.RAR 80486 22-04-97 see name UUPCVIEW.RAR 283885 18-05-97 UUPC Outbound Viewer v.2.04 (for DOS) UUPC Outbound Viewer v.1.10a (for Win) Support: Ache UUPC, Kendra UUPC, Advanced decoder KOI-8. (c) -=*Frend'S BBS*=- 1996 UU_KIT!.RAR 2015 08-11-95 see name V42.RAR 38649 28-11-95 Protocol ??? VSYS19B.RAR 203631 11-04-97 Virtual SysOp VSYS19C_.RAR 65579 11-04-97 Virtual SysOp (upd) WIZ141_1.RAR 704181 13-07-97 +---------------------------------------+ | FIDO Wizard! | | Для Windows'95 | | версия 1.41 | +---------------------------------------+ | Диск 1/3 | +---------------------------------------+ | Автоматическая настройка | | в процессе инсталляции! | | Не более чем за пять минут | | Вы получите идеально настроенный | | пакет для пойнта FTN-совместимой | | сети. | | Пакет полезен для быстрой и | | очень простой инсталяции фидошного | | софта на любой компьютер | | с ОС Windows'95! | +---------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) 1997 | | by Crazy Computers Systems | +---------------------------------------+ WIZ141_2.RAR 855988 13-07-97 +---------------------------------------+ | FIDO Wizard! | | Для Windows'95 | | версия 1.41 | +---------------------------------------+ | Диск 2/3 | +---------------------------------------+ WIZ141_3.RAR 997282 13-07-97 +---------------------------------------+ | FIDO Wizard! | | Для Windows'95 | | версия 1.41 | +---------------------------------------+ | Диск 3/3 | +---------------------------------------+ WIZ151_1.RAR 767485 27-08-97 FIDO Wizard v.1.51 (1/3) WIZ151_2.RAR 1151213 27-08-97 FIDO Wizard v.1.51 (2/3) WIZ151_3.RAR 962089 27-08-97 FIDO Wizard v.1.51 (3/3) WTOSS.RAR 10577 22-07-97 Wtoss пpогpаммка тосящая почту в дpугой задаче. For T-Mail (C) by 2:463/4630 Idea by 2:463/1978 ;) Version 1.1 beta WWW_115Z.RAR 43437 08-03-97 ъъъъъъъъъ╡ъъъъъъъъъъъ ЭЭЭЭ ъъъъъъъъъъi_Lъъ ШШШШЭЭШШШШ ШШШШъъъъъ ШШШ╡╟ЭЭЭЭ ШШШШ ЭЭЭЭ чШШШ╡ ШШШШ ШШШШъ ШШ╡╟ШШШШ ШШШШ ╡ШШШ ШШШШч ъъъъ ъъъъчъъъъъъъъъчъъъъъъъъъчъъъъъъъ╡ъ ч ЭШШъШЭ ЭШъШШЭ ъъъ ъъШШШъ ЭШШъъ ЭШШъШЭ ч ЧШШЩ ЧШЩШШЩ ЧШШЩЧШШ╟ ЧШШЩ ЧШШЩъ ЧШШЩ ЧШЩ ШШШ ЧШШ╟ ШШ╡ ШШЩ ШШ╡ ШШШ╟ ШШ╡╟ ч чъъ╡ ъъ ъъъ ъъШШШ ъъъъъъъъъъ╡ъъъъъъъ ъ╟ъ Шъъъъъъъъъъъъъ ъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъ╡ъ╡ Ш ы Jager's WWW з V1.15 ╠ ╡ ы Ultimate PKT's scanner ы ╟ ╠ зззыыыззз ╟ ╟ ш Searches your mail to find all ╟ messages containing needed KEYWORDS ш Completely replaces FastEcho Carbon Copies and have a ╟ ╟ LOT of other useful features ╠ ш Processes PKT's at a light speed ╡ ш User- and Sysop-friendly interface =) ╟ ш You'll ALWAYS know what THEY are ╟ ╠ saying about you =) ╠ ╡ ╡ ъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъ -=+ SCHACHT +=- XLIST.RAR 107431 22-07-97 X-List v1.17 by Xenotech Research Labs ---------------------------------------- Интеллектуальный генеpатоp файллиста. Пpоизводит анализ и выpавнивание файлов описаний (files.bbs). Сам подгоняется под описание пеpвого файла в files.bbs. Автоматически (опционно) отслеживает появление новых фалов в каталоге и добавляет их имена в files.bbs. Сам вытаскивает file_id.diz, пpичем настpаиваем на любой