stranicy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- KNIGA SHESTAYA: "BIBLEJSKAYA RUSX" Novaya hronologiya VI, sokrashchenno nhVI [BIBL]:1 G.V.Nosovskij, A.T.Fomenko. MATEMATICHESKAYA HRONOLOGIYA BIBLEJSKIH SOBYTIJ. - Moskva, Nauka, 1997. Ob容m - 407 stranic. [BIBL]:2 V sushchestvenno pererabotannom i rasshirennom vide kniga vyshla v dvuh tomah v 1998 godu: G.V.Nosovskij, A.T.Fomenko. BIBLEJSKAYA RUSX. (Russko-ordynskaya Imperiya i Bibliya. Novaya matematicheskaya hronologiya drevnosti). Toma 1,2. - Moskva, izd-vo Faktorial, 1998. Ob容m 1-go toma - 687 stranic. Ob容m 2-go toma - 582 stranicy. [BIBL]:3 V neskol'ko sokrashchennom vide, no zato s dobavleniem novogo vazhnogo materiala, kniga vyshla v 1998 godu pod nazvaniem: G.V.Nosovskij, A.T.Fomenko. RUSX-ORDA NA STRANICAH BIBLEJSKIH KNIG. - Moskva, izd-vo ANVIK, 1998. Ob容m - 430 stranic. [BIBL]:4 G.V.Nosovskij, A.T.Fomenko. BIBLEJSKAYA RUSX. IZBRANNYE GLAVY - I. (Russko-ordynskaya Imperiya i Bibliya. Novaya matematicheskaya hronologiya drevnosti. Istoriya rukopisej i izdanij Biblii. Sobytiya XI-XII vv.n.e. v Novom Zavete. Pyatiknizhie). - Moskva, izd-vo "Faktorial", 1999. Ob容m - 173 stranicy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- KNIGA SEDXMAYA: "REKONSTRUKCIYA" Novaya hronologiya VII, sokrashchenno nhVII [REK]:1 G.V.Nosovskij, A.T.Fomenko. REKONSTRUKCIYA VSEOBSHCHEJ ISTORII. (Novaya hronologiya). - Moskva, Finansovo izdatel'skij dom "Delovoj ekspress", 1999. Ob容m - 735 stranic. -------------------------------------------------------------------- V Moskve eti knigi mozhno priobresti v moskovskih magazinah "Biblioglobus" (ul.Myasnickaya), "Molodaya Gvardiya", "Dom knigi" na Kalininskom prospekte, na knizhnom rynke na stadione "Olipijskij" i t.d. Nekotorye knigi mozhno zakazat', svyazavshis' s izdatel'stvami: 1) Izd-vo Faktorial: 117449, Moskva, a/ya 331. Knigi: Imperiya, Novaya hronologiya Rusi, Biblejskaya Rus', Datirovka Al'magesta. 2) Izd-vo Anvik: tel.118-69-89 (Moskva). Knigi: Rus'-Orda na stranicah biblejskih knig, Novaya hronologiya Rusi, Anglii i Rima (novoe pererabotannoe izdanie). 3) Izd-vo Kraft: tel.278-73-80 (Moskva). Knigi: Vvedenie v novuyu hronologiyu (Kakoj sejchas vek?); Kritika tradicionnoj hronologii (Kakoj sejchas vek?); Metody statisticheskogo analiza istoricheskih tekstov. Prilozheniya k hronologii. 4) Izd-vo "Delovoj |kspress": 745-71-47 (Moskva). Knigi: Rekonstrukciya vseobshchej istorii. ********************************************************************** Sleduet otmetit', chto posle vyhoda knig A.T.Fomenko i G.V.Nosovskogo po novoj hronologii nachali poyavlyat'sya knigi i drugih avtorov, v kotoryh v toj ili inoj stepeni obsuzhdayutsya ili razvivayutsya idei novoj hronologii. Ukazhem nekotorye iz nih. 1) L.I.Bocharov, N.N.Efimov, I.M.CHachuh, I.YU.CHernyshev. "Zagovor protiv russkoj istorii. (Fakty, zagadki, versii)". Moskva, izd-vo ANVIK, 1998. Kniga v znachitel'noj stepeni osnovana na rabotah A.T.Fomenko i G.V.Nosovskogo i soderzhit izlozhenie novoj koncepcii russkoj istorii. Napisana chetko, soderzhit mnogo novogo interesnogo materiala. Avtory proveli bol'shuyu i cennuyu rabotu. 