"Truba"                                                 (013k)
"Dikovinnoe divo"                                       (029k)
"Kukolka"                                               (044k)
"Kapel'ka neterpimosti"                                 (022k)
"Sekret mudrosti"                                       (027k)

Frederik Braun

"Arena"                                          1944   (056k)
"Volnoviki"                                      1945   (057k)
   "The Waveries"
"Eshche ne vse poteryano"                            1941   (004k)
   "Not Yet the End"
"Zvezdnaya karusel'"                                     (056k)
"Zvezdnaya mysh'"                                  1971   (036k)
   "Mitkey Astromouse"
"Koshmar so vremenem"                             1961   (001k)
   "Nightmare in Time"
   "The End"
"Kukol'nyj teatr"                                       (023k)
"Na chernyj den'"                                        (010k)
"Nemnogo zeleni..."                              1951   (019k)
   "Something Green"
"Pis'mo Feniksu"                                 1949   (018k)
   "Letter to a Phoenix"
"CHempion"                                               (003k)
"|taoin SHrdlu"                                   1942   (049k)
   "Etaoin Shrdlu"

Dzhon Branner

"Planeta v podarok"                              1959   (231k)
   "The World Swappers"
"Nebesnoe svyatilishche"                             1960   (242k)
   "Sanctuary in the Sky"
"Rabotorgovcy kosmosa"                           1960   (224k)
   "Slavers of Space"
   "Into the Slave Nebula"
"Rozhdennyj pod vlast'yu Marsa"                    1967   (251k)
   "Born Under Mars"
"Postanovki vremeni"                             1967   (241k)
   "The Productions of Time"
"Zaklyuchenie o sostoyanii lunnoj poverhnosti"      1960   (005k)
   "Report on the Nature of the Lunar Surface"
"Otchet N2 Galakticheskogo Ob®edin. Potrebitelej"  1966   (029k)
   "Galactic Consumer Report No. 2"

Lois Makmaster Budzhold

"V svobodnom padenii"                            1988   (457k)
   "Falling Free"
"Oskolki chesti"                                  1986   (468k)
   "Shards of Honor"
"Uchenik voina"                                   1986   (633k)
   "The Warrior's Apprentice"
"Granicy beskonechnosti"                          1978   (502k)
   "Borders of Infinity"
"Igra forov"                                     1990   (618k)
   "The Vor Game"
"|tan s planety |jtos"                           1986   (392k)
   "Ethan of Athos"
"Brat'ya po oruzhiyu"                               1989   (549k)
   "Brothers in Arms"

Kerolajn Dzh. CHerri

"Ugasayushchee solnce: Kesrit"                       1978   (463k)
   "The Faded Sun: Kesrith"
"Ugasayushchee solnce: SHon'dzhir"                     1978   (546k)
   "The Faded Sun: Shon'Jir"
"Ugasayushchee solnce: Kutat"                        1979   (409k)
   "The Faded Sun: Kutath"
"Vrata Ivrel"                                    1976   (467k)
   "Gate of Ivrel"
"Istochnik SHiyuna"                                 1978   (494k)
   "Well of Shiuan"
"Ogni Azerota"                                   1979   (491k)
   "Fires of Azeroth"
"Rusalka"                                        1989   (922k)
"CHernevog"                                       1990   (773k)
"Evgenij"                                        1991   (306k)
"Podval'naya stanciya"                             1981   (772k)
   "Downbelow Station"
"Rajon Zmei"                                     1980   (606k)
   "Serpent's Reach"
"Poslednyaya bashnya"                                1981   (007k)
   "The Last Tower"
"Kryl'ya"                                         1989   (012k)

Dzhon Kristofer

"Kogda ppishli tpipody"                           1988   (190k)
   "When the Tripods Came"
"Smert' travy"                                   1956   (306k)
   "The Death of Grass"
   "No Blade of Grass"
"Rvanyj kpaj"                                    1965   (366k)
   "A Wrinkle in the Skin"
   "The Ragged Edge"
"Hraniteli"                                      1970   (215k)
   "The Guardians"

|dmund Kuper

"Tranzit"                                        1964   (369k)
"Dalekij zakat"                                  1967   (304k)
   "A Far Sunset"
"Poslednij kontinent"                            1969   (282k)
   "The Last Continent"
"Babochki"                                        1956   (032k)
   "The Butterflies"
"YAshcher s planety Moz"                             1958   (029k)
   "The Lizard of Woz"
"Dubl' odin, dva, tri..."                        1958   (022k)
   "Repeat Performance"
"Pervyj marsianin"                               1960   (016k)
   "The First Martian"
"1994"                                           1960   (045k)
   "Nineteen Ninety-Four"
"Vahta smerti"                                   1963   (021k)
   "Death Watch"
"Sudnyj den'"                                    1963   (025k)
   "Judgement Day"
"ZHizn' i smert' Planki Gu"                       1963   (012k)
   "The Life and Death of Planky Goo"
"Pauza na Pikadilli"                             1963   (023k)
   "Piccadilly Interval"
"Dobro pozhalovat' domoj"                         1963   (027k)
   "Welcome Home"
"Podlinnaya istoriya Absolyutnogo Oruzhiya"                  (025k)

