                                 plus all files needed for other platforms.
                                           --- NEW FEATURES IN v1.46: --- |
                                 Native OS/2 setup program,  more groups, |
                                 more areas,  enhanced AreaFix functions  |
                                 and much more!       [Shareware, $15/25] |
                                         Copyright (c) 1991-1997 by
                                 Software Technik Burchhardt, Waltrop, FRG.
FE146PL1.RAR     53077 05-04-97  ------------------------------------------
                                 ## --------- FastEcho 1.46pl1 --------- ##
                                 This is a patch from the original FastEcho
                                 1.46 release to patch level 1.  Fixes PACK
                                 -P ignoring NetMail messages with  several
                                 ^aFLAGS set (Binkley-style outbound only!)
                                 Needs BUpdate (BUPD124A.RAR) to apply .BDF
                                         Copyright (c) 1991-1997 by
                                 Software Technik Burchhardt, Waltrop, FRG.
FE146X.RAR      655857 04-04-97  ------------------------------------------
                                 ## ---------- FastEcho v1.46 ---------- ##
                                 Very  fast FTN mail processor for  Hudson-
                                 (aka QBBS), JAM-, Squish- and  Fido/*.MSG-
                                 style messagebases.    [Shareware, $15/25]
                                 Includes DPMI executables  only,  requires
                                 full package (FE146.RAR)  to  run !!!  Now
                                 also featuring 32 bit version of FESetup.
                                         Copyright (c) 1991-1997 by
                                 Software Technik Burchhardt, Waltrop, FRG.
FE2RA.RAR        10376 28-11-95   ÍÈÈÈÍêÈÈÈÈÉêÈÈÈÈÉ   C×y×b×e×r×W×a×r×e
                                 ÍÈÈ êêÇÇÈÈÈ  ÇÈÈÈ
                                 ÈÈÈÈÍÍÈÉÈÈÉ Í ÈÈÉ  +  FastEcho 1.3x to  +
                                 êÈÈÈÈÈÈÇÈÈÈÈÈÈÈê   | Remote Access 2.0x |
                                   êêêê   êêêêê     | msg area converter |
                                 +------------------+      Fe2Ra 0.3     |
                                 | ë Converts FastEcho areas definitions |
                                 |   to Remote Access format.            |
                                 | ë Allows to override certain RA area  |
                                 |   settings and flags.                 |
                                 | ë Zorch! [tm] Three times faster than |
                                 |   competitive analogs.                |
                                 | ë Full Jam support. FreeWare!         |
                                 +                               more... +
FEBBS196.RAR    430414 29-04-95  see name
FEKIL147.RAR    162737 13-02-96  FeKill V1.47
                                 Maintenance tool for FastEcho 1.45(a)
                                 -Deletes and unlinks "dead" echos
                                 -Notifies downlinks of "dead" echos
                                 -Announces new areas
                                 and many more features
FETOO145.RAR    102286 29-10-95  shit
FETORA.RAR       37986 22-07-97  FE  to  RA  v 0.02
                                 converts your FastEcho Rev 5 config
                                 into your RemoteAccess 2.x config.
                                 Full access to all FastEcho and
                                 RemoteAccess options simply by a
                                 text-based config file.
