi koncepciyami i dvizhenie k istine; |
e) resistance to fictitious conceptions and focusing towards truth; |
e) oshchushchenie izmenenij i rezul'tatov lichnogo razvitiya; fun-dament samostoyatel'nyh postroenij, ospecialivanie interesov i ustojchivoe ravnovesie v garmonicheski razvitom znanii individa; srezy lichnoj istorii; |
f) sensation of changes and results of personal development; foundation for self-reliant constructions; specialisation of interest and steady equilibrium in harmoniously developed knowledge of an individual; section of personal history; |
zh) vysokij diletantizm (kriterij): vozmozhnost' pri zhelanii , v lyuboj moment perejti k uglubleniyu i perehodu k professiona-lizmu; "Mozhet byt', diletantizm tozhe polezen ili, skoree, plodotvoren" (L. Gumilev); nevoinstvuyushchij diletantizm; |
g) high dilettantism (criterion): possibility (if there is a will) at any moment to deepen one's knowledge and go over to professionalism; "Maybe, dilettantism is also useful or rather fruitful" (L. Gumilyov); non-militant dilettantism; |
z) psihologicheskaya periferizaciya instrumental'nogo znaniya; |
h) psychological peripherisation of instrumental knowledge; |
i) professionalizm kak detalizaciya v soedinenii s global'noj sistematizaciej prichin i sledstvij. |
i) professionalism as detailing combined with global systematization of causes and effects. |
* * * YA nepremenno soobshchit' hochu takomu zhe rodivshemusya v proze, komu sebya po vysochajshej pros'be perepisat' stihami po plechu, - izvestie, podobnoe luchu, nemoe utverzhdenie voprosom, chto slozhnost'yu nepostizhimoj - prosto, chto darom dali mne, a ya plachu... Mne nuzhno nepremenno soobshchit' i vsem drugim - ne to porvetsya nit': est' chelovecheskoe sostoyan'e takogo obozhaniya drugih, chto vse na svete prevrashchaet v stih voistinu Svyashchennogo Pisan'ya. |
* * * Please, give me dear sense in every translated into spaces of the spring. And that my old believes, a future mastering, in losing partly altogether win it, please, give me, time, that is of mine and of all in area of this narrow ring, where love is centre like a point-king, and where its beams unceasingly all clean out. Content of life is dimple in the kinn, the usual kiss - the most important win, and our whispers - origin of music. But always there is a tiny need, like hidden poison soul swallows it and slowly dies so painfully amusing. |
I. Myshlenie i prostranstvo-vremya. |
I. Thinking and space-time. |
1. Vseobshchee dvizhenie evolyucionnoj mysli, "dlenie" (A. Bergson) i razvertyvanie prostranstva; imitaciya prostranstva- vre-meni rasshiryayushchejsya vselennoj razvitoj lichnost'yu. |
1. General motion of evolutionary thought, "duration" (H. Bergson) and unfolding of space; imitation of space-time in the extending universe by a developed personality. |
2. Oshchushchenie vremeni i ego podlinnost'; podlinnoe vremya kak kontinuum sostoyanij, ego annigiliruyushchih; "Esli ya zabyl o vremeni - znachit ya prozhil podlinno vremennoj fragment" (pustoty, "kaverny" obychnogo, obyvatel'skogo vremennogo kontinuuma; interes - annigilyator antivremeni filistera). |
2. Sensation of time and its genuity; genuine time as a continuum of feelings, annihilating it; "If I have forgotten about time - it means that I have lived through its genuine fragment" (blanks, "caverns" in the usual, routine time continuum; interest is an annihilator of a philistine's anti-time). |
Mysl' kak obitalishche vremeni - DUREE. |
Thought as a house of time - DUREE. |
3. Tvorcheskoe sostoyanie i vremya (oshchushchenie nesootvetstviya DU-REE izmerennosti chasami i fakticheski perezhitomu vremeni - fakt densacii vremeni); emkost' mgnoveniya, edinica emkosti mgnoveniya. Kvant SPA (samoyavlyayushchegosya potoka associacij). |
3. Creative state and time (sensation of non-correlation of DUREE to measuring in hours and actually lived through time - the fact of time densation); capacity of a moment; a unit of a moment's capacity. Quant of self-appearing stream of associations. |
4. Plotnost' vremeni i plotnost' myshleniya, vozmozhnaya tozh-destvennost'. |volyuciya napolnyaet vremya i ravna mirovoj mysli: (myslechuvstvovanie-myshlenie). |
4. Density of time and density of thinking, possible identity. Evolution fills in time and is equal to world thought: (thought-feeling - thinking). |
5. Informacionnyj shum (ISH) i densaciya myslechuvstvovaniya; ponyatie koncentracii vnimaniya (KV); KV i soprotivlenie ISH; plotnost' myshleniya. |
5. Informational noise (IN) and densation of thought-feeling; concept of concentration of attention (CA); CA and resistance to IN; density of thinking. |
6. Ponyatie o lishnem kak o neobhodimom; fonovyj shum i tishina; (otsutstvie tishiny v vakuume), "grohot" v cheloveke; chtoby izbavitsya ot "grohota" intelektual'no-nravstvennogo solipsizma, nuzhno pol'zovat'sya social'no-psihologicheskimi shumami (stolknoveniya, pobochnye (nenuzhnye) zanyatiya i t.d.); didakticheskoe ispol'zovanie shumov. |
6. Definition of excessive as necessary; background noise and silence; (there is no silence in vacuum), "crash" in a human being; in order to get rid of the "crash" of intellectual and moral solipsism, it is necessary to use socio-psychological noises (clashes, marginal (not obligatory) studying, etc.); didactic usage of noises. |
II. Vospriyatie novogo i densaciya vremeni. |
II. Perception of new and densation of time. |
1. Novoe pervichnoe i novoe vtorichnoe; informacionnaya zalezh', otdyh materiala, otlezhivanie materiala kak sredstvo obnovleniya. |
1. Primarily new and secondarily new; informational deposit, giving rest to the material, putting the material aside for refreshment. |
2. Svezhest' vospriyatiya i densaciya; (pervichnaya svezhest' i glubina vospriyatiya). |
2. Freshness of perception and densation; (primary freshness and the depth of perception). |
3. Pervoe prohozhdenie materiala i densantnost'. Vozmozhno uvelichenie densantnosti pri povtornom (v kotoryj raz!) prohozhdenii - v zavisimosti ot optimal'nosti pereryva. |
3. Initial covering of the material and densation. Possible increase of densation with repeated (for the umpteenth time!) covering - the increase depends on the optimum length of a break made. |
4. Povyshenie analitizma i densaciya. |
4. Increase of analytism and densation. |
5. Novoe i tvorcheskoe sostoyanie; generirovanie idej: polya mozga. |
5. A new and creative state; generation of ideas: brain fields. |
6. Likvidaciya prepyatstviya v organizacii tvorcheskogo sostoyaniya (vneshnij put' - izolyaciya; vnutrennij - soznatel'noe sozdanie ISH; povyshenie soprotivleniya uslovnogo psihicheskogo materiala). |
6. Liquidation of obstacles in organizing creative states (exterior way is isolation; inner way is aware creation of IN; the growing resistance of conditional psychic material. |
7. Uvlechennost' kak kontroliruyushchij faktor. |
7. Enthusiasm as a controlling factor. |
8. Stil' zhizni (SIC!) kak vneshnee ustrojstvo proyavleniya tvor-cheskih sostoyanij. |
8. Life style (sic!) as the exterior arrangement of the manifestation of creative states. |
9. Vzaimootnosheniya s okruzhayushchim i dopuski ("oni dobrye; ya tak dumayu potomu, chto ya ih ne znayu"); organizaciya tvorcheskogo sostoyaniya i dopusk na dobrotu bytiya lyudej i t.d. |
9. Interrelations with people and assumptions ("they are kind; I think so because I don't know them"); organization of creative states and assumption of people's kindness, etc. |
10. ZHivotnyj pragmatizm i tvorcheskij prakticizm. |
10. Beastial pragmatism and creative practicality. |
11. Perenesenie ustanovochnogo akcenta s vneshnego rezul'tata (znanie, informaciya) na sostoyanie sotvorchestva s prirodoj; periferizaciya integriruyushchih znanij. |
11. Shifting the directive accent from the outer result (knowledge, information) to the experience of collaboration with the nature; peripherization of integrative knowledge. |
12. Predchuvstvuemost' otkrytij i densaciya ("otkrytie ne slu-chajno nikogda, ibo trebuetsya optimal'nyj uroven' osobogo postizheniya, sledovatel'no, ono predchuvstvuemo, t.e. myslimo v obraze ili v predobraznoj stadii"; popytka perejti k osoznavaemomu aktu myshleniya v svyazi s nastupayushchim otkrytiem) otkrytie ravno priobreteniyu dopolnitel'nogo vremeni. |
12. Premonition of discoveries and densation ("a discovery can never be made by chance, since it is necessary to gain an optimum level of special comprehension which means that one has a premonition about a possible discovery though not having been formulated yet, i.e. it is conceivable as an image or pre-image"; an attempt to pass over to an aware act of thinking connected with the coming discovery); discovery is equivalent to getting additional time. |
13. CHastota mikrootkrytij i densaciya vremeni. |
13. Frequency of discoveries and time densation. |
14. Skanirovanie materiala i samoocenka (perehod iz podmas-ter'ya v mastera). |
14. Scanning of material and self-assessment (turning from an apprentice into the master). |
15. Rolevaya igra (predstavlenie o sebe samom, budushchem, obratnaya svyaz', "YA" voobrazhaemoe i "YA" segodnyashnee; amplua ponaroshke, naigrysh, samoobmany; vne voobrazhaemoj roli ne sushchestvuet ni odnogo "YA"; organizaciya tvorcheskogo sostoyaniya. |
15. Role playing (fancying oneself in future, feedback, imaginary Self and today's Self; putting on a certain kind of a role; affectation, self-deception; there is not a single individual existing out of an imaginary role; organization of creative states. |
16. |vristicheskaya igra i bar'er igrovogo (preodolenie neob-hodimo; nuzhno znat', chto vo vsem imeetsya privkus igry); (byl li A. |jnshtejn Homo ludens?). Vse v meru igrovoe densiruet vremya (J. Hejzinga, G. Gesse, "vysokaya igra"). Densaciya - apologiya igry. |
16. Heuristic games and barriers of the playful (overcoming is compulsory; it is necessary to know that everything is playful); ( was A. Einstein a Homo ludens?) Everything at measure playful condenses time (J. Huizinga, G. Hesse, "lofty game"). Densation is an apologia of game. |
III. Mnogoplanovost' zhizni. |
III. Versatility of life. |
1. Informacionnye kanaly razvivayushchejsya lichnosti. |
1. Informational channels of a developing personality. |
2. Mnogodnevnost' mnogokanal'nogo astronomicheskogo dnya. |
2. Multichannel astronomic day seems to last like many days. |
3. Napravlenie myslechuvstvovaniya - material'noe zavoevanie evolyucionnogo prostranstvo-vremeni (1.4 ravno R, t.e. vremya ravno mysli). |
3. Direction of thought-feelings is a material winning of evolutionary space-time (1,4 is equal to R, i.e. time is equal to thought). |
4. "Sloistye oblaka vremeni", vremennoj lepton (leptonnyj gaz vremeni raven leptonnomu gazu evolyucionnoj mysli). |
4. "Strati of time", time lepton (leptonic gas of time is equal to lepton gas of evolutionary thought). |
5. Praktika mnogokanal'nosti: |
5. Practising multichannels: |
a) shirota krugozora i fakticheskaya prodolzhitel'nost' zhizni (uchityvaya tezaurus sostoyanij, glubokoe postizhenie); |
a) world outlook scope and actual length of life (with account of thesaurus of states, depth of comprehension); |
b) dolgoletie aktera, svyashchennika i mnogokanal'nost'; |
b) longevity of actors and priests and multichannelness; |
v) "Festina lente!" odnako vsegda bud' v evristicheskom naprya-zhenii; |
c) "Festina lente!" but be always in heuristic tension; |
g) mnogoslojnost' kontinuuma: vneshnyaya diskretnost' i vnut-rennyaya nepreryvnost'. Pamyat' sostoyanij i vremya: naslaivanie, delenie, peremeshchenie, sozdanie leptonnyh dvojnikov; |
d) multistrata continuum: outer discretion and inner continuity. Memory of states and time; piling up, division, movement, creation of lepton twins; |
d) kollektivnyj ejdos kak vechnost' i vremennaya mnogokanal'-nost' svyazej s nim; |
e) the collective eidos as the eternity and multichannel connection with it in time; |
e) chuvstvo udovletvorennosti zhizn'yu kak sledstvie uchastiya v sotvorchestve evolyucionnogo vremeni; |
f) sense of life satisfaction as a consequence of participating in co-creation of evolutionary time; |
zh) oshchushchenie pokolenij vnutrennego cheloveka, peredacha znanij, postupatel'noe dvizhenie, Mafusailov vek. |
g) sensation of inner person's generations, transmission of knowledge, progressive movement, age of Methuselah. |
"Sovershenstvovanie yazykovyh znanij - eto v pervuyu ochered' sovershenstvovanie primeneniya yazykov". |
"The perfection of linguistic knowledge is primarily the perfection of languages employment." |
* * * Vse svyazano, no my razobshcheny, i govoryashchie, po suti dela, - nemy, i dazhe, mozhet byt', sovsem ne my zhivem pod vidom dramy i poemy. Net vygody! Est' tol'ko pribyl' dush v poryve beskorystnogo deyan'ya. Net grusti! - tol'ko tvorchestvo plakush na fone duri i na fone p'yani. YA zhdu, idushchij k Mocartu, tebya na perekrestke nashih glavnyh istin, chtob vmeste byt' moguchim - ne grubya, i vechnoj gryaz' priznav, ostat'sya chistym. |
* * * Life isn't smooth. It is a turn of that pains disperse in us all of a sudden, though we are always ready meet the mud in this cleanliness and Cleons instead of Pericles. We wait for medow and, for ancient Greeks for quiet and peripathetic garden, but often see the muddled, is regard on terrestial surface that the letters picks for martyrdom, for suffering, for Rome where christians were at first the first and some of them were may be last and everlasting with deeds in ages and poetry in prose that for us hidden till the cleaner grows us for the good souls sake all our thoughts |
I. Sovershenstvovanie postupkov i prichastnost': |
I. Perfection of acts and participation: |
1. "Baj yuj Dzin" (pervaya Cyuan'). Pritcha. Durak nazval bratom bogatogo, no otkazalsya ot bratstva, kogda tot komu-to zadolzhal. Takov i tot, kto radi vygody, a ne radi sovershenstvovaniya nazyvaet sebya vstupivshim na put' istiny i t.d. |
1. "Baiyujin" (the first quan). A parable. A fool called a rich man his brother, but denied their brotherhood when the rich man had made debts. In the same way behaves that one who announces himself to have entered the path of truth for the sake of benefit, but not for the sake of perfection, etc. |
