Marta is also a storywriter, a musician and an amateur young musical composer. All necessary documents are enclosed. (Some of them might be submitted in an additional envelops). Gunins are a peaceful, harmonically-established, honest family. The both adults are working. What will gain Canada by deporting such nice people? As far as I see it is impossible for them to apply for immigration from outside Canada, and it must be obvious for everybody. They suffered so much... much more then any other family on Earth. Maybe, it is enough to torment them? Try to imagine yourself, your children, your love ones on their places! If Humanity and Compassion is not for them, for whom then?! Sincerely, Anna-Maria Augestat, Canadian Citizen Tel. (450) 923-2967 ( ! ) Brochures, prospects, photos, diplomas, memos, referral letters, albums, and material evidences of GUNINS' participation in Montreal's cultural life are so numerous, that most of them might be presented during the time of an interview LIST OF PHOTOS (BOBRUISK, 1974 - 1991) 1. Lev GUNIN with rock-group "Karasi". This rock-group performed in various places. They played their own compositions, including L. Gunin's. They worked sometimes for Moscow and Kostroma philarmonies, but mostly performed in Myshkovichi, an entertainment center near Bobruisk (1982 - 1987). They had the most advanced by that time musical instruments (keyboards, guitars, drums) and equipment. A disc was released. 2. Lev GUNIN in Myshkovichi (see the previous paragraph). 3. Lev GUNIN with rock-group "Duration" (he's sitting in front of that group's singer, 1988). . 4. Lev GUNIN in Lenin plant club, with the club's rock-group. 1977. . 5. Lev GUNIN with his group "Waterfall" He performed with that group in 1976 - 1987, parallel with other groups. It was his main group. They played popular songs as well as Gunin's compositions. . 6. The group of students of the Music College in Brest (Belarus), theoretical faculty, with their teacher, Irina Morikh. Among them - Lev GUNIN. 1974. . 7. Rock-group "Iles" from Hungary, once very popular in Eastern Europe. Lev Gunin happened to substitute their keybordist. . 8. With that group Lev GUNIN played on marriages, parties, birthday parties, restaurants, etc. . 9. L. GUNIN is the teacher, composer, artistic director for 3 rock-groups of young musicians. One of these groups. . 10. Touring over Belorusian villages with an amateur rock-group. . 11. The same tour as "10". 12. Members of "Raduga" rock-group, who played for the Management of the restaurants of Bobruisk-city. L.Gunin among them. 1991. 13. The same as "8". 14, 15. L. GUNIN is the teacher, composer, artistic director for 3 rock-groups of young musicians. Two of these groups. 16. Playing with the group "Raduga" (see paragraph 12). DOCUMENTS' CHECKLIST - 2 MAIN ENVELOPE (ENVELOPE NUMBER 1) 1. Request For Exemption From Immigrant Visa Requirement (application form IMM 5001) 2. 3 copies of above mentioned form 3. Additional Sheet Of Paper With Jobs Listed (refers to IMM 5001 form, p.3, section "G") 4. 3 copies of above mentioned sheet 5. Explanations (refers to Additional Sheet Of Paper With Jobs Listed: see point 3) 6. Supplementary Information (IMM 5283) form 7. 3 copies of above mentioned form (see point 6) 8. A copy of the Federal Court's decision ("Ordonnance") 9. Authorization by applicant (his spouse) for release of police certificates/clearances 10. Identity documents, issued for the members of family GUNIN by Immigration Canada and Quebec's Immigration: 11 documents 11. Copies of the last salary checks for Lev and Alla Gunin as evidences of their employment 12. Official Immigration Canada DOCUMENTS CHECKLIST 13. REASONS (Adjustments to Supplementary Information (refers to IMM5283 form). 12 pages. 14. Exceptional Contribution GUNINS Can Bring to Canadian Cultural Heritage 15. Copies of 3 letters to UN High Commissioner of Refugees Mrs. Kim Mancini (14 pages) 16. Motion of extension of time (5 pages): refers to REASONS: see point 10 17. My final word 18. Folder "PASSPORTS, BIRTHDAY CERTIFICATES, AND OTHER DOCUMENTS": 10 DOCUMENTS SUPPLEMENTARY ENVELOPE (ENVELOPE NUMBER 2) 1. Control copy of IMM 5001 and 5283 application forms (to show what applicant they belong to) 2. Folder "APPLICANTS": 7 main documents, 11 total, which must show that the applicants can not go outside Canada, that they were exposed by IRB to an additional danger, and faced deep psychological traumas because of the way they were treated by IRB, and their health or even lives might be completely destroyed 3. Folder "SUPPLEMENTARY DOCUMENTS-2" a) folder "Administrative Pressure" (67 