-- "de Púkel-mensen", -- "Pukel-männen".
Rope-walk. , [IV.1] ,
. . Tighfield.
), ""; .
"smygel" ("")
. (Gollum), Sméagol. . F[vii].
Springle-ring[175]. . --
-- ,
Tale "Tale of Years[176]" ", ".
Westmansweed. , ,
" () " ( Westernesse, Númenor).
Yule. Lithe, .
" " D, "Midwinter" ( )
, Rivendell . [178],
, 25 --
, "Yule" ( )
. 25 ( ) 25 (
) .
"Lithe", , ,
, . ,
( --
"Jule"). "Yule"
( , ), --
. , , , -
(. A),
, , "Yule",
" "
"Jul" ( ?) "Julblock"
( , ) "Julklapp".
; , ,
"Jule" .
" " ,
( )
, [IV.7]; " "
" A (B, C, D, E F)",
, .
( . .).
[2] .
[3] ("Common Speech" ) ,
" ". . F.
[4] "cul-de-sac",
, " "
"". "Bag End" -- .
"pudding-bag" ( ",
", )
"". . Bag End " ".
[5] "Wight" -- ", ".
[6] "Beech" -- ""; "bone" -- ",
" .
[7] "Big
folk", "big people" -- " ".
[8] "Black captain" -- " "; "black one" -- "
(- - )"; "black riders" -- " ".
[9] "Brace" -- ""; "girdle" -- ",
[10] Boileau ("drink" -- , "water" -- ).
[11] .
[12] "Bookland" ( " ") --
" , - ".
[13] -- " ".
[14] -- "".
[15] "Barley" -- ""; "-man"
, .
[16] "Captains of the west" -- " (,
) ".
[17] "The chief" -- ", ; , ; (, );
, ".
[18] ", ".
[19] "Dark lord" -- " ", "dark power" -- "
[20] "The dead" -- ", , ",
, , "".
[21] "Elder" --
-- ", ". "elder" " (
)", ", ", ",
". "Kindred" -- "", "race" -- ";
, , ", "people" -- "".
[22] " ".
[23] "Elven" -- "" ( --
""), "smiths" -- "".
" , , , ;
, ".
[24] (1563-1631) -- .
[25] "changeling",
"", ",
". "Changeling" ",
[26] "The Enemy"
"". , "the Enemy", "the old enemy"
, .
[27] -- " ".
[28] "Fair" -- , (
"", ""); "bairn" "child" -- .
[29] ", ".
[30] "Fallow-deer" -- "".
[31] ", ".
[32] "Fang" (.) -- ", ; , ", "
(, , )", "fangen" -- ", ".
[33] "Fatty" -- ", "; "lumpish" --
", ; , , ; ,
[34] "Fell
riders" -- " ".
[35] "Fellowship
of the ring" -- " ".
[36] -- "".
[37] "Fire" -- ""; "foot" --
[38] -- "".
[39] -- " ". ,
[I.9], , Will Whitfoot " ,
, ".
[40] "Free folk; free lords of the free; free peoples" -- ";
; ."
[41] "Gamgee tissue", "gamgee" --
, ,
[42] . "Tale
of Gamelyn"
[43] -- " ".
[44] "Geissblatt" - "", "Geiss" --
"", "blatt" -- "".
[45] -- " ".
[46] -- " ". .
"The Enemy".
[47] "Grey company" -- " ".
[48] . grēg, "" hama, ", , ".
[49] "Grey host" -- " ".
[50] "Grey pilgrim" -- " , ".
[51] "Guardian" -- "; , ".
[52] "Healer(s)" -- "()".
[53] "Heather" -- ""; "toes" -- "
[54] "Hole-man" -- " "
[55] "Horn blower" -- "; (,
[56] (- "Reynard the Fox") --
. ..
. ,
[57] "Leaf" -- " ()"; "lock" --
[58] "Marigold" -- "" ().
[59] -- .
[60] "Mugwort" -- .
[61] "Necromancer" -- "".
[62] "Old"
-- "".
"" "e".
[64] "" -- -
, 10 . .
112- -- "eotenas ond ylfe ond orcneas," (, "orc-nass"
[65] , "þyrs".
[66] "Pick" -- , , ,
", " (. "picked" -- "; ,
"); "thorn" -- ", ".
"pick a thorn" -- " ".
[67] "Pimple" -- ", , ".
[68] "Proud" , , -- ",
, "; "foot" -- "".
: " Proudfoot -- ,
[69] "Quick" -- ", "; "beam" -- ",
" ( "bēam", ", ").
[70] "Ring" -- "", "wraiths" --
[71] "Skin" -- "", "bark" -- "".
[72] -- " ".
[73] -- " ".
[74] -- " ".
[75] -- ", ".
[76] Webster's New International Dictionary (1927) "bullroarer": " ,
. ,
( ) .
[77] -- " ".
[78] "Two" -- ", ", "foot" --
[79] -- " ".
[80] "Wand" -- ", ", "limb" --
"", ", ".
[81] -- " woses".
[82] "Ashen" : ",
" " ( )".
[83] . "Baggins"
" ".
[84] "Bagshot" -- " Bag", "row" -- "
, ".
