   It is quite natural that establishment of individual contacts for the sake of mutual understanding takes, as a rule, a relatively long period of time, which is practically very difficult to realise in the process of active public functioning, especially in fnl. cells of the highest level, due to an objective scantiness of time. Therefore in some high-organised hypersystems the 'block method' of replacement of fng. units, picked by the principle of mutual complementation, began to be used more and more in fnl. cells of the top of a government pyramid. So, in the USA and other countries, while taking the post a newly elected president replaces the whole 'team' of fng. units of the administration in the upper level of the leadership. In Great Britain apart from the acting cabinet of ministers there is always a well-adjusted 'shadow' cabinet of the opposition ready for public activity. And so on...
   The evolution of hyperorganisms, as we know, did not finish at the creation of the organisational structure of present-day states. As a result of the activation of this process the tendency to a bigger geosystemic integration was outlined recently, at which already states themselves as fng. units began to fill in fnl. cells of newly created superhyperorganisms. Starting from military coordination, this process is taking in more and more also the economic life, assisting in the arising of such superhyperunions as NATO, the European Economic Community, North American Economic Union, OPEC, etc. As examples of geosystemic formations of the highest for today organisational level L the European Union and the UNO ought to be considered.
   At the same time the process of further integration of the joint human Mind (so named the noosphere or the Supermind) and self-consciousness, mainly through the mass media, is continuing gradually as well. In the basis of their mechanisms there is the formation of specific associative centres in the cerebra of a bigger and bigger number of individuals of all Humanity, equally tuned in to realising general problems and searching for their solutions. The more and more active functioning of the Supermind permits the opportunity of a rise in the level of problems being considered, as the possibilities of re-combinations in it are practically endless. The noosphere contains also all the information accumulated by mankind during the whole period of its development. Such familiar objects as the aggregate individual memory, textbooks, libraries, archives, museums and so on should be considered as elements of the noosphere.
   Thus, Humanity realises itself more and more as a single world Society. Therefore the time should come very soon when a single world Parliament and a single world Government, created, for example on the base of the UNO, leaning for support in their activity on the Supreme Council of Experts (the collective scientific Mind, formed from a group of leading scientists from various countries) will be in charge of all processes within the limits of the Earth's civilisation. Exactly these organs of a supreme world governing, on the recommendations of the Supreme Council of Experts, will determine an optimal number and regulate the growth of the population on our planet, proceeding from the needs and possibilities of Humanity itself. Its numbers already now exceeds five and a half billion people, which means that only to feed all of them more than 5 million tons of various high-nutritious foodstuffs and as much again of clean drinking water is required every day. Precisely this world governing body will take care of the problems of the reduction of still increasing death-bringing ozone holes in the stratosphere and the augmentation of the fecund humus layer of the soil as well as of afforestations, producing oxygen. It should be involved in the burial of nuclear wastes in a most reasonable way and the struggle with pollution of the sea and oceans as well as of the Earth's atmosphere. Exactly it should organise the struggle with international crime and terrorism, other mental deviations and manifestations, assisting at the same time the propagation everywhere of high-level upbringing and education of human individuals as the main method of the aggregate cutting down of the share of individuals of the lowest category in the limits of the entire Humanity, etc.
   But where is the limit of the systemic integration of Matter itself seen? As a reply to this question it is necessary to emphasise once again that all of us are still staying on one of the smallest islets - the Earth, surrounded by the boundless space of the Universe, into which Humanity fastens unwittingly more and more often their gazes. It is really so that as the theatre of the deployment of structures of the latest organisational levels of Matter it should be considered (since we have no other information) the surface of the Earth...
   But already space ships have breached this spatial isolation in the timid search of other civilisations or in initial attempts of detaching from our own. And this is only the beginning of a NEW PERIOD (the period of extrasuperhyperorganisation in the limits of the visible in the future motion of the evolving Matter along the conceptual organisational level M).
   There is no doubt that Man has appeared as a result of the motion in quality along one of perspective branches of the Evolution of Matter, at which the further organising part is falling more and more on the highest signal subsystems of his Cerebrum. However, apart from the perfection of the systemic organisation of superhyperorganisms he should take no less care also of the environment (that is not to cut the bough on which he has grown up), and also of keeping a reasonable balance of his numbers, which should be adjusted in accordance with the dynamics of a required quantity of hyperorganisms' fnl. cells and of the ability of this or that group of the population to feed themselves in recommended norms as well as to receive a necessary for the present-day level of life upbringing and education. On how reasonably and rationally he will be doing it, the question depends, if our branch of the Evolution of Matter is a deadlock. Anyhow, nobody should forget, that the overwhelming majority of the present civilisation lives in areas of hypersystemic degradation and is attributed to individuals of the lowest category, and also that Humanity already possesses a multiple possibility of destroying itself. It is enough to press a few buttons... And all that depends not on some abstract man, but on concrete people, occupying at present these or those fnl. cells of existing hyperorganisms, on us with you. Therefore, each person is obliged during his life to develop and keep up his capabilities, knowledge and skill, in order to have the highest possible intellectual potential and correspond at a maximum to the present-day level of development of the advanced part of society, and then to the progress of evolution of Matter as a whole.
   In our contemporary world we are the witnesses of the constant polarisation of hypersystemic relations. Until Humanity remains isolated in the limits of the Earth, the factor of systems' bipolarity, always assisting in a spatial division of the energetic centre from the entropic one, will be acting apart from our will, leaving the hyperorganisms situated in the limits of action of the entropic centre to live more modestly, than more organisationally perfect hyperorganisms of the energetic centre. Nevertheless, the state of homeostasis of each hypersystem and its functional perspectivity entirely depends on the coefficient of fnl. efficiency of systemic organisation, examined by us, the growth of which is pre-determined by the existence of Matter itself. Logic says that it should be higher with hyperorganisms of the fourth type, but it will not grow by itself - everyone should be persistently striving for this.
   Standing on the top of the whole past time, Man, acquiring a bigger and bigger capacity for abstract thinking, glances also at a visible future. But he should remember permanently that the period of his active creative functioning is at the present.

