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 © Copyright Tom Waits
 Email: Ignatoff@bigfoot.com
 Date: 16 Dec 1998


                                               TOM WAITS
                                          VERSII iGNATOVA k. d.

                                                                O SEBE:
                                                                iGNATOV kIRILL dIMITROVICH, 1969 G.R., mOSKVA.
                                                                PO VSEM VOPROSAM OBRASHCHATXSYA:

                                                BIG TIME

        This is story about guy named Frank O'Bryan                     eTO - ISTORIYA O PARNE PO IMENI fRANK o'bRAJN

Well Frank settled down in the Valley                           pOSELILSYA, ZNACHIT, fR|NK V dOLINE
and hung his wild years                                         I POVESIL SVOI DIKIE GODY
on a nail that he drove through                                 NA GVOZDX, KOTORYJ ON VBIL
his wife's forehead                                             LBOM SVOEJ ZHENY
he sold used office furniture                                   oN TORGOVAYA PODERZHANNOJ OFISNOJ MEBELXYU
out there on San Fernando Road                                  GDE-TO NA sAN-fERNANDO-rOUD
and assumed a $30,000 loan                                      I VZYAL SSUDU V 30,000$
at 15 1/4 % and put down payment                                POD 15 I 1/4% GODOVYH
on a little two bedroom place                                   ZA NEBOLXSHOJ DOMIK S DVUMYA SPALXNYAMI
well, his wife, I don't know, she was a dog, she was a baby,    tA-A-K, EGO ZHENA, NU YA NE ZNAYU, |TO SOBAKA, |TO B|JBI,
she was a killer, she was a spent piece of used jet trash       |TO KILLER, |TO NEVOSTREBOVANNYJ KUSOK DERXMA
made good bloody marys                                          GOTOVILA HOROSHUYU kROVAVUYU m|RI
kept her mouth shut most of the time                            I V OSNOVNOM MOLCHALA V TRUBOCHKU
had a little Chihuahua named Carlos                             u NEE BYLA SOBAKA chIHUAHUA PO KLICHKE kARLOS
OK, I love dogs, let it be know, I love dogs!                   dA YA LYUBLYU SOBAK! pUSTX VSE ZNAYUT, ya LYUBLYU SOBAK!
The dog. IS A DOG!                                              sOBAKA, |TA PSINA!
that had some kind of skin disease                              VSYA V KAKIH-TO OPARYSHAH,
I don't know that it was, they try everything,                  YA NE ZNAYU CHTO |TO BYLO, ONI PEREPROBYVALI VSE,
and was totally blind. They had a                               BYLA TOTALXNO SLEPA. u NIH BYLA
thoroughly modern kitchen                                       VPOLNE SOVREMENNAYA KUHNYA
self-cleaning oven (the whole bit)                              S SAMOOCHISHCHAYUSHCHEJSYA DUHOVKOJ (POLNYJ KOMPLEKT)
Frank drove a little sedan                                      fR|NK VODIL NEBOLXSHOJ SEDAN
they were so happy                                              oNI BYLI SCHASTLIVY.

One night Frank was on his way home                              i VOT ODNAZHDY NOCHXYU fR|NK PO DOROGE DOMOJ
from work, stopped at the liquor store,                         S RABOTY, ZATARILSYA V VINNOJ LAVKE,
picked up a couple Mickey's Big Mouths                          VZYAL PARU LIKEROV Mickey's Big Mouths
drank 'em in the car on his way                                 I VYZHRAL VSE V MASHINE PO PUTI
to the Shell station, he got a gallon of                        K ZAPRAVOCHNOJ Shell, TAM KUPIL KANISTRU
gas in a can, drove home, doused                                GAZOLINA I ZALIL IM BUKVALXNO
everything in the house, torched it,                            VSE V DOME, VSE ZAPALIL,
parked across the street, laughing,                             pRIPARKOVAL TACHKU NA DRUGOJ STORONE ULICY I DOLGO SMEYALSYA
watching it burn, all Halloween                                 NABLYUDAYA KAK VSE |TOGO GORIT, ORANZHEVOE KAK hELLOUIN
orange and chimney red then                                     I KRASNOE KAK KAMIN, POSLE CHEGO
Frank put on a top forty station                                fR|NK VRUBIL NA POLNUYU HIT-PARAD PO RADIO
got on the Hollywood Freeway                                    I VYRULIL NA gOLLIVUDSKUYU tRASSU
headed north                                                    pOEHAL NA SEVER

Never could stand that dog                                      nIKOGDA NE MOG TERPETX |TU SOBAKU

