ob uskorit' ispolnenie makronamerenij.</DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="49%" VALIGN="TOP"><DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>5. The law of fulfilling microintentions without any delays as the means for accelerating the realization of macrointentions.</DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>6. Zakon postoyannogo intencionogo vozbuzhdeniya (gibkost' intencij vo vnutrennem razvitii lichnosti).</DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="49%" VALIGN="TOP"><DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>6. The law of continual intentional excitement (flexibility of intentions in inner development of a personality).</DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>7. Agressivnost' duhovnyh namerenij (kak ih edinstvennyj pravil'nyj "psihicheskij tembr").</DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="49%" VALIGN="TOP"><DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>7. Aggressiveness of spiritual intentions (as their only correct "psychic tembre.")</DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>8. Usloviya konformistskoj igry i prednamerennost' nepriyatiya.</DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="49%" VALIGN="TOP"><DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>8. Terms of conformist play and its deliberate denial.</DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <I><P>V. "Nell mezzo dell' camin".</DIR> </DIR></I> </TD> <TD WIDTH="49%" VALIGN="TOP"><DIR> <DIR> <I><P>V. "Nell mezzo dell' camin."</DIR> </DIR></I> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>1. Trudnost' 2-go perehodnogo perioda: pereocenka i razocha-rovaniya, usilenie fobij, ottorzhenie ot privychnogo kruga, pristupy ipohondrii i odinochestva.</DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="49%" VALIGN="TOP"><DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>1. Hardships of the second transition period: re-evaluation and disappointment, growing phobias, detachment from habitual environment, fits of hypochondria and loneliness.</DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>2. CHuvstvo prodolzheniya - Nell mezzo...</DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="49%" VALIGN="TOP"><DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>2. Sense of continuation - Nell mezzo...</DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>3.</FONT><FONT> "Vy to, chto vy edite": duhovnoe pitanie i chelovecheskaya lichnost'.</DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="49%" VALIGN="TOP"><DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>3. "You are what you eat": spiritual nourishment and a human personality.</DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>4. Brehtovskij dialog somneniya. "Kategorichnym nuzhno byt' edinstvennyj raz v zhizni - navsegda otvergaya absolyutnuyu kategorichnost'".</DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="49%" VALIGN="TOP"><DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>4. Brecht's dialogue of doubt. "Only once in lifetime one should be categorical - when denouncing forever any categorization."</DIR> </DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <FONT><P> </P> </FONT> <a name=tez25.htm></a> <TITLE>tez25</TITLE> <FONT><P> </P></FONT> <TABLE CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=4 WIDTH=920> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2> <P ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT>***</P><DIR> <DIR> <DIR> </FONT><I><FONT><P>...Tam babochka i CHzhuan-czy slabee</P> <P>ot vetra vremeni i ot pustot,</P> <P>a nam nel'zya prodvinut'sya vpered,</P> <P>poka oni vne razuma hireyut.</P> <P>Ne raz uzhe pytalis' byt' hitree,</P> <P>chem hitrecy davnishnie, no vot</P> <P>opyat' podumal kto-to, chto sob'et</P> <P>bez nih mishen' izvechnuyu bystree.</P> <P>Spasite babochku i CHzhuan-czy</P> <P>v donovoernyh proiskah grozy -</P> <P>oni dolzhny opyat' drug drugu snit'sya</P> <P>i pereputav sny, ne ponimat',</P> <P>komu brodit' v lesu, komu letat',</P> <P>komu spasat' svyatye nebylicy.</DIR> </DIR> </DIR></I> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="49%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2> <FONT><P ALIGN="CENTER">***</P><DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <I><P>And something follows, and the same is strange.</P> <P>What does the nature hanker here to do</P> <P>of mystic steps not making much ado</P> <P>to unreversible and constant change,</P> <P>to inner and untouchable my grange,</P> <P>where thoughts instead of air, where coming true</P> <P>your every wish and every dreaming too,</P> <P>the only place where you ran world arrange</P> <P>and smiles of luck provided with the label</P> <P>of sort that the returns does not enable -</P> <P>repeating is prohibited forever</P> <P>here among us, here between the tiny lives,</P> <P>and silly thought that every evening dives</P> <P>in night to make it different is clever.