"What does not develop does not live, but what does not live is dying."

V.G. Belinskij

[ To Contents ] [ Postface ]

Igor I. Kondrashin - Dialectics of Matter (Preface)

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Igor I. Kondrashin

Dialectics of Matter

More than one hundred years ago doubts were expressed for the first time that two known categories - space and time - were sufficient to realise the world surrounding us.

   In this book a new, the third category, equal in significance to the first two, is described for the first time. It is indissolubly linked with them and has no less influence on our life than they. With the help of this category explanations are given in the book of many events and phenomena, the cause of origin of which was until now unknown.
   In addition to those interested in philosophy, the book is also intented for people who are merely inquisitive and have active minds. Every educated person should possess the knowledge mentioned in the book in order to orient himself correctly in modern life.


The past two centuries have seen great advances in science and philosophy, adding to the "accumulating fund of human knowledge". A hundred years ago, Engels wrote the Dialectics of Nature, which was just one stage in a philosophical revolution that also involved Marx, Lenin, Hegel and others. The Diaiectics of Matter is a similarly profound philosophical treatise, incorporating the revolutionary science of this century - the great work of Einstein, et al.

The first chapter of the book defines the three important parameters of the work: space, time and quality. Space and time are easily understood. Space comprises the three dimensions in which we move; Einstein showed that space and time are intimately linked as four dimensions forming a single continuum. If matter does move over a certain time, its space will change, but co-ordinates can not describe all that is happening. Since the matter might then suit a different function, its quality will have changed. With these three "methods of counting", we have three ways in which matter can move: motion in space, motion in time and motion in quality. In the most important equation of the book, the sum of this movement, or evolution, is a constant.