documents, which show that before coming to Canada applicants were under excessive administrative pressure: they were refused full employment authorization and welfare in the same time; tax exemption, diplomas equivalent and professional courses, which were obvious for all new comers, registration with the state labor exchange; the departure authorization - permit to leave the country - was given only after 3,5 years, and so on. This pressure will never give them any possibility to apply for immigrant visa from outside Canada) b) sub-folder "Medical" (24 documents, 31 pages show that even the threat of the removal from Canada itself already slowly damaging their health, and the eventual real removal will finish their lives tragically) 4. Folder "REFERENCES" sub-folders: a) Lev GUNIN (46 + 22 documents) b) Ina GUNIN (16 documents) c) Marta GUNIN (9 documents) All documents refer to "Exceptional contribution GUNINS can bring..." EXPLAINATION DEAR HUMANITARIAN & COMPASSIONATE GROUNDS DIVISION OFFICER! I had two affidavits from refugee claimants families who (one of them) was removed from Canada, and another one left after they were refused. Both of them were linked with the movement for Russian speaking people rights in Israel. In the first family the International ("foreign" as Russian speaking people call it) passport was confiscated from their single son (27 years old) when they came to extend their expired passports. The confiscation was related to their refugee claim in Canada. Passports were confiscated from the members of another family right in the airport. Because the member of IRB, assigned to our file, Mrs. Malka, contacted Israeli embassy and denounced our refugee claim, I don't feel secure to any information, submitted to Immigration Canada. This is why I have no rights to put security of people, who submitted me their affidavits, in danger. And this is why I decided finally not to reveal them to you. I live it for your consciousness to believe or not to believe me. I am an idealist, probably, a naive man. I still believe in goodness and in consciousness, and hope that in spite of a potential pressure from the state of Israel, or, rather, from the public opinion in your working environment or/and from your supervisors, you could act according to your consciousness. You can also go to next web sites for find out more about administrative terror in Israel against Russian speaking people: [ ] [] Sincerely, Lev Gunin DOCUMENT NUMBER/NUMERO 11 Previous Document <> Next Document <> Main Page En Francais In French Language POUR LE COMMMITTEE DES DROITS DES ENFANTS DES QUEBEC To QUEBEC's Children Rights Committee Cher madame, monsieur! Nous devions s`adresser au public parce que d`autres mesures a proteger les droits des deux enfants ne pourraient pas fonctionner. S'il est si, un precedent de violations tres serieuses des droits d'enfants pourrait survenir. Ca concerne Ina & Marta Gunin: Brievement: avant 1991 les autorites ont commande Lev Gunin, activiste des droits de l'homme, a partir de son natale Belarus, et emettaient un visa Israelien. En avril, 1991, dans Varsovie, la famille Gunin essayait de s`echapper en Allemagne, mais etaient captures par les Israeliens et pris en Irael par force. Ils venaient en Tel-Aviv, incluant Ina, 5, et Marta, 3 ans - vieilles par alors. En Irael les enfants affrontent des systematiques humiliations, moquerie, et deviennet des temoins des persecutions sev?res contre leurs parents et grand-m?re. Sans la permission du gouvernement les Gunins ne pourraient pas partir du pays Irael. En 1992, ils s`adressaient au consulat de Belarus au Tel-Aviv, mais etaient nies de la citoyennete et de l'acc?s ? leur pays natif. Ils ont pu quitter Irael seulement en 1994 avec l`indirecte participation d'Amnistie Internationale. Ils sont arrives au Canada, revendiquant un statut de refugie. Le Conseil De refugie (IRB) ne rejettait pas le reclame des Gunins compl?tement, mais accusait la famille en provoquant des persecutions par le refus ? changer leur croix et orientation religieuses. Faisant que, le IRB a nie les Gunins un des droits de l'homme fondamentaux: ne pas ?tre persecute pour leurs croyances et opinions. Les droits de l'enfant aussi etaient violes. Maintenant leur cas gagnait le 1er niveau de l'appel, ? la Cour Federale. Si sur le deuxi?me niveau l'appel sera rejete, ils pourraient ?tre deportes en Irael. Il est clair qu'une telle d?portation pourrait faire les d'enfants orphelins ( sources Israeliennes - comme le radio d'etat - addresse au public pour l'approbation des mesures sev?res contre leur p?re) et les exposent ? des persecutions d`avantage. M?me si elles ne se rappellent pas de tous les details elles pensent ? leur vie dans Irael avec l`horreur et la terreur. Bientot apr?s leur arrivee ? Montreal, l'evaluation psychologique trouvait le dommage profond au psychique de l'enfant. Parce que le psychique de Ina & Marta ne pourrait pas endurer des memoires horribles, tout etait efface et remplace par leur vie ? Montreal. Elles ont oublie les traditions Israeliennes et l`Hebreux compl?tement. Leur accomodation ? Montreal est brillante. Le francais est devenu leur langue maternelle. Elles gagnaient beaucoup d'amis, elles n'ont pas la mentalite Israelienne, mais Quebequoise... Maintenant, la deportation de l'endroit qu`elles admirent, apr?s 4 annees qu`elles vivent ici, atteindant l'ecole F.A.C.E., - dos ? captivite, dos au pays qu`elles etaient prises par force, n'est pas juste, inhumain, elle est brutale! Elles n'appartiennent pas et n'avaient jamais appartenus l?! P.S. Les parents des enfantes sont des gens sinc?res, talentueux, et paisibles. Ils travaillent. Elisabeth Gunin, grand-m?re d'enfant Ce que nous attendons de vous? 1. Une petition aux organisations de la protection des enfants et aux comites des droits d'homme, au Ministre D'immigration, aux medias, et une copie pour nous. 2. Une aide en extortation de la terminaison de citoyennete Israelienne de GUNINS du consulat d'Irael ? Montreal (Lev GUNIN apelle pour elle depuis 1994). Ina GUNIN: Elle est une joueuse avancee de piano. Ina employait passe les examens ? McGill chaque annee avec les meilleures marques. Elle participait dans des activites et evenements culturels/ artistiques des douzaines de fois. Elle est aussi une jeune ecrivaine de poesie, histoire/ et compositeur. Marta GUNIN: Marta est une ballerine talentueuse. Elle etait choisie des douzaines de jeunes danseurs pour le Ballet National du Canada. Marta participait dans divers ballet & autres performances. La sculpture, faite par elle, etait exposee au Musee des Beaux - Arts. Elle est aussi une jeune compositrice/ ecrivaine d'histoire. Nous suggerons que les avocats doivent ?tre contre le chaos dans les matieres juridiques. La terminaison compl?te de justice devrait terminer la profession d`avocat. C`est pourquoi, nous esperons sur votre aide. En octobre, 1998 une reponse negative est arrivee. Famille GUNIN Document 12 Is Lost THE ENFORCEMENT OF FAMILY GUNIN's PERSECUTION by IMMIGRATION CANADA Part 3 LIST OF EVENTS (short description) October, 1998 - September, 1999 <> DOCUMENT NUMBER 14 Elisabeth Gunin (Epstein) - Humanitarian & Compassionate Cases - (In Addition to Form IMM 5283 (02-98) E) REASONS ADJUSTMENT TO SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION HUMANITARIAN & COMPASSIONATE CASES Grounds for Exemption - Adjustment to Paragraphs A and B A [ A) Canadian Immigration law requires applicants for permanent residence to obtain an immigrant visa outside Canada, before coming to Canada. Explain why you believe that your application for permanent residence should be processed from within Canada as an exception] 1. I had the joint refugee claim with my son, and his family. The negative decision by Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) did not mean that there was no danger for me to go back. I am sure that my case was neglected. IRB refused to evaluate my it at all. They did not interrogate me, gave me no questions, in their speeches and in their conclusive decision in writing I was not mentioned as a personality at all. They concentrated exclusively on my son: because they wanted to punish him for his attitude towards the state of Israel. 2. So, I might face the same humiliations and the same assaults I faced before coming to Canada. 3. You, probably, understand, that, regarding my age, and my situation, I have no chances to start an independent immigration procedure or any other procedure to obtain an immigrant visa outside Canada. 4. It is absolutely clear that I can only appeal for Humanitarian and Compassionate grounds, because other attempts not to be removed from Canada, linked to other immigration procedures, are not for me. B [ B) What hardship would you have if appeal from outside Canada?] 1. When we were taken to Israel from Warsaw, I had a strongest shock. In result of that stressful situation my eyes disease have been worsen. It became even more severe after what I still consider as persecutions, which we faced in Israel. 