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     Perevod V.YAkushkinoj
     Vera  YAkushkina.  Moi ekzersisy. Lirika XVI-XX vekov. Vol'nye perevody s
francuzskogo, nemeckogo i anglijskogo yazykov.
     M., "Moskovskij Parnas", 2005
     OCR Bychkov M.N.


                       Beaute, Truth and Raritie,
                       Grace in all Simplicitie,
                       Here enclosde, in cinders lie.

                       Death is now the Phoenix nest,
                       And the Turtles loyall brest,
                       To eternitie doth rest.

                       Leauing no postentie,
                       Twas not their infirmitie,
                       It was married Chastitie.

                       Truth may feeme, but can not bee.
                       Beautie bragge, but is not fhe,
                       Truth and Beautie buried be.

                       To this urne let thofe repair,
                       That are either true or faire,
                       For thefe dead Birds, figh a prayer.
                       _William Shake-Speare_.


                    Zdes' Istina, Krasa i Utonchennost',
                    I Skromnosti svyataya otrechennost',
                    Sokryta v prahe tajny obrechennost'.

                    I Feniksa gnezdo teper' porozhne,
                    Zabylsya Golub' vechnym snom trevozhno,
                    Lyubimym v vechnosti vdvoem ostat'sya dolzhno.

                    Potomkov ne ostavili oni,
                    I eto ne ot nemoshchi lyubvi, -
                    No celomudrie svyashchennoe dvoih.

                    Est' vernost', no ee ne mozhet byt',
                    Krasoj hvalit'sya, - ej li vechnoj slyt',
                    I Vernost', i Krasa, - tak malo mogut zhit'.

                    U etoj urny rekviem spoem
                    O chesti, vernosti nevidannoj vzdohnem,
                    O Pticah, vozlezhashchih zdes' vdvoem.
                    _Uil'yam, Potryasayushchij Kop'em_.

Last-modified: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 13:09:56 GMT
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