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 Original etogo teksta raspolozhen na stranice

     It  is  said  that  back  in the  1940's,  the  following  message  was
prominently displayed at the front of the  main chemistry lecture hall at  a
major university:

     "The English language is your most versatile scientific instrument.
     Learn to use it with precision."

     In the intervening years, the teaching of proper grammar  in the public
elementary  and high schools fell into disfavor.  The  inevitable result  is
that manuscripts submitted to us are often full of grammatical errors, which
their authors probably do not even recognize (and often would not care about
if they did).

     We  regard this  state of  affairs  as  deplorable,  and  we want to do
something about  it. For many years  we have tried to correct the grammar of
papers  that  we publish.  This is  toilsome at best,  and sometimes entails
rather substantial  rephrasing. It  would obviously be  preferable  to  have
authors  use correct grammar in  the first place. The problem is  how to get
them to do it.

     One fairly effective way  is to provide examples of what not to  do; it
is  particularly helpful if the examples are humorous. We have recently seen
several lists of grammatical examples of this type. A few weeks ago we found
taped to a colleague's office door the most  complete one we have seen.  (He
tells us it  was passed out in a  class of Darthmouth - not in English  - at
the time a term paper was  assigned).  We reproduce it here in the hope that
it will have some effect.

     1.Make sure each pronoun agrees with their antecedent.
     2.Just between you and I, the case of pronoun is important.
     3.Watch out for irregular verbs which have crope into English.
     4.Verbs has to agree in number with their subjects.
     5.Don't use no double negatives.
     6.Being bad grammar, a writer should not use dangling modifiers.
     7.Join clauses good like a conjunction should.
     8.A writer must be not shift your point of view.
     9.About sentence fragments.
     10.Don't use run-on sentences you got to punctuate them.
     11.In  letters essays  and  reports  use  commas  to separate  items in
     12.Don't use commas, which are not necessary.
     13.Parenthetical words however should be enclosed in commas.
     14.Its important to use apostrophes right in everybodys writing.
     15.Don't abbrev.
     16.Check to see if you any words out.
     17.In the case of a report, check to see that jargonwise, it's A-OK.
     18.As far as incomplete constructions, they are wrong.
     19.About repetition, the repetition of a  word might be real  effective
repetition - take, for instance the repetition of Abraham Lincoln.
     20.In my opinion,  I think that  an author when  he  is writing  should
definitely not get into  the habit of  making use  of too  many  unnecessary
words that he does not really need in order to put his message across.
     21.Use parallel construction not only to be concise but also clarify.
     22.It behooves us all to avoid archaic expressions.
     23.Mixed metaphors are a pain in the neck and ought to be weeded out.
     24.Consult the dictionery to avoid mispelings.
     25.To  ignorantly  split  an infinitive is  a  practice  to religiously
     26.Last but not least, lay off cliches.

     George L. Trigg
     Phys.Rev.Lett., 42, 12, 748 (1979).

     Amerikanskij  fizik  Dzhordzh  Trigg  (George  L.  Trigg) v bytnost' svoyu
redaktorom zhurnala "The Physical Review Letters"  postoyanno,  no  bezuspeshno
pytalsya   vtolkovat'   avtoram,   chto  prinosimye  imi  stat'i  dolzhny  byt'
bezuprechnymi ne tol'ko s  nauchnoj,  no  i  s  grammaticheskoj  tochki  zreniya.
Otchayavshis',  on  napisal i opublikoval v svoem zhurnale (Phys.Rev.Lett.,1979,
42, 12, 748) neskol'ko ehidnyh sovetov, kotorye pozzhe byli opublikovany i  v
vol'nom  russkom  perevode  v gazete SO AN SSSR "Nauka v Sibiri". My reshili,
chto eti sovety (s nashimi dopolneniyami, kotorye otdeleny ot ishodnika chertoj)
mogut byt' polezny i Vam...

     Zamenyaya  sushchestvitel'nye mestoimeniyami,  pozabot'tes'  o pravil'nom ego

     Mezhdu nas govorya: padezh mestoimeniya tozhe vazhen.

     Esli vy hochete ispol'zovat' glagol,  to spryagat' ego nuzhno pravil'no, a
ne kak togo zahotit avtor.

     Glagol,   krome  togo,  vsegda   dolzhny   soglasovyvat'sya  v   chisle  s

     Ne nado nigde neispol'zovat' lishnih otricanij.