2. I was refused the proper medical help in Israel. Medical doctors-Israelis shouted on me, used abusive words and gestures. We were expelled from the medical clinics we paid for. As the result my left eye was neglected. When we came to Montreal, Canadian medical doctors saved my eyes. But they told me that for not become blind I have to avoid stresses and high temperatures. Removing me from Canada to Israel you can put me under the both stress and heating (Israel is one of the most hot countries in the world), and you'll make me blind. Please, don't do it to me! 3. Living 4 years in Montreal I've been used to local life. I have friends, relatives; I speak English more or less, and understand some French words, too. I have no close friends or relatives in Israel, I don't speak Hebrew, and I don't know Jewish religious rules. Regarding my age, my eyes disease (glaucoma), my general situation, please, do not send me back there! 4. The members of IRB could say just anything about our claim. How could they not believe our honest and sincere claim, hundreds of documents we presented, our innocence, I don't know and don't dare to know. I just know that I still have a non-imaginable fear to go back there. My blood is freezing in my veins, when I think that I might be removed back there. 5. Please, try to understand that Israel is not my native country, I am a stranger there, I don't belong to Middle East culture and traditions. 6. Please, have a merci for me as if I was your mother, sister, or daughter. Sincerely Yours, Lisa Gunin THE ENFORCEMENT OF FAMILY GUNIN's PERSECUTION by IMMIGRATION CANADA LIST OF EVENTS (short description) October, 1998 - September, 1999 1) 08.10.1998. - The Second Stage Federal Court's Decision: to reject family Gunin's demand to revise their refugee case. Reasons: one reason - "cases with Immigration Tribunal's remark "no minimum ground" are automatically rejected". 2) During the Federal Court's hearing the Immigration Canada's lawyer, Mrs. Murphy, based her arguments on Lev GUNIN's "dangerous personality", insisting that he is an aggressive, dangerous and anti-government trouble-maker, and because of that must be expelled from Canada. 3) When the Federal Court's decision was received Lev and Alla Gunins were deeply depressed and were close to a suicide. On the 3-rd or 4-th day after receiving the Federal Court's decision Lev was so close to a suicide that only physical efforts could calm him down. To relax and avoid a suicide attempt Lev started to run - and completely damaged his already damaged by batteries and other incidents ligaments on his both legs. 4) November, 1998. - Family Gunin submitted an appeal for Humanitarian and Compassionate grounds to Immigration Canada. The appeal for the Risk of Return, made by Gunins in 1997, was never answered. 5) Immediately after submission of that appeal Gunins started to have difficulties in using their telephone line. The wider description of what is going on with their telephone line may be found on the next page 6) Three times BELL's technicians came to Gunins apartment and checked BELL's installation in their apartment, but found nothing. 7) Several times Lev GUNIN's computer (after using Internet or sending a fax Lev disconnects it immediately, so that when Gunins are using the telephone computer is never connected), was targeted by computer viruses. The viruses probably came not through Internet but through the telephone line itself. (See also next page) 8) Unknown voiced started to give Lev Gunin and his family advises to live Canada "voluntarily", otherwise it will be "more worse" to them. The most persistent strangers called from outside Montreal, demanding a long distance collect call. They called several times a week during approximately 3 months, starting from March, 1999. When one day Ina Gunin, Lev's older daughter, authorized the collect call, they began to mock over her. They spoke French. When Lev took over they told him that he received an unofficial removal order and was advised to leave Canada. 9) Because of psychological pressure and tragical immigration situation Lev started to injure himself. He received 6 injuries, 4 times visited emergency - and some of the injuries never healed. Both Lev and Alla Gunin started to suffer from extreme declining of their health's state. 10) Gunins' children are suffering from neurothyses because they are also suppressed by the situation. 11) In March, 1999, Lev Gunin's work (night auditor) was terminated because it was a temporary job. He had to take unemployment. In the same time he had a work accident, and was seriously injured. Because of the bandage and the gravity of the injury in general he could not go to another work. In the beginning of July, when the bandage and the protective plate were removed, he could not search for a physical work. In the same time it is practically impossible to apply for a better job having no status in Canada. 