ß-----------------------[1/1]-Þ - TechnodromE at [o95] - Moscow coolest - MUMMY.RAR 8281 11-05-97 sol MYRA__TR.RAR 14626 22-03-93 Legend of Myra MYST.RAR 14655 15-11-96 sol MYST_RDC.RAR 8693 11-05-93 Mystery MYST_WT.RAR 65036 31-05-95 ________________ ________ _______ \ / / / \ / ___ / ___/ \/. .\/ (__/__ (____ / \ . \ . \ / The Courier Connection | \_____________\._________;_______; .:=====[ Brought to you by TCC ]======:. .:=====[ MYST ]======:. .:=====[ 100% ]======:. .:=====[ Walk Through ]======:. .-----------------------------------------. . Couriered by Gary Payton 94' . .-----------------------------------------. M_CANDLE.RAR 3415 08-11-94 Magic Candle 3 M_KO_EDC.RAR 4876 23-01-94 Mortal Kombat M_OR_EDC.RAR 9151 22-11-93 Master of Orion N2PATCH.RAR 15495 22-07-97 Need for Speed N4SCRK.RAR 6887 22-07-97 NEED FOR SPEED Crack (c) E.A. (___ooOOoo___) Direct from Spain NE-SBSGP.RAR 14362 23-01-95 +=========================================+ I °±²ÈÈÈÈ °±²ÈÈÈÈ °±²ÈÈÈÈ °±²ÈÈÈÈ '94 I I ±²ÈÈ ÈÈ ±²ÈÈ ÈÈ ±²ÈÈ ÈÈ ±²ÈÈ ÈÈ I +==²ÈÈÈ=ÈÈ==²ÈÈÈ=====²ÈÈÈ=ÈÈ==²ÈÈÈ=ÈÈ=====+ ÈÈÈÈ ÈÈ ÈÈÈÈÈÈÈ ÈÈÈÈ ÈÈ ÈÈÈÈ ÈÈ ÈÈÈÈ ÈÈ ÈÈÈÈ ÈÈÈÈ ÈÈ ÈÈÈÈ ÈÈ +==²ÈÈÈ=ÈÈ==²ÈÈÈ=ÈÈ==²ÈÈÈ=ÈÈ==²ÈÈÈ=ÈÈ=====+ I ±²ÈÈ ÈÈ ±²ÈÈÈÈÈ ±²ÈÈÈÈÈ ±²ÈÈ ÈÈ dx I +=========================================+ SUB BATTLE SiMULATOR -SAVEGAME PATCHER [+5] =è Russian Traders Alliance èÒ NE-THMPK.ZIP 39936 23-01-95 ____ _______________________ _____ \ \| / ____/ __ / \| /------. _/ _ \ \_ ___/__ / \_ _ \ \_ | \ \ \_ / \ / _/ / \ \_ / | |\___|\ /______/_______/___|\ / | `------\ /---------------------\ /-Rpd!--' THEME PARK (FULL VERSiON) from BULLFROG [+9] ç Jihad Crew import ç (095)976-9378 00-08AM 0-3days NEV_RUS.RAR 5575 16-05-97 The Neverhood russian solution (C) Grigoriev Alex 2:5020/443.778 NEWPTOOL.EXE 135153 03-03-97 see name NFO1.RAR 74412 27-10-94 some sol NFS-CHT.RAR 22963 22-07-97 see name NFS.RAR 2675 17-04-97 faq NFS2_CHT.RAR 1040 28-04-97 Need for Speed 2 Cheat Codes NFSCRACK.RAR 2154 22-07-97 Crack v2.1 beta Ã==============================¸ | Magic Corporation'1996 | Ä======Ï=======================µ | Game | The Need For Speed SE | | Type | New Cool Car & Roads | | Date | 26.12.1996 | Ä======¾=======================µ | Crack by Kirill Bogolubov | Â==============================¾ NIC_B_TR.RAR 3063 06-11-93 Nicky trainer NINJASTR.RAR 11475 07-12-94 SURFING NINJA'S Trainer 2+ NINJATRN.RAR 10660 07-12-94 Trainer for "Ninja Surfers" NORMALIT.RAR 8009 20-05-97 Normality rus sol NOVTHIEF.RAR 14337 19-03-94 Thief is a TSR that attempts to steal Novell passwords. It originates from a site with consummate hackers and a long, colorful history of mischief: George Washington High School in Denver, Colorado. ×ë-=ßBrought To You By HARDWiREß=-ë× NWO-SHCR.ZIP 21619 23-01-95 . × ë > N E W W O R L D < ë × . __________________________________________ | __________ \_____ \______ ______ -) | | || |/ /|| | |) |__/|| |/ / | | |: ( |: | // _|__|: ( |_______|___| \\|______(_______ )___| \\ =tHe==FaTe=|_____)==oF=MaNKiND==)/===|_____) SHADOW HERO from SOFTWORLD ****CRACK**** NX-ARYTR.RAR 6327 06-07-94 ARYA VAIV TRAINER NX-CSTRN.RAR 14836 06-07-94 COOL SPOT FINAL TRAINER +8 NX-ITECK.RAR 6752 23-01-95 INHERIT THE EARTH: QUEST FOR THE ORB 100% BYTE-CRACK .______ .___. _____ | \_________._______| |________ \___ \| // ____ | / | | _____/ / \ // ___/\ \__ . __// | ||____ \ // \ / \ \/ | \ | | / \\ \____|\ /\_______/____| \\______|_______/ ë- - --\/---- --- -- -ë|_____/ë-[NEXUS'94]-ë =(*)= RiSC Couriers, Who Else?!? =(*)= NX-JTWTR.ZIP 13008 23-01-95 JOURNEY TO THE WEST [+6] INTERACTIVE TRAINER & 1 BYTE CRACK .______ .___. _____ | \_________._______| |________ \___ \| // ____ | / | | _____/ / \ // ___/\ \__ . __// | ||____ \ // \ / \ \/ | \ | | / \\ \____|\ /\_______/____| \\______|_______/ +××ë××ë\/ë××ë××ë××ë××ë×|_____/ë×[NEXUS'94]×ë NX-PFINS.ZIP 69227 23-01-95 Planet Football : HD Install Fix. Now you can install with SUBST. .______ .___. _____ | \_________._______| |________ \___ \| // ____ | / | | _____/ / \ // ___/\ \__ . __// | ||____ \ // \ / \ \/ | \ | | / \\ \____|\ /\_______/____| \\______|_______/ +××ë××ë\/ë××ë××ë××ë××ë×|_____/ë×[NEXUS'94]×ë THiS FiLE WAS LEECHED FROM NUCLEAR CEMETERY OFFROAD.RAR 882 28-04-97 Test Drive: Off Road Cheat Codes OLRROCT.RAR 12319 23-01-95 ______ ____ _______ / \/ /\ / \ / / / / / _ /\ / / /---/ // /\\/ \______/_______/___//___/\ \_____\\______\___\\___\/ -í----Oï-Liïî Rîvîïgî---í- +------------------------+ Realms of Chaos +2 Train ........................ Disk...............[1/1] +------------------------+ ÒìÒ Leeched for you by RtA ÒìÒ OLRSKULT.ZIP 11220 23-01-95 _/\ _/\ ____/\ /, \ |, \ |, \ // , \|| \ _|| | / // | \| // \| '_//\ iSx \\, ' /\ ____/\ \____\/\______\/_____\/ ----------------------------- Skull Quest:1 +1 Trainer! ----------------------------- OMF16.RAR 3683 09-12-94 ONE MUST FALL : 2097 Moves List v1.6 OPSTEAL.RAR 4442 30-05-94 Operation Stealth ORIONCHT.RAR 9349 22-07-97 see name OUTPOST.RAR 21164 24-05-97 sol OUTRUN.RAR 717 30-05-94 Outrun Stop timer OX-AODX.RAR 4622 31-05-95 ACES OF THE DEEP QUICK DOCS ____________________________ _ _ ___ ZD!