¾ÓÛÐÒÛÕÝØÕ äÐÙÛÐ ( /LYNX/INTERMET/bdgtti-1.02.txt )

  • Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet

  • ÀreamblÕ
  • WelcoÜÕ
  • Forward
  • ÀrefaáÕ
  • First links
  • ½ow it works
  • °cknowledgments
  • FYI:

  • Setting Øà
  • Jacking iß
  • Dialing iß
  • Àublic-Access Internet Sites
  • °ny Alternatives?
  • Âhings that can go wrong:

  • µL¼
  • ÀINµ
  • Smileys
  • Seven UNIX Commands you can't live without:
  • µ-Mail to other Networks
  • When things go wrong:
  • FYI:

  • Where to get Answers?

  • Flame, Blather and Spew, and the First Amendment
  • Âhe First Amendment as Local OrdinaßáÕ
  • rn Commands
  • ßn Commands
  • Áross-posting
  • Âhe Brain-tumor Boy and the Modem Taå
  • ºillfiles
  • Usenet Historã
  • FYI:

  • ²itnet

  • Library Catalogs
  • Âelnet Sites
  • Âelnet BBSs
  • Finger
  • Finding Someone on the Net
  • When things go wrong:

  • Âhe Keyboard Cabal
  • FTP Sites
  • When things go wrong:

  • VeroniáÐ
  • Wide-Area Information Servers
  • World-Wide Web
  • Álients

  • Sending your own files through the mail

  • USA Todaã
  • Âhe World Todaã

  • Âalk
  • Internet Relay Chat
  • IRC Commands
  • Âhe other Side of the Coiß

  • º12Net
  • SpaceMet
  • ºidspherÕ
  • ½ealth-Ed:
  • ½emingwaã
  • NASA Spacelink
  • Newtoß
  • µducational FTP sites
  • ¼ore Educational Resources on the Net

  • ° Cybernaut's Eye View
  • Social Contracts, Reciprocity, and Gift Economies in CyberspaáÕ
  • Who Is The WELL?
  • ¼y Neighborhood On The WELL
  • FYI:

  • Dear Emily Postnews
  • µFF Informatioß
  • General Information About the Electronic Frontier Foundatioß
  • ½ow to connect to EFF?
  • ¼embership in the Electronic Frontier Foundatioß
  • Internet Country Codes
  • Description of codes
  • Networks which are not included
  • Updates
  • .us sites
  • .edu, .com, etc.
  • UK and GB domains
  • ¼ain nameservers
  • °rchiving
  • ISO 3166 Codes & Top level domains
  • Disclaimer
  • Àaperware on the Net
  • ½ardcover & Softcover Publications
  • Journals & Papers
  • Áyberspace-related News bits
  • µlectronically published Texts
  • FYI:

  • Size: 577072 bytes
    Last-modified: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 08:14:46 GMT

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