12) Because of his immigration situation Lev's unemployment benefits were often suspended, and he had difficulties to pay for a renewval of his Employment Authorization. And without it he could not receive the benefits... 13) Because of all these reasons but inicially because of Immigration Canada's persecutions family Gunin started to face such extreme financial difficulties as never before. They were pushed much below the poverty line. 14) Searching for work Lev Gunin applied to hundreeds potencial employers. No one called him back. He found out what is going on when one of the potencial employers told him that she was advised to call Immigration Canada or called herself (it is not completely clear) - and received a "recommendation" not to employ Lev Gunin. 15) In August, 1999, Lev began to modernize and classify his web files with full description of Gunins immigration case. He did it because almost one year passed since Gunins applied for Humanitarian grounds, and an eventual Immigration's decision might arrive soon. In case of a negative decision Lev was planning to appeal to a number of organizations. To eliminate the expenses on mails he decided to use his web site as a primary source. Since then his web site was subbotaged. He is not able to upload new versions of his pages to his Internet server. But something more serious and dangerous occured: the server started to send old versions or even blank pages with existing files' names to Lev's computer, erasing his renewed files and eliminating his work! In responce to Lev Gunin's official complaint his server's representetive claimed server's innocence and told that allien hackers could do that. An anonimous e-mail advised Lev not to place information about his immigration case on his web site - otherwise his web site will be closed, and his account - terminated. 16) In the end of August - beginning of September Lev Gunin finished IGS course for security/investigation agents - and succesfully passed the exam. But he was refused the security agent licence because of his status. Quin Elisabeth Hotel's placement department's clerk responded to Lev's appeal for work that they do not want to employ people with no status in Canada. 17) 08.09.1999 Gunins received a negative responce to their application for Ina Gunin's Student Authorization. In his/her statement Vergeville's Case Processing Center's agent AJL/F (now Immigration Canada stopped even reveal real names of its agents: as KGB in ex-USSR or SS in fascist Germany did) mentions employment authorization instead of student authorization. He gives 2 "reasons": "Ina Gunin was refused and employment [when we applied for student authorization!] authorization because a removal order, which might be executted, was issued for you. This is why you are not eligible to apply for employment authorization from within Canada". Refusing a child a student authorization Immigration Canada violated International treaties, Canada's laws and human rights granted by all existing laws and regulation. In Gunins' case only a conditional removal order is acting; a real removal order was never issued against them. In the same day, 08.09.1999, Gunins called Immigration Canada - and verified through both aitomatical information tool and an agent (started to speak to an agent at 12.24 p.m.) that there are no decisions in Gunins appeals for the Risk of Return and Humanitarian and Compassionate grounds, and no removal order issued before 08.09.1999. In the same time it is possible that Immigration Canada means anonymous advises to Gunins by unindentified callers to quit Canada, otherwise their life will be made unbearable and misarable. Same threats expressed during IRB refugee hearings in Gunins case gudge Mr. Boisrond and immigration officer Mrs. Malka. <> GRIGORY SVIRSKY Grigory Svirsky is a famous writer, author of the movie's "Hostages" scenario. Professor, member of Canada's and Russia's Writers' Unions An Open Letter to the Prime Minister of Canada, Mr. Jean Chretien About Gunins' immigration case Translation from Russian original To the Prime Minister uf Canada THE OPEN LETTER Grigory SVIRRKY, Professor ot literature, writer. In Canada since 1973. "THE BERLIN WALL IN CANADA"... So was called a letter-affidavit, containing text of my statement for a conference in Toronto. The conference was organized on October 22, 1997 by the All-American Institute for Human Rights Defense (Washington, D. C.) This statement criticized the Management of