Ž£« ¢«¥­¨¥ ä ©«  ( /LYNX/SONGS/BEAT/beat09.txt )

  • 1. Magical mystery tour.
  • 2. The fool on the hill.
  • 3.
  • 4. Blue jay waã.
  • 5. Your mother should know.
  • 6. I am the walrus.
  • 7. Hello, goodby¥.
  • 8. Strawberry fields forever.
  • 9. Penny la¯¥.
  • 10. Baby, you're a rich ma¯.
  • 11. All you need is lov¥.

  • Size: 9992 bytes
    Last-modified: Tue, 16 Apr 1996 09:15:00 GMT