of the systemic filling in does not assist in their well-timed solution; to the unsolved
today in this or that hypersystem problems of arisen deficit and shortage there will be
added automatically besides somebody's will in much more quantity tomorrow's problems,
increasing in the hypersystem the negative systemic-organisational potential, and by
that destabilising its social homeostasis. The Matter does not know rest, it is always
in motion. Such is the logic of its Dialectics. That is why nowadays as never before it
is necessary to concentrate the most intent attention on the potential possibilities of
the fng. unit of the level K - the Man, the organising ability of the cerebrum of
whom is playing at the hypersystemic level a more and more dominating role both in the
solution of accumulating hypersystemic problems through 'the cognition of this necessity'
and in the prolongation of the Evolution of Matter as a whole.
Thus, man is the most complex self-regulating functional
system that arose as a result of the long synthesis of fnl. systems of all previous
sublevels. Man is the organisational peak of systems of all sublevels, extended under
him. His organism includes a great number of heterofunctional subsystems, the organs
and tissues of which constitute combinations of organic cells various by structure and
functions. Those ones in their turn it is possible to partition into molecules, carrying
various fnl. loads and consisting from a strictly definite number of various atoms. Atoms
themselves constitute precisely designated systems of various subatomic particles, being
complex combinations of various quarks. And so on till zero vibration of vacuum and
lower... But lower our knowledge is powerless yet to go down. All that the most grandiose
interlacement of systems and subsystems of various organisational levels is interacting
precisely between themselves within spatial-temporal intervals, submitting to acting
at every level own strictly definite regularities of organisational development, being
dictated by a growth of the negative systemic potential and regulating the order of the
filling in of each fnl. cell with an appropriate fng. unit capable of realising a set of
algorithms inherent in a given fnl. cell.
Despite its relative autonomy the system of man's organism
is in a permanent interlink with the environment. From there air, water and food enter
the organism regularly for the metabolic processes going in it. Man's food is a broad
combination of disintegrated components of organisms of the first and second generations,
from which he synthesises various fng. units for the filling in fnl. cells of his
subsystemic structures. The broader the spectrum of natural components being consumed
by him is, that is of those which the human organism adapted itself to assimilate over
many thousands of years, the more various the reactions of metabolism going within it
are, and the more complete is the set of fng. units being synthesised for the filling
in fnl. cells. That is why man in his nutrition has emphasised fruits of plants and
meat-milk articles, having a big enumeration of subelements and undergoing easily his
intrasystemic treatment. On the contrary, a simplified set of components or their
artificial synthesising, making it difficult for the organism to split them, can break
metabolic reactions, as a result of which some kinds of fng. units would remain
unreproduced and a part of fnl. cells - not filled at all or filled in with ersatz
units. All that, as it is known, leads to the increase of the negative potential of the
system of a given organism and can be a reason for its illness or even death. Therefore
it is necessary to devote a special systemic research to the problems of nourishment,
as also to the problems, for example, of alcoholism, smoking, etc., being the consequences
of the action of the negative potential of much developed in some organisms' subsystems
specialised on the splitting of alcohol or nicotine, requiring permanently for their fnl.
cells more and more new portions of fng. units - the 'raw materials' for working over.
One way or another, but to keep up his ability for active
functioning the man having 60 - 85 kgs of weight during his life is utilising (consuming,
eating, drinking) within 70 - 75 years on average about 40 tons of various foods and
as much again of water. Both the food and water being swallowed through the mouth are
undergoing in the man's organism the 100% treatment to fng. units and what is exuding
out of him is the conglomeration of elements of already worked off and decomposed fng.
units. Thus, during the man's life his organism is as if it were restored completely
1000 - 1200 times.
The everyday cycle of existence of the human organism lasting
24 hours is divided into periods of keeping awake and sleep. The period of keeping awake
includes the time of active functioning, taking food, receiving information and the time
for relaxation (restoration processes) as well as the unproductive and auxiliary spending
of time (standing in queues, going to a place of work and so on). The sleep of the man,
which includes the paradoxical and slow phases, bears not less by significance fnl. load,
connected mainly with nervous-psychical activity of the cerebrum, including the work of
the mechanism of memory as well as the recharging of bioaccumulative subsystems. That
is why the increasing of periods of active functioning, necessary rest, taking food and
sleeping influences positively on the coefficient of the effective use of every-day
balance of time of each fng. unit, and the growth of unproductive and auxiliary spending
of time - negatively. Thus, the everyday balance of time of each man is rather tense
and a relatively short period of time falls on the part of active functioning in a cell
of an appropriate fnl. pyramid. The maximum increase of this part without simultaneous
reduction of fnl. capabilities of fng. units - is one of the main tasks of the
rational organising.