</DIR> </DIR> </DIR></I> </FONT></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P></P> <TABLE CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=4 WIDTH=1000> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <P><A NAME="_Toc442367225"><B><U><FONT>Tema 25.</A></DIR> </DIR> </DIR></B> </U></FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <B><U><P><A NAME="_Toc442367226">Theme 25</A></DIR> </DIR> </DIR></B> </U></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <B><U><FONT><P><A NAME="_Toc442367227">Izuchenie kitajskoj ieroglifiki v avtodidaktike</A></DIR> </DIR> </DIR></B> </U></FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <DIR> <B><U><P><A NAME="_Toc442367228">Studying of Chinese characters in autodidactics</A></DIR> </DIR> </DIR></B> </U></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P></P> <TABLE CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=4 WIDTH=1008> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2> <P ALIGN="CENTER"><B><FONT>I</B></FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2> <B><FONT><P ALIGN="CENTER">I</B></FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2> <B><FONT><P ALIGN="CENTER">Obshchie svedeniya ob integral'nom metode</B></FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2> <B><FONT><P ALIGN="CENTER">Common information on the integrative method</B></FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2> <P> </TD> <TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2> <P> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>Sushchnost' lyubogo podlinnogo obucheniya - avtodidaktika, ovladenie metodami samoobucheniya v ih integral'nom vide, t.e. na urovne diahronicheskih i sinhronicheskih svyazej, a takzhe korrelyacii mezhdu naukami i drugimi yavleniyami kul'tury. My poluchaem tonkij i delikatnyj instrument dlya organizacii</FONT><FONT> </FONT><FONT>glubinnoj "nuzhnosti" (obligatnosti), obyazatel'nosti znanij. |to poslednee i sozdaet psihofiziologicheskij bazis pamyati, ne yavlyayushchejsya funkciej odnogo konkretnogo organa, a potomu po svoej razlitoj prirode predstavlyayushchej soboj svobodnyj integrator, chto i vyzyvaet k zhizni koncentricheskij sistemnyj podhod v usvoenii transliruemoj kul'tury, v kotorom central'noe mesto zanimayut instrumental'nye znaniya (vspomnim hotya by znamenitye trilium i kvadrivium, chtoby ubeditsya v daleko ne pervoj svezhesti idee vypyachivaniya takih znanij).</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="51%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>The essence of any genuine studying is autodidactics or mastering the methods of selfstudying in an integrative form, i.e. on the level of diachronic and synchronic connection as well as of the correlation between sciences and other cultural phenomena. We obtain a subtle and sensitive instrument to arrange deep inner "necessity" (obligation), compulsion for acquiring knowledge. The latter creates psycho-physiological basis of memory, which is not the function of one concrete organ, but by its spread nature is a free integrator, bringing to life concentric and systematic approach to assimilate the culture transmitted. The focus of this approach lies in instrumental knowledge (it is enough to recall the famous threevium and quadrivium to see that the idea of giving priorities to this kind of knowledge is not new).</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>Zdes' odnu iz samyh glavnyh rolej poluchayut imenno inostrannye yazyki, ob®edinyaemye v nashem sistemnom podhode, tak zhe, kak mnogie drugie predmety - ne po strukturnym priznakam, a s tochki zreniya kul'turologicheskoj korrelyativnosti (zametim, chto eto i daet, v konechnom schete, vozmozhnost' soznatel'no organizovyvat', ili inducirovat', aktual'nyj interes).</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>The major focus is made in foreign languages, united in our systematic approach, like many other subjects, not according to structural patterns, but from the viewpoint of culturological correlation (which in the final analysis makes it possible to purposefully arrange or induce the actualized interest).</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>Imeya v vidu, chto "dvizhenie est' morfologicheskij organ cheloveka" (B. Spinoza), nel'zya ne schitat' dopustimym suzhdenie: Vse vidy pamyati sut' "motornye". Vo vsyakom sluchae, orientiruyas' na korreliruyushchuyu s dvizheniem (vernym ili nevernym - etim zdes' mozhno prenebrech', chto stanovitsya yavnym iz nizheskazannogo) psihologicheskuyu pozu, my poluchaem nemalyj didakticheskij vyigrysh: vo-pervyh, maksimal'no svodya vsyu slozhnost' tradicionnogo zapominatel'stva k otnositel'no legko poddayushchimsya analizu yavnym (fizicheskim) i neyavnym (obraznym, myslechuvstvennym i t.d.) dvizheniyam i snimaya nervno-psihicheskuyu nagruzku, vyigryvaem skorost' i kachestvo usvoeniya; vo-vtoryh, imenno blagodarya vsevozrastayushchej analitichnosti dobivat'sya povysheniya avtodidakticheskogo urovnya.