аpхиватоp. Шиpокое использование макpосов в заголовке и в "footer"-е. А также в заголовке аpий. Полностью автономный. ---------------------------------------- Все замечания -> 2:5020/308.555@fidonet XM19803D.RAR 411098 10-11-95 Xenia Mailer/Edit - Version 1.98.03+ Update/beta, registered users only! Get XENINFO.ZIP for detailed info... Lentz Software Development, 23 Oct 95 XM198DOS.RAR 463640 07-03-97 Xenia Mailer/Edit - Version 1.98 (Eval) FidoNet technology mailer/editor package Available for DOS and OS/2 Featuring the Hydra bidirectional file-transfer protocol and much more! Lentz Software Development, January 95 XMAS003.RAR 13635 22-07-97 Пpогpамма для генеpации\пополнения списка пользователей, с котоpыми вы пеpе- писываетесь. Очень yдобна для дальнейшей pассылки поздpавлений. by Professor Nimnull\\BYTEFALL Gr0uP v0.03 BugFixed ZM700.RAR 29080 22-07-97 ZModem ZUTSR231.RAR 67464 22-07-97 (v2.31) ZuTSR, voice feature add-on for most mailer/BBS software using a Fossil driver : Call differentiation data/fax/voice, message replaying and recording, call transfer and much more; can be used as a function library for your own programs (int14h). For ZyXELs and Rockwell based modems. Shareware (12/25/50 $) by kawk@zerebrm.hanse.de ZZE.RAR 7994 26-08-96 ZZencode/ZZdecode 1.0.0 by Solar Designer У========Я================================================Я==================╦ | # 6 | Drivers for all devices | Access Enable | +--------+------------+--------------------------------+--+------------------+ | ╟╟╟╟╠╠╠╠╠╡╡╡╡╡ШШШШШ | 5462166 Bytes in 59 Files | ШШШШШ╡╡╡╡╡╠╠╠╠╠╟╟╟╟ | Т=====================О================================О=====================╬ 5302BDRV.RAR 13395 05-01-96 OTI-011 CD-ROM device driver, Rev D011V109 912E340.RAR 43505 07-09-97 Acer drv BMOUSE.RAR 13372 17-03-95 Mouse BNU202.RAR 64142 22-07-97 see name BPCDROM.RAR 56328 05-10-95 Драйверочки для внешнего сидюка BTC111.RAR 38526 12-07-97 BTC CDD-157 CD-ROM Drivers CDDRV.RAR 11722 06-02-97 Panasonic 583j 8x driver CDE4AN.RAR 44502 17-03-95 Драйвер для подключения CD-ROM CDMKE.RAR 8347 04-05-97 No comments. CDMKE43H.RAR 8372 25-07-95 Panasonic CD-ROM driver v.4.03 Крякнутый. CDR.RAR 5270 07-07-95 MS-DOS CD-ROM Extensions H94A Device Driver v.1.00 CDROMIDE.RAR 45673 17-08-96 Description missing DR_UA124.RAR 37014 11-10-95 Iinstallation for DR-UA124X QuadSpeed CD-ROM Drive ECS.RAR 91533 11-10-95 ECS(R) IDE BUS CD-ROM Device Driver Version 1.50 EDEE.RAR 70552 16-05-97 EDEE CD driver EPFX870.RAR 76331 12-07-97 Прошивки(разные) EPSON FX-870 с 866 страницей GCDR542B.RAR 122846 08-04-97 Драйвера от моего GoldStarta ;) (CDD) LJ4LDOS.RAR 346220 25-01-95 for LaserJet ... MITSF112.RAR 63148 14-11-93 Mitsumi drvs MOUSE721.RAR 51079 24-01-95 MITSUMI mouse v.7.21 MOUSES.RAR 236968 20-03-97 many mouses =) PCDS.RAR 57126 15-02-95 Procom Technology PCDS Device Driver,v.1.71a PIC.RAR 36391 15-06-97 Прошивка для UMC/FaxModem (у меня такой был ...) PIONEER.RAR 11463 09-08-97 Driver PIPXTD.RAR 63514 15-07-96 Pipx is the ODI member of the Parallel Port Networking driver family. Pipx is an ODI