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Áº°·°² (½° ǸÁ¾¼ °½³»¸¹Áº¾¼):"ÂË µÂ¾ ´¾»¶µ½ ÃÁ»ËÈ°ÂÌ".
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À°ÁŲ°»¸²°ÂÌ. ÕÁ»¸ ¾½ Ò°¼ ¿¾½À°²¸ÂÁÏ, ±Ã´Ã À°´.
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º°½ÂÀ¸, ¾»Ìº¾ ²Ë´µÀ¶º¸), ¾Çµ½Ì ¿¾¿Ã»ÏÀ½Ë µ¼Ë Ѿ³° ¸ ÒµÀË,
µ¼Ë Ä»¸À°, ¸ µ¼Ë ¿ÌϽ¾³¾ ¼Ã¶¸º°, ¾±ÌÏÁ½ÏÎɵ³¾ÁÏ Á¾ Á²¾µ¹
ol'lady ¸»¸ Ü°¼¾¹ (¼°¼° - °º ½° γµ ·¾²Ã ¶µ½É¸½ ²¾¾±Éµ ¸ ¶µ½
² Ç°Á½¾Á¸).
ÕÁÂÌ Ã ½µ³¾ ¿À¾Á¾ Á¼µÈ½Ëµ ¿µÁ½¸, ¿¾ Á¼ËÁ»Ã ÁÀ¾´½¸
Ç°ÁÂÃȺ°¼. Ý°¿À¸¼µÀ,
"My bucket's got a hole in it"
"o, my bucket's got a hole in it, -
can't by no beer"
. . .
"I'm a standing on a corner
with a bucket in my hand
I'm a waiting on a mamma
Who ain't got no man"
Ô°, ¸ ½µ Á¿Ã°¹Âµ H.W. Á H.W. junior, µ³¾ Á˽¾¼. Þ½ ¸
¿¾½Ë½µ ¶¸², ¿¾µÂ, ½¾ ²Áµ ³¾²¾ÀÏ - ½µ ¾. í¾ ½µ å°½º. å¾ÂÏ ¾½
¸ å°½º.
Jamballaja - ; ±»Î´¾ Ûø·¸°½Áº¾¹ ÚÃŽ¸ (Cajun style, Á¸»Ì
¿¾Â¾¼º¾² ÄÀ°½Æ÷¾², ´¾ Á¸Å ¿¾À ³¾²¾ÀÏɸŠ¿¾ ÄÀ°½Æ÷Áº¸, ¸
¶¸²ÃɸŠ² ´µ±ÀÏÅ Ûø·¸°½Ë, ½° ±µÀµ³°Å Bayou (·°»¸²¾², ¾·µÀ) ¸
·°½¸¼°ÎɸÅÁÏ ²¾ ¼½¾³¾¼ À˱½Ë¼ ¿À¾¼ËÁ»¾¼. ݵÁ¼¾ÂÀÏ ½° Á²¾¸ ¿¾Ç¸
200 »µÂ ² USA, ¾½¸ Á¾ÅÀ°½¸»¸ Á¾²µÀȵ½½¾ ½µ°¼µÀ¸º°½ÁºÃÎ ºÃ»ÌÂÃÀÃ
¸ Ϸ˺. Ð º°º¸µ à ½¸Å ¶µ½É¸½Ë... Ð º°º ¾½¸ ³¾Â¾²Ï À°º¾² (crow-
fish)). á¾Á¾¸Â ¸· Á¼µÈ°½½ËÅ ¿°ÁÁµÀ¾²°½½ËÅ "¼¾Àµ¿À¾´ÃºÂ¾²"
(ºÀµ²µÂ¾º, À˱Ë, etc) ¸ Á¿µÆ¸¹. ÚÀ¾¼µ Jamballaya ¸·²µÁ½˵
±»Î´° - Gumbo (Gambo) - ¾¶µ Á¼µÁÌ ºÃǸ ¸½³Àµ´¸µ½Â¾², etc.
; each chord is 1/4. Played as 4/4
zatakt | C | C |C | C | G | G | G |
Good by,| Joe, me gotta go, me oh, my oh
| G |G |G | G | G |C | C | C |
Me gotta go pole the pirogue down the bayou
|C | C | C | C | C | G | G | G |
My Ivonne, sweetest one, me oh, my oh
| G | G | G | G | G | C | C | C |
Son ov'a gun we'll have big fun on the bayou
(last two line's pattern repeats now through the whole song)
Jamballaya, Crowfish Pie, Fillet Gumbo,
'Cause tonight I'm gonna see ma'cher amiyou
Pick Guitar, Fill Fruit Jar and be Gayou
Son ov'a gun we'll have big fun on the bayou
Thibideaus, Fauntineaus, place is buzzin'
Kinfolk come see Ivonne by the dozen
Dressed in style, go hogwild, me oh, my oh
Son ova gun we'll have big fun down the bayou
; This third verse is for some reason missing almost on all the
; recordings by Hank and others, even though you can find it in
; the lyrics. Here it is
Settle down far from town, by me a pirogue
And I'll catch all the fish in the bayou
Swap my mon' by Ivonne what she need'o
Son ov'a gun we'll have big fun on the bayou
Last-modified: Thu, 04 Sep 1997 05:27:59 GMT