ic person; alienation from common sense, preference to voluntary spontaneous decisions, aberration of perception actual events and relations between people; absurdities of inner life - mysticism, pseudo refinement, speculativeness; with a paradoxical results: deromantization, disappointment in ideals, ruin of hopes and even death.

7. Ideal smeshannogo tipa (romanticheskij realizm ili real'nyj romantizm):

7. The ideal of a mixed type (romantic realism or actual romanticism):

a) Razvitoe filosofichnoe myshlenie i vozmozhnosti roman-tizirovat' dejstvitel'nost' ("podlinnoe myshlenie - romantichno", poryv, elan i t.d.);

a) developed philosophic thinking and possibilities to romanticise reality ("genuine thinking is romantic," impulse, Elan , etc.);

b) real'nost' nesbytochnogo;

b) reality of the unrealizable;

v) romanticheskoe nachalo v strategii avtodidakta;

c) romantic move in the autodidact's strategy;

g) prakticheskij podhod k kul'tivirovaniyu romanticheskogo ("romantikom chashche vsego vygodno byt' v prakticheskom otnoshenii");

d) practical approach to cultivation of the romantic ("it is advantageous to be a romantic from practical viewpoint")

d) deromantizaciya meshchanstva, serost' zhizni, otsutstvie vyso-kogo ideala i - kak prakticheskoe sledstvie - snizhenie vozmozhnostej razvitiya lichnosti, nedovoploshchennost', hronicheskoe duhovnoe nedoedanie);

e) deromantization of philistinism, weariness of life, absence of a high ideal and as a result - narrowing possibilities for a personality's development, under-realization, chronic spiritual malnutrition;

e) tehnika "razvitiya poryva" (konstruirovanie sistemy povy-shennyh celej, metodika "predvkushenij", metodika "ozhidaniya sleduyushchej stancii", "puteshestviya po marshrutu sobstvennogo razvitiya");

f) the technique of the "development of an impulse" (constructing the system of growing aims, methods of anticipation, the method of "waiting for the next station," of "travelling along the route of one's development");

zh) romantizm i misticizm (misticizm kak passsivnyj romantizm, vyvernutyj naiznanku, kak surrogat aktivnogo romantizma);

g) romanticism and mysticism (mysticism as passive romanticism, as romanticism turned inside out, as the surrogate for active romanticism);

z) aktivnost' pri romanticheski real'nom myshlenii ("obitanie duha v ob®ektivnoj real'nosti", metodika "osmyslennyh veroyatnostej", obosnovannyh predpolozhenij, pooshchreniya stremleniya k prekrasnomu - "net predela u sovershenstva");

h) activeness combined with romantically authentic thinking ("living of the spirit in the objective reality", the method of "estimated probabilities, substantiated proposals, encouragement of striving for the beautiful - "perfection has no limits");

i) idealisty i romantiki (na urovne byta; pervye ne primenyayut common sense, vtorye ne proniknuty oshchushcheniem real'nosti dostizheniya bol'shego sovershenstva); bor'ba s hanzhestvom, prozaicheskim sushchestvovaniem.

i) idealists and romantics (on daily level; the first don't use common sense, the second don't feel it is really possible to get greater perfection); resistance to hypocrisy, and prosaic existence.

III. Kriterii voploshchennosti lichnosti (oni zhe - priznaki sdelannosti "vnutrennej kar'ery")

III. Criteria of a personality's realization (they are also the indicators of the "inner carrier" made).

1. Obladanie sovremennym estestvenno-nauchnym urovnem miro-vozreniya (tezaurus ponyatij).

1. Possession of the contemporary level of natural and scientific world outlook (thesaurus of notions).

2. Obladanie tezaurusom sostoyanij v sootvetstvii s prinad-lezhnost'yu k civilizacii (civilizaciyam).

2. Possession of the thesaurus of feelings and experiences relevant to the civilisation (civilisations) one belongs to.

3. Filosofichnost' myshleniya (nahozhdenie edinstva protivopo-lozhnostej v kazhdom zhiznennom yavlenii nezavisimo ot ego velichiny: malen'koe mozhet nesti v sebe krupnoe).

3. Philosophic thinking (search for the unity of opposites in every phenomenon of life regardless of its quantity: the small may be a wearer of the great).