FEXRA101.RAR     33720 22-07-97  +===         FExRA Version 1.01         ===+
                                 I FExRA creates your RemoteAccess message  I
                                 I base files using your Fastecho config    I
                                 I file. Areas are transferred by Fastecho  I
                                 I Group in the order in which you specify. I
                                 I FExRA also allows you to insert and      I
                                 I delete areas from your RemoteAccess      I
                                 I message base; a handy utility in itself! I
                                 I Works with JAM areas. Compatible with FE I
                                 I 1.45 and RA 2.02 to 2.50. Shareware by   I
                                 I Donald Kerr, Sysop, Firelink BBS,        I
                                 I Glasgow, Scotland. +44-1698-854685       I
FHM0_99F.RAR    208023 23-06-97  +=======================+
                                 I  +--+           +-+   I
                                 |  +-+ +-+- + ++-++     |
                                 |  + +-+ +-++-++  +-+   |
                                 | + ++-++-+++-+-++-++-+ |
                                 I +-++-+|  ++++  ++++-+ I
                                 | + ++ ++-++ ++-+++---+ |
                                 |   +7-812-235-5928     |
                                 |     2:5030/287.0      |
                                 |     Fhmail 0.99f2     |
                                 |   BinkStyle Mailer    |
                                 |      DOS version      |
FIDO.RAR         44818 07-09-97  COOL GAME!!! :)))))))))))
FIDORUS.RAR       5439 25-12-96  COOL FIDO Converter ;)
                                 v1.0 (c)) V.Vainshtein
FILANN2.RAR      15083 23-06-97  FILin Announcer ver 2.1 beta (DOS/OS2)
FILELIST.RAR      3471 18-10-95  filelist maker
FILES.RAR         8377 01-04-95  for Maximus
FILGEN53.RAR    284762 27-01-97  FileList Generator ver. 5.3
FILIN11R.RAR    104693 15-03-97  fileechoprocessor
FILINB06.RAR    106810 29-07-97  FILin 1.2 Beta 06 -- fileecho processor (DOS/OS2/W32). Update to FILin 1.1.
FILTER.RAR       40770 05-08-97  FILter, ßàØÜÞçÚÐ ÔÛï FILinÐ
                                 ¿Þ ãÚÐ×ÐÝÝëÜ ÜÐáÚÐÜ íå Ø äÐÙÛÞÒ,
                                 ÒëßÞÛÝÕÝØÕ ÞßàÕÔÕÛÕÝÝëå ÚÞÜÐÔÝëå
                                 äÐÙÛÞÒ. Inc _ONLY_ OS/2.exe + Docs
                                 NEW!!! ´ÞÑÐÒÛÕÝ ÜÐÚàÞá %C ÔÛï ÚÞÜÜÕÝâÐàØï
                                 Vladimir Kiselev, 2:5050/26
FIPSS.RAR       844557 08-07-96  F.I.P.S. Windows 95 / Windows NT
                                 * V0.95, Intern.Public Release *
                                 | The ultimative Point-Mailer  |
                                 |   for Win95 and Win/NT       |
                                 | Complete point-Packet with   |
                                 | EMSI-mailer, 32Bit tosser    |
                                 | and colored mailreader.      |
                                 | Context sensitive online help|
                                 | Very simple quick setup,     |
                                 | optimized 32 Bit C++ Code    |
                                 | multithreaded, integrated    |
                                 | nodelist/nodediff compiler   |
                                 | capi support, poll scheduler.|
                                 | Now with call acception,     |
                                 | multimedia support and a     |
                                 | very lot of other features.  |
                                 | Featured in PC-Online and c't|
                                 Ä>Shareware with free Upgrades<µ
FIXPNT.RAR        5692 26-08-96  ÔÛï ßÞÙÝâÛØáâÞÒ ãâØÛÐ
FLAME2R3.RAR     22799 26-08-96  FLaMe 2.0 rev 3 - very simple, fast
                                 and good enough filelist maker.
                                  ç No BBS software required at all
                                  ç Maximus configuration import
                                  ç Orphan files adopting
                                  ç FILE_ID.DIZ extraction
                                  ç Smart files skipping
FLASH30.RAR      87993 19-03-95  News File Generator
FLIST101.RAR     38639 10-02-97  filelist maker
FLSTD200.RAR    445359 07-07-97  FastLst 2.00 DOS 32
                                 The ultimate V7+ Nodelist processor.
                                 Supports the new V7+ extensions !
                                 Fully automated processing and
                                 maintenance, no need for clumsy batch
                                 Can report to Squish or *.MSG areas,
                                 multitasking friendly, many options.