workstation driver. ODI is Novell's Open Data Link interface used with Netware products, including especially Netware Lite. S3.RAR 4626 22-09-96 Extended modes S364V.RAR 241097 28-02-97 fixes S3_DOS.RAR 456132 28-03-97 see name SBAWE.RAR 636117 19-07-97 ------------------------------------------ Creative Driver Release Filename:- AWENT40.EXE ------------------------------------------ SDR-NTDRV-1-US (Revision 1) Standalone Sound Blaster 16/AWE32 drivers for Windows NT4.0 ONLY 1. Support for SoundFont 2.0 2. Support for AWE64 and AWE64 Gold. (Software wavetable not included) 3. Support NT4.0 PnP manager. 4. Supports both PnP and Legacy AWE cards Please refer to README.TXT for installation details. ------------------------------------------ SBCD.RAR 7337 23-07-95 CREATIVE CD-ROM CR-5??-x MATSHITA v.4.21 SBCD419.RAR 7349 19-02-95 CREATIVE CD-ROM CR-5??-x MATSHITA v.1.19 SIS_1_1.RAR 3436 04-07-97 Драйвер UMB для мат. плат на чипсете SiS496/497. Обеспечивает UMB 160 КБайт. Версия 1.1 SIWVID95.RAR 39675 14-12-96 Soft-Ice video driver for w95 SONY33A.RAR 74456 07-09-97 Install Sony33a - 2 speed ST64_RUS.RAR 20182 21-05-97 +-------------------------------╥ | Руссифицированный BIOS для I | Diamond Stealth 64 Video 2001 I | Vers. 1.03 I | Use on your own risk! I | All copyrights ignored :) I Т===[Voodoo Bytepecker //D$C]===+ STHING.RAR 7562 26-07-97 Covox for Win TEAC.RAR 101958 07-01-96 drivers TEAC_CDA.RAR 19722 07-08-95 MSCDEX v.2.23 TEAC CD-ROM Device driver v.1.11 TEAC_CDI.RAR 6304 31-08-97 1.21 TEAC_CDP.RAR 57176 24-05-95 Кpyтилка CD-AUDIO под DOS TOSHIBA.RAR 24144 17-05-97 see name TV.RAR 11462 29-05-97 VGA -> TV TSR driver v1.00 non-beta! ==================================== This driver converts your VGA output frequency to TV & VCR-compatible form Another hot new product from >>> Digital Wizards Group <<< UMBDR522.RAR 36044 23-12-94 Upper Memory drvs VDUTIL.RAR 86531 14-05-97 S3 64 V+ VESADR.RAR 87244 07-01-93 Drivers VFOSSIL.RAR 9257 28-12-95 Virtual Fossil 1.08 VIDE111.RAR 5441 03-04-97 smallest CD driver 1.11 VIDE20.RAR 6665 25-07-97 see name VIDE210.RAR 7226 28-07-97 see name VIDE211.RAR 6136 26-07-97 smallest CD driver 2.11 VIDEOBGI.RAR 16978 08-04-97 No comments. VIRGE1.RAR 689751 07-06-97 S3 VIRGE 3D (Win3.1 & 95) VIRGE2.RAR 325288 07-06-97 S3 VIRGE 3D (NT) VIRGE3.RAR 447997 07-06-97 S3 VIRGE 3D (Xing Native MPEG driver 1.30 build 2) W9521103.RAR 148071 30-07-96 S3 Trio 64 V+ WCD.RAR 6509 02-04-97 Мой лучше - 2.35 ;) WFOS112B.RAR 50545 22-07-97 +--[ WinFOSSIL v1.12 (BETA 2) ]------------+ | 32-bit FOSSIL driver for Windows 95. | | Dramatically improves transfer speeds | | FOSSIL-aware software written running | | under Windows 95. Includes support for | | FOSSIL-aware 32-bit applications such as | | Binkleyterm-32! SHAREWARE | +----------- $15.00 Registration! ---------+ WNFOS112.RAR 50758 01-08-96 +---------[ WinFOSSIL v1.12 ]--------------+ | 32-bit FOSSIL driver for Windows 95. | | Dramatically improves transfer speeds | | FOSSIL-aware software written running | | under Windows 95. Includes support for | | FOSSIL-aware 