/ __ : __ __/ | \ | | \/ __\ / : \/ | \/ \/ /~\ |\ \ : \__ ~\ ÃÂ × \ \Û \ \Û-× \ \Ûì ¾¸ \_______/______/____/_____/____/_____/____/ Ý:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Ý /ÒÒ E ÒÒ X ÒÒ C ÒÒ H ÒÒ A ÒÒ N ÒÒ G ÒÒ E ÒÒÒ\ OX-NASDX.RAR 3696 09-12-94 NASCAR RACING SVGA QUICK DOCS PACIFIC.RAR 3444 07-12-94 Pacific Strike key PACIFICT.ZIP 24192 23-01-95 Pacific Strike dox & key PACTRN.RAR 16133 22-07-97 Pac-in-Time PAC_S_UP.RAR 107329 06-11-94 Pacific Strike Update PANDORA.RAR 29010 17-04-97 sol PANZHEX.RAR 12631 09-12-94 Panzer General Cheat PATTON.RAR 14525 06-11-94 Patton Strikes Back PBALFIX.HA 5428 06-07-94 [ëiNSTaLLëFiXëFoRëaLieNëLeGaCYëFRoMëSieRRaë] ____._________ /\ _____.____ (____(____ \ | / \ ___ _ (__ _ \____) (____/ |> / |_/ __ \/ _ \ (_) / _/___) (__/ |__/ | | .. \ | | / _ \___) ((____| (_____|_||___\|__| (_____/__) *==============================mA0=mAk=mAa=* ×ëç RTA'94 TEAM RULEZ çë× PCHEAT11.RAR 13991 05-02-97 tools PCHEATER.RAR 13107 23-03-96 Play cheater PCRK74.RAR 202232 25-01-95 see name PD2TRPTG.RAR 17673 26-05-94 __________/\___________ _______ <====\_______ \ //: /=======> :::::|: |/ /\/: \// . __/__.::::: :::::|. .____/ / . \ \_ |::S!: :::::;____| \_______/__________;::::: <===========[ PROUDLY PRESENTS ]===========> - PINBALL DREAMS ][ INTERACTIVE TRAINER! - <==============[ +4 OPTIONS ]==============> PDMPTRN.RAR 4320 22-07-97 PANDEMONIUM - TRAINER [o1/o1] ÍÈÈêÈÈÍ ÇÈÍ ÈÍ ÇÈÈÉ ÇÈÈÉ ê êê êê êêêêÇȲɲÈêêê êêê ê ê ÇÈÈÉ ÇÈÈÉÈÈÍêÈêÈÈÍêÈÈÍÇÈêÇȲÉÍ ÇÈêÈÈÍêÍÈÈÍ ÇÈÈÉÍÈÈê DzÈÉÉ ÈȲ ÇÈÈÉÉ ÇÈÈÉÈÈ É ÇÈÈÉÈ ÈÈÉ ÇÈÈÉ ÍÈÈêÍÈÈÉÉ ÍÍÍêÍÈÈÉ ÇÈÈÉÈÈÉ ÇÈÈÉÈ ÇÈÈ ÇÈÈÉÇÈÈÉ ÇȲÉÉÇÈÈÉ ÇȲÉÉ ÇȲÉȲÉÉ ÇȲÉÈ ÇȲ ÇÈÈÉ êÈÈÍÈêÈÉÈÍêÈÈÍÈêÈÉÈÍÈÈêÍÈÈÉÈÍÇȲÉê ÈȲ ÍÍÍ ÇÈÈÉ-bd! êÈÈÈÍÈÈÈ êêêêê PDX-AVTR.ZIP 3953 23-01-95 _\______ \____ \___ _____ _________ ______ ___ / / / _ \| __ \/ _ \___ \/ . \_ \/ _/ _/ ___/ . \ / / . \ \ \ | \\/ / \ / \__|__/__\ \__|__/_____/____// /\_ \/=============\_/=========Presents\/\_/== [+3] Trainer for ARYA VAIV ç Imported 2 Russia by JIHAD CREW ç PDX-F1IN.RAR 15662 07-11-94 F1 PDX-LHTR.ZIP 4160 23-01-95 _\______ \____ \___ _____ _________ ______ ___ / / / _ \| __ \/ _ \___ \/ . \_ \/ _/ _/ ___/ . \ / / . \ \ \ | \\/ / \ / \__|__/__\ \__|__/_____/____// /\_ \/=============\_/=========Presents\/\_/== [+5] Interactive Trainer Last Action Hero ç Jihad Crew import ç Jihad BBS: 976-9378 tonite PDX-SKTR.ZIP 4010 23-01-95 _\______ \____ \___ _____ _________ ______ ___ / / / _ \| __ \/ _ \___ \/ . \_ \/ _/ _/ ___/ . \ / / . \ \ \ | \\/ / \ / \__|__/__\ \__|__/_____/____// /\_ \/=============\_/=========Presents\/\_/== [+4] Trainer for Soccer Kid + full immunity! + ingame key! ç Jihad Crew import ç Jihad BBS: 976-9378 tonite PDX-U12C.RAR 4609 23-01-95 %%%%%%%%%/\%%%%%%%%%%/\%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %\_____ \ \_____ \/ \___ \/ \ | /% %%%/ ___/| \| / / | \ | \ | \ /%% %%/ | _ \ \ \ _ \ \ / \%% %/ |___| \_|\__\_| \___/___/___| \% /_____|---|____\------|____\-PreSenTs-|____\ %%%%% UFO -EU- v1.2 UPDATE CRACK PATCH %%%%% çßç COURiERED BY RTA iN 1994 çßç Â-ç TRADED BY JÝM -/- RTA'94 ç-¾ PEPP_RDC.RAR 6973 11-02-94 Peppers adventures PFORM_R.RAR 5919 22-07-97 +[HiP]=====µPresentsÄ==================+ I Polyform for Windows V1.01 I I (Registration Crack) I +======================================+ PH-MAST.ZIP 6690 23-01-95 ISHAR ]I[ SPECIAL CHARACTERS PATCH [1/1] __________ ___ ___ ___ ×\______ \_| | ___| |______ | |ë× ×ë| |/ / | |/ | | _ \| |ë× ×ë| |___/ _ | /| | | | |ë× ×ë| | |___| | \| |___| | |ë× ×ë|___|[PHUN]|___|\_______|KëP'\______|ë× .ë.ë.ë.ë.ë.ë.ë.ë.ë.ë.ë.ë.ë.ë.ë.ë.ë.ë.ë.ë. <==========( P R E S E N T S )==========> iSHAR ]I[ FROM SiLMARiLS SPECiAL CHARS SAVEGAME FILE PHANTASM.RAR 11626 15-11-96 sol PHAN_RSL.RAR 7183 31-03-94 × × × ë × × ×LESHIJ ë ë ×++ ë ++-- ×++--× GAME ë ++ × ++ ++ ++ ++ × × GALAXY ì ×++--+×++-++ ++-++ ×ë ì Proudly × × × × × × ë Present ÒÒÒ====================================ÒÒÒ ë | RETURN OF PHANTOM - Russian Solver | ë ÒÒÒ====================================ÒÒÒ ççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççç DISK 1/1 ç PHUNTRN.RAR 15764 23-01-95 ììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììì ÈÈÈÈÈêêêÈÈ ÈÈÈÈÈ ÈÈ ÈÈÈÈÈ ÈÈ ÈÈÈÈÈêêêÈÈ ÈÈÈÈÈÍÍÍÈÈ ÈÈÈÈÈÍÍÍÈÈ ÈÈÈÈÈ ÈÈ ÈÈÈÈÈ ÈÈ ÈÈÈÈÈ ÈÈÈÈÈ ÈÈ ÈÈÈÈÈÍÍÍÈÈ ÈÈÈÈÈ ÈÈ ììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììììì ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× TRAINER MYSTIC TOWERS (APOGEE) ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× ììììììììììììììììììììììì Code By Canabis ììì Ä-Russian Trading Âlliance-µ PIL-GC.RAR 85203 03-11-93 - Pirates in Legion Pilfered - PiL . _ __ _ .. + PiL . \ :_| . : Pirates PiL | -- | ___ | | in PiL | ____// | | | Legion PiL | | | | | |--/ PiL |---| |---| |----/ '93 PiL The GAME CHEATER "SALES RELEASE" Disk 1 of 1 * Trainers BEING SOLD IN STORES! * Software Company Pirates Hackers!!!! PINBCR.RAR 1706 01-10-94 Pinball Dreams 2 crk PINPATCH.ZIP 9804 23-01-95 +=====================================+ I EPiC PiNBALL INTERACTiVE CRACKER! I I -= Easy to use interface! =- I I (C) 1994 by CreaSoft I I PiNPATCH gives Ya: I I Ȳ±° UNLiMITED BALLS! °±²È I I Ȳ±° ADJUSTABLE GRAViTY! °±²È I I In *ALL* tables of Epic Pinball! I ³-------------------------------------¶ I Coded by: -= CREAT0R =- I I [ CreaSoft // FBI ] I +=====================================+ PIZZA.RAR 23052 22-07-97 see name PI_D2_TR.RAR 16754 08-06-94 PINBALL DREAMS II +12 TRAINER [1/1] __________________________________________ \_____ _) ________ \ ________ _) | \_ | Ü\_ ___/_ | Ü\_ \_ | | aBn / . / | / : / 1911 / |___:___ /__|___ /______ /______ /__:___ / -------\/------\/------\/------\/------\/-- ×ë-ë- LESHIJ GAME GALAXY collection -ë-ë× PLAYTOOL.RAR 20743 23-02-97 ÍÍÍ Í ÍÍ Í Í ÍÍÍÍ ÍÍÍ ÍÍÍ È È È È È êÍ Íê ÈÍÍ È È êÍÍ Èêê È ÈêêÈ È È ÈêêÍ È ê êêê ê ê ê êêêê ê ê êêê ÍÍÍÍÍ ÍÍ ÍÍ Í (TM) È È È È È È È È È È È È ê êê êê êêê Kewl cracker for ALL games! Including DOS4GW-based! CRACKED by CREAT0R // FBI // CreaSoft PLC_DTDS.RAR 4011 16-10-93 +--------------------------------+ |<===::Dare to Dream I-III:::===>| | <====:::Solve/Hints:::====> | | +=++=+· ¶+=¸+=¸ | | »=+I II II »µ | | ½ +=++=¾½+=¾+=¾ | |<===:::===[Disk o1/o1]===:::===>| +--------------------------------+ PLFOOTCR.RAR 1745 01-10-94 Planet Football crk PLS-TPUP.ZIP 79191 31-05-95 --------------[1/1]---------------- ×ÈÈÈÈ×È×××ÈÈÈÈ×ÈÈÈ×ÈÈÈ×ÈÈÈ×ÈÈÈÈ××1 ×È××È×È×××È××È È×××È×ÈÈÈ×È×È××È××9 ×ÈÈÈÈ×È×××ÈÈÈÈ×ÈÈÈ×È×××××È×ÈÈÈÈ××9 ×È××××È×××È××È×××È È×××××È×È××È××4 ×È××××ÈÈÈ×È××È×ÈÈÈ×È×××××È×È××È××! -------------bRinGs Ya------------- Update Files for Theme Park ç Jihad Crew import ç (095)976-9378 00-08AM 0-3days THiS FiLE WAS LEECHED FROM NUCLEAR CEMETERY PLTOOLS.RAR 102647 22-07-97 +--------------------------------+ | ë ë | | Player's Tool Plus 286/VGA | | v3.9990 alfa | | 152+13 crackers included! | | Viewing text file, Cracking, | | Saving / restoring ANY games | | (include DOS4GW), Memory dump | | editor, Fast exit to DOS, Full | | speaker control, Screen grab- | | ber, Memory dumper (include | | extended) , DOS Shell, Real- | | time crack file editor, Boss | | screen, and lots more in a | | Tiny TSR program! Universal | | files comparer, PTG -> BMP | | converter included. | | | | UHC 1995 Moscow, Russia | | ë ë | +--------------------------------+ PNX!HEXX.RAR 35379 06-07-94 Hexx interactive +32 savegame maxer PNX!LGCY.ZIP 43985 23-01-95 C __/\_________ |\_____._____ H \______ \_ \ | \ | FB/ E / | / // \| \ | / A / |/ // _ \ \ _ \ T / \___// \ / \ \ S / | \____|\ /_ /\____\ -=\_____|=[PRESENTS]\/==\/==[1/1]=- Alien Legacy [+20] Savegame Maxxer THiS FiLE WAS LEECHED FROM NUCLEAR CEMETERY PNX!TP.ZIP 9785 23-01-95 C __/\_________ |\_____._____ H \______ \_ \ | \ | FB/ E / | / // \| \ | / A / |/ // _ \ \ _ \ T / \___// \ / \ \ S / | \____|\ /_ /\____\ -=\_____|=[PRESENTS]\/==\/==[1/1]=- Theme Park Money Maxxer ç Jihad Crew import ç Jihad BBS: 976-9378 tonite POCKCRK.RAR 909 14-12-94 pockets.exe crk :))))))) POCKTRN.RAR 933 14-12-94 pockets.exe crk :))))))) POP_2_TR.RAR 7149 19-03-93 Populous 2 crk PP2TRN.RAR 1913 07-04-94 Prince of Persia 2 crk PQ1VGA.RAR 