</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>Taking into account, that "movement is a morphologic organ of a human being" (B. Spinosa), it is not inconceivable to admit that all types of memory are "motoric." In any case, being oriented toward a psychological pose, correlated with a certain movement (correct or incorrect is not important here due to the reasons mentioned below, we gain a great didactic winning: at first, the entire complexity and boredom of traditional remembering is reduced at maximum to quite easily analysed tangible (physical) and non-tangible (images, feelings, thoughts, etc.) movements; nervous and psychic tension is alleviated; speed and quality of assimilation are obtained; at second, thanks to growing analytism it is possible to promote selfstudying abilities.</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>Odnako trebuet dopolnitel'noj eksplikacii central'noe ponyatie - aktual'nyj interes; zdes' my imeem v vidu aktualizirovannuyu emociyu interesa, ee ostroe protekanie ili tochechnoe proyavlenie, sinhronnoe sootvetstvuyushchemu (razumeetsya, korrelirovannomu) dejstviyu. Sleduet imet' v vidu, chto etot siyuminutnyj instrument nevozmozhen bez obshchego interesa, kotoryj nuzhdaetsya v opredelennyh psihologicheskih manipulyaciyah dlya perehoda v neobhodimyj nam tochechnyj, aktualizirovannyj. Imenno poslednij, buduchi optimumom skoncentrirovannogo vnimaniya i vospriyatiya, sozdaet biohimicheskie (i, vozmozhno, vse prochie </FONT><FONT>-</FONT><FONT> poka ne sovsem yasnye) usloviya dlya zapominaniya. Tem ne menee, dialektika etogo yavleniya trebuet vklyucheniya v process zapominaniya ISH, pomeh, sozdayushchih dostatochnoe soprotivlenie psihologicheskogo materiala, predstavlennogo v nas samih kontinuumom (v nashem sluchae dostatochno upravlyaemym) perezhivaniya.</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>However, it is necessary to profoundly explain the focal notion - the actualized interest; here we mean the actualized emotion of interest, its acute duration or a point manifestation, synchronically corresponding to (of course, correlated with) an action. One should by keep in mind that this instant instrument cannot function without universal interest, which must to undergo certain psychological manipulations to turn into the focused and actualized one we want to obtain. It is the latter, which being an optimum of concentrated attention and perception, produces biochemical and, maybe all the rest (not absolutely clear yet) conditions for memorizing. Nevertheless, the dialectics of this phenomenon makes it most pressing to enclose into memorizing information noise and interferences, producing sufficient resistance of psychological material that is present in inner Self as a continuum of emotional experiences (in our case adequately guided).</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>Sootvetstvenno osushchestvlyaetsya kvazipereferizaciya zanyatij, voobrazhaemyj perevod glavnogo v pobochnoe ("vycherkivajte to, chto poseredine, ostavlyajte to, chto na polyah" - O. Mandel'shtam), decentralizaciya manifestirovannogo, a sledovatel'no, uzh slishkom material'no-tehnicheskogo, chtoby ostavat'sya magistral'no-duhovnym.</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>Respectively takes places quasiperipherisation of studying, imaginary shift of the major into sidelines ("cross out what is in the middle, leave what is on the margins' - O. Mandelshtam), decentralization of the manifested, which is consequently too material and technical to remain major and spiritual. </DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>Didakticheskoj osnovoj sistemnogo podhoda v avtodidaktike yavlyaetsya ustnyj metod, predstavlyayushchij soboj razvitie priemov, berushchih nachalo ot shkol Berlica i |. Palmera. Mnemo-tehnicheskij arsenal, v osnovnom, modificiruet imeyushchiesya associativnye metody (v chastnosti, F. Lezera). Sleduet podcherknut' takzhe (kak odnu iz central'nyh akcij v pereosmyslenii tradicionnoj pedagogiki) transmutaciyu pervichnyh, v obshcheprinyatom smysle, trebovanij</FONT><FONT> </FONT><FONT>vo vtorichnye. Tak, naprimer, usvoenie (chto dazhe vne ritoricheskih ramok mozhet myslit'sya kak mifologema!) ustupaet mesto trebovaniyu obyazatel'nogo vospriyatiya s aktual'nym interesom, korreliruyushchim s optimal'noj koncentraciej vnimaniya (skoree dazhe im determinirovannoj). Otsyuda i sleduet pravilo ne usvoeniya predydushchego materiala, a vsego lish' koncentrirovannogo vospriyatiya s aktualizirovannym interesom kak uslovie dlya perehodya k posleduyushchej strukturnoj edinice kakogo-libo predmeta.