"Uslyshav slova Buddy o dobre, oni prisvoil ih i vydaval za svoi, kogda zhe okruzhayushchie hoteli, chtoby on sovershenstvoval svoi postupki, on ne pozhelal ih sovershenstvovat'". |
"Having heard Buddha's words about good, he took them and passed off as his own, but when the people around wanted him to improve his acts, he refused to perfect them." |
2. Samoutverzhdenie i prichastnost' k voploshcheniyu vysokoj celi: |
2. Self-assertion and participation in bringing a lofty idea into life: |
"Slova Buddy o nastavlenii na put' vsego sushchego ya prisvoil v raschete na vygodu, a ne radi istinnyh deyanij, zachem zhe mne sovershenstvovat' svoi postupki" ("Baj yuj Dzin"). |
"I took Buddha's words about setting right all beings in existence on the expectation of benefits, not for the sake of real acts. What for shall I refine my deeds?" ("Baiyujin") |
3. Prichastnost' k vysokoj idee kak luchshaya vozmozhnost' samoutverditsya. "Esli ty polezen drugim - znachit ty polezen sebe samomu" (manchzhurskaya etika). |
3. Participation in a lofty idea as the best way of self-assertion. "If people find you useful that means you are useful to yourself" (Manchu ethics). |
4. Vysokaya ideya kak segment kruga. "To, chto chelovek shepchet samomu sebe (govorit pro sebya), nebo slyshit, slovno grom" (manchzhurskaya etika). |
4. A lofty idea as the segment of a circle, "What a men whispers to himself, sounds like a thunder to the heaven" (Manchu ethics). |
5. Prichastnost' k schast'yu ("My budem neschastlivy, esli postoyanno budem zhalovat'sya na neschast'ya") i k vysokoj idee: "Esli ty nichego ne delaesh' dlya drugih, naprasny tvoi molitvy, obrashchennye k Budde" (manchzhurskaya etika). |
5. Participation in hapiness ("We shall be unhappy, if we constantly complain of hardships") and in a lofty idea: "If you do nothing for others, your prayers to Buddha are vain." (Manchu ethics). |
6. Prichastnost' i talantlivost'. "Esli ty talantliv, pridut na tebya posmotret' i nezvannnye - kak ni dalek cvetok blago-uhannyj, a nad nim vsegda gudit roj pchel" (tibetskaya etika). |
6.Participation and talant. "If you are talanted, even the uninvited will come to have a look on you - no matter how faraway a sweet-smelling flower grows there is always a buzzing swarm of bees over it." (Tibetian ethics). |
7. Prichastnost' i vysokie chelovecheskie naslazhdeniya. "Okean nikogda ne syt vodoj, carskaya kazna ne syta den'gami, naslazhdenie predmetom zhelaniya ne znaet konca, rechami zhe prekrasnymi mudryj voveki ne syt" (tibetskaya etika). |
7. Participation and peak human joys. "The ocean is never full of water, the emperor's treasury is never full of money, enjoyment with the desirable is endless, a wise man is ever thirsty for splendid talk." (Tibetian ethics). |
8. Prichastnost' i neprityazatel'nost'. "Nailuchshee bogatstvo milostynya, naibol'shee schast'e - pokoj dushi, neprevzojdennoe ukrashenie - prosveshchennost', a nesravnennyj drug tot, kto nichego ne trebuet (ot drugih)" (tibetskaya mudrost'). |
8. Participation and non-demand. "The best richness is alms, the best happiness is the peace of the soul, the unexcelled decoration is enlightenment, and an incomparable friend is that one who demands nothing (from others)". (Tibetian wisdom). |
9. Prichastnost' i samostoyatel'nost' myshleniya. "Ne otlichat' dobra ot zla, zabyvat' o tebe sodeyannom dobre, dostojnym udivleniya recham ne udivlyat'sya, rassprashivat' o veshchah, vidimyh i yasnyh, tashchit'sya vsled za drugimi - vot primety duraka" (tibetskaya etika). |
9. Participation and independence of thinking. "Not to distinguish between good and evil, to forget about good done for you, not to get surprised at hearing surprise worthy talk, to ask about visible and clear things, to lag behind others - these are indications of a fool." (Tibetian ethics). |
10. Prichastnost' i sociogruppa "Kogda blagochestivyj soedinit-sya s greshnikom, to budet isporchen ego nrav - ved' vody Ganga, priblizhayas' k moryu, stanovyatsya solonovatymi" (tibetskaya etika). |
10. Participation and a social group. "When a pious man unites with a sinner, his ways will be distorted as the Ganga's waters become salty when approaching the sea." (Tibetian ethics). |
11. Prichastnost' i samosovershenstvovanie. "Kol' ty reshil vseh svoih vragov unichtozhit', to kogda zhe ty pokonchish' so smertoubijstvom? Unichtozh' svoi strasti, i ty ub'esh' srazu vseh svoih vragov" (tibetskaya etika). |
11. Participation and selfdevelopment. "Since you decided to kill all your enemies, how are you going to put an end to murdering? Kill your passions and you will kill all your enemies at once." (Tibetian ethics). |
"CHelovek, ne izuchayushchij nastavleniya svyatyh lyudej, shodit s tro-py chelovecheskoj i prevrashchaetsya v zhivotnoe" (yaponskaya etika). |
"The man who does not study the instructions of saints, abandons the path of a human being and turns into a beast" (Japanese ethics)." |
"Vo vseh (veshchah) delah, kol' hochet chelovek byt' schastlivym, dolzhno ne lenitsya s samogo nachala, i osobenno eto k ucheniyu otnositsya: tot kto v yunosti potrudilsya, budet v starosti naslazhdat'sya velikim schast'em" (yaponskaya etika). |
"If a man wants to be happy in everything, he should not be lazy from the very beginning, especially in studying: that one who worked hard being young will enjoy great happiness being an old man." (Japanese ethics). |
"I kogda kto-to budet prilezhen iz dnya v den' nepreryvno, cherez desyat' let u togo budut uspehi velikimi, i uvidit on, chto dostig polovinu puti v svoem nauchenii" (yaponskaya etika). |
"When someone is continually diligent day after day, ten years later he will enjoy great success and see that he has passed half the way in his knowledge." (Japanese ethics). |
"Dazhe esli vy chitaete i ochen' mnogo knig, odnako ne ispol'zuete ih (v vashej zhizni), to eto bespoleznoe uchenie, krome togo, kogda komu izvestno o mnogih veshchah i kogda on postig ih tochnyj smysl, to emu sleduet ih eshche raz svyazat' drug s drugom". |
"Even if you read a lot of books, but do not apply them to your life, such studying is useless moreover when someone knows a lot of things as he has grasped their exact meaning, he should once again connect them with each other." |
Pyat' zapovedej dlya nachinayushchih uchebu (yaponskaya etika). |
Five commandments for those who begin studying. (Japanese ethics). |
1. Umnozhat' znaniya, izuchaya proizvedeniya masterov, slushat' dru-gih, issledovat' proshloe i nastoyashchee. |
1. Multiply knowledge by reading masterpieces, listening to others, studying the past and present. |
2. Druzej i uchenyh muzhej o veshchah, v kotoryh somnevaesh'sya, rasprashivat' tshchatel'no. |
2. Carefully ask friends and learned people about things you doubt. |
3. Zrelo myslit', t.e. spokojno vsmatrivat'sya i ser'ezno dumat' o tom, chto uzhe izucheno, chtoby postich' ego i vobrat' v sebya (interiorizaciya). |
3. Think profoundly, i.e. calmly peer into and seriously mediate about what have been studied and try your best to comprehend and absorb it (interiorization). |
4. Tochno razlichat' granicy mezhdu dobrom i zlom, mezhdu prav-divym i lozhnym. |
4. Distinguish exact boundaries between good and evil, between truth and lie. |
5. Revnostno i prilezhno brat'sya za rabotu, i to, chemu chelovek nauchilsya, takzhe primenyat', sledya za slovami i deyaniyami svoimi; ezheli chelovek horosho za delo voz'metsya, to budut oshibki redki. |
5. Zealously and diligently take up studying and try to use what you have learned keeping an eye on your words and deeds; if a man makes a good beginning he will rarely make mistakes. |
"Uchenie - eto sredstvo dlya togo, chtoby ispravit' plohoe". |
"Studying is the means of rectifying bad." |
II. Prichastnost' k vysokoj idee i social'naya zaan-gazhirovannost'. |
II. Participation in the lofty idea and social engagement. |
1. Priverzhennost' idee i prakticheskaya gibkost' zaangazhiro-vannogo; priverzhannost' vysokoj idee kak psihicheskaya opora. |
1. Participation in the idea and practical flexibility of the person engaged; devotion to the lofty idea as a psychic foothold. |
2. Vysokie celi i vybor sredstv dlya ih dostizheniya. |
2. Lofty ideas and choice of means for their realization. |
3. Vliyanie zaangazhirovannosti na avtodidakticheskij process (aktivizaciya znanij, napravlenie osnovnogo razvitiya), dopolnitel'naya energiya ot vneshnej "nuzhnosti" i t.d. (M. Bakunin, L. Tolstoj; yaponskij epos). |
3. Influence exercised by engagement on the autodidactical process (activization of knowledge, guidelines for basic development), supplementary energy gained from outer "necessity", etc. (M. Bakunin, L. Tolstoy; Japanese epos). |
4. CHuvstvo primenimosti umeniya kak sledstvie prichastnosti. |
4. Sense of a skill's employment as the result of participation. |
5. Polnaya prichastnost'. ("Nash krugozor nuzhen obshchestvu, nuzhna vsem nasha glubina, nashi chistye pomysly, nash put' sovershenstvovaniya"); nespravedlivost' v tom, chto bytie ne opredelyaetsya soznaniem; v narushenie dialektiki; pravil'no i s oshibkoj (bytie opredelyaemo soznaniem i bytie opredelyaet soznanie). |
5. Complete participation. ("The society needs our scope, everybody needs our depth, our pure intentions, our way of development"); the injustice lies in the following: being is not determined by consciousness; in the infringement of dialectics: it would be correct and with a mistake (being is determined by consciousness and being determines consciousness). |
III. Prichastnost' k kollektivnomu ejdosu kul'tury. |
III. Participation in the collective eidos of culture. |
1. Obratnaya svyaz': "Vsemirnaya kul'tura" - "ya" ("ego"). |
1. Feedback: "The world culture" - "I" (ego). |
2. Prichastnost' "po vertikali" i "po gorizontali": |
2. "Horizontal" and "vertical" participation: |
a) "vitayushchie sostoyaniya" (analogi bytuyushchih intonacij); |
a) "flying" feelings and emotional states (analogous to common intonations); |
b) uchastie v sozdanii sovremennogo ejdosa kul'tury; |
b) participation in the creation of the contemporary eidos of culture; |
v) ostrota prichastnosti v yunosti; |
c) acuteness of non-participation at young age; |
g) granicy vozmozhnogo razvitiya lichnosti i sovremennyj ej uroven' refleksivnosti. |
d) limits of a personality's possible development and the level of reflexiveness typical of the time. |
3. CHuvstvo elitarnosti i prichastnosti k vysokomu. "Zrelost' lichnosti i naibolee polnaya prichastnost' k kul'ture - eto sposobnost' videt' v kazhdom cheloveke potencial'noe chudo, geniya, vozmozhnoe ukrashenie roda chelovecheskogo, no eto i neizmerimaya toska po povodu nevoploshchennosti lyudej, eto poslednee i yavlyaetsya instrumentom otbora, t.e. zachisleniya v elitarnuyu gruppu". |
3. Sense of elitism and participation in the greatest. "A personality's maturity and thoroughgoing participation in culture prove themselves in the ability to see in everybody a potential miracle, a genius, a possible celebrity of the human race, but at the same time they are manifested in immeasurable yearning for self-realization of people and the latter is an instrument of selection, i.e. enrolment into the elite group." |
4. Prichastnost': etnos i lichnost'; pervaya faza (300 let) - pod容m (final: passionarnyj peregrev); akmeicheskaya faza (individualizm, grazhdanskie vojny); konec tvorchestva vo vzaimootnosheniyah so sredoj; uroven' passionarnosti snizhaetsya do nadloma; obyvatel' smenyaetsya subpassionariem i t.d.; faza obskurantizma, memorial'naya faza; parallel' s dvizheniem. |
4. Participation: ethnos and personality; the first phase (300 years) - ascending ( the final: passionate overheating); the acmeic phase (individualization; civil wars); the end of creativity in interrelation with the enviroment; the level of passionateness decreases into a break-down; a philistine turns into a subpassionate person, etc.; the phase of obscurantism, the memorial phase; parallel to motion. |
"V uchenii prezhde vsego nuzhno imet' tverduyu reshimost' uznat' put' (metod) stanovleniya mudrosti i nikogda ne molodushnichat' ili ne teryat'sya. Esli u cheloveka net takoj reshimosti, on nikogda ne dostignet sovershenstva. Obladat' zhe takoj reshimost'yu oznachaet projti polputi..."(yaponskaya etika) |
"When studying one should first of all be firmly determined to learn the way (method of becoming wise and never be faint-hearted or panic. If a man lacks such determination, he will never gain perfection. To posses such determination means to have passed halfway... (Japanese ethics). |
* * * ...i, mnitsya, serdcem razumeyu rech' bezglagol'nuyu tvoyu. Evg. Baratynskij Bez slova mysl'... A. Blok Net ne Zemle bessmyslennogo slova - samoj proiznesennost'yu svoej i aromatom zvukovyh chastej ono sposobno soobshchit' osnovu, kakoyu ta byla v razgar inogo nakala chelovecheskih strastej - na doslovesnom urovne idej. Osobennost' myshleniya zamenogo: bez smysla ne byvaet nichego, chto vozymelo b s myslyami rodstvo, - ved' on vsegda naslednik dvuh znachenij, i dumat' - chto ih soedinyat', i znat' znachen'ya - znachit ponimat', a slovo - lish' posol dlya poruchenij. |
* * * Most would be happier in staying home, but them moves something stronger than the will in inside power of the men. A hill, the endless slopes. May be begins a Rome. May be All-mighty it is building Dome, when body travels purposing a skill that is not selfish and at last not ill. May be the better doing is - to come, and thus to be among the other soul that always are next door and wait for ours in everlasting journey of the outer and tender substance that is lead to us like must-be-crushed and must-be-throw-away glass like all those facts and all their sense and matter. |
I. Dialog kak forma zhivogo obshcheniya. |
I. Dialogue as the form of living communication. |
1. Usloviya vozniknoveniya znakovoj situacii. |
1. Circumstances for a sign situation. |
2. Dialog v obydennom razgovore. |
2. Dialogue in every day conversation. |
