", - ". .
, , ( 0k) 28 Sep ߠ . :
0. "Encoding choose": Esli wmesto russkih bukv vidno chert znaet chto, THEN CHOOSE Encoding [lat] ili [volapuk] 1. "Contents": ,_________, ^ ---^ , , ߠ - proportional fonts. , ! , . ! "Gziping": 3 Gzip-. "Piece'g": ___ _______, . 2. ,
____ ----------------------^
3. "What-s-new": . ߠ (, !) , , . 4. "Search": - . ( ): (1Mb), - . "Glimpse" : , grep : "; , ~" - "//", : ";" == , " ," == " " , , 450Mb 15-30 , .
5. "Color dir": , :.txt . ( 12k) 31 jun
.gif, .jpg . , < 30
. index.html
, WWW-
, FTP-
E-mail 6. "MSIE deoptimised": MicroSoft Internet Explorera, MSIE , : txt, img, html, DIR, www, ftp , gif-. 7. "Mirrors": , , , , , , , , ... "Mirrors" URL. 8. "Statistics": html-KOI . : "Where-you'r-from" - ߠ URL , . ", ". , , .. 9. "Download": CPIO + GZIP : 1- - KOI8, 2- - . ߠ URL "CpioGzip.cpz" "CpioGzipB.cpz" . 10. "CompuLib": . "Compulib" " , !" 11. "GuestBook": , GuestBook. ߠ 8Kb, HTML . - , , ( ). 12. "Short index": "" - 5 . - , " ", " ", " ". - . . 13. "Charset": , ߠ HTTP-header "charset" - koi8-r windows-1251 - . Lynx default charset, Lynx charset . , , charset ߠ - anton.komar. What-s-new. , . 14. "HitParad": ߠ . -. 15. "NewByMail": email, ߠ " " " " 16. ,
1. background', animated-gif, Java- 蠠 堠 , - , , . , Java- ? Java- status-line ? : ? : background' . .Xdefaults , back Netscape*documentColorsHavePriority: False : animated-gif'? : ESC - animated gif' ߠ ࠠ 젠 - . : View-->Document info image'. . : Netscape 3.0b4 - ߠ gif' , . ( 3.0b5 - ) 2. Netscape Options-->Network Preferences-->Proxies "Automatic proxy configuration" URL, 젠 ߠ 堠 proxy, . : ? : From Artem Belevich art.rtg@iae.nsk.su application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig Jav-, : function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { if (isPlainHostName(host) || dnsDomainIs(host,".ras.ru")) return "DIRECT"; else return "PROXY proxy:3128; DIRECT"; }
1996 ( 23k)
Java- proxy ( 4k) 3. www.lycos /robots.txt - - -. : /robots.txt? ? : /robots.txt - , . , .
/robot.txt ( 0k)
FAQ WWW, HTML , , ...
The Web Robots FAQ ( 42k) 4. , On-Line - , - , Save as . : , ? : cgi- Last-modified. . Netscape 䠠 젠 Options --> Network --> Verify document: never . : inline-images : Netscape Gold. ߠ File --> Edit... --> Save as - , . , $HOME gif'. : ""?
: ( 4k)
HTML - . WWW Word for Windows HTML. Word' "Save as HTML" "Load as HTML"
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/ ASCII( 13k)
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koi8 -> Apple ࠠ ( 2k)
win -> Apple ࠠ ( 0k)
Apple ( 5k)
KOI8 perl ( 1k)
perl-, "proxy" ( 2k)
. Perl ( 1k)
Apach 1.1.3 ࠠ ( 21k)
Apach 1.1.3 ( 0k)
Apach 1.1.1
HTTPD SETUP " , ". . //
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HARDWARE , , , ?
WWW ࠠ ( 5k)
specification of HTML elements (171k)
HTML ( 17k)
HTML IIT ( 9k)
HTML tags for Netscape 3.0 (220k)
. , HTML 2.0 HTML 3 ( 10k)
frame ( 0k)
"" ( 8k)
Web-ࠠ ( 6k)
. - FAQ ( 11k)
Animated-GIF 89 - -蠠 ( 20k)
, animated-gif tool GIF89 Unix
ImageMagick FAQ ( 26k)
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WWW " , " HTML-? : - . MS Windows PC/486SX RAM 4M, 14 640x480 VGA 16. <= 1/.
, . ( 13k) 27 Sep - -
. ( , No 5)
ߠ ( 39k)
10 .
HTML, Java " JS " "" :
. . "" Web- ( 21k)
HTTP/1.0 ( 62k)
WWW ( 9k)
. HTTP cookies ( 11k)
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Perl cgi- http://awsd.com/scripts/webbbs/
, ߠ , , - .
頠 ( 1k)
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WWW . , Msql. ( 0k)
Wusage 4.0
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HTML Access Counter 4.0 FAQ
- Yahoo
HTML " . - - ". .
glimpse-4.1.src.tar.gz (385k) - WebGlimpse GlimpseHTTP
. WWW (UPDATED)( 91k)
glimpse -蠠 ( 8k)
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HT:dig Htdig locale: koi8-r, -. HTTP.
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ߠ , , . - .
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. ( 1k)
- WebBBS
ߠ ( 21k)
PROXY WWW proxy-, html ftp . Netscape : HTTP proxy FTP proxy Proxy Harvest, Netscape, CERN httpd ( 10 ). Harvest 렠 . SQUID - free-, harvest cashe-1.4
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"Net Vampire 2.4" Win
GetRight 3.2
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WWW Netscape
, , , , WEB'. ! (.174) HTML-. ( ). ( " "). IQ- .
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IQ-test in englishs - REFFER, TITLE. WWW- .
. 96 - 1432 WWW WWW -/- tar.gz updat' cpio.gz .dir 1.Horosho by bylo, esli by ty predlozhil sledujushij servis: Wysylaesh' na kakoj-libo ukazannyj adress mail so sledujushim subject-om: Book=3&Pages=10-80 W otwet na kotoryj awtomaticheski wysylalsia mail-otwet s (zhelatel'no zapakowannym) soderzhimym Knigi nr 3 stranicy s 10-oj po 80-uju. 2.Neploho bylo by imet' dostup k etim knigam cherez FTP. Luchshe wsego esli-by oni byli razbity tam na glawy. , - , , , .
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GeoCity Personal Home Page Program. 1 Mb - ,
. ( 47k)
WEB- , ! ... .
"" ( 2k)
web- IzhMark
Rambler's Top100 Service. /
"" . "InfoArt"
Russian WebMasters Association. down'
site 400
" "
Sound, Unix
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MPEG- : miroVIDEO DC 10, $500
VideoEditor: " ". $600 SVGA TV, , : .
OnLine , WWW
" "
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" "
" "
" ".
" "