2) Jordan Tabov. "Padaneto na Stara B峽gariya". (Na bolgarskom yazyke). - Bolgariya, Sofiya, izd-vo "Morang", 1997. |to - kniga ob容mom v 300 stranic. Napisana professional'nym bolgarskim matematikom Jordanom Tabovym, sotrudnikom instituta matematiki Akademii Nauk Bolgarii (g. Sofiya). Naryadu so svoej osnovnoj deyatel'nost'yu v oblasti matematiki, on zainteresovalsya problemoj drevnej hronologii v svyazi s izvestnymi emu mnogochislennymi temnymi mestami bolgarskoj istorii, kotorye ochen' ploho ukladyvalis' v istoriko-hronologicheskuyu versiyu Skaligera. Rezul'tatom ego issledovanij yavilas' novaya koncepciya istorii Bolgarii, horosho soglasuyushchayasya s novoj hronologiej. Jordan Tabov obnaruzhil mnogo novyh interesnyh faktov i sdelal ryad ochen' cennyh dlya hronologii nablyudenij. Takzhe, v ego knige, so ssylkoj na raboty A.T.Fomenko i G.V.Nosovskogo, chetko izlozheny nekotorye osnovnye rezul'taty ih issledovanij. Kniga Jordana Tabova yavlyaetsya krupnym sobytiem v mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj zhizni. 3) Blagodarya tomu, chto issledovaniya A.T.Fomenko i G.V.Nosovskogo privlekli vnimanie k problemam hronologii, v 1997-1998 godah moskovskoe izdatel'stvo Kraft pereizdalo fundamental'nyj trud N.A.Morozova "Hristos" v semi tomah [141], vpervye vyshedshij v 1924-1932 godah. 4) Aleksandr Guc. Podlinnaya istoriya Rossii. - Izd-vo Omskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, Omsk, 1999. Avtorom etoj interesnoj knigi yavlyaetsya professional'nyj matematik A.K.Guc (Omskij un-t). V knige kriticheski analiziruetsya prinyataya segodnya versiya istorii Rossii. V knige, v chastnosti, dostatochno polno i chetko izlagayutsya rezul'taty A.T.Fomenko i G.V.Nosovskogo, stavyatsya novye voprosy. Kniga napisana na osnove lekcionnogo materiala special'nogo kursa "Podlinnaya istoriya Rossii", kotoryj chitalsya studentam Omskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 5) Heribert Illig. Hat Karl der Grosse je gelebt? (Bauten, Funde und Schriften im Widerstreit). - Mantis Verlag, Gra"felfing, 1996. (Gerbert Illig. - ZHil li Karl Velikij v dejstvitel'nosti?). 6) Christian Blo"ss, Hans-Ulrich Niemitz. C14-Crash. (Das Ende der Illusion mit Radiokarbonmethode und Dendrochronologie datieren zu ko"nnen). - Mantis Verlag, Gra"felfing, 1997. (Hristian Bloss i Gans Ul'rih Nimic. - Krah S-14. Konec illyuzij, chto radiouglerodnyj i dendrohronologicheskij metody sposobny datirovat'). 7) Gunnar Heinsohn. Assyrerko"nige gleich Perserherrscher! (Die Assyrienfunde besta"tigen das Acha"menidenreach). - Mantis Verlag, Gra"felfing, 1996. (Gunnar Hejnson. - Assirijskie cari podobny persidskim!). 8) Gunnar Heinsohn, Heribert Illig. Wann lebten die Pharaonen? (Archa"ologische and technologische Grundlagen fu"r eine Neuschreibung der Geschichte A"gyptens and der u"brigen Welt). - Mantis Verlag, Gra"felfing, 1997. (Gunnar Hejnson i Gerbert Illig. - Kogda zhili faraony?) 9) Uwe Topper. Die "Grosse Aktion". Europas Erfundene Geschichte. Die planma"ssige Fa"lschung unserer Vergangenheit von der Antike bis zur Aufkla"rung". - Grabert-Verlag, Tu"bingen. Deutschland. (Uve Topper. - "Velikaya akciya". Vydumannaya istoriya Evropy. Splanirovannaya i massovaya fal'sifikaciya nashego proshlogo ot antichnosti do epohi Prosveshcheniya). 10) Uwe Topper. Erfundene Geschichte. Unsere Zeitrechnung ist falsch. Leben wir im Jahr 1702? - F.A.Herbig Verlagsbuchhandlung GmbH, Mu"nchen, 1999. (Uve Topper. - Vydumannaya istoriya. Nashe letoschislenie lozhno. My zhivem v 1702 godu?). ------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Books on New Chronology Until the present time were published several books about this subject. If we do not speak about the popular, short and revised versions, then the total number of different books is SEVEN. Let us list them under short titles. The complete information about all versions of these SEVEN books see below. 