Matter is not an arbitrary concoction of disorderly forms. It exists as numerous complex systemic formations, strictly regulated by the rules of motion in the space-time-quality continuum. Each system has separate periods of formation, growth, stability, dwindling and death. There are several rules for this systemic formation of matter. The concept of organisational levels, n, is particularly important. A system which functions at a characteristic level, n, might be made up of systems functioning at level n-l, and form part of a system functioning at level n+1.

Our world has evolved in a cascade fashion. If we look at matter functioning today at level n, we can assume previous stages at levels n-l, n-2, n-3, etc. The absolute zero level of qualitative development is not known; who knows how evolution started? The lowest known level can be termed as a level a and is a vacuum at zero vibration, populated only by fleeting appearances of particle-antiparticle pairs. Level A comprises quarks and the gluons that hold them together. Level AA is the leptons - a separate sublevel of the systemic formation of matter as electrons and photons are often seen as free entities. Similarly separate are the baryons functioning at level AB: Pi-, Mu- and K-, which are formed from levels A and AA, but take no part in the further evolution of matter. The elementary particles, protons and neutrons, form level B.

The hundred or more elements constitute systemic formations of level C. They exist as atoms 10-8 cm across with a nucleus occupying the 10-13 cm at the centre. The nuclear species are held together by a balance of attractive and repulsive forces. Electrons were thought to orbit the nucleus in what was a powerful model of this sub-microscopic world, but they are now considered to be stationary waves occupying an uncertain trajectory.

   What we know of the evolution of these elements corresponds well with the philosophical theory linking space, time and quality. Formed in expanding space, they became confined in solar systems, and evolution had to be satisfied by motion in quality, forming the simple molecules functioning at level D, such as H2.

The rest of the evolutionary processes were also confined in space, so the constant rate of evolution could only be satisfied by changes in quality. This explains the concept of entropy, the various phases of matter functioning at level E, and the formation of complex molecules functioning at level F, such as enzymes, chlorophyll and haemoglobin. Matter functioning at level G formed a world suitable for life by altering the Earth's crust and atmosphere. Life appears in matter functioning at level H, with the first coacervatical drops of amino acids and proteins, and eventually the magical RNA and DNA. Most life functions at level I; man is the system functioning at level K. With bodily evolution at an end, man has evolved through the different communities in which he has lived: primordial communities, slave-holding states, feudal states, the capitalist period and the modern age of hyper-organisation.

The penultimate chapter concerns the systematic architectonics of organisational matter, with man evolving through thought and brainpower. It concludes that man should remember the present when contemplating the future: "What is not developing does not live, but what does not live, is dying". The Postface asserts that consciousness is the primary manifestation of advanced forms of matter.

Dialectics of Matter is a systemic approach to the fundamentals of philosophy. It takes a question, which has always puzzled scientists - why have we evolved? - and solves it by thought. It does this by invoking the concept of quality, as a property of matter, to explain the many changes that have taken place since the dawn of the Universe.

The book is a fascinating complement to the knowledge of all those interested in the Big Bang or Darwinism. So much of science concentrates on how things happen, as if the deduction of the mechanism alone can provide the whole story. This is a book that fills a gap, by providing a coherent logical theory for why evolution has taken place. The book will find a market with the many scientists who have pondered over the deeper meanings of the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

The Dialectics of Matter is written with the layman in mind. Igor Kondrashin is clearly a master of philosophy and science, who knows that his readership will be less knowledgeable of both. Therefore, he has used few long words and little jargon. Everything is explained in simple language and the important facts are repeated enough times and in as many diverse ways as are necessary to penetrate the most unfamiliar of minds. Overall, the language is that of a learned author, who is trying to teach and share his knowledge, rather than show off and confuse. There is also some maths in the book, but it never gets beyond simple equations, and it certainly never gets frightening. The book is nicely organised as well; making full use of everything a modern word-processor has to offer. There are changes of typeface and several unusual characters to please the eye in this very attractive document.