4. Vyyasnennost', nazvannost' eticheskih i esteticheskih kategorij na intimnom urovne (glupost', prekrasnoe, dobrota, poshlyj, nazanimatel'nyj, tvorcheskij, blagodarnyj).

4. Clarifying and defining ethical and aesthetic categories at the intimate level (stupidity, beauty, kindness, shallowness, dullness, creativity, gratitude).

5. Duhovnaya predpriimchivost', iniciativnost'.

5. Spiritual undertaking, initiative.

6. Sposobnost' k samostoyatel'nym resheniyam prakticheskih byto-vyh zadach, problem lichnosti i problem vzaimootnoshenij.

6. Ability for independent decision-making in practical daily matters, problems of personal development and problem of interrelations.

7. Obladanie tezaurusom opornyh precedentov (lichnyj opyt, knizhnaya informaciya - istoricheskie primery).

7. Possession of the thesaurus of foothold precedents (personal experiences, information from books - examples from history).

8) Sposobnost' preodolevat' krizisy sostoyanij (v lichnoj zhizni: vyvedenie v tvorchestvo otricatel'nyh emocij, sublimaciya psihicheskih napryazhenij).

8) Ability to overcome crucial points (in private life: to drive negative emotions out into creative activity, sublimation of psychic tensions).

9. Razvitost' prirodnyh sposobnostej i nalichie specificheskogo masterstva v kakoj-libo oblasti.

9. Development of natural abilities and availability of specific skills in a particular field.

10. Korrekciya voploshchennosti (korrelyaciya s osmyslennym i dostignutym).

10. Correction of self-realization ( correlation with the conceived and gained).

11. Potrebnost' rosta i razvitiya v zrelom vozraste - priznak voploshchennoj lichnosti.

11. Aware need for growth and development at mature age as an indication of a self-realized personality.

12. Othod ot narochistoj uvlekatel'nosti vneshnego, sposobnost' k interesnoj i napryazhennoj vnutrennej zhizni.

12. Withdrawal from intentional outer entertainments; ability for interesting and tense inner life.

13. "Ohranenie" "zhivoj dushi", "gibkogo (podvizhnogo) vospriya-tiya" (R. Stivenson).

13. "Protection of a living soul" and "flexible perception" (R. Stivenson).


* * *

Uspeetsya li to, chto mne dano

osmyslit', ispytav eshche raz opyt,

povtorno Zlo perezhivaya, chtoby

uznat', chto v zhizni znachilo ono?

Um trezvennika izobrel vino,

i dvadcat' let starela Penelopa,

ne otlichayas' mudrost'yu osoboj,

no vernost'yu (chto, v obshchem, mudreno).

Gde on konchaetsya, nash vsemogushchij,

gde zameshchaetsya kofejnoj gushchej?

Byt' mozhet, on odin - povsyudu srazu

i v sushchnosti zhivogo - vezdesushch,

dvojnoj spiral'yu perevityj plyushch -

izvestnyj nam odnoj lish' gran'yu Razum?

* * *

O, dear Mr Empson, I beg you allow to tell

that our houses constantly are on a cliff

that we are suspended by nerves and by feeling's?? as if

the fly is the firmness, and badly is well.

And here to diminish means adversely to swell,

as to exist as a ship is to be a light skiff

I contemplate a spring and see a falling leaf

where freshly blossoms play the notes of magic smell.

All living now is swimming when it's sinking,

and in deep muteness when is something singing

in most perfect joy when he or she is sad.

I hope really in moment of lost pations.

And happens everything where there are no occasions.

I may be had the world because I nothing had.

Tema 17.

Theme 17

Lichnost' kak rasshiryayushchayasya vselennaya

Personality as extending universe

I. Koncepciya lichnosti-vselennoj.

I. Concept of the personality-universe.

1. Lichnost' kak sistema optimal'nogo osoznaniya samogo sebya.

1. The personality as a system of optimum self-awareness.

2. Lichnostnye parametry i duhovnye postupki - edinstvo racional'nogo i irracional'nogo.

2. Parameters of a personality and spiritual acts as the unity of rational and irrational.

3. Zavoevanie lichno-irracional'nogo, uglublenie znaniya o sebe.

3. Conquest of personally irrational, deepening of knowledge about oneself.

4. Zvezdnye skopleniya, tumannosti v lichno-irracional'nom.

4. Clusters of stars, nebulae in the personally irrational.

5. Ideal i lichno-irracional'noe kak "spressovannyj" duhovnyj material.

5. The ideal and personally irrational as "densed" spiritual material.

6. Rasshiritel'noe dvizhenie pervonachal'nogo duhovnogo materia-la. ("Vse uznaetsya, vse v nas sushchestvovalo, okazyvaetsya, uzhe v nerasshifrovannom vide" - samoraskodirovanie est' dvizhenie duhovnogo v kul'ture).