6966 17-05-93 POLICE QUEST I VGA PATCHER FOR CARROL CAFE PQ1VGAFS.RAR 6725 17-05-93 PQ I VGA FULL SOLUTION AND POLICE CODEZ PQ2!!!.RAR 1650 26-09-94 Police Quest 2 hint PQ4_RUS.RAR 8328 01-05-97 Police Quest 4: open season (c) Alex Grigoriev PRE2TRN.RAR 1049 10-12-94 Prehistoric II trainer PREF.RAR 227521 09-02-97 game! PRIN1-ED.RAR 22230 22-07-97 see name PRIN1-SE.RAR 10591 22-07-97 see name PRIN2-TR.RAR 7375 22-07-97 see name PRINCE2.RAR 2101 25-08-94 cheats PRISONER.RAR 4721 12-10-95 PRiSONER OF iCE PRIV2CHT.RAR 1035 28-04-97 Privateer 2: The Darkening Cheat Codes PRIVATER.RAR 5995 01-05-97 sol PRIVA_TR.RAR 7227 10-02-94 Privateer trainer PRIVTRN2.RAR 6288 22-07-97 Privateer PRIV_EQD.RAR 4065 10-02-94 Privateer PRIV_ESL.RAR 8371 21-11-93 Privateer PROFESY.RAR 6344 10-12-94 sol PROFMREG.RAR 5898 22-07-97 +---------------------------------+ | PROFMREG (C) 1994 Mr.Boco | | | | What's it? Thiz simply program | | computes registration code for | | ProFAM v3.00 (filelister for | | many BBS system, f.e. RA of any | | version). | | | | ç H0PE2CUL8R. Mr.Boco... | +---------------------------------+ PROT_EQD.RAR 3656 10-12-94 Protostar PR_M_EDC.RAR 5214 17-01-94 Project NOMAD PSD-MICR.RAR 55343 02-07-95 í=-× [ MICROMACHINES +4 TRAINER ] I [!FEATURING INGAME-VGA MENU!] | ÈÈÈÈêÈÍ ÍÈÈêÈÈÍ ÈÈÈÈêÈÍ | P ÈÈÈÈ êÈÈ ÈÈÈÉ ÇÈÈÉ ÈÈÈÈ êȲ S : S ÈÈÈÈ ÇÈÉÇÈÈÈ ÈÈÈ ÈÈÈÈ ÈÈ Q × . Y ÈÈÈÈ ÈÈÉÈÈÈÈÍÍÍÍÍÍ ÈÈÈÈ ÇÈÉ U . × C ÈÈÈÈ ÈÈ êêêêêêêÈÈÈ ÈÈÈÈ ÇÈÉ A : H ²ÈÈÈ ÈÈ ÈÈÈÈ ÈÈÈ ²ÈÈÈ ÈÈ D | O ±ÈÈÈêê ÇÈÈÈ ÇÈÈÉ ±ÈÈÈ ÍȲ ! | °ÈÈÈ êÈÈÈÍÈÈê °ÈÈÈÍÈê I ×--=í PT.COM 7431 22-06-97 Player Tools 1.8 PT.RAR 24590 02-07-95 Kewl cracker for ALL games! PT3998.RAR 54247 22-07-97 +--------------------------------+ | ë ë | | Player's Tool v3.998 | | beta-release | | 111 cracker included! | | Viewing text file, Cracking | | games, Saving/restoring ANY | | games, Memory dump editor, | | Fast exit to DOS, Full speaker | | control, Screen grabber, DOS | | Shell, Timer control, Real- | | time crack file editor, and | | lots more in a Tiny TSR | | program! | | UHC 1994 Moscow, Russia | | ë ë | +--------------------------------+ PT40A.RAR 128884 22-07-97 +--------------------------------+ | ë ë | | Player's Tool Plus 286/VGA | | v4.0 alfa | | 173 crackers included! | | Viewing text file, Cracking, | | Saving / restoring ANY games | | (include DOS4GW), Memory dump | | editor, Fast exit to DOS, Full | | speaker control, Screen grab- | | ber, Memory dumper (include | | extended) , DOS Shell, Real- | | time crack file editor, Boss | | screen, and lots more in a | | Tiny TSR program! Universal | | files comparer, PTG -> BMP | | converter included. | | | | UHC 