32-bit applications such as | | Binkleyterm-32! SHAREWARE | +----------- $15.00 Registration! ---------+ X00202R8.RAR 145651 12-08-97 Ж----------------------------╥ I X00 Release 2.02 Rev. 8.0. I Г----------------------------╤ I I I This is the latest release I I of Ray Gwinn's X00 Fossil I I Unit, it will support also I I the latest standards from I I Rockwell 28k8 (VFC) and is I I hereby the most powerfull I I fossil-driver in the world I I yet.. I С----------------------------╫ -= Myth Crew =- У========Я================================================Я==================╦ | # 7 | Win & W95 Programms | Access Enable | +--------+------------+--------------------------------+--+------------------+ | ╟╟╟╟╠╠╠╠╠╡╡╡╡╡ШШШШШ | 19675748 Bytes in 58 Files | ШШШШШ╡╡╡╡╡╠╠╠╠╠╟╟╟╟ | Т=====================О================================О=====================╬ AR32E30.EXE 3919312 17-11-96 Acrobat Reader 3.0 (32 bit) BIORTH.RAR 18318 24-12-94 Биоритмы под "Форточки". CASLN39C.RAR 58594 05-08-93 Caselinr v3.9C: Windows pgm prints case liners (aka J-Cards) for audio cassettes that can be cut, folded, inserted into empty (clear plastic) audio cassette box. CONVER.RAR 32033 26-09-97* Converter CONVERT.RAR 348753 29-07-97 MPEG Layer-3 CYRCOLSW.RAR 57974 10-08-96 +---------[ CyrColSw v1.00 ]--------------+ | 32-bit Переключатель раскладок клавиа- | | туры для Windows-95 и DOS. | | Обеспечивает идентичность раскладки и | | переключения в Windows 95 и DOS-сессиях, | | "раскраску" "русских" окон, независимость| | каждой из DOS-сессий и кое-что другое. | | SHAREWARE | +----------- $10.00 Регистрация! ---------+ DASH.RAR 272827 28-04-94 DashBoard DECOR10.RAR 233201 05-06-91 IconEdit DMAI112L.RAR 352877 05-08-97 Demos Mail 112 Lite for 3.1 & other ;) FM.RAR 466487 18-09-97 FontMonster FNT_SPY.RAR 48392 31-12-96 No comments. FONTSEE.RAR 21003 03-09-97 Font Viewer FOTO5_16.EXE 413982 09-10-96 Fotograf(VuePrint) 5.0 FOTO5_32.EXE 438556 09-10-96 Fotograf(VuePrint) 5.0 HIDE127.RAR 128921 06-06-97 hide Version 1.27 (C) 1996,97 Ruslan Bondarenko 2:464/39@fidonet rb@lucie.gf.unity.net HOOKDUMP.RAR 14624 26-08-97 Logs all keys, pressed in Win95(3.x?) Allows to decode ****** fields even in DUN/RAS [Q] how to get unencrypted DUN password ? [A] 1) start HookDump 2) start DialNetwork Dialing 3) look through hookdump log & u will see decrypt password HPFS_DW.RAR 28699 14-02-97 for WIN HPFS ICON.RAR 27092 19-12-94 Icondraw ICONES.EXE 153102 21-08-94 629 иконок ICONES.RAR 675611 19-12-94 Аннимация иконок KALEID95.RAR 84733 20-03-97 Generate stunningly beautiful geometric patterns which can even be controlled by music if you have a sound card. Can be used without a sound card for visually entrancing kaleidoscopic variations. You will be seeing kaleidoscopes in every time you close your eyes! Bursting with color and infinite variety, this is no ordinary screen saver. Best in 256-color. Enjoy! KEYLOG95.RAR 36652 26-08-97 W95 Spy! KOI8TTF.RAR 160428 29-04-97 Шpифты KOI-8 для Windows. NAV051.RAR 113320 19-03-92 Windows Navigator NCG.RAR 1575197 07-07-97 Norton CrashGuard 