</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>The dialectical basis of the systematic approach to selfstudying lies in the oral method, developing the technique originated by Berlitz' and A. Palmer's schools. Mnemonic techniques modify on the whole the existing associative methods (by the Jone F. Loser in particular). Compulsion should be also noted (as one of major actions in re-evaluation of traditional pedagogy) to transfer the primary requirements, in common sense of this word, into secondary ones. Thus, for example, assimilation (that can be regarded mythological even beyond rhetorical frames) yields to the requirement of compulsory perception with the actualized interest, correlated, with optimum concentration of attention (rather determined by the interest). From this follows the rule of non-assimilation of the previous material but concentrated perception with actualized interest as the circumstance to pass over to the following structural unit of any subject.</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>Sinkreticheskaya, ili zhe, v luchshem sluchae, nedostatochno analitichnaya recepciya uchebnogo teksta yavlyaetsya, na nash vzglyad, glavnoj prichinoj neusvoeniya. Kul'turologicheskij navyk videt' lyuboe yavlenie kak magicheskij mnogougol'nik, chislo granej kotorogo stremitsya k beskonechnosti, dolzhen byt' v sistemnom avtodidakticheskom podhode magistral'nym namereniem obuchayushchego i, v konechnom schete, pozvolyaet emu aktualizirovat' interes prakticheski ad infinitum.</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>Syncretic or at best non-analytic reception of a studied text is in our opinion the main cause of non-assimilation. The culturological skill of considering any phenomenon as a magic polyhedron with ever growing number of sides, must be an autodidact's major intention in the systematic approach, enabling him in the final analysis, to actiualize his interest ad infinitum.</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>Ochen' vazhnuyu prakticheskuyu rol' igraet bor'ba s gabituaciej, t.e. privykaniem k materialu, vospriyatiem ego kak nesvezhego, adaptirovannogo. Kak pokazyvaet opyt, samymi nadezhnymi zdes' yavlyayutsya:</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>Very important from practical viewpoint is resistance to habituation, i.e. to getting used to the material, to regarding it as no longer fresh or adapted. As practice proves the most reliable techniques here are:</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>1) metod polipredmetnosti (zanyatiya srazu kul'turologicheskoj gruppoj predmetov);</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>1) multi-subject method (studying the entire culturogical group of subjects);</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>2) metod pereklyucheniya na analogichnyj uchebnyj tekst v drugom izlozhenii (uslovie: nalichie neskol'kih, ne menee treh uchebnikov);</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>2) method of shifting to analogous study text in another presentation (under the condition of having several, at lest three, textbooks;</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>3) metod preryvaniya raboty s gabituirovannymi uchebnikami, spravochnikami, slovaryami (otkladyvanie na otdyh podal'she) i vozvrashchenie ih posle probuzhdeniya k nim svezhego interesa.</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>3) method of discrete usage of handbooks, reference books and dictionaries, one has grown accustomed to (putting them aside "to have a rest" and getting back only after awakening of newly-born interest).</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>Motivaciya stanovitsya yasnoj, esli vspomnit', chto "privykanie oznachaet oslablenie povedencheskoj reakcii pri mnogokratnom povtorenii stimula" (|. Kendel), - ved' povedencheskaya reakciya v ee napryazhennom vide i yavlyaetsya nashej cel'yu pri zanyatiyah. Estestvenno, chto bylo by oshibochnym otricat' privykanie kak pervyj etap processa</FONT><FONT> </FONT><FONT>obucheniya (naprimer, u detej). Ves' sekret zdes' zaklyuchaetsya v osoznanii dihotomii v uchebnom processe: s odnoj storony, nam neobhodimo priobresti makroprivychku (ovladet' predmetom), sotavlennuyu iz vzaimosvyazannyh dinamicheskih stereotipov, a s drugoj, - maksimal'no sohranyat' neadaptirovannoe otnoshenie k nemu, ibo tol'ko v etom sluchae vozmozhno podlinnoe vospriyatie. Drugimi slovami, trebuetsya prakticheskoe vladenie dialektikoj zabyvaniya-zapominaniya.</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>The motivation becomes clear if one remembers that "adaptation is slackening of behavioural reactions under repeated stimulus" (A. Candel) - while a tense behaviourial reaction is the aim in our studies. It goes without saying that to deny adaptation as the first stage in the process of studying (especially as far as children are concerned) would be a mistake. The secret lies in the awareness of dichotomic in studying: on the one hand we have to get a macro-habit (to master the subject) which consists of interrelated dynamic stereotypes, but on the other hand - to safeguard at maximum non- adaptation to it, because only in that case it is really possible to deeply perceive the material. In the other words it is necessary to practice dialectics of "forgetting - remembering."