1995 Moscow, Russia | | ë ë | +--------------------------------+ PT50B.RAR 72484 22-07-97 +-- Player's Tool Plus 286/VGA --+ | version 5.0 beta | | | | Viewing text file, Cracking, | | Saving / restoring ANY games | | (include DOS4GW), Memory dump | | editor, Fast exit to DOS, Full | | speaker control, Screen grab- | | ber, Memory dumper (include | | extended) , DOS Shell, Real- | | time crack file editor, Boss | | screen, build-in dictionary | | and lots more in a Tiny TSR | | program! | | | +---- UHC 1995 Moscow, Russia ---+ PT87.RAR 69685 22-07-97 +--------------------------------+ | ë ë | | Player's Tool Plus 286/VGA | | v3.9987 beta-release | | 128 crackers included! | | Viewing text file, Cracking, | | Saving / restoring ANY games | | (include DOS4GW), Memory dump | | editor, Fast exit to DOS, Full | | speaker control, Screen grab- | | ber, Memory dumper (include | | extended) , DOS Shell, Real- | | time crack file editor, Boss | | screen, and lots more in a | | Tiny TSR program! | | | | UHC 1995 Moscow, Russia | | ë ë | +--------------------------------+ PTG!SLHD.RAR 26272 26-09-94 __________/\___________ _______ <====\_______ \ //: /=======> :::::|: |/ /\/: \// . __/__.::::: :::::|. .____/ / . \ \_ |::S!: :::::;____| \_D×O×X_/__________;:::::> <====[ PENTAGRAM DOX PROUDLY PRESENTS ]====> -/- SUPERHERO LEAGUE OF HOBOKEN FULL DOX -\- <==========================================> PTG!Z2TR.ZIP 16174 23-01-95 __________/\___________ _______ <====\_______ \ //: /=======> :::::|: |/ /\/: \// . __/__.::::: :::::|. .____/ / . \ \_ |::S!: :::::;____| \_______/__________;::::: <===========[ PROUDLY PRESENTS ]===========> -/\- ZOOL 2 INTERACTIVE TRAINER -/\- <=============[ +17 OPTIONS! ]=============> =è Russian Traders Alliance èÒ PTS.RAR 3312 24-05-95 some crk for PT PUNBFCR.RAR 1593 01-10-94 Pinball Fantasies crk PX-TRN.RAR 11012 22-07-97 Project X PZ_GENER.RAR 2556 22-07-97 Crack 4 Panzer General 1.0 P_Q_4_PT.RAR 7763 28-01-94 Police Quest 4 QFG3_ESL.RAR 13594 22-03-93 sol of ??? QRNT_TRN.RAR 12095 22-07-97 Quarantine Shop QSGE100.RAR 18030 02-07-95 ÃÉç-----------------------------çǸ |É ë-ß Q U A R A N T I N E ß-ë Ç| |É-------------------------------Ç| |É SAvE GaME EDiToR v1.oo Ç| |É-------------------------------Ç| |É ç Select all weapons and itemsÇ| |É ç MaX OuT stats in everything Ç| |É ç Full menu driven interface! Ç| |É-------------------------------Ç| |É CReATeD bY: Jamie McTavish Ç| |É ------------- & Darren Shady Ç| |ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÇ| Â---------------------------------¾ QSPY.RAR 13228 22-07-97 for Quake QUAKA.RAR 5534 05-01-97 secrets of QUAKE