FM18B.RAR       372869 29-05-97  +--------------------------------------------+
                                 |   BBS Files Manager V1.8B/DOS/DPMI/OS/2    |
                                 |      Full Maximus and T-Mail support.      |
                                 |   Bild filelist, bestlist, add counters,   |
                                 | delete offline files description, delete   |
                                 | dup description, reformat files.bbs,upcase |
                                 | file names. CD-ROM filearea support.       |
                                 |    Andrej Ostrouhov  2:5020/685@FidoNet    |
                                 +----------> Have a nice filelist! <---------+
FM19B.RAR       340188 25-09-97  +==-- ëë --=µ *NEW* *VER$ION* Ä=--- ëë --==+
                                 I   _BBS__Files_Manager_ v1.9B.DPMI.O$/2   I
                                 | Full /Maximus/ 3.01 and /T-Mail/ support |
                                 ë Bild filelist, newlist, bestlist, delete I
                                 | 0ffline files description, add counters, I
                                 |delete dup description, reformat files.bbs|
                                 +upcase file names. CD-R0M filearea support|
                                 |& more other usefull feature... *TRY_IT!* ë
                                 I (C) Andrej Ostrouhov 2:5020/685@FidoNet  I
                                 +==--ë-==> Have a nice filelist! <==--Ì--==+
FQS-0405.RAR     34096 26-08-96  ¶--------------------------------------·
                                 IFaqServer VerSion 0.2/beta (05-Apr-96)I
                                 Á{By ComputerSoft}-----[Fido 2:461/555]½
FREQCM.RAR        9724 22-07-97  FreqCM Manager
FREQSERV.RAR     23917 31-01-96  +---------------------------------------+
                                 | FREQSERVER v1.05b                     |
                                 | Robot for requests from your station, |
                                 | Bink-style & Arcmail-Attach supp.     |
FRIP16D.RAR     236520 23-02-96  ÔÛï ÝÐáâàÞÙÚØ àÞãâØÝÓÐ
FRIP_B0.RAR       8516 03-10-95  ÔÛï ÝÐáâàÞÙÚØ àÞãâØÝÓÐ
FS050.RAR       179182 14-03-97  FidoSoup 0.50 Soup<>PKT convertor
                                 This is a versatile gateway for
                                 personnal users. It does not only
                                 Soup to PKT and reverse, but also
                                 Pkt to UUCP format. Free for
                                 personnal users.
FSTAT147.RAR     67171 14-01-97  FeStat 1.47
                                 -little statistic-tool for Fastecho
                                 -requires Fastecho >= 1.45 and
                                  a FD-Style logfile
                                 (c) 1993-97 by Volker Imre
FSTTB147.RAR     33547 14-01-97  FeStatB 1.47
                                 -little statistic-tool for Fastecho
                                 -requires Fastecho >= 1.45 and
                                  a Binkley-Style logfile
                                 (c) 1993-97 by Volker Imre
GC_G0316.RAR     40177 22-07-97  Ã====================================¸
                                 |ÈȲ²±±°° GCreate 1.10.G0316 °°±±²²ÈÈ|
                                 | Ultimate new areas manager (auto-  |
                                 | creater) for Gecho 1.01+/1.02+.    |
                                 | Powerful uplink manager, new area  |
                                 | notifications (QBBS/FIDO/JAM),     |
                                 | autocreating in JAM/QBBS/Passthru, |
                                 | autoupdating SuperBBS 1.17 config, |
                                 | and much much more!                |
                                 |ç   (C) 1993-1994, Serge Dubakov   ç|
                                 |ç  Absolutely free! Give it a try! ç|
GECH102R.RAR    283782 19-09-97  GECHO 102+ - Registered Version -
                                 I've also included a reg calculator
                                 program that should work with this new
                                 version. Thee BEST mailer tosser today!!!
                                      -=çBaZeRKaç TOXiC í CONTOUR ç=-
                                      -=çBaZeRKaç TOXiC í CONTOUR ç=-
GED300A5.RAR    341323 01-05-97  GoldED 3.00.Alpha5 "BUG TERMINATOR" :-)
                                 By Odinn Sorensen, FidoNet 2:236/77.
                                 Many bugs fixed and features done.
                                 Requires an existing setup.
GEDSCOL.RAR       2043 22-07-97  GoldED 2.50   StyleColor Config
                                 Include GedSCol.cfg to golded.cfg
GEM250B5.RAR    140790 13-03-95  Manual and advanced cfg. for Golded 2.50.Beta5
GEMA0611.RAR     25203 22-07-97  for Golded
GEN250.RAR       86075 22-07-97  GoldNODE 2.50 for GoldED.
                                 The GoldED Mail Editor for FidoNet is
                                 Copyright (C) Odinn Sorensen, 2:236/77.
