Wis.: 15 Dex.: 15 Con.: 19 Cha.: 9 Hit Points: 45 Location: Level 4, location 39 Status: Injured Equipment: Dwarf Helmet, Chain Mail, Axe Dorhum ---------- Class: Level 3 Fighter Alignment: Lawful-Good Race/Gender: Dwarf Male Ability Scores: Str.: 18/29 Int.: 13 Wis.: 11 Dex.: 16 Con.: 17 Cha.: 14 Hit Points: 28 Location: Level 5, location 27 Status: Okay Equipment: Dwarf Helmet, Chain Mail, Axe, 2 Rations, Potion of Healing Ileria ---------- Class: Level 6 Cleric Alignment: Lawful-Good Race/Gender: Half Elf Female Ability Scores: Str.: 10 Int.: 12 Wis.: 9 Dex.: 15 Con.: 17 Cha.: 17 Hit Points: 52 Location: Level 7, location 19A Status: Dead (bones) Equipment: Holy Symbol Beohram ---------- Class: Level 7 Fighter Alignment: Lawful-Good Race/Gender: Human Male Ability Scores: Str.: 17 Int.: 9 Wis.: 15 Dex.: 13 Con.: 18 Cha.: 17 Hit Points: 55 Location: Level 9, location 57 Status: Dead (bones) Equipment: Helmet, Holy Symbol, Plate Mail, +5 Long Sword called "Severious", Shield, Dagger Keirgar ---------- Class: Level 5 Fighter Alignment: Newtral-Good Race/Gender: Dwarf Male Ability Scores: Str.: 18/92 Int.: 15 Wis.: 15 Dex.: 12 Con.: 19 Cha.: 17 Hit Points: 45 Location: Level 10, location 15 Status: Injured (captive) Equipment: None Tyrra ---------- Class: Level 6 Ranger Alignment: Chaotic-Good Race/Gender: Elf Male Ability Scores: Str.: 16 Int.: 14 Wis.: 16 Dex.: 18 Con.: 17 Cha.: 7 Hit Points: 45 Location: Level 10, location 36 Status: Dead (bones) Equipment: Skull Key Kirath ---------- Class: Level 7 Mage Alignment: Neutral Race/Gender: Half-Elf Male Ability Scores: Str.: 11 Int.: 17 Wis.: 13 Dex.: 18 Con.: 8 Cha.: 12 Hit Points: 21 Location: Level 11, location 60 Status: Dead (bones) Equipment: +2 Bracers of Defense, +5 Dagger, +2 Ring of Protection, Robe +5, Spell Book MONSTERS Level 1 ------- Kobold: These creatures are weak alone, but they can be dangerous when they attack in packs. All types of weapons are effective against these creatures. The clerical spell Hold Person is especially effective against Kobolds. Leech, Giant: These creatures are slow and can only attack one a time, but they are much tougher than kobolds and can do a lot more damage when they hit. All types of weapons are effective against these creatures, but a novice party might want to keep their distance and attack leeches with ranged weapons and spells. Level 2 ------- Skeleton: These creatures attack quickly and can pack together to attack as a mob. The best defense against a group of skeletons is to turn them by readying the holy symbol of the party's highest level cleric. Skeletons take half damage from piercing and slashing weapons like swords and daggers. Zombie: These creatures attack more slowly than skeletons but they too can pack together to attack as a mob. All types of weapons are effective against zombies, but the best defense against a group of zombies is to turn them by readying the holy symbol of the party's highest level cleric. Level 3 ------- Kuo-Toa: These creatures are slow and can only attack one a time, but they can throw lightning bolts at range. When you spot a kuo-toa, sidestep its initial lightning bolt, then rush in and kill it in melee before the creature can get another lightning bolt off. All types of weapons are effective against these creatures. Flind: These creatures can only attack one at a time, but are fast and can do a lot of damage. They have a fondness for ambushes, so be ready for battle as you open doors, turn corners, and move through areas they inhabit. All types of weapons are effective against these creatures. Levels 4 & 5 ------------ Spider, Giant: These creatures are extremely dangerous due to the lethal poison in their bite. These creatures can only attack one at a time, but are quick and takes several hits to kill. The best strategy when fighting a spider is to retreat and engage the spider with ranged weapons and spells. Dwarves with high constitution scores are resistant to poison and should be in the front rank in case the spider catches the retreating party. After each battle, be sure to quickly pick up your ranged weapon ammo and keep an eye out for other spiders. Your cleric plays an important role in the party's survival after a character is poisoned. If a character is poisoned, its is best to cast a Slow Poison spell on them and look for a Potion of Cure Poison, or a friendly NPC cleric with a Neutralize Poison Spell. Level 6 ------- Kenku: These creatures can pack together to attack as a group and can throw two Magic Missile spells at a range before they close to melee. When you spot a flock of kenku, sidestep until they have expended their Magic Missile spells. All types of weapons are effective against these creatures, but area effect spell like Fireball are the most effective way to break up their groups. There is an entire community of kenku on level 6. Groups of them will continue to attack the party as long as they are on level 6. Be careful not to get surrounded, and move swiftly through the level to complete your objectives before too many of the