QUAKE.RAR 7379 20-04-97 sol QUAKE1.RAR 4954 19-06-97 ½ÕÚÞâÞàëÕ ÚÞÔë Quake QUAKESEC.RAR 17704 31-05-97 Quake secrets QUAKLNCH.RAR 14787 22-07-97 \ | / \\ I // \\\ ê /// ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Íê êÍ È êêêêêêê -=ç êêêêêêêêêêÈ ç=- Èêêêêêê È êÍÍÍÍÍÍÍê /// Í \\\ // I \\ / | \ ======================= SLY: LOVELY PROGRAMS! -----= Presents: =----- QUAKE TEST-1 LAUNCHER ----------------------- ç Start Quake or dialer from launcher ç Simply configure - map level - video mode - game speed - brightness - sounds - network play ----------------------- R2-TRNTT.COM 3052 29-08-97 Transport Tycoon Trainer R2-TRNTT.RAR 4531 08-01-95 TRANSPORT TYCOON +2 MONEY TRAINER R28B-TRN.RAR 3503 08-01-95 EiGHT BALL DELUXE V2.0 +2 TRAINER R2ALATRN.RAR 5223 22-07-97 for Alladine R2BCTRN.RAR 5309 08-01-95 Body Count +2 option trainer INGAME KEYS R2PDTRN.RAR 4589 22-07-97 Power Drive R2RISTRN.RAR 4582 08-01-95 RISE OF THE ROBOTS +1 OPTION TRAINER RA-TRN2.RAR 18108 02-07-97 RA trainer RACHEAT.RAR 54484 22-07-97 Cheat for Red Alert *NON-PWA RELEASE* RAGE.RAR 2211 01-05-97 sol RAMONEY.EXE 5282 02-07-97 see name RAMONEY.RAR 7382 22-07-97 RED ALERT - money cracker [1/2] RAMP-CRK.RAR 69851 08-01-95 ______/\_____/\________.__________/\ \_____ \____ \_____ | ________ \ | _ _/| |\ \/ ___| | || _ _/ | | \| |_\ \ \__| | || | \_ |__|_ /__|\___/\____|___ /|__|_ / <========\/======>PRESENT<===\/======\/==> Terminator: Rampage 100% Byte Crack <========================================> ß/\/\ß RiSC COURiERiNG '93 ß\/\/ß RAMPTRN.RAR 2462 22-07-97 Rampart RAPT-CRK.RAR 6145 08-01-95 × ç SAVEz Crak FoR RAPTOR comm. ç × /\_____/\ _____ ____ ____ / | | \/ \ /__ ___| ___| : \ × \ / |/ |/ \ \ / | | | \ : \ \ ___| ___| ___|___ / ___/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ ××*ThE TeRRoRizeRz Assault Brigade*×× RAVN_ESL.RAR 46523 06-11-94 RAVENLOFT SOLVE AND MAPS RAWCOPY!.RAR 139334 07-12-94 RAWCOPY PC V.1.0 from MSI. RAYMAN.RAR 4509 22-07-97 RAYMAN +3 BYTEPATCH TRAINER (c) 1995 by Hybrid Trainer Division Choose Your Options: - unlimited lives - unlimited energy - disable sprite collision RA_RULES.RAR 67278 22-07-97 Red Alert RE110CRK.RAR 117284 07-12-94 110% Crack for Reunion Grab this RB! ÒìÒ Leeched for you by RtA ÒìÒ REAC_QDC.RAR 4114 11-05-93 Reach for the skies READJRRT.RAR 12300 23-01-95 . /| . / |_____|\ __ |___ ____| \ | |___|_|\ \ __ | \ ____|\ \ _ \ | ||| |_/ / | | |____||\ |\__/ / / | | \| | | \ \ \ | | |__| | \|×THE×|_____/ ×TERRORIZERS× ×ASSAULT BRIGADE× --------------- FoR All FaNS Of J.R.R.T. TTAB PRESENT BeSTiaRy of MiDDLe-EaRTH CReaTuREs, PeoPles of MiDDLe-EaRTH, GloSSARy of NaMes. RED-ED.RAR