Well with buck shot eyes and a purple heart                     zNACHIT, S VOSPALENNYM VZOROM I MEDALXYU NA GRUDI
I rolled down the national stroll                               sKATILSYA YA PO TRAPU NA GRAZHDANKU
and with a big fat paycheck                                     sOLIDNAYA ZARPLATA
strapped to my hip sack                                         V NABEDRENNOM KARMANE
and a shore leave wristwatch underneath                         I CHASY NA UVOLXNITELXNUYU
my sleeve                                                       POD MANZHETOJ TIKAYUT
in a Hong Kong drizzle on Cuban heels                           v gONKONGSKOJ MOROSI NA kUBINSKIH PYATKAH
I rowed down the gutter to the Blood Bank                       YA GREB VNIZ PO KANALU K bANKU kROVI
and I'd left all my papers on the Ticonderoga                   I YA OSTAVIL VSE BUMAGI V tIKONDEROGE
and was in a bad need of a shave                                I UZHE DAVNO NE BRILSYA
and so I slopped at the corner on cold chow mein                tAK CHTO YA POHLEBAL NA UGLU HOLODNOE CHOU-M|JN
and shot billards with a midget                                 I POGONYAL V BILLIARD S KARAPUZOM
until the rain stopped                                          POKA DOZHDX NE ZAKONCHILSYA
and I bought a long sleeved shirt                               KUPIL RUBAHU S DLINNYM RUKAVOM
with horses on the front                                        S LOSHADKAMI NA GRUDI
and some gum and a lighter and a knife                          ZHVACHKU, ZAZHIGALKU I NOZH
and a new deck of cards (with girls on the back)                I NOVUYU KOLODU KART (S DEVCHONKAMI SZADI)
and I sat down and wrote a letter to my wife                    i YA SEL I NAPISAL PISXMO MOEJ ZHENE
and I said Baby, I'm so far away from home                      I YA SKAZAL "dETKA, YA TAK DALEKO OT DOMA
and I miss my Baby so                                           I YA TAK PO TEBE TOSKUYU
I can't make it by myself                                       I YA NICHEGO NE MOGU S SOBOJ PODELATX
I love you so                                                   YA TAK LYUBLYU TEBYA"

Well I was pacing myself                                        nU, YA NOSILSYA VEZDE, GDE MOG,
trying to make it all last                                      PYTAYASX USPETX SDELATX VSE TO,
squeezing all the life                                          CHTO NAKOPILOSX
out of a lousy two day pass                                     ZA PREDELAMI |TIH DVUH VONYUCHIH DNEJ
and I had a cold one at the Dragon                              I YA VZYAL ODNO HOLODNOE V dRAKONE
with some Filipino floor show                                   S KAKIM-TO fILIPPINSKIM SHOU
and talked baseball with a lieutenant                           I POBOLTAL O  BEJSBOLE S LEJTEHOJ
over a Singapore sling                                          ZA SINGAPURSKIM SLINGOM
and I wondered how the same moon outside                        I VSE DUMAL O TOM KAK TA ZHE SAMAYA LUNA
over this Chinatown fair                                        NAD |TIMI OGNYAMI chAJNA-TAUNA
could look down on Illinois                                     MOZHET SMOTRETX SVYSOKA NA iLLINOJS
and find you there                                              I VIDETX TEBYA TAM
and you know I love you Baby                                    "i TY ZNAESHX, CHTO YA LYUBLYU TEBYA, DETKA,
and I'm so far away from home                                   I YA TAK DALEKO OT DOMA
and I miss my Baby so                                           I YA TAK PO TEBE TOSKUYU
I can't make it by myself                                       I YA NICHEGO NE MOGU S SOBOJ PODELATX
I love you so                                                   YA TAK LYUBLYU TEBYA"

Shore Leave...                                                  uVOLXNITELXNAYA…
Shore Leave...                                                  uVOLXNITELXNAYA…

``Well, I feel we should move right into                        "chTO ZH, YA CHUVSTVUYU, CHTO MY DOLZHNY DVIGATXSYA
the religious material.''                                       PRYAMO V DEBRI RELIGII. "

When you walk through the garden,                               kOGDA vY BRODITE PO SADU,
You've gotta watch your back.                                   vSE VREMYA KTO-TO POZADI
Well, I beg you're pardon;                                      i YA PROSHU U vAS PROSHCHENXYA
Walk the straight and narrow track.                             iDYA PO UZKOMU PUTI

When you walk with Jesus,                                       kOGDA vY IDETE S iISUSOM,
He's gonna save your soul.                                      oN DUSHU VASHU SBEREZHET
You've got to keep the Devil;                                   vY DOLZHNY USMIRITX dXYAVOLA
Well, you've got to keep him                                    dA, DERZHITX EGO
down in the hole.                                               vNIZU V DYRE

He's got the fire, people,                                      u NEGO PLAMYA, LYUDI!
he's got the fury at his command.                               i YAROSTX V EGO KOMANDE.

Oh, you don't have to worry                                     o, NE  VOLNUJTESX
Hold on to, hold on to... Jesus hand                            dERZHITESX, DERZHITESX ZA ... RUKU iISUSA
we'll all be safe from Satan                                    mY VSE SPASEMSYA OT  sATANY
when the thunder,                                               kOGDA GROM,
when the thunder starts to roll.                                kOGDA NACHNET GREMETX GROM.

We've got to keep the devil,                                    mY DOLZHNY USMIRIRITX dXYAVOLA
keep him on down                                                dERZHATX EGO VNIZU
down in the hole.                                               vNIZU V DYRE

That red horned, lousy, low life, underneath our boots..        eTA KRASNOROGAYA, PARSHIVAYA, UBOGAYA ZHIZNX, TAM ,POD NOGAMI.
Praise the Lord.                                                vOSHVALITE gOSPODA!
I don't know what it is.                                        ya NE ZNAYU, KAKOVO |TO.
Two dollar - that demonmiester                                  dVA DOLLARA - |TO DEMON-MASTER.
Three dollar - that prince devil                                tRI DOLLARA - TOT PRINC DXYAVOL.
Just see if you can come up with a figure                       tAK POSMOTRITE, MOZHET KTO PRIDUMATX CHISLO
that matches your faith                                         SOOTVETSTVUYUSHCHEE VASHEJ VERE

He said, how much has Jesus done for you?                       oN SKAZAL, SKOLXKO iISUS SDELAL DLYA vAS?
And we got to go in, with our hydrolic system,                  i MY SOBRALISX CHTOBY VOJTI, S NASHEJ GIDRAVLICHESKOJ SISTEMOJ,
and blast him out.                                              i VZORVATX EGO.

