The Apple Macintosh & Lisa comp.sys.mac.digest Arpanet Digest on Apple Macintosh computers (Moderated) comp.sys.masscomp Masscomp computers.(Moderated) comp.sys.misc Other types of computers. comp.sys.nsc National Semiconductor Computers and chips. comp.sys.pyramid Pyramid 90x computers.(Moderated) comp.sys.ridge Ridge 32 computers and ROS.(Moderated) comp.sys.sequent Sequent systems, (esp. Balance 8000).(Moderated) comp.sys.sun Sun "workstation" computers(Moderated) comp.sys.tandy Tandy/Radio Shack computers comp.sys.ti Texas Instruments computers. comp.sys.workstations Various workstation-type computers.(Moderated) comp.terminals All sorts of terminals. comp.text Text processing. comp.unix UNIX* features and bugs.(Moderated) comp.unix.questions General questions on UNIX. News Version B 2.11 September 22, 1986 Kak chitat' setevye novosti 14 comp.unix.wizards Expert discussions, bug reports, and fixes for UNIX. misc.consumers Consumer interests, product reviews, etc. Owning and maintaining a house. misc.invest Investments and the handling of money. Job announcements, requests, etc. Children, their behavior and activities. Legalities and the ethics of law. misc.misc Various discussions too short-lived for other groups. misc.psi ESP,PSI, etc (Moderated) misc.taxes Tax laws and advice. misc.test Testing of network software. Very boring. misc.wanted Requests for things that are needed. news.admin Comments directed to news administrators. news.announce General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated) news.announce.conferences Upcoming conferences (Moderated) news.announce.newusers Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated) news.config Postings of system down times and interruptions. news.groups Discussions and lists of newsgroups news.lists News-related statistics and lists(Moderated) news.misc Discussions of USENET itself. news.newsites Postings of new site announcements. B news software. Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois. news.stargate Satellite transmission of news. news.sysadmin Comments directed to system administrators. rec.arts.books Books of all genres, shapes, and sizes. rec.arts.comics The funnies, old and new. rec.arts.drwho Dr. Who. rec.arts.misc Other arts related topics. rec.arts.movies Reviews and discussions of movies. rec.arts.poems Poetry. rec.arts.sf-lovers Science fiction lovers' newsgroup. rec.arts.startrek Star Trek, the TV show and the movies. The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows. Postings about TV soap operas. High fidelity audio. Automobiles, automotive products and laws. Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al. rec.aviation Aviation rules, means, and methods. rec.bicycles Bicycles, related products and laws. rec.birds Hobbyists interested in bird watching. Hobbyists interested in boating. Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes. Wines and spirits. A "distributed cookbook" of recipes.(Moderated) Vegetarians. Board games. Hobbyists interested in bridge. Chess & computer chess. The computer game Empire. News Version B 2.11 September 22, 1986 Kak chitat' setevye novosti 15 Fantasy Role Playing games. Go. The computer game Hack. Other games and computer games. Play by Mail games. The computer game Rogue. Trivia. Video games. rec.gardens Gardening, methods and results. rec.guns Firearms(Moderated) rec.ham-radio Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc. rec.ham-radio.packet Packet radio setups. rec.humor Jokes and the like. May be somewhat offensive. rec.humor.d The content of net.jokes articles rec.mag Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc. rec.mag.otherrealms A science fiction and fantasy "magazine". (Moderated) rec.misc Other Recreational/participant sports. Motorcycles and related products and laws. Reviews and discussion of things musical (Moderated) Classical