The book has many impressive passages and a couple deserves special commendation. Firstly, the description of the lower levels of matter is an excellent piece of writing. Quarks, electrons, Pi-mesons, gluons, etc. can get very complicated and confusing. The author has judged his treatment of this subject perfectly: to have said more would have been confusing; to say less would not have been telling the whole story. I would recommend these chapters to anybody studying science. Secondly, I found the idea that evolution is driven by motion-in-quality particularly profound with respect to the formation of the large molecules necessary for life. This is one of the stumbling blocks in conventional Darwinist theory, as it seems too unlikely. The treatment of the subject in this book makes it seem as though the formation of DNA had to happen.

By treating advanced science alongside groundbreaking philosophy, Dialectics of Matter is an admirable book for the breadth of its subject material. It starts by mentioning Einstein alongside Marx, and continues in this vein, drawing on the best of both disciplines. The book covers the whole history of the universe, from the vibration-free vacuum, which started it all off, to the future, which occupies so much of man's thoughts. We do not quite learn the Meaning of Life here, but we come quite close!

Dialectics of Matter is a well thought out and successful combination of science and philosophy. It is a serious, yet accessible book, and I am certain it is viable for reading by everyone.

Dr. Graham G. Almond

[ To Contents ] [ Introduction ]

Igor I. Kondrashin - Dialectics of Matter (Postface)

[ To Contents ]

Igor I. Kondrashin

Dialectics of Matter


So, the historic dispute between various philosophic schools about what is primary - Matter or Consciousness - by the logic of Dialectics of Matter is reduced to the obvious truth, that Consciousness, having appeared at a certain stage in the process of the progress of Mind, constitutes a psychical manifestation of the highest organic forms of Matter, and is their attribute exactly as electromagnetic fields are an attribute of physical formations of Matter. Together with further evolutionary development of the highest forms of Matter the progress of Consciousness will continue as well, so it is possible to assert safely that in the future Consciousness will be more introspective than in the past. Thanks to the logic of the Dialectics numerous versions become groundless with regard to a possibility of migration of the soul or spirit from one body into another like fng. units are moving from one fnl. cell into another, and also about the immortality of the soul. Being a manifestation of the highest forms of Matter, the Consciousness itself is an inalienable element of Matter at a certain stage of its Evolution. It cannot be detached from the highest material forms - the ensembles of neurones of the cerebrum of concrete individuals - to soar independently in the Earth's atmosphere, in the outer space or somewhere else, and vanish with their destruction. Only the Social Consciousness as well as the Supermind is capable of existing continuously exactly so long, how long Humanity as a whole, alternating generation by generation, will manage to extend its existence.