1.0 free beta NCWIN.RAR 48453 13-09-93 Norton For Win NM32L.EXE 647811 25-09-97 News Marauder PARTM201.RAR 1219095 28-02-97 Partition Magic PASSWDNT.RAR 21973 12-06-97 PasswdNT(R) version 1.0 A Password Recovery Program for Win NT PIPE_WIN.RAR 20230 19-07-94 ??? PLSCHET.RAR 211016 29-02-96 Платежки под Вынь POKER.RAR 76153 08-05-95 game RBSTARTA.RAR 229345 25-10-95 TARTARUGA v1.2 - CD DUMPER - CRACKED ________________________________[xx/01] \_ _ \_ ____/_ _ \_ ____/ |_\ ___/ / _/ ___)/ _/ ___) | \___ \ / | \_ | \ | \ | \ : \ : \ \___| /___ \____ \___ \___ \___ \ ====|__/===\__/===\__/==\__/==\__/==\__/ REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS. з-----==Н=-зJIHAD COURIERINGз-=Н==-----з \x/ ^-= RTA -=- ALPHA -=- Team -=-^ \x/ Trading iN Russia by eXpLosIve & Dark Horse RGE-CP15.RAR 134285 20-12-94 Crypto v1.5 for Windows ROCKFORD.RAR 228693 17-03-95 Редактор визиток RUSLAT95.RAR 22634 01-08-97 Switcher :) SNAP230.RAR 285389 03-10-97* (v2.30)SnapShot/32 scrn. capture, Win95/NT Capture entire desktop, individual window or client area, or draw rectangle to select. Print w/opt. reverse black and white, save to BMP or GIF or copy to clipboard. Hot key activation for captures with menus pulled down. Shareware.(US$ 20.-MC/Visa/AmEx/Check/Invc.) Greg Kochaniak, gregko@kagi.com THE_BAT.RAR 1052911 15-04-97 The Bat! internet e-mail client for Windows 95 and NT. Version 1.00.20 Beta Copyright (C) 1997 RIT Research Labs TOPCAT!.RAR 16246 17-03-95 Кошка бегает за курсором TTFCONV.RAR 15295 16-07-97 Конвертиловка TTF-шрифтов под Microsoft Office 97 TURBOCOM.RAR 39265 16-01-94 Modem speed up under Win TXT_EFF.RAR 334718 01-11-96 Text Effects for Win 3.1 VEB_470.RAR 249686 20-09-97 for Control Agent VT-BOOTR.RAR 12733 25-09-95 95 Multi Booter v2.0 for Win95 [o1/o1] /\_ __/\ _/\___/\_______/\ ___________/\ < | /\___)/ \ |/\ ___| |/ \ _| \ |/ > |_ . | | | __>_ |: | \ / \ | : | | : || | \ /______>__/_______|_____|__|___||___| mOj\/ 1 9 9 5 t r a d e r s 1 9 9 5 -==========================================- ------ Brought to you by RTS Couriers ------ W95ADD.RAR 16440 29-07-97 Mouse and Menus WINBATCH.RAR 1883674 03-10-97* WinBatch Compiler 16I v5.1A [1/2] -TSS- -* STRIKE FORCE CENTAURI TRADERS *- ьызр.в.Courired.by.RTA/ALPHA.в.сзыь CoUr!Er!nG iN Ru$$iA by eXpL()s!Ve & DaRk h0r$e WINEDIT.RAR 113418 11-05-94 see name WINIMA20.RAR 220602 13-04-94 --> WINIMAGE 2.0:THE WINDOWS DISK IMAGER <-- -> RUN IN BACKGOUND, WORK ON DISK IMAGE <- Contain both Win 3.1 and WinNT Intel version make disk image from floppy, extract file from image, make an empty image, inject file on it and put the image on blank disk. TRUE WINDOWS APP: Toolbar,status Bar,3D-look, drag & drop client and server. Change image format,defrag delete file on image. POWERFUL BATCH ASSISTANT French & US version. WINIMG.RAR 246072 03-10-97* WINIMAGE 2.20THE WINDOWS DMF DISK IMAGER This .ZIP:Win32:WinNT-x86,Win95,Win3.1+Win32s New : Win32s, DMF bug fixes, explorer-like icon under Win 95.True background in WinNT/95 New in version : CAN READ/WRITE/FORMAT DMF under WinNT 