n to the first one (anatomy "vanity - ambitiousness"); plans for the future and their realization as dependent on the purity of intention.

II. Sovershenstvovanie instrumental'nyh znanij. Otnoshenie k probelu v znaniyah, pravilo izzhivaniya neznakomstva lyubogo vida: "Lakuna sushchestvuet dlya togo, chtoby ee zapolnit'".

II. Perfection of instrumental knowledge and skills. The attitude to gaps in knowledge, the rule of clearing up any unfamiliarity: "The gap appears to be filled."

1. Ponyatie "instrumental'nye znaniya".

1. The concept of "instrumental knowledge."

2. Uslovnost' primeneniya znaniya kak instrumental'nogo (vzai-moinstrumental'nost', vremennaya instrumental'nost').

2. Knowledge may be regarded as instrumental only relatively (temporarily instrumental; inter-instrumental).

3. Prevaliruyushchee znachenie inostrannyh yazykov kak instrumen-tal'nyh znanij.

3. Prevailing significance of foreign languages as the instrumental knowledge.

4. Mif o poliglotii. Neobhodimost' znakomstva s nekotorymi rodstvennymi yazykami (francuzskij - rumynskij, ital'yans-kij - ispanskij i t.d.).

4. Myth about polyglots. Acquaintance with related languages (French - Roman, Italian - Spanish, etc.)

5. CHrezmernyj gedonizm i reglamintirovanie, raspushchennost' i osoznanie istinnoj neobhodimosti (pervostepenno to, chto osnovopolagayushche dlya vozmozhno bolee shirokogo znakomstva s bol'shim kolichestvom znanij, klyuchevye yazyki).

5. Excessive hedonism and reglamentation, lack of discipline and sense of true necessity (priorities are given to the fundamentals which make accessible the sufficient amount of knowledge, as well as to the key languages).

III. Filosofskie shtudii:

III. Studies in philosophy.

1. I. Kant o filosofichnosti i dolgoletii.

1. I. Kant on philosophy and long living.

2. Filosofskie sistemy i vozrasty chelovechestva.

2. Philosophic systems and ages of human race.

3. Legenda libri po filosofii.

3. Legenda libri in philosophy.

IV. Obshchie namereniya avtodidakta. Dvizhenie v proshloe i osvoenie sovremennosti.

IV. General intentions of the autodidact. Moving into the past and acquaintance with the present.

"Podzhiganie svechi" s dvuh koncov.

"Burning a candle" from both ends.

Ponyatie o srednem urovne, srednem cheloveke, masskul'ture, kiche, snobizme i t.d.

Concepts of a average level, an ordinary man, mass culture, kitsch snobbism, etc.

V. Metanauka. Dvizhenie ot nauki k mifu.

V. Metascience. Motion from science to myth.

VI. Planirovanie i harakter avtodidakta. Vtoroe dyhanie, nastojchivost', otnosheniya s samim soboj i t.d.

VI. Plan-making and the autodidact's character. Second mind, persistence, relations with one's own self, etc.


* * *

Ne dumaj slovom, dumaj o slovah...

No ty skazhi, mudrec indijskij,

chto delat' s doslovesnym piskom,

s predchuvstvovan'em slova v nashih snah?

CHto delat' tem, kto v genah maetu -

mechtu o nazyvan'e - v rod iz roda

peredaet nam budto sut' chego-to,

chto vysshuyu daruet prostotu?

I mozhet byt', blagoj dolzhno byt' vest'yu

molchanie, ch'ya znachimost' polnej,

kogda v sebe ne vozimsya my s nej,

naveki ostavayas' v dosloves'e?

* * *

I like the fever in affairs. I like

the thought-quake the trembling of the feeling

born by the wild concussion of surprising,

burnt soul of a Klon - or how? - dike.

Blessed be the strange occasion that us strike

all-seeing for a while and ever seeing

in blindness for the worse part of the dealing,

and by the heaven's good transparent pike.

O, not too big and somehow sunny troubles!

The world would be unbearable when rubless.

The dim supports existence of the bright

and vice versa, ever vice versa,

the Opposite is

everywhere's courser,

at be too left that means to face the right.

Tema 10.

Theme 10

Sposob uskoreniya v avtodidaktike

The methods of acceleration in selfstudying

I. Stadii raboty i sposoby postizheniya znanij.

I. Stages of work and methods of gaining knowledge.

Pervaya stadiya. Znakomstvo i uznavanie. Passivnoe znanie i zaplanirovannye probely kak uslovie skorosti perehoda ko vtoroj stadii.