   The scientific researches in various spheres of knowledge have been ripened long ago to the necessity of merging the organisational completeness of the systemic-structural synthesis with the dynamism of the dialectical materialism. In the present work the beginning of this process is laid down, though the description of the main stages and general questions of the Dialectics of Matter as well as the reflection of the present-day architectonics of its systemic levels is made in the most condensed form. Exactly because of this the Part I of DIALECTICS of MATTER has the name Systemic Approach to Fundamentals of Matter, meaning that in this work only fundamental theoretical generalizations are made. It is intended that a more detailed concretisation of some broached questions will be accomplished in further parts of the work - Dialectics of Mind and Consciousness, Dialectics of Labour and Dialectics of Geosystem, in which it is possible to study in more detail such questions important for Humanity as the keeping of the social homeostasis and the increase of the productive force of functioning, but first of all the final formation of the noosphere, the increase of efficiency and effectiveness of its influence on the further living of the world Society.
   One way or another, but the theoretical division of the evolutionary development of Matter, realised in this work, into motions in specific categories with the addition and singling out of the motion in the category quality reveals in many aspects the source of its Evolution as well as the causality of events occurring around us.
   The scientific discoveries that have confirmed with the help of experiments the facts of existence of anti-substance, gave ground to visionaries' minds to speak about far away anti-worlds. But as it follows from our study, the anti-world is located not on the opposite side of the Universe, its elements we can detect every day here on the Earth, near each of us in the phenomena of hunger, thirst, asphyxia, deficit and so on. And exactly with the manifestations of the anti-world we have to carry out the every day struggle, neutralising its permanently growing negative potential, which is dispersing into prosy fnl. cell of various structural levels, from microsystemic until now already the superhypersystemic one. These invisible as if a vacuum fnl. cells attract constantly to their bosom material formations - fng. units (quarks, atoms, molecules, organic cells, people and so on), fit for implementation of their specific set of algorithms. Therefore considering, for example, at the level K such an elementary component of some hyperorganism as 'the head of a department, Mr. Smith', we should clearly realise, that in this notion two different categories of Matter are combined simultaneously:
   a) a fnl. cell of an ideal 'head of a department', having a specific set of algorithms and
   b) a concrete individual 'Mr. Smith' with all his advantages and imperfections really functioning in it.
   Only on the fnl. abilities of the personified highest signal subsystem of the cerebrum of 'Mr. Smith' it depends, whether the algorithms of the given fnl. cell are being implemented correctly. If, for example, owing to his individual phenogenodevelopment exactly those associative centres of the cortex turn out to be insufficiently developed, which are responsible for the precise fulfilment of the algorithms of the fnl. cell of 'the head (of the given) department', then he proves to be a surrogate fng. unit for this fnl. cell. Being actually filled with Mr. Smith, in practice it is remaining unfilled, increasing by that the negative systemic potential of the given hyperorganism. Therefore it is necessary immediately to replace Mr. Smith in the given fnl. cell by a more functionally able Mr. Brown, as a result of which, if it is made correctly, the negative systemic potential ought to come down. Mr. Smith, after the definition of his fnl. abilities, should be placed into a fnl. cell corresponding to him. Thus, one of the most principal aspects of the systemic organising consists exactly in the correct combining of two absolutely diverse elements of all organisational levels of Matter: an ideal functional cell - a real functioning unit. The misunderstanding of this, as the practice shows, leads in the upshot to systemic shake ups of various strengths.
   The leaving of functionally significant cells to be unfilled always causes the growing of the negative potential of a system. This factor, in particular, fng. units in hyperorganisms of the third type being on strike use for a long time in their struggle, forcing fng. units in fnl. cells of the administration of appropriate production or other structures to take more rapidly these or those organisational decisions.
   There is no doubt that the attainment of hyperorganisms' optimal structure takes a decisive part in the present-day phase of the integrating process of hypersystems and superhypersystems' development. In this connection already now it is necessary to effect approximate calculations of the coefficient of fnl. efficiency of systemic organisation (Kf.e.s.o.) of the principal states in order to know at least, how it is possible to help those, which are behind, to move up to the level of the advanced. Therefore it is so important to have also in each country specialised organs responsible for the growing of its Kf.e.s.o. in conformity with peculiarities of local conditions and bearing in mind specific character of the problems existing over there. The coordination of these organs ought to be effected at the superhypersystemic (that is at the overstate) level.