3.5,!WIN95!, Win3.1. support LFN Contain both Win 3.1 and WinNT Intel version make disk image from floppy, extract file from image, make an empty image, inject file on it and put the image on blank disk. TRUE WINDOWS APP (modern interface). English, french, german and spanish. Change image format,defrag delete file on image. POWERFUL BATCH ASSISTANT WINLITE.RAR 29809 06-04-95 1.44 Windoze WINONCD.RAR 1186109 11-07-96 2.13 - CDR Soft WINPUZLE.RAR 704306 28-01-95 Pixel Puzzle WINRUN10.RAR 6376 11-08-97 Run Windows 3.x apps from a DOS session --------------------------------------- [Features] Most programs run as normal EXE files, without any special launcher For other programs a launcher is provided Supports full 127-byte command lines No extra disk I/O (temp.files, etc.) [Memory] DOS: uses 832 bytes of memory, loads high WINDOWS: 5376-byte EXE module WINSTART.RAR 52977 28-12-93 Change WinLOGO WINTOYS.RAR 26139 23-08-97 See name! WORD8_7.RAR 599820 14-09-97 Конвеpтоp из MS Word8 в MS Word7 (95). Тепеpь пользователи QuarkXPress могут использовать MS Word8 и, сохpанив файл как MS Word7 (95), без пpоблем откpоют его чеpез фильтp Word7.xxt . 2:5020/517.8 ZOOMIN.RAR 21145 04-01-97 Лупа под Винды ZPACK.RAR 22242 27-05-93 Compression Utility У========Я================================================Я==================╦ | # 8 | US Robotics | Access Enable | +--------+------------+--------------------------------+--+------------------+ | ╟╟╟╟╠╠╠╠╠╡╡╡╡╡ШШШШШ | 3775454 Bytes in 40 Files | ШШШШШ╡╡╡╡╡╠╠╠╠╠╟╟╟╟ | Т=====================О================================О=====================╬ A&G_UPGR.RAR 19156 14-06-95 Ж--------------------------------------╥ С A&G Modem Upgrade Team ╫ presents: - Sportster Upgrade FAQ v1.10 - Courier v.Everything FAQ v1.06 - USRobotics bug fix infos - Other useful USR infos Phones: (095) 583-5281, 283-4180 ------------ Try HST now --------------- AA2_5.RAR 317008 17-09-97 AUTOMATIC ANSWER ADMINISTRATOR for RC-21600 +=[ч]========================== 09.09.97 =+ I Крутой автоответчик для RC-21600 v2.5 I I I Г noncommercial freeware ╤ Г прослушивание сообщений на SoundBlaster ╤ Г внутренний крутой интерпретатор команд ╤ Г команды, выполняемые по времени ╤ Г дистанционное управление автоответчиком ╤ Г возможность создания информационной ╤ I справочной службы с меню и рассылкой I I факсов I Г многое другое ╤ +=================== (C) Lautenaus, 1997 =+ By Sergei Frolov, 2:5030/219.9, V2.5 (017) ABN-SDLF.RAR 228220 11-06-95 US Robotics V34+ Update for *ANY* DS Model! ******************************************** * A - B - A - N - D - O - N * ******************************************** AFL-USR.RAR 237867 16-07-95 .