The first stage. Acquaintance and recognition. Passive knowledge and planned gaps as the essential condition for speedy transfer to the second stage.

Vtoraya stadiya. Pervye motornye navyki. dvigatel'nyj ryad s provalami, temp medlennyj.

The second stage. Initial motoric skills. Series of movements with numerous lapses, slow tempo.

Tret'ya stadiya. Passazhnaya motorika. Provaly redki, no est'. Fragmentarnoe neponimanie.

The third stage. Passage motorics. Lapses occur but seldom. Fragmentary misunderstandings.

CHetvertaya stadiya. Sinhronizaciya chteniya i ponimaniya. Otstavanie ponimaniya pri uvelichenii skorosti chteniya.

The fourth stage. Simultaneous reading and understanding. Understanding lags behind with the greater speed of reading.

Pyataya stadiya. Prakticheskoe ispol'zovanie yazyka. Trebovanie polnogo ponimaniya.

The fifth stage. Practical usage of the language, The requirement of complete understanding.

Prichiny zamedleniya raboty:

The causes of slow-down:

- otsutstvie deleniya na stadii;

- prevyshenie trebovatel'nosti;

- nedostatochnost' dlitel'nosti pogruzheniya v material;

- otsutstvie pereryvov, osvezheniya otnoshenij;

- prenebrezhenie osoznannym uskoreniem.

- lack of stage-division;

- claims are put too high;

- lack of long-lasting immersion into the material;

- necessity for making breaks to refresh relations;

- neglect for the intentional acceleration.

II. |mocional'nyj faktor i uskorenie.

II. Emotional factor and acceleration.

1. Radost' poznaniya i radost' uznavaniya.

1. Delight of cognition and delight of recognition.

2. Dostizhenie soznatel'no zanizhennyh takticheskih celej i usko-renie.

2. Gaining of tactical goals intentionally put low and acceleration.

3. Oshchushchenie zavershennogo dialekticheskogo vitka: "shchelchok".

3. The sense of completed dialectical circuit: "a click."

4. |mocional'nyj faktor i pravil'nye edinicy izmereniya vremeni i dostizhenij. (Vremya - v fakticheski potrachennyh chasah; dostizheniya - ne v edinicah usvoennogo, a v edinicah postignutogo).

4. The emotional factor and a correct unit of time and progress measurements. (Time: in actually spent hours; progress: not in the units of the assimilated, but in the units of the comprehended).

5. Vybor voobrazhaemogo lidera, sportivnoe chuvstvo, kompeti-cionnye usloviya v malyh sociogruppah.

5. The choice of a fancied leader, the sense of true competitive sporting atmosphere in small social groups.

6. Obostrenie chuvstva poteryannogo vremeni (definiciya: vremya, potrachennoe ne na maksimal'no napryazhennoe vospriyatie ili tvorcheskoe razmyshlenie, sleduet schitat' poteryannym).

6. Acute sense of wasted time (the definition: time not spent on extremely tense perception or creative thinking, shall be considered wasted).

7. Oshchushchenie vnutrennego pokoya i koncentracii vnimaniya pri aktualizirovannom interese kak kriterij ocenki pravil'no prozhitogo vremeni.

7. The sense of deep inner profound peace and concentration of attention with the actualized interest as the criterion of evaluating the time lived through in a right way.

8. CHeredovanie trebovatel'nosti v zavisimosti ot aktual'nyh vozmozhnostej - princip "nedeyanie".

8. Interchanging of requirements as dependent on actual opportunities - the principle of "inactivity" (non-dealing).

9. Problemy byta i total'naya uvlechennost' (svyazi s general'nym planom avtodidakta i voploshcheniem mechty).

9. Daily routine problems and total enthusiasm (connection with the autodidact's global plan and realization of the dream).

10. Uroven' prityazanij i otnosheniya s okruzheniem. "Ko vsyakogo rodu namekam nuzhno ostavat'sya gluhu" (N. Gogol'). Rost razlichiya v ocenkah; aksiologicheskij razryv v budushchem - norma; dlya bor'by s anguassnymi sostoyaniyami i tormozheniyami predstavlyat' cel' dostignutoj, perenosit'sya myslenno v budushchee i t.d.