     Ploho  znaya  grammatiku,  slozhnye  konstrukcii dolzhny  upotreblyat'sya  s

     Kotorye yavlyayutsya pridatochnymi predlozheniyami, sostavlyat' nado pravil'no.

     My  hotim  otmetit',  chto  menyat'  lico,   ot  imeni  kotorogo  vedetsya
izlozhenie, avtor etih strok ne rekomenduet.

     CHto kasaetsya nezakonchennyh predlozhenij.

     Avtor ispol'zuyushchij prichastnye oboroty ne dolzhen zabyvat' o punktuacii.

     V pis'mah stat'yah dokladah stav'te zapyatye pri perechislenii.

     Ne ispol'zujte zapyatye, tam, gde oni ne nuzhny.

     Vvodnye slova odnako sleduet vydelyat' zapyatymi.

     Stav'te  gde  nado  tverdyj znak ili hotya by apostrof: obem stat'i  vse
ravno tak ne sekonomit'.

     Ne sokrashch.!

     Prover'te v tekste propushchennyh slov.

     Avtor dolzhen usech' naschet stat'i: hochesh' ne slabo vystupit' - zavyazyvaj
s zhargonom.

     Esli nepolnye konstrukcii - ploho.

     Malen'koe   zamechanie  o  povtoreniyah,  kotorye  inogda  vstrechayutsya  v
stat'yah,   kotorye  pechatayutsya  i  u  nas,  i  za  rubezhom,  kotorye  inogda
zatumanivayut mysl',  kotoruyu  hotel  vyskazat' avtor, o kotoryh  my i hoteli
sdelat' eto zamechanie.

     Po nashemu glubokomu ubezhdeniyu, my  polagaem, chto avtor,  kogda on pishet
stat'yu,  opredelenno ne  dolzhen priobretat' durnuyu privychku, zaklyuchayushchuyusya v
tom,  chtoby   ispol'zovat'   chereschur   mnogo  nenuzhnyh   slov,  kotorye   v
dejstvitel'nosti  sovershenno  ne   yavlyayutsya  neobhodimymi  dlya  togo,  chtoby
vyrazit' svoyu mysl'.

     Ispol'zujte  parallel'nye konstrukcii  ne tol'ko  dlya utochneniya,  no  i

     Votshche  nadeyat'sya,  chto  arhaizmy  v   gramote  budut   spospeshestvovat'
ponimaniyu onoj.

     Metafora - eto gvozd' v botinke, i luchshe ee vypolot'.

     Praveryajte po slovaryu napisanie slov.

     Nedelite ne  delimoe i ne  soedinyajte  razno  rodnoe,  a koe chto pishite
cherez defis.

     SHtampam ne dolzhno byt' mesta na stranicah nashej pechati.


     Ne znanie pravopisaniya chastic nesposobstvuet horoshemu urovnyu teksta.

     Krome togo, ne odin avtor, ni ponimayushchij, kogda  pisat'  "ne",  a kogda
"ni", ni mozhet rasschityvat' na pooshchrenie.

     Sluchajnaya vnutrennyaya rifma otvlekaet ot logarifma.

     Nanizyvanie  sushchestvitel'nyh  drug  na  druga  privodit  k  zatrudneniyu
ponimaniya metoda resheniya uravneniya.

     Sklonyat'  chislitel'nye  mozhno sto dvadcat'  pyat'yu  sposobami, no tol'ko
odin iz nih pravil'nyj.

     V processe opisaniya fizicheskih processov izbegajte omonimov.

     Nalichie v tekste  dubliruyushchihsya slov slov, kak pravilo, svidetel'stvuet
o nevnimatel'nom spisyvanii.

     Akuratno obrashchajtes' s udvoenymi soglasnnymi.

     Ispol'zovanie terminov, znacheniya kotoryh vy ne vpolne ponimaete,  mozhet
privesti k affektirovannym insinuaciyam v vash adres.

     Tot,  kto  zanimaet'sya  oformleniem  stat'i,   dolzhen  prezhde  vyuchitsya
pravopisaniyu neopredelennoj formy glagola.

     Rabota dolzhna byt' tshchatel'no akkuratno oformlena.

     Ispol'zujte takoj shrift, chtoby tekst mozhno bylo chitat' bez mikroskopa.

     Odnovremennoe ISPOLXZOVANIE mnozhestva shriftov meshaet ch_i_t_a_t_' tekst.

     Ispol'zovanie  nerusificirovannogo  shrifta   vedet   k  nepredskazuemym

Last-modified: Sat, 31 Jan 2004 21:17:21 GMT
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