3. Dialog filosofichnyj. |
3. Philosophical dialogue. |
4. Dialog filosofskij - zhanr filosofskoj prozy: |
4. Philosophic dialogue as a genre of philosophic prose: |
a) Sokrat; |
a) Socrates; |
b) definicii, ih rol' v vozniknovenii znakovoj situacii; |
b) definitions, their role in the emergence of sign situation; |
v) dialektika i dialog. |
c) dialectics and dialogue. |
5. Masterstvo argumentacii i masterstvo spora. |
5. Skill of argumentation and skill of discussing. |
6. Nablyudatel'nost' pokolenij, masterstvo formulirovaniya vop-rosa. Nablyudatel'nost' i umenie sistematizirovat'. |
6. Observation of generations, skill of formulating a question. Observation and systematic aproach. |
7. Dialog i monolog; dialog podlinnyj i dialog uslovno-vnutrennij. |
7. Dialogue and monologue; genuine dialogue and inner dialogue. |
8. Myshlenie i dialog; ponimanie kak osoznanie znakovoj situa-cii vnutri "YA"; ubezhdennost' i psihicheskaya demobilizaciya; analitizm i samoponimanie; proverka interiorizirovannyh zapretov na celesoobraznost'; priem vnutrennego diaprognozirovaniya. |
8. Thinking and dialogue; understanding as awareness of a sign situation within "self"; conviction and psychic demobilization; analitizm and self- comprehension; verification of interiorized prohibitions on expediency; reception of inner diaforcasting. |
9. Dialog kak social'noe sobytie: |
9. Dialogue as a social event: |
a) gorizontal'nyj dialog v predelah sociogruppy edino-mysh-lennikov; chastotnost' znakovoj situacii; dialog-razryadka; dialog- nasyshchenie; |
a) horizontal dialogue within a social group of like-minded peoples; frequency of sign situation; dialogue - relaxation; dialogue - saturation; |
b) estestvennaya potrebnost' obshcheniya i dialog; |
b) natural need for communication and dialogue; |
v) gorizonital'nyj dialog vne gruppy edinomyshlennikov; dialog-vyyasnenie; vozrastnye kategorii uchastnikov dialoga; formy obrashcheniya (lingvostranovedenie) - primery; dialog so specialistom (-ami); terminologiya, podgotovka, special'nye spravochniki; napravlenie myslej i organizaciya dialoga (vybor roli, perevoploshchenie); |
c) horizontal dialogue beyond a group of like-minded peoples; dialogue - clarification; age categories of the participants in a dialogue; form of address (linguistica and area studies) - examples; dialogue with a specialist(-s); terminology; preparing; special reference books; orientation of thought and organization of dialogue (choice of a role; putting on a role); |
g) psevdodialog i konformizm; aktual'nyj interes kak kriterij podlinnosti dialoga; densaciya obshcheniya; ponyatie sushchnostnogo dialoga; izbezhanie, svedenie do minimuma nesushchnostnogo dialoga; |
d) pseudo-dialogue and conformity; actual interest as the criterion of a genuine dialogue; densation of communication; concept of an essential dialogue; evasion from or reduction of a non-essential dialogue; |
d) ispol'zovanie klyuchevogo slova v dialoge; uslovnost' polnogo ponimaniya partnera; psihologicheskaya ustojchivost'; |
e) usage of a key word in a dialogue; relative understanding of a partner to full extent; psychological stability; |
e) optimal'nyj dialog ("na svete est' dve veshchi: napisat' stihotvorenie i pogovorit' ob etom" (A. Ahmatova)); |
f) optimum dialogue ("there are two things in the world: to write a poem and to speak about that" (A. Akhmatova); |
zh) dialog obshchestvennyh stratov; perechen' sostoyanij u raznyh obshchestvennyh sloev; ustanovlenie kontaktov na reflektornom urovne; |
g) dialogue of social strata; enumeration of feelings and experiences practised by various social strata; establishment of contacts on reflex level; |
z) adaptaciya k partneru; chrezmernoe ponimanie kak prichina nevozmozhnosti dialoga; razvitie lichnosti kak garantiya svezhesti otnoshenij (A. Gercen, A. Ogarev); |
h) adaptation to a partner; excessive understanding as a cause of the impossibility of a dialogue; development of personalities as a guarantee of refreshment of relations (A. Hertsen and A. Ogaryov); |
i) nedoskazannost' i podtekst, dialog sostoyanij; |
i) semi-expressiveness and underlying theme, dialogue of feelings; |
k) social'noe bytie kak summa summarum dialogov oral'nyh i dialogov-sostoyanij. |
j) social being as summa summarum of oral dialogues and dialogues-feelings. |
II. Vertikal'nyj dialog pokolenij. |
II. Vertical dialogue of generations. |
1. Preobrazovanie ponyatij i vozmozhnosti vzaimoponimaniya. |
1. Transformation of concepts and possibilities for mutual understanding. |
2. Uslovnyj skvoz'vremennoj ili transtemporal'nyj dialog (TD). |
2. Conventional throughtime or transtemporal dialogue (TD). |
3. Predstavitel'stvo kul'tur i patriotizm sovremennosti. |
3. Representation of cultures and patriotism of the present day. |
4. Razvitie lichnosti i pristrastie k TD; razvitie analogizacii periodov (Kirkvud, XVII-j vek Evropy i YAponii). |
4. Development of a personality and affection for TD; development of analogization of periods (Kirkwood, the 17-th century in Europe and Japan). |
5. Rasshirenie vozmozhnostej TD i avtodidaktiki (izuchenie yazykov v bukval'nom smysle i v perenosnom). |
5. Extending potentialities of TD and selfstudying (languages learning in literal and figurative meanings). |
6. TD i vospitanie vkusov, vyrabotka ocenok, otbor vechnogo. |
6. TD and cultivation of taste, development of assessments; selection of the eternal. |
7. Priem voobrazhaemoj besedy i vyyasnenie otnoshenij s opre-delennoj epohoj. |
7. Reception of an imaginary talk and formation of attitudes to a certain epoch. |
8. Ritoricheskoe obshchenie s proshlym. |
8. Rhetorical communication with the past. |
9. Verbal'naya polifoniya - muzyka kollektivnogo ejdosa: |
9. Verbal polyphony is the music of the collective eidos: |
a) verbal'naya polifoniya zhivoj chelovecheskoj obshchnosti (sem'ya, tolpy, holly, magaziny, ulicy, ploshchadi, i t.d.); |
a) verbal polyphony of a living human community (a family, a crowd, halls, shops, streets, squares, etc.); |
b) uslovnaya verbal'naya polifoniya v transtemporal'nyh srezah (slyshanie epoh) - primery; (priem obobshcheniya znaniya - ob容dinennoe predstavlenie); slyshanie istorii; |
b) conventional verbal polyphony in transtemporal section (hearing of epochs) - examples; (technique of knowledge generalization - combination of images); hearing of history; |
v) kompleks horista (statista) pri vospriyatii ejdosa kul'tur; oshchushchenie unikal'nosti individual'nogo pri voploshchenii lichnosti. |
c) complex of a chorister (supernumerary) when perceiving the eidos of culture; sensation of individual uniqueness alongside self-realization. |
III. Vospriyatie i plyuralizm. |
III. Perception and pluralism. |
1. Mnenie i dialekticheskoe edinstvo protivopolozhnostej; soot-noshenie mneniya i konteksta sobytij; nesovershenstvo lyubogo mneniya, primenennogo voobshche. |
1. Opinion and dialectical unity of opposites; correlation of opinion and context of events; imperfection of any opinion applied in general. |
2. Plyuralizm vkusov; nedialektichnost' vospriyatiya kak sledstvie social'noj oshibki (I. Franko i A. Krymskij - druz'ya pri raznyh ocenkah proizvedenij drugih avtorov). |
2. Pluralism of tastes; non-dialectic perception as a consequence of a social mistake (I. Franko and A. Krimsky were friends despite they assessed the works by other authors differently). |
3. Kul'tura filosofichnogo dialoga: |
3. Culture of philosophic dialogue: |
a) vyyasnenie definicij; |
a) clarification of definitions; |
b) formulirovanie definicij i formulirovanie voprosov (dve storony odnogo); |
b) definition formulating and questions formulating (as two aspects of one and the same); |
v) stremlenie zamenit' sobstvennoe "nemoe prevoshodstvo" slova-mi, sillogizmami, obrazami (v tom chisle risunkami, shemami, pokazami) - effekt podlinnogo obshcheniya lyudej; |
c) aspiration to replace one's own "mute" superiority with words, syllogisms, images including drawings, schemes, shows) - effect of genuine communication of people; |
g) paritetnye nachala dialoga i uvazhenie partnera (neobman kak vysshaya forma pieteta - sirech' razum, mudrost' i t.d.); rasskaz ob A. Mesmere.
d) parity of a dialogue and respect for the partner (non-deception as the supreme form of pietism or wisdom, etc.); a story about A. Mesmere. |
* * * Davajte budem glubzhe, veselee - ved' glubina tak radosti polna i - esli chelovech'ya - ne temna, i dlitsya zhizn'yu, kazhdym dnem svetleya. Po-buninski siyatel'ny allei sadom glubinnyh tam, gde vlyublena vselennaya v lyudej i schastliv s neyu i ty, i kazhdyj, kto s toboj, s toboj, kotoryj znachim svetloj glubinoj i vysprennost' traktuet pervozdanno - vsego lish' kak vysokost'... Bozhe moj, kak horosho togda nad golovoj siyayut zvezdy v myslyah okeana!.. |
* * * A cold grey day. And all my winters are here at the window in the sombre room, in too long thought that's working like a broom, in nety while that catched a fishy star, in white dots on the pavement, in the car, that lost an age ago a long line of a boom, in this short age that is a minute doom of rocky second born by the nightmare. The time had failed to be itself this time, and had produced a Black Hole of the crime that is to be unable to be always and steady to believe, to hope, to trust, and bravely to distruct an absurd crust, and not to take the bodies for the souls. |
I. Razvitie mirovoj kul'tury i fiksaciya (osoznanie) potoka soznaniya (PS). |
I. Development of the world culture and fixation (awareness) of the flood of consciousness (FC). |
1. Real'noe videnie i predstavlenie. Videnie (zrenie) v pervye dve nedeli zhizni, zavisimost' videniya ot predstavleniya cheloveka, iskazhenie predstavleniem. |
1. Actual vision and imagination. Vision (seeing) within two first weeks of life, dependence of vision on human imagination, distortion by imagination. |
2. Predstavlenie cheloveka o samom sebe, kolichestvo znaniya o sebe kak o vide i zavisimost' ot nih psihologicheskih dejstvij. Sovershenstvovanie analitichnosti. |
2. The idea of a person about himself, amount of knowledge about oneself as a species and resultative psychological actions. Perfection of analytism. |
3. Determinirovannost' PS usloviyami sushchestvovaniya v prelom-lennom vide. |
3. FC is determined by the conditions of existence in refracted state. |
4. Ostanovka mgnoveniya kak estestvennaya potrebnost'. |
4. Suspension of a moment as a natural need. |
5. Peshchera Al'tamiry (begushchie byki) i Delone (zhenshchina, spus-kayushchayasya po lestnice): emblema PS, nepolnoe diskretnoe izobrazhenie. |
5. The Altamira cave (running buffaloes) and Delaunay (a lady, walking downstairs); a symbol of FC, incomplete discrete image. |
II. Svojstva PS. |
II. Qualities of FC |
1. Nalichie fonovoj mysli - sostoyaniya ("vertel"), ("pauzy v shashlyke" -> diskretnost' mysli), zavisimost' predstavlenij ot fonovoj mysli. |
1. Background thought-state ("a split"; "pauses in shashlik" -> discretion of thought), dependence on images of the background thought. |
2. Otrazhenie sobytij vneshnih i vnutrennih - akt orientirovaniya (silovye linii zhizni -> miry, vzletayushchie po silovym magnitnym liniyam). Ubezhdeniya, principy. |
2. Reflection of inner and outer events as an act of orientation (power vectors of life -> worlds, flying up along magnetic power vectors). Convictions, principles. |
3. Pozhiznennyj heppening PS, nepredskazuemost' PS - istochnik interesa k zhizni. |
3. Lifelong happening of FC, unpredictability of FC as the source of interest to life. |
4. Modelirovanie budushchego - cel' tekushchego PS. |
4. Modelling of future as the aim of the current FC. |
5. Sposobnost' PS densirovat'sya (sgushchat'sya), razzhizhat'sya (aden-sirovat'sya); razvetlenie (obraz rukavov), divergenciya. |
5. Ability of FC to get denser, to dilute, to branch, to diverge. |
6. Receptornye plasty PS (muzykal'nyj, obraznyj, izobrazi-tel'no-obraznyj, taktil'nyj, vegetativno-fiziologicheskij, slovesno-obraznyj), sgustki neidentificirovannyh sostoyanij - plast dushi, psihoreceptor. |
6. Receptory layer of FC (musical, image-guided, graphic, tactile, vegetative and physiological, verbal and colourful) , clusters of unidentified states as a layer of the soul, a psychoreceptor. |
7. PS kak psihologicheskij gruz (TEDIUM VITAE, nagruzki po sublimacii). |
7. FC as a psychic burden (TEDIUM VITAE, sublimation tensions). |
8. PS i kul'tura sublimirovaniya(energetika mysli, rukovodstvo PS, uglublenie rusla lichnosti, upravlenie emocional'nym i chuvstvennym faktorom). |
8. FC and culture of sublimation (power of thought, FC guidance, deepening of a personality's "river bed," guidance of emotions and sensations). |
9. PS i ocenki (aksiologicheskaya labil'nost'). |
9. FC and assessments (axiological lability). |
10. PS - process otmeny sostoyaniya ("prodolzhenie zhizni est' oproverzhenie predshestvuyushchego, kotoroe chashche vsego bylo luchshe"). |
10. FC as the process of cancelling feelings and states ("continuation of life is the denial of the previous, which has been better"). |
11. PS i emocii (koefficient "trezvosti", kachestvo osoznaniya, vodopad soznaniya: "krasivo, no slishkom penisto"; vozmozhnosti otrezvleniya - vklyuchenie levogo mozga ("chtoby men'she zhalet' o "kaverne" v zhizni"): |
11. FC and emotions (coefficient of "sobriety", quality of awareness, waterfall of consciousness: "beautiful but too foamy"; possibility of sobering up - the left brain involvement "not to be too sorry about a "cavern" in life"): |
a) polozhitel'nye emocii i PS: vysokaya skorost' myshleniya, operezhayushchij effekt dvizheniya myslej, povyshennaya evristichnost', odnako kazhushchayasya (effekt proskakivaniya pervogo poryadka); |
a) positive emotions and FC: high speed of thinking, surpassing effect of thought motion, increased heuristic ability, but actually apparent (the effect of "jumping through" of the first type); |