10. Claim-level and relations with the environment. "Turn a deaf ear to all kinds of hintings" (N. Hogol). Growing differences in assessments; axiological gap in future shall be normal; to protect oneself against anxieties and obstacles it is useful to fancy the aim already gained or imagine oneself in remote future, etc.

11. CHuvstvo udivleniya i evristika, sostoyanie poiska i ukroshchen-nogo bespokojstva.

11. Sense of amazement and heuristic abilities, feeling of discovery and tamed uneasiness.

12. Agressiya mysli, zavoevanie mysl'yu prostranstva i shirota interesa. Analiz dalekih associacij kak sposob obostreniya myshleniya.

12. Aggression of thought, winning of space by thought and wide interests. Analysis of distant associations as the method of making thiougt acute.

13. Prichastnost' i evolyuciya individual'nogo myshleniya.

13. Involvement and evolution of individual thinking.

14. "Voistinu ser'eznoe - shtuka veselaya!"

14. "The serious is a funny thing indeed!"

15. Polifonichnost' zanyatij i uvlechenij, chastota pereklyuchenij. ("Luchshe slishkom chasto, chem nedostatochno chasto.")

15. Polyphony of studies and interests; frequency of shiftings ("It's better too often, than not often enough.")

16. Zavisimost' nastroeniya ot udovletvoreniya prozhitym dnem.

16. Connection between the mood and satisfaction with the day lived through.

17. Razvitie uvlechennosti i chuvstvo prazdnichnosti. ("Kabinet vnutri nas".)

17. Development of enthusiasm and sense of festivity ("The study room inside ourselves").

18. Poisk sobstvennoj odarennosti, ee osoznanie i strategi-cheskij plan ee razvitiya kak psihicheskaya opora, chuvstvo prednaznachennosti, sluchajnoe i determinirovannoe, astral'-noe pokrovitel'stvo (demistifikaciya mistiki!)

18. Search for one's one talent, comprehension of one's gifts and strategic plan-making for their development as the psychic foothold; the sense of one's mission and calling; the accidental and determined; astral patronage (exposition of mysticism!)

19. Psihicheskaya osvobozhdennost' pri nalichii bol'shogo tvor-cheskogo dela i pobochnost' priobreteniya instrumental'nyh znanij kak uslovie uskoreniya:

19. Psychic relaxation on the background of great creative activity and peripheral acquisition of instrumental knowledge as the condition of acceleration:

a) Homo Skribens; znachenie fiksacii sostoyanij dlya samonab-lyudenij;

b) ustnyj metod i ispol'zovanie pis'ma: mnogoplanovye kon-sul'tal'cii kak predvaritel'noe uslovie dlya pristupleniya k zapisyam (izlozhenie svoej tochki zreniya, nablyudeniya, udachnoj formulirovki, togo, chto porazilo).

a) Homo skribens; it is important to record feelings and experiences for introspection;

b) oral method and writing: multifunctional consultations before making notes (presenting one's viewpoints, observations, good definitions, impressions, etc.).

20. Ispol'zovanie rassudochnosti i uskorenie.

20. Usage of common sense and acceleration.

Pravilo: Osoznaj, - i dal'she - nikakih refleksij!

The rule: Become aware - after that abandon reflection!

21. Edinovremennyj ohvat maksimal'nogo ob®ema.

21. Maximum amount in one sitting.

Pravilo: Kak mozhno bol'she za odin raz!

The rule: As much as possible in one gulp.

22. Nulla dies sine linea.

22. Nulla dies sine linea.

23. Povyshenie strategicheskogo urovnya prityazanij v svyazi s uve-licheniem vozmozhnostej i vozrastaniem proinformirovan-nosti.

23. Increase of strategic claim-level as connected with growing abilities and informativeness.

24. Sistema dopuskov kak osoznannyh oshibok i skorost' obu-cheniya; polyarnost' vektorov: "chestnost'" - "tochno ne pomnyu"; sovmeshchenie sposobov raboty.

24. System of admissions as mistakes one is aware of and speed of studying; opposition of vectors: "honesty" - "don't remember exactly"; combination of different methods of work.


* * *

ZHivesh' sebe. Vse horosho. No vdrug -

pojmesh', kak yunyj kto-to genialen

i ty s nim ryadom chereschur normalen,

chto v nekotorom smysle est' nedug.