Immigration Canada, which is obviously not in accord with any common sense and humor: most undesirable immigrants in its official document were announced... writers. ... A writer is a creature, certainly, horrible. But a composer appears simply a horror, an invasion of aliens. The name of this composer and musician is Lev Uunin. He's 42 years old, he is a polyglot, and is fluent in English, Prench, German, Polish, Byelorussian, and Yiddish. His wife Alla (39) has a technical education. The children - Ina and Marta - 11 and 12 years old, like their father - are gifted in music. Ina plays piano and flute, Marta is a young ballerina, once chosen by the Natiunal ballet of Canada for further studies, but... status, status! Of course, she participates in many performances even without the status, and her list of performances is already longer, than that of some adult ballerinas. This family does not require any help from the stale. The composer is skilled in many musical specialties. He tutored children; has performed in prestigious clubs, concert halls, and restaurants!. Such a self-sufficient family, one should think, would be welcomed in any country... Naturally, except the most racist, xenophobic-anti-Semite. And now the family is on the verge of catastrophe: The Immigration Management in Montreal has refused to give them the right to settle... in free Canada. Deportation threatens them. Why suddenly?! Oh, this family, Mister Prime Minister, has an awful past. 1. First of all, they ran away from Israel. The Israeli consulate persecutes escapees by all means as fugitive slaves. Then, not only the Israeli consulate, but even the immigration authorities of Canada assume that Israel is a free country, and therefore consider escape from freedom as impossible... However, it is really hard to understand why people run away from this "freedom". By number of refugees, Israel, according to official statistics, is on the third - fourth place (depending on the years), annually: directly after the brutal murder regimes of Iran and Somali. The nature of human mentality is so, that people willingly believe myths. Myths are much more smoother than the truth. Why listen to the confused words of unfortunate refugees that Israeli nationalists have blocked all venues for Russian Jews except to Israel since the first of October, 1989. What has happened (for many years) is a real deportation of half-million free people to a small East country. That, in itself, was a criminal abuse of authority, humiliation over the principles of basic human rights. But today the consequences of that crime are much more painful: nobody tried to foresee the results of this irresponsible operation, which has sharpen up to limits the socio-economic and political situation in the country. One can observe the extreme intolerance of aboriginal Israelis (such as outcomers from the countries of Muslim fundamentalism: Morocco, Algeria. Iraq and etc.) for new arrivants. Upon their arrival in Israel, immigrants from Africa were deprived of privileges. As a rule, they were taken to Negev desert and left there; and only fragmentary army tents were thrown to them. The care of the state for tile new arrivants from Africa ended with this. Naturally, former Africans were irritated by rumors that "Russians" are given "everything"... Suppressed hatred towards the authorities has found a convenient outlet: non-sanctioned murders of the immigrants from Russia, non-provoked battering of the "Russian" children in schools, a wave of rapes of new "Russian" immigrants. The last case reported by the world press (a week ago): a policeman (a Moroccan origin) extremely irritated by an Israeli soldier, who loudly spoke with his friends in Russian in a restaurant, stabbed the soldier with a knife and killed him. (Moscow newspaper "Ko¬epca­â Daily." ("Commersant Daily") of November 13, this year, and tens of other editions wrote about it). In the last years the attitude of the Israeli aborigines to new arrivants has deteriorated alarmingly. The Israeli and American press in Russian has now informed the readers about a pogrom in Jerusalem's religious quarter " Mea Shearim". Angry crowds have beaten "Russians", burned their furniture, broken glasses in their motor vehicles. Only the intervention of the Israeli army stopped murders... One rabbi, associate of the mayor of Jerusalem, has called his co-religionists for this pogrom. Why then has the immigration board heard, with a grimace of mistrust, the testimony, that the wife of composer Gunin, ethnically Russian (she's from a mixed family), was persecuted, called " Russian whore ", prostitute. According to supplied documents she was cleaning the subsidiary premises of a shop, where she worked as a cashier. Influenced by spasm of brutali¥­ aborigines took the mop from her hands and hit her on the head with it, then they severely beat her up half-to-death. She arrived home with injuries and bruisies. And the small Gunins' daughters, who in kindergarten were preparing for holiday Sukkot's celebration, learning verses and songs with burning eyes, were separated from all others and locked in a dark closet with "You are not Jews, this holiday is not for you." as only explanation. As soon as the composer published articles against narrow-minded small-town nationalism and racism, in defense of human rights, this intellectual man was beaten by everyone: by "kablans" - Israeli sub-contractors, who employed that "Russian" only for the heaviest work, then by police, whose brutality nowadays everyone speaks about (even the members of Israeli Knesset). Gunin even tried to find "truth" (protection) in a police station. But uselessly since the composer, after writing one of his articles was already once "invited" for "discussion" by police. After that discussion his lips were swelled, and the doctor diagnosed a brain concussion... Israel is a free country. It is possible (theoretically) to leave her. You must only bring two dozen permits (visas for exit): from the army, from Immigration bank "Ydud", from building bank and other organizations, which can give out these papers, or can not to give out; at last, from police, which does not give any documents to plaintiffs, whatever you do... One day Ana ran to a few embassies, with the vain hope to take her husband and small girls out from Israel immediately. But only the support of Amnesty International to Gunins made their departure from Israel possible... And here they are in blessed Canada. 2. And here something even more awful was found out, - the composer and musician Lev GUNIN not only "escaped" with his family from a very free country, he furthermore has an independent and obstinate personality. And even here he has not changed... He was exasperated and demoralized by how unlawfully the trial of Gunins' case in the refugee court was managed. I have listened to all cassettes with records of refugee hearings. Each of them lasted from four to five hours. During that huge amount of time Canadian judges spoke out only three - four phrases, transferring the whole initiative to an immigration offficer whose name is Judith Malka. With passion and anger Malka (her Jewish family name means "queen") repeated all "proofs" of Israeli government about "fugitives and traitors" (Exactly by that name former Prime Minister of Israel Mr. Shamir, ardent Zionist called all Jews, who did not desire to live in Israel). But the composer Gunin is not a Zionist, though he has nothing against Zionism. He merely wants that his wife not be called "Russian prostitute", and not be beaten up. He does not understand in general, why an immigration officer whose name is Judith Malka, cries hysterically: how could this Gunin call himself and his family, which were not allowed to get out of Israel, "Russian slaves"?!. Slaves driven to the Middle East. Certainly, it was absolutely necessary for a tired out person to quit Israel immediately. But not alone! It was necessary to grasp from humanitarian reasons the prime minister Netanyahu, whom the iron Madeline from USA State Department puns to one side, the opponents of the peace agreements Sharon with Shamir - in an opposite, and the right psychopaths threaten to shoot him immediately as lzhak Rabin, if he will listen to the Americans. That's who is a true "prisoner of Zion"! He's only not beaten by police yet as Lev Gunin was. Oh, the exhausted, tormented composer was not up to these thoughts in the court. He multiplied, and multiplied the facts of inter-ethnical hostility and the brutality of Israeli police, what is today not only denounced by the Israeli press publications, but even discussed by the deputies of Knesset... Listening to the tapes, I expected that Lev Gunin would soon lead Immigration's Malka to a heart attack. Finally, as the matter of fact, she really broke up, and, almost loosing her conscience, has cried out, that Gunin has submitted the request for the status of the refugee just for having an opportunity to discredit and slander the state of Israel! Naturally, after that cry Gunin and his family were not recognized as refugees. It was told about the reasons of that refusal directly, in the official document. I "... There are not enough proofs that "Russian" origins, mixed marriages are persecuted because of nationality, religion, [...] or because they express antifascist views". 