                                 Shareware Evaluation Public Release.
                                 Release archives:
                                 * GED250.ZIP  DOS version.
                                 * GEO250.ZIP  OS/2 version.
                                 * GEX250.ZIP  386 prot.mode version.
                                 * GEM250.ZIP  Manual and advanced cfg.
                                 * GEN250.ZIP  GoldNODE compilers.
GEN300A4.RAR    178860 18-03-97  GoldNode - NodeList Compiler
GEX300A5.RAR    418509 06-05-97  GoldED 3.00.Alpha5 "BUG TERMINATOR" :-)
                                 By Odinn Sorensen, FidoNet 2:236/77.
                                 Many bugs fixed and features done.
                                 Requires an existing setup.
GE_120C.RAR     625197 22-02-97  GEcho commercial with key
GIFLINK.RAR     156525 20-05-94  ßàÞâÞÚÞÛ
GOLDEDRU.RAR    102317 22-07-97  GolDed 2.50 beta 5 áßpÐÒÞçÝÞÕ pãÚÞÒÞÔáâÒÞ
                                 ÝÐ pãááÚÞÜ
GOLDKORR.RAR     33288 18-08-97  ¿àÞÒÕàÚÐ ÞàäÞÓàÐäØØ Ò ´ÕÔÕ
GOLDVIEW.RAR     29018 22-07-97  Viewer
HDR_10.RAR       15063 21-01-96  +----------------------------------·
                                 |ÃâØÛØâÐ ÔÛï ÞÑpÐÑÞâÚØ äÐÙÛÞÒ (áÚÐ-I
                                 |ÝØàÞÒÐÝØÕ  Ø ÒáâÐÒÚÐ  Ò files.bbs)I
                                 |ÍâÐ ãâØÛØâÐ  ØáßÞÛì×ãÕâáï ÒÜÕáâÕ áI
                                 |AUTOUUE, ÕcÛØ âÐÜ ÒëcâÐÒÛÕÝÐ ÞßæØïI
                                 |ÓÕÝÕpØpÞÒÐÝØï ÔÕcÚpØßèÕÝÞÒ.       I
                                 |        Version 1.0               I
                                 |                                  I
                                 | [*] File_Id.Diz import           I
                                 | [*] Flexible config              I
                                 |                                  I
                                 |     °ÒâÞà - 2:5002/21.1          I
HDR_11.RAR       17334 29-01-96  +------ Header_Insertion v1.1 -----·
                                 |  AutoUUE header-files inserter   I
                                 |in files.bbs compatible file basesI
                                 | [è] binkley style log support    I
                                 | [è] file_id.diz import           I
                                 | [è] flexible config              I
                                 | [è] user defined archivers       I
                                 | [è] not packed size 12880b       I
                                 | CopyLeft (?) 1996, Max V. Popov  I
                                 Â=== 2:5002/21.1 == use freely ====+
HLDCHK16.RAR    135732 17-09-97  ¶----
                                 I  HldChk: Top holders generator
                                 I for Binkley outbound / fileboxes
                                   Generate reports to Squish/Fido
                                            message bases
                                     DOS32 & OS2 version + sources
                                   Copyright (c) 1997               I
                                   Voodoo Bytepecker // D$C    v1.6 I
IG_W32.RAR       60659 25-04-97  ----====<IGATOR v1.2 / Win32>====-----
                                 Two-way Internet<->Fido e-mail gateway
                                 Copyright (C) 1997 RIT Research Labs.
                                 Allows to provide e-mail addresses for
                                 unlimited number of FidoNet(tm) users,
                                 mailing via SMTP and POP3 protocols.
IM185G1.RAR     641544 25-03-97  IMAIL-386 1.85 G 1
                                 Released January 1997
                                 Copyright (C) 1992-1997 by Andreas Klein
                                 PUBLIC GAMMA VERSION - USE ON YOUR OWN RISK!
                                 IMAIL is a full-featured echo mail
                                 processor which offers lots of features
                                 to its users. This includes one of the
                                 most powerful area-managements currently
                                 available and support for four wide-
                                 spreaded message base types (QBBS,
                                 Squish, JAM and *.MSG).