b) otricatel'nye emocii i PS: ponizhenie skorosti myshleniya ("melanholicheskij prud s krupnymi rybami"), effekt proskakivaniya vtorogo poryadka - "zastryavshest' fonovoj mysli - sostoyaniya"; "zacepka za vodorosl' ili koryagu" meshaet opoznat' otkrytie, priznat' ego takovym ; preodolenie obmanchivosti polozheniya, prodolzhenie raboty (fiksirovanie), - v rezul'tate - otkrytie; ponizhenie koefficienta trezvosti za schet soznatel'nogo uskoreniya myshleniya, chastyh smen mikrodeyatel'nosti (narochistoj); paradoksal'naya radost' "mutnoj vode" ("otkroyu chto-nibud'!"); |
b) negative emotions and FC: decreasing speed of thinking ("a melancholic pond with big fish"), the effect of "jumping through" of the second type - "jamming of the background thought-state"; "getting snagged on" prevents from recognizing a discovery; overcoming of deceptive situation, continuation of work (fixation) with the result of making a discovery; decreasing coefficient of "sobriety" at the expense of aware acceleration of thinking, frequent changes of deliberate microactivities; paradoxical joy of "turbid water" ("I'll find something!"); |
v) emocii i chuvstva; emociya, rozhdennaya s ocenkoj sobstvennogo chuvstva ("vospominanie utrom o tom, chto ty vlyublen"); |
c) emotions and feelings; the emotion born by the assessment of one's own feeling ("recollection in the morning that you are in love"); |
g) "elektronnoe derevo" predstavleniya i rukovodstvo PS, myslennoe prisutstvie na prirode - v lesu, v pole i t.d. |
d) "electronic tree" of imagination and FC guidance, imaginary being outdoors - in the forest, in the field, etc. |
III. PS i yazykovaya storona myshleniya. |
III. FC and linguistic aspects of thinking. |
1. Verbal'noe myshlenie, osoznanie sobstvennogo myshleniya; psiholingvistika; izuchenie vozmozhnostej verbal'nogo myshleniya; shkoly (R. YAkobson, A. Reformatskij, t.d.). |
1. Verbal thinking, awareness of one's own thinking; psycholinguistics, studying of the resources of verbal thinking; schools (K. Jackobson, A. Reformatsky, etc.) |
2. Rassudochnoe vklyuchenie yazyka (vystraivanie definicij kak sposob vklyucheniya inostrannogo yazyka). |
2. Rational involvement of language (chaining of definitions as the means of foreign language involvement). |
3. Neekvivalentnost' PS potoku slovesnogo (logicheskogo) izlozheniya myslej. |
3. Non-equivalence of FC to the stream of verbal (logical) presentation of thought. |
4. Slovesnye kompleksy; nevozmozhnost' insulyarnogo sushchest-vovaniya slov ("ne meshat' formirovaniyu kompleksnyh obrazovanij"); "CLUB TOAST MASTERS INTERNATIONAL". Vystuplenie pered auditoriej (v tom chisle bol'shoj), izuchenie obshchej ritoriki; kodeks professional'nogo kul'turnogo obshcheniya, emocional'noe obshchenie; yarkoe, ubeditel'noe izlozhenie svoih myslej na rodnom yazyke (predposylka govoreniya na inostrannom). |
4. Verbal complexes; incapability of words to exist solely ("not to block complex formations"); "CLUB TOAST MASTERS INTERNATIONAL". Speaking to the audiences (including numerous ones), studying rhetoric; codex of professional civilised communication; emotional communication; vivid, convincing presentation of one's thoughts in the native language (as the starting point for speaking in a foreign language). |
5. PS i hudozhestvennyj obraz: "Kachestvennyj potok soznaniya" hudozhestvenno-filosofichnyj, quasi-hudozhestvenno-filosofichnyj (obogashchenie shtampa, eksperimental'nye prirashchivaniya - avtomaticheskij poisk). |
5. FC and artistic image: "Qualitative flood of consciousness" - artistic and philosophical, or quasi-artistic and philosophical (enrichment of cliches, experimental embroadening - automatic search). |
6. PS i filologiya; Dzh. Dzhojs "Uliss", L. Tolstoj (L. Stern); |
6. FC and philology; J. Joyce "Ulysses"; L. Tolstoy (L. Stern); |
poeticheskoe v literature kak kondensat PS hudozhestvenno-filosofski myslyashchej lichnosti; |
the poetical in literature as a condensate of an artistic and philosophic personality's FC; |
poeticheskoe, eticheskoe i PS (poeziya v bytu -> chuvstvo prekrasnogo v figure umolchaniya); |
poetical, ethical and FC (poetry in daily life - sense of beauty in silence figures); |
intuitivnoe vospriyatie chuzhogo PS. |
intuitive perception of another person's FC. |
7. Opornye yazyki. |
7. Foothold languages. |
* * * Dvurushnik ya s dvojnoj dushoj. O. Mandel'shtam Segodnya yarok solnechnyj moroz I holoden svetila lik slepyashchij. I stol'ko dialektiki svetyashchej Polno vezde i v shutku, i vser'ez. I nashim YA, smeyushchimsya do slez, Uzhasnyj hohot nahodyashchim v plache, Nel'zya byt' tak, ne buduchi inache, Kogda b sushchestvovat' im ne prishlos', Oni i cel'ny potomu, chto vroz' Bytijstvuyut ih chasti, chto naskvoz' Oni izmenny i pererodit'sya Gotovy kazhdyj mig, chtob, stav drugim, Obratnym prevrashcheniem svoim Dvizhen'e dlit' i ottogo svetit'sya. |
* * * I dream about the ancient and new books about bold statements with the past connected. My wish is clear and even may be acted in drama where the actors are the spooks of this reality that's like imagined looks, and steady every days' and nights' play last a process of a prolongated lust, of a converting good men into crooks. But clearness ends abruptly in a dim wet from the tears, my sleep transforming stream of memory, that is like time existence on things; events' and feelings' broad space. And everything then is reversed and plays a mystic part in Theatre of Distance. |
I. Knigi i avtodidakt. |
I. Books and the autodidact. |
1. Vozmozhnost' vozvratit'sya, povtorit' chtenie. |
1. Chance to come back and re-read. |
2. Sistema vypisok (obyazatel'noe ukazanie istochnika, goda izdaniya, avtora, stranicy i t.d.). |
2. System of outwritings (with compulsory reference to the source, year of publishing, the author, the number of the page, etc.) |
3. Knigi i "tot svet". |
3. Books and "that world." |
4. Upravlenie chteniem i aktual'nye zadachi lichnosti. |
4. Guidance of reading and actual goals of the personality. |
5. CHtenie sostoyaniya; chtenie informativnoe, chtenie smeshennogo tipa. |
5. Reading of feelings; informative reading, mixed type reading. |
6. Sistema i legenda libri, princip sostavleniya (prodolzheniya). |
6. System and legenda libri, the principle of making up (going on). |
7. Povtornoe chtenie i zhiznennyj opyt. |
7. Re-reading and life experience. |
8. Obraz knigi i dumanie sostoyaniyami: |
8. Image of a book and thinking with states: |
a) trenirovka voobrazheniya; |
a) imagination training; |
b) obogashchenie lichnosti i obraz knigi; |
b) enrichment of a personality and a book's image; |
v) dumanie sostoyaniyami kak relaksiruyushche-gedonisticheskij instrument; |
c) thinking with states as a relaxing and hedonistic instrument; |
g) obraz knigi kak hranilishche sushchnostnogo; |
d) a book image as the storage of the essential; |
d) opredelenie, utochnenie obraza knigi i duhovnyj rost (povyshenie urovnya intellektual'no-duhovnogo); |
e) definition, clarification of a book image and spiritual growth (increase of intellectual and spiritual level); |
e) svyaz' obrazov knig i tezaurus sostoyanij; |
f) connection of book images and thesaurus of states; |
zh) obraz knigi kak translyator sostoyaniya; |
g) a book image as a transmitter of a state; |
z) obraz knigi do i posle prochteniya; |
h) a book image before and after reading; |
i) opornye obrazy knig; |
i) footholding book images; |
k) kolichestvo chteniya i obraz knigi; |
j) quantity of reading and book image; |
l) parametry obraza knigi (tip knigi, uroven', stil', zhanr, "nuzhnost'" i t.d.). |
k) parameters of a book image (type of a book, level, style, genre, "necessity", etc.); |
9. Polnye sobraniya sochinenij i avtodidakt: |
9. Collected works and the autodidact; |
a) neupodoblenie avtodidaktu ZH.-P. Sartra; |
a) unlikening to the autodidact by I.-P. Sartre; |
b) dodumyvanie; |
b) thinking and conjecturing; |
v) "fragment, chitaemyj chasto, cennee redkogo polnogo pro-chteniya". |
c) "an extract often re-read is more valuable then seldom full reading." |
10. Interes i nastojchivost'. |
10. Interest and persistence. |
11. Densaciya sostoyanij. |
11. Densation of states. |
12. Zakon obyazatel'noj skorejshej narrativizacii sostoyaniya pos-le prochteniya: |
12. The law of compulsory narrating of feelings as soon as possible after reading: |
a) rol' sociogruppy; |
a) the role of a social group; |
b) narrativizaciya sostoyanij kak instrument duhovnogo obshcheniya; |
b) narration of feelings as an instrument of spiritual communication; |
v) povyshenie masterstva narrativizacii i uroven' kul'tury, umenie opredelyat' nyuansy, sopostavlyat', obobshchat', primenyat' i t.d.; |
c) growing skills of narration and level of culture; ability to define nuances, compare, sum up, apply, etc.; |
g) pis'mennaya narratizaciya ("pis'mo sebe samomu postarevshemu", drugie vidy ); |
d) written narration ("a letter to oneself grown old," etc.) |
d) narrativizaciya i myshlenie (pod vpechatleniem) - ispol'-zovanie tehniki nastrojki; |
e) narration and thinking (under impression) - using technique of tuning; |
e) narrativizaciya sostoyaniya i zakreplenie prochitannogo (dolzh-no projti ne bolee 9 chasov posle prochteniya); |
f) narration of the feeling and fixation of the read (no longer than 9 hour after reading); |
zh) cennost' nahodok pri narrativizacii (zapisyvanie-zatira-nie pri pomoshchi lista associacij). |
g) value of findings in narration (writing-erasing with the help of the associative list). |
13. SHekspir - chitatel', repertuar chteniya. |
13. Shakespeare as a reader, the repertoire of reading. |
14. Petrarka - chitatel'. |
14. Petrarca as a reader. |
II. Tipy chitatelej. Dialektika kachestva i kolichestva. |
II. Types of readers. Dialectics of quality and quantity. |
1. SHekspirovskij tip (glubina postizheniya pri otnositel'no nebol'shom kolichestve knig). |
1. Shakespearian type (depth of comprehension with relatively moderate amount of reading). |
2. Petrarkinskij tip (kolichestvennaya nenasytnost', no takzhe i glubina postizheniya). |
2. Petrarcian type (quantative insaturation combined with depth of comprehension). |
3. Predpochtitel'nost' petrarkinskogo tipa (ili smeshannogo). "Risk ne ponyat' - SHekspir byl genij!!! On ponyal Montenya, Petrarku i t.d. bez podgotovki, neobhodimoj obyknovennomu smertnomu". |
3. Preference to Petrarcian type (or a mixed type). "Risk of non-understanding - Shakespeare was a genius!! He understood Montaigne, Petrarca, etc. without any preparation necessary for an ordinary person." |
4. Nachitannost' i snobizm: |
4. Well-readness and snobbism: |
a) razvitie chuvstva knigi; |
a) development of the sense of a book; |
b) soprotivlenie diktatu masskul'tury; |
b) resistance to the diktat of mass culture; |
v) samostoyatel'nost' vybora; |
c) independence of choice; |
g) osvedomlennost' o eshche ne prochitannom. |
d) information about not read yet. |
5. Sistematichnost' vozvrashcheniya k shedevram i kachestvo proch-teniya. |
5. Systematic re-reading of masterpieces and quality of reading. |
6. Adekvatnoe ponimanie. |
6. Adequate understanding. |
7. YAzyki (podderzhanie formy): |
7. Languages (being in shape): |
a) zakreplenie; |
a) securing; |
b) pereryvy i vozvrashcheniya; |
b) making breaks and coming back; |
v) vozobnovlenie znanij ("precedent!"). |
c) refreshment of knowledge ("precedent!"). |
*** Moe "chirik" i pesni Prosvetlennyh, moe "chut'-chut'" i polnovesnyj ih ne ustupayushchij stihiyam stih - skul'pturnyj vihr' u vechnosti na sklonah! Moj zhalkij pyl i svet ih raskalennyh, ih zvezdnyh myslej - zlyh i vseblagih! Ih Mirovaya Skorb' i - bed moih poshib nekrupnyj, slyshnyj v stydnyh stonah! No net vo mne unyn'ya, leni, ved' trudit'sya nuzhno, chtob blagogovet' ne prosto pered genial'nym Dantom, a pered ponyatym i, govoryat, kto hudo-bedno ponyal Dantov ad, tot k avtoru priblizilsya talantom... |
* * * It will be last headache and joy and point in long-long way, that finally abridged by steps with journey to the death enriched. it will be real past that future'd joined. And both times - old and new - invisible joint will suddenly be visible like switched in being like fulfilled and reached and out of worthless dust to gold overcoined. Pain travels with us. May be - moving us towards in evolutionary fuzz, and particles of the troubles are everlasting. Our world endure because we tolerate and thus existence has its own rate proportioned by the fact that seeds are casting. |
Tema 24. |
Theme 24 |
Prodolzhenie sleduet... |
To be continued... |
I. Duhovnost' i garmonicheskoe razvitie cheloveka. |
I. Spiritual and harmonious development of a human being. |
1. Garmoniya kak esteticheskij termin. |
1. Harmony as an aesthetic term. |
2. Garmonichnost' kak antinomiya odnobokosti. |
2. Harmony as an antinomy to one-sidedness. |
3. Duhovnaya krasota i garmoniya. |
3. Spiritual beauty and harmony. |
4. Potrebnost' sovershenstvovat'sya kak stremlenie k garmonii. |
4. Need for perfection as an aspiration for harmony. |
5. Total'noe razvitie lichnosti i akcentuaciya duhovno-intel-lektual'nyh zanyatij ("net nichego takogo, chto mozhno schitat' bespoleznym dlya moej special'nosti"). |
5. Total development of a personality and accentuation on spiritual and intellectual studies ("there is nothing useless for my occupation"). |
6. Garmonichnost' kak dinamicheskij process: disgarmoniya (ent-ropiya), vremennaya odnobokost' kak istochnik razvitiya tvorchestva, energii. |
6. Harmony as a dynamic process; disharmony (anthropy), temporary one-sidedness as a source of developing creativity, power. |
7. Pereocenka garmonichnosti i uroven' ponimaniya: korrelyaciya predstavlenij |
7. Re-valuation of harmonization and level of understanding: correlation of concepts. |
8. Duhovnost' kak vzaimodejstvie individual'nogo i kollektivnogo ejdosa: "vnutrennee" i "vneshnee vnutrennee" (rodstvennost' dush). |
8. Spirituality as interrelation of individual and collective eidoses: "inner" and "exterior inner" (souls akin). |
9. Duhovnost' i sovershenstvovanie myshleniya: |
9. Spirituality and development of thinking: |
a) rasshirenie krugozora (predstavlenij); |
a) embroadening of outlook (concepts); |
b) dumanie sostoyaniyami i duhovno-intellektual'nymi plastami; |
b) thinking with feeling and spiritual-intellectual layers; |