[85] "Down" -- , .
[86] "barrow" -- "".
[87] "Field" -- .
[88] "Battle" -- "", "gardens" --
"", "pit" -- ", ; ;
[89] "Better" -- ", ".
[90] "Black country, black land " -- " , ".
[91] "Black stone" -- " ".
[92] "Black root" -- " , ", "vale" --
[93] "Blessed" - ", ", "realm" --
", ".
[94] "Bonfire" -- "", "glade" --
[95] "Brandy" -- "", "wine" --
[96] "Hill"
-- "", "land"
-- "".
[97] "Ford" -- "".
[98] "Bulge" -- ",
; , , ".
[99] -- " Water". "water" "; , ,
[100] "the cleft (of the spider)" "
()", "cleft" ("")
", " "".
[101] "Cloudy head" -- " ".
"the crack of doom" " ,
[103] , "crick" --
, " ; ; ;
; , ", ", ;
[104] "Coomb" - "; ; ".
[105] " "
Deeping Coomb Deeping Stream, -- Deeping-coomb
[106] "Tarnkappe" -- "-" (.),
-- ", ".
[107] Dark Door -- " ".
[108] "dim" (", ,
") "rill", "; , ".
"", "gate" -- "", "stair" --
"; ".
[109] "Dum" -- ""
[110] "dūn"
", ", "hearg" -- ", , ,
[111] (---) --
[112] "Emnet" -- ""
[113] " farthing".
[114] "Elvenhome, elven door, elven river" -- " , ,
[115] ,
"wæsc" (
"wash") ", ,
[116] "Dales" -- "".
[117] "Fen" -- ", ".
[118] "holt" (. Dimholt)
"", "feld" -- "; "
( "field" -- "").
[119] "Gladden fields" -- " ".
, (
), iris pseudacorus, iris foetidissima.
[120] "River"
-- "".
[121] "Golden
Perch" -- " ".
[122] "Hallows" -- "", ""
"" ( ).
[123] "Deep" -- . " ", .
", ", "dike" -- ";
", "gate" -- "; , ; ".
[124] "Hill of guard" -- " ".
[125] "Hoar" -- "; - ".
[126] "-ton" . Cotton "
[127] "Burg" -- "", "rock" --
[128] "Lake" -- "".
[129] "Lock", "lock up" -- "", "holes" -- "".
[130] "Long" -- "".
[131] "House" -- "".
[132] "Midgewater marshes" "
[133] ", ".
[134] " " "
". Mirrormere -- " " (mere -- . "").
[135] " Farthing".
[136] -- " ".
[137] "cleft",
[138] ()
- .
: ", , " ", ,
". "syssel"
", ",
- .
"syssla" -- ", ".
[139] -- " ".
[140] "Stadel" -- ", ; ".
[141] "stark" ",
", ", ; ,
[142] "Stark-naked" -- " ,
[143] "Stone" -- "", "wain" --
"" (.), "valley" -- "".
[144] "Stone" -- "", "land" --
"". "stoning" , , "
() ".
[145] -- " ".
[146] , . "sunne",
"" (. . "sun") . "land", "lond" --
"" (. . "land").
[147] "Neck" -- "".
[148] "Teeth of Mordor" -- " ".
[149] "Three-farthing
stone" "
[150] "Field" -- "".
[151] ", ".
[152] "Tree" -- "".
[153] "Bourn" -- "" (. Snowbourn).
[154] -- " ".
[155] "Way" -- ", ", "meet" --
", ".
[156] "Weather" -- ", , ",
-- "".
[157] "King Horn" -- ,
[158] "West" -- ", ".
[159] "West" . .
[160] "West" . .
[161] "Furrow" -- " ".
[162] "wild" , , ";
; " " ;
" (.).
[163] "Wind" -- ", ".
[164] , "withywind" --
(Clematis vitalba), ,
[165] "
" ,
, , .
[166] -- " ".
"elder" -- " ". .
"Elder Kindred" "
[167] "Ever" -- "; , ".
[168] "wood anemone",
[169] "King's" -- ",
[170] "Leaf" -- "".
[171] "Old Toby" -- " ".
[172] ""
-- "vineyard".
[173] "-men" "",
[174] , "puck", "Puck", ", -, , ".
[175] "Springle" -- , "spring"
(""); "ring" (", ") , ,
"to dance in a ring" -- ", (
[176] -- " ".
[177] , . "Yule"
, "Midwinter" -- . ,
" "
[178] "fellowship of the ring", " ".
[i] "
[ii] " Fallohides , -- ;
[iii] " Buckland Shire . ,
Marish Brandywine,
. ,
, Stoors .
, , . ,
, . , ,
- ''.
Stoors Bree ,
[iv] " ,
, () ...
... (
Dale) ,
'' ."
[v] " Dunland Dunlending,
[vi] " '' 'dwarves',
, 'dwarf' ('; ') -- 'dwarfs'. 'dwarrows' ( 'dwerrows') ...
. 'Dwarrows' ,
[vii] ", 'smial' ( 'smile'),
'' smygel, 'trân'
'trahan'. Sméagol
Déagol --
Trahald (" , ")
Nahald (""),