I lish' togda ty ne pogib, moj drug,

kogda ty zlobnoj zavist'yu ne svalen,

no radostno (oksyumoron!) pechalen

i gord otkrytiem: kogda ty vsluh

podumal to zhe, chto i pro sebya,

kogda chuzhoj talant uzhe lyubya,

ty svoj oplakal veselo i zvonko,

ty svoj otverg, pust' tol'ko dlya togo,

chtoby umen'ya podarit' ego...

s umen'yami rozhdennomu rebenku.

* * *

We like Montaigne are guided by example

to our worse errors and to guiltness too.

We are the trampers treading on a woe

and for us living space is not so ample.

We out of the Whole love this narrow sample

and real steps out of an illusion grow.

Our memory reverses rain in snow -

on it are better seen the prints of temple,

that is an instance consacrated, holy,

without which all of us can not be wholly.

But system of the lines becomes a spot

when you don't hear the strings that bound a body

and with the outline cries and smiles so bloody,

so inspirativly and free and hot.

Tema 11.

Theme 11

Nekotorye aspekty tehniki perevoda

Some aspects of translation technique

I. Perevod kak kul'turogicheskij akt. Vospriyatie originala na semanticheskom urovne i znakovaya situaciya.

I. Translation as a culturological act. Perception of the original on semantic level and signal situation.

II. Obshchee i podrobnoe ponimanie (F. SHCHerbatskoj o ponimanii i traktovke).

II. Whole and detailed understanding (F. Tsherbatskoy on understanding and interpretation).

III. Kul'turologicheskij kontekst (istoriya problemy, ee znachenie dlya civilizacii, ee mesto v kul'ture, futurologicheskij aspekt i t.d.).

III. Culturological context (historical background of the problem, its significance for the civilization, its place in culture, futurist aspect, etc.)

IV. Tehnicheskij perevod i ponyatijnaya podgotovka (pred-varitel'noe chtenie, terminy, uyasnenie i problemy, slovarnoe obespechenie i t.d.).

IV. Technical transformation and acquaintance with notions (preparatory reading, terms, understanding and problems, dictionaries, etc.)

V. Otlichie hudozhestvennogo perevoda ot tehnicheskogo.

V. Differences between fiction and technical translations.

1. Uvelichenie kolichestva semanticheskih kanalov.

1. Growing number of semantic channels.

2. Nalichie podtekstov.

2. Underlying themes.

3. Vospriyatie stilya i ego ekvivalent.

3. Perception of style and its equivalent.

4. Zvuchanie hudozhestvennogo teksta.

4. Sounding of a piece of fiction.

5. Metafora i osobennosti ee perevoda (uchet konnotata, aforis-tichnost', ritm i melodika, stepen' yarkosti, oshchushchenie vkusa, videokoefficient, sluchaj othoda ot bukval'noj tochnosti).

5. Metaphors and specifics of translating them (taking into account connotations, aphoristic brevity, rhythm and melody, degree of brightness, sense of taste, video-coefficient, divergence from literal exactness).

6. Sostoyanie kak osnovnoj rezul'tat vozdejstviya proizvedeniya; poisk ekvivalenta na drugom yazyke.

6. Feelings evocation as the major result of producing impression; search for equivalents in another language.

7. Poisk sootvetstvij literaturnoj intonacii i ritmov.

7. Search for correlated literary intonations and rhythms.

8. Problemy rifmy pri perevodah poeticheskih tekstov (rifma kak precendent zvuchaniya, svezhest' vospriyatiya i neozhi-dannost', assonansy, polnye rifmy i t.d.).

8. Rhyme problems when translating poetry (the rhyme as a precedent sounding, novelty of perception and unexpectedness, assonances, full rhymes, etc.)

9. Organizaciya belogo stiha (vnutrennie rifmy, alliteracii, rifmy zhenskie i muzhskie).

9. Non-rhymed versification (inner rhymes, alliteration, female and male rhymes).

10. Leksicheskij zapas yazyka perevoda.

10. Vocabulary richness of translations.

VI. Perevod-bolvanka.

VI. A mould-translation.

1. Nabrosok obshchego soderzhaniya posle mnogokratnogo perechi-tyvaniya i vyyasneniya znachenij slov i idiomaticheskih vyrazhenij.

1. Sketch of the major contents after repeated re-reading and searching for word meanings and idiomatic expressions.

2. Vyyasnenie slabyh mest, nedostatochnyh sootvetstvij, stilevyh netochnostej, ritmicheskih sbivov, intonacionnoj fal'shi, malovyrazitel'nyh zvuchanij i t.d.