</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>Vysheupomyanutaya regulyativnaya rol' chetkih ustanovok (psihologicheskih poz) neobhodima dlya posledovatel'nogo sovershenstvovaniya analiti-cheskogo apparata. V summe oni predstavlyayut soboj razvernutyj algoritm. Privedem neskol'ko primerov iz nachal'nogo etapa:</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>The mentioned above regulative role of clearly cut guidelines (psychological poses) is compulsory for step-by-step perfection of analytical apparatus. In total they represented full-scale algorithm. We give a few examples to illustrate the initial stage:</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>1) total'naya dialektika (slovosochetanie - motto, orientiruyushchee na povsemestnyj i skvoznoj poisk edinstva protivopolozhnostej, t.e. na to, chtoby nikogda ne zabyvat' o dialektike kak o rabochem instrumente avtodidakta);</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>1) total dialectics (a word combination is the motto, oriented to going through and everywhere search for the unity of opposites, i.e. to not forgetting about dialectics as the autodidact's working tool);</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>2) myslechuvstvovanie, chuvstomyshlenie (lejtslova, napominanie o nerastorzhimosti ponyatij "chuvstvo" i "mysli", ob uslovii ih primeneniya v bytovoj rechi i dazhe v nauchnom obihode);</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>2) thought-feeling, feeling-thought (leitwords, reminding of indissoluble notions: "feeling" and "thought" to be used in daily speech and scientific language;</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>3) opredelenie interesa kak samoyavlyayushchegosya potoka associacij (ustanovochnoe predstavlenie, sluzhashchee kriteriem);</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>3) the definition of interest as a self-appearing stream of associations (the guideline concept wsed as a criterion);</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>4) "starat'sya maksimal'no zamenyat' umstvennuyu rabotu fizicheskoj" (poluironicheskaya komanda-ustanovka, pomogayushchaya izbavlyat'sya ot psevdodumaniya, dekoncentraciya vnimaniya, formalizma v myshlenii i t.d.);</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>4) "try to replace mental work with physical at maximum possible" (a half ironical guideline command to get avoid of pseudothinking, deconcentration of attention, formal thinking, etc.).</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>5) "zavyshennost' strategicheskoj sverhzadachi i zanizhennost' takticheskoj" (pravilo, predlagayushchee orientiry v postanovke uchebnyh zadach);</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>5) "put strategic supergoals high and tactical ones low" (the rule orienting to goal setting in studying);</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>6) "prav tot, kto pol'zuetsya slovarem (spravochnikom) do 1000 raz v den'" (prakticheskaya ustanovka, napravlennaya na intensifikaciyu samoobucheniya);</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>6) "that one does well who looks up into the dictionary (a reference book) 1000 times a day " (a practical guideline to intensify selfstudying);</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>7) "podlinnoe obrazovanie byvaet tol'ko neokonchennym" (obshchepovedencheskij lejtmotiv, stimuliruyushchij nepreryvnost' rasshireniya i uglubleniya znanij).</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>7) "real education may be only endless" (the general leitmotiv for one's behaviour, stimulating continual embroadening and deepening of knowledge).</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>Kolichestvo podobnyh ustanovochnyh formulirovok v nashem sistemnom podhode dostigaet neskol'kih sot. Ih tshchatel'naya interpretaciya, kak pokazyvayut eksperimenty, obespechivaet avtodidaktu vozmozhnost' preodoleniya samyh raznoobraznyh trudnostej vnutrennego i vneshnego haraktera. Pol'zuyas' universal'nym know how, avtodidakt sposoben izuchit' lyuboj predmet, v tom chisle i takoj, kak kitajskaya ieroglifika i voobshche kitajskij yazyk, namnogo bystree, kachestvennee, glubzhe i, glavnoe, bez obychnyh nervno-psihicheskih poter', chasto vedushchih k iskazhennomu predstavleniyu o predmete, bezrazlichiyu ili dazhe k idiosinkrazii po otnosheniyu k nemu.