People, can I get an amen?                                      lYUDI, YA MOGU USLYSHATX AMINX?
All the angels, pledge God to sing;                             vSE ANGELY, POYUT PESNX gOSPODU;
all about Jesus mighty sword.                                   o MOGUSHCHESTVE I SILE iISUSA .
And they'll shield you with their wings                         i ONI OGRADYAT vAS SVOIMI KRYLAMI
People, they'll keep you                                        lYUDI, ONI ZASHCHITYAT vAS

Now don't pay heed to temptation,                               i ISKUSU NET MESTA V NEM
For his hands are so cold.                                      dLYA EGO RUK |TO KAK LED
You've got to keep the devil,                                   vY DOLZHNY USMIRITX DXYAVOLA,
keep him on down in the hole.                                   dERZHITX EGO VNIZU V DYRE

Down in the hole                                                vNIZ V DYRU
Down in the hole                                                vNIZ V DYRU
Down in the hole                                                vNIZ V DYRU

People, I've got to speak about something...                    lYUDI, ya  DOLZHEN CHTO-TO SKAZATX VAM…
Can I get an amen?                                              mOGU LI YA USLYSHATX AMINX?
Can I get an halaluja?                                          mOGU LI YA USLYSHATX ALILUJA?
Praise the lord.                                                vOSHVALITE gOSPODA.
God bless you.                                                  dA BLAGOSLOVIT VAS gOSPODX.

The Lord is a very very busy man.                               bOG - OCHENX OCHENX ZANYATYJ CHELOVEK.
I'll do what I can.                                             nO YA SDELAYU VSE, CHTO SMOGU.
But Jesus is always going for the big picture...                nO iISUS VSEGDA VIDIT BOLXSHUYU PANORAMU…
But he's always there to help us out of the little jams too.    nO ON VSEGDA POMOZHET NAM DAZHE V LYUBYH MELOCHAH

Down in the hole                                                vNIZ V DYRU
Down in the hole                                                vNIZ V DYRU
Down in the hole                                                vNIZ V DYRU
Keep him down in the hold                                       dERZHITE EGO VNIZU - V DYRE.

You've got to keep the devil down in the hole                   vY DOLZHNY DERZHATX DXYAVOLA VNIZU - V DYRE
You've got to keep the devil down in the hole                   vY DOLZHNY DERZHATX DXYAVOLA VNIZU - V DYRE
Keep him on down in the hole                                    dERZHITE DXYAVOLA VNIZU - V DYRE
Down...down, down, down mighty devil                            vNIZ... VNIZ, VNIZ, VNIZ MOGUSHCHESTVENNOGO DXYAVOLA
I send you down below my boots.                                 ya POSYLAYU TEBYA VNIZ, POD MOI BASHMAKI.
down, down, filling my live with anger and strife               vNIZ, VNIZ, ZAPOLNYAYA MOYU ZHIZNX GNEVOM I BORXBOJ
Go down mighty devil.                                           gONITE MOGUSHCHESTVENNOGO DXYAVOLA.
Find a place to live.Down down down...                          nAJDITE MESTO DLYA ZHIZNI. vNIZ VNIZ VNIZ ...

Hang on st. christopher through the smoke and the oil           dERZHISX CENT-kRISTOFERA SKVOZX MASLO I SMOG
Buckle down the rumble seat                                     oTKINX SIDENXE NAZAD
let the radiator boil                                           dVIZHOK POCHTI ZAGDOH
got an overhead downshift                                       kIPIT TVOJ RADIATOR
and a two dollar grill                                          i DESHEVYJ GRILX UZHE
got an 85 cabin                                                 dAVNO LEZHIT V KABINE
on an 85 hill                                                   nA 85 HOLME
Hang on st. christopher on the passenger side                   dERZHISX CENT-kRISTOFERA NA PASSAZHIRSKOJ STORONE
open it up tonight the devil can ride                           sEGODNYA TAM PROEDET DXYAVOL, ONA OTKRYTA VPOLNE
hang on st. christopher with a barrel house dog                 dERZHISX CENT-kRISTOFERA S KABACKIM PARENXKOM
kick me up mt. baldy                                            mISTER pLESHX V TUMANE
throw me out in the fog                                         sBEJ MENYA V PINKOM
tear a hole in the jack pot                                     pRORVI DYRU V DZHEK-POT
drive a stake through his heart                                 sTAVX STAVKI NAOBUM
do a 100 on the grapevine                                       sDELAJ SOTNYU NA LOZHNYH SLUHAH
do a jump on the start                                          nA STARTE SDELAJ BUM
hang on st. christopher now don't let me go                     dERZHISX CENT-kRISTOFERA, MNE NE POZVOLYAT IDTI
get me to reno and bring it in low, yeah                        oPYATX NE POVEZLO MNE, NO YA NA VERNOM PUTI
hang on st. christopher with the hammer to the floor            dERZHISX C-kRISTOFERA S MOLOTOCHKOM DLYA TORGOV
put a hi ball in the crank case                                 zALEJ PRISADKU V KARTER
nail a crow to the door                                         lAPKU VORONA NA DVERX
get a bottle for the jockey                                     dLYA PARKOVSHCHIKA PUZYRX
gimme a 294                                                     mNE - 294
there's a 750 norton bustin down january's door                 sTOIT 750 nORTON POD YANVARSKOJ DVERXYU
hang on st. christopher on the passenger side                   dERZHISX CENT-kRISTOFERA NA PASSAZHIRSKOJ STORONE
open it up tonight the devil can ride                           sEGODNYA TAM PROEDET DXYAVOL, ONA OTKRYTA VPOLNE
hang on st. christopher now don't let me go                     dERZHISX CENT-kRISTOFERA, MNE NE POZVOLYAT IDTI
get to me reno got to bring it in low                           oPYATX NE POVEZLO MNE, NO YA NA VERNOM PUTI
put my baby on the flat car                                     v ZH/D PLATFORMU MOYU KROSHKU POSADI
got to burn down the caboose                                    zhAROVNYU RASPALI DOTLA
get 'em all jacked up on whiskey                                dO CHERTIKOV IH VISKI NAPOI
then we'll turn the mad dog loose                               tOGDA S CEPI MY SPUSTIM BESHENNOGO PSA
hang on st. christopher on the passenger side                   dERZHISX CENT-kRISTOFERA NA PASSAZHIRSKOJ STORONE
open it  up tonight the devil can ride                          sEGODNYA TAM PROEDET DXYAVOL, ONA OTKRYTA VPOLNE