music. Folks discussing folk music of various sorts Kate Bush lovers. (Moderated) A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads Other music related topics. Synthesizers and computer music rec.nude Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities. rec.pets Pets, pet care, and household animals in general. Hobbyists interested in photography. rec.puzzles Puzzles, problems, and quizzes. rec.railroad Real and model train fans' newsgroup. rec.scuba Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving. rec.skiing Hobbyists interested in skiing. Professional baseball. Professional basketball. Professional football. Professional hockey. Other spectator sports. Traveling all over the world. Video and video components. rec.woodworking Hobbyists interested in woodworking. sci.astro Astronomy discussions and information. Biology and related sciences. sci.crypt Different methods of data en/decryption. sci.electronics Electronic design developments, ideas, and components. sci.lang Natural languages. sci.math Mathematical discussions and puzzles. sci.math.stat Statistics discussion. sci.math.symbolic Symbolic algebra discussion. Medicine and its related products and regulations. sci.misc General purpose scientific discussions. News Version B 2.11 September 22, 1986 Kak chitat' setevye novosti 16 sci.physics Physical laws, properties, etc. sci.research Research and computer research. Space, space programs, space related research, etc. The space shuttle and the STS program. College, college activities, campus life, etc. soc.comp Computers and Society (Moderated) soc.culture.african Africa & things African soc.culture.celtic Celtics culture. soc.culture.greek Greeks culture. soc.culture.indian India & things Indian soc.culture.jewish Information and discussion about Judaism. soc.human-nets Computer aided communications digest.(Moderated) soc.misc Other Social topics soc.motss Issues pertaining to homosexuality. Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net. soc.risks Risks to the public from computers (Moderated) soc.roots Genealogical matters. Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc. soc.women Women's rights, discrimination, etc. talk.abortion Abortion. Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!). talk.philosophy Philosophical discussions (Moderated) talk.philosophy.misc Philosophical discussions. Philosphy and technology (Moderated) talk.politics Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated) talk.politics.arms-d Arms discussion digest.(Moderated) talk.politics.misc Political discussions. Could get hot. talk.politics.theory Theory of politics and political systems. talk.religion.christian The form and nature of Christianity (Moderated) talk.religion.misc Religious, ethical, and moral implications of actions. talk.rumors For the posting of rumors. News Version B 2.11 September 22, 1986 Kak chitat' setevye novosti 17 Prilozhenie - Kak pol'zovat'sya vnews Obshchie svedeniya Vnews - eto programma dlya chteniya novostej USENET. Ona rabo- taet na osnove readnews, no ee pol'zovatel'skij interfejs orien- tirovan na rabotu s ekranom. Klyuchi te zhe. Spisok dopustimyh ko- mand primerno takoj zhe, hotya vnews - eto ekrannyj interfejs, poe- tomu bol'shinstvo komand vnews ne nado zakanchivat' simvolom novoj stroki. Vnews ispol'zuet dlya vyvoda tekushchego soobshcheniya ves' ekran, za isklyucheniem dvuh poslednih strok. Predposlednyaya stroka vspo- mogatel'naya i sluzhit dlya vvoda strokovyh argumentov komand. Pos- lednyaya stroka sostoit iz neskol'kih polej. Pervoe pole - eto priglashenie. Esli vnews doshel do konca soobshcheniya, priglashenie budet "next?"; inache vydaetsya priglashenie "more?". Vtoroe pole - pole news-gruppy, v nem izobrazhayutsya imya tekushchej news-gruppy, no- mer tekushchego soobshcheniya i nomer poslednego soobshcheniya v etoj gruppe. Tret'e pole soderzhit