v) dorastanie do vysokih ponyatij; |
c) growing up to high ideas; |
g) effekt "obezymyanivaniya" i vezdesushchnost' "ego" - garmonichnoj lichnosti (v edinstve protivopolozhnostej). |
d) effect of "losing one's name" and omnipresence of "ego" - a harmonious personality (in the unity of opposites). |
II. Tvorcheskij eksperiment - instrument razvitiya. |
II. Creative experiment as an instrument of development. |
1. |ksperiment - zhizn' (filosofy: F. Nicshe, Sokrat...). |
1. Experiment is life (philosophers: F. Nietzshe, Socrates...) |
2. |ksperiment - fragment zhizni (popytka - neudacha - fobiya eksperimenta - eksperiment-proskopiya). |
2. Experiment as a fragment of life (attempt - failure - phobia of experiments - experiment - proscopia). |
3. |ksperiment - priem: svyaz' makro- i mikroekspe-rimental'nosti; koefficient evristichnosti i lichnostnye parametry (sposobnost' stavit' eksperiment na sebe) proporcional'ny koefficientu eksperimental'nosti. |
3. Experiment-reception: connection between macro- and micro-experimentality; coefficient of heuristic abilities and personal parameters (ability to make experiments on oneself) are in proportion to the coefficient of experimentality. |
4. "Otnoshenie aktivnosti eksperimentirovaniya k materialu ravno otnosheniyu komfortnogo sostoyaniya k zhizni individa". |
4. "Ratio of activeness in making experiments to the material is equal to the ratio of felling of comfort to the life of an individual." |
5. Dozhivanie kak sledstvie bezeksperimental'nosti. |
5. Living out as a consequence of refusing experimentality. |
6. Principial'naya shema eksperimenta: |
6. Principal model of an experiment: |
a) nalichie gipotezy kak baza myshleniya v eksperimentirovanii; |
a) hypothesis as the starting point for thinking; |
b) opredelenie materiala; |
b) selection of material; |
v) opredelenie tipa dvizheniya processa ili ego predpo-lozhitel'noj dlitel'nosti; |
c) determination of the type of process movement or its supposed duration; |
g) uchet nravstvennoj storony; |
d) account for moral aspects; |
d) vybor sredstv; |
e) choice of means; |
e) dostizhenie rezul'tata. |
f) production of results. |
III. Napravlenie myslej i lichnost'. |
III. Thought direction and a personality. |
1. Otbor myslej (vnutrennij OTK); voploshchenie principa "etika" B. Spinozy. |
1. Selection of thoughts (inner control); appliance of the "ethics" principle by B. Spinoza. |
Prirode razuma svojstvenno postigat' nekotorye veshchi pod nekotoroj formoj vechnosti. Sub specie aeternitalis, sub specie rei publicae. |
It is inherent to the nature of mind to comprehend things under the dome of eternity. Sub specie aeternitalis, sub specie rei publicae. |
2. Akkomodaciya myslej (bliz' i dal'): |
2. Accommodation of thoughts (close and remote): |
- B. Franklin - verh-niz -bifokal'nye ochki; |
- B. Franklin - up and down - bifocal glasses: |
- trenirovka akkomodacii; |
- accommodation training; |
- "bifokal'nost' nravstvenno-intellektual'nogo zreniya"; |
- "bifocality of moral and intellectual vision"; |
- krugozor - bifokal'nye ochki. |
- outlook - bifocal glasses. |
3. Duhovnaya gravitaciya i napravlenie myslej. |
3. Spiritual gravitation and orientation of thoughts. |
4. "Krupnost'" myslej ("Kogda b vy znali, iz kakogo sora...") i ih global'noe ravenstvo pri sub容ktivno-momental'noj vazhnosti. |
4. "Prominence" of thoughts and their global equality under subjectively momentary importance. |
5. "Central'naya mysl' sostoyanie" (F. Dostoevskij o glavnoj mysli pishushchego roman) i zhizn' - proizvedenie: |
5. "The focal thought is feeling." (F. Dostoevsky about the major thought of a writer) and life is a work of literature: |
a) unikal'nost' opusa "Moya zhizn'"; |
a) uniqueness of the opus "My Life"; |
b) sochinenie zhizni (ili chastichnoe sochinenie), sochinenie sud'by; |
b) life composing (or partial composing), composing of fate; |
v) tema i ideya zhizni (special'nost' i nravstvennyj aspekt); |
c) theme and idea of life (occupation and moral aspect); |
g) arhitektonika zhizni (vstuplenie, osnovnaya chast', zaklyuchenie - uslovnost' deleniya); |
d) architectonics of life (introduction, main part, conclusion as conventional divisions); |
d) tvorchestvo i gipertimnye sostoyaniya. |
e) creative work and hyperintimate states. |
IV. Namerenie, bogatstvo namerenij, intencionnoe vozbuzhdenie. |
IV. Intention, richness of intentions, intentional excitement. |
1. Namereniya kak sazhency duhovno-intellektual'nyh postupkov, mikronamereniya i makronamereniya. |
1. Intentions as samples of spiritual and intellectual acts, microintentions and macrointentions. |
2. Namereniya i ih voploshchenie kak nachalo i konec tvorcheskogo processa. |
2. Intentions and their realization as the beginning and the end of the creative process. |
3. Obyazatel'stvo pered namereniem (intencional'naya otvetst-vennost'). |
3. Obligation to intention (intentional responsibility). |
4. Otmena namereniya pri korrekcii, zagnivanii neosushchestv-lennyh namerenij. |
4. Cancelling an intention under correction, decaying of unrealized intentions. |
5. Zakon bezotlagatel'nogo ispolneniya mikronamerenij kak sposob uskorit' ispolnenie makronamerenij. |
5. The law of fulfilling microintentions without any delays as the means for accelerating the realization of macrointentions. |
6. Zakon postoyannogo intencionogo vozbuzhdeniya (gibkost' intencij vo vnutrennem razvitii lichnosti). |
6. The law of continual intentional excitement (flexibility of intentions in inner development of a personality). |
7. Agressivnost' duhovnyh namerenij (kak ih edinstvennyj pravil'nyj "psihicheskij tembr"). |
7. Aggressiveness of spiritual intentions (as their only correct "psychic tembre.") |
8. Usloviya konformistskoj igry i prednamerennost' nepriyatiya. |
8. Terms of conformist play and its deliberate denial. |
V. "Nell mezzo dell' camin". |
V. "Nell mezzo dell' camin." |
1. Trudnost' 2-go perehodnogo perioda: pereocenka i razocha-rovaniya, usilenie fobij, ottorzhenie ot privychnogo kruga, pristupy ipohondrii i odinochestva. |
1. Hardships of the second transition period: re-evaluation and disappointment, growing phobias, detachment from habitual environment, fits of hypochondria and loneliness. |
2. CHuvstvo prodolzheniya - Nell mezzo... |
2. Sense of continuation - Nell mezzo... |
3. "Vy to, chto vy edite": duhovnoe pitanie i chelovecheskaya lichnost'. |
3. "You are what you eat": spiritual nourishment and a human personality. |
4. Brehtovskij dialog somneniya. "Kategorichnym nuzhno byt' edinstvennyj raz v zhizni - navsegda otvergaya absolyutnuyu kategorichnost'". |
4. Brecht's dialogue of doubt. "Only once in lifetime one should be categorical - when denouncing forever any categorization." |
*** ...Tam babochka i CHzhuan-czy slabee ot vetra vremeni i ot pustot, a nam nel'zya prodvinut'sya vpered, poka oni vne razuma hireyut. Ne raz uzhe pytalis' byt' hitree, chem hitrecy davnishnie, no vot opyat' podumal kto-to, chto sob'et bez nih mishen' izvechnuyu bystree. Spasite babochku i CHzhuan-czy v donovoernyh proiskah grozy - oni dolzhny opyat' drug drugu snit'sya i pereputav sny, ne ponimat', komu brodit' v lesu, komu letat', komu spasat' svyatye nebylicy. |
*** And something follows, and the same is strange. What does the nature hanker here to do of mystic steps not making much ado to unreversible and constant change, to inner and untouchable my grange, where thoughts instead of air, where coming true your every wish and every dreaming too, the only place where you ran world arrange and smiles of luck provided with the label of sort that the returns does not enable - repeating is prohibited forever here among us, here between the tiny lives, and silly thought that every evening dives in night to make it different is clever. |
I |
I |
Obshchie svedeniya ob integral'nom metode |
Common information on the integrative method |
Sushchnost' lyubogo podlinnogo obucheniya - avtodidaktika, ovladenie metodami samoobucheniya v ih integral'nom vide, t.e. na urovne diahronicheskih i sinhronicheskih svyazej, a takzhe korrelyacii mezhdu naukami i drugimi yavleniyami kul'tury. My poluchaem tonkij i delikatnyj instrument dlya organizacii glubinnoj "nuzhnosti" (obligatnosti), obyazatel'nosti znanij. |to poslednee i sozdaet psihofiziologicheskij bazis pamyati, ne yavlyayushchejsya funkciej odnogo konkretnogo organa, a potomu po svoej razlitoj prirode predstavlyayushchej soboj svobodnyj integrator, chto i vyzyvaet k zhizni koncentricheskij sistemnyj podhod v usvoenii transliruemoj kul'tury, v kotorom central'noe mesto zanimayut instrumental'nye znaniya (vspomnim hotya by znamenitye trilium i kvadrivium, chtoby ubeditsya v daleko ne pervoj svezhesti idee vypyachivaniya takih znanij). |
The essence of any genuine studying is autodidactics or mastering the methods of selfstudying in an integrative form, i.e. on the level of diachronic and synchronic connection as well as of the correlation between sciences and other cultural phenomena. We obtain a subtle and sensitive instrument to arrange deep inner "necessity" (obligation), compulsion for acquiring knowledge. The latter creates psycho-physiological basis of memory, which is not the function of one concrete organ, but by its spread nature is a free integrator, bringing to life concentric and systematic approach to assimilate the culture transmitted. The focus of this approach lies in instrumental knowledge (it is enough to recall the famous threevium and quadrivium to see that the idea of giving priorities to this kind of knowledge is not new). |
Zdes' odnu iz samyh glavnyh rolej poluchayut imenno inostrannye yazyki, ob容dinyaemye v nashem sistemnom podhode, tak zhe, kak mnogie drugie predmety - ne po strukturnym priznakam, a s tochki zreniya kul'turologicheskoj korrelyativnosti (zametim, chto eto i daet, v konechnom schete, vozmozhnost' soznatel'no organizovyvat', ili inducirovat', aktual'nyj interes). |
The major focus is made in foreign languages, united in our systematic approach, like many other subjects, not according to structural patterns, but from the viewpoint of culturological correlation (which in the final analysis makes it possible to purposefully arrange or induce the actualized interest). |
Imeya v vidu, chto "dvizhenie est' morfologicheskij organ cheloveka" (B. Spinoza), nel'zya ne schitat' dopustimym suzhdenie: Vse vidy pamyati sut' "motornye". Vo vsyakom sluchae, orientiruyas' na korreliruyushchuyu s dvizheniem (vernym ili nevernym - etim zdes' mozhno prenebrech', chto stanovitsya yavnym iz nizheskazannogo) psihologicheskuyu pozu, my poluchaem nemalyj didakticheskij vyigrysh: vo-pervyh, maksimal'no svodya vsyu slozhnost' tradicionnogo zapominatel'stva k otnositel'no legko poddayushchimsya analizu yavnym (fizicheskim) i neyavnym (obraznym, myslechuvstvennym i t.d.) dvizheniyam i snimaya nervno-psihicheskuyu nagruzku, vyigryvaem skorost' i kachestvo usvoeniya; vo-vtoryh, imenno blagodarya vsevozrastayushchej analitichnosti dobivat'sya povysheniya avtodidakticheskogo urovnya. |
Taking into account, that "movement is a morphologic organ of a human being" (B. Spinosa), it is not inconceivable to admit that all types of memory are "motoric." In any case, being oriented toward a psychological pose, correlated with a certain movement (correct or incorrect is not important here due to the reasons mentioned below, we gain a great didactic winning: at first, the entire complexity and boredom of traditional remembering is reduced at maximum to quite easily analysed tangible (physical) and non-tangible (images, feelings, thoughts, etc.) movements; nervous and psychic tension is alleviated; speed and quality of assimilation are obtained; at second, thanks to growing analytism it is possible to promote selfstudying abilities. |
Odnako trebuet dopolnitel'noj eksplikacii central'noe ponyatie - aktual'nyj interes; zdes' my imeem v vidu aktualizirovannuyu emociyu interesa, ee ostroe protekanie ili tochechnoe proyavlenie, sinhronnoe sootvetstvuyushchemu (razumeetsya, korrelirovannomu) dejstviyu. Sleduet imet' v vidu, chto etot siyuminutnyj instrument nevozmozhen bez obshchego interesa, kotoryj nuzhdaetsya v opredelennyh psihologicheskih manipulyaciyah dlya perehoda v neobhodimyj nam tochechnyj, aktualizirovannyj. Imenno poslednij, buduchi optimumom skoncentrirovannogo vnimaniya i vospriyatiya, sozdaet biohimicheskie (i, vozmozhno, vse prochie - poka ne sovsem yasnye) usloviya dlya zapominaniya. Tem ne menee, dialektika etogo yavleniya trebuet vklyucheniya v process zapominaniya ISH, pomeh, sozdayushchih dostatochnoe soprotivlenie psihologicheskogo materiala, predstavlennogo v nas samih kontinuumom (v nashem sluchae dostatochno upravlyaemym) perezhivaniya. |
However, it is necessary to profoundly explain the focal notion - the actualized interest; here we mean the actualized emotion of interest, its acute duration or a point manifestation, synchronically corresponding to (of course, correlated with) an action. One should by keep in mind that this instant instrument cannot function without universal interest, which must to undergo certain psychological manipulations to turn into the focused and actualized one we want to obtain. It is the latter, which being an optimum of concentrated attention and perception, produces biochemical and, maybe all the rest (not absolutely clear yet) conditions for memorizing. Nevertheless, the dialectics of this phenomenon makes it most pressing to enclose into memorizing information noise and interferences, producing sufficient resistance of psychological material that is present in inner Self as a continuum of emotional experiences (in our case adequately guided). |
Sootvetstvenno osushchestvlyaetsya kvazipereferizaciya zanyatij, voobrazhaemyj perevod glavnogo v pobochnoe ("vycherkivajte to, chto poseredine, ostavlyajte to, chto na polyah" - O. Mandel'shtam), decentralizaciya manifestirovannogo, a sledovatel'no, uzh slishkom material'no-tehnicheskogo, chtoby ostavat'sya magistral'no-duhovnym. |