</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>The number of such guideline mottoed in our systematic approach rises up to several hundreds. As practice proves, the precise interpretation of them enables the autodidact to get over the both internal and external difficulties. Using the universal know-how, the autodidact is able to learn any subject (Chinese characters and Chinese language in general included) much quicker, better, deeper and what is the most important, without usual nervous and psychic stress often resulting in distorted concept of the subject, indifference to it or even idiosyncrasy.</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P></P> <TABLE CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=4 WIDTH=1008> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2> <P ALIGN="CENTER"><B><FONT>II.</B></FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2> <B><FONT><P ALIGN="CENTER">II</B></FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2> <B><FONT><P ALIGN="CENTER">Podgotovitel'naya rabota</B></FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2> <B><FONT><P ALIGN="CENTER">Preparatory Work</B></FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2> <B><FONT><P ALIGN="CENTER">(propedevtika k izucheniyu ieroglifov)</B></FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2> <B><FONT><P ALIGN="CENTER">(propaedeutics into studying hieroglyphics)</B></FONT></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P></P> <TABLE CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=4 WIDTH=1002> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <P><FONT>Uzhe na pervom etape usvoeniya osnov avtodidaktiki (razmyshleniya o sushchnosti integral'nogo metoda, abstrakt kotorogo izlozhen vyshe, o priemah samoanaliza, ob associirovanii, ob algoritme zanyatij avtodiadkta i o komparativizme v avtodidaktike) vnimatel'nyj studiosus nahodit nemalo poleznogo dlya budushchego aktivnogo osvoeniya ieroglifiki.</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>Even at the initial stage of mastering the fundamentals of autodidactics (meditation on the essence of integrative method, the abstract of which is given above, on the technique of selfstudying and on the comparativism in autodidactics) a mindful studiosus finds a lot of useful things while approaching active mastering of hieroglyphics. </DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>Vo-pervyh, on prihodit k ubezhdeniyu, chto, doveryayas' lokomotorike, dvizheniyu, on osvobozhdaet ogromnoe kolichestvo energii, ran'she rastrachivaemoj v osnovnom na psevdodumanie v pozu cheloveka, vse bol'she i bol'she popadayushchego v plen formalizma, licemeriya, samoobmana i, sledovatel'no, - hronicheskogo neusvoeniya materiala, vo-vtoryh, on nachinaet predstavlyat' svoe avtodidakticheskoe budushchee ne kak likvidaciyu trudnostej (ih stanovitsya vse bol'she). On stavit svoi uspehi v zavisimost' ot ustanovki na zdorovoe chestolyubie (</FONT><FONT>"</FONT><FONT>lyubi sebya luchshego, a ne kakogo ugodno", poslednee svojstvenno imenno tshcheslavcu), a ne na sebyalyubie, i samoutverzhdenie staraetsya zamenit' utverzhdeniem vysokoj idei prisoedineniya svoego "ya" k kollektivnomu ejdosu vsemirnoj kul'tury. </DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>At first, he drives to the conclusion, that by putting trust into locomotorics and movement, he releases a great amount of energy, wasted before mainly on pseudothinking in a pose of a man, being drawn a prisoner of formalism, hypocrisy, self-deception and as a result, chronic non-assimilation of material; at second, he changes his orientation to autodidactic perspectives as to the liquidation of difficulties (as their number is always growing). He makes his success dependent on the guidelines for healthy ambitiousness as the opposite to vanity ("love your better Self, not your any Self," the latter is typical of vain people), trying to replace self-assertion with the assertion of the high idea to join his Self to the collective eidos of the world culture. </DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>Pervichnaya perenastrojka ego individual'nosti mozhet schitat'sya uspeshnoj, esli on interioriziroval ubezhdenie o tom, chto vozrastanie intellektual'nogo potenciala pryamo proporcional'no vozrastaniyu chestnosti, chto ispol'zovanie orientiruyushchej ustanovki "dialektika total'na!" daet vozmozhnost' otvlech'sya ot preslovutogo zapominatel'stva i prevratit' povsednevnuyu zhizn' v kontinuum zahvatyvayushchih popytok nahodit' mysl' povsyudu (on vspominaet zamechatel'nuyu mysl' romantika |jhendorfa "Pesnya spit vo vsyakoj veshchi").</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>The starting te-orientation of his personality may be considered successful of he has managed to come to the deep inner conviction that the increase of intellectual potentiality is well-proportioned to the increase of honesty and that the usage of the orienting guideline "dialectics is total!" helps to distract from notorious memorising and turn daily life into continuum of thrilling attempts to find thought everywhere (he recalls the wonderful line by romantic Eichendorff "A song is sleeping in every thing"). </DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>Ego analitizm vyrastaet i stanovitsya vse bolee sovershennym instrumentom aktualizacii interesa, bez kotoroj nevozmozhna gramotnaya organizaciya processa zapominaniya. YAvleniya priobretayut kak by vse bol'she i bol'she granej, i nachinayushchij avtodidakt predchuvstvuet ih beskonechnost', ih dialekticheskuyu vzaimosvyaz' i semanticheskuyu cennost', psihologicheskij ves kotoroj ranee byl emu nevedom.