Standing on the top of the systemic evolution of previous
organisational sublevels, the Man at the same time is situated at the foot of the
hypersystemic organisation of the following ones, filling in by himself fnl. cells
of their structures as a fng. unit. All known hyperorganisms are created by the
principle of being self-organised and self-regulated systems, however, as the basis
of interconnection between fnl. cells of each given structure as well as of the
regulation of alternation of an appropriate set of algorithms the biophysicochemical
processes, going constantly in the cerebrums of personificated group of people,
functioning as fng. units in its fnl. cells, are serving. Let us dwell briefly
on these processes.
It is known, that the most developed and evolutionary of the
youngest part of the cerebrum is its big hemispheres, occupying the largest part of the
man's cranium. On the outside the big hemispheres are covered with a thin layer of the
grey cerebral substance with the thickness of 3-4 mm - the cerebral cortex of the big
hemispheres, the surface of which in some people reaches 2500 cm2 (in a
chimpanzee - 560 cm2, in a dog - 130 cm2), while 2/3 of this
surface falls on the sides and the bottom of the fissures and only 1/3 is situated
on the surface. Under the cerebral cortex the white substance is disposed, consisting
of long sprouts of nervous cells - nerve-fibres, connecting various areas of the cortex
between themselves as well as the cortex itself with undercortex centres.
The cortex numbers until 100 milliards of neurones of various
dimensions, shape and structure. They are 'packed up' very tightly and thrifty (in 1
mm3 there are more than 30 thousand neurones) and constitute six layers that
differ by their functions. Owing to their sprouts and synapses the nervous cells of the
cortex come into numerous contacts with each other. The number of similar links in the
cortex is extremely great, if to take into consideration that the number of contacts of
each out of 100 milliards of nervous cells and its sprouts with other cells and their
sprouts can reach up to 6000. Therefore the cortex constitutes a single harmoniously
functioning whole. The nervous cells of the cortex cannot divide, that is to multiply.
A new-born baby has the same number of nervous cells as an adult organism. At the same
time, as from the age of 30-35 years old, the number of nervous cells that every man has,
is decreasing permanently: more than 50 thousand nervous cells are being destroyed every
day. The evolution of the cortex is going on the way of extension of its surface, the
complication of the structure of the cells and an increase in the number of contacts
between them.
The cerebral cortex is the direct material basis of the thinking
and consciousness of man, of his spirituality. In the cortex of both hemispheres of the
cerebrum the four parts are distinguished: frontal, occipital, sincipital and temporal.
The frontal lobes are the highest parts of the cerebrum. They appeared the latest during
the process of evolution and occupy with the man up to 30% of the cortex's surface, while
with a chimpanzee - 16, with a dog - 7, with a cat - 3 percent. The frontal lobes play the
most important role in the organisation of the purposeful activity, its subordination to
firm intentions, stimulating reasons (motives). The other parts are in charge of the
receiving, working over and storage of the information, coming from the correspondingly
irritated organs of sense.
The afferent nerve-fibres, coming to the cortex from lower parts
of the cerebrum, end mainly in the third and the fourth layers; only some of them span
also to the first layer as well. Because of the numerous links of the lower pyramidal
cells with the associative cells of the second and third layers they are receiving the
signals from the afferent nerve-fibres also through these cells. Thus, in the cerebral
cortex as well as in other parts of the nervous system, the neurones form closed cyclical
chains of various complexity. Each such chain has its group of afferent and efferent
fibres. In such a system an excitement can be extended in all directions, both from an
afferent fibre to an efferent one and vice versa, though in each link the impulses of
excitement go only in one direction: the dendrite
the body of a cell
the axon
the synapse
the dendrite and so on. All closed chains and other connections
of neurones are surrounded by a thick circuit of nervous sprouts, coming away from the
cells participating in nervous circles, forming the neuropile, the structure of which
numerous cells with short axons and much ramified dendrites also form. The
neurone-neuropile structure of the cerebral cortex does not resemble similar formations
in other parts of the nervous system; it is more developed, more highly organised and
is destined for the implementation of the most complex functions of the cerebral cortex
connected with the operating of the first, second, third and fourth signal subsystems,
responsible for the normal functioning of the organism itself, his stay in conditions of
environment, his interrelations with other people, his functioning as a fng. unit in some
fnl. cell of fnl. pyramids of the society as well as for the content of his inner world,
that is his capacity for perception, imagination, the formation of notions, images and
finally creativity.