kenku are alerted. Level 7 ------- Drow Elf: Most drow, outside of the area covered in EYE OF THE BEHOLDER, kill strangers on sight. The drow elf community in EOB has a pact with Xanathar and are used to dealing with non-drow. They may even be willing to bargain with wandering adventurers. The drow can pack together to attack as a group and have a high resistance to spells. In melee, they attack with long swords coated with a short-term paralyzing poison. Use the party's maneuverability to stay out of melee with the drow and use ranged weapon attacks against them as long as you can. Skeletal Lord: These creatures are an elite force of evil warriors created from the bones of fallen heroes. They can attack quickly, are very tough, and can pack together to attack as a group. The best defense against a group of skeletons is to turn them by readying the holy symbol of the party's highest level cleric. Skeletal lords take half damage from piercing and slashing weapons like swords and daggers. Level 8 ------- Drider: These creatures have powerful melee attacks, a high resistance to spells, and are armed with two spears that they used as ranged attacks. When you spot a drider, sidestep until he has expended his spears and then engage with ranged and melee weapons. All types of weapons are effective against these creatures, but most spells are ineffective. Hell Hound: These creatures attack with a powerful bite and by breathing fire. They are resistant to some spells. They often attack in packs, but keep sufficiently spread out to avoid area effect spells. Maneuver to keep from being surrounded. All types of weapons are effective against these creatures. Level 9 ------- Displacer Beast: These creatures have powerful melee attacks and have the power to 'displace' their image up to three feet from their actual location. Because of this ability, displacer beasts are difficult to hit with melee and ranged weapons, so it is best to engage them with spells. Rust Monster: These creatures have an insatiable appetite for all metal. When you encounter a rust monster, immediately move characters without metal armor to the front rank and keep retreating to protect the party's metal equipment. While retreating, engage the rust monster with ranged weapons and spells. Level 10 -------- Mantis Warrior: These creatures are extremely fast and carry two weapons, a thrown dagger and a halberd for melee attacks. The halberd is coated with the mantis warrior's paralyzing saliva. When you spot a mantis warrior, sidestep until he has expended his dagger, retreat to keep out of melee, and engage with ranged spells. Level 11 -------- Mind Flayer: These creatures are almost completely resistant to magic and their invisible psionic attack can paralyze the entire party. When a mind flayer turns to face the party, sidestep quickly to avoid its psionic attack. Retreat around corners and engage the mind flayer on its flank with ranged and melee weapons. All types of weapons are effective against these creatures. Xorn: These creatures are slow and tough, do a lot of damage when they hit, and are resistant to some spells. Engage the xorn by closing to melee, attacking, and then retreating before the xorn can execute its own powerful attack. Level 12 -------- Golem, Stone: Xanathar's stone golems are less powerful than classical golems because they are built using short cuts and non-traditional materials. Still, these monsters are extremely tough, do a lot of damage when they hit, and are resistant to most spells in the game. Engage a golem by closing to melee, attacking, and then retreating before it can execute its powerful melee attack. Beholder: Xanathar the beholder has been watching your party since you accepted the Lord's commission and knows what you are capable of doing. Defeating him will not be an easy task! Beholders are almost completely resistant to magic because of the anti-magic effects of their central eye. A beholder has ranged attacks, that can devastate the entire party. To defeat the beholder, use the tactics that have worked against other monsters, and remember the clues that you have received throughout the game. SOLVING PUZZLES Solving puzzles is an important part of completing EYE OF THE BEHOLDER. The following are some ideas to use while trying to solve puzzles. If you are having trouble with a specific puzzle, you can get additional help in the Hints section. If you are still stumped, you can check out the answer to the puzzle in the Solutions section. Keep Track of Buttons & Levers Some puzzles are activated in one part of the dungeon and executed in another part. Record the position of any button or lever that has no obvious function. If you can't seem to get through an area, go back and change these buttons or levers one at a time to see if they make it any easier to get through. Look For Writing On The Wall If you can't seem to get through an area, look for writing on the walls in this area. Often, writing on a side wall is difficult to spot. Some writing may only be read if the party has a character of a