tekushchee vremya, a v poslednem pole stoit slovo "mail", esli dlya Vas imeetsya pochta. Kogda Vam priho- dit novaya pochta, terminal vydaet zvukovoj signal, i na 30 sekund zagoraetsya slovo "MAIL" bol'shimi bukvami. Komandy Dlya bol'shinstva komand readnews est' identichnye komandy vnews i naoborot. Est' sleduyushchie otlichiya: Otsutstvuet komanda"digest" (dlya raboty s naborom soob- shchenij, sobrannyh vmeste). Neploho by takuyu komandu imet', no eto ne tak vazhno, poskol'ku Vy mozhete pereme- shchat'sya po cepochke soobshchenij (na odnu temu) pri pomoshchi komand vnews. Dlya polucheniya predydushchej gruppy ispol'zuetsya komanda N s argumentom -. U vnews est' komandy dlya peremeshcheniya vnutri soobshcheniya, kotoryh u readnews net za nenadobnost'yu. Est' komanda "parent", kotoraya perehodit k soobshcheniyu, prodolzheniem kotorogo yavlyaetsya dannoe, i komanda "write", kotoraya pechataet tol'ko tekst soobshcheniya bez zagolovka. Iz interpretatora komandnogo yazyka ili pri sostavlenii prodolzheniya Vy mozhete ssylat'sya na tekushchee soobshchenie po imeni $A. News Version B 2.11 September 22, 1986 Kak chitat' setevye novosti 18 Komanda "decrypt" (dlya rasshifrovki informacii, kotoraya mozhet pokazat'sya obidnoj ili neprilichnoj, i potomu za- kodirovana) vsegda vypolnyaet rot13, kotoraya schitaetsya standartnoj, v to vremya kak readnews ispol'zuet prog- rammu rasshifrovki, kotoraya bolee universal'na, no inogda ne rabotaet. Komandy, otsutstvuyushchie v readnewsreadnews Kazhdoj komande vnews mozhet predshestvovat' chislo. Nekotorye komandy ispol'zuyut eto chislo, ostal'nye ignoriruyut ego. Esli chislo otsutstvuet, ono po umolchaniyu schitaetsya edinicej. Nekoto- rye komandy prosyat vvesti argument v predposlednej stroke ekrana. Pri vvode argumenta obrabatyvayutsya standartnye v UNIX simvoly za- boya i otmeny stroki. Argument zakanchivaetsya simvolom novoj stroki. Preryvaniya (<&lt;DELETE>&gt; ili <&lt;BREAK>&gt;) pri vvode komandy ot- menyayut ee. <&lt;CR>&gt; Vozvrat karetki pechataet prodolzhenie tekushchego soobshcheniya, ili, esli Vy nahodites' v konce soobshcheniya, perehodit k sle- duyushchemu. <&lt;PROBEL>&gt; delaet to zhe, chto i <&lt;CR>&gt;. <&lt;CONTROL-B>&gt; Vernut'sya nazad na chislo stranic. <&lt;CONTROL-F>&gt; Vpered na chislo stranic. <&lt;CONTROL-D>&gt; Vpered na polovinu stranicy. <&lt;CONTROL-U>&gt; Nazad na polovinu stranicy. <&lt;CONTROL-N>&gt; Vprered na chislo strok. <&lt;CONTROL-Z>&gt; Nazad na chislo strok. <&lt;CONTROL-L>&gt; Pererisovat' ekran. <&lt;CONTROL-L>&gt; mozhno vvodit' v lyuboj mo- ment. b Nazad na odno soobshchenie v tekushchej gruppe. l Perevydat' soobshchenie posle togo, kak Vy poslali prodolzhenie ili otvet. News Version B 2.11 September 22, 1986 Kak chitat' setevye novosti 19 n Perejti k sleduyushchemu soobshcheniyu v cepochke. . to zhe, chto i n. |to udobno, esli u terminala est' dopolnitel'naya klavia- tura. p Vydat' ishodnoe soobshchenie (soobshchenie, prodolzheniem kotorogo yavlyaetsya tekushchee). |ta komanda ne rabotaet, esli tekushchee soobshchenie otpravleno pri pomoshchi programm A-news ili notes- files. Komanda - ispol'zuetsya dlya pereklyucheniya mezhdu teku- shchim i ishodnym soobshcheniyami. K sozhaleniyu, esli Vy neskol'ko raz vospol'zovalis' komandoj p, chtoby prosmotret' nazad ce- pochku soobshchenij, net komandy, kotoraya pozvolila by vernut'sya na pervonachal'nyj uroven'. ug Otmenit' podpisku na tekushchuyu gruppu. Komanda sdelana dvuh- bukvennoj, chtoby ne vvesti ee sluchajno, i chtoby mozhno bylo sdelat' komandu dlya otmeny drugih vidov podpiski (naprimer, otmenit' podpisku na cepochku soobshchenij). v Napechatat' tekushchuyu versiyu programmy chteniya novostej. D Rasshifrovat' anekdot. Obrabatyvaet tol'ko anekdoty, zashif- rovannye pri pomoshchi rot13. Komanda D, primenennaya eshche raz, vnov' zashifrovyvaet anekdot. News Version B 2.11 September 22, 1986