The cerebrum receives the information about the environment and
the character of interaction with it through six organs of sense (eyesight, hearing, scent,
touch, taste and the perceiving part of skin-muscular irritations), constantly functioning
at periods of keeping awake of the organism in the mode of operation 'entry' of its
appropriate signal subsystems. For the perceiving of excitements from receptors of these
organs there are specialised analytical fnl. centres in the cortex, united into
a particular perceiving surface. Primitive fnl. centres of the cerebrum's first signal
subsystem were formed, as we have already mentioned above, with ancient representatives
of the animal world. The role of these centres was to take some or other 'decision', as
a reaction to this or that information-irritation, received from some organ. If the centre
after analysing the information took an incorrect decision, that is initiated an unproper
reaction, then the animal with such a centre sooner or later perished. Only those animals
were surviving, whose centres were giving out 'correct decisions'. By such a formula the
natural selection was and is being fulfilled until nowadays, being the efficacious
mechanism of the evolution. As subsystems of the organism were developing, the perfection
of specialised centres of the first signal subsystem was going on as well, but with the
appearance and perfecting of the second signal subsystem appropriate specialised centres
of the second signal subsystem also appeared and started their development. The
organisational structure of these centres became much more complex in comparison with
centres of the first signal subsystem as the functions being carried out by them became
of a higher order. To the main known centres of the second signal subsystem of the cortex
it is possible to attribute:
a) the speech-motor
centre of Broke, providing the possibility to speak,
b) the auditory-speech centre of Vernike,
providing the possibility to hear and understand someone else's speech,
c) the optic-speech centre of Degerina,
or the centre of reading and comprehension of speech in writing, and others.
In the cerebral cortex it is possible to pick out as well other
areas, or zones (groups of cells, distinguishing themselves by a specific form, size and
structure), the functions of which are linked with these or those psychical manifestations
of the organism. Therefore it is quite natural, that with the formation in due time in the
man's organism of the third, and later of the fourth signal subsystems, appropriate
specialised centres began arising in historically young layers of the frontal lobes of
his cerebrum's cortex, their structure being different to a considerable extent from the
centres of lower signal subsystems. Their main distinction is that their receptors are
situated not in the organs of sense, but in the specialised centres themselves of the
first and second signal subsystems. Owing to this these centres have very short afferent
and efferent fibres, but their number is relatively very great. Specialised centres of the
fourth signal subsystem spatially are located more distantly than centres of the third
signal subsystem and already have their receptors inside the latter ones. Thus, the higher
by its fnl. level a centre is, the more distantly it is situated from the primary fnl.
core of the cerebrum, and in the aggregate all centres constitute some kind of a pyramid
with the top directed downwards. On the very top of this pyramid the centres of the first
signal subsystem are located, regulating the function of the heart, the lungs, the
digestive system etc. These centres, vitally important for the man's organism, are hidden
safer than others in the cerebrum's depth and before all the rest receive nutrition through
the blood. Further to the pyramid's foundation the centres of the second, the third and
finally of the fourth signal subsystems are located.
Besides the difference in structure, the centres of the
highest signal subsystems are somewhat different in their character of functioning.
So, if the centres of the first and the second signal subsystems, operating by the
scheme: 'an irritation
the analysis
the reaction (a decision)
the action' and possessing practically a ready set of decisions,
spend, as a rule, seconds on the implementation of this psychical algorithm, then in the
centres of the third, but especially of the fourth signal subsystems, hours and days,
but sometimes months and years are spent for each phase. Moreover, many irritations of
the first and the second signal subsystems began to get and be worked over in the centres
of the third, but sometimes even of the fourth signal subsystems. That is why in the
character of functioning of specialised centres of the highest signal subsystems the
processes of the versatile working up of information are prevailing more and more on the
way of its analysis, comparison, estimation of possible decisions as well as of the working
out of new notions, associations and algorithms of action. Thus, the phase of 'associating,
creating' of a notion or a decision, being added into the scheme of centres' functioning,
turned out to be the most energy-consuming and long. Owing to this the functioning of these
centres becomes more and more associative, due to which it is possible to name them with
confidence the associative fnl. centres of the highest signal subsystems.