Ursula le Guin

"Volshebnik Zemnomor'ya"                           1968   (304k)
   "Wizard of Earthsea"
"Grobnicy Atuana"                                1971   (232k)
   "The Tombs of Atuan"
"Na poslednem beregu"                            1972   (373k)
   "The Farthest Shore"
"Tehanu: poslednyaya kniga Zemnomor'ya"             1990   (407k)
   "Tehanu: The Last Book of Earthsea"
"Slovo osvobozhdeniya"                             1964   (016k)
   "The Word of Unbinding"
"Pravilo imen"                                   1964   (026k)
   "The Rule of Names"
"Planeta Rokannona"                              1966   (267k)
   "Rocannon's World"
"Obezdolennyj"                                   1974   (741k)
   "The Dispossessed"
"Aprel' v Parizhe"                                1962   (031k)
   "April in Paris"
"Mastera"                                        1963   (039k)
   "The Masters"
"SHkatulka s temnotoj"                            1963   (021k)
   "Darkness Box"
"Zvezdy pod nogami"                              1973   (047k)
   "The Stars Below"
"Kurgan"                                         1976   (018k)
   "The Barrow"
"Belyj osel"                                     1980   (006k)
   "The White Donkey"

Filip K. Dik

"Raspalas' svyaz' vremen..."                      1959   (088k)
   "Time Out of Joint"
"CHelovek v Vysokom Zamke"                        1962   (524k)
   "The Man in the High Castle"
"Klany Al'fa-Luny"                               1964   (274k)
   "Clans of the Alphane Moon"
"Narushennoe vremya Marsa"                         1964   (502k)
   "Martian Time-Slip"
   "All we Marsmen"
"Predposlednyaya istina"                           1964   (437k)
   "The Penultimate Truth"
"Simulakron"                                     1964   (489k)
   "The Simulacra"
"Duhovnoe ruzh'e"                                 1967   (382k)
   "The Zap Gun"
"Ubik"                                           1969   (352k)
"Tam prostiraetsya vub"                           1952   (016k)
   "Beyond Lies the Wub"
"Koloniya"                                        1953   (036k)
"Beskonechnost'"                                  1953   (039k)
   "The Infinites"
"Proezdnoj bilet"                                1953   (025k)
"Muzykal'naya mashina"                             1953   (021k)
   "The Preserving Machine"
"Vtoraya model'"                                  1953   (092k)
   "Second Variety"
"Zolotoj chelovek"                                1954   (065k)
   "The Golden Man"
"Malen'kij gorod"                                1954   (031k)
   "Small Town"
"Poslednij vlastitel'"                           1963   (066k)
   "Top Stand-by Job"
"Dragocennyj artefakt"                           1964   (035k)
   "Precious Artifact"
"CHto skazali mertvecy"                           1964   (108k)
   "What the Dead Men Say"
"Iz glubin pamyati"                               1966   (038k)
   "We Can Remember It for You Wholesale"
"Vera nashih otcov"                               1967   (069k)
   "Faith of Our Fathers"
"Vojna s fnulami"                                1969   (026k)
   "The War with the Fnools"
"Prishedshij iz neizvestnosti"                            (138k)
"Razinya"                                                (025k)

Gordon R. Dikson

"Nekromanser"                                    1962   (255k)
   "No Room for Man"
"Soldat, ne sprashivaj"                           1967   (288k)
   "Soldier Ask Not"
"Taktika oshibok"                                 1971   (495k)
   "The Tactics of Mistake"
"Prirozhdennyj polkovodec"                        1960   (272k)
   "The Genetic General"
"Voin"                                           1965   (041k)
"Kosmicheskaya lapa"                               1969   (392k)
"Drakon i Dzhordzh"                                1976   (501k)
   "The Dragon and the George"
"Rycar' - drakon"                                1990   (993k)
   "The Dragon Knight"
"Inoj put'"                                      1965   (296k)
   "The Alien Way"
"Gonka Planet"                                   1967   (271k)
   "Planet Run"
"Tol'ko chelovek"                                 1969   (370k)
   "None But Man"
"Volk"                                           1969   (306k)
"CHas ordy"                                       1970   (287k)
   "Hour of the Horde"
"Pogranichnik"                                    1972   (358k)
   "The Outposter"
"Opasnost' - chelovek!"                           1957   (036k)
   "Danger - Human!"
"Zovite ego gospodin"                            1966   (035k)
   "Call Him Lord"
"CHelovek"                                               (012k)
"Koren' kvadratnyj iz butylki shampanskogo"              (033k)

Umberto |ko

"Ono"                                                   (008k)

Filipp Farmer

"V svoi razrushennye tela vernites'"              1971   (479k)
   "To Your Scattered Bodies Go"
"Skazochnyj korabl'"                              1971   (516k)
   "Fabulous Riverboat"
"Temnyj zamysel"                                 1977   (516k)
   "The Dark Design"
"Sozdatel' vselennyh"                            1965   (352k)
   "The Maker of Universes"
"Vrata mirozdaniya"                               1966   (306k)
   "The Gates of Creation"
"Ubit' boga (noch' sveta)"                        1966   (222k)
   "Night of Light"
"Odisseya Grina"                                  1957   (312k)
   "The Green Odyssey"
"Otvori, sestra moya"                             1960   (106k)
   "Open to Me, My Sister"
   "My Sister's Brother"
"Plot'"                                          1960   (356k)
"Vnutri i snaruzhi"                               1964   (204k)
"Dejr"                                           1965   (343k)
"Vrata vremeni"                                  1966   (252k)
   "The Gate of Time"
"Bozh'e delo"                                     1954   (153k)
   "The God Business"
"CHuzhoe prinuzhdenie"                              1953   (116k)
   "Strange Relaxy"
"Letayushchie kity Ismaelya"                          1972   (190k)
   "The Wind Whales of Ishmael"
"Tam, po tu storonu"                             1963   (372k)
   "Fan Fabulous Yonder"
"Poslednij dar vremeni"                          1972   (190k)
   "Time's Last Gift"
"Passazhiry s purpurnoj kartochkoj"                1967   (078k)
   "Riders of the Purple Wage"
"Probuzhdenie kamennogo boga"                     1970   (431k)
   "The Stone God Awakens"