specific race. Look For Hidden Buttons On The Walls Always check the walls for secret and hidden buttons and bricks. Moving sideways down a wall will often make hidden buttons easier to spot. Keep Your Eye On The Compass Watch the compass as the party moves. There are a number of traps that change the party's facing. Teleporters often reveal themselves when the party's facing changes. Leave a Trail of 'Bread Crumbs' If you suspect the party is being teleported when moving through an area, throw an item past the suspected teleporter. Watch the item as you move through the area. The item will 'disappear' when the party teleports. Save the Game Save the game anytime you think that something could happen that would hurt the party. Save the game at the beginning of each level. If a puzzle is difficult to solve, save the game and then try different solutions. If the monsters are attacking the party thick and fast, save the game and try different strategies. If things are getting really tough, save before opening doors. Go on When all else fails, go on with the game. The party does not have to open every door, fight every monster, and obtain every item to win the game. Mark down any areas that the party bypasses. If the party gets stumped in a later area, or needs an item to go on, come back and try the puzzle again. 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It contains selected notes from the self-proclaimed "famous archaeologist" Wently Kelso. The notes refer to the maps int the Maps section. They describe his expedition to the deepest depths of the sewers of Waterdeep. Level 1 - Upper Sewer Level (p. 16) Our guide is a mangy humanoid of indeterminate species. I can't pronounce his real name, so I call him Bennet, in honor of my mangy half-brother on my mothers side of the family. As we followed Bennet into the tunnels and catacombs of the sewer system, we can hear the soft foot steps of large dog-like creatures known as kobolds. 3. This area was used to control the water flow through the first level of the sewer system. If the water flowed from the north, certain passageways would close to prevent the water from flooding the level. The same would happen if the water flowed from the east. 12. According to the city sewer layout, some of the doors require a constant flow of water over their pressure plate to remain open. Once the water stopped flowing over the pressure plate, the door would close, to prevent backwash. 16. This is a silly place for a dead end. I wonder if we are missing something here? 18. Our guide, Bennet, pointed out a secret door here. He tried (with our help) to bash the door in with his head, but was unsuccessful. There must be a secret button or lever around here somewhere. 19. Here we found an emergency flood control door. It is designed so that if the area flooded, any trapped workers could open the door by pushing the button. The water would rush down into the second level saving the workers. 21. There is a depression in the north wall with rolled up papers inside. I am surprised that the papers survived. I would have thought that unprotected paper would rot in the sewer. Level 2 - Middle Sewer Level (p. 17) We looked down the long dark hole that led to the second level of the sewer system. The smell of rotting flesh filled our nostrils and we decided that the Bennet, our guide, should go down first. Looking down into the dark, he became frightened and stopped about five feet down. We encourage him to continue on by dropping rocks down the hole. 5. There is a secret passage here, but we are unable to find a lever or button that opens the wall. 6. This door was stuck partially open. Bennet gripped the bottom of the door and pulled up as hard as he could. By his whining I assume that he has somehow hurt himself. 9. Bennet has informed us that there is a secret passageway to the north. Now where did that button go to? 15. If we could just hit the pressure plate beyond the pit, I know the pit would close. I wonder how heavy our guide is? 24. Our guide was overcome by sewer gas. He spun around a couple of times and ended up facing the wrong direction. 30 - 33. This area is an emergency exit. If the water level became too high for the workers to get out, they would step into this area and it would teleport them to the surface. Unfortunately, the teleporter has broken down and it will only teleport you to another area within the sewer system. I don't know how we will we ever find our passage out of here. 40. When our guide read "R.A.T.S." he ran in terror. We had to track him down and drag him back. The city sewer map claims that R.A.T.S. stands for Rapid Access Teleport System. I wonder where it will teleport you to. 41. This area appears to be a shuttle of some kind. We pushed the button and the door closed. Then, we pushed the button again and there was a strange sound. What does the inscription on the side wall mean? 51. We were warned by our guide not to push the button on this wall. What does our guide know? I pushed it anyway. I wonder what will happen. 67. This