</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>His analytic abilities develop into ever perfect instrument of keepeng up the actualized interest without which it would be impossible to competently arrange memorising. Phenomena assume ever growing number of sides and a beginner in selfstudying has obtains a premonition of their infinity, their dialectic interconnection and semantic values, of whose psychological weight he has been ignorant before.</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>Krome togo, on usvaivaet i mehanicheskuyu chast' sistemy i, v pervuyu ochered', nashu razrabotku primeneniya assolista F. Lezera k izucheniyu leksiki inostrannogo yazyka (sm. F. Loser "Gedachtnistraining"), smysl kotorogo svoditsya k sleduyushchemu.</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>Besides, he masters the mechanical part of the system, primarily our development of F. Loser's associative list as applicable to studying vocabulary (F. Loser "Gedachtnistraining"), the essence of which lies in the following .</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>Tradicionnyj matrichnyj metod iz sta slov-obrazov (ili tak nazyvaemaya nulevaya zakladka) usvaivaetsya predvaritel'no, dalee obuchayushchijsya ovladevaet trivial'nymi metodami associirovaniya na bytovom materiale, a zatem pristupaet k znakomstvu s leksikoj neskol'kih inostrannyh yazykov ili ponyatij drugoj kul'torologicheskoj gruppy predmetov. Shema etoj raboty v sluchae s inostrannymi yazykami takova:</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>The traditional matrix list of 100 word-images (or the so-called zero laying) should be preliminary assimilated, then a learner masters trivial methods of associating, using daily material, and then starts getting acquainted with several vocabularies of different foreign languages or notation from another culturological group of subjects. The scheme of this work with foreign languages is as follows:</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>- tverdo usvoennaya matrica svyazyvaetsya s perevedennymi na rodnoj yazyk slovami, zapisannymi na opytnom liste;</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>- well-assimilated matrix is associated with the words, translated into the native language and written in a separate list;</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>- cherez neskol'ko chasov (ne bolee chem cherez devyat' chasov) proveryaetsya usvoenie associacij i proizvoditsya ih optimizaciya;</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>- a few hours later (no longer then 9) the assimilation of associations is checked and optimized;</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>- pristupayut k rabote nad inostrannoj leksikoj, imeyushchej ponyatijnye ekvivalenty na rodnom yazyke, no dostavlyaemye obrazami- mediatorami vnelingvisticheskim putem, ispol'zuya drugoj list bumagi, na kotorom pod temi zhe nomerami, chto i v zakladke na rodnom yazyke, zapisany perevody na inostrannom yazyke.</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>- thus the works is started over the foreign vocabulary, supplied with equivalent meanigs in the native language, though delivered by images-mediators by extralinguistic means, the other sheet of paper is used, on which under the numbers identical to those on the laying in the native language, the word translations in a foreign language are written.</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>Zdes' ne mesto vnikat' v tonkost' primeneniya etoj razrabotki - eto dostatochno obshirnaya tema. Soshlemsya lish' na nekotorye rezul'taty, poluchennye nositelyami etogo metoda. Tak, naprimer, leksika samouchitelya francuzskogo yazyka usvaivaetsya absolyutnym bol'shinstvom slushatelej za 4-5 dnej (2-3 zakladki v zavisimosti ot predvaritel'noj yazykovoj podgotovki). CHastotnaya leksika vengerskogo yazyka byla osvoena slushatel'nicej, vladevshej francuzskim i anglijskim, za odin mesyac (kriterij - svobodnoe ponimanie tekstov v gazetah i zhurnalah).</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>It is not appropriate to give a detailed appliance of this system here - it is a vast theme. Let us only refer to some results gained by the adherents to this technique. Thus, for example, the vocabulary of French self-study handbook is assimilated by the absolute majority of learners within 4-5 days (2- 3 layings in dependence on the previous language learning experience). Frequency vocabulary of Hungarian language was assimilated by the learner speaking French and English within 1 month (the criterion: easy understanding of text in newspapers and magazines).