In accordance with the existing localisation of various centres
of nervous-psychical functions in certain parts of the cortex, its area has divided into
regions, in which the centres are united, that provide the normal functioning of both
the lowest and the highest signal subsystems of the cerebrum. So, apart from a relatively
small perceiving surface of the first signal subsystem, reacting to the most utilitarian
irritations, and a more significant optic-auditory area of the second signal subsystem,
in the process of the evolution of the human being the associative areas of the highest
signal subsystems, piercing more and more all the fnl. depth of the cerebrum, receive more
and more development in the cortex. Owing to this, a considerable part of the cortex begins
to serve as the basis for the man's intellectual-creative associations. Therefore, if with
apes a 1/3 of the surface of the whole cortex is free from direct perception, then with
some people this zone reaches and sometimes even exceeds 2/3.
The localisation of psychical functions reveals itself more
and more distinctly as the evolution of the cerebrum is going. At present more than 100
functionally different centres mainly of the first and the second signal subsystems are
known, running and controlling the going of these or those algorithms of subsystems both
inside the organism and outside it. It is quite natural that there are much more of these
centres due to the fact that, as we have already established, each centre 'serves' only
its own, strictly specific function inside or outside the organism, but there are many
and many hundreds, as it is known, of only outward functions, as all the social-production
activity, taking place around us, consists of some or other functions. But various people
have their own individual set of the cerebrum's centres, which are being reflected in the
personality of each man, his individual spirituality and professional capabilities, in
other words, forming that which usually considered as 'the spirit' of the human being. Due
to it people differ not only by the outward appearance of their face, but also by the inner
cast of mind providing their nervous-psychical ability to diverse functional activity,
being as if carriers of spectrums of the cerebrum's fnl. centres formed in them. So, in
spectrums of some people there are appropriate centres, enabling them to play musical
instruments and even to compose music, others do not have such centres. Some people are
able to learn foreign languages, others not, some can swim, others not, some can ride
a bicycle, others not, some can play chess, others not, some can draw up programs for
computers, others not, some can build houses, others not, etc.
As the evolution of Matter and its motion in quality-time
are going, a further differentiation, specialisation and localisation of functions in the
cerebral cortex of the man occurs, however, their simultaneous integration excludes a
separate functioning of certain areas of the cortex. Owing to this the cortex of the
big hemispheres combines the activity of individual centres into a single whole. In
accordance with requirements of the organisation of Matter more and more new fnl.
centres originate in the associative areas of the cortex, by that materialising the
motion in quality-time at the contemporary stage. Their formation happens from
an innumerable multitude of possible interneuronic connections, among which some tracks
are being singled out gradually, bringing about at first a relatively small number of
communications. Temporary fnl. connections (associations) are fixed the more strongly,
the more frequently they are recurring. They break original disconnection of neurones
and originate the whole ensembles, elements of which can be situated in various parts
of the cortex. As the whole volume of periodic information is being received, in the
cortex of the cerebrum the experience of every day is being fixed, which it is possible
to identify with the knowledge of algorithms and which is being accumulated gradually
from day to day. To its fixation, or to the recording of algorithms, the well-adjusted
mechanism of memory, especially of the long duration one, is assisting.
As it is known, in the basis of this mechanism there are
biochemical reactions, changing the structure of RNA, which is reflected on the
bioelectric conductivity by the cell of these or those impulses, their generation and
fading out. With the mechanism of memory our 'Ego', that is the self-consciousness,
is linked. The storage and recalling of the information is one of the most important
functions of the cerebral cortex. With the man the operational, of short duration and
of long duration memories are distinguished. The operational memory, based mostly on
biophysical phenomena, can keep a small quantity of information for some minutes.