1) INTRODUCTION. 2) METHODS 1-2. 3) METHODS 3. 4) NEW CHRONOLOGY OF RUSSIA, ENGLAND AND ROME. 5) EMPIRE. 6) BIBLICAL RUSSIA. 7) RECONSTRUCTION. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRST BOOK: "INTRODUCTION" New Chronology I, the short notation ncI. [INTR]:1 Fomenko A.T. NEW EXPERIMENTAL-STATISTICAL METHODS FOR DATING OF ANCIENT EVENTS AND APPLICATIONS TO GLOBAL CHRONOLOGY OF ANCIENT AND MEDIEVAL WORLD. (In Russian). (Preprint). - Moscow: State Committee of TV and Radio. 1981. Order. 3672. Lit. from 9/XI - 1981 year. No. BO7201, pp.1-100. Volume - 100 pages. [INTR]:2 English translation: Fomenko A.T. SOME NEW EMPIRICO-STATISTICAL METHODS OF DATING AND THE ANALYSIS OF PRESENT GLOBAL CHRONOLOGY. (In English). - 1981. London, The British Library, Department of printed books. Cup. 918/87. Volume - 100 pages. [INTR]:3 Fomenko A.T. CRITICS OF TRADITIONAL CHRONOLOGY OF ANTIQUITY AND MIDDLE AGES. (IN WHICH CENTURY WE ARE LIVING?). (In Russian). - Moscow, Moscow University Press, 1993. Volume - 204 pages. [INTR]:4 Second revised and extended edition of the book was published in 1999 with the title: Fomenko A.T., Nosovskij G.V. INTRODUCTION TO NEW CHRONOLOGY. (IN WHICH CENTURY WE ARE LIVING?). (In Russian). - Moscow, Publishing Company Kraft+Lean, 1999. Volume - 757 pages. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SECOND BOOK, FIRST PART: "METHODS-1". New Chronology II(1), the short notation ncII(1). [MET1]:1 Fomenko A.T. METHODS OF STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF NARRATIVE TEXTS AND APPLICATIONS TO CHRONOLOGY. (Recognition and Dating of Dependent Texts, Statistical Ancient Chronology, Statistics of Ancient Astronomical Records). (In Russian). - Moscow, Moscow University Press, 1990. Volume - 439 pages. [MET1]:2 Second revised edition of the book was published in 1996: Fomenko A.T. METHODS OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS OF HISTORICAL TEXTS. APPLICATIONS TO CHRONOLOGY. (In Russian). - Moscow, 1996, Publishing Company: Nauka. Volume - 475 pages. [MET1]:3 Separate chapters of the book in extended and revised form were published in 1996 as the individual book under the special title: Fomenko A.T. NEW CHRONOLOGY OF GREECE. ANTIQUITY IN THE MIDDLE AGES. Volumes 1, 2. (In Russian). - Moscow, Moscow University Press. Moscow University Center for School Education. 1996. Size of both volumes - 914 pages. [MET1]:4 English translation of the book in extended and revised form was published in 1994 under the title: Fomenko A.T. EMPIRICO-STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF NARRATIVE MATERIAL AND ITS APPLICATIONS TO HISTORICAL DATING. (In English). Volume 1: The Development of the Statistical Tools. Volume 2: The Analysis of Ancient and Medieval Records. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1994. The Netherlands. Size of the 1st Volume - 211 pages. Size of the 2nd Volume - 462 pages. [MET1]:5 Serbian translation was published in 1997 under the title: Fomenko A.T. STATISTICAL CHRONOLOGY. MATHEMATICAL VIEW OF THE HISTORY. IN WHICH CENTURY WE ARE LIVING? (In Serbian). - Belgrad, Publishing Company: Margo-Art, 1997. Volume - 450 pages. [MET1]:6 Revised and extended version of the book was published in 1999, as the 1st volume of two-volumes edition with the title: Fomenko A.T. METHODS OF STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF HISTORICAL TEXTS. APPLICATIONS TO CHRONOLOGY. Volume 1. (In Russian). - Moscow, Publishing Company Kraft+Lean, 1999. Volume - 801 pages. [MET1]:7 In revised version the book was published in two volumes, as the part of three-volumes edition, in 1999, in Russian language, in USA, in scientific Publishing Company Edwin Mellen Press. Fomenko A.T. NEW METHODS OF STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF HISTORICAL TEXTS. APPLICATIONS TO CHRONOLOGY. Volume 1 and Volume 2. (In Russian). In the series: Russian Studies in Mathematics and Sciences. Scholary Monographs in the Russian Language. Volumes 6-7. The Edwin Mellen Press. USA. Lewiston. Queenston. Lampeter. 1999. Size of the 1st volume - 588 pages. Size of the 2nd volume - 564 pages. --------------------------------------------------------------------- SECOND BOOK, SECOND PART: "METHODS-2". New Chronology II(2), the short notation ncII(2). [MET2]:1 Fomenko A.T. GLOBAL CHRONOLOGY. (Analysis of Ancient and Medieval History. Mathematical Methods for Chronicles Analysis). (In Russian). - Moscow, Moscow University Press, 1993. Volume - 408 pages. [MET2]:2 Revised and extended version of the book was published in 1999, as the 2nd volume of two-volumes edition with the title: Fomenko A.T. METHODS OF STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF HISTORICAL TEXTS. APPLICATIONS TO CHRONOLOGY. Volume 2. (In Russian). - Moscow, Publishing Company Kraft+Lean, 1999. Volume - 907 pages. [MET2]:3 In revised version the book was published in 1999, as the 3rd last volume of three-volumes edition, in Russian language, in USA, in scientific Publishing Company Edwin Mellen Press. The title of the whole 3-volume set is as follows: Fomenko A.T. NEW METHODS OF STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF HISTORICAL TEXTS. APPLICATIONS TO CHRONOLOGY, vols 1,2,3. The title of the 3rd volume is as follows: Fomenko A.T. ANTIQUITY IN THE MIDDLE AGES. (GREEK AND THE BIBLICAL HISTORY). (In Russian). In the series: Scholary Monographs in the Russian Language. The Edwin Mellen Press. USA. Lewiston. Queenston. Lampeter. 1999. Size - 578 pages. --------------------------------------------------------------------- THIRD BOOK, "METHODS-3". New Chronology III, the short notation ncIII. [MET3]:1 Fomenko A.T, Kalashnikov V.V, Nosovsky G.V. GEOMETRICAL AND STATISTICAL METHODS OF ANALYSIS OF STAR CONFIGURATIONS. DATING PTOLEMY'S ALMAGEST. (In English). - CRC Press. 1993, USA. Volume - 300 pages. [MET3]:2 In Russian language this book was published in 1995: Fomenko A.T., Nosovskii G.V., Kalashnikov V.V. DATING OF STAR CATALOG IN "ALMAGEST". STATISTICAL AND GEOMETRICAL ANALYSIS. - Moscow, "Factorial", 1995 (in Russian). Volume - 286 pages. -------------------------------------------------------------------- FOURTH BOOK, "RUSSIA, ENGLAND, ROME". New Chronology IV, the short notation ncIV. [RER]:1 Fomenko A.T., Nosovskij G.V. NEW CHRONOLOGY AND CONCEPT OF ANCIENT RUSSIAN, ENGLISH AND ROMAN HISTORY. (In Russian). - Moscow, Moscow University Press, 1995 Moscow University Center