6. Extending move of the initial spiritual material ("Everything is recognizable, everything appears to have existed
in ourselves being encoded" - self-decoding is
a spiritual motion in culture).

7. |tika rasshireniya lichnosti: vzaimoproniknovenie, sliyanie (otozhdestvlenie) fragmentov, obezymyanivanie, rastvorenie lichno-lichnogo (samosti) v lichno-vseobshchem (kollektivnyj ejdos, bog), ejforiya obezymyanivaniya, uznavanie svoego vo vselennoj - vnutrennee vovne, sovershenstvovanie modelej vnutrennej zhizni - otkrovenie (kak samoistolkovanie so storony).

7. Ethics of a personality's extension: mutual penetration, merging (equation) of fragments, loss of name, dissolution of self-personal (conceit) in personally universal (collective eidos, God), euphoria of name losing, recognizing one's dear in the universe - inner in the outer, perfection of patterning inner life - revelation (as self-interpreting from aside).

8. Dialektika "rasshireniya": otchuzhdenie ot sebya "otdel'nogo" i porodnenie s "YA" - chast'yu vseobshchej duhovnosti ("est' dvizhenie k istinnomu samomu sebe").

8. Dialectics of "extension": alienation of "separate" self and becoming related to the Self who is a part of the universal spirituality ("moving to the real Self").

II. Fantazirovanie i tvorchestvo.

II. Fantasy and creativity

1. Fantazirovanie kak intencionizaciya predstavlenij ("po shchuch'emu veleniyu, po moemu hoteniyu") i modelirovanie vo vnutrennem prostranstve- vremeni lichnosti (zavoevanie inoj zhizni); parallel'noe sushchestvovanie; ekzistencializaciya potencial'noj zhizni, zaklyuchennoj v kazhdom cheloveke: gerontologicheskoe obogashchenie psihosomatiki cheloveka (aktery i svyashchenniki obychno zhivut dolgo).

1. Dreaming as turning ideals into intentions ("By will of the pike, do as I like", i.e. as if by magic, by itself) and modelling in the inner space-time of a personality (conquest of another life); parallel existence; bringing into existence of the potential life characteristic of everybody: gerontological enrichment of psycho-somatic of a human being (actors and priests live long as a rule).

2. Fantazirovanie kak proryv k irracional'nomu.

2. Dreaming as a breakthrough to the irrational.

3. Zdravyj smysl i fantazirovanie.

3. Common sense and fantasy.

4. Mocartianstvo kak podkontrol'noe fantazirovanie (sushchnost' tehniki hudozhestvennogo tvorchestva); tematicheskoe fantazirovanie, invariantnost'; prakticheskaya neischer-paemost' vozmozhnostej prochitannyh situacij; chtenie, videnie v samom sebe rasshiryayushchejsya lichnosti; kodirovanie sostoyanij pri pomoshchi znakovyh sistem dannoj civilizacii i izmenenij v sovremennom iskusstve, internacionalizaciya kodov); gedonizm tvorchestva - osoznanie samogo sebya (himizm duhovnogo!).

4. Mozartism as fantasy under control (essence of creative work technique in arts); thematical dreaming, invariableness; practically inexhaustible number of possible situational readings; seeing oneself as an extending personality while reading; encoding feeling and experiences with the help of sign systems of this civilisation and changes in the contemporary art, internationalization of codes); hedonism of creative work - awareness of oneself (chemism of the spiritual!)