The subsystem of the memory of short duration keeps information with the time of
half-desintegration of the biochemical recordings on average about 12 hours, that is
after this period of time the man is able to recall only a half of the information
received by him. And only the memory of long duration is able to keep biotraces of
the information received before for several tens of years, however, the level of recall
of this information is rather low and does not exceed on average 5%. That is why, starting
from a certain historic moment with the appearance of highly organised hyperorganisms,
which possessed high-complex algorithms, the systemic development itself compelled the
man to use more and more often the way of storage of algorithms-recordings and other
information in the written form, which moreover is convenient also, that it can be used
simultaneously or in turn by several fng. units - people. Further development of the
organisation of hyperorganisms required some more capacious storage of information, a
more rapid way of its recording and recalling as well as a more convenient access to
it. Therefore the attraction to the working up of information the memory capacity of
electronic computers with their colossal possibilities increased some more the fund
of algorithms and the coefficient of its fnl. use.
The localisation of fnl. centres in the cerebral cortex is
not by chance just so, as it does not remain without leaving a trace. The structural
specialisation of fnl. abilities of subsystems of the cortex is recorded genetically and
is handing down from generation to generation, while the nervous cells, forming this or
that centre, keep their ability exactly to a given kind of functioning. Owing to this
there are areas in the cortex, which from 'the birth' are predestined for the analytical
and synthetic working up of information, coming in from without. These are projecting
centres of excitability. Their fnl. predestination depends on a place of entry into the
cortex of projecting fibres of bellow-laid parts of the nervous system. Around these
centres the areas are disposed, where the results of associations are being fixed mainly
at the expense of the elements of a given centre; slightly further the areas of the
cortex are disposed, in which results of associations between centres of various fnl.
significance are being secured.
The ability to make associations in areas, situated outside
the projecting centres of excitability, depends on the individual structure of the cortex
expanding according to a genorecording heredited by the organism as well as from the
experience gained after-wards. That is why these areas cannot be totally identical in
various people and entirely depend on their individual genoheredity and phenodevelopment.
Owing to this the capacity for localisation of newly acquired centres also differs among
various people and even during the life of a man it is altering depending on the changes
of psychical-physiological factors. Such centres as 'organising',
'inventiveness', 'compositional creativity' and many others ought to be
attributed to the number of localised associative centres of the highest signal subsystems
of the cerebrum, at the same time each centre has its own specialised irritants, analysers,
associators and other sections similar to them. The analysis of the evolution of the
highest signal subsystems' structure and its extrapolation show, that in future in the
cerebral cortex mainly those layers and areas will receive a further development, which
are predestined mostly for the formation of newer and newer associative centres, as the
number of such centres will continue to grow with simultaneous increase in the aggregate
spectrum of comprehended functions of the hypersystemic level.
At the same time, the rapid localisation of the bigger and
bigger number of associative fnl. centres in the cortex is not accompanied simultaneously
by appropriate alterations of biophysiological parameters of the man's organism. For this
reason a strictly limited quantity of oxygen and nutrition, taking part in metabolic
processes going in the cerebrum, come into it. The existing subsystem of supply is unable
to provide simultaneous active functioning of one hundred and more centres of excitement
at once, and it is difficult even to imagine a result of their joint work. Owing to this,
the work of the cortex's centres is being coordinated in such a way, that at any given
moment of time only a few of them function simultaneously. All the others are inhibited,
reactively passive and consume nutrition and oxygen in the most minimum of quantities.
If it is necessary, a part of inhibited centres can be excited, but at the same time the
excitement goes out of a part of the centres that were functioning before. The above
coordination underlay, a so named 'roving centre of heed', functioning in each
cerebrum, which is keeping order so that at every given moment a strictly limited set
of the cortex's centres is in the mode of active functioning and all the others remain
in the inhibited state.
It is possible to compare the action of the roving centre of heed
in connecting in turn centres of the cerebral cortex to active functioning with playing of
the piano, when a musician presses in turn by five-ten fingers now one, now another set of
piano-keys to select an appropriate gamut of sounds which reconstitute a marvellous melody.
If he presses simultaneously more than fifty keys, we would hear nothing harmonious. It is
possible to observe the same in the cerebral cortex, where bioelectric impulses of currents
of diverse magnitude are overflowing soundlessly along communications of neurone's
ensembles of various sets of fnl. centres of signal subsystems, initiating all the
diversity of activity of the multimilliardth human civilisation over thousands of years.