IM225REG.RAR    670054 23-12-94  À ¶-+¶À+À-+À-+¶-À-+¶-+À À
                                 I I | I ³- ³++I I |³-+I I
                                 ¿ ¿ + ¿ ¿-+¿+ ¿ ¿ +¿ +¿ ¿-+
                                 InterMail 2.25 FULL Install
INB_MGR.RAR      12042 15-05-95  +------------------------+
                                 |-=Crack Soft presents:=-|
                                 | Bink/+ Inbound Manager |
INIT-200.RAR     33873 22-07-97  .......Modem Init Strings v2.00.......
                                 Database contains more than 400 strings
                                 Search quickly your modem init - string
                                 With a print to paper option
INIT-ALL.RAR     77859 22-02-95  <ASP> Modem Init Strings - The Final Release
                                 Bugs Fixed.  Supports now ALL graphics cards
                                 Database contains 1275 Modem Init Strings
ITR13DG1.RAR    123164 06-03-96  Docs & Cfgs
ITR13EG1.RAR    384032 19-11-95  ITRACK w/o docs
ITR13EG6.RAR    389404 19-06-97  ITRACK w/o docs
JFRQ103P.RAR    235718 12-10-96  JFReq v1.03 (DOS) - External file request
                                 processor for FrontDoor, MainDoor, T-Mail,
                                 Intermail or SRIF compatible mailers. DOS &
                                 OS/2 Native versions. Supports Remote
                                 Access (2.0x and 2.50), Maximus and any
                                 other BBS systems based on FILES.BBS. Five
                                 types of session: Secure, Listed, Unlisted,
                                 VIP systems and a Happy Hour period,
                                 defining file lists and limits separately.
                                 File Password, Download Counter Support and
                                 Speed-up index in Remote Access, automatic
                                 Download Counter support for Maximus and
                                 FILES.BBS. TIC file support and Carbon Copy
                                 to Sysop. On-line program execution as part
                                 of the FReq process. By Jordi Sese (Fidonet
KILLCOMM.RAR      6017 09-03-97  Kill comment in Moscow pointlist
KMAIL11.RAR      18744 22-07-97  KMail  1.1 - kill empty fileattaches
                                 and sent mails in NETMAIL directory.
                                 Multi-directories   support,  pascal
                                 source included.
KNGCNV14.RAR     11025 22-07-97  From Alexey Kulentsov, 2:5020/216.6
                                 King Konverter 1.4 - ¿ÞØáÚ Ø ×ÐÜÕÝÐ
                                 ÔÛï ÛîÑëå äÐÙÛÞÒ, ÑëáâàÞ, á Insert.
KNIFE110.RAR     41360 22-07-97  FileSplitter for RA
LOGSTAT.RAR      11118 18-05-97  ³ÕÝÕàÐâÞà áâÐâØáâØÚØ ßÞ ÞÚÞÝçÐÝØî áÕááØØ, by Sergey Erechinsky
LR.RAR           15037 23-01-96  listRobot ver 1.025b NY
                                  ÃâØÛØâÐ ÔÛï ÞÑàÐÑÞâÚØ ßàØåÞÔïéØå ÐàåØÒÞÒ NOD
                                  Ø POINT ÛØáâÞÒ,
                                  Ð âÐÚ ÖÕ "ÒëàÕ×ÞÚ" Ø× ÝØå.
                                  Copyright 1995 by Ivan Chuikov 2:4657/9.3@fidonet
LSERVER.RAR      20217 06-06-97  -----========================-----
                                 += Library Server from  Lost_Paradise =+
                                 I          version 1.0 Beta            I
                                 I CopyRight (c)     1997   Dmitry Guts I
                                 I            * FREEWARE *              I
                                 I  ! Nice FIDO Computer library soft!  I
                                  LibServer - ¿àÞÓàÐÜÜÐ ßÞ×ÒÞÛïîéÐï  ²ÐÜ
                                  ÞàÓÐÝØ×ÞÒÐâì ÝÐ áÒÞÕÜ ã×ÛÕ  ÑØÑÛØÞâÕÚã
                                  Ú ÚÞâÞàÞÙ ÜÞÓãâ Ñëâì ßàØáÛÐÝë ×ÐßàÞáë.