____/\_ _. _______/\ __ __ __/\____.. :\_____ \ / | \_____ \/ Y \/ _____/:: :::/ | \/ |/ \| | / _ \ | \:::: ::/ _ \ | \ ___/\ | / _ \::: :/ | \_____/___| \__|__/ | \:: :\____|____/=[> F L i G H T <]=\____|____/:: [ USR 33K6 FLASH ROM *RELEASE* ] [ Country protection removed [o1/o1] CNC-USRP.RAR 304946 24-06-95 ч ==--з USR-ROM v34 with 33600 bps з--== ч ч SPECIAL version patched to work with ч ч german and australien modems too ч released on о05-31-95п COMMAND.RAR 21271 19-04-97 USR SPORTSTER 28800 COUR_DOC.ZIP 112920 09-09-97 Документация "Руководство пользователя модема USR Courier V.Everything" на русском языке. Перевод 1996 года выполнен C&DS (официальный дистрибьютер U.S.Robotics) RCVM062A.RAR 132185 16-11-95 Voice Manager for Russian Courier ---------------------------------------- Simple Russian Courier Voice Manager and Auto Answer Machine for DOS and OS/2 Copyright (c) 1995, Dmitry Eliseyev. ---------------------------------------- Public alpha version RC_INFO.RAR 37302 04-05-97 for RC RC_MGR.RAR 46840 22-06-95 for RC RC_STAT.RAR 16270 23-07-95 for RC ROCKWELL.LST 2147 20-06-97 Описание RockWell SDL0712.RAR 227177 25-04-96 USRobotics V.34+ Flash Rom - 07-12 - [o1/o1] ..........___________ ___________............ ::::::::::\_ | _/:::::::::::: :::::::::::| | |::::::::::::: :::::::::::|_____ _____|::::::::::::: :::::::::::| |::::::::::::: :::::::::::| | |ie!:::::::::: ::::::::::/__________|__________\:::::::::::: <\-/\-+-------------------------------+-/\-/> +X+ presents cracked version of USR V.34+ Flash Rom 07-12 update Can be used on ANY Usr DS model. Cracked by Invisible Evil /+X+ <\-\/-+-------------------------------+-\/-/> SDLI.RAR 234823 04-05-97 Ж-------U---------S---------R----------╥ С ARA & Grisha USRobotics Upgrade Team ╫ presents: 01/25/95 Flash ROM code for US Robotics Courier V.34! Countries available: International, Japan, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Australia. Unable to Retrain and BUSY problems are fixed. Free gift for all USRobotics Courier v.Every users! - All Possible Upgrades for USR modems - Upgrade Prices on 11-Apr-1995 Phones: (095) 583-5281, 283-4180 ------------Say NO to UTR--------------- SDL_ARA.RAR 234004 04-05-97 Ж-------U---------S---------R----------╥ С ARA & Grisha USRobotics Upgrade Team ╫ presents: 12/02/94 Flash ROM code for US Robotics Courier V.34! Unable to Retrain and BUSY problems are fixed. Free gift for all USRobotics Courier v.Every users! - All Possible Upgrades for USR modems - Upgrade Prices on 10-Jan-1995 Phones: (095) 583-5281, 283-4180 ------------Say NO to UTR--------------- SMETER.RAR 22373 06-08-96 USR Line Monitor SOME_SDL.RAR 448025 04-05-97 See name SPHSWORD.RAR 49908 12-07-94 USR SPORTSTER HS MODEM reference guide [ MS word formatted broshure ] -----------------[NiX]---------------- SPORT.RAR 23404 12-03-95 No comments. SPORTVFC.RAR 3066 20-08-94 Sportster 28,800/Fax V6.0, quick dox STG102B.RAR 84571 18-03-95 USRSTATS GENERIC version 1.02 BETA This version of USRSTATS will work with ANY BBS or COMM program! Supports FOSSIL mode, any port and IRQ, and speeds up to 115.2K. Multi-node aware and super easy setup as a standard DOOR application or via DOS shell! STP301B.RAR 57938 12-03-95 STPCB (USRSTATS) PPE V3.01 BETA 10/26/94 PCBoard/USR sysops can now allow callers to view modem diagnostics while on-line! Requires PCB 15.1 or 15.2 and small footprint USR Courier modem. Multi-node compatible, super-easy setup. A truly unique troubleshooting tool. 8 new