As the fnl. differentiation and hypersystemic integration take
place, in the cerebral cortex of every man depending on a fnl. cell, in which he is
functioning as a fng. unit, some certain gamut of centres is being excited much more
often than the others. Its active use, but that also means a more intensified nutrition
gives the cells of its centres an advantage in development with respect to cells of other
centres, being permanently in the inhibited condition. The genetic heredity to posterity
the structure of organism hands down also this specific difference in fnl. nuances of
signal subsystems of the cerebrum, fixed afterwards in the process of the phenodevelopment
of an organism. That is why someone of five years old already plays the violin perfectly,
others over hours do something, ignoring their friends of the same age playing with a ball,
the third ones like drawing, someone else, having good hearing and voice, sings songs
uncommonly well, and so on. Thus, already in children's games it is possible to trace fnl.
versatility of people, inherited genetically. With age it becomes much more considerable.
Yet I.P. Pavlov singled out among the variety of the human
behaviour four different types of psychical temperaments, which afterwards began to
be named as sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric and melancholy. Still earlier an original
differentiation of functional abilities and psychophysiological distinction of people
depending on the month and the year of their birth were noticed in countries of the
ancient East (China, Japan) and therefore a keen interest is being taken until now in
horoscopes by the Eastern calendar. In reality the phenogenetic classification of human
individuals, which is still to be made up in prospect, is far wider, though on man's
outward appearance it reflects in no way and that creates in people's notion the
impression (or an illusion) of fnl. equivalentness of all human organisms and causes a
certain muddle while filling in fnl. cells of hyperorganisms with fng. units. The correct
understanding and soonest practical use of fnl. peculiarities of the cerebrum of each
individual with the help of the functional-psychological classification of man's types
made up in full volume would have a great effect on improvement on both the
social-economic and the private life of people of any hyperorganism (from an amelioration
of quality of functioning in every fnl. cell of fnl. pyramids of hyperorganisms to
a reduction of the number of divorces).
As we have already noted earlier, the genetic coding of fnl.
abilities of fng. units - people to the implementation of a certain row of specific fnl.
algorithms had resulted with time in the appearance of their sharply expressed genetic
heterogeneity, that is to an unidentical ability to implement these or those fnl.
algorithms. By now the genetic non-uniformity corrected by the phenotypic imposition
(that is by an experience and knowledge gained during the life of an individual) has
reached such a straggle that all human diversity can be already safely divided as a
minimum into three varieties of people (though possibly five and more), absolutely
different intrinsically (inside the hemispheres of the cerebrum of each individual
only!), but outwardly differing practically by nothing:
1. The individuals
phenogenetically of the highest category.
Here we can attribute all creative people with a highly
developed intellect who have also received a good combination of portions of the
phenogenofund, that is a good heredity plus an excellent upbringing and education,
and who are mentally healthy. They are the carriers of many-sided spectrums of
specialised centres of all four signal subsystems of the cerebral cortex, but first
of all of its associative centres. One or several associative centres of their spectrums,
as a rule, are developed extraordinarily. They have a high culture and morals. Exactly
such individuals replenish the rows of the creative intelligentsia; in the midst of them
are born outstanding scientists and statesmen, organisers and inventors, famous writers,
poets and active politicians, well-known actors and film producers, journalists, doctors,
big businessmen, artists, composers, distinguished military leaders, etc. It is the most
beneficial for society that individuals of this category should occupy fnl. cells at
upper parts of hypersystemic pyramids.
2. The individuals
phenogenetically of the medium category.
Here we can attribute executive people with a middling developed
intellect who have also a mediocre combination of portions of the phenogenofund, that is
a good heredity plus poor upbringing and education, or a bad heredity plus good upbringing
and education. Their spectrum of specialised centres is much more scanty and the centres
themselves are much more ordinary, than those of the previous group. A deficiency of
associative centres is above all felt. Such individuals are better for the roles of
executors, therefore they supplement mainly the rows of the technical intelligentsia;
from the midst of them ordinary engineers, technicians, functionaries, doctors, teachers,
employers, workers, musicians, mediocre writers, servicemen, farmers and so on emerge.
Owing to this, fnl. cells of middle and low parts of hypersystemic pyramids ought to be
filled in exactly with them.
3. The individuals
phenogenetically of the lowest category.