All night long on the broken glass                              nOCHX PROSHLA NA RAZBITOM STEKLE
livin in a medicine chest                                       sLOVNO ZHIL V DOMASHNEJ APTECHKE
mediteromanian hotel back                                       oCHNULSYA V OTELE NA sREDIZEMNOMORXE
sprawled across a roll top desk                                 rASTYANUVSHISX POPEREK SEKRETERA
the monkey rode the blade  on an                                mARTYSHKA STROIT ROZHI MNE
overhead fan                                                    v LOPASTYAH VENTILYATORA POD POTOLKOM
they paint the donkey blue if you pay                           i ESLI ZABASHLYATX TAM BUDET GOLUBOJ OSEL
I got a telephone call from Istanbul                            i VDRUG ZVONOK IZ iSTAMBULA
my baby's coming home today                                     sEGODNYA MOYA KROSHKA VOZVRASHCHAETSYA DOMOJ
will you sell me one of those if I shave my head                i YA POBREYU BASHKU - TY PRODASHX MNE ODNU IZ NIH
get me out of town is what fireball said                        pROCHX IZ GORODA - I GOVORIL METEORIT
never  trust a man in a blue trench coat                        vPREDX NE VERX VSEM LYUDYAM V TEMNO-SINEM PALXTO
never drive a car when you're dead                              i NE SADISX ZA RULX, ESLI TY TRUP
Saturday's a festival                                           v sUBBOTU - FESTIVALX
Oh, now Friday's a gem                                          v pYATNICU - BRILLIANT
dye your hair yellow                                            sDELAJ SKOBOCHKU POVYSHE
and raise your hem                                              i SVOI VOLOSY ZHELTEJ
follow me to beulah's on                                        dUJ ZA MNOJ K beulah's NA
dry creek road                                                  dOROGU SUHOGO RUCHXYA
I got to wear the hat that my baby done sewed                   ya  NAKONEC NADENU SHLYAPU, KOTORUYU TY SSHILA MNE
take me down to buy a tux                                       vOZXMI MENYA VPLOTX DO, POKUPKI SMOKINGA
on red rose bear                                                v MELKUYU KRASNUYU ROZOCHKU
got to cut a hole in the day                                    i ZAPOLNI SOBOYU VSE OSTAVSHIESYA DNI
I got a telephone call from Istanbul                            ya POLUCHIL ZVONOK IZ iSTAMBULA
my baby's coming home today                                     sEGODNYA MOYA KROSHKA VOZVRASHCHAETSYA DOMOJ

Crest fallen sidekick in an old cafe                            uPAVSHIJ DUHOM KORESH V STAROM KAFE
never slept with a dream before he had to go away               tAK SLADKO NE DREMAL, POKA SPILSYA SOVSEM
there's a bell in the tower                                     eSTX KOLOKOL NA BASHNE
Uncle Ray bought a round                                        dYADYA r|J NAVESELE
don't worry about the army                                      oB ARMII NE BESPOKOJSYA
in the cold cold ground                                         v TAKOJ HOLODNOJ ZEMLE
now don't be a cry baby                                         chTO TOLKU PLAKATX, B|JBI,
when there's wood in the shed                                   kOLX ESTX V SARAE DROVA
there's a bird in the chimmney                                  nA DYMOHODE FLYUGER
and a stone in my bed                                           v POSTELI KAMESHKA OVAL
when the road's washed out                                      dOROGI VSE RAZMYTY
they pass the bottle around                                     i IM NE VYJTI IZ PETLI
and wait in the arms                                            i OZHIDANIE V RUKAH
of the cold cold ground                                         tAKOJ HOLODNOJ ZEMLI
cold cold ground                                                tAKOJ HOLODNOJ ZEMLI
there's a  ribbon in the willow                                 pOKRYSHKA NA VEREVKE
and a tire swing rope                                           nA IVE LENTOCHKA VISIT
and a briar patch of berries                                    nA SKLONE KOSOGORA
takin over  the slope                                           shIPOVNIK YAGODOJ PESTRIT
the cat'll sleep in the mailbox                                 v POCHTOVOM YASHCHIKE SPIT KOT
and  we'll never go to town                                     i V GOROD NETU NAM PUTI
til we bury every dream in                                      pOKA MY GROBIM VSE MECHTY
the cold cold ground                                            v TAKOJ HOLODNOJ ZEMLE
cold cold ground                                                v TAKOJ HOLODNOJ ZEMLE
gimme a Winchester rifle and a whole box of shells              dAJ MNE vINCHESTER I PACHKU PATRON
blow the roof off the goat barn                                 s HLEVA SVALI KRYSHU
let it roll down the hill                                       pUSTX ONA KATITSYA POD HOLM
the piano is firewood                                           fORTEPXYANO - DROVA
times square is a dream                                         pOSTOYANSTVO - MECHTA
I find we'll lay down together in the cold cold ground          mY VSE TAM BUDEM VMESTE V TAKOJ HOLODNOJ ZEMLE
cold cold ground                                                v TAKOJ HOLODNOJ ZEMLE
cold cold ground                                                v TAKOJ HOLODNOJ ZEMLE
call the cops on the Breedloves                                 lEGAVYH VYZOVI NA bRIDLOVS
bring a bible and a rope                                        vOZXMI VEREVKI MOTOK
and a whole box of rebel                                        tABURETKU, bIBLIYU,
and a bar of soap                                               dA I MYLA KUSOK
make a pile of trunk tires                                      pOKRYSHKI SVALI V KUCHU
and burn 'em all down                                           k CHERTYAM SOZHGI IH VSE
bring a dollar with you baby                                    sCHASTLIVYJ DOLLAR NUZHEN, B|JBI,
in the cold cold ground                                         v TAKOJ HOLODNOJ ZEMLE
cold cold ground                                                v TAKOJ HOLODNOJ ZEMLE
take a weathervane rooster                                      i KINUV KAMENX V GOLOVU
throw rocks at his head                                         SBEJ FLYUGER-PETUSHKA
stop talking to the neighbors                                   i NE BOLTAJ S SOSEDYAMI
til we all go dead                                              POKA MY NE POMREM, POKA,
beware of my temper                                             bEREGISX MOEGO HARAKTERA
and the dog that I've found                                     i PSA, KAKOGO YA PRIGREL
break all the windows in the                                    rAZBEJ VSE OKNA
cold cold ground                                                v TAKOJ HOLODNOJ ZEMLE
cold cold ground                                                v TAKOJ HOLODNOJ ZEMLE