Respectively takes places quasiperipherisation of studying, imaginary shift of the major into sidelines ("cross out what is in the middle, leave what is on the margins' - O. Mandelshtam), decentralization of the manifested, which is consequently too material and technical to remain major and spiritual. |
Didakticheskoj osnovoj sistemnogo podhoda v avtodidaktike yavlyaetsya ustnyj metod, predstavlyayushchij soboj razvitie priemov, berushchih nachalo ot shkol Berlica i |. Palmera. Mnemo-tehnicheskij arsenal, v osnovnom, modificiruet imeyushchiesya associativnye metody (v chastnosti, F. Lezera). Sleduet podcherknut' takzhe (kak odnu iz central'nyh akcij v pereosmyslenii tradicionnoj pedagogiki) transmutaciyu pervichnyh, v obshcheprinyatom smysle, trebovanij vo vtorichnye. Tak, naprimer, usvoenie (chto dazhe vne ritoricheskih ramok mozhet myslit'sya kak mifologema!) ustupaet mesto trebovaniyu obyazatel'nogo vospriyatiya s aktual'nym interesom, korreliruyushchim s optimal'noj koncentraciej vnimaniya (skoree dazhe im determinirovannoj). Otsyuda i sleduet pravilo ne usvoeniya predydushchego materiala, a vsego lish' koncentrirovannogo vospriyatiya s aktualizirovannym interesom kak uslovie dlya perehodya k posleduyushchej strukturnoj edinice kakogo-libo predmeta. |
The dialectical basis of the systematic approach to selfstudying lies in the oral method, developing the technique originated by Berlitz' and A. Palmer's schools. Mnemonic techniques modify on the whole the existing associative methods (by the Jone F. Loser in particular). Compulsion should be also noted (as one of major actions in re-evaluation of traditional pedagogy) to transfer the primary requirements, in common sense of this word, into secondary ones. Thus, for example, assimilation (that can be regarded mythological even beyond rhetorical frames) yields to the requirement of compulsory perception with the actualized interest, correlated, with optimum concentration of attention (rather determined by the interest). From this follows the rule of non-assimilation of the previous material but concentrated perception with actualized interest as the circumstance to pass over to the following structural unit of any subject. |
Sinkreticheskaya, ili zhe, v luchshem sluchae, nedostatochno analitichnaya recepciya uchebnogo teksta yavlyaetsya, na nash vzglyad, glavnoj prichinoj neusvoeniya. Kul'turologicheskij navyk videt' lyuboe yavlenie kak magicheskij mnogougol'nik, chislo granej kotorogo stremitsya k beskonechnosti, dolzhen byt' v sistemnom avtodidakticheskom podhode magistral'nym namereniem obuchayushchego i, v konechnom schete, pozvolyaet emu aktualizirovat' interes prakticheski ad infinitum. |
Syncretic or at best non-analytic reception of a studied text is in our opinion the main cause of non-assimilation. The culturological skill of considering any phenomenon as a magic polyhedron with ever growing number of sides, must be an autodidact's major intention in the systematic approach, enabling him in the final analysis, to actiualize his interest ad infinitum. |
Ochen' vazhnuyu prakticheskuyu rol' igraet bor'ba s gabituaciej, t.e. privykaniem k materialu, vospriyatiem ego kak nesvezhego, adaptirovannogo. Kak pokazyvaet opyt, samymi nadezhnymi zdes' yavlyayutsya: |
Very important from practical viewpoint is resistance to habituation, i.e. to getting used to the material, to regarding it as no longer fresh or adapted. As practice proves the most reliable techniques here are: |
1) metod polipredmetnosti (zanyatiya srazu kul'turologicheskoj gruppoj predmetov); |
1) multi-subject method (studying the entire culturogical group of subjects); |
2) metod pereklyucheniya na analogichnyj uchebnyj tekst v drugom izlozhenii (uslovie: nalichie neskol'kih, ne menee treh uchebnikov); |
2) method of shifting to analogous study text in another presentation (under the condition of having several, at lest three, textbooks; |
3) metod preryvaniya raboty s gabituirovannymi uchebnikami, spravochnikami, slovaryami (otkladyvanie na otdyh podal'she) i vozvrashchenie ih posle probuzhdeniya k nim svezhego interesa. |
3) method of discrete usage of handbooks, reference books and dictionaries, one has grown accustomed to (putting them aside "to have a rest" and getting back only after awakening of newly-born interest). |
Motivaciya stanovitsya yasnoj, esli vspomnit', chto "privykanie oznachaet oslablenie povedencheskoj reakcii pri mnogokratnom povtorenii stimula" (|. Kendel), - ved' povedencheskaya reakciya v ee napryazhennom vide i yavlyaetsya nashej cel'yu pri zanyatiyah. Estestvenno, chto bylo by oshibochnym otricat' privykanie kak pervyj etap processa obucheniya (naprimer, u detej). Ves' sekret zdes' zaklyuchaetsya v osoznanii dihotomii v uchebnom processe: s odnoj storony, nam neobhodimo priobresti makroprivychku (ovladet' predmetom), sotavlennuyu iz vzaimosvyazannyh dinamicheskih stereotipov, a s drugoj, - maksimal'no sohranyat' neadaptirovannoe otnoshenie k nemu, ibo tol'ko v etom sluchae vozmozhno podlinnoe vospriyatie. Drugimi slovami, trebuetsya prakticheskoe vladenie dialektikoj zabyvaniya-zapominaniya. |
The motivation becomes clear if one remembers that "adaptation is slackening of behavioural reactions under repeated stimulus" (A. Candel) - while a tense behaviourial reaction is the aim in our studies. It goes without saying that to deny adaptation as the first stage in the process of studying (especially as far as children are concerned) would be a mistake. The secret lies in the awareness of dichotomic in studying: on the one hand we have to get a macro-habit (to master the subject) which consists of interrelated dynamic stereotypes, but on the other hand - to safeguard at maximum non- adaptation to it, because only in that case it is really possible to deeply perceive the material. In the other words it is necessary to practice dialectics of "forgetting - remembering." |
Vysheupomyanutaya regulyativnaya rol' chetkih ustanovok (psihologicheskih poz) neobhodima dlya posledovatel'nogo sovershenstvovaniya analiti-cheskogo apparata. V summe oni predstavlyayut soboj razvernutyj algoritm. Privedem neskol'ko primerov iz nachal'nogo etapa: |
The mentioned above regulative role of clearly cut guidelines (psychological poses) is compulsory for step-by-step perfection of analytical apparatus. In total they represented full-scale algorithm. We give a few examples to illustrate the initial stage: |
1) total'naya dialektika (slovosochetanie - motto, orientiruyushchee na povsemestnyj i skvoznoj poisk edinstva protivopolozhnostej, t.e. na to, chtoby nikogda ne zabyvat' o dialektike kak o rabochem instrumente avtodidakta); |
1) total dialectics (a word combination is the motto, oriented to going through and everywhere search for the unity of opposites, i.e. to not forgetting about dialectics as the autodidact's working tool); |
2) myslechuvstvovanie, chuvstomyshlenie (lejtslova, napominanie o nerastorzhimosti ponyatij "chuvstvo" i "mysli", ob uslovii ih primeneniya v bytovoj rechi i dazhe v nauchnom obihode); |
2) thought-feeling, feeling-thought (leitwords, reminding of indissoluble notions: "feeling" and "thought" to be used in daily speech and scientific language; |
3) opredelenie interesa kak samoyavlyayushchegosya potoka associacij (ustanovochnoe predstavlenie, sluzhashchee kriteriem); |
3) the definition of interest as a self-appearing stream of associations (the guideline concept wsed as a criterion); |
4) "starat'sya maksimal'no zamenyat' umstvennuyu rabotu fizicheskoj" (poluironicheskaya komanda-ustanovka, pomogayushchaya izbavlyat'sya ot psevdodumaniya, dekoncentraciya vnimaniya, formalizma v myshlenii i t.d.); |
4) "try to replace mental work with physical at maximum possible" (a half ironical guideline command to get avoid of pseudothinking, deconcentration of attention, formal thinking, etc.). |
5) "zavyshennost' strategicheskoj sverhzadachi i zanizhennost' takticheskoj" (pravilo, predlagayushchee orientiry v postanovke uchebnyh zadach); |
5) "put strategic supergoals high and tactical ones low" (the rule orienting to goal setting in studying); |
6) "prav tot, kto pol'zuetsya slovarem (spravochnikom) do 1000 raz v den'" (prakticheskaya ustanovka, napravlennaya na intensifikaciyu samoobucheniya); |
6) "that one does well who looks up into the dictionary (a reference book) 1000 times a day " (a practical guideline to intensify selfstudying); |
7) "podlinnoe obrazovanie byvaet tol'ko neokonchennym" (obshchepovedencheskij lejtmotiv, stimuliruyushchij nepreryvnost' rasshireniya i uglubleniya znanij). |
7) "real education may be only endless" (the general leitmotiv for one's behaviour, stimulating continual embroadening and deepening of knowledge). |
Kolichestvo podobnyh ustanovochnyh formulirovok v nashem sistemnom podhode dostigaet neskol'kih sot. Ih tshchatel'naya interpretaciya, kak pokazyvayut eksperimenty, obespechivaet avtodidaktu vozmozhnost' preodoleniya samyh raznoobraznyh trudnostej vnutrennego i vneshnego haraktera. Pol'zuyas' universal'nym know how, avtodidakt sposoben izuchit' lyuboj predmet, v tom chisle i takoj, kak kitajskaya ieroglifika i voobshche kitajskij yazyk, namnogo bystree, kachestvennee, glubzhe i, glavnoe, bez obychnyh nervno-psihicheskih poter', chasto vedushchih k iskazhennomu predstavleniyu o predmete, bezrazlichiyu ili dazhe k idiosinkrazii po otnosheniyu k nemu. |
The number of such guideline mottoed in our systematic approach rises up to several hundreds. As practice proves, the precise interpretation of them enables the autodidact to get over the both internal and external difficulties. Using the universal know-how, the autodidact is able to learn any subject (Chinese characters and Chinese language in general included) much quicker, better, deeper and what is the most important, without usual nervous and psychic stress often resulting in distorted concept of the subject, indifference to it or even idiosyncrasy. |
II. |
II |
Podgotovitel'naya rabota |
Preparatory Work |
(propedevtika k izucheniyu ieroglifov) |
(propaedeutics into studying hieroglyphics) |
Uzhe na pervom etape usvoeniya osnov avtodidaktiki (razmyshleniya o sushchnosti integral'nogo metoda, abstrakt kotorogo izlozhen vyshe, o priemah samoanaliza, ob associirovanii, ob algoritme zanyatij avtodiadkta i o komparativizme v avtodidaktike) vnimatel'nyj studiosus nahodit nemalo poleznogo dlya budushchego aktivnogo osvoeniya ieroglifiki. |
Even at the initial stage of mastering the fundamentals of autodidactics (meditation on the essence of integrative method, the abstract of which is given above, on the technique of selfstudying and on the comparativism in autodidactics) a mindful studiosus finds a lot of useful things while approaching active mastering of hieroglyphics. |
Vo-pervyh, on prihodit k ubezhdeniyu, chto, doveryayas' lokomotorike, dvizheniyu, on osvobozhdaet ogromnoe kolichestvo energii, ran'she rastrachivaemoj v osnovnom na psevdodumanie v pozu cheloveka, vse bol'she i bol'she popadayushchego v plen formalizma, licemeriya, samoobmana i, sledovatel'no, - hronicheskogo neusvoeniya materiala, vo-vtoryh, on nachinaet predstavlyat' svoe avtodidakticheskoe budushchee ne kak likvidaciyu trudnostej (ih stanovitsya vse bol'she). On stavit svoi uspehi v zavisimost' ot ustanovki na zdorovoe chestolyubie ( "lyubi sebya luchshego, a ne kakogo ugodno", poslednee svojstvenno imenno tshcheslavcu), a ne na sebyalyubie, i samoutverzhdenie staraetsya zamenit' utverzhdeniem vysokoj idei prisoedineniya svoego "ya" k kollektivnomu ejdosu vsemirnoj kul'tury. |
At first, he drives to the conclusion, that by putting trust into locomotorics and movement, he releases a great amount of energy, wasted before mainly on pseudothinking in a pose of a man, being drawn a prisoner of formalism, hypocrisy, self-deception and as a result, chronic non-assimilation of material; at second, he changes his orientation to autodidactic perspectives as to the liquidation of difficulties (as their number is always growing). He makes his success dependent on the guidelines for healthy ambitiousness as the opposite to vanity ("love your better Self, not your any Self," the latter is typical of vain people), trying to replace self-assertion with the assertion of the high idea to join his Self to the collective eidos of the world culture. |
Pervichnaya perenastrojka ego individual'nosti mozhet schitat'sya uspeshnoj, esli on interioriziroval ubezhdenie o tom, chto vozrastanie intellektual'nogo potenciala pryamo proporcional'no vozrastaniyu chestnosti, chto ispol'zovanie orientiruyushchej ustanovki "dialektika total'na!" daet vozmozhnost' otvlech'sya ot preslovutogo zapominatel'stva i prevratit' povsednevnuyu zhizn' v kontinuum zahvatyvayushchih popytok nahodit' mysl' povsyudu (on vspominaet zamechatel'nuyu mysl' romantika |jhendorfa "Pesnya spit vo vsyakoj veshchi"). |
The starting te-orientation of his personality may be considered successful of he has managed to come to the deep inner conviction that the increase of intellectual potentiality is well-proportioned to the increase of honesty and that the usage of the orienting guideline "dialectics is total!" helps to distract from notorious memorising and turn daily life into continuum of thrilling attempts to find thought everywhere (he recalls the wonderful line by romantic Eichendorff "A song is sleeping in every thing"). |
Ego analitizm vyrastaet i stanovitsya vse bolee sovershennym instrumentom aktualizacii interesa, bez kotoroj nevozmozhna gramotnaya organizaciya processa zapominaniya. YAvleniya priobretayut kak by vse bol'she i bol'she granej, i nachinayushchij avtodidakt predchuvstvuet ih beskonechnost', ih dialekticheskuyu vzaimosvyaz' i semanticheskuyu cennost', psihologicheskij ves kotoroj ranee byl emu nevedom. |
His analytic abilities develop into ever perfect instrument of keepeng up the actualized interest without which it would be impossible to competently arrange memorising. Phenomena assume ever growing number of sides and a beginner in selfstudying has obtains a premonition of their infinity, their dialectic interconnection and semantic values, of whose psychological weight he has been ignorant before. |