Here we can attribute all people with a poorly developed or
under-developed intellect who have received the worst combination of portions of the
phenogenofund, that is a bad heredity plus poor upbringing and education. These people
are often mentally unbalanced, but sometimes simply have mental deviations. In rather
narrow spectrums of their specialised centres in contradistinction to two previous groups
only centres of the first signal subsystem mainly prevail, the others are in an undeveloped
state or not present at all. Their culture, morals and standards of behaviour are usually
at the comparatively lowest level and often are accompanied by one or several vices. These
individuals cannot join normally any systemic formation and therefore supplement the rows
of negligent workmen, low-skilled labour force, just primitive people, but before all, of
various criminals, terrorists, alcoholics, racketeers, thieves, bribe-takers, rapists,
murderers, simply mentally abnormal individuals (danger categories of schizophrenics,
drug addicts, fanatics, maniacs and so on), etc. Bearing this in mind, society is obliged
to take individuals of this category under particular control, to place them into specially
isolated fnl. cells. Otherwise society may find itself as their hostage or, much worse,
draw nearer to the verge of its collapse.
From the history we know that both the second and the third
categories of people are inclined to unification. So, the second one is uniting into trade
unions, parties, etc. As for unifications of people of the third category such ones ought
to be attributed as gangs, bands, Mafias, sects and so on. The first one, the highest
category of people, owing to their paucity and specific character of functioning,
practically does not know mass unifications. The most danger and unpredictability
constitute unifications formed from representatives of both the lowest categories.
Society, as a rule, is fighting with people of the third
category, isolating them from the first two ones and forcing to function in the mode
of operation of the second category, but sometimes simply mortifying them. Society has
to do that to remain robust. In situations when representatives of the third, the lowest
category, start to penetrate into fnl. cells up along the vertical of fnl. social pyramids,
a lingering indisposition, but sometimes also an extreme danger threatens society. That is
why the struggle for democracy and human rights should be carried on taking into account
all above named factors, otherwise maniacs and schizophrenics, idlers and thieves will
always have the same rights and privileges as workers and farmers, inventors and doctors,
or worse than that, be their managers.
In each country the entire population divides obligatorily
into these minimum three varieties of people and the higher a percentage of people of
the highest categories lives in it, the more highly developed a given country can be
considered (compare Austria, Sweden and Germany, on the one hand, and Guinea, Nigeria
and Afghanistan, on the other hand). Those countries, in the social spectrum of which
an appreciable part of the people occupy, attributed to the individuals phenogenetically
of the lowest category, with the tendency towards an increase of this part, it is possible
with confidence to rank among countries becoming gradually degraded. The time will come
when each nation and country will be receiving periodically a comparative estimation of
the level of its aggregate intellectual development, which will depend on the size of
shares in its social spectrum being occupied by each of categories of individuals.
So then, regarding with which exact phenogenofund and temperament
a fng. unit - individual occupies a given fnl. cell, the efficiency of implementation of
appropriate algorithms as well as the keeping up of contacts with fng. units of related
fnl. cells depend on in many respects. At the present-day hypersystemic organisation a
paramount importance should be attached to this factor, meanwhile the higher a fnl. cell
is situated in the hierarchy of fnl. pyramids, the more requirements a fng. unit filling
in it should meet, in the phenogenofund of which an appropriate spectrum of associative
centres of the highest signal subsystem of his cerebrum should be traced distinctly, and
in the first instance, those responsible for 'the organising creativity'. The
communicability of this fng. unit should be appropriate as well.
The motion of Matter in quality-time entails,
as we have established, a permanent augmentation of new functions
At the present level of the Evolution this in its turn is leading to the complication
of the hypersystemic organisation of human society, at which more and more functions
fall on fnl. cells of the pyramids' tops. For the effective implementation of these
multiplying functions fng. units with a wider and wider spectrum of associative centres
of the cerebral cortex begin to be required. It is quite natural that it becomes more
and more intricate to pick such individuals. Therefore, recently the cases began to occur
more and more often, when in a fnl. cell several fng. units are being combined, whose
diverse sets of the cortex's associative centres mutually complement one another,
providing the need for a more comprehensive spectrum. The correct combination of the
cerebra's fnl. abilities of several fng. units with various associative centres became
the basis of the activity of 'collective leadership' of hyperorganisms' development,
forming almost their 'collective brain' or a superbrain. As samples to
that can serve first of all a family council, a council of elders, a board of directors,
an academic council, the State Council, the European Council, the UN Security Council
and so on. The further perfection of this process will be the best combination of
associative centres of fng. units, being included into organs of collective government,
in the aggregate spectrum of any super brain being formed, therefore the selection
of candidates into each fnl. cell of any council by individual intellectual
capabilities ought to be particularly thorough and not casu