features, also includes Beta release of USRSTAT2.EXE V3.04B. USR#.RAR 15345 02-07-97 ъъъ ъъШ ъъъ ъъъ ъъШ ъъЭ ъъШ -=п Ш ШъШ ъъШ Ш ШъШ Ш Ш ШъШ п=- ъъъ ъ ъ ъъъ ъъъ ъ ъ ъъ ъ ъ PrESEnTs A REVoLuTioN iN ThE MoDEM WoRLD. CoNVErT AnY NeW MoDEL oF A uSRoBoTiCS MoDEM To A 16.8K DS MoDEM!!!!! AnD Ye USR.RAR 37331 06-07-94 ------------------------- ""USRobotics All Info"""" """""""about this"""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ USR1440.RAR 937 16-06-94 No comments. USRDOC28.RAR 111601 12-04-97 Russian doc for USR 28800 VI (ext.) USRDS216.RAR 20080 17-05-94 USRDS216 - What this simple batch file does is INITs your US Robotics DS Turbo Fax/ASL Modem to recieve the best possible CPS that it can.. Be sure to use it after you loaded your com program by droping to DOS. DL'ed: The Junkyard Bbs (516)932-7394 <]-----п] SPТZM COURiERS [п-----[> USRINF95.RAR 7322 12-04-97 w95 .inf support for USR USRINFO.RAR 9758 04-05-97 No comments. USRPRESS.RAR 5957 24-04-94 U.S.Robotics Press Release (02/28/94) Information about the new line of courier modems that will support the V.34 (V.FAST Standard) and these other standards: USRUNDOC.RAR 2195 22-11-94 USR Courier HST DS 16.8 undocumented commands USR_DOCS.RAR 23390 22-11-94 US Robotics dox USR_ECHO.RAR 169058 14-09-97 messages from RU.USR.UPGRADE USR_FAQS.RAR 249865 03-04-97 No comments. USR_TXT.RAR 13774 27-10-94 @X0FInformation on the v.34 @X0Fprotocol from USR. Also @X0Fincluded are s-register @X0Fcommands missing from the @X0FUSR sportster manual. V32USRDS.RAR 35878 22-11-94 US Robotics Courier 14400 Dual Standart EPROM code,'88, 2x64k version V34MAN.RAR 101512 16-03-95 V34 manual VM_12.RAR 44094 23-07-95 for RC (Voice Manager) VM_20.RAR 63057 28-11-95 Voice Manager v2.0 For using with Russian Courier. Author : Michael Nemchin Address: 2:5030/264@FidoNet VM_CFG.RAR 2879 23-07-95 for RC (Voice Manager cfg) У========Я================================================Я==================╦ | # 9 | Cracks, HackTools etc | Access Enable | +--------+------------+--------------------------------+--+------------------+ | ╟╟╟╟╠╠╠╠╠╡╡╡╡╡ШШШШШ | 29458366 Bytes in 871 Files | ШШШШШ╡╡╡╡╡╠╠╠╠╠╟╟╟╟ | Т=====================О================================О=====================╬ #A3E120G.RAR 2001 22-07-97 A3E 1.20g key explorer ч Copyleft (x) Venus #BCON57.RAR 1583 22-07-97 Крак к Консультант-Бухгалтер #PMM153.RAR 2489 22-07-97 PMMail 1.53 regnumber generator // Copyleft (x) Venus, 1996 2:5010/83@fidonet #WD740.RAR 1515 22-07-97 Word'n'Deed 7.40 runtime crack Copyleft (x) Venus, 1996 #ZMUD32.RAR 1599 22-07-97 ч ZMUD32 v4.55 regcode generator ч Done by UGLY WiZARD (c)1997 $ISTEM3.RAR 3177 18-06-97 patch for System Commander 3.0 $UNPACK$.RAR 3640 23-08-97 $$UnPack - Executable file unpacker by interceptin' int21h User Func (c) 1997 by Volok Alexander 1C-BUHGA.RAR 13702 19-03-97 * 1C v.7.0 cracker - ver.1.20a * * by Black Raven, 1996 * * FIDO Net 2:50/777.13 * 1CV70CRK.RAR 12458 22-07-97 * 1C v.7.0 cracker - ver.1.20a * * by Black Raven, 1996 * * FIDO Net 2:50/777.13 * 1SBW6P_C.RAR 8909 22-07-97 1SBW6P_C