2 ''... Because the state of Israel has brought "Russians" on her own expense, they in general have no rights to ask for the status of the refugees in Canada...." And etc... In Montreal, in the Rene Levesque Street, 200, where there the Council on refugee cases (Immigration and Refugee Board), is situated, there is the archive for documents that officially confirm inter-ethnic hostility in Israel, attacks on children from CIS countries, and systematic rapes of the women from Russia. Also are carefully kept UN documents, which testify about the same. The same has been published nowadays by various newspapers of the World. But why the judges had to look to the truth into eyes? Eyes will ache! The Jewish Congress of Canada does not want to hear that in their beloved Israel somebody was deadly beaten, somebody was pogromed and persecuted... From ages the Erets Israel for them - their "pink dream", their "birthday of heart". How could it happen that inside the "pink dream" anybody is beaten? But if even really beaten, probably, he must be beaten!.. Thousands of Russian, Byelorussian and Ukrainian Jews, running from Israel, are rejected, with an active assistance of the Jewish Congress, from Canada, thousands of families are broken, children become orphans, many are lost. But the idea that the members of the Jewish Congress of Canada are accessories to a historical crime against the Jews of CIS, - this idea has not yet struck them... Dear PRIME MINISTER, Mister Jean CHRETIEN! I wrote five documentary novels and stories about Israel, including the trilogy "Branch of Palestine", translated in all European languages. In my life I saw enough of such noisy Judith Malkas, hired or voluntary Israeli super-patriots, so enough that it would be enough for ten lives. I am convinced, that you have judges with the sense of humor and understanding, who would not allow to transform the Canadian court into a battlefield for intolerant towards dissidents and broken apart Israeli society. But now the speech goes not only about re-consideration of this obvious case, but simply about the rescue of the Gunin family. I talked to these people, saw their eyes. Lev Gunin and his wife Alla are exhausted, nervous people, they are on the verge of suicide. Four years they are carefully pushed towards this edge. The persecution of intelligentsia does not cease... Young talented professionals are extremely important to Canada. Please, give Lev Gunin, a talented composer and musician, an opportunity to work quietly - in glory to his family and this remarkable country - Canada Grigory SVIRSKY 12/26/1998 TORONTO From Family Gunin, Montreal, November, 1998 Dear Friends! Please, try to treat this letter as an unusual appeal, not just a desperate cry for help and justice. In October 1998, the Federal Court of Canada issued a second decision in family GUNIN's appeal. (The 1-st one was positive). That tragic decision resumed our refugee claim, which took 4 years of our lives. Let us make a brief description of events, which took place before that sad date. The head of the family, Lev GUNIN, as all members of the family, was born in Bobruisk, Belarus, ex-USSR. Senseless, ridiculous coincidences in 1971-72 turned him, a secondary school student, young composer, and advance piano player, into a person, persecuted by Soviet authorities. They tried to prevent him from entering collegial - university studies; however, his persistence and a lucky miracle broke that wishes circle, and he received first collegial, and then university degrees in music. In spite of that, L. GUNIN could not build a successful composer's carrier because of persecutions. In the same time, he played a specific role in ex-USSR, Belarus, and other countries' cultural life. He's the author of novels, stories, poetry, contemporary and electronic music, works in history, essays, musicology, music history, philosophy, etc. His articles were published in a number of newspapers all over the world. In 1979-1986, Lev became an object of wide humiliations. He was beaten by somebody, who has links with militia (police) and KGB. The authorities stood up in defense of the attackers. They persecuted L. GUNIN even more for bringing the attacker to trial. In another incident he and his brother - they were hunted by two well-coordinated groups: mobsters, and a gang of youngsters. "Hunters" were also leaded by militia (police). Later brothers GUNIN were interrogated by police /KGB men. Lev's brother Vitaly became a victim of