LWBULL12.RAR     46684 22-07-97  LWBULL v1.2  ** LlanoWare **
                                 Bulletin/News door, shows users
                                 what news/bulletin files have been
                                 updated since their last logon.
                                 Can be used multiple times for
                                 showing any files.  Supports most
                                 RA 2.00 codes.  Once registered you
                                 can specify individual files as
                                 MANDATORY reading!
                                 **** For RemoteAccess 2.00 ONLY! ****
LWBULL13.RAR     49416 22-07-97  LWBULL v1.3  ** LlanoWare **
                                 Bulletin/News door, shows users
                                 what news/bulletin files have been
                                 updated since their last logon.
                                 Can be used multiple times for
                                 showing any files.  Supports most
                                 RA 2.00 codes.  Once registered you
                                 can specify individual files as
                                 MANDATORY reading!
                                 **** For RemoteAccess 2.00 ONLY! ****
LWMENU10.RAR     53393 22-07-97  LWMENU v1.0  ** LlanoWare **
                                 Remote Sysop's Menu Editor.
                                 LWMENU will allow you to edit any
                                 existing menus for any valid
                                 languages you have installed. You
                                 may also create new menus, add
                                 additional lines to existing menus
                                 and delete lines from existing menus.
                                 **** For RemoteAccess 2.00 ONLY! ****
LWMENU12.RAR     64956 22-07-97  LWMENU v1.2  ** LlanoWare **
                                 Remote Sysop's Menu Editor.
                                 LWMENU will allow you to edit any
                                 existing menus for any valid
                                 languages you have installed. You
                                 may also create new menus, add
                                 additional lines to existing menus
                                 and delete lines from existing menus.
                                 **** For RemoteAccess 2.00 ONLY! ****
LWUSER10.RAR     55427 22-07-97  LWUSER v1.0  ** LlanoWare **
                                 Remote Sysop's User Editor.
                                 LWUSER will allow you to edit any
                                 existing users, add users or delete
                                 existing users.   Now has added
                                 search features and LWComments!
                                 **** For RemoteAccess 2.00 ONLY! ****
LWUSER12.RAR     61266 22-07-97  LWUSER v1.2  ** LlanoWare **
                                 Remote Sysop's User Editor.
                                 LWUSER will allow you to edit any
                                 existing users, add users or delete
                                 existing users.   Now has added
                                 search features and LWComments!
                                 **** For RemoteAccess 2.00 ONLY! ****
MD_60.RAR       158099 11-05-95  Modem Doctor 6.0S,modem/uart diagnostics
                                 The premier modem/uart system utility.
                                 Ver 6 tests ports, IRQ's, & modem self-
                                 connect tests, handshake tests & more
                                 than 60 others. Support for IRQ 2-15,
                                 Digiboards, Burst tests measure thruput
                                 and handshaking, ID's all active IRQ's
                                 motherboard type and much more!
MED037.RAR     1254590 22-07-97  MadmED - 3 versions
MESS12B.RAR      37106 22-03-96  MESSMATE.ZIP v1.2 beta
                                 (C) Klim Arbuzov 2:5030/350
                                 . . /\ . . /\ . . /\ . . /\ .
                                  . / /  . /  \ . /  \ . /  \ .
                                 . /  \/\ / /\ \ / /\ \  \/\ \
                                  / /\  // / / //  \ \//\ \ \/
                                  \/ / / \ \/ / \/\/ . \ \/\  .
                                 .  / / . \  / . Old  . \  / .
                                  . \/ . . \/ . Khroft . \/ . .
                                 easy tool for making faqserver
MESS13B3.RAR     39967 06-10-96  MESSMATE v1.3-beta-3     1o/1o
                                 . . /\ . . /\ . . /\ . . /\ .
                                  . / /  . /  \ . /  \ . /  \ .
                                 . /  \/\ / /\ \ / /\ \  \/\ \
                                  / /\  // / / //  \ \//\ \ \/
                                  \/ / / \ \/ / \/\/ . \ \/\  .
                                 .  / / . \  / . Old  . \  / .
                                  . \/ . . \/ . Khroft . \/ . .