Krome togo, on usvaivaet i mehanicheskuyu chast' sistemy i, v pervuyu ochered', nashu razrabotku primeneniya assolista F. Lezera k izucheniyu leksiki inostrannogo yazyka (sm. F. Loser "Gedachtnistraining"), smysl kotorogo svoditsya k sleduyushchemu. |
Besides, he masters the mechanical part of the system, primarily our development of F. Loser's associative list as applicable to studying vocabulary (F. Loser "Gedachtnistraining"), the essence of which lies in the following . |
Tradicionnyj matrichnyj metod iz sta slov-obrazov (ili tak nazyvaemaya nulevaya zakladka) usvaivaetsya predvaritel'no, dalee obuchayushchijsya ovladevaet trivial'nymi metodami associirovaniya na bytovom materiale, a zatem pristupaet k znakomstvu s leksikoj neskol'kih inostrannyh yazykov ili ponyatij drugoj kul'torologicheskoj gruppy predmetov. Shema etoj raboty v sluchae s inostrannymi yazykami takova: |
The traditional matrix list of 100 word-images (or the so-called zero laying) should be preliminary assimilated, then a learner masters trivial methods of associating, using daily material, and then starts getting acquainted with several vocabularies of different foreign languages or notation from another culturological group of subjects. The scheme of this work with foreign languages is as follows: |
- tverdo usvoennaya matrica svyazyvaetsya s perevedennymi na rodnoj yazyk slovami, zapisannymi na opytnom liste; |
- well-assimilated matrix is associated with the words, translated into the native language and written in a separate list; |
- cherez neskol'ko chasov (ne bolee chem cherez devyat' chasov) proveryaetsya usvoenie associacij i proizvoditsya ih optimizaciya; |
- a few hours later (no longer then 9) the assimilation of associations is checked and optimized; |
- pristupayut k rabote nad inostrannoj leksikoj, imeyushchej ponyatijnye ekvivalenty na rodnom yazyke, no dostavlyaemye obrazami- mediatorami vnelingvisticheskim putem, ispol'zuya drugoj list bumagi, na kotorom pod temi zhe nomerami, chto i v zakladke na rodnom yazyke, zapisany perevody na inostrannom yazyke. |
- thus the works is started over the foreign vocabulary, supplied with equivalent meanigs in the native language, though delivered by images-mediators by extralinguistic means, the other sheet of paper is used, on which under the numbers identical to those on the laying in the native language, the word translations in a foreign language are written. |
Zdes' ne mesto vnikat' v tonkost' primeneniya etoj razrabotki - eto dostatochno obshirnaya tema. Soshlemsya lish' na nekotorye rezul'taty, poluchennye nositelyami etogo metoda. Tak, naprimer, leksika samouchitelya francuzskogo yazyka usvaivaetsya absolyutnym bol'shinstvom slushatelej za 4-5 dnej (2-3 zakladki v zavisimosti ot predvaritel'noj yazykovoj podgotovki). CHastotnaya leksika vengerskogo yazyka byla osvoena slushatel'nicej, vladevshej francuzskim i anglijskim, za odin mesyac (kriterij - svobodnoe ponimanie tekstov v gazetah i zhurnalah). |
It is not appropriate to give a detailed appliance of this system here - it is a vast theme. Let us only refer to some results gained by the adherents to this technique. Thus, for example, the vocabulary of French self-study handbook is assimilated by the absolute majority of learners within 4-5 days (2- 3 layings in dependence on the previous language learning experience). Frequency vocabulary of Hungarian language was assimilated by the learner speaking French and English within 1 month (the criterion: easy understanding of text in newspapers and magazines). |
Odna iz rasprostranennyh oshibok tradicionnyh metodik - izuchenie ieroglifiki i leksiki in corpore, to est' nedifferencirovanoe raspredelenie uchebnogo materiala po etapam i, sledovatel'no, organizaciya polnoj beznadzornosti psihicheskih sostoyanij, privodyashchih k nervnym istoshcheniyam i dazhe psihicheskim travmam. |
One of the widely spread mistakes made by traditional methodologies lies in learning hieroglyphics and vocabulary in corpore, i.e. in non-differentiated division of studied material between the stages, and consequently in absolute neglect for psychic states and experiences resulting in nervous exhaustions or even psychic break-downs. |
Itak, pervym etapom v izuchenii ieroglifiki, na nash vzglyad, dolzhna byt' podgotovitel'naya rabota v dvuh napravleniyah: |
Thus, the initial stage in studying hieroglyphics, in our opinion, should be arranged as preparatory work in two aspects: |
- znakomstvo s tremya glavnymi evropejskimi yazykami (nemeckim, francuzskim, anglijskim) i sovershenstvovanie metodov avtodidaktiki (5-6 mesyacev); |
- acquaintance with three basic European languages (German, French, English) and mastering of autodidactical methods (within 5-6 months); |
- principial'noe ovladenie navykami kitajskoj kalligrafii, postanovka proiznosheniya, prohozhdenie odnogo iz nachal'nyh kursov kitajskogo yazyka (naprimer, po uchebniku I. Zadoenko i Huan SHuina) v tempe i v manere studencheskoj podgotovki k ekzamenam za 2-3 mesyaca v konce vyshe ukazannogo pyatimesyachnogo ili polugodichnogo perioda. |
- attainment of principal skills in Chinese calligraphy, sound production, studying of a Chinese language course for beginners (for example, with textbook by I. Zadoenko and Juan Shuin) in the manner and tempo usually used by students preparing for exams within 2-3 months in the end of the 5-6 month period mentioned above. |
V ramkah nashego kursa primenyaetsya delenie artikulyativnogo akta na tri stadii: 1) preparativnaya (izgotovka); 2) rezul'tiruyushchaya; 3) relaksiruyushchaya. |
Our systems suggest dividing an articulative act into three stages: 1) preparation (anticipation); 2) result; 3) relaxation. |
Ispol'zuyutsya tak nazyvaemye fonematicheskie posylki: frontal'nyj, frontal'no-labial'nyj, faringal'nyj. Nemaloe prakticheskoe znachenie imeet takzhe ispolnenie pravila postanovki rechi (prolongizaciya proiznosheniya optimal'noj fonemy predshestvuyushchego slova i nedopushchenie pauz mezhdu slovami). |
The so-called phonematic focusing: frontal, frontal-labial and pharyngal. Of great practical essence is also the rule of speech production (prolongation of pronouncing an optimum phoneme in the previous word and non-admission of pauses between words). |
Sobstvenno ser'eznoe izuchenie ieroglifiki nachinaetsya posle ukazannoj podgotovitel'noj raboty, kogda obuchayushchijsya imeet obshchee predstavlenie o predmetah (vtrostepenno-instrumental'nyh i akcentuirovannyh), dostatochno zapolnil pamyat' tak nazyvaemymi precedentami (ih uznavanie otnyne budet snabzhat' ego energiej), yasno predstavlyaet sebe vozmozhnosti, kotorymi on smozhet obladat', projdya kurs avtodidaktiki. |
The proper serious studding of hieroglyphics as such starts after the above-mentioned preparatory work, when a learner has got a general idea about the subjects (secondary - instrumental and accentuated), has saturated his memory with the so-called precedents (the recognition of which hence forth will supply him with energy), clearly realizes the possibilities open to him after the course of autodidactics. |
Krome togo, pri neobhodimosti rasshirit' filosofskuyu storonu podhoda provodyatsya dopolnitel'nye zanyatiya na temy: |
Moreover, in case if it is necessary to embroaden philosophic approach supplementary classes with the following themes shall be delivered: |
1. Maloe i bol'shoe. |
1. Big and small. |
2. |mocional'nyj mir i ocenka. |
2. Realm of emotions and evaluations. |
3. Vybor i predpochtitel'nost'. |
3. Choice and preference. |
4. Uvelichenie znanij i uroven' prityazanij. |
4. Growth of knowledge and claim balance. |
5. Filologiya i avtodidaktika. |
5. Philology and autodidactics. |
6. Translyaciya kul'tury i avtodidaktika. |
6. Transmission of culture and autodidactics. |
7. Muzyka, muzyka, muzyka... |
7. Music, music, music... |
Tol'ko posle etogo slushatelyam ob座asnyayutsya principy prilozheniya sistemnogo avtodidakticheskogo podhoda k izucheniyu ieroglifiki, tak kak k etomu vremeni oni stanovyatsya dostatochno vynoslivymi dlya organizacii dlitel'noj i napryazhennoj raboty s maksimal'no racional'nym napryazheniem sil (vprochem, soprovozhdaemym znachitel'nym uvelicheniem energopotenciala v techenii ih rashodovaniya). |
Only after that learners are explained the principles of systematic autodidactical approach to studying hieroglyphics, because by that time they become powerful enough to arrange durable and tense work with maximum rational tension of vigour (accompanied by the way by the increase of potential power while the later is being spent). |
III. |
Stadiya pervonachal'nogo izucheniya ieroglifiki |
The initial stage in studying hieroglyphics |
Posle provedeniya po ukazannomu vyshe primernomu algoritmu podgotovki zhelayushchij izuchat' ieroglifiku mozhet pristupat' k pervoj stadii konkretnogo ovladeniya eyu. |
After the preparation arranged with the help of the above mentioned algorithm the hieroglyphics learner may enter the first phase of actual mastering. |
Central'naya ustanovka-sverhzadacha pervoj stadii - usvoenie gipertrofirovannogo (do primerno, 5000 znakov) alfavita. |
The focal guideline supergoal at first stage is to study the hypertrophic alphabet (about 5000 signs). |
Estestvenno - alfavit osobyj, s bukvami, kotorye imeeyut znacheniya i yavlyayutsya zachastuyu slovami, odnako na pervoj stadii imenno vyvedenie etoj osobennosti na vtoroj plan daet vozmozhnost' dobit'sya neprevysheniya takticheskoj sverhzadachi. Na etom etape neobhodimo usvoenie kitajskogo alfavita, chto oznachaet gabituaciyu dvizheniya rechevogo uklada (vklyuchaya obyazatel'no tonchajsheee intonirovanie! - bez etogo bukva ne schitaetsya takovoj - plyus sluchajnye priobreteniya ih semantiki, a takzhe ih sochetanij v slove ). |
It goes without saying that this specific alphabet contains meaningful letters used to turning into words, but at the first stage one should keep this specifics on the background to put the tactical supergoals low. At this stage it is necessary to assimilate the Chinese alphabet, which means habituation of the speech apparatus movements, including compulsory subtle intoning! (a letter is not considered essential without that) plus accidental semantic acquisitions and combinations in a word. |
Glavnym priemom pri takoj psihologicheskoj akcentuacii zanyatij yavlyaetsya osoboe chtenie tolkovyh slovarej raznogo tipa: (CIHAI, HANUV DACIDIAN, SUIXIN XIANDAI HANYU DACIDIAN, XINHUA CIDIAN), kotoroe my nazyvaem cepnym chteniem. Tehnika takogo chteniya chrezvychajno prosta i napominaet igru: chitayut lingvisticheskoe ob座asnenie ieroglifa do pervogo neizvestnogo znaka, kotoryj nahoditsya v etom zhe slovare, ob座asnenie etogo ieroglifa chitaetsya do teh por, poka est' polnaya uverennost' v tochnom osoznanii dvizheniya rechevogo uklada i bezuprechnom intonirovanii. Takaya procedura dolzhna proizvoditsya kak mozhno chashche (psihologicheskaya ustanovka: "Prav tot, kto smotrit v slovar' do 1000 raz v den'"). |
The basic method under such psychological accentuation in studies is reading of various defining dictionaries: (CIHAI; HAMYU DACIDIAN; SUIXIN XIANDAI HAMYU DACIDIAN; XINHUA CIDIAN), we call that chain reading. Its technique is very simple and gamelike: one reads linguistic explanation of a character till he comes across the first uncommon sign, which can be found in the same dictionary; one reads the explanation of the character till he is absolutely sure of his conscious moving with the speech apparatus and exact intoning. Such procedure shall be repeated as often as possible (psychological setting; "That one does well, who looks up into dictionaries 1000 times a day"). |
Dlya shirokogo ispol'zovaniya imeyushchihsya slovarej neobhodimo nauchit'sya otyskivat' ieroglify po kazhdoj iz sushchestvuyushchih sistem, otdavaya, odnako, predpochtenie sistemam otyskivaniya po "chetyrem uglam" i po "pyati chertam". Poslednyaya pridumana kitajskim rabochim Lo Syan'anem. Ona yavlyaetsya edinstvennoj iz vseh, pozvolyayushchih nahodit' ieroglif podobno slovu, v fonematicheskih slovaryah. |
To use efficiently the dictionaries available it is necessary to learn how to look for characters according to each of the techniques in existence, though giving preference to "four corners" and "five strokes. The later one was invented by a Chinese worker Lo Sianyam. It is unique in respect of making it possible to look for characters like words in phonematic dictionaries. |
Sistema otyskivaniya "po chetyrem uglam", na nash vzglyad, naibolee vygodna s psihologicheskoj tochki zreniya. |
The "four corners" search technique, in our opinion, is mostly beneficial from the psychological viewpoint. |
Vo vsyakom sluchae, te izuchayushchie ieroglifiku, kotorym bylo rekomendovano perejti na akcentirovannoe ispol'zovanie etoj sistemy, ispytali cherez nekotoroe vremya nevedomye im ran'she chuvstva uverennosti v svoih silah, radosti vo vremya raboty, chto skazalos' i na rezul'tatah - imenno u etih uchashchihsya pervaya stadiya zavershalas' k 3 - 4-mesyachnomu sroku. Malen'kij etapnyj ekzamen zaklyuchaetsya v foneticheskom chtenii bol'shogo gazetnogo teksta (vspomnim - i nam eto zdes' kazhetsya umestnym, - kak slepomu anglijskomu poetu Dzh. Mil'tonu chitali drevneevrejskie i drevnegrecheskie teksty ego docheri, ne ponimavshie etih yazykov, no vosproizvodivshie teksty originalov sovershenno svobodno). |
In any case hieroglyphics learners who had been recommended to transfer to accentuated usage of this system, some time later felt never experienced before sense of confidence in one's own abilities, great delight of work and consequently had better results - they accomplished the first stage within 3-4 months. A small intermediate exam included phonetic reading of a large text from a newspaper (it would be quite fitting to recall here that a blind English poet G. Milton was read in ancient Hebrew and Greek by his daughters who did not understand those languages but easily reproduced texts in the original). |