</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>Odna iz rasprostranennyh oshibok tradicionnyh metodik - izuchenie ieroglifiki i leksiki in corpore, to est' nedifferencirovanoe raspredelenie uchebnogo materiala po etapam i, sledovatel'no, organizaciya polnoj beznadzornosti psihicheskih sostoyanij, privodyashchih k nervnym istoshcheniyam i dazhe psihicheskim travmam.</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>One of the widely spread mistakes made by traditional methodologies lies in learning hieroglyphics and vocabulary in corpore, i.e. in non-differentiated division of studied material between the stages, and consequently in absolute neglect for psychic states and experiences resulting in nervous exhaustions or even psychic break-downs.</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>Itak, pervym etapom v izuchenii ieroglifiki, na nash vzglyad, dolzhna byt' podgotovitel'naya rabota v dvuh napravleniyah:</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>Thus, the initial stage in studying hieroglyphics, in our opinion, should be arranged as preparatory work in two aspects:</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>- znakomstvo s tremya glavnymi evropejskimi yazykami (nemeckim, francuzskim, anglijskim) i sovershenstvovanie metodov avtodidaktiki (5-6 mesyacev);</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>- acquaintance with three basic European languages (German, French, English) and mastering of autodidactical methods (within 5-6 months);</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>- principial'noe ovladenie navykami kitajskoj kalligrafii, postanovka proiznosheniya, prohozhdenie odnogo iz nachal'nyh kursov kitajskogo yazyka (naprimer, po uchebniku I. Zadoenko i Huan SHuina) v tempe i v manere studencheskoj podgotovki k ekzamenam za 2-3 mesyaca v konce vyshe ukazannogo pyatimesyachnogo ili polugodichnogo perioda.</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>- attainment of principal skills in Chinese calligraphy, sound production, studying of a Chinese language course for beginners (for example, with textbook by I. Zadoenko and Juan Shuin) in the manner and tempo usually used by students preparing for exams within 2-3 months in the end of the 5-6 month period mentioned above.</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>V ramkah nashego kursa primenyaetsya delenie artikulyativnogo akta na tri stadii: 1) preparativnaya (izgotovka); 2) rezul'tiruyushchaya; 3) relaksiruyushchaya.</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>Our systems suggest dividing an articulative act into three stages: 1) preparation (anticipation); 2) result; 3) relaxation.</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>Ispol'zuyutsya tak nazyvaemye fonematicheskie posylki: frontal'nyj, frontal'no-labial'nyj, faringal'nyj. Nemaloe prakticheskoe znachenie imeet takzhe ispolnenie pravila postanovki rechi (prolongizaciya proiznosheniya optimal'noj fonemy predshestvuyushchego slova i nedopushchenie pauz mezhdu slovami).</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>The so-called phonematic focusing: frontal, frontal-labial and pharyngal. Of great practical essence is also the rule of speech production (prolongation of pronouncing an optimum phoneme in the previous word and non-admission of pauses between words).</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>Sobstvenno ser'eznoe izuchenie ieroglifiki nachinaetsya posle ukazannoj podgotovitel'noj raboty, kogda obuchayushchijsya imeet obshchee predstavlenie o predmetah (vtrostepenno-instrumental'nyh i akcentuirovannyh), dostatochno zapolnil pamyat' tak nazyvaemymi precedentami (ih uznavanie otnyne budet snabzhat' ego energiej), yasno predstavlyaet sebe vozmozhnosti, kotorymi on smozhet obladat', projdya kurs avtodidaktiki.</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>The proper serious studding of hieroglyphics as such starts after the above-mentioned preparatory work, when a learner has got a general idea about the subjects (secondary - instrumental and accentuated), has saturated his memory with the so-called precedents (the recognition of which hence forth will supply him with energy), clearly realizes the possibilities open to him after the course of autodidactics.</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> </TR> <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>Krome togo, pri neobhodimosti rasshirit' filosofskuyu storonu podhoda provodyatsya dopolnitel'nye zanyatiya na temy:</DIR> </DIR> </FONT></TD> <TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2><DIR> <DIR> <FONT><P>Moreover, in case if it is necessary to embroaden philosophic approach supplementary classes with the following themes