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 Date: 17 Sep 1997
 From: Natalia_Alekhina@p7.f99.n5070.z2.fidonet.org

       |rih  Mariya  Remark  (nastoyashchee imya |rih Paul' Remark) -
rod.1898  um.1970.  Syn  perepletchika.   Poseshchal   katolicheskuyu
seminariyu v Osnabryuke.

     From: Petra Oerke (Obshchestvo Remarka v Osnabryuke)
     Remarque was born Erich Paul Remark. His ancestors came from the German
French border and were named Remarque or Remarcle in 19.th  century.
     Remarques  great-grandfather  germanised  the  name since they began to
move away from the border. It is also  a  myth  that  the  family  was  born
Yewish, was invented by the Nazis.

      1916 - uhodit dobrovol'cem na Zapadnyj front.
      1918 - poluchaet ranenie.  Posle okonchaniya vojny publikuet
pervye rasskazy i zametki, beretsya za lyubuyu rabotu  (buhgalter,
korrespondent,  agent kontory po izgotovleniyu nadgrobij, taper,
      1923 - vstupaet v dolzhnost' glavnogo redaktora reklamnogo
izdaniya. Sovershaet puteshestvie v SHvejcariyu, Italiyu, Turciyu i na
      1925 - stanovitsya  redaktorom berlinskoj gazety "Sport im
      1928  -  v   "Vossische Zeitung" vyhodit gazetnyj variant
romana "Na Zapadnom fronte bez peremen". Sledom vyhodit  kniga,
tirazh kotoroj sostavil 600 000 ekz.
      1931 - emigraciya v SHvejcariyu.
      1933 - knigi     Remarka  zapreshchayutsya fashistskim rezhimom.
Ustraivayutsya ih publichnye sozhzheniya.
      1938 - otkaz ot nemeckogo poddanstva.
      1939 - emigraciya v SSHA.
      1948 - vozvrashchenie v SHvejcariyu.
      1970 - umiraet v Lokarno.

Last-modified: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 12:37:52 GMT
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