a arj 14054 02/06/94 reklama1 arj 11859 22/10/95 (WinWord 2.0) rekon2 arj 23624 06/10/96 " " (Lexicon) relig arj 8179 24/09/95 .. " " "" (WinWord 6.0) religia arj 20203 25/05/94 religrus arj 8312 24/12/95 (Lexicon) renedeka arj 11744 31/12/95 " " (Lexicon) rent arj 3635 06/11/95 , resmat arj 17016 24/06/96 : revpart arj 21110 02/07/96 rikardo arj 13439 27/05/96 . (WinWord 7.0) rikkur arj 21761 06/10/96 " I" (Lexicon) rimpravo arj 29806 27/10/95 (Lexicon) risk arj 36667 13/05/96 , (WinWord 6.0) risk&cap arj 193890 27/05/96 (WinWord 6.0) riskval arj 17517 12/04/96 (WinWord 2.0) riskvl arj 10336 06/10/96 " " (Ascii) rjwar arj 30632 06/10/96 " , - " (scii) road arj 14647 06/10/96 "C " (Word) robot arj 12680 06/10/96 " " (MS Word 6.0) rock arj 35023 04/07/94 -: , , roleit zip 11679 11/04/96 : " " rolnovo arj 7572 14/01/96 (Write) romanoff arj 6468 09/04/96 rtrud rar 48124 30/11/96 y .: y (WinWord 6.0) rublev arj 12284 04/12/95 "" rublev1 arj 9865 23/02/96 (WinWord 6.0) rus-icon arj 24092 12/04/96 (WinWord 6.0) rus-phil arj 19477 28/12/95 rus-xx arj 35122 28/10/95 20 (Lexicon) rusar18 arj 5321 01/12/95 18 (WinWord) rush arj 13188 13/05/96 . " " ruspipe arj 10726 12/03/95 - (Lexicon) ruspoet arj 26977 25/06/96 , , russo arj 19663 27/05/96 .-. rustopli arj 23341 13/05/96 - (Lexicon) s'emka arj 28622 25/05/94 - salary arj 13994 02/02/95 sale arj 21619 15/04/96 , (WinWord 6.0) salespr arj 15330 06/10/96 "Sales Promoution - " (MS Word 6.0) sapr arj 100262 31/12/95 (Lexicon) \\ sasanid arj 22988 21/11/95 3-5. (WinWord 6.0) sashka arj 9241 09/04/96 " " "" (WinWord) saturn arj 14110 25/05/94 save_inf arj 11014 02/07/96 savemean arj 13748 13/11/94 - scheta arj 14039 25/05/94 . , . schoolbo arj 24745 12/04/96 (WinWord 6.0) sea arj 11724 29/03/96 sekret arj 16815 31/07/95 " " sekretar arj 12703 01/11/94 serlira arj 11785 31/12/95 "" (WinWord) shelling arj 11062 04/08/95 c (WinWord 2.0) \\ shol2 arj 7088 07/01/95 (" ") shol3 arj 4681 27/01/96 ' ' (- ) shol4 arj 4056 07/01/95 " " sholohov arj 5542 07/01/95 " " . " " sikor arj 22737 31/07/95 : -16 silikat arj 7277 26/03/95 silvhill arj 13921 11/04/96 (Lexicon) singapor zip 8359 21/11/95 skala arj 13336 28/11/95 (WinWord) slavane arj 12817 27/10/95 (Lexicon) slavian arj 6813 06/11/95 smit arj 13071 27/05/96 (WinWord 6.0) smuta arj 14888 23/06/95 1593-1613 (Word for DOS) snaryad arj 10146 25/05/94 " , "" soch_sc arj 31791 04/12/95 socialog arj 18925 11/11/95 , (Lexicon) socis arj 6532 21/11/95 oece epec ooe 90-x oo [cooo] (WinWord 6.0) soft arj 16905 04/07/96 (Lexicon) softmed arj 16912 27/05/96 (Lexicon) sokrat arj 31662 09/10/95 (AMI Pro 3.0) soloviev arj 16553 25/05/94 (PRINTFX) sots_inf arj 6120 28/12/94 sotsvyas arj 108877 23/02/96 sound arj 262023 12/01/95 - - (WinWord 2.0) sozialog arj 22786 04/07/96 (WinWord 6.0) sp arj 15710 06/06/94 space arj 13693 31/10/95 () (Lexicon) spartak arj 7706 27/01/96 sprav arj 338621 25/05/94 : - spros arj 42126 06/01/96 , (WinWord 6.0) \\ sq arj 32090 05/06/95 \\ ss&runes arj 14668 16/04/95 