                                 easy tool for making faqserver
                                 freeware [free registration]
                                 (C) Klim Arbuzov 2:5030/350
MIME64B.RAR      32129 17-02-95  encode/decode
MIMEFILE.RAR     83206 19-03-95  -----------------------------------------------------------------
                                 MIMEFILE Mime base 64 conversion utility for DOS, OS/2 and UNIX
MKFB.EXE          6544 27-04-97  make file-box
MNTR211.RAR     295710 07-07-97  MNTrack 2.11 Netmail Tracker
MNTR2121.RAR    275434 21-08-97  MNTrack 2.12 Netmail Tracker
MNTR300.RAR     338592 30-09-97* MNTrack 3.00 Netmail Tracker
MODEMD52.RAR    130230 22-07-97  ******** Modem Doctor 5.2S *************
                                 Modem Doctor 5.2S, the premier modem,uar
                                 diagnostic utility. Tests ports, IRQ set
                                 self-connect modem tests, handshake test
                                 and more than 60 others. Ver 5.2 adds aa
                                 command  line switch /Q that allows user
                                 to  toggle IRQ diagnostics off. Contains
                                 tech reference manual, user manual.
MPACK15D.RAR     33612 28-02-95  Mime64
MSGEXP.RAR       27973 26-08-96  Message Exporter. Version Alpha 0.50.
                                 (c) Alex Tjapukhin AKA ACE. 1996.
MSGMAN.RAR       23353 22-07-97  FIDO-Style MSG-board robot & FAQ-server v. 1.97
                                 -------+- (C) by Kulentsov A.V. 1996 (2:4657/6)
MSGPACK.RAR      22439 18-02-97  tools
MSTAT12.RAR      11790 22-07-97  MStat v1.2 by MerlinSoft (c) 1996
                                   Statistics generator  for  T-Mail
                                 2:5020/667@fidonet; 963:1/555@viwanet
                                    Ivan Alexandrow AKA Duke Merlin
MSTAT13.RAR       9784 22-07-97  + MStat v1.3 by MerlinSoft (c) 1996 +
                                 I Statistics generator  for  T-Mail I
                                 2:5020/667@fidonet; 963:1/555@viwanet
                                 I  Ivan Alexandrow AKA Duke Merlin  I
MT333.RAR       149484 21-09-97  MsgTrack 3.33
MTA_VF58.RAR    572982 30-07-97  MTA  Make Them Anything V 15.58 Minor Rel.
                                 DISP software: MTA -- Make Them Anything
                                 Version/Date : V 15.58 / August 14th, 1994
                                 MTA is a conversion utility to convert al-
                                 most any archive and/or GIF to another for-
                                 mat. It contains special support for BBS's,
                                 exits, doors and such. Also you can check
                                 for virus inside the archives while you
                                 convert. Add-on utilities included !! Also
                                 included is support for FileDoor (LITE and
                                 This version adds:
                                 * RAR support
                                 * UC2r2 volume-label support
                                 * Virtual volume labels for archivers that
                                   don't support volume-labels
                                 * Some bug-fixes
MTIC162D.RAR    754789 08-09-97  +----------------------------------------·
                                 | ²ÈÈÈêÈêÈ êêÈÈÈÈêê  êêê ²ÈÈÈêÈ  DOS/16M I
                                 | ±ÈÈÈ   È   ÈÈÈ°   ÈÈÈ° ±ÈÈÈ    DPMI    I
                                 | ÈÈÈÈ   È   ÈÈȱ   ÈÈȱ ÈÈÈÈÍÈ          I
                                 | MegaTIC  -  THE  MAXIMUM TIC-PROCESSOR I
                                 | Version 1.62.00   DPMI [fr]   09/01/97 I
                                 | NEW: Some important bugfixes           I
                                 |      New passthrough-clean method      I
                                 |      Registrations now by creditcard   I
                                 |      Visa,Diners,EuroCard,MasterCard   I
                                 | THE DIRECT-FILEBASE TICPROCESSOR FOR   I
                                 | RA, PBoard, EzyCom, Maximus, Shotgun,  I
                                 | Concord and all FILES.BBS Systems      I
                                 | - Direct filebase-support w/o convert  I
                                 | - Up to 16000 AKAs, echos and groups   I
                                 | - SAA-setup. Dupe-Checking             I
                                 | - Arc-convert/vir-scan/unwanted-check  I
                                 | - Very flexible announcements          I
                                 | + Very fast file-requestprocessor      I