Razumeetsya, obshchij smysl pri takih chteniyah obychno shvatyvaetsya, i rech' idet, podcherkivaem, ob akcente na lokomotorno-orfoepicheskoj sfere i na neprevyshenii trebovatel'nosti v otnoshenii ponimaniya. Inoj podhod schitaetsya nami oshibochnym, ibo on vyzyvaet razlichnye psihicheskie napryazheniya, kotorye, zakreplyayas' v ochen' vazhnoj s etoj tochki zreniya pervoj stadii obucheniya, bystro privodyat k nervnym i psihicheskim istoshcheniyam, k idiosinkrazii po otnosheniya k yazyku i voobshche k umstvennym zanyatiyam. |
It goes without saying that a reader usually grasps the general idea, but we speak about emphasising locomotor and orthoepical aspects with strict following to the rule of not exceeding claims in respect of understanding. We consider any different approach to be erroneous, since it causes various psychic tensions, which taking roots in the very important from this viewpoint initial stage of studying progressively result in nervous and psychic exhaustion and idiosyncrasy towards languages and intellectual work in general. |
Ad vocem delenie processa obucheniya na stadii voobshche neobhodimo dobavit' sleduyushchee. |
Ad vocem the general division of studying process into stages it is necessary to add the following. |
Sushchestvuyut pyat' stadij s sobstvennym urovnem neprevysheniya trebovanij (prityazanij), a imenno: |
There are five stages with the individual levelling of claim balance, namely: |
1) stadiya so sverhzadachej "znakomstvo i uznavanie"; ustanovka neprevysheniya: passivnye (nereproduciruemye) znaniya i zaplanirovannnye obshirnye probely; |
1) the stage with the supergoal of "acquaintance and recognition"; orientation on not exceeding claims: passive (non-reproduced) knowledge and conceived vast gaps; |
2) stadiya so sverhzadachej "pervye motornye navyki"; ustanovka neprevysheniya: dvigatel'nyj ryad s provalami, temp medlennyj, pervye popytki reproducirovaniya; |
2) the stage with the supergoal of "initial motoric skills"; orientation on not exceeding claims: movements continuity with lapses, slow tempo, first attempts of reproducing; |
3) stadiya so sverhzadachej "passazhnaya motorika"; ustanovka neprevysheniya: provaly redki, no est'; fragmentarnoe neponimanie; |
3) the stage with the supergoal of "passage motorics"; orientation on not exceeding claims: lapses are rare but still occur; fragmentary misunderstanding; |
4) stadiya so sverhzadachej "sinhronizaciya chteniya i ponimaniya"; ustanovka neprevysheniya: otstavanie ponimaniya pri uvelichenii skorosti chteniya; |
4) the stage with supergoal of "simultaneous reading and understanding"; orientation on not exceeding claims: understanding starts lagging behind when the fluency of reading increases; |
5) stadiya so sverhzadachej "prakticheskoe instrumental'noe ispol'zovanie predmeta" (naprimer yazyka); ustanovka neprevysheniya: trebovanie polnogo ponimaniya. |
5) the stage with the supergoal of "practical instrumental usage of the subject (of the language, for example); orientation: claim of complete understanding. |
Kak my vidim, po svoej sverhzadache pervaya stadiya izucheniya ieroglifiki v ramkah nashego sistemnogo podhoda dolzhna byt' osoznana obuchayushchim kak sinkretichnaya, uroven' prityazanij na etoj stadii dolzhen byt' soznatel'no zanizhen. Akcentualizaciya zhe dolzhna osushchestvlyat'sya na priobretenie pervyh motornyh navykov, to est' sinhronnoj reacii na bukvu (ieroglif kak foneticheskij znak), a ne na semantiku. Delo v tom, chto estestvennej vsego snachala nakaplivat' dvizheniya, motornye, kineticheskie navyki i tol'ko zatem (togda eto namnogo proshche) akcentirovat' znachenie ideogrammy. Tak postupayut deti, uchas' govorit'. |
As we see, according to its supergoal the first stage in studying hieroglyphics within the frame work of our systematic approach shall be considered by learners as systematic, the level of claims at this stage shall be consciously put low. Accentuation shall be laid on acquiring initial motoric skill, i.e. synchronic reaction to a letter (a character as a phonetic sign), not to semantics. The matter is that it is more natural to primarily accumulate movements, motoric and kinetic skills and only after that (as it is much easier) to accentuate the meaning of an ideogram. In such a way children do when they learn speaking. |
Osnovoj raboty na etom etape yavlyaetsya oral'naya metodika, raznoobraznye chteniya (vsluh, vnutrennim golosom plyus maksimal'no yarkoe predstavlenie myshechnyh oshchushchenij). Tak, vo vremya zanyatij pis'mom neobhodimo priderzhivat'sya pravila melodizacii ieroglifiki v trehdol'nom ritme, kotoroe zaklyuchaetsya v tom, chto pishchushchij, schitaya na tri (val's), staraetsya ulozhit' v etot ritm dvizheniya, neobhodimye dlya napisaniya, a takzhe pytaetsya napet' nekuyu melodiyu. Naprimer, ieroglif " " dolzhen ispolnyat'sya v sootvetstvii s etim pravilom takim obrazom: |
At this stage the basic method is oral technique, various kinds of reading (aloud, with the inner voice plus maximum bright mental representation of muscular movements and sensations). Thus, when exercising writing it is necessary to follow the rule of melodizing hieroglyphics in 3/4 rhythm. The person, writing characters, counts by three (a waltz), trying to fit into this rhythm the movements necessary for writing and attempts to sign some melody. For example, the character shall be performed in the way according to this rule: |
raz , dva , tri, raz , dva , |
one , two , three , one , two . |
Takoj sposob daet vklyuchenie pravogo polushariya mozga (to est' otklyuchaet refleksiyu, zdes' sovershenno ne nuzhnuyu); v rezul'tate chego legko zapominaetsya poryadok chert i ves' ieroglif kak sistema realizovannyh spetyh dvizhenij. Vybor zhe trehdol'nosti obosnovan kak praktikoj, tak i teoreticheskimi izyskaniyami razlichnyh avtorov, privodit' kotorye zdes', za neimeniem mesta, my ne budem. |
This method provokes the involvement of the right brain (i.e. switches off reflection absolutely inoperative here) with the result of easy memorising the order of strokes and the entire character as the system of realized sung movements. The choice of this rhythm is verified both by practice and theoretical developments of different authors, to whom we will not refer here owing to the lack of space. |
Sobstvenno, vozvrashcheniem k pis'mu (s akcentuaciej na nem) i zakanchivaetsya pervaya stadiya znakomstva s ieroglifikoj. Pri aktivnyh zanyatiyah lyudej s dostatochno razvitymi avtodidakticheskimi navykami dlitsya ona okolo 2-3 mesyacev. |
Actually, with coming back to writing (and accentuation on it) the first stage of acquaintance with hieroglyphics ends up. It lasts for 2-3 months if the people enjoying the skill of selfstudying work actively. |
Upomyanem eshche lish' o vazhnom, na nash vzglyad, sportivno-igrovom tembre zanyatij, kotoryj opiraetsya na aktualizirovannyj interes, opredelyaemyj nami kak samoyavlyayushchijsya potok assaciacij. |
We specify here only very important, in our opinion, sporting and playful timbre of studying based on the actualized interest, which we define as a self-appearing stream of associations. |
IV. |
IV |
Analiticheskaya stadiya |
Analytic stage |
Kak izvestno, ob容m pererabotannogo uchebnogo materiala v nashem predstavlenii umen'shaetsya pryamo proporcional'no vozrastaniyu konkretnoj analitichnosti. |
As it is known, the amount of studying material gone through as we see it, decreases proportionately to the increasing level of actual analytical abilities. |
Material v sinkreticheskom, neprorabotannom vide vladeet obuchayushchimsya, zavoevyvaya, podchinyaya ego svoej beskonechnoj ob容mnost'yu. |
The material in syncretic unexamined form enslaves the learner subduing and conquering him with its infinite amounts. |
Ovladenie zhe materialom daetsya lish' po dostizhenii optimal'nogo urovnya proanalizirovannosti. |to prakticheski i mozhet sluzhit' dostatochno nadezhnym kriteriem uspeha nashej deyatel'nosti v dannom napravlenii. |
It becomes possible to assume the material only after having gained the optimum level in analysing it. Practically that may be a reliable criterion of our successful activity in this respect. |
V obshchem analiticheskaya stadiya v izuchenii ierogrifiki sootvetstvuet vtoroj, tret'ej i chetvertoj stadiyam sistemnogo podhoda. Razlichie proslezhivaetsya lish' v otnoshenii "passazhnoj tehniki", vyrabotka kotoroj po yasnym prichinam fizicheski nevozmozhna. Odnako eto ne meshaet ispol'zovaniyu ustanovok neprevysheniya, priderzhivat'sya kotoryh krajne neobhodimo. |
In general the analytic stage in studying hieroglyphics corresponds to the second, third and forth stages in the systematic approach. The difference is evident only in the respect of "passage technique" which is physically impossible. But that does not prevent from implementing the orientations on not to exceeding claims; it is strictly recommended to follow them. |
CHto kasaetsya konkretnoj metodiki, to nam kazhetsya neobhodi-mym rassmotret' neskol'ko ispol'zovannyh nami priemov. |
As for actual technique, it seems appropriate to consider some of our methods. |
1. Tehnika vsmatrivaniya i vosproizvedeniya s uvelicheniem, sostoyashchaya v tom, chto izuchayushchij razmashisto i v trehdol'nom ritme pishet v vozduhe ieroglif, kak by sozdavaya kineticheskij motiv; uchastvovat' v etom akte dolzhna vsya ruka (predstavlenie ob etom, pri nevozmozhnosti real'nogo dejstviya, takzhe prinosit nemaluyu pol'zu). |
1. The technique of peering into and reproducing with enlargement supposes a learner to draw a sprawling character in the air following the 3/4 rhythm and producing a kinetic motif with the employment of the whole arm in this act (it is also very useful to fancy this movement in case of impossibility to perform it). |
2. Tehnika koncentracii vnimaniya, analogichnaya prinyatomu v psihologii krugu koncentracii; rassmatrivanie ieroglifa v dannom sluchae yavlyaetsya processom, sut' kotorogo - soznatel'nyj perevod lucha vnimaniya s odnogo predmeta na drugoj, chto daet vozmozhnost' prakticheski beskonechnogo vsmatrivaniya. Zametim, chto v tak nazyvaemuyu material'nuyu bazu avtodidakta rekomendovano vklyuchenie neskol'kih lup, v tom chisle s avtonomnoj podsvetkoj: filatelichestskoj - na lapkah, kontaktnoj i dlya nosheniya s soboj; eto v osnovnom, profilakticheskaya mera, odnako, s tochki zreniya psihologii, my zdes' usmatrivaem i vozmozhnost' blagopriyatnogo razvitiya igrovogo elementa, i otvlechenie ot chrezmernoj centralizacii materiala. |
2) The technique of concentrating attention analogical to the circle of concentration used in psychology; peering into a character in this case is a process with conscious direction of the observation from one object to another, what makes perception practically endless. We urgently recommended to use various magnifying glasses (including a one with a built-in lamp): a legged philatelist glass, a contact one and a glass to carry about. That is a prophylactic measure, but from psychological viewpoint, we consider the possibility of introducing play element and distracting from excessive centalization of material. |
3. CHeredovanie raboty so slovaryami s uchetom chrezmernoj gabituacii (ustalosti ot vida, sensornoj ustalosti, stilevogo utomleniya, giperadaptacii k materialu v opredelennom variante izlozheniya - nadeemsya, chto smysl etih yavlenij yasen uzhe iz ih nazvanij); analiz i sravnenie v dannom sluchae svyazany s akcentuirovannym ispol'zovaniem bol'shogo kolichestva slovarej i posobij (eto-to i privodit v optimal'nom sluchae k psihologicheskomu podstraivaniyu situacii, po svoim parametram napominayushchej pogruzhenie v yazykovuyu sredu ili dazhe "prebyvanie v srede kul'turnyh nositelej yazyka"). Estestvenno, chto v etom sluchae takzhe nedopustimo oral'noe, imaginativnoe i kineticheskoe umolkanie. Vse dolzhno zvuchat', pet', sochinyat'sya, dopolnyat' podrobnostyami partituru znaniya. Psihologicheskim orientirom zdes' mozhet sluzhit' tak nazyvaemaya poza gribnika, povyshayushchaya koefficient evristichnosti. |
3) Alternation of dictionaries with account of extreme habituation (tiredness of the very sight, sensory fatigue, weariness of style, hyperadaptation to the material in a certain variant of presentation: we hope that the nature of these phenomena is evident from their names); analysis and comparison in this case are connected with accentuated usage of a great number of dictionaries and books (all that resulting in optimum psychological verification of the situation which resembles in its main parameters the immersion into language enviroment or even "being in the environment of the well- educated native speakers.") Naturally, in this case it is impossible to remain orally, imaginatively and kinetically silent. Everything should sound, sing, be composed and add details to the music score of knowledge. The psychological foothold in this respect could be the so-called pose of a mushroom- goer, increasing the coefficient of euricability. |
Rabota nad kitajskoj leksikoj v polnom ob容me etogo slova provoditsya po opisannomu vyshe modificirovannomu assometodu posle svobodnogo ovladeniya foneticheskim chteniem. Material dlya zakladok luchshe brat' v karmannom russko-kitajskom slovare, prigotavlivaya ezhednevno po 100 slov (ili vyrazhenij); poslednee obstoyatel'stvo dolzhno byt' svyazano s neprevysheniem trebovatel'nosti na kazhdoj stadii ispol'zuemogo metoda tol'ko v etom sluchae mozhno dobit'sya molnienosnogo associirovaniya i bol'shego (do 10 raz v den') chisla reproducirovanij. |
The work over Chinese vocabulary in the full meaning of this word shall be arranged according to the above-described modified associative technique after mastering of relaxed phonetic reading.It is better to take material for layings from Russian-Chinese pocket dictionary, preparing daily 100 words (or phrases); the latter shall be connected with the rule not to exceed claims at every stage of the technique used - only in this case it is possible to develop alert associative abilities and a great number (up to 10 per day) of reproductions. |
Last-modified: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 11:57:24 GMT