stal35g2 arj 16638 25/09/94 352 - stalin arj 12957 29/07/94 starslav arj 9316 21/11/95 (WinWord 2.0) stat arj 36516 21/01/96 (WinWord 6.0) \\ statcurs arj 88442 11/02/96 stimul arj 18771 14/05/97 " ." stock arj 12316 24/09/95 . \\ stock_al arj 20213 17/10/95 P stockmar arj 22561 15/01/95 stoik arj 157226 11/06/95 . stol-ref arj 7835 06/06/94 stolip2 arj 19691 02/01/96 9 1906 ( ) (Lexicon) stolip3 arj 13470 03/11/95 stolip4 arj 13472 06/11/95 stolipin arj 22508 25/05/94 (winword) str arj 13168 21/01/96 (Lexicon) \\ str1 arj 19728 09/04/96 \\ strat arj 27591 02/12/95 (WinWord) strateg arj 14585 20/03/96 \\ (Lexicon) stress arj 33159 09/04/96 struc-at arj 11128 13/12/95 struc-at zip 9806 18/12/94 : " " struct_r arj 2703 21/08/95 : , 4 sub_cul arj 12080 10/07/96 sudoon arj 28994 06/01/96 . (WinWord 6.0) suprugi arj 12802 27/10/95 surround arj 8946 23/06/95 suvorov arj 23516 12/04/96 . (Write) sv_diod arj 23518 14/03/95 . (Lexicon) sxema arj 65109 31/12/95 (Lexicon) \\ syb'ekt arj 6048 15/01/95 - sykredit arj 6497 14/12/95 . . (Lexicon) sysinput arj 46570 25/05/94 : tailand arj 66049 06/01/96 (WinWord 6.0) tank arj 169331 21/01/96 (WinWord 6.0) tataro arj 5584 13/11/95 - tax arj 15894 06/06/94 H telecom arj 15599 05/12/95 teoretik arj 97391 27/06/96 QUATTRO PRO (Lexicon) \\ teortv arj 16109 27/01/95 teosp arj 4132 25/05/94 ( ) termidor arj 7653 25/05/94 termins arj 10257 21/08/95 ": - " (Word and Deed) test arj 6260 27/05/96 tetr_kr arj 96678 30/05/95 : Tetris (WinWord 2.0 Meta Design 4.0) tgp arj 15375 31/12/95 (WinWord) tizeng~1 arj 26790 12/04/96 : , (WinWord 6.0) toiti arj 404453 24/06/96 - tolst arj 7478 20/03/96 \\ tolstoy arj 29920 25/06/96 .. tomasmor arj 8702 09/10/95 tomizm arj 19254 04/07/96 (WinWord 6.0) toplivo arj 4113 13/05/96 . . . .(Lexicon) total arj 11472 12/04/96 : (WinWord 6.0) tovabur arj 12578 15/12/95 (Lexicon) tovarbir arj 14631 11/04/96 tr_graf1 arj 397973 27/06/96 : "" (WinWord) \\ tradicii arj 18157 09/04/96 (Lexicon) \\ translat arj 84912 05/01/96 , (Lexicon) transp arj 12206 25/05/94 trocki arj 29422 04/07/96 . turbo_vi arj 6339 25/05/94 Turbo Vision turgenev arj 7457 20/03/96 \\ tvorch arj 13713 27/01/95 tylvov arj 13996 27/05/96 . (Write) uftime arj 7166 25/05/94 ugolotov arj 14591 14/12/95 (Write) ukrdenre arj 11875 15/12/95 umf_all arj 714463 15/03/95 " ", " " (WinWord 2.0) unlimit arj 33126 21/01/96 . (C++) \\ uprrus arj 3139 31/12/95 20-70- XVIII uran arj 6648 09/04/96 urorgan arj 27548 13/12/95 ( OSI) usa-kap arj 8154 06/06/94 80- ushakov arj 8373 12/04/96 .. (WinWord 6.0) uupc arj 91643 06/05/96 , INTERNET (WinWord 6.0) uusr arj 3524 13/12/95 CC valensa arj 17120 13/05/96 . (Lexicon) vax&berp rar 10572 30/11/96 VAX & Berceley Pascal // vc arj 14664 13/05/96 (WinWord 6.0) vdp arj 27322 20/03/96 - (WinWord) veber rar 28109 30/11/96 venera arj 16149 20/04/96 H (WinWord 6) veo_ad arj 30130 26/03/96 O- (WinWord) vga arj 23965 07/06/94 VGA. video arj 14948 13/05/96 (WinWord 6.0) virtual arj 4995 23/02/96 \\ virus arj 10990 13/05/96 (Lexicon) vizantiy arj 17888 09/04/96 (IV-XIV ) vladimir arj 10089 27/10/94 vlb arj 75758 10/01/96 . (WinWord 6.0) vnbt arj 92580 04/07/96 (WinWord 6.0) vnesh_ec arj 27360 25/05/94 vnvaru arj 12998 17/12/95 vod arj 76084 04/07/96 - . (WinWord 6.0) voina001 rar 14293 30/11/96 " " // 1996 . voloptic arj 76772 27/06/96 (WinWord 6.0) volter arj 16763 02/05/95 . (WinWord 6.0) vos_civ arj 9447 28/10/95 (Lexicon) vostok arj 3043 07/01/95 (Word&Deed) vrubel arj 37445 20/04/96 H (WinWord 6) vsotsky arj 7729 14/10/95 . () \Lexicon\ war&peac arj 5886 23/02/96 " " war45_3 arj 24728 12/11/95 war_45_1 arj 15856 03/11/95 war_45_2 arj 10386 03/11/95 . warjap arj 5325 12/11/95 - warpeace arj 11342 25/05/94 wave arj * 3838 17/03/95 : " " weapon arj * 12603 12/04/96 (WinWord 6.0) wfwg_net arj 11627 15/10/95 WINDOWS FOR WORKGROUPS white arj 7445 13/11/95 : wilde zip 97500 05/06/96 (WinWord 6) windows arj 4789 13/05/96 O Windows winntref arj 65633 02/07/96 Windows NT - woda arj 13758 23/06/95 woumen arj 13924 12/04/96 (WinWord 6.0) xix-xx arj 7403 27/01/96 H XIX-XX . xrysh arj 18618 27/01/96 50 - 60 20 H.. . xryshov arj 7543 11/04/96 zagrazn arj 20880 23/06/95 zakon zip 314655 24/01/96 . . . . : Windows Text-Only. zapsibtp arj 11238 15/01/95 - () (Lexicon) zasulich arj 5313 04/07/96 zenon arj 3971 28/12/95 zerk_ref arj 3464 04/07/96 I zkn arj 18007 04/07/96 . znanie arj 14885 09/04/96 - (Lexicon) zorge arj 18716 11/11/95 - : (WinWord 6.0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31,546,963 bytes in 882 files.  .  \ETEXT2\THEOSOPH etext2/theosoph/ bowen zip 7783 10/03/96 . . " " . [ , ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7,783 bytes in 1 files. . . .  \ETEXT2\THEOSOPH\BLAVATSK etext2/theosoph/blavatsk/ epb01 zip 272132 01/12/95 . . . , ( .. .. .. .( - . - .)) epb02 zip 152624 07/01/96 . . . "Nightmare Tales" ( ) epb03-01 zip 60256 26/06/95 . . . . 1 epb03-02 zip 63770 10/04/95 . . . . 2 epb03-03 zip 61194 10/04/95 . . . . 3 epb03-04 zip 65882 10/04/95 . . . . 4 epb03-05 zip 31465 10/04/95 . . . . 5 epb03-06 zip 74114 23/05/95 . . . . 6 epb04 zip 40597 23/03/95 . . . ("", 1893 .) epb05 zip 18682 21/09/95 . . . ("", 1892 .) epb06 zip 10405 21/09/95 . . . ("", 1889 .) epb07 zip 9195 28/05/96 . . . ("", 1880 .) epb08 zip 8955 01/05/95 . . . epb09 zip 7424 14/10/95 . . . ("", 1881 .) epb10 zip 35349 17/11/93 . . . 1991 . epb11 zip 12907 11/01/95 . . . ? ( . ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 924,951 bytes in 16 files. #20.  \ETEXT2\YOGA etext2/yoga/ #20garde zip 51039 18/01/92 #20. #20tantr zip 87176 15/02/93 #20. aur_trav arj 59363 19/03/96 - , - . -, , - bhgtgita zip 59539 27/12/95 Krishna Dvaipayana Veda Vyasa. - "" . chatterd zip 77693 05/09/95 . , 1898 3- .. . .- 17 1905 . . 