I'm going straight to the top                                   ya IDU PRYAMO NA VERH
oh yea up where the air is                                      o DA, TUDA, GDE VOZDUH
fresh and clean                                                 chIST I SVEZH
I'm going straight up to the top                                ya IDU PRYAMO NA VERH
if you know me, you know what I mean                            mENYA I MOI MYSLI VY ZNAETE DAVNO
I can't let sorrow                                              nE DOPUSTIV PECHALI
try and pull ol' Frankie down                                   tYANU YA fR|NKI VNIZ
live for tomorrow I have found you                              zhIVU YA RADI ZAVTRA, YA TEBYA NASHEL
I'm going straight up to the top                                ya IDU PRYAMO NA VERH
up where the air is fresh and clean                             gDE VOZDUH SVEZH I CHIST
i know that I will never stop, oh no                            i YA NE TORMOZHU, O NET
until I know I'm wild and free                                  ya DIKIJ, YA - SVOBODEN
just like a champagne bubble                                    kAK PUZYRI SHAMPANI
pop pop pop                                                     hLOP, HLOP, HLOP
I'm like those birdies                                          ya - BUDTO PTASHKA
high up  in the trees                                           vYSOKO V VETVYAH
I can't let sorrow                                              nE DOPUSTIV PECHALI
pull ol' Frankie down                                           tYANU YA fR|NKI VNIZ
live for tomorrow                                               zhIVU YA RADI ZAVTRA
I have  found you                                               ya TEBYA NASHEL
I'm going straight up to the top oh yeah                        ya IDU PRYAMO NA VERH
up where the air is                                             o DA, TUDA, GDE VOZDUH
fresh and clean                                                 chIST I SVEZH

Will ye take me across the channel                              nA PROGULKU PO KANALAM
London Bridge is falling down                                   tY MENYA S SOBOJ VOZXMI
Strange a woman tries to save                                   tAK BLUDNICA TO SPASALA,
More than a man will try to drown                               chTO HOTEL YA UTOPITX
And its the rain that they predicted                            eTO VECHNYE PROGNOZY,
And its the forecast every time                                 eTO DOZHDX, CHTO SEJCHAS IDET
The rose has died because you picked it                         pRYAMO V PALXCAH VYANUT ROZY
And I believe that brandy's mine                                i LISHX BRENDI MNE NE VRET

And all over the world strangers                                i VEZDE NEZNAKOMCY
Talk only about the weather                                     tOLKUYUT LISHX OB ODNOM
All over the world its the same                                 o POGODE, V CELOM MIRE
Its the same!                                                   vSE ODNO! vSE ODNO!

And the world is getting flatter                                i VESX MIR RAZMYLO V PLOSKOSTX
And the sky is falling all around                               nEBO PADAET VOKRUG
Oh, when nothing is the matter                                  zAKURYU YA PAPIROSKU
For I never cry in town                                         mNE ZDESX PLAKATX NE DOSUG
And a love like ours, my dear                                   nASHI CHUVSTVA, DOROGAYA
Is best measured when its down                                  mY OCENIM LISHX V GROBU
And I never buy umberellas                                      ya  ZONTOV NE POKUPAYU
Because there's always one around                               mNE VSEGDA ODIN DADUT

And all over the world strangers                                i VEZDE NEZNAKOMCY
Talk only about the weather                                     tOLKUYUT LISHX OB ODNOM
All over the world its the same                                 o POGODE, V CELOM MIRE
Its the same!                                                   vSE ODNO! vSE ODNO!