for School Education. Second edition - in 1996. Size of both volumes - 672 pages. [RER]:2 The revised and simplified version of the book was published in 1997 by Publishing Company "Olymp": Fomenko A.T., Nosovskij G.V. RUSSIA AND ROME. (IS OUR KNOWLEDGE ABOUT EUROPEAN AND ASIAN HISTORY CORRECT ?). (In Russian). - Moscow, 1997, "Olymp". Second edition - in 1999. Size of the 1st volume - 606 pages. Size of the 2nd volume - 621 pages. [RER]:3 The first volume of the book was published in 1997 as the separate book with the title: Fomenko A.T., Nosovskij G.V. NEW CHRONOLOGY OF RUSSIA. (In Russian). - Moscow, 1997, "Factorial". New editions - in 1998, 1999. Volume - 255 pages. [RER]:4 New revised and extended version of the first two-volumes edition is planned in 1999 under the title: Fomenko A.T., Nosovskij G.V. NEW CHRONOLOGY OF RUSSIA, ENGLAND AND ROME. (In Russian). - Moscow, Publishing Company "Anvik", 1999. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FIFTH BOOK, "EMPIRE". New Chronology V, the short notation ncV. [EMP]:1 Fomenko A.T., Nosovskij G.V. EMPIRE. (Russia, Turkey, China, Europe, Egypt. New Mathematical Chronology of Antiquity). (In Russian). - Moscow, "Factorial", 1996. New editions in 1997, 1998, 1999. Volume - 752 pages. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SIXTH BOOK, "BIBLICAL RUSSIA". New Chronology VI, the short notation ncVI. [BIBL]:1 Fomenko A.T., Nosovskij G.V. MATHEMATICAL CHRONOLOGY OF THE BIBLICAL EVENTS. (In Russian). - Moscow, Nauka, 1997. Volume - 407 pages. [BIBL]:2 Fomenko A.T., Nosovskij G.V. BIBLICAL RUSSIA. (Russian-Hordian Empire and the Bible. New Mathematical Chronology of Antiquty). Volumes 1 and 2. (In Russian). - Moscow, "Factorial", 1998. Size of the 1st volume - 687 pages. Size of the 2nd volume - 582 pages. [BIBL]:3 The revised and simplified version of the book, with adding some new material, was published in one volume, in 1999 under the title: Fomenko A.T., Nosovskij G.V. RUS'-ORDA ON THE PAGES OF BIBLICAL BOOKS. (In Russian). - Moscow, ANVIK, 1998. Volume - 430 pages. [BIBL]:4 Fomenko A.T., Nosovskij G.V. BIBLICAL RUSSIA. SELECTED CHAPTERS - I. (Russian-Hordian Empire and the Bible. New Mathematical Chronology of Antiquty. History of manuscripts and editions of the Bible. Events of XI-XII cc.A.D. in the New Testament. Moses' books). (In Russian). - Moscow, "Factorial", 1999. Volume - 173 pages. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVENTH BOOK, "RECONSTRUCTIOM". New Chronology VII, the short notation ncVII. [REC]:1 Fomenko A.T., Nosovskij G.V. RECONSTRUCTION OF GENERAL HISTORY. (New Chronology). (In Russian). - Moscow, Publishing Company "Delovoi' Express", 1999. Volume - 735 pages. -------------------------------------------------------------------- In Moscow these books can be found in the central book-shops "Biblioglobus" (Myasnizkaya street), "Molodaya Gvardia", "Dom knigi" (Kalininskii'prospekt) et cetera. Some of the books can be ordered directly in Publishing Companies: 1) "Factorial", 117449, abonementnyi' yaszhik 331 (Moscow). 2) "Anvik", tel. (095)-118-69-89 (Moscow). 3) "Kraft+Lean", tel. (095)-278-73-80 (Moscow). 4) "Delovoi' Express", tel. (095)-745-71-47 (Moscow). ********************************************************************** Internet addresses: *********************************************************************