1905 comedown arj 28553 09/11/94 . cristl arj 247230 22/11/95 . dalai zip 25413 22/07/96 - XIV. . ( . . . ) deadbook zip 84823 04/01/96 . . ORFO, . Michel Komarov (FIDO: 2:5052/7) dhammapd zip 26313 02/09/94 . : /. , . . ... . ... - ., 1960. gurd_rio arj 50347 19/03/96 Ke . gurd_tch arj 68804 19/03/96 . hatha arj 116083 29/03/96 . -. kena_up arj 35668 19/03/96 krshnmrt zip 18598 02/11/93 . . . kundalin zip 47093 22/04/91 . : - 1974 Agni - Press Jamayka,NY 11432 meditati arj 15560 29/03/96 .., .. . . . .. prasn arj 32247 29/03/96 . H H rokotova zip 65555 11/03/94 ( ). . 1994 satprem1 arj 58910 29/03/96 C. H cc. (cc c ) svami_1 arj 86952 30/04/96 . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1,342,959 bytes in 21 files. . . .  \ETEXT2\YOGA\RERIH etext2/yoga/rerih/ cryptogr zip 39348 19/12/95 . . . hierarch zip 110400 27/12/91 . . . kalachak zip 16748 14/09/95 . H. P. K e Kaaa (. . H. H. ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 166,496 bytes in 3 files. Directory message \GAMES games/ dir msg 179 19/11/96 Directory message message 175 29/01/97 Directory message (Unix style) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 354 bytes in 2 files. DOOM v1.9 - Shareware - id Software Inc. \GAMES\DOOM games/doom/ doom19s zip 2450688 18/10/95 DOOM v1.9 - Shareware - id Software Inc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2,450,688 bytes in 1 files.  One Must Fall 2097: V2.0  \GAMES\EPIC games/epic/ omf20 zip 2931497 20/07/95 One Must Fall 2097: V2.0 Welcome to the future of fighting from Epic MegaGames. In the year 2097 steel will bend and sparks will fly. You control a massive robot through match after match of strategic fighting action. Blazing animation, stereo music & sound for all major sound cards, 1 or 2 player action. Now featuring modem, network and BBS play. Street Fighter killer MUST SEE TO BELIEVE. omf2_21 zip 300019 07/11/95 --== OMF 2097: v2.0 to 2.1 Upgrade ==-- This patch updates Epic's One Must Fall version 2.0 (required) to version 2.1. Version 2.1 fixes several bugs in v2.0, and is the final release of OMF 2097. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3,231,516 bytes in 2 files. This is the Quake v1.01 to v1.06 patch. It will \GAMES\QUAKE games/quake/ q101-106 zip 363392 01/10/96 This is the Quake v1.01 to v1.06 patch. It will upgrade Shareware users as well as Registered users. (C) id Software, inc. 10/1/96 qsw106_1 zip 1453387 01/10/96 QUAKE v1.06 - Shareware - id Software Inc. If you don't know what QUAKE is, ask someone who owns a computer. If you do know what QUAKE is, why are you reading this? Go play the game, for crying out loud! Supports multiple players via modem or network, in either cooperative or deathmatch (yeah!) mode. Requires a floating point processor. QUAKE: the finest 3-D action game in history. Part 1 of 7 qsw106_2 zip 1452644 01/10/96 QUAKE v1.06 - Shareware - id Software Inc. Part 2 of 7 qsw106_3 zip 1447275 01/10/96 QUAKE v1.06 - Shareware - id Software Inc. Part 3 of 7 qsw106_4 zip 1446750 01/10/96 QUAKE v1.06 - Shareware - id Software Inc. Part 4 of 7 qsw106_5 zip 1448895 01/10/96 QUAKE v1.06 - Shareware - id Software Inc. Part 5 of 7 qsw106_6 zip 1446875 01/10/96 QUAKE v1.06 - Shareware - id Software Inc. Part 6 of 7 qsw106_7 zip 398698 01/10/96 QUAKE v1.06 - Shareware - id Software Inc. Part 7 of 7 wq100 zip 344416 08/04/97 WinQuake (WQ) is a native Win32 version of Quake, and will run on either Win95 or Windows NT 4.0 or later. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9,802,332 bytes in 9 files. ---------------------------------------------- \MMEDIA mmedia/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ No files in directory.  A N I M A T E \MMEDIA\DEMOS mmedia/demos/ animate zip 4906 10/09/95 A N I M A T E - by Schwartz - anubis zip 2641546 09/09/96 EUSKAL PARTY IV (1996) THE BANNER presents: ANUBIS demo 386+ FPU, GUS/SB/PAS bc_intro rar 3176 07/03/96 BC'95 Intro +-------------------+ | Intro by BC '1995 | +-------------------+ | Blue Carnation | | Introduces | | FRIENDS Software | +-------------------+ |386+387+VGA+PureDOS| +-------------------+ contrast zip 1681650 10/09/96 CONTRAST by OXYGENE came #1 at Saturne96 demo compo ]] PARTY VERSION [[ drift rar 68926 20/04/96 D R I F T by Wild Light The winner at the Assembly'95 64K Intro competition PASSEdtHRUtHEPUREChR MESkY fashion a01 611709 10/09/96 FASHION ! (part 2) LOGIC DESIGN fashion arj 1456449 10/09/96 FASHION ! (part 1) LOGIC DESIGN headfixd zip 1453098 11/09/96 +----------------------------+ |-=[ Psychic Link ]=-| |-=[ - presents - ]=-| | -= =- | | H E A D A C H E | | -= =- | | A Pentium Demo by Statix | +----------------------------+ hs_intro rar 62255 24/02/96 Hacker's Sabbath BBS Intro Written by Andy Zabolotny scratch zip 1152616 09/09/96 neurotica presents s c r a t c h - where do you want to go today? a demo for the democompo at icing'96 requires a 486 dx2/66, and gravis ultrasmajs for music (works without it, though :) war rar 154407 02/12/95 War Demo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9,290,738 bytes in 11 files.  \MMEDIA\IMAGE mmedia/image/ bee-1 jpg 216315 06/08/96 bg-no-95 gif 1707 31/03/96 :) bigcat32 jpg 111304 06/08/96 . eagle tif 92930 12/08/96 europe pcx 61473 11/10/95 . () fuck-ms gif 70912 31/03/96 Fuck the scull of Microsoft! ! ! isoc gif 2527 03/09/96 Internet Society Logo m&c jpg 10635 31/05/96 md-emblm zip 53920 18/08/96 Stema R. Moldova (tif si gif format, in culoare si fara) . (tif gif , ) R. of Moldova State Emblem (tif & gif format, w/ color and w/o color) montana tif 69914 05/07/96 nirvana gif 38463 18/08/96 . . . party1 jpg 29194 08/08/96 #1 from .... party2 jpg 35061 18/08/96 #2 from .... pilot01 jpg 15770 03/09/96 The Great One Himself (in color no less!) (360*480) pilot02 jpg 13362 03/09/96 The Great One Himself (in color no less!) (352*469) plus jpg 12760 05/08/96 - :) satan gif 997 10/09/96 Satan Inside ( Intel Inside) tiger bmp 394294 10/09/96 . tower jpg 20164 08/08/96 warper jpg 73721 14/03/96 Descriptor of [warper.jpg] win95 zip 136886 13/07/95 . bmp format win95sx zip 11885 13/10/95 What don't you want to be using? (An OS/2 background bitmap to remind users which OS is best!) bmp format wmaster jpg 61986 01/02/97 Descriptor of [wmaster.jpg] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1,536,180 bytes in 23 files. Descriptor of [lizbeing.gif] \MMEDIA\IMAGE\ANIMATED mmedia/image/animated/ lizbeing gif 14649 19/10/96 Descriptor of [lizbeing.gif] skull gif 40167 19/10/96 Descriptor of [skull.gif] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 54,816 bytes in 2 files. Descriptor of [ujs1.jpg] \MMEDIA\IMAGE\FRIENDS mmedia/image/friends/ ujs1 jpg 65853 14/10/96 Descriptor of [ujs1.jpg] usj2 jpg 59325 14/10/96 Descriptor of [usj2.jpg] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 125,178 bytes in 2 files. Descriptor of [grad.jpg] \MMEDIA\IMAGE\FRIENDS\VATSON mmedia/image/friends/vatson/ grad jpg 55270 29/03/97 Descriptor of [grad.jpg] mila jpg 46163 29/03/97 Descriptor of [mila.jpg] new_ye jpg 42623 29/03/97 Descriptor of [new_ye.jpg] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 144,056 bytes in 3 files. Descriptor of [0800x534.jpg] \MMEDIA\IMAGE\GIRLS mmedia/image/girls/ 0800x534 jpg 124807 20/09/96 Descriptor of [0800x534.jpg] 1024x683 jpg 185652 20/09/96 Descriptor of [1024x683.jpg] trul0800 jpg 112746 27/09/96 Descriptor of [trul0800.jpg] trul1024 jpg 175783 27/09/96 Descriptor of [trul1024.jpg] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 598,988 bytes in 4 files. Descriptor of [!10eatme.jpg] \MMEDIA\IMAGE\HARDCORE mmedia/image/hardcore/ !10eatme jpg 28921 24/06/97 Descriptor of [!10eatme.jpg] 001c jpg 25255 31/01/97 Descriptor of [001c.jpg] 002c jpg 23632 31/01/97 Descriptor of [002c.jpg] 003c jpg 15764 31/01/97 Descriptor of [003c.jpg] 004c jpg 20251 31/01/97 Descriptor of [004c.jpg] 005c jpg 32342 31/01/97 Descriptor of [005c.jpg] 009 jpg 47278 30/01/97 Descriptor of [009.jpg] 1 jpg 24817 28/12/96 Descriptor of [1.jpg] 1fuck jpg 18448 18/07/97 Descriptor of [1fuck.jpg] 2 jpg 23397 28/12/96 Descriptor of [2.jpg] 21 jpg 20602 18/07/97 Descriptor of [21.jpg] 213f jpg 11175 28/12/96 Descriptor of [213f.jpg] 22 jpg 18790 18/07/97 Descriptor of [22.jpg] 23 jpg 12262 18/07/97 Descriptor of [23.jpg] 24 jpg 18347 18/07/97 Descriptor of [24.jpg] 2babes69 jpg 14133 28/12/96 Descriptor of [2babes69.jpg] 2chicks jpg 34102 28/12/96 Descriptor of [2chicks.jpg] 2fcv jpg 19227 18/07/97 Descriptor of [2fcv.jpg] 3 jpg 41968 28/12/96 Descriptor of [3.jpg] 3ttt jpg 20976 18/07/97 Descriptor of [3ttt.jpg] 4 jpg 24585 28/12/96 Descriptor of [4.jpg] 4fuck jpg 18274 18/07/97 Descriptor of [4fuck.jpg] 5 jpg 36195 28/12/96 Descriptor of [5.jpg] 5fuck jpg 26646 18/07/97 Descriptor of [5fuck.jpg] 6 jpg 29653 28/12/96 Descriptor of [6.jpg] 6fu jpg 32189 18/07/97 Descriptor of [6fu.jpg] 7lesfuck jpg 44682 28/12/96 Descriptor of [7lesfuck.jpg] a4 jpg 111149 05/02/97 Descriptor of [a4.jpg] abl2 jpg 22804 28/12/96 Descriptor of [abl2.jpg] abl4 jpg 29138 28/12/96 Descriptor of [abl4.jpg] abl5 jpg 16515 28/12/96 Descriptor of [abl5.jpg] afist2 jpg 38237 28/12/96 Descriptor of [afist2.jpg] am jpg 32960 06/02/97 Descriptor of [am.jpg] amateur jpg 23078 20/01/97 Descriptor of [amateur.jpg] an1 jpg 44474