                                 |   for McMail, CL, FD, IM, MD, Binkley  I
                                 | + Flexible filelist generator          I
                                 | + Upload scanner with arc-convert,     I
                                 |   virus-scanner, JPG/GIF-specification I
                                 | + FileFinder local and via echomail    I
                                 | + Doc & onlinehelp in german & english I
                                 |ç and much much more....     GET IT !   I
                                 | fido    : MEGATIC                      I
                                 | internet: http://home.pages.de/~dimes  I
                                 |ç FReq <MTIC> for DOS, <MTIC2> for OS/2 I
                                 |  2:2449/528  2400-28800      V34,VFC   I
                                 |  2:2449/529  64000           ISDN      I
                                 Â=== Copyright (c) 1995-97 by DiMeS =====+
MTRAC12B.RAR     38711 16-03-97  MiniTracker
NDLIFE15.RAR     59331 17-08-96  for nodediff
NET.RAR          16457 05-02-96  tool for nodelist
NETG4.RAR       182701 22-07-97  NetMgr 1.00.g4; Copy, move, delete,
                                 change, file, bounce, etc. netmail,
                                 based on the message header/body.
                                 JAM, Squish, Hudson and *.MSG formats
                                 supported. DOS version.
NETG4P.RAR      148856 22-07-97  NetMgr 1.00.g4; Copy, move, delete,
                                 change, file, bounce, etc. netmail,
                                 based on the message header/body.
                                 JAM, Squish, Hudson and *.MSG formats
                                 supported. OS/2 version.
NEWS.RAR         14604 03-11-95  News processor for UUPC  v0.99 beta
                                 Copyright (C) Kataev I.S. 1995
NICE100.RAR     312839 16-02-97  +===================================+
                                 |                                   |
                                 | ²±  ±°   ²±°²±°   ²±°²±°   ²±°²±° |
                                 | ²±° ±°     °²     ²±  ±°   ²±     |
                                 | ²±°²±°     °²     ²±       ²±°²   |
                                 | ²± ²±°     °²     ²±  ±°   ²±     |
                                 | ²±  ±°   ²±°²±°   ²±°²±°   ²±°²±° |
                                 |                                   |
                                 |         The Nice Tosser           |
                                 |              v1.00                |
                                 |   ARA Copyright (C) 1995,96,97    |
                                 |   Agababyan Robert Association    |
                                 |        2:5020/234@FidoNet         |
                                 |                                   |
NICE10G.RAR     191529 22-07-97  +===================================+
                                 |                                   |
                                 | ²±  ±°   ²±°²±°   ²±°²±°   ²±°²±° |
                                 | ²±° ±°     °²     ²±  ±°   ²±     |
                                 | ²±°²±°     °²     ²±       ²±°²   |
                                 | ²± ²±°     °²     ²±  ±°   ²±     |
                                 | ²±  ±°   ²±°²±°   ²±°²±°   ²±°²±° |
                                 |                                   |
                                 |         The Nice Tosser           |
                                 |           v1.00 GAMMA             |
                                 |    ARA Copyright (C) 1995,96      |
                                 |   Agababyan Robert Assotiation    |
                                 |        2:5020/234@FidoNet         |
                                 |                                   |
NLSTRIP1.RAR     19764 11-09-97  Fidonet nodelist stripper
                                 nlstrip v1.0 by Mikel Lavrentyev
                                 Copyright (c) 1993 MikDim s/h company,
NOFFL110.RAR     13607 22-07-97  +==-- No OffLine  V1.10 --==+
                                 I                           I
                                 I      ¿ÞØáÚ Ø ãÔÐÛÕÝØÕ     I
                                 I  OffLine'ÝÞÒëå äÐÙÛÞÒ Ø×  I
                                 I   FILES.BBS Ò ãÚÐ×ÐÝÝëå   I
                                 I ÚÐâÐÛÞÓÐå (ÝÐ ÒáÕÜ ÔØáÚÕ) I
                                 I                           I
                                 I  Written by Slava Pavlov  I
                                 I(2:5030/316.7 2:5030/267.8)I
                                 I (c) S+