And you know that its the beginning                             zNAESHX, |TO LISHX NACHALO
And you know that its the end                                   zNAESHX, |TO I KONEC
Once again we are strangers                                     sTANEM VNOVX MY NE ZNAKOMY
As the fog comes rolling in                                     lISHX TUMAN  SPOLZET S NEBES

And all over the world strangers                                i VEZDE NEZNAKOMCY
Talk only about the weather                                     tOLKUYUT LISHX OB ODNOM
All over the world its the same                                 o POGODE, V CELOM MIRE
Its the same!                                                   vSE ODNO! vSE ODNO!

Falling James in the Tahoe mud                                  pADSHIJ dZH|JMS V GRYAZI tAHO|
Stick around to tell us all the tale                            sOBIRITESX V KRUG, YA RASSKAZHU TAKOE
Well he fell in love with a Gun Street girl                     oN VTYURILSYA V DEVCHONKU S ULICY VOROV
And now he's dancing in the Birmingham jail                     sEJCHAS ON V bIRMINGEME, V TYURXME MOTAET SROK
Dancing in the Birmingham jail                                  sEJCHAS ON V bIRMINGEME, V TYURXME MOTAET SROK

He took a hundred dollars off a slaughterhouse Joe              zABRAL ON SOTNYU BAKSOV SO SKOTOBOJNI dZHO
Brought a brand new Michigan twenty-gauge                       dVADCATOGO KALIBRA PRINES S SOBOJ RUZHXE
He got all liquored up on that road house corn                  i VZYAV NA GRUDX VSYU VYPIVKU V KORCHME, CHTO U DOROGI,
Blew a hole in the hood of a yellow Corvette                    oN ZHELTOMU kORVETU V BREDU DYRYAVIL NOGI
A hole in the hood of a yellow Corvette                         zhELTOMU kORVETU V BREDU DYRYAVIL NOGI

He bought a second-hand Nova from a Cuban Chinese               kUPIV PODERZHANNYJ nOVA U kITAJCA S kUBY
And dyed his hair in the bathroom of a Texaco                   pOKRASIL SVOI PATLY V VANNOJ tEHASO
With a pawnshop radio, quarter past four                        rADIO V LOMBARDE SKAZALO "POL-CHETVERTOGO"
He left for Waukegan at the slamming of the door                i HLOPNUV DVERXYU ON UEHAL V vUKEGEN
Left for Waukegan at the slamming of the door                   hLOPNUV DVERXYU ON UEHAL V vUKEGEN

I said John, John, he's long gone                               ya SKAZAL dZHON, dZHON, ON DOLGOJ SHEL TROPOJ
Gone to Indiana, ain't never coming home                        uSHEL ON V iNDIANU - NE VERNULSYA DOMOJ
I said John, John, he's long gone                               ya SKAZAL dZHON, dZHON, ON DOLGOJ SHEL TROPOJ
Gone to Indiana, ain't never coming home                        uSHEL ON V iNDIANU - NE VERNULSYA DOMOJ

He's sitting in a sycamore in St. John's wood                   sIDIT ON NA PLATANE V LESU sENT-dZHONA
Soaking day-old bread in kerosene                               i MOCHIT V KEROSINE PERESOHSHIJ HLEB
Well he was blue as a robin's egg and brown as a hog            bELYJ KAK YAJCO, KORICHNEVYJ KAK BOROV
He's staying out of circulation 'til the dogs get tired         pOKA VNIZU SOBAKI TUDA NE SLEZET ON
Out of circulation 'til the dogs get tired                      pOKA VNIZU SOBAKI TUDA NE SLEZET ON

Shadow fixed the toilet with an old trombone                    tENX SPRYATALA SORTIR POD STARYJ TROMBON
He never get up in the morning on a Saturday                    oN NIKOGDA NE VSTAET RANO PO SUBBOTAM
Sitting by the Erie with a bull-whipped dog                     nA SBORISHCHE U eRII S BESNUYUSHCHIMSYA PSOM
Telling everyone he saw, "They went that-a-way, boys"           vSEM VSTRECHNYM GOVORYA "rEBYATA, TAM - DURDOM"
Telling everyone he saw, "They went that-a-way"                 vSEM VSTRECHNYM GOVORYA "rEBYATA, TAM - DURDOM"

Now the rain's like gravel on an old tin roof                   dOZHDX SYPETSYA KAK GRAVIJ NA OLOVYANNYJ NASTIL
And the Burlington Northern pulling out of the world            v sEVERNYJ bERLINGTON SEJCHAS TY UGODIL
Now a head full of bourbon and a dream in the straw             pOLNA BASHKA BURBONA, MECHTY BUDTO SOLOMA
And a Gun Street girl was the cause of it all                   vSE |TO IZ-ZA DEVOCHKI S ULICY VOROV
A Gun Street girl was the cause of it all                       vSE |TO IZ-ZA DEVOCHKI S ULICY VOROV

Well he's riding in the shadow by the St. Joe ridge             chTO ZH, SKACHET ON V TENI HREBTA CENT. dZHO
Hearing the click-clack tapping of a blind man's cane           sLUSHAYA SHCHELCHKI PLASTINKI-TROSTOCHKI SLEPOGO
He was pulling into Baker on a New Year's Eve                   oBCHISTIL pEKARYA ON PRYAM POD nOVYJ gOD
One eye on a pistol and the other on the door                   oDIN GLAZ NA PRICELE, A DRUGOJ NA DVERI
One eye on a pistol and the other on the door                   oDIN GLAZ NA PRICELE, A DRUGOJ NA DVERI