III. Priemy izobretatel'stva.

III. Invention technique.

1. Personifikaciya materiala (odushevlenie dejstvuyushchih sil predstavlyaemogo, issledovanie povedeniya sil).

1. Personification of material (animation of the driving forces of the imagined, studying of the forces' behaviour).

2. Issledovanie paradoksal'nogo.

2. Research of paradoxical.

3. Nahozhdenie analogij v prirode (v rastitel'nom, zhivotnom mire ili v yavleniyah).

3. Search for analogies in nature (in flora, fauna or phenomena).

4. Nahozhdenie analogij v nesmezhnyh oblastyah chelovecheskoj deya-tel'nosti.

4. Search for analogies on non-related fields of human activity; "subconscious inventions" (sleeping, D. Mendeleev's system, Etruscan tomb by Z. Freud, etc.)

5. Modelirovanie (voobrazhaemoe) filosofskoj koncepcii (s is-pol'zovaniem "total'noj dialektiki"); analiz vsego protivorechivogo kak vozmozhnogo.

5. Modelling (imagined) of a philosophic concept (using "total dialectics"); analysis of all contradictory as possible.

6. Pereosmyslennye metafory (inscenizaciya, prikidka, tehniches-kaya obrabotka idei); avantyurnaya igra.

6. Re-comprehension of metaphors (staging, reckoning, technical processing of the idea); adventure play.

7. |vristicheskoe napryazhenie i effekt neobychnogo otkrytiya (osobenno pri rabote v neozhidannom, udalennom materiale).

7. Heuristical tension and effect of unusual discovery (especially while working in unpredictable remote material).

8. Skanirovanie proshlogo.

8. Scanning of the past.

9. Proskopiya kak rezul'tat polnogo eticheskogo vklyucheniya v tvorcheskuyu rabotu.

9.Proscopie as the result of full ethical involvement into creative work.

IV. Vspyshka biohimicheskoj energii i rasshirenie lichnosti.

IV. Flashes of biochemical energy and extending of a personality.

1. Parallel' s etnogenezom (otlichie: lichnost' mozhet byt' vsegda lichnost'yu).

1. Parallel to ethnogenesis (differentiation: a personality may always remain a personality).

2. Instinkty i passionarnost' (sovershenie podviga vo imya nau-ki, iskusstva i t.d.).

2. Instincts and passionateness (performing a feat for the sake of science, art, etc.)

3. Vzaimoproniknovenie ejdosov kak ataraksizaciya lichnosti - udovol'stvie, "zdorov'e tela i spokojstvie dushi" (|pikur).

3. Interpretation of eidoses as ataraxization (tranquillization) of a personality - delight, "body's health and soul's peace." (Epicure).

4. Vysshaya poleznost' duhovnogo rasshireniya - sootvetstvie akta rasshireniya duhovnosti prirode cheloveka.

4. The supreme usefulness of spiritual extension - correlation of the act of spiritual extending to the human nature.

5. Trud vo imya obreteniya vzaimoponimaniya.

5. Work for the sake of mutual understanding.

6. Obratnaya svyaz': kollektivnyj ejdos - lichnost'; chuvstvo prinadlezhnosti, opora duha.

6. Feedback: the collective eidos - a personality; sense of belonging; fulcrum of spirit.

7. "Prisoedinenie k ejdosu iz proshlogo" (gipoteza - ejdos vechen, dokazatel'stvo - tezaurus sostoyanij); parallel': ejdos - sostoyanie (sostoyanie kak rezul'tat vospriyatiya ejdosa).

7. "Joining the eidos from the past" (hypothesis - the eidos is eternal, proof - the thesaurus of feelings); parallel: eidos - feeling (feeling as the result of perceiving the eidos).

8. Dobryj i zloj ejdos (parallel' s chernoj i beloj magiej); evolyuciya dokazyvaet neprestannoe preobladanie konstrukcii nad destrukciej, dobrogo nad zlym (gorazdo chashche chelovecheskim).

8. Good and evil eidoses (parallel to the black and white magic); evolution proves continual prevailing of construction over destruction, good over evil (very often human).


* * *

Peschannoj gorkoj men'she poluveka

predstavit' mozhet fizik dni moi,

no est' u cheloveka solov'i,

i gody est' vne let u cheloveka.

Net, vremya - ne odna reka, a reki,

gde bez konca - glubinnye sloi.

U kazhdoj zhizni rusla dnej svoi -

tam bakenov mercayushchie vehi...

I mozhno brat' u vremeni bez sprosu,

i zhit' - kak budto pet' mnogogolosno -

hot' celyj god za neskol'ko minut.

A za god tot - hot' celoe stolet'e,

i tol'ko tak na smertnom etom svete

k bessmert'yu dushu vymysly vedut.

* * *

Eternity has brown and grey eyes

and goes here on Ukranian hills.

It knows all news of us and fairly deals

them between trees and dust and beast and tries

be simple as event. It at night cries

and cuddles my world and all our wills

and me as a man's body and what steals

from it a few crumbs for the acute why's,

because a man is equal with an asker,

our thoughts are only vegetative cluster

of questions and an endless painful doubt.

But in the end it cruelly crushes us

and trifles our lives and cuts like grass

all that what seems to us so stout.

Tema 18.

Theme 18

Predely poznaniya

The Limits of Knowledge

I. Osoznanie i intuitivnoe znanie.

I. Awareness and intuitive knowledge.

1. Dialektika osoznannogo i intuitivnogo (nevozmozhnost' su-shchestvovaniya drug bez druga).

1. Dialectics of the aware and intuitive (impossibility to exist without one another).

2. Absolyutizaciya osoznannogo. "Greh superabstragirovaniya" (be-zumie Kanta).

2. Absolutization of the aware. "Sin of superabstraction" (insanity of I. Kant).

3. Absolyutizaciya intuitivnogo. "Greh sverhfantazirovaniya" (be-zumie Magometa).

3. Absolutization of the intuitive. "Sin of superfantasy" (insanity of Mahomet).

4. Preimushchestva osoznannogo poznaniya (vysokij koefficient de-talizacii pri minimal'noj zatrate energii zhizni; sistematizaciya; rassudochnaya deyatel'nost' kak instrument; abstragirovanie, filosofichnost').

4. The advantages of aware knowledge (high coefficient of detailing with minimum waste of vital energy; systematization; rational activity as an instrument; abstractedness; philosophic inclination).

5. Preimushchestva intuitivnogo poznaniya (priem predsignalov i antisignalov; videnie v prostranstve-vremeni; yavlyaemost' obrazov; svyaz' s kollektivnym ejdosom i nizshij psihizm).

5. The advantage of intuitive knowledge (reception of pre-signals and antisignals; vision in space-time; appearance of images; connection with the collective eidos and low psychism).

6. Neobhodimost' gibkogo vladeniya tehnikoj osoznannogo i intuitivnogo poznaniya.

6. Necessity for applying flexibly the technique of aware and intuitive knowledge.

7. Osoznannoe i intuitivnoe v obydennom soznanii (ustanovka o sude, apokalipticheskie nastroeniya, rasshifrovka sueverij i skazok) - Dzh. Frezer, YA. Propp, otnoshenie k paleokontaktam i k prishel'cam. Veroyatnostnyj podhod ko vsemu chudesnomu. "CHudo, kotoroe proishodit, ne yavlyaetsya takovym".

7. Aware and intuitive in daily routine consciousness (concept of Judgement Day, apocalyptic moods, decoding of superstitions and fairy-tales) - G. Frazer, J. Propp, attitude to paleocontacts and extra-terrestials. Probability approach to all miraculous. "The miracle occurring is not a miracle."

8. Nauchnoe poznanie i vera kak osoznannoe poznavanie s cel'yu dobyvaniya kollektivnogo ejdosa obshchechelovecheskoj kul'tury i kak intuitivnyj akt obshcheniya s kollektivnym ejdosom adeptov; ob®ekt kollektivnogo poklonenniya ne est' illyuziya; ibo eto kollektivnyj ejdos, a sledovatel'no, bog budet sushchestvovat' do teh por, poka budut sushchestvovat' lyudi (L. Fejerbah, B. Ishakov i dr.); edinstvo protivopolozhnostej - vera i somnenie (veroyatnost', myshlenie nauki), tezaurus sostoyanij i religiya.

8. Scientific knowledge and belief as aware knowledge with the aim of gaining the collective eidos of the whole human culture and as an intuitive act of communication with the collective eidos of adepts; the object of collective worship is not an illusion, since this is a collective eidos, consequently God will exist till people exist (L. Feuerbach, B. Iskhakov and others); the unity of opposites - belief and doubt (probability, scientific thinking), the thesaurus of feelings and religion.

9. Interiorizaciya sostoyanij i znanij kak ih prichin. Kriterij do nasyshcheniya, poyavlenie povtoryaemosti, effekt kristali-zacii.

9. Interiorization of feelings and knowledge as their cause. Criterion: till satiation; repeatedness occurring, effect of crystallization.

10. Kriterij identifikacii sebya s prinadlezhashchim k opredelen-nomu kul'turnomu krugu; soglasovanie udovletvorennosti s oshchushcheniem "estestvennogo narcissizma" (Z. Frejd).

10. Criterion of identifying oneself as belonging to a certain cultural circle; harmonization of satisfaction with the sense of "natural narcissism" (Z. Freud).

11. CHelovecheskaya lyuboznatel'nost' i kriterij prakticheskogo in-teresa; (volya kak zhelanie).

11. Human curiosity and the criterion of practical interest; (will power as a desire).

12. Kriterij nakopleniya intellektual'no-duhovnyh umenij.

12. The criterion of accumulation of intellectual and spiritual skills.

II. Pamyat' i poznavanie (Gumilev L. "|tnogenez i biosfera Zemli";

"Obyvatel' bez professional'noj podgotovki polagaet, chto osnovoj znaniya yavlyaetsya ego lichnaya pamyat': chem bol'she on zapomnil, tem on uchenee, a tak li eto? Nikto ne zapomnit vsego, chto on v zhizni videl.

|to nevozmozhno, ne nuzhno i dazhe vredno, tak kak v polu zreniya nablyudatelya popadayutsya ob®ekty vazhnye i melkie, priyatnye i dosadnye, vosprinyatye pravil'no ili iskazhenno, sohranivshiesya polnost'yu ili otryvochno... Tol'ko pomnit' - malo, nado eshche podumat'").

II. Memory and knowledge (L. Gumilyov "Ethnogenesis and biosphere of the Earth";

"A philistine without professional background thinks that his personal memory is the base of knowledge: the more he/she has memorized, the better educated he/she is. Is it really like that? Nobody could remember everything he has seen in his life.

It is impossible, unnecessary and even harmful, as an observer's field of vision embraces both major and minor objects, pleasant and annoying, perceived in a right or a distorted way, kept at large or in fragments... It is not enough to remember, it is even more necessary to think").

1. Oproverzhenie stojkih zabluzhdenij i opredelenie predelov poznaniya:

1. Denial of stubborn delusions and determination of knowledge limits:

a) otnoshenie k Zapadu, k zapadnoj kul'ture, vyyasnenie istiny v ee obshchem vide (nemcy i albancy, francuzy i amerikancy, avstralijcy i ispancy i t.d.);

a) attitude to the West, the Western culture, clarification of truth in general (Germans and Albanians, Frenchmen and Americans, Australians and Spaniards, etc.);

b) otnoshenie k Vostoku (Kitaj, Tibet, Indiya, YAponiya (Kirkvud); Afrika (L. Frobenius), dogony, sredizemnomorskaya bronzovaya rasa (tuaregi);

b) attitude to the East (China, Tibet, India, Japan (Kirkwood); Africa (L. Frobenius), Dogons, the Mediterranean Bronze age race (Tuaregs);

v) predstavlenie o kul'turah mira, etnologiya i predpolozhenie (kriterij - povtorenie podobnogo, mysl' "Takoe uzhe vstrechalos'");

c) concept of the world cultures, ethnology and supposition (criterion: repeated occurrence of the similar, the thought: "I have already come across it somewhere.");

g) zagadki drevnosti i zdravyj smysl (primenenie veroyat-nostnogo myshleniya);

d) ancient mysteries, and common sense (involvent of probability thinking)

d) motivirovka pri vydvizhenii etnologii na pervyj plan; instrument neposredstvennogo izucheniya evolyucii chelovechestva;

d) motivation for focusing in ethnology; the instrument of straight ahead studying of the human race evolution;

e) zabluzhdeniya, svyazannye s drugimi naukami (garmonicheskie znaniya - kriterij opredeleniya predelov znakomstva s naukami, uznavanie suti i dal'nejshee slezhenie v techenie vse posleduyushchej zhizni);

e) delusions connected with other sciences (harmonious knowledge as the criterion for determining limits of acquaintance with