2. Display of weak and irrelevant points, stylistic inaccuracies, rhythmic slips, false intonations, awkwardly expressed soundings, etc.

3. Perechityvanie originala i perehod k otdelke.

3. Re-reading of the original and passing over to the refinement.

VII. Otdelka perevoda.

VII. Translation refinement.

1. Othod ot bukvalizma k estestvennosti poryadka slov.

1. Transfer from the literal to the natural word order.

2. Idiomaticheskie ekvivalenty.

2. Idiomatic equivalents.

3. Varianty i otsekanie lishnego.

3. Variants and cutting off the excessive.

4. Inversii, ritmizaciya, instrumentovka.

4. Inversions, rhythming, instrumentality.

5. Neobhodimost' otkladyvaniya gotovogo perevoda.

5. Necessity for putting aside the ready-made translation.

6. Tehnika peresmotra (ostrota vospriyatiya, vozmozhnaya slepota - podmena fakticheskogo oshchushcheniem sobstvennogo sostoyaniya, bor'ba s tshcheslaviem, leksicheskij zapas i t.d.).

6. Revision technique (acuteness of perception; possible blindness replacing the actual by one's own experiences; resistance to vanity; vocabulary, etc.)

VIII. Psihologicheskaya sverhzadacha i podgotovka k perevodcheskoj deyatel'nosti.

VIII. Psychological super-goal and preparing for translation.

1. Namerenie (mnenie o svoih vozmozhnostyah, mnenie o "nuzh-nosti", razvitii remeslennyh umenij, izzhivanie obydennyh predstavlenij ob umenii pisat').

1. Intention (the opinion of one's own abilities; the opinion of the "necessity," development of craft skills; release from routine opinions on writing abilities).

2. Rol' popytok i zaplanirovannye neudachi.

2. The role of attempts and planned failures.

3. Special'naya literatura po perevodu i literaturnomu tvor-chestvu.

3. Special literature on translation and literary work.

4. Zavisimost' sovershenstvovaniya ot postanovki sverhzadachi (kak pobochnoj), effekt razlitosti sverhzadannoj mysli na vse dejstviya; total'noe vklyuchenie.

4. Dependence of perfection on the super-goal set (as secondary); the effect of spreading the super-set idea over the entire activities; total involvement.

5. Umenie i talant (vliyanie umenij na raskrytie sobstvennyh vozmozhnostej).

5. Skill and talent (influence of skills on the development of one's abilities).

IX. Ustnyj perevod (chtenie vsluh i pro sebya).

IX. Oral translation (reading aloud and to oneself.)

1. Perevod dlya sebya.

1. Translation for oneself.

2. Perevod vnutrennim golosom.

2. Translation with the inner voice.

3. Osnovnoe i vtrostepennoe.

3. The main and secondary.

4. Upravlenie vnimaniem.

4. Attention control.

X. Ustnaya rech'.

X. Oral speech.

1. Znachenie orfoepicheskih predstavlenij.

1. The significance of orthoepic concepts.

2. ZHiznennyj kontekst pri perevode rechi.

2. Life context when translating oral speech.

3. Skorost': znachenie rassudochnoj deyatel'nosti i soznatel'noe snizhenie trebovatel'nosti.

3. Speed; significance of rational activity and aware reduction of exactness.

4. Razlichie perevodov ustnoj rechi i pis'mennyh tekstov.

4. The difference between translating oral speech and written translations.

5. Razlichie perevodov ustnoj rechi na rodnoj i inostrannyj yazyk, optimal'noe kolichestvo blokov, ekvivalentnyh banal'nostej.

5. The difference between oral speech translations into the native and a foreign languages; optimum number of blocks and equivalent banalities.

6. Znachenie ponyatijnogo myshleniya (govorenie vnutrennim golosom) Dlya razvitiya navykov ustnogo perevoda.

6. Significance of conceptual thinking (speaking with the inner voice) for developing oral translation skills.

7. Takticheskie zanizheniya pri ustnom perevode, predpochtenie prostejshego; zhest, mimika - obratnaya svyaz'.

7. Putting tactical goals low when translating orally; preference-giving to the simplest; gestures and mimics - feedback.

8. Citirovanie pri ustnom perevode na chuzhoj yazyk (rutinnoe govorenie kak total'noe citirovanie), osoznanie avtomatizma.

8. Quoting when translating into a foreign language (routine speaking as a total quotation), awareness of automatism.