Miss Charlotte took her satchel down to King Fish Row           mISS shARLOTTA RANEC TASHCHIT PRYAMO K kING fISH rOU
Smuggled in a brand new pair of alligator shoes                 zhIVET LISHX KONTROBANDOJ KROKODILOVYH SHUZOV
With her fireman's raincoat and her long yellow hair            s EE PLASHCHEM POZHARNIKA I DLINNYM ZHELTYM HAJEROM
Well they tied her to a tree with a skinny millionaire          pRIVYAZALI EE K DEREVU VMESTE SO SKRYAGOJ BOGACHEM
They tied her to a tree with a skinny millionaire               pRIVYAZALI K DEREVU SO SKRYAGOJ BOGACHEM

I said John, John, he's long gone                               ya SKAZAL dZHON, dZHON, ON DOLGOJ SHEL TROPOJ
Gone to Indiana, ain't never coming home                        uSHEL ON V iNDIANU - NE VERNULSYA DOMOJ
I said John, John, he's long gone                               ya SKAZAL dZHON, dZHON, ON DOLGOJ SHEL TROPOJ
Gone to Indiana, ain't never coming home                        uSHEL ON V iNDIANU - NE VERNULSYA DOMOJ

Banging on the table with an old tin cup                        sTUKNUV PO STOLU KUBKOM IZ OLOVA
Sing I'll never kiss a Gun Street girl again                    sPOYU "dEVCHONKA S ULICY VOROV - NE POCELUYU TEBYA SNOVA"
Never kiss a Gun Street girl again                              dEVCHONKA S ULICY VOROV - NE POCELUYU TEBYA SNOVA
I'll never kiss a Gun Street girl again                         dEVCHONKA S ULICY VOROV - NE POCELUYU TEBYA SNOVA

I said John, John, he's long gone                               ya SKAZAL dZHON, dZHON, ON DOLGOJ SHEL TROPOJ
Gone to Indiana, ain't never coming home                        uSHEL ON V iNDIANU - NE VERNULSYA DOMOJ
I said John, John, he's long gone                               ya SKAZAL dZHON, dZHON, ON DOLGOJ SHEL TROPOJ
Gone to Indiana, ain't never coming home                        uSHEL ON V iNDIANU - NE VERNULSYA DOMOJ

Three, six, nine                                                tRI, SHESTX, DVA,
The goose drank wine                                            vYPIL GUSX VINA.
The monkey chewed tobacco                                       sIDIT ODIN POVESA
On the streetcar line                                           NA TRAMVAJNYH RELXSAH.
The line broke                                                  vIZG TORMOZOV NE SLYSHAL -
The monkey got choked                                           TEPERX UZHE NE DYSHIT.
And they all went to heaven                                     vSE TIHO V RAJ PLYVUT
In a little row boat.                                           NA MALENXKOM PLOTU
Clap Clap                                                       hLOP, HLOP (HLOPAYUT V LADOSHI)

Sane, sane, they're all insane,                                 pSIH, PSIH, YA - NE PSIH,
fireman's blind, the conductor is lame                          POZHARNIK TO - SLEPOJ, A PROVODNIK - HROMOJ
A Cincinnati jacket and a sad-luck dame                         zhAKET IZ cINCINATI, SMESHNAYA DAMA V NEM
Hanging out the window with a bottle full of rain               tORCHIT V OKNO  S BUTYLKOJ I MOKNET POD DOZHDEM
Clap hands, clap hands, clap hands, clap hands                  hLOPAJTE, HLOPAJTE, HLOPAJTE V LADOSHI.

Said roar, roar, the thunder and the roar                       rEV, REV, GROM, S NEBA VODA
Son of a bitch is never coming back here no more                sUKIN SYN NIKOGDA NE VOZVRATITXSYA SYUDA
The moon in the window and a bird on the pole                   lUNA TORCHIT V OKOSHKE, PTICHKA-FLYUGER NA SHESTE
We can always find a millionaire to shovel all the coal         mILLIONER S SOVKOM V LADOSHKAH ZA UGLEM SPESHIT UZHE
Clap hands, clap hands, clap hands, clap hands                  hLOPAJTE, HLOPAJTE, HLOPAJTE V LADOSHI.

Said steam, steam, a hundred bad dreams                         ya SKAZAL PAR, PAR, SOTNYA DURNYH SNOV
Going up to Harlem with a pistol in his jeans                   pOKIDAYU gARLEM SO STVOLOM V DZHINSAH
A fifty-dollar bill inside a palladin's hat                     nA POLTINNIK BAKSOV SCHET POD SHLYAPOJ pALLADINA
And nobody's sure where Mr. Knickerbocker's at                  gDE MISTER nIKERBOKER, GDE |TA SKOTINA

Roar, roar, the thunder and the roar                            rEV, REV, GROM, S NEBA VODA
Son of a bitch is never coming back here no more                sUKIN SYN NIKOGDA NE VOZVRATITXSYA SYUDA
Moon in the window and a bird on the pole                       lUNA TORCHIT V OKOSHKE, PTICHKA-FLYUGER NA SHESTE
Can always find a millionaire to shovel all the coal            mILLIONER S SOVKOM V LADOSHKAH ZA UGLEM SPESHIT UZHE
Clap hands, clap hands, clap hands, clap hands                  hLOPAJTE, HLOPAJTE, HLOPAJTE V LADOSHI.

I said steam, steam, a hundred bad dreams                       ya SKAZAL PAR, PAR, SOTNYA DURNYH SNOV
Going up to Harlem with a pistol in his jeans                   pOKIDAYU gARLEM SO STVOLOM V DZHINSAH
A fifty-dollar bill inside a palladin's hat                     nA POLTINNIK BAKSOV SCHET POD SHLYAPOJ pALLADINA
And nobody's sure where Mr. Knickerbocker's at                  gDE MISTER nIKERBOKER, GDE |TA SKOTINA

Shine, shine, a Roosevelt dime                                  sVERKAJ, SVERKAJ GRIIVENNIK rUZVELXTA
All the way to Baltimore and running out of time                iSCHERPAVSHIJ VREMYA BOG VESTX ESHCHE KOGDA
Salvation Army seemed to wind up in the hole                    aRMII sPASENIYA, PO-MOEMU, "TRUBA"
They all went to heaven in a little row boat                    vSE TIHO V RAJ PLYVUT NA MALENXKOM PLOTU
Clap hands, clap hands, clap hands, clap hands                  hLOPAJTE, HLOPAJTE, HLOPAJTE V LADOSHI.
Clap hands, clap hands, clap hands, clap hands                  hLOPAJTE, HLOPAJTE, HLOPAJTE V LADOSHI.
Clap hands, clap hands, clap hands, clap hands                  hLOPAJTE, HLOPAJTE, HLOPAJTE V LADOSHI.

Well the smart money's on Harlow and the moon is in the street  chTO ZH, DENXGI DELAYUT NA hARLOU I NAD ULICEJ lUNA
And the shadow boys are breaking all the laws                   vDALEKE BUYANIT MESTNAYA SHPANA
And you're east of East Saint Louis                             tAM, K VOSTOKU OT sENT-lUISA
and the wind is making speeches                                 VETER VODIT HOROVOD
And the rain sounds like a round of applause                    i SHUM DOZHDYA BUDTO OVACIJ GROM
And Napoleon is weeping in a carnival saloon                    i nAPOLEON ORET V SALUNE - |TO KARNAVAL OPYATX
His invisible fiancee's in the mirror                           eGO NEVESTA V ZAZERKALXE NE VIDNA
And the band is going home,                                     i VOT DZHAZ-B|ND IDET DOMOJ,
it's raining hammers, it's raining nails                        DOZHDX MOLOTIT PO MOSTOVOJ
And it's true there's nothing left for him down here            i |TO PRAVDA, EMU ZDESX NECHEGO TERYATX

And it's time time time, and it's time time time                gDE-TO TAM, TAM, TAM, GDE-TO TAM, TAM, TAM.
And it's time time time that you love                           gDE-TO TAM, TAM VREMYA NASHEJ LYUBVI
And it's time time time                                         gDE-TO TAM, TAM, TAM.

And they all pretend they're orphans                            vSE PRITVORSHCHIKI-SIROTY
and their memory's like a train                                 I IH PAMYATX - PUSTOTA
You can see it getting smaller as it pulls away                 tY SMOTRI, ONI DERUTSYA ZA MEDYAK
And the things you can't remember                               i CHTO ZABYL DAVNO RASSKAZHET
tell the things you can't forget                                TOMU, CHTO NE ZABYTX NIKAK
That history puts a saint in every dream                        pRO |TOT MIR, V KOTOROM KAZHDAYA MECHTA SVYATA.

Well she said she'd stick around until the bandages came off    oNA SKAZALA "BUDU RYADOM, POKA BAGAZH NE UVELI"
But these mama's boys just don't know when to quit              nO |TI MAMINY SYNKI TAK I NE ZNAYUT, CHTO PO CHEM
And Mathilda asks the sailors                                   i mATILXDA U MATROSOV SPROSIT
"Are those dreams or are those prayers?"                        "shANS ILI MECHTY?"
So close your eyes, son, and this won't hurt a bit              zAKROJ GLAZA, MOJ SYN, NE BESPOKOJSYA NI O CHEM

Oh it's time time time, and it's time time time                 gDE-TO TAM, TAM, TAM, GDE-TO TAM, TAM, TAM.
And it's time time time that you love                           gDE-TO TAM, TAM VREMYA NASHEJ LYUBVI
And it's time time time                                         gDE-TO TAM, TAM, TAM.

Well things are pretty lousy for a calendar girl                chTO ZH, DLYA DEVOCHKI S OBLOZHKI NE TAKAYA UZH TOSKA
The boys just dive right off the cars                           tAM GDE NA ULICE MALXCHISHKI
and splash into the street                                      MOYUT STEKLA U MASHIN
And when they're on a roll she pulls a razor from her boot      oNI PODHODYAT ZA OPLATOJ, TY TYANESHX BRITVU IZ NOSKA
And a thousand pigeons fall around her feet                     i STAYA GOLUBEJ LETIT SKVOZX SIZYJ DYM
So put a candle in the window and a kiss upon his lips          i GORIT SVECHA V OKOSHKE I ZHZHET GUBY POCELUJ
As the dish outside the window fills with rain                  i POSUDA ZA OKNOM VSYA POD DOZHDEM
Just like a stranger with the weeds in your heart               i YA KAK STARAYA ZANOZA V SERDCE TREPETNOM TVOEM
And pay the fiddler off 'til I come back again                  bROSX MONETKU SKRIPACHU I MY S TOBOJ SPOEM

Oh it's time time time, and it's time time time                 gDE-TO TAM, TAM, TAM, GDE-TO TAM, TAM, TAM.
And it's time time time that you love                           gDE-TO TAM, TAM VREMYA NASHEJ LYUBVI
And it's time time time                                         gDE-TO TAM, TAM, TAM.
And it's time time time, and it's time time time                gDE-TO TAM, TAM, TAM, GDE-TO TAM, TAM, TAM.
And it's time time time that you love                           gDE-TO TAM, TAM VREMYA NASHEJ LYUBVI
And it's time time time                                         gDE-TO TAM, TAM, TAM.

Last-modified: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 20:28:10 GMT
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