   At all levels first of all appropriate specialists are needed for these purposes as well as specialised instructions which ought to be worked out with modern methodologies on correct picking and placing of personnel, taking into consideration phenogenotypical peculiarities of individuals, determining their ability to function in this or that fnl. cell of this or that structural pyramid. It is necessary also to work out and introduce into practice a complete list of psychophysiological test estimations of the highest signal subsystems of the cerebrum, by which it is possible to form an opinion about the professional, work and intellectual abilities of any person. Specialists should be engaged for a long time in this definition and appropriate marks ought to be put periodically into a special document (after leaving school, on graduating from university, before acceptance for a job, just every five years). Statistical generalisation of similar marks would allow us to judge, which share in each country individuals phenogenetically of the highest, medium and lowest categories occupy, that in its turn would give an opportunity to insert appropriate corrections into revealed tendencies in the development of this or that superhyperorganism.
   In special higher educational institutions or at specialised faculties numerous specialists are to be prepared, who later will work in personnel departments of all the production and administrative hyperorganisms and carry out the filling of their ideal staves - fnl. cells with real personnel - fng. units. Among them there should be obligatorily, for example, professional psychologists on personnel. At every course the students of institutes and colleges should study peculiarities of correspondence of personnel to the appointments they are holding, in order to avoid situations in which the salary being paid to them will not become a direct loss for both a given enterprise and the state as a whole, not counting indirect much bigger losses from their functional inactivity. All fnl. cells should have a specified enumeration of fnl. algorithms and for that somebody should make them renovate regularly and check their implementation. It is clear, that on a proper algorithmation of all fnl. cells the productivity of our work depends on many respects. Somebody should also be engaged in the counting and comparison of the aggregate and personified balance of time of active functioning in fnl. cells of production, scientific-research and administrative hyperorganisms.
   All these and many other questions long ago became archtopical for that part of the hypersystemic organisation, which intends to be up to the present-day level of the development of our epoch. And replies to them it is possible to find only with the help of Dialectics of Matter, reasonably using the regularities being traced through it. Moreover, the Dialectics of Matter can become the most severe weapon against the most dangerous social disease of the twentieth century - the functional mimicry as well as against those who obtain their personal well-being at the expense of the state, society or mankind as a whole.
   The hypersystemic organisation is not an extraordinary act and even not an episodic activity, but the permanent labour-intensive process, carried out on a strictly scientific base by organisers phenogenetically capable of that. K. Marx once in the first volume of his Das Kapital noted that the worst architect differs from the best bee, that before the construction of a building he already has its project in his mind.
   All of us are either a witness, a participant, a leader or an opponent (depending on the activity of every man, his phenogenetical capabilities and on what exactly fnl. cell on the structural vertical he occupies) of the construction (the constant process of all-systemic organisation and reorganisation) of the World Society, constituting already for a long time a single high-integrated developing extrasuperhypersystem.
   Its structure (project) ought to be revised critically taking into consideration the most up-to-date knowledge, renovated permanently on the basis of subsequent scientific discoveries and introduced everywhere without delay. Coming from the fact that the UNO by the opinion of many has fulfilled its function on the whole and the efficiency of its activity is coming down gradually, it seems expedient to replace it by a new leading organ, which will be guiding the World Society by the improved pattern and likeness of the present governing body of the European Union with similar, and later even higher requirements to the countries-participants and obligations from their side. At the same time in their activity, as we mentioned already, it will be leaning on the Supreme Council of Experts and act coming from both the perspective prognoses of the evolution of Humanity and current interests of the present generation, which nevertheless should coincide with the long-term targets of our Civilisation.
   Nobody should consider the above theoretical scheme only as some next in turn model, constituting certain aspects of our reality in a dialectical-materialist interpretation. On the contrary, it should serve as an appeal to all thinking people to begin active intelligent action in order to perfect the all-systemic organisation of the Human Society until it exposes itself yet to self-destruction.
   That which was topical YESTERDAY, has become more topical TODAY and, without any doubt, will become even more topical TOMORROW. Time does not wait, it is impossible to stop it. It advances inexorably at the rate of 24 hours per day and with every passing day these 24 hours from our FUTURE are transferring to our irrevocable PAST.


   - Times are changing, and we are changing with them. (Lat.)

Therefore our mission, that is the mission of that part of the present-day HUMAN GENERATION, which is considering themselves thinking (and who is thinking indeed) - to comprehend the Laws of the DIALECTICS of MATTER and act in a